Acai berries are delicious fruits of a tropical palm tree. What grows on a palm tree? Palm family

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Palm trees in the tropics are common. There are many varieties of palm trees. They differ not only appearance but also fruits. What kind of fruits do not have palm trees. There are fruits in palm trees large, medium, small.

There are palms on which there is one fruit, but very large. More often there are fruits, which are very numerous on palm trees.

They are collected in brushes. Brushes with fruits hang from palm trees without touching the trunks.
Some fruits are found next to the trunks of palm trees.
In the botanical garden, on the site, a plant that looks like a palm tree forms a very big fruit. Although not heavy, the dimensions are impressive.
I don't have room to grow any type of palm. That's why I don't try to grow them. So for fun I plant some fruits of palm trees.
Just to see how they germinate and what palm seedlings look like. From the fruits of nearby growing palm trees falling to the ground, small plants constantly appear on the ground. These plants are simply removed when the grass is cut. I also remove these plants as unnecessary weeds. Somehow, at the very beginning of my stay here, I put a coconut on the ground. A sprout has formed. Leaves have appeared. But there is no further growth. The soil in this place is completely unsuitable for plants. This is building sand with cement, which was used to level the area near the house. The coconut tree does not die, but it does not grow either. This suits me, as it would close the already narrow passage in this place. It seems a pity to throw it away - after all, the plant is alive. Twice I also planted small fruits of palm trees brought from other places. The fruits were attractive to look at. There was no rapid growth. Perhaps more time was needed. If these fruits germinate, then I will see it. Since the sprouts of palm trees are very strong and it is impossible not to notice them.

Acai berries are the fruits of the Euterpe palm and are often used in the treatment of viral diseases and ailments of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, their use allows you to strengthen the protective properties of the body and slow down the aging process of the skin. Of course, one cannot lose sight of possible harm from the berry, which you can also learn about further.

What are these fruits?

Euterpe, Acai or Cabbage Palm is a genus of tropical palms that grow in South and Central America. They are tall plants (about 30 m), which have a tree shape, smooth and thin trunks. The leaves are large and rich green, the flowers are white and collected in inflorescences, but the fruits are round and dark purple, resembling large bunches of grapes. They have a bone inside.

Acai berries are edible and have a slight tart taste that simultaneously resembles chokeberry, blueberry, chocolate and walnut. Each bunch can contain up to 5 kg of small fruits. During the year, the tree gives 2 crops. As a rule, a young palm gives up to 8 kg of berries. The product itself is in high demand in the Brazilian market.

Composition and nutritional value

Acai berries contain a real bouquet of nutrients:
  • vitamins: A, groups B, C, D, K, E;
  • trace elements: aluminum, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, zinc, iron, chlorine, iodine, etc.;
  • non-replaceable and partially replaceable amino acids: arginine, valine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine;
  • replaceable amino acids: alanine, aspartic and glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine;
  • fatty acids: omega-3, omega-9;
  • vegetable glycosides: anthocyanins, which give the berries the appropriate color and antioxidant properties.
Concerning nutritional value berries, then it looks like this (all data are given per 100 g):
  • proteins - 3.8%;
  • carbohydrates - 36.6%;
  • fats - 0.5%;
  • calorie content - 247 kcal.

What are the benefits of berries?

