How to eat feijoa: rules, tips and tricks. What can be prepared from the tender fruit? The use of feijoa during breastfeeding

- a fragrant fruit with a dense green skin; in our country its popularity is not as high as, for example, in the countries of South America. Tropical trees have recently begun to be cultivated in the south of Russia: in the Caucasus and Crimea. From there they mainly supply fruits to Russian markets.

In its tropical homeland, feijoa produces several harvests a year; it is mainly used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. New Zealand famous for its yoghurts, ice cream and alcohol based on this fruit. New Zealanders also produce soap, shampoos, and other detergents with feijoa extract. The thick green peel is brewed into tea.

Feijoa tastes and smells a little like pineapple. Recipes with it are interesting and simple, but to try it well exotic fruit, it should only be consumed when fully ripe. The only problem is that ripe fruits are very fragile, easily damaged and spoiled. That's why you can see unripe fruits on store shelves.

In order for the beneficial properties of feijoa to be fully manifested when brought from the store, it must be left to ripen for several days. This time will be enough for the fruit to become soft and sweet.

When choosing a product on the market, you should carefully inspect it for damage. There should be no scratches, dents or cuts on the skin - such fruits are not suitable for use. The optimal skin color is dark green without brown spots. Shape and dimensions are allowed within the range from 5 to 10 cm in diameter. A good, ripe fruit has a white and flavored jelly similar pulp, sometimes it is yellowish, which indicates the ripeness of the fruit. The riper the feijoa, the healthier it is.

Who should eat feijoa?

Feijoa is the only plant that can compare with seafood in terms of iodine content, which is so necessary for the human body. Iodine is known to improve brain activity and memory quality. Its deficiency is fraught with general weakness and fatigue. The water-soluble iodine compounds present in this product are well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Feijoa fruits, in addition to iodine, contain many useful substances, in particular:

  • pectin;
  • sucrose;
  • fiber;
  • vitamin C;
  • malic acid;
  • micro- and macroelements.

Largely due to its rich composition, feijoa is recommended for use by patients. Also for gastrointestinal diseases and weakened immunity. An exotic delicacy helps improve metabolism and reduce arterial pressure and restore normal heart rhythm. Feijoa essential oil copes with some skin problems: relieves inflammation and heals small wounds. The thick green skin, rich in antioxidants, is dried and added to tea. For the beneficial properties of feijoa to really manifest itself, you need to choose the right product. Its flesh should be light or transparent. White pulp means that the fruit is unripe, while brown pulp indicates spoilage.

Jams, jams, desserts, salads and different sauces. Feijoa goes well with seafood dishes, cod and other types of fish.

If you decide to try feijoa, but don’t know what to do with it, we offer you several options for using the exotic fruit:

  • fresh fruits can be consumed with the peel, which has a fairly tart taste. After cutting in half, the tasty pulp is eaten with a dessert spoon;
  • feijoa is added to porridge, and its pulp is used to make wonderful jam or jelly;
  • used as a filling for pancakes, muffins and other baked goods;
  • Vodka is infused with these fruits and added to cocktails. Some even adapt to make wine from it;
  • By combining milk, sour cream and the pulp of several ripe feijoa fruits, you get an excellent smoothie. You can also add fruit, cocoa or ice cream to complete the taste.

How to eat feijoa correctly. Cooking recipes

There are no special rules for consuming this fruit. You can simply cut the ripe fruit in half, carefully scoop out the pulp with a spoon and enjoy pleasant taste. You can also cut the tip of the fruit, then squeeze it into your mouth or onto a plate. It is not forbidden to eat feijoa with its skin. Some believe that this is how most of the vitamins and microelements are preserved.

There are many culinary recipes for this dietary product. Feijoa pulp is used to stuff fish and serve as a side dish for meat and other dishes. Pork and poultry are purchased spicy taste, thanks to the fragrant fruits.

They cannot be subjected to heat treatment, as this will turn them into mush. In its raw form, this product can retain its properties for no more than 7 days, so it should be used as food immediately after purchase. Here are a few interesting recipes cooking feijoa at home:

These and many other recipes will help diversify your holiday and daily diet, but remember that feijoa should not be washed down with milk, it is better to give preference fermented milk products. For example, you can season fruit salad with feijoa with yogurt.

MirSovetov does not recommend eating the tropical fruit for people who are sick diabetes mellitus, since this fruit contains sucrose. Like many overseas delicacies, feijoa can give an allergic reaction in the form of hives and redness on the skin, so before eating it it is better to conduct a sensitivity test: try eating a piece and wait half an hour. If everything is in order, then you can enjoy the delicacy without fear.

