What should a ripe watermelon look like inside? By appearance

Well, the long-awaited season of everyone’s favorite, bright, fragrant, sweet berries has arrived - watermelons. Most counters are full of piles of striped specimens of all sizes and shapes. How to buy the best berry of all those offered? We will give advice on how to choose ripe watermelon, tasty and, most importantly, healthy.

When to buy watermelon

The main season for ripe “delicious minke whales” occurs in the second mid-August - September. Purchasing watermelons earlier due date their ripening, you risk buying an unripe fruit or a “nitrate cocktail”.

How to choose a ripe watermelon - inspect it

The appearance of a watermelon is the main determinant of its ripeness and harmlessness. Do not be shy and always carefully inspect your purchase, because this is the key to your safety.


Pay attention to the skin of the watermelon. They must be without visible external flaws. Dents and cracks are all signs of an overripe fruit and its improper transportation.


A sign of a ripe watermelon is a dense, shiny, maximum contrast and hard rind. If you can easily pierce the skin of a watermelon with your fingernail, and the berry smells like freshly cut grass, and the color of its stripes is washed out, the fruit is unripe.

Barrel color

A sure sign of a ripe “striper” is a pigment spot of rich yellow or orange color. This is explained simply: the lateral tail of a ripe fruit dries out, the production of chlorophyll and the flow of moisture stops.

Choosing “watermelon”

The ripest and sweetest fruits are those of the female type. When purchasing, choose watermelons paying attention to the side opposite the tail. Girls have a flat side with a wide circle.

Melody of berries

You can choose a ripe watermelon by sound. Tap the berry. If you hear a dull sound, this is what you need.

How to choose a ripe watermelon - what should not happen

Watermelon is not a simple berry in every sense. You can buy something that looks ripe, tasty and safe product, but in reality everything will not be so rosy. Therefore, when buying a watermelon, you need to know a few simple rules that will help keep you and your loved ones healthy:

  • A dried tail is not a sign of ripeness of the berry; it can appear if the watermelon was picked a long time ago.
  • A large specimen will not guarantee ripeness and great taste. Check with distributors for information about the berry variety. Don’t chase the size; choose the “golden mean” from one batch of goods.
  • Too bright, glossy, saturated red color of the watermelon pulp is a clear signal that it will be unsafe to eat this berry.

Do not forget that you need to purchase watermelons only in those places where the quality of the goods sold is checked responsibly and certified. Buying melons at roadside retail outlets is fraught with serious poisoning.

We all love to eat delicious and juicy striped berries that can satiate, quench thirst, and improve well-being.

But not everyone knows how to choose a watermelon, and meanwhile, this procedure has its own characteristics, which we will discuss in this article. After all, having bought a beautiful, ripe-looking fruit, and cutting it, you will feel considerable disappointment due to the unripe or tasteless pulp.

But this is not so bad, but if the watermelon is also of poor quality, problems with well-being will not keep you waiting long. To avoid this, pay due attention to its choice.

Now there are more than 1000 varieties of watermelons, each of which is unique in its own way. They differ in appearance, size, color and are conventionally divided into 3 varieties. The most popular and widespread watermelon is the common one. We will consider how to select and store it.

To buy a ripe, juicy and tasty watermelon, you should thoroughly know what to look for when choosing. Otherwise, you risk wasting your money by buying a beautiful one, but not delicious watermelon.

When to buy watermelon: ripening season

You can see big, beautiful watermelons on supermarket shelves in the middle of summer. But most likely they were grown with the help of special additives that are harmful to the body.

Remember, the natural ripening season for watermelons is late August - early September.

During this period you should buy them, and not try to buy an early watermelon “stuffed” with nitrates.

Where to buy watermelon

Buy watermelons at retail outlets that have permission to sell melons. When making a purchase, make sure that the fruits are on the flooring. The height of the decking above the floor is at least 15 centimeters. They protect watermelons from dust, dirt and bacteria that can penetrate into fruits lying on the ground or asphalt, because the pulp of the berry is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

It is strictly forbidden to buy watermelons on the side of the roads. They absorb dust and other harmful substances well. You run the risk of buying a great-looking watermelon that has a quality certificate, but contains substances hazardous to health.