Acai berries have a number of useful characteristics, each of which is worth considering separately:
  • Strengthen cardiovascular system . Thanks to the content a large number Antioxidants fruits prevent damage to the heart muscle, help lower blood cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation. Moreover, they are effective tool fight vascular plaques, because they contain beta-sitosterol, oleic and linoleic acids, which reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, increasing the concentration of "good".
  • They have an antitumor effect. The berries contain vitamin C and plant antioxidants - components that have anti-cancer properties. Scientists from Florida conducted a series of studies, the results of which were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. According to these data, acai fruits provoke the self-destruction of cancers in 86% of cases.
  • Enhance visual acuity and maintain eye health. Due to the content of anthocyanins and the same vitamin C, berries prevent the development of glaucoma, night blindness and macular degeneration. They are especially useful for diabetics, who often suffer from vision problems, including retinopathy, which can lead to complete loss of vision. Read more about how to improve eyesight at home -.
  • Support. Amino acids, vitamins and fatty acids contained in berries activate the production of serotonin and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that are responsible for restful and sound sleep. They also help to relax the muscles of the body, which is necessary for a really high-quality rest.
  • Increase sex drive. "Tropical Viagra" is another name for palm berries. From scientific studies it follows that they have an aphrodisiac effect and increase sexual stamina. According to doctors, this is due to the fact that the fruits activate brain activity and affect the concentration of sex hormones in the body.
  • Have cosmetic properties. Manufacturers cosmetics often include acai berries in skin care creams and lotions. The fact is that the external use of berry extract helps to strengthen skin immunity, so the skin becomes smooth and clean (without rashes). In addition, it helps to prevent early wrinkles and age spots. Berry extracts are also included in shampoos and hair balms, as they help to strengthen them and give them a healthy shine.
  • Promote weight loss. Berries help to normalize the content of hormones in the body and speed up the metabolism, which will also improve the functioning of the digestive organs, namely: it will help prevent constipation and bloating. All this contributes to weight loss, since the food will be processed, and not accumulate in the body as body fat. Additionally, this will help strengthen the reproductive system, since excess fat in the body can interfere with normal ovulation.

Tropical fruits can be included in your diet by pregnant women, as they will saturate both the woman's body and the fetus with useful elements. Moreover, the plant antioxidants contained in them will prevent embryo mutations.

In general, acai berries help strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by accelerating metabolism, and prevent the development of diabetes enhance brain function and nervous system, give energy, increase the endurance of the body and slow down the aging process.

Possible harm and contraindications

Acai berries can cause harm to the human body if they are abused. Side effects may be as follows:
  • Kit excess weight . Berries are quite high in calories - more than 200 kcal per 100 g. In the case of their uncontrolled eating, you can not only contribute to weight loss, but even gain extra pounds due to a significant increase in daily calorie content. Obesity is also promoted by a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which occurs after excessive eating of berries.
  • Hypervitaminosis. Many people take dietary supplements (BAA) based on acai. If you still drink vitamins at the same time, you can provoke an overdose of vitamin C. To prevent this, it is recommended to take antioxidants at intervals of 2 weeks, after consulting with a nutritionist about the use of certain exotic foods.
  • Violation of the nervous system, heart, kidneys and liver. In case of increased consumption of tropical berries, an excess amount of protein will enter the body, which will cause malfunctions in the nervous system and internal organs.
  • Failure of acid-base balance. This will also be due to the increased intake of protein in the body.
Among the disadvantages of eating palm berries, it can be noted that they may not bring the expected benefits. There are opinions that the fruits are most useful within two hours of harvest. If at this time they are not processed into dietary supplements or juice, then their benefits will gradually decrease. Concerning fresh fruit, which can be purchased at the supermarket, they can have excellent taste qualities, but are devoid of useful properties, since they are processed for storage of the presentation big amount chemicals.

Acai berries do not have separate contraindications, but you need to understand that this is an exotic tropical product that can cause allergies. So, in order to track the reaction of your body to the fruits and establish the fact of individual intolerance, they must be introduced into the diet in small portions and gradually. This is especially true for pregnant women.

Healthy recipes with acai berries

In cooking, the fruits of the American palm tree are used in the preparation of ice cream, pastries, sauces, various dietary dishes and drinks. With some diet recipes can be found below:
  • banana smoothie. It is required to receive 4 tsp. freeze-dried pulp of berries, for which you can grind dry acai berries in a coffee grinder or purchase them in capsules. Sprinkle 1 with this powder in a blender, and then pour in 1 glass of milk and add 1 tsp. honey or 1 tbsp. l. any sweet syrup. Grind everything in a blender, pour into a glass, garnish with a mint leaf and serve. If desired, nuts or dried fruits can be added to the drink.
  • Ice cream. Peel 2 bananas, cut into slices, put in a bag and send to the freezer for 3-4 hours. Soak 4-5 pieces of large pitted prunes for 30 minutes in cold water. Squeeze the swollen dried fruits to remove excess liquid, chop in a blender and combine with a frozen banana. Grind everything again and add the remaining ingredients, namely: 1 tbsp. l. acai and cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. l. any syrup, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice, crushed vanilla pod or 1 sachet vanilla sugar, salt on the tip of a knife. Then beat the mixture again in a blender. Put the resulting mass into an enameled bowl, put in the freezer and stir every 20 minutes until cooked, which is necessary for a uniform dessert consistency.
  • Porridge for breakfast. At night 2 tbsp. l. "Hercules" pour 3 tbsp. l. cold water. In the morning, add 2 tsp to softened oatmeal. acai powder, 1 tsp. honey and one grated apple. Mix everything and have breakfast.