Feijoa is a small green fruit very similar to a lime. It grows in the southern part of the country - in Crimea, Turkmenistan, and the Caucasus. This fruit has unusual taste, something between pineapple, kiwi and strawberry. Feijoa is very rich in vitamin C, iodine, amino acids and fiber. Its appearance on the markets is no longer a novelty, but many do not know how and in what form to consume this exotic fruit.

First of all, we choose ripe fruits. They should be soft to the touch, the inside should be jelly-like. You can also check by cutting it off. Unripe feijoa is white inside, while ripe feijoa has a slightly brownish tint. Fresh feijoa can be eaten with the peel, biting into it like an apple. The peel of some fruits has a tart taste and is slightly bitter.

Another way to consume it is to eat it like a grapefruit. Cut in half and eat with a teaspoon. Feijoa is very tasty original jam. Take a kilogram of fruit and grind it through a meat grinder. Add 500-800 grams of sugar and boil for 5 minutes. You can add half a lemon for taste. Feijoa can be added to cereals, desserts, and baked goods. It is used to make tinctures and cocktails.

This fruit is useful to use for colds, vitamin deficiency and to increase immunity. Here's a very simple recipe. 0.5 kg feijoa, 200 g dried apricots, 200 g walnuts, Scroll 1-2 lemons through a meat grinder. Add a couple of spoons of honey and mix. You need to apply this mixture 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Feijoa is useful for vascular diseases, constipation, goiter. To prevent all these diseases, it must be included in the diet.

In contact with


The name of the fruit comes from the name of a certain scientist Joanie de Silva Feijo, who in former times headed the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brazil. He made a significant contribution to the selection and distribution of many plants known to the modern world. The history of feijoa cultivation goes back a little over a hundred years. In Europe, and more specifically in the Mediterranean, this fruit appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. Later, feijoa spread throughout the Caucasus and Central Asia. Initially, feijoa was used exclusively for decorative purposes, because it is very beautiful, especially during the flowering period.

Feijoa. The nutritional value

In 100 gramscontains:
Calories 55 kcal
Squirrels 1 g
Lipids (fats) 0.6 g
Saturated fats 0.1 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.2 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 13 g
Alimentary fiber 6 g
Sugar 8 g
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 172 mg
Calcium 17 mg
Iron 0.1 mg
Magnesium 9 mg
Vitamin A (Retinol) 0.883 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
Vitamin C 9 mg

Feijoa is an evergreen tree from the genus Akka. This tree does not exceed 4 meters in height. Feijoa fruits are oval in shape and green in color. They weigh 25-50 grams, and in appearance they resemble small zucchini. Ripe fruits should be soft to the touch. The historical homeland of this plant is Brazil. But feijoa is also grown in Central Asian countries. And in our country - on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

Only over time did people appreciate the amazing taste qualities feijoa fruit. They are usually eaten raw. But quite often a variety of drinks and jams are prepared from feijoa. Many people like to add feijoa to all kinds of fruit and vegetable salads, this gives dishes a unique taste and exquisite aroma. Feijoa sauce is good, especially in combination with meat dishes. Ripe berries are tasty on their own, but at the same time they contain essential oil (consisting of 93 specific substances), the taste of which also resembles strawberries and pineapple together. Ice cream (in the chamber) is stored for up to six months, retaining its beneficial properties, dried feijoas are also very tasty and aromatic, and jam or jam from these berries is generally a gourmet’s dream, boosting immunity. Feijoa is also used as a flavoring agent in vodka produced in New Zealand.

How is such a product useful?

Energy value per 100 g. Feijoa product (lat. Acca sellowiana):

The pulp of feijoa fruits contains sucrose. The acidity of the fruit is quite high. They contain quite a lot of pectin and fiber. A little protein. The amino acid composition of the fruit is not rich, it is represented mainly by 5 amino acids (asparagine, arginine, glutamine, alanine, tyrosine).

The fruits also contain catechins and leukoanthocyanins, soluble tannin, which are found mainly in the skin and give the fruit an astringent taste, which affects the “gastronomic properties” of the product. You can do it simply: remove the peel, dry it and brew it with tea. In addition, in the kitchen you can also use feijoa leaves, which contain in their numerous glands essential oils and when brewed, emitting the aroma of myrtle.

