Why is cane sugar useful and why is it better than refined sugar? Difference between cane and beet sugar.

The cost of which is much higher than the price of the usual. Sometimes you have to hear that it is much more useful than the usual refined one, and causes less harm figure and health. Is it so? And if you already buy an expensive product, then how to choose it from several varieties?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), amount of sugar per day for the body should not exceed 10 percent of daily ration. In other words, amount of sugar per day for a man is not more than 60 g and not more than 50 g for women. It seems to us that we do not consume so much sugar - we put only a couple of spoons in tea or coffee. Well in last resort- cakes and sweets at a party or on holidays, ice cream while walking ... But at the same time, we forget that sugar is found in a variety of products - canned food, marinades, juices, sauces, soda and, finally, in sweet fruits! And I want something sweet! Can brown sugar help in this situation?

Let's figure it out first How is brown sugar different from regular white sugar?. White sugar, whether it comes from cane or beet sugar, is refined sugar. Brown is sugar, so to speak, "primary", unprocessed. By the way, unrefined beet sugar not available for sale: it has too unattractive taste and aroma. Therefore, the brown sugar that lies on the shelves of supermarkets is cane sugar .

What is good about cane sugar? and why is it worth so expensive? In a sense, this is the merit of a healthy lifestyle. After all, we often hear that refined products are harmful, and natural, unprocessed products are much more useful. How about really?

Doctors examined the composition of white refined and brown cane sugar and came to the conclusion that these products practically do not differ in calorie content.

It will not be possible to avoid obesity and atherosclerosis by consuming exclusively cane sugar, since both types of sugar contain the same amount of carbohydrates.

But in terms of the amount of minerals- calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc - brown sugar is far superior to white. It also contains much more B vitamins. So the only real health benefit of cane sugar is its enriched mineral-vitamin composition. But if you are afraid of gaining weight, it is better to give up sweets altogether!

Yet brown sugar justifies its high price with its unusual taste and aroma. It is they who prefer to sweeten tea or coffee by Europeans: in Europe it is even called tea.

If you decide to try cane sugar, remember that there are several varieties of it on sale, and not always they offer you natural product. Sometimes a brown tint is achieved through dyes and manufacturing subtleties, and under the guise of brown, you buy the most common refined sugar, only in a different color. Natural brown sugar gets its color, taste and smell thanks to sugar syrup - molasses.

So, cane sugar is of the following types:

Sugar Demerara- a product of golden-brown color. It can be either natural or refined white sugar, simply mixed with molasses. Therefore, you should carefully read what is written on the label.

Sugar Muscovado- natural sugar, but it is produced with different amounts of molasses. The more molasses in sugar, the darker its color. Sugar is sticky and gives off a caramel flavor.

Sugar Turbinado- you can distinguish it by large crystals, the color of which is from to brown. In the production of this sugar, it is partially purified from molasses with the help of steam and water.

Soft molasses sugar, which is also called black barbadian- is unrefined raw cane sugar with big amount molasses. It is soft and moist to the touch, due to the abundance of molasses it has a very dark shade and a strong aroma.

In our stores, cane sugar of the Demerara variety is most often found..

If you're concerned about the health benefits as well as the taste, make sure the label says "unrefined." Only in this case it makes sense to overpay for sweet joy.

Most people actively use sugar in Everyday life. It is added to the most different dishes and food, and many do not even think about the benefits and dangers of such a substance. However, in stores you can buy several types of sugar and sweeteners that differ in composition and even in their taste characteristics. So sugar can be made from different plants, including sugar cane and sugar beets, as well as stevia. Consider on this page www.. And also, which sugar is healthier: cane, beet or stevia?

Composition of sugar cane

Such a plant has long been used to make sugar, many people are sure that sugar from it is much more useful than ordinary beetroot. It is believed that sugar cane contains 14-17% fiber, 63-65% water, approximately 17-22% juice dry matter. Also, this plant is a source of 0.1-1% reducing sugars, 1.5-2.5% soluble impurities and 12-20% sucrose.

Sugar beet - what is its composition?

As for sugar beets, this product is a source of 70-80% water, 3-5% fiber and hemicellulose, 20-22% carbohydrates (including 16-20% sugar), 1-2% nitrogenous substances and 0.5 -0.8% ash. One hundred grams of this vegetable contains 0.4 mg of vitamin PP, 0.1 mg of vitamin E, approximately 10 mg of ascorbic acid. Sugar beet contains vitamin B9 (13mcg), B6 ​​(0.07mg), B5 (0.1mg), B2 (0.04mg) and B1 (0.02mg). It also contains 0.01 mg of beta carotene.