Acai berries are not a magic weight loss pill. They will contribute to weight loss only with moderate use as part of a balanced diet and exercise.

Video: acai - benefits and applications

In the following video, you will learn why acai berries have become very popular, what are their benefits, and how they can be used:

Acai berries are exotic fruits of the American palm tree. When used in moderation, they have a positive effect on the body, including strengthening the cardiovascular system, normalizing metabolism, strengthening visual acuity, and have a good effect on skin and hair health. At the same time, it is important to control their portions, otherwise you can provoke allergies and other negative reactions.

Oddly enough, but not all people can answer the question of what grows on a palm tree correctly. Some believe that they can grow not only dates and coconuts, but also bananas and pineapples, which is quite incredible.

Types of palm plants

Palm is a southern woody plant that grows exclusively in tropical and subtropical climates. The Palm family belongs to flowering plants and has about 185 genera and 3400 species. There are especially many of these plants in the zones of Southeast Asia and in the tropical countries of South America.

In colder regions, palm representatives can be seen in the Mediterranean and North Africa, Crete, Japan and China, northern Australia, etc.

Palm trees can be found in completely different places, from the sea coast to the slopes of the highlands, near swamps and forests, as well as in hot desert oases. However, most of all they prefer humid and shady areas with a tropical climate, forming continuous thickets. Palm trees are also widespread in the African savannas, where they easily tolerate drought and hot winds.

Forms and structural features of palm trees

Palm trees are distinguished by a wide variety of growth forms:

  • tree-like: Cuban, royal, corypha umbrella-bearing; washingtonia thread-bearing; barrigona, Theban hyphena (dum-palm);
  • shrub-like: lanceolate chamedorea, acelorafa;
  • stemless: shrub palmetto, Wallich herring, creeping serenoa;
  • climbing vines: calamus.

The original structural features of palm trees are that the plant does not have the usual botanical elements, such as a trunk and branches:

  • Its "trunk" is formed from the remains of obsolete leaves, which harden and form a column; it can only grow upwards, but not in width, and this process is quite long (1 m grows in 10 years);
  • the roots at the base form a bulb, from which small roots extend;
  • nutritious juices circulate only in the center of the "trunk", due to which palm trees are considered refractory;
  • due to the ability to re-sprout leaves from its own trunk, this plant is called the "phoenix tree".

Among palm trees there are mono- and dioecious plants, in the second option there are male plants that pollinate females, respectively, fruits are only on the latter. In nature, pollination occurs with the help of wind, and in cultural plantings, people do it manually. Fruit ripening lasts about 200 days.

palm tree fruits

Palm is one of the most useful plants for a person, because many of its varieties give very tasty and even medicinal fruits: dates, coconuts, etc. They make flour, butter, alcoholic drinks, also in industrial scale fibers are made from which bags and other textile products are made.

The most useful fruits for humans that grow on a palm tree are dates and coconuts.

A date is a cylindrical berry with a thin peel, its average weight is 7 g, of which 2 g falls on the bone. The sugar content in it reaches 70%, calorie content - 30 kcal / piece. 10 dates per day provide the daily requirement of the human body for magnesium, sulfur, copper, iron and a quarter of calcium.

From coconut many tasty and useful components are extracted:

  • juice or water - a clear liquid, the endosperm of a coconut, contained inside the fruit, as it ripens, it mixes with oil and hardens;
  • coconut milk - obtained after squeezing grated copra, it is white and quite fatty, after adding sugar it is very tasty;
  • oil - extracted from coconut copra, is valuable product, due to the high content of fatty acids, is used in cosmetics and treatment.