Availability of a certificate for watermelons

Watermelons must have a quality certificate. When choosing a watermelon, ask the seller to present documents for the goods. The certificate must indicate the percentage of harmful substances and mineral fertilizers in the watermelon.

If you have presented not the original, but a photocopy of the document, make sure there is a seal on it, pay attention to its color - the seal must be color. If it is black, the certificate may be fake, which means the quality of the watermelons is in question and you should not buy them.

No damage to the watermelon

When choosing a watermelon, make sure that it is intact and free of damage and cracks. Bacteria that are harmful to health penetrate into the berries through damage.

You should also not buy cut watermelon for the same reason.

Attention! The sale of cut watermelons is prohibited by law.

Watermelon size

There is an opinion that the ripeness of a watermelon is related to its size. But this is fundamentally wrong, because you can buy a large, but tasteless watermelon.

Choose a medium-sized watermelon. By adhering to this rule, you will definitely be satisfied with your purchase. After all, it is better to buy a tasty and juicy medium-sized fruit than a giant one with a mediocre taste.

Watermelon rind and degree of striping

One of the indicators of a ripe watermelon is a shiny, hard rind. When choosing a fruit, press it a little with your fingernail; if the peel is not pierced, the watermelon is good. A ripened watermelon stops receiving moisture and the rind hardens.

A watermelon with clear, numerous stripes will also be ripe.

And one more secret - rub the peel, sniffing it. If the smell is grassy, ​​the watermelon is not yet fully ripe.

Yellow side and dry watermelon tail

A watermelon ripened in the field lies on one side. A light spot will definitely appear on it. If the berry is fully ripe, the spot will be yellow and rich. A light spot also appears after the watermelon tail dries out.

The dry tail of a watermelon is another indicator of its ripeness. But we take into account that it also occurs in unripe watermelons, but long since picked from melons. Pay attention to a dry tail only in conjunction with all other signs.

Bottom of watermelon and its sound

Watermelon is a bisexual berry. The bottom of the “female” variety is flat, with a wide circle, while the bottom of the “male” variety is convex. When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to its “gender”. The “female” variety is the most delicious.

Lightly tap the watermelon you like. A ringing sound indicates that the watermelon is ripe. If the sound is dull, put the watermelon aside and look for another fruit.

Another effective way is to try to squeeze the watermelon with your hands, placing your ear on it. If the berry is ripe, the peel should crack slightly and bend. If this does not happen, the fruit is unripe.

By observing these simple rules, you can choose a ripe, juicy, tasty watermelon, which will be a pleasure to feast on.

A brief algorithm of actions when choosing a watermelon

  1. Buy watermelon during its ripening season, which occurs at the end of August - beginning of September. It is not recommended to purchase early berries.
  2. Make a purchase at a specialized retail outlet. Never buy watermelons on the side of the road, they can cause serious health problems.
  3. Check out the certificate for watermelons; if it is missing, or its authenticity is in doubt, buy a watermelon elsewhere.
  4. Carefully check the watermelon you like for damage, evaluate the size, hardness of the peel, the degree of striping, the presence of a yellow side and a dry tail. Look at the bottom of the fruit. Tap the fruit.

If you do not notice any damage, the documents are in order, and the retail space is properly equipped, feel free to make a purchase.

Several useful rules for storing watermelons

Excellent taste depends not only on knowledge of how to choose a ripe watermelon, but also on the conditions for its subsequent storage. After all, not everyone eats it right away; many intend to save the watermelon and enjoy it in the winter, during the New Year holidays.

When storing watermelon, follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose a medium-sized fruit with a spot on the side for storage.
  2. It is recommended to store cut watermelon in the refrigerator.
  3. The best place to store watermelon is a dark cellar. Temperature – no more than +5 degrees. Taking the net, place the watermelon in it and hang it so that it does not touch anything.