Feijoa is also an essential component of the diet for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and its inflammatory processes. Interesting fact is the fact that the beneficial properties of feijoa are contained not only in the pulp, but also in the skin of the berry - this is where it is concentrated a large number of pectins, the content of which the product exceeds most fruits, and various beneficial antioxidant substances that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The easiest way to prepare berries for the winter is to pass the pulp through a meat grinder and combine with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. This tasty treat It perfectly boosts the immune system and stops bacterial attacks in the initial stage. For lovers of sweets, this is just a godsend - the combination of tasty and healthy doesn’t happen very often.

IN medicinal purposes feijoa is used not only for diseases thyroid gland, but also with hypoacid gastritis, pyelonephritis. But still this is not a cure, but useful supplement to the diet.

In addition, feijoa contains unique substances that help prevent and treat cancer. Feijoa peel is especially useful in this regard, but its only drawback is its tart and slightly astringent taste, so many people prefer to eat peeled feijoa.

The anti-inflammatory properties of feijoa have long been known in cosmetology.

Among other things, feijoa is a wonderful preventative against viral and colds. Feijoa helps strengthen immune system body. A very valuable property of feijoa is that its fruits do not cause allergic reactions.

Harm of feijoa

It is worth remembering that harm to feijoa can occur if there is an individual intolerance to the product. In addition, due to the presence of easily digestible sugars in feijoa, this fruit may be contraindicated for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. In any case, before consuming this exotic fruit You should consult a specialist.

We must remember when choosing and purchasing berries - they may be hard, not quite ripe (after all, it is an imported fruit), but the most important thing is that the integrity of the fruit and peel should not be compromised. After standing for a while, the fruits will ripen on their own, even if artificially, but their beneficial properties will not be affected.

How to eat feijoa correctly?

Unfortunately, not all people know how to eat feijoa correctly, and even recipes for dishes made from these tasty and useful fruits not everyone knows each other. First, you need to choose the right fruit when purchasing - ripe feijoa fruits are soft to the touch and have transparent and juicy flesh. If the pulp is brown, you are dealing with a spoiled fruit, and if it is white, you are dealing with an unripe one. Feijoa pulp is characterized by a strong aroma and pleasant, sweet, delicate taste, reminiscent of the taste of strawberries or pineapple. The skin of the fruit is dense and tart, but also edible. Some people consume feijoa whole, cutting off the tails; an equally common method is scooping out the pulp with a spoon.

Most people who know about useful properties oh this overseas fruit, people ask how to eat feijoa, with or without peel?

Many people consume it whole, others argue that the shell needs to be removed.

Every year, feijoa appears on the shelves of markets and supermarkets in late autumn. The fruit grows in South America and other countries with a subtropical climate, including Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, as well as the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

What kind of fruit?

Feijoa tastes like a combination of gooseberries and strawberries. Some people note that the fruit is more like kiwi, others - like pineapple. Only fully ripe fruits are consumed. They are soft with dark green skin. It is advisable to eat berries with the shell intact. In the market it is difficult to find truly ripe feijoa, tasty and sweet. Having bought hard fruits, you can put them in a cool place to ripen for several days, but not in the refrigerator.

The pulp of ripe feijoa is like jelly. It is very soft, meaty, easy to cut or scoop into a spoon. Many housewives prefer to make feijoa jam. For such a delicacy, choose dense fruits, not soft, not damaged. This tropical fruit is a great addition to fruit salads. They can be used to flavor a pie and eat as a dessert.

The fruits of this tropical fruit have an oblong shape. The peel of feijoa is very dense, and the pulp of the ripened fruit is soft. Feijoa is comparable in size to a huge grape, apricot or plum. Each berry weighs up to 100 g, often reaches up to 6 cm in diameter, and the color is always the same - dark green. The pulp is light, almost transparent, and has a jelly-like consistency. There are transparent veins in the center. There are few seeds. The taste of feijoa fruit is unusual. It's sweet and sour.

How to eat feijoa with or without peel?

Many experts, when talking about how to eat feijoa correctly, focus on the main method of consuming this fruit. It is a simple action. You need to cut the fruit in half and, without removing the peel, eat the middle with a spoon.

But most lovers of this fruit, answering the question of how to eat feijoa with or without peel, say that you need to eat the whole fruit, not cutting it, but biting it into pieces. The pulp is, of course, tasty, but the peel is tough and bitter. Anyone who likes feijoa with its skin can eat it like an apple.