Coconut palm

It is not for nothing that this plant is called the “tree of life” in the tropics, because the locals use almost all of its parts for food and the manufacture of various products, leaves and wood are used in construction.

However, for unlucky people, this palm tree can become a “tree of death”, because according to statistics, 150 people die every year from hitting such nuts on the head. The weight of an average coconut is about 1-3 kg, so even if it falls on the roof of a car, it leaves a dent, and it is deadly for the head.

Coconut palm fruits grow in groups of 15-20 pieces. and mature in 8-10 months. Fruiting in trees lasts up to 50 years, during this period each palm tree brings 60-120 nuts annually.

Outside, the coconut is covered with a hard shell, inside there is pulp and liquid, which becomes sweet as the fruit ripens. You can clean it with a knife or machete.

Date palm

Date palms have been cultivated in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) since the 4th century BC. e. The tree bears fruit for 60-80 years, and can live up to 150.

There are legends about the benefits and calorie content of date palm fruits. So, the Arabs believe that every warrior can live in the desert for 3 days, eating 1 date, eating first the pulp, then the skin, on the 3rd day - the crushed bone. Regular use these fruits in food reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, slows down the aging process.

One of the resorts of Elche in Spain is famous for its park of date palms (since 2000 the park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List), of which about 300 thousand are planted here, and dates are harvested regularly.

roystone palm

royal palm ( Roystonea) - has a chic look corresponding to the name, standing out from its surroundings and landscape. The height of the tree can reach 40 m, the trunk is smooth gray color, at its top is a crown of huge feathery leaves up to 8 m long, 2 m wide. The plant is monoecious: male and female flowers are located on the same tree below the crown.

Roystone has 17 species, distributed in the southern states of the United States, in Central and South America, in the West Indies. The most popular species is the Cuban palm ( Roystonea regia) and the royal vegetable palm, from which the edible juicy apical buds are harvested, called "palm cabbage".

Roystones are planted as a decorative ornament along the boulevards and avenues in the cities of the tropical region, along the edge of the beaches, they are often used for decoration in landscape design.

Everything that grows on the Roystone palm is successfully used by man: the trunks are used in construction, the leaves and fibers are used to make roofing and wickerwork, the fruits are eaten with pleasure by livestock, and palm oil is produced from seeds.

Bismarckia noble

Rod Bismarck ( Bismarckia nobilis) includes the only species that is also called the Bismarck palm, named after the 1st chancellor of Germany. This drought-resistant tree is distinguished by its original appearance and color, and is widespread on the island of Madagascar.

The petioles grow from a single grey-yellow-brown trunk, which has ringed indentations (45 to 80 cm in diameter at the base). In nature, palm trees grow up to 12-25 m tall. Beautiful silver-blue rounded leaves reach 3 m, dividing into segments at the ends. Petioles are 2-3 m long, protected by spikes and covered with white wax.

The plant is dioecious, flowers grow on dark purple stems, fruits are brown ovoid up to 48 cm in length, inside there is a drupe with one seed. Bismarckia leaves are used to make roofing and wickerwork, and sago with a bitter aftertaste is prepared from the core.

Such a palm tree can be successfully grown at home, it looks spectacular in the interior and is unpretentious in care.

Decorative and indoor palm trees

For lovers of exotic plants, palm trees are great, because growing them at home does not present any difficulties in caring for them. In the countries of the European region and Russia, decorative palm trees take root best in winter gardens and greenhouses, where they can create a suitable microclimate, because the plant is still southern and thermophilic.

The plant propagates by seeds, which can be found in specialized flower shops. The most common species that can be grown in apartments and houses:

  • Date palm, often grown from seed, at home it can grow up to 2 m, forming a lush crown over a shaggy trunk.
  • Dracaena has been used for several 10 years in landscaping houses and apartments, propagated by seeds and cuttings, the leaves have a light or dark green color, less often striped, and can form several trunks.
  • Areca - has a flexible trunk, decorated with meter-long feathery leaves.
  • Trachycarpus is a decorative species of palm trees with an original bottle-shaped trunk and fan leaves, blooms with white and yellow flowers with a pleasant smell, blue-black fruits.
  • Hovea Foster is a popular species, easy to care for, little susceptible to attack by pests and diseases, leaves are dark green, etc.