Watermelon is a tasty berry that is healthy for the body. If you choose it correctly, adhering to the recommendations and tips listed above, you will fully enjoy its taste and be sure that it will not cause harm to your health.

The end of summer is coming, which means it’s time for delicious and sweet watermelons. By the way, did you know that the fruits of this annual herbaceous plant morphologically it is considered to be a berry?! In this short instruction I want to tell you how to choose the right ripe watermelon so that it is ripe and sweet. Since childhood, many people believe that the ripeness of a watermelon can be determined by its sound, or rather by its knocking sound. The ripe one has a duller sound. And if you press on it, it will crunch. And if the knock is loud, then it is not yet ripe.
In fact, there are many more signs of watermelon ripeness. Let's look at them all.

There is a dry tail on a ripe watermelon

The tail of a watermelon indicates its ripeness: green indicates that the fruit was picked too early and its taste will no longer be as juicy. The one with the already dried hard tail will be ripe.

And if you are lucky and you are in a melon patch, then to choose a guaranteed ripe watermelon will be the one with a dry tendril on the stalk. Here he is:

By this criterion, professional melon pickers determine a ripe watermelon when they load them into transport.

How to determine maturity by an earthen spot

While the fruit is growing, it lies on the ground and this part of it is yellowish in color. It's called "Earth Spot". So, the ripest, and therefore very sweet, watermelon will be the one whose earthen spot is closer to dark yellow or even orange. The greener the fruit, the lighter the stain, closer to white. Here's a clear example:

On the right is the “correct” watermelon. But the one on the left was picked too early and it’s not ripe, which means it’s not worth taking.

Looking for the right watermelon using a bee's web

If you inspect watermelons in a store when purchasing, then the so-called “ bee web" Here she is:

These are small brown spots, somewhat reminiscent of a spider's web. They tell us that during pollination the bees often touched the ovary of the fruit, that is, pollination occurred very intensively, which means the fruit will be sugary!

Boy or girl?

Do you know that watermelons are also differentiated by gender? “Men” are distinguished by a narrower and elongated shape. They have large seeds, and the taste is not very bright, but the pulp itself is very, very juicy. “Girls” are smaller and rounder. They seem to be flattened. They have a very sweet, rich taste and small seeds.

A big watermelon is a ripe watermelon!

Another way to choose ripe and sweet watermelon- This is to look for medium-sized specimens weighing from 6 to 10 kilograms. Wherein good fruit always quite heavy for its size.

The largest specimens are also not worth taking. The fact is that even “local” fruits (that is, grown in Russia) weighing more than 15 kilograms are pumped to capacity with nitrates. Unfortunately, the nitrate content cannot be determined by eye.

Try to buy watermelons in trusted places. The retail outlet must be equipped with a tray for these fruits and covered with an awning. Alternatively, a covered truck. It’s clearly not worth buying watermelons heaped on the ground, and even next to the road.
The most delicious watermelon should also be beautiful in appearance - shiny, not limp, without cracks, dents or scratches. The stripes are clear and contrasting. Through damage to the rind, dirt and bacteria enter the fruit and this can not only spoil the taste, but also cause an upset stomach.
Many sellers offer to cut out a piece of watermelon you like to try. You shouldn't do this. As a rule, sellers do not wash knives and introduce unnecessary bacteria into the fruit, which is why it can quickly disappear.

An amazing berry that can be difficult to tear yourself away from, has a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly quenches thirst and contains a great variety of useful vitamins and elements - perfect for summer. However, difficulties may arise at the time of purchasing a watermelon, because every year there are more and more unscrupulous sellers who put up for sale not only without delicious fruits, but often downright dangerous due to their high nitrate content. Therefore, in order not to spoil your summer meal and please yourself with the most appetizing pulp, you should know some of the subtleties of choosing a ripe watermelon.

The benefits of watermelon for the human body

Choosing a high-quality, ripe watermelon is important not only because taste qualities, but also because useful substances in its composition. How more natural product, the more benefits it will bring to your body.

The berries contain vitamins B, A, C, E, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Watermelon has such beneficial properties as cleansing the liver and kidneys, improving metabolism, lowering cholesterol and generally strengthening the body.