Sugar beet is a source of a number of minerals represented by rubidium (453mcg), nickel (14mcg), cobalt (2mcg), vanadium (70mcg), boron (280mcg) and molybdenum (10mcg). It also contains fluorine (20mcg), chromium (20mg), manganese (0.66mg) and copper (140mg). Sugar beet contains a certain amount of iodine (7mcg), zinc (0.425mg), iron (1.4mg), sulfur (7mg) and chlorine (43mg). It also saturates the body with potassium (288mg), phosphorus (43mg), sodium (46mg), magnesium (22mg) and calcium (37mg).

Stevia - chemical composition

The stevia herb has quite diverse composition. It contains 18% diterpene glycosides, 30-45% flavonoids (more than twelve varieties), 10-15% chlorophylls and xanthophylls, 2.5-3% oxybrown acids. Also, this plant has in its composition 1.6% -2% oligosaccharides, 3-5% free sugars, 1.5-3% amino acids (of which 8 are essential). Also in this weed there are 0.18% of mineral compounds (zinc, chromium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, sodium and iodine) and 0.1% of a complex of vitamins (A, C, D, E, K and P) .

Which sugar is healthier than cane or beet sugar or stevia?

Experts say that about a third of all sugar in the world is produced from sugar beets, and the remaining 70% comes from cane sugar, which grows in the tropics and subtropics. In principle, both of these types of sugar can be refined or unrefined. But it is basically impossible to find unrefined beet sugar on sale.

If we compare the useful qualities of refined beet sugar and refined cane sugar, they are practically the same and equal to "zero". After all, the processing of such products during manufacture leads to the elimination of the lion's share of them. useful substances. Also, both of these types of sugar have the same effect on the body.

If we talk about useful qualities unrefined cane sugar, they are, of course, slightly higher than those of refined products. However unique properties such a product is greatly exaggerated. Scientists say that the amount of vitamins and minerals in cane sugar is negligible - a little more than in a glass of water.

In addition, cane sugar can be harmful to health if it is not properly transported (for example, next to rodent poison, which is often practiced on ships).

As for stevia, it is a plant that is popular among fans of proper and balanced nutrition. It is believed that such a product can have a positive effect on health, namely, strengthen immunity, improve metabolic processes, etc. In addition, stevia is characterized zero calorie, and its sweetness is due to the presence of unique glycosides in its composition. Means based on it can be used as a sweetener for diabetes.

Some scientists claim that stevia is able to optimize arterial pressure And digestive processes, prevent the development of oncological ailments, defeat allergies and other pathological conditions.

It is worth noting that to date, not a single fully confirmed negative quality of stevia is known, with the exception of allergic reactions. The only significant drawback of this product is the relatively high cost. Of course, it is better not to consume such leaves during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. You also need to remember that fakes are often found on the market.

If you do not suffer from any health problems, you can consume regular sugar. But stevia, of course, is a worthy alternative to such a product, it can be useful for diabetics and people suffering from obesity.

Brown sugar has long been in high demand among health conscious people. What is the secret of this product, how does it differ from the usual white sugar, and what benefits does its use promise for the body? Let's figure it out.

Brown sugar - what is it?

Brown sugar is a product of sugar cane processing, which retains the color and taste of molasses included in cane juice. Distinctive feature brown sugar is that during the production process it does not go through the bleaching stage.

A bit of history

In ancient times, brown sugar crystals extracted from cane were the first sugar that people began to enrich their diet with. The first mention of this wonderful plant dates back to the time of Alexander the Great. India is considered to be the birthplace of cane sugar, from which this product spread throughout Europe. In the 16th century brown cane sugar was a symbol of luxury and wealth. This product, which became the cause of wars of conquest, was an integral guest of the royal table. IN modern time brown sugar is not something unusual and outlandish, because everyone can afford to buy it.

White and brown sugar: what's the difference?

Brown sugar has a number of undeniable advantages over its white counterpart. White sugar is a refined product obtained from the chemical processing of brown sugar. To obtain it, various bleaching agents are used, some of which, “settling” in white sugar, penetrate the human body with it. Brown sugar, the recipe for which does not provide for this kind of cleaning, is more natural and environmentally friendly.

The brown color of sugar is associated with the presence in its composition of components such as molasses or molasses, which have a lot of useful minerals. 'Cause brown cane sugar's biological value largely outperforms white.

Brown sugar: benefits and chemical composition of the product

Cane sugar for 85-98%, depending on the country of origin, consists of sucrose. In addition, the constituent components of this product are a number of useful for human body trace elements.