Palm tree care in an apartment

The most important rule when growing an ornamental palm tree at home is to create high humidity and proper lighting. With dry air in the apartment due to winter heating, the plants must be sprayed frequently and watered with distilled or filtered water: in the summer months - 2-3 times a week, in the winter - daily.

Every year, a young palm tree needs to be replanted, picking up a more spacious pot, older trees less often. Plants and their roots are afraid of drafts, so tubs are not recommended to be placed on a windowsill or floor. Many types of palm trees cannot stand direct sunlight, preferring bright and diffused lighting.

However, at home, all plants only bloom, and the rare fruit that sets never ripens. Thus, it will not be possible to find out what grows on a palm tree, but an exotic green beauty in a tub in the middle of the house will create a cozy tropical corner and a positive emotional atmosphere.

Its trunk tends to rise, and the evergreen crown is like a salute. Traditionally, the beautiful palm tree is the tree of winners, the personification of delight and jubilation. But not only. It symbolizes well-being and longevity, because it bears fruit all life. From what grows on a palm tree, coconuts and dates are the most famous, and the story will begin with them.

Palm trees are fruitful

For the inhabitants of the tropics, a palm tree is about the same as wheat for us. The palm tree will feed where, apart from it, nothing grows. She will drink the juice of her fruits, and excellent dishes will come out of their shell. In some regions, a person can live only thanks to these noble plants.

Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera)

This palm abounds in the tropics, especially the sea coasts. Its fruits, coconuts, are protected by a thick rough peel, and their weight can reach 2.5 kg. Coconut milk contains many vitamins, well compensates for the lack of moisture in the body. Not everyone will like the pulp, but it is suitable for food. It is quite difficult to get nuts: they grow at the top, it is difficult to knock them down, you have to climb to a thirty-meter height. Crack the nut with a stone on a hard surface. The fruits of the coconut palm are carried by sea currents for thousands of miles; so the plant mastered many Pacific islands. It flaunts on the coat of arms of the Maldives.

Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)

It grows in arid regions, the tropics and subtropics, where it is often the only plant with edible fruits. On plantations, undersized forms are grown, from which it is convenient to harvest. Wild dates are small in size, but cultivars reach 8 cm in length. Tasty and healthy, contain a large set of vitamins and minerals. The length of the date bunch reaches almost a meter. In the layman's opinion, dates are all almost the same, but connoisseurs distinguish more than five hundred varieties.

And that's all - dates ...

The date palm, without exaggeration, stood at the cradle of civilization. In the ruins of the palace of Herod the Great, archaeologists have found a pot of dates that are more than two thousand years old. The scientists ventured to plant a few seeds, one of them sprouted; now the palm tree "named" Methuselah reaches a height of two meters and looks great.

Seychelles palm (Lodoicea maldivica)

The fruits of this palm tree are huge, each weighing 13-18 kg. There can be 70 or more of them on a tree. The diameter of such a giant reaches a meter, and it matures for 6 years. The nut is eaten immature, when it reaches its maximum size, and this happens after about a year. Its pulp is jelly-like, transparent and almost tasteless, but in the Seychelles it is considered a delicacy.

Due to their unusual appearance and size, in the old days such nuts were endowed with magical, mystical properties, they were credited with healing power. Only influential persons could own them, it was forbidden to ordinary people. They paid fabulous money for fruits, some monarchs were ready to give a ship fully loaded with grain and fabrics for one nut.

Peach palm (Guilielma gasipaes)

This palm tree, 18 meters high, has a trunk densely planted with palm-length sharp thorns; large leaves are covered with the same needles. Not every animal will be able to overcome such protection, so the harvest on the palm tree quietly ripens. Oval in shape, about the size of a peach, its fruits form huge clusters, hanging like grapes, and are yellow-orange to red in color. In taste, they resemble chestnuts, with a high content of starch. To obtain hearty meal, the fruits must be boiled in salt water for a long time.