Note! A high content of nitrates can harm the body and negate everything beneficial features berries, so it is very important to choose good quality products.

Every person wants to eat only natural, first-class and healthy products. But unfortunately, some sellers use various tricks to sell low-quality goods and make more profit. To prevent this situation from happening when purchasing a striped berry, you should know some of the signs of a ripe watermelon and recommendations for choosing the fruit.

Video: how to choose a ripe, tasty and sweet watermelon

These tips will help you choose the right sweet, ripe and healthy watermelon:

Tip #1. Pay careful attention to the appearance of the fetus. It should not have any cracks, dents, scratches or other damage. Otherwise, the damage can become a convenient “entry” for germs and bacteria. The berry should have contrasting, bright stripes. The crust should be shiny and not matte. As a rule, ripe watermelons have a hard rind that is not easy to pierce with a fingernail.

Tip #2. Please note the date. When grown naturally without chemicals, the fruits ripen in the second half of August and until the end of September. Try not to buy fruits over early dates, because unscrupulous producers stuff the plant with growth stimulants and chemical fertilizers for early ripening.

Tip #3. Go by size. Don't choose too much big fruit(perhaps it is “stuffed” with chemicals) and on too small berries (there is a big risk of choosing immature product).

Tip #4. A ripe watermelon should have a yellow or orange spot. This means that the fruit ripened in the fields naturally and came into contact with the ground, absorbing the warm rays of the sun. In a normal fetus, the size of the spot should be about five to ten centimeters. But you should not choose a product with a white spot, it indicates that the berries were not allowed to ripen in the melon field!

Tip #5. There is an opinion that watermelons can be “girls” and “boys”. It is believed that girls are the most delicious fruits and they have fewer seeds. Male berries are slightly larger in size, and their lower part is convex and has a small spot. In female specimens, the lower part is most often flat, flattened, and the spot is larger.

Tip #6. When choosing a watermelon, it is highly not recommended to cut a piece of pulp from the fruit to determine ripeness. After all, by the time you transport the fruit home and start eating, microbes can multiply in it.

Tip #7. Buy berries in the right places. More detailed information on this issue awaits you below.

Tip #8. If you want to choose a safe, tasty ripe watermelon without nitrates, you You should check with the seller whether he has a certificate for the product. If the seller does not have such a certificate, then you should doubt the quality of the product and look for another point of sale of juicy berries. Also, early watermelon sales may indicate high content harmful substances.

Tip #9. Carefully examine the stalk (that is, the tail) of the fruit. A high-quality, ripe watermelon should have a yellow, dry tail. The presence of a sluggish, greenish stalk indicates the immaturity of the fruit. A very dry tail may indicate that the product is overripe or spoiled. Some sellers want to cheat and cut off the tail to sell low-quality goods.

Tip #10. Identify a ripe watermelonsound will help. When tapping or clicking ripe watermelon should make calls th sound j. Although there are experts who claim that ripe berries should have a dull sound . And some believe that sound, in general, is not able to help check a watermelon for ripeness, since watering affects the dullness or ringing of the sound - if the fruits were well watered before harvesting, then they will be ringing, if watering was not carried out, then they will be dull.

Video: how to choose a ripe watermelon: signs of sweetness

How to test watermelon for nitrates at home

Unfortunately, it is difficult to choose a ripe watermelon without nitrates, because it is almost impossible to independently check the fruit for their content when purchasing, unless, of course, you have a special device that determines nitrates - a nitrate meter. But you can conduct a small experiment at home and understand whether the product is worth eating or not.

There are several signs indicating a high nitrate content in watermelon:

  1. The berry contains white or yellow veins, as well as compactions in the pulp.
  2. When a fruit is immersed in water, it sinks to the bottom and does not float up (a quality product should float up).
  3. Place a small amount of pulp into water for about 15 minutes. If the liquid turns bright pink or red, it means the berry has a high nitrate content. And if the water becomes a little cloudy or pale pink, then the berry is of high quality.

Advice! The highest concentration of nitrates in the berry is near the rind, so you should not bite the watermelon in these places.