So, potassium, which is part of brown sugar, helps cleanse the intestines, removes accumulated toxins, regulates blood pressure and is an active participant in the process of fat and protein metabolism. Without this mineral, normal heart function is impossible.

As you know, calcium, which is also present in unrefined cane sugar, is responsible for the condition of teeth and bones, helps to strengthen them. It is also of great importance for the full functioning nervous system and blood coagulation systems.

Zinc is called to normalize fat metabolism. In addition, this mineral, which is an integral component of brown sugar, takes part in the processes of hematopoiesis, promotes the growth of skin and hair cells, and is also necessary for wound healing.

Improve activity immune system, copper is called upon to activate the body's defenses, and magnesium is called upon to speed up the course of metabolism and prevent the process of stone formation. Phosphorus, which is also rich in brown sugar, is necessary for the normal full functioning of the heart muscle and brain. It also participates in metabolic processes, being an integral component of cells and, above all, cell membranes.

Iron, which is also part of cane sugar, is necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system. By the way, in brown sugar, compared to white, purified, the concentration of iron is almost 10 times higher.

Thus, brown sugar, the benefits of which are undeniable, must be included in the diet of every person who is not indifferent to their health.

Scope of application

Cane brown sugar belongs to complex, complex carbohydrates, therefore, the process of its assimilation by the body proceeds at a slow pace. For this reason, such sugar will benefit all those who are struggling with extra pounds. Moreover, according to modern nutritionists, this product can be safely used on salt-free, low-fat, and protein-free diets, but this should be done in moderation. So, without harm to the diet, you can consume about 50 grams per day. brown sugar.

Also, unrefined cane sweetness is widely used for recovery after training, in healthy eating. Thanks to the mass of useful properties and high quality, this product is an indispensable element baby food, and should also be included in the diet of people prone to allergic reactions.

Brown sugar is used as an additive to hot drinks. So, it will not only add sweetness to tea or coffee, but also give them an incomparable aroma. Cane sugar is also added to canned food, marinades, bakery products, desserts, sweets, ice cream.


Cane brown sugar has about the same calorie content as its counterpart, white beet sugar. If a modest measure of its consumption is not observed, this product can also quickly go into body fat.

So, if the calorie content of 100 gr. white refined sugar is 387 kcal, then unrefined brown sweets - 377 kcal. As you can see, the difference is insignificant. However, if desired, you can find brown cane sugar on sale, the calorie content of which is 200 times less. A similar effect is achieved by adding aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener, to the product.

Beware, fake!

Unfortunately, in modern times, it is highly likely that when buying cane sugar, you will encounter a fake. There are two ways to recognize a low-quality product, but, unfortunately, this can only be done at home.

So, method number 1. To carry it out, you need a bottle of iodine. Brown sugar should be diluted in a glass of water and put a couple of drops of iodine into it. Real brown cane sweetness, reacting with iodine, acquires a blue tint. If this does not happen, then this is not a real product, but a fake.

Method number 2. For the second experiment, as in the first case, it is necessary to dissolve cane sugar in warm water. If it is high-quality sugar, then the water will remain colorless. If you have ordinary caramel on your hands, then the liquid will turn brown.

Among consumers, brown sugar "Mistral" is in special demand. This brand has established itself exclusively on the positive side, since the goods produced under its brand are always distinguished by their high quality.

Alternative to brown sugar

Many people tend to completely eliminate high-calorie sweets from their diet. In this regard, the question of how to replace brown sugar is very relevant. There are several options here.

  • fresh sugar cane juice, which contains brown unrefined sugar, however, in an organic, absolutely safe form;
  • natural honey;
  • vegetables and fruits, which contain high level glucose (apples, apricots, bananas);
  • dried fruits (raisins, banana chips).

Thus, brown cane sugar is very useful product, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body.

How is brown sugar different from regular white sugar?

Many people think that cane brown sugar is healthier than white sugar. Therefore, for the sake of benefit, some people try to replace ordinary white sugar with brown, cane sugar.

It has become quite fashionable. After all, brown sugar beautiful shape lying on a slot in an elegant sugar bowl looks more attractive and elegant. Such sugar has even become a kind of symbol of prosperity and sophistication ... It is served in expensive restaurants and hotels.

Let's take a closer look at how cane sugar differs from ordinary sugar.

What do we know about brown and white sugar?

What is Cane Brown Sugar?

brown cane sugar is a product made from cane. Brown sugar has its own color due to the fact that it is not purified. Ideally, brown sugar should be unrefined.

Brown sugar contains organic matter, and plant juice, but their content is not high!