Despite everything, many people still have questions about how to properly eat feijoa and clean it or not. It is known that the peel contains quite a lot of useful substances, including:

  1. Vitamins of the main group.
  2. Microelements.
  3. Tannins.
  4. Essential oils.

Experts advise eating only feijoa pulp, but making jam with the peel. The right process Eating the fruit, regardless of whether you eat feijoa with the peel or just the pulp, begins with thoroughly washing the fruit. How to eat feijoa with or without peel?

It’s worth deciding whether to eat it separately or as part of a salad or other dish. To prepare a dessert with the addition of other ingredients, the feijoa peel must be removed. It is acceptable to grate or slice the fruit.

How to eat feijoa if you just want to enjoy it? In this case, you should eat it according to the above rules - scraping out the pulp with a spoon. You can find many videos on the Internet about how to eat feijoa, but you should rely on your own taste.

There is no particular debate about how feijoa is eaten. There are a lot of photos in different sources about how to eat feijoa. Most people use a knife and spoon. But there is another opinion on how to eat feijoa. You should scald it with boiling water, carefully remove the peel and cut it. You can eat it whole, chewing it thoroughly.

Experts talk about how to eat feijoa correctly different countries. Many people recommend grinding the fruits through a meat grinder and sprinkling them with sugar or mixing them with honey. At the same time, they need to be processed together with the peel.

Another recipe for eating feijoa: take a juicer and squeeze a few berries through it. The resulting juice can be added to a drink made from other fruits or drunk on its own with sugar.

For people suffering from thyroid diseases who ask the question of how to eat feijoa, with or without peel, doctors give a clear answer: of course, with peel. It contains great amount iodine, which is so beneficial for the thyroid gland.

If feijoa is eaten without the peel, you should not throw away the skin. It can be dried and put into tea like regular lemons or apricots. You can eat feijoa fruit like strawberries, by cutting them and sprinkling them with powdered sugar. There is a video about this that tells in detail how feijoa is eaten.

Regardless of how much feijoa fruit you eat and how to do it, the body will in any case be of great benefit. But a person’s health and well-being depend on what it is eaten with. Photos of how to eat feijoa fruit or use it as juice are available on the Internet.

What is in these fruits?

Feijoa has beneficial properties, no matter how you eat this fruit. Feijoa contains the most iodine. According to the saturation of this substance, this tropical fruit can compete with seafood. The iodine compounds in feijoa are water-soluble, which is very beneficial for the body, regardless of how feijoa is eaten. 100 g of feijoa contains 35 mg of iodine. In addition to iodine, the fruits of this plant contain:

  1. Magnesium, needed for blood vessels and the circulatory system.
  2. Heart-healthy potassium.
  3. Iron – for hematopoiesis.
  4. Zinc for skin and bones.
  5. Phosphorus – needed for bone and cartilage tissue.

How is it useful? Vitamins. After all, no matter how you eat feijoa, you can absorb a large amount of vitamin C from this berry, as well as B vitamins. These fruits are also rich in fiber.

They contain the necessary esters and tannins, malic acid, and amino acids. Due to all this rich composition, feijoa very well improves immunity and makes the intestines work properly. The pectins and sucrose contained in these fruits are beneficial for those who are on a diet and do not eat sweets.

How to eat feijoa correctly? For good absorption, regardless of what is recommended in videos on the Internet, it is useful to eat it without sugar or sweeteners. It is important for hypertensive patients to eat this fruit, since feijoa lowers blood pressure.


In some cases, feijoa fruits can harm the human body. Regardless of how you eat this fruit, feijoa has many beneficial properties, but there are also contraindications. In some cases, intolerance to these fruits is revealed. An allergic reaction appears in the form of skin rashes. The red blisters are very itchy. The allergy is due to the fact that the human body is oversaturated with vitamin C or other substances contained in feijoa.

Because in these fruits increased content sugar, diabetics and people with overweight. When pregnant and breastfeeding, a woman should consult a doctor before eating feijoa.

If a child asks to let him eat these fruits, there is no need to rush. It is advisable to first check with your pediatrician whether you should give berries to your baby. If the doctor approves of the desire to eat feijoa, then before giving it to the child, be sure to peel the fruit.

We choose the most delicious and healthy

The benefits obtained from them depend on what berries are purchased. It is advisable to buy fruit at the market, since you can ask the seller to cut any feijoa and see its ripeness, and even try it. If the flesh is opaque, such feijoa is not worth purchasing. But if you happen to buy it, you can put it in a cool place to ripen.

You should not buy fruits with brown, cracked or spotted skin. The shell should be uniform in color, bright green. A white coating on the berries is allowed.