Where is the best place to buy watermelons?

It is important not only to be able to choose the right ripe watermelon, but also to buy valuable product food in the right places, the quality of the product largely depends on this. When choosing the place where you plan to buy a treat, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is highly not recommended to choose watermelon at points of sale near highways, since melons absorb heavy metals and other harmful substances found in exhaust gases.
  • Berries should be stored in clean trays, and they should be neatly arranged.
  • Avoid points of sale where watermelons are laid out on the floor and may come into contact with dust and dirt.
  • The seller must have a full set of documents necessary for sales, and have a medical record.
  • It is not recommended to buy food products at spontaneous markets; it is better to give preference to special stores and fairs.

You can determine the ripeness of a watermelon at the market or in a store without any problems, knowing only a few recommendations and exact signs of ripeness. The main thing is not to rush into buying, because it’s better to wait and buy tasty and delicious food during the season. useful product, rather than purchasing it much earlier than the usual ripening period and eating a harmful delicacy stuffed with chemicals. Happy shopping and delicious watermelons!

Video: how to choose a watermelon and test for nitrates with your own hands at home

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How to choose the right tasty and ripe watermelon, what signs should you pay attention to? This material will help you choose sweet watermelons with juicy pulp without a high concentration of dangerous nitrates.

First rule: watermelon season.
It is best to buy watermelons at the end of summer, then this berry no longer contains many nitrates and will bring maximum benefit, joy and pleasure.

Second rule:"right" places.
It is recommended to buy melons and watermelons only in special places that are intended for trade in melons: in equipped tents and shops. Such tents must have a hanging awning, and fruits and berries must be placed on special flooring, at least 14 cm above the ground surface.

Third rule: unharmed and whole.
When buying a watermelon, you need to carefully examine it from all sides, you need to make sure that the fruit is not damaged. There should be no bruises, cracks or other visible defects on it, and even more so, the fruit should not be rotten.

Fourth rule: fruit size.
Many buyers, when choosing a watermelon or melon, are guided by the size of the fruit, but this is absolutely no guarantee of good taste and ripeness.

Fifth rule: shiny hard crust.
A mature minke has a hard and shiny crust that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail.

Sixth rule:
degree of banding.
To buy good watermelon, you definitely need to pay attention to how striped the watermelon is. After all, the more contrasting the color of the watermelon rind, the more ripe it is.

Seventh rule: yellow spot on the side.
As a rule, while the watermelon is ripening in the field, it “lays down” on one side and a light spot forms there. If the fruit is ripe, the spot is painted bright yellow; sometimes the spot turns orange.

Eighth rule: dry tail.
A dry tail has always been a sign that the watermelon is ripe. When ripe, the watermelon seems to “disconnect” from the bush by drying out the tail. But do not forget that such a dry tail can also occur in fruits that have been picked a long time ago and they will not necessarily be ripe.

Ninth rule: Who tastes better - a “boy” or a “girl”?
As you know, there are “boys” and “girls” among watermelons. If it is a “boy”, then on the side opposite the tail, the bottom of the fruit is slightly convex, while for “girls” the bottom is flat and decorated with a wide circle. It is believed that “girls” are tastier and sweeter, they contain more sugar and many fewer seeds.

Tenth rule:“ringing” watermelons.
If the watermelon is already ripe, then when tapped it makes a ringing sound rather than a dull sound.

That's all the secrets to choosing a delicious watermelon. Before serving it on the table you need this sweet and fragrant berry Be sure to wash under running water.

In the photo: 8 the eight most important signs of a ripe watermelon:

How to choose watermelon without nitrates?
Some unscrupulous melon growers, fertilizing the soil with nitrates, often exceed permissible norms in pursuit of rapid fruit ripening and quick yield.

So, you should be alert to the following signs that will help you avoid food poisoning"chemical" watermelons:

  • bright yellow fibers that run from the rind of the watermelon to the core;
  • excessively bright red color with a purple tint;
  • Instead of sparkling grains on the cut there is a smooth, too glossy surface.