Real unrefined cane sugar sold in our country can only be imported. The packaging should indicate where the cane from which this sugar is made, as well as where it was packaged, should be written. Cane sugar is brought to us, as a rule, from Latin America, Australia and the Pacific islands, for example, Mauritius.

Keep in mind that cane sugar can also be white, i.e. It is refined cane sugar.

What is white sugar?

white sugar is a refined product. Refining is industrial process, purifying natural raw materials from impurities.

Ordinary white sugar refers to carbohydrates, which are considered valuable nutrients that provide the body with the necessary energy.

Sugar is a disaccharide that is made up of glucose and fructose. Glucose quickly enters the bloodstream and provides energy for thoughts and muscles, while fructose is transformed through the liver.

Cane sugar can also be white.

Beet and cane refined sugar, in fact, do not differ from each other!

Which is healthier than unrefined cane sugar or regular white refined sugar?

In fact, there is a difference between these types of sugar, but it is not as significant as it might initially seem. Because, for example, the number of calories and there and there is almost the same.

Brown sugar has 377 calories, while regular refined sugar has 387 calories.

Real cane sugar does have some useful trace elements, but there are very few of them.

most brown cane sugar Russian market- this is ordinary white sugar, colored with molasses or caramelspruce

In addition, a significant part of the brown sugar sold in our country is the same white, just tinted with caramel. The number of fakes is very high!

Moreover, not only tinted beet sugar can serve as a fake, but also from cane, ordinary refined cane sugar.

How is white sugar faked as brown and why?

I make it very easy! Ordinary white sugar, just dyed brown. Fortunately, chemical agents are rarely used for this. food colorings.

The most popular ingredient used by manufacturers to brown refined sugar is cane molasses or molasses. With the help of such molasses it is easier to hide the deception.

By itself, molasses even contains some useful microelements, but they are not distributed inside the sugar crystal, as it should be, but are on top and cover the purified refined sugar crystal.

Why is brown sugar counterfeited?

It's all about the price! The cost of real unrefined sugar is many times higher, which is pushing many manufacturers to cheat.

In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and the special usefulness of the product, which, according to the expert of the Consumer Rights Protection Society, Roman Gaidashov, is very conditional, the consumer is ready to shell out good money.

The cost of unrefined cane sugar is at least three times more expensive than regular sugar. This is mainly due to the fact that it grows far away and bringing it to Russia is not cheap.

A little bit about sugar cane!

Sugar cane, what is it?

Sugarcane belongs to the grass family and is a real giant in this family. Grasses such as woody bamboo, cereals and lawn grass belong to the same family.

In the leaves of all these plants, the process of photosynthesis occurs, which contributes to the production of sugar. But in sugar cane, unlike all other plants of this family, especially a lot of sugar is produced. It accumulates in the fibrous stems of this plant, in the form of a sweet juice.

Sugarcane - a bit of history

Sugarcane was first found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia and New Guinea. The cultivation of sugar cane has been practiced since ancient times.

Back in India, when 327 BC. e. troops of Alexander the Great invaded this state, the Greeks wrote that the locals "chewed a wonderful cane that gave honey without the help of bees."

The rapid growth and mass cultivation of sugar cane began in the 15th century, when the Western European powers began to make colonial conquests.

Sugarcane today

Today there are great amount varieties of sugar cane, several thousand. It is grown all over the world, in more than 80 countries. The annual world sugarcane harvest is about one billion tons.

Should I buy brown sugar instead of white?

Interestingly, in those countries where sugarcane is grown, brown unrefined sugar is quite inexpensive. No more expensive than ordinary granulated sugar in our stores. But we have a completely different price for it. Just like the price of mangoes, papaya and coconuts...

It is important to know - How much sugar can you have per day? Many nutritionists recommend eating no more than 30g of sugar per day. It's about 5 teaspoons.

Therefore, whether or not to buy such sugar should be primarily a decision based on cost considerations rather than health benefits. Because this benefit, of course, is, but it does not greatly exceed the benefits of ordinary white beet refined sugar.

Of course, cane sugar looks much prettier than regular white sugar in cubes. Not to mention the fact that there is also candy sugar, sugar in briquettes, lump sugar and many other types of sugar, which, in addition to palatability, combine high visual and aesthetic properties.

Remember that sugar consumption rates do not depend on its color!

But if your financial situation allows you to safely buy sugar for everyday use, which costs at least three times as much as usual, then that's great! Why not?

The only thing, at the same time, it is very important not to forget that consuming sugar, as well as excessively, is unhealthy and the color of sugar here absolutely does not matter.

White sugar has always been called white death, and brown sugar has been praised as healthy. Is there really a difference between them?