It is advisable to buy large, soft fruits. The larger they are, the more useful they are. The pulp inside even the most ripe feijoa should not be brown. This indicates spoilage of the berries. If you have to store feijoas for up to 10 days, you need to put them in the refrigerator, pre-packing the berries in cellophane. You can put them in a plastic container.

To preserve feijoa fruits for even longer long term, you need to place them in the freezer. There they can lie for up to 100 days. During the season, it is enough to buy a couple of kilograms of this fruit, but to stock up and make jam, you will need 5 kg, no more.

Dishes based on this healthy fruit

There are recipes for feijoa. In such dishes, all useful components are preserved and absorbed in the same way as from fresh fruits. The most common version of the feijoa dish is the fruit, ground with sugar and packaged in glass jars. This product does not last very long in the refrigerator. Proportions: for 1 kg of fruit – a kilo of sugar.

Diet salad. Boil the beets and chop them. Peel the feijoa and cut into cubes. Add 50 g of any nuts to the dish. Spices and herbs to taste. It is advisable to dress this salad olive oil. It is known that such a drug perfectly helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Feijoa can be added to any main dish, but this fruit has proven itself best in salads. Good fruity. You need to chop an orange, tangerine, a couple of bananas, kiwi, an apple and add peeled feijoa, cut into slices. Mix everything, season with yogurt.

Feijoa cocktail. Grind 5-6 berries in a blender, which should first be peeled. Separately, you need to grind 1 kiwi, half a banana. Mix the ingredients, add 250 ml of milk (kefir will also do). Can be put in this vitamin cocktail a little cinnamon, mint or vanilla.

Dessert. Grind 5-6 feijoas, peeled. Add 50 ml sour cream or yogurt. Mix everything. You can put a little powdered sugar or sugar substitute.

Feijoa – excellent remedy for cosmetic procedures

For the mask. You will need very ripe fruit. It needs to be peeled and chopped with a blender. Add a little olive or any other oil. It is also permissible to use clean water instead of oil. For oily skin you can add a little lemon juice. This product is applied only to clean skin in the form of a mask and lasts up to 20 minutes. You can add a spoonful of honey to this composition liquid grade. If a woman suffers from rosacea, it is better to avoid honey.

In order for their feijoa masks to act more deeply, it is recommended to heat them in a water bath, bringing the temperature to 37°C. It is recommended to wash off masks warm water, and then apply nourishing or moisturizing creams.

Feijoa tonic. Squeeze the juice from 6 berries, add 20 ml of alcohol and leave for 5 days in a cool, dark place. This product is perfect for oily skin. It will not be overdried due to the action of feijoa juice, and alcohol will remove excess fat.

Feijoa-based cosmetics have proven themselves to be softening, moisturizing, soothing and tightening. Due to the fact that fruits contain tannins and essential oils, cosmetical tools from feijoa have a tightening effect.

So, feijoa fruits are very useful product. It can be consumed with other fruits or on its own. The most common use for berries is to cut them in half and eat the pulp with a small spoon. You can peel, cut the fruit and add to salads. How to eat feijoa with or without peel is up to you, depending on your preferences. The fruits of this plant are very useful, especially for people with thyroid diseases, since feijoa contains a large amount of iodine.

Hello dear readers. Time flies very quickly, autumn is just around the corner. Autumn, like summer, gives us many different fruits and vegetables. Also in the fall you can enjoy plenty of feijoa and prepare it for the winter. Feijoa is a source of iodine and vitamins for the body. Relatively recently, we began to sell these fruits. And everyone wants to know what the benefits and harms of feijoa are. We love these unusual green fruits very much and try to prepare them every year. raw jam from feijoa. And it's all about the benefits of the fruit. After all, feijoa is a source of iodine for our body. In addition to iodine, one can note the presence of such useful microelements such as manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, potassium, etc.

Also, feijoa fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is very necessary for our body. It is impossible not to note the presence of a whole group of B vitamins, these are vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9.

In addition to vitamins, the fruits are rich in tannins, fiber, malic acid, essential oils, and amino acids.

They are used for many diseases, as a vitamin supplement, and also to strengthen the immune system.

Feijoa. Benefits and harms

Feijoa is native to America, but the fruits grow well in regions with tropical and subtropical climates, including Crimea. You can enjoy feijoa fruits from October to November; it is at this time that they ripen en masse and appear on sale.

Feijoa fruits are oblong in shape with a dense peel and fleshy pulp. The fruit size is up to 5-6 cm, weight - from 20 to 100 grams. The color of the peel is dark green.