Ginger palm (Hyphaene thebaica)

Not a single palm tree on Earth is capable of branching. Except this one. On its trunk, 10 meters high, there are 3-4 or more branches that end in a lush sultan of leaves. The leaves are fan-shaped, and between them are formed flowers, male or female. Ripe bunches contain 200 or more bright shiny fruits. The Egyptians call this tree the doum palm. The poorest sections of the population feed on the fibrous husk of its fruits and believe that it tastes like dried gingerbread.

Areca palm (Areca catechu L.)

One of the most beautiful palm trees. It grows up to 30 meters and lives up to 100 years. Areca palm is also called betelnut, its seeds are used as the main component of betel gum.

This chewing gum has an anthelmintic, tonic, light narcotic effect and, as the indigenous people assure, is harmless. But doctors consider betel or pan the main cause of cancer of the oral mucosa in the peoples of Thailand, India, Myanmar and other countries in this region. The mouth of a person chewing betel is similar to the mouth of a vampire because the areca nut contains a bright red pigment.

Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer)

The people of Cambodia call this palm tree their national tree. In the first years of life, the tree grows very slowly, but over time it picks up speed and reaches a height of about 30 meters.

The fruits of the plant are slightly reminiscent of coconut, the pulp is eaten in fresh, and palm sugar is made from sweet juice. Juice is also taken from the trunk. In the old days, paper was made from leaves - one sheet was enough for 4 pages. The fibers were removed from the central core of the sheet and put on ropes, and from the dried sharp rods a formidable fence was obtained. Truly a versatile plant!

flower stalks

Most palm trees bloom in the same way, their inflorescences are racemose. The difference mainly lies in the size, flowering time and location of the buds. But there is one palm tree that needs to be told separately, it is simply impossible to ignore it.

Corypha palm (Corypha umbraculifera)

Tallipot palm (the second name of the plant) is the national tree of Sri Lanka, it grows only on the island of Ceylon. It is considered an unsurpassed record holder in terms of the size and bulkiness of the inflorescence, as well as the number of flowers in it.

Tallipot blooms only once in a lifetime. Having lived from 40 to 80 years, she releases a huge plume at the top, containing hundreds of thousands of flowers. A fully bloomed inflorescence reaches a height of 14 meters and a width of 12. The flowers have a smell sour milk and attract great amount bats. These same animals subsequently eat juicy fleshy fruits with pleasure. Coryphe seeds are considered a talisman, beautiful rosaries and bracelets are made from them.

When flowering and fruiting ends, a huge white-trunked palm tree collapses, as if cut down.

And one more tree I would not like to ignore.

Burning palm (Caryota mitis)

Caryota leaves are saturated with oxalic acid, which irritates the skin. It is also called wine for the peculiar taste of the pulp of the fruit. The wine palm leaves have a characteristic shape: they resemble a fish tail. She cannot boast of a height, she grows only up to 3 meters, but the cariota has another feature. It is considered the longest blooming palm tree in the world. She lives only 20 years and blooms at the end of her life, but flowering continues for several years without interruption. When the last fruits ripen, the caryota dies.

Numerous and varied

The palm family (they are also Arecaceae) includes almost three and a half thousand species, and there are 185 genera in it. Here are giant ceroxylon, and creeping rattan, oil and sago palms. On each of them you can find something worthy of attention, whether it be fruits, flowers or even leaves (for raffia, they reach 25 meters in length). And for the fruits of the Nipa palm tree, you will have to ... swim: this plant lives in mangroves, “knee-deep” in water.

The world of palms is unusually rich, and we could pay our attention only to some of them, in our opinion, the most interesting ones.

About palm trees - in one line

  • The smallest palm tree does not grow above 10 cm, the tallest reaches 60 m.
  • Cancer palm thief, in order to split a coconut, climbs up a tree with a nut and throws it down on the stones.
  • In the Nile Valley, there is still a "palm" calendar: the date palm there produces exactly one leaf per month.

This is how dates grow
Doum palm - "bread" of the poor
Betel palm and betel bunch Blooming corypha in all its glory