Who started

Brown sugar was "discovered" in ancient India more than two thousand years ago, accidentally discovering that the juice of one of the wildly growing canes is sweet. People considered it a gift of the gods, there is even a mention of it in the ancient Indian text of the Ramayana.
White sugar was given to the whole world by Napoleon. He was needed as one of the symbols of French independence. At that time, the "sugar business" was a British monopoly because India was its colony. Prices for sugar were even higher than for spices.
The poor could only eat leftovers sugar syrup, which was brought for processing - they scraped it off the bottom of the ships. Napoleon was irritated by this state of affairs. And he found a way out.
Before the emperor, no one believed in the ideas of the German scientist Andreas Markgraf. Meanwhile, he discovered a plant that can grow in countries with a temperate climate and does not require much investment - beets. Napoleon appreciated the idea and built beet factories throughout the country.

What kind of sugar was eaten in Russia 200 years ago

Until the 19th century, there was "imported" cane sugar in Russia. It appeared in the 12th century and, as in France, was on the tables only among the wealthy segments of the population. In the 17th century, Peter I even founded a "sugar department" - a sugar chamber. But everyone in Russia could afford to drink tea with sugar only since 1802 - it was then that the first sugar beet factory started operating.

as advertised

Russian entrepreneurs promoted the newly appeared white sugar as best they could. They did not pack it the way it is today, but in the form of a “sugar head” - it is easy to imagine by analogy with a “cheese head”, the weight reached 15 kg. These giant "heads" were placed in the decorations in store windows to attract the attention of buyers. One such head was even exhibited at the 1870 Manufactory Exhibition in St. Petersburg.
In contrast, European businessmen have created a whole cult around brown sugar. They launched a whole line of accessories: sugar bowls, tongs, dainty stirring spoons. All this was considered a luxury, attributes of a beautiful life.

Is there a difference in composition

Cane sugar is not refined. He himself has pleasant taste and caramel smell.
Beet must be refined, because without processing, both taste and smell are repulsive.
The main difference between cane sugar and white sugar is that it retains fiber, since it is not refined. In addition, trace elements are preserved in cane sugar. According to the US National Food Database (it stores data on the composition and energy value almost all existing products), cane sugar has more potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. That is more minerals. It also contains vitamins.

Which one is sweeter

We are used to consider cane sugar to be more natural, therefore less sweet. But this is an erroneous opinion. Both white sugar and brown contain the same amount of sucrose - 99.75%. That is, both sugars are pure sucrose.

How white and brown sugar affect the body

Do not be fooled by the fact that fiber, minerals and vitamins are preserved in cane sugar. There aren't too many of them out there to make brown sugar harmless and healthy.
The World Health Organization recommends less than 5% of calories consumed from sugar. This is equivalent to about 25 grams (about 6 teaspoons) of sugar per day for an adult with a normal body mass index.
That is, 5% is generally all the sugar that we eat: not only sweets, but also fruits, juices. Sugar often hides in finished products in a hidden form, for example, in ketchup and even in bread.
With such a small allowable amount of sugar, as recommended by the WHO, the presence of minerals and fiber in brown sugar will not play any role, it is much better to get it from vegetables.
Brown and white sugar are equal in amount of sucrose. This means that they equally "kill" the pancreas.

Why is brown sugar so expensive?

Its price in Russia is due to the fact that we simply do not grow cane. The price tag directly depends on transportation costs. But we also have such an interesting phenomenon as brown sugar PR. It is presented as a kind of "curiosity" - supposedly it is so expensive because there is very little of it in the world and it is mined manually.
In fact, the volume of production of white and brown sugar is almost the same. 60% of sugar in the world - cane, 40% - beet. Cane is obtained mainly in Brazil, India, Thailand, China. White - in the USA, Russia, the EU.
In some countries, cane sugar is indeed "mined" by hand - with the help of machete knives. But this does not affect the prices of the final product: "live" labor is used because labor is cheap in these countries, and it is easier for businesses to pay for the work of people than for the maintenance of factories.

Brown sugar - not always cane

Often in stores under the guise of "the same" unrefined cane sugar, white refined sugar, colored with molasses or refined cane sugar, is sold. Therefore, on the package, you must definitely look for “unrefined cane sugar”, and not just “brown”, “dark”, and so on.


For the body, there is no difference between cane and white sugar. Both of them have a bad effect on the pancreas, because they make it secrete a lot of the hormone insulin to process the "sweet". Consumption of any sugar in amounts greater than what doctors recommend can result in metabolic disorders and diabetes.
Alas, we are earthly people, and we are unlikely to be able to cope with our “voluptuousness”. Whoever eats sugar will still do it. White or brown is a matter of taste and money.