Inside the pulp is light, jelly-like, transparent towards the center. Inside the pulp you can see a small amount of small seeds.

Feijoa fruits have a very unusual taste, but this is not to say that they are not tasty; on the contrary, the pulp is very tasty. The taste of the fruit pulp is similar to the taste of green strawberries (this is for me). But not everyone identifies strawberries; for some, the taste of feijoa is similar to the taste of kiwi, strawberries and even pineapple.

The taste of feijoa is sweet and sour, but quite interesting and unique. If you have never tried feijoa, buy a small amount and appreciate the taste of the fruit.

Benefits of feijoa for the body

It is impossible not to note the benefits of these fruits for our body. The first thing I want to focus on is the iodine content.

  • A contains feijoa 35 mg. iodine per 100 grams. Feijoa is recommended to be included in the diet of people with a lack of iodine in the body.
  • I would also like to note the vitamin C content in fruits. Therefore, feijoa is best consumed in fresh. It is very useful to consume feijoa during periods of viral and colds.
  • Thanks to the availability useful vitamins and feijoa microelements strengthens the immune system.
  • The presence of fiber in fruits makes them extremely beneficial for intestinal function. Digestion improves.
  • It is useful to eat feijoa fruits, as it is an excellent source of iron.
  • It is very useful to include fruits in the diet for hypertension.
  • The fruits are consumed to prevent iodine deficiency.
  • The benefits of feijoa are noted for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Feijoa peel contains tannins, which is why the taste of the peel is tart and not as pleasant as the pulp. And the essential oils contained in feijoa give the fruit anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

But you shouldn’t throw away the peel of the fruit; you can dry the peel and add it to tea.

How to eat feijoa?

How to properly consume feijoa, with or without skin? The thing is that the pulp of ripe feijoa is very tender and tasty, but the peel is hard and not as pleasant as the pulp.

But the peel, as well as the pulp, contains vitamins and microelements. For example, if you are preparing raw fruit jam, then you need to cook it together with the peel. And if you want to enjoy the unique taste of feijoa, then eat the pulp.

How to eat feijoa? The fruits must be washed. To eat the pulp, cut the fruit in half and use a teaspoon to scoop out the pulp from the feijoa, leaving the skin behind.

This applies to eating feijoa fresh. But you can eat feijoa in the form of jam. Moreover, it is most useful to prepare raw jam from fruits.

To make jam, feijoa fruits need to be washed, dried with a paper towel, stems removed, cut in half or into 4 parts. Next, the fruits need to be chopped, I always do this with a blender. Combine the crushed mixture with sugar (proportions 1:1). I put it in sterile jars and store it in the refrigerator.

This jam can be served for tea, spread on a bun, used for making desserts and other dishes, although I don’t make large reserves of jam at all. Literally 2-3 jars.

How to choose feijoa fruits?

How to choose the right fruits, and what to pay attention to? This is also one of the important facts.

It is believed that the larger the fruit, the more beneficial it is. The seller himself once recommended that I choose large fruits.

But that is not all. It turns out that the fruits are picked while still green; they ripen during transportation. Therefore, very often you can buy unripe fruits. Their flesh is quite coarse and not as tasty as that of ripe feijoas (at least for me).

You shouldn’t be upset about this, if you come across unripe fruits, put them aside, in just a couple of days they will be ripe.

When choosing fruits, you should focus on their appearance. Take fruits without visible damage or dark spots. The skin of the fruit should be dark green in color.

The pulp inside the fruit should not be brown. If the flesh is brown, the fruit is spoiled. Usually sellers cut the fruit in half; you can judge the fruit by its appearance.

Where, how, and how long can feijoa fruits be stored? Feijoa fruits store well at room temperature for a couple of days.

For more long-term storage Place the feijoa in the refrigerator. Feijoa can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. You can store fruits in the refrigerator in cellophane bags or a plastic container.

Alternatively, you can place the fruits in the freezer. or make raw jam. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

But during the season it is better to buy 1 kg of feijoa or less, because you can always go and buy more.

Harm of feijoa to the body

In isolated cases, an allergic reaction to the fruit may occur. In this case, you should not eat feijoa.

There is individual intolerance to fruits.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, consume feijoa fruits after consulting your doctor.

Before giving the baby a baby, consult your pediatrician or nurse.

I hope the information was useful to you. The benefits and harms of feijoa are obvious; it’s up to you to decide whether to eat the fruits and make preparations.