How to choose a ripe watermelon. Where do bad watermelons come from?

We remember summer not only for the abundance of sun, travel and fresh greenery, but also delicious dessert this season - watermelons. A ripe watermelon with velvety and juicy pulp will come in handy on a hot day, but the main thing is to choose the right one delicious watermelon. For some time, watermelon was considered a useless fruit, but later it was found that this large berry is a real storehouse of fiolic acids, which have a beneficial effect on blood formation and chemical processes in the body. Despite the fact that watermelon consists of 90% of its mass water, it also contains useful material– vitamin C, fiber and iron, etc.

Surely there are many lovers of this delicious berry. However, does each of us know how to choose the right watermelon? Unfortunately, finding absolutely organic fruits, like watermelons, is now very problematic. However, choosing the most “clean” berry, without an excess of nitrates and other things harmful to the body, is not so difficult. There are several secrets on how to choose the right delicious watermelon.

Choose the place and time to buy watermelon carefully. If you want to fully enjoy a delicious watermelon without compromising your own health, then watch where you are going to buy watermelon. It is highly not recommended to buy watermelons near dusty roads, along which cars constantly drive, releasing harmful gases into the air. Although, on the other hand, this is the most common option; buying a watermelon while traveling near the highway is simple and quick. Watermelons in stores do not differ in taste either - as a rule, supermarkets buy them while they are still unripe. The ideal place to buy is a tent next to the field where these watermelons grow. It is better not to buy early watermelons; it is better to enjoy melons no earlier than August.

Pay attention to the color of the watermelon. The “face” of the berry will always tell you how to choose sweet watermelon. Pay attention to the color of the watermelon: it should be contrasting, but not matte. However, it is difficult to choose a watermelon based on this criterion: before selling, watermelons are thoroughly rubbed with a rag, giving it a marketable appearance, and therefore determining the ripeness of a berry only by color is a risky endeavor. A yellow spot is also a must-have attribute of a tasty watermelon. It doesn’t say anything about ripeness, but the size of the spot can tell about the taste of the berry: if the size of the spot varies from 5 to 10 cm, it means you got a quite sweet and juicy fruit.

Determine the ripeness of a watermelon by sound. Many people mistakenly believe that you can choose a good watermelon by its dull sound. In fact, when tapped, a proper watermelon should make a ringing sound, which indicates the porosity of the pulp, and, consequently, the ripeness of the berry. It is difficult to convey in words the sound made by a ripe watermelon, but with a little practice you can easily determine the correct sound. Also, when slightly squeezed, the watermelon should crack slightly, which will also notify you of its ripeness and juiciness.

The absence of a stalk is a bad sign! Another way to choose ripe watermelon- this is to carefully examine the stalk or the so-called “tail” of the fruit. It should be moderately dry and yellow: a too dry stalk indicates that the watermelon has undergone long-term transportation and storage, which is unlikely to benefit its taste. It is better not to buy a watermelon without a “tail”: most likely, it was deliberately torn off to hide the poor quality of the fruit.

A ripe and juicy watermelon never sinks in water. In addition, when cut, the berry will diverge, cracking slightly under the knife blade. The seeds of a ripe watermelon are dark brown or even black in color. White seeds are a sign of an unripe fruit or high content nitrates in berries.

Knowing the secrets of how to choose a good watermelon, you can have no doubt about the ripeness of the purchased fruit; when you cut it, you will feel the sweet aroma and immediately understand that you have made the right choice.

Text: Anastasia Builova

Choosing a sweet watermelon is not at all difficult; for this you need to remember some rules.

How to tell if a watermelon is ripe?

Let's find out how to choose the right watermelon. Don't buy them ahead of schedule. A watermelon is ripe and sweet when it ripens on time. This time is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Early fruits are always the result of nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants. Since the demand for this fruit is huge, producers feed them with chemicals in order to quickly get a rich harvest. If you value your health, think about this. The choice is always yours.

Let's figure out how to make the right choice. The collected fruits should be sold on store shelves or in a specially designated place where there is an awning and flooring. It is advisable that they are not on the ground. The fact is that this fruit is a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microorganisms. And since cracks can form in the crust, bacteria can penetrate into the pulp and pose a major health threat.

It is for this reason that never buy them on the roadway or in other dubious places. There is probably no point in talking about cut watermelons, since such a tasty morsel is simply teeming with microbes. No certificate will help here.

A good and healthy fruit should not have cracks, dents or other damage through which various bacteria can penetrate. A ripe watermelon has a uniform color and a spherical shape. A strong rind that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail and a bright color are a sure sign of ripeness. The smell of the crust of an unripe fruit is vaguely reminiscent of the smell of hay.

The right choice is that the watermelon should be dry. It's very simple: when it matures and stops receiving moisture from the ground, the tail becomes dry. If you see a green tail on the fruit, then you know that it is not yet ripe. Over time, such a tail turns yellow. If it is ripe, then its tail breaks, otherwise it will be lethargic. If its tail is cut off, it is better not to buy such a berry.

Large yellow spots are a sign that they were collected from the garden ahead of schedule. But small light spots appear on the ripe fruit. They appear after chlorophyll production stops. The largest spot should be within 10 cm.

Let's figure out how to choose sweet fruit by its size. Large fruits are mainly the result of fertilizer use. They most often contain large amounts of nitrates. And small ones may be unripe, although very sweet fruits are sometimes found among them. Therefore, we choose the medium size.

How to choose a watermelon by sound?

To determine the ripeness of a fruit, you need to knock on it with your fist. You will hear a characteristic sound. Why knock on the watermelon? This is probably the most common way to determine maturity. If you hear a ringing sound, this is a good sign, it means the fruit is fresh and ripe, but if the sound is dull, then it is better not to buy it. You can squeeze it with your hands and listen, if the watermelon crackles, then feel free to take it.

There are boys and girls watermelons. Oddly enough, watermelons also have gender. A girl can be recognized by her flat bottom, while watermelons with a convex bottom are considered boys. The girl is distinguished by a large brown circle at the bottom, while the male half has a small one.

Watermelon girl is usually always very sweet and tasty. If you're not a fan large quantity seeds, then your choice is a watermelon girl.

You can ask the seller about the origin of the fruit, where it came from, and then draw your own conclusions.

How to expose nitrates? After you have chosen the right watermelon in your opinion, take a closer look at what it is like from the inside. Unnaturally bright pulp with a purple tint should raise doubts. Smooth and glossy flesh refers to watermelons grown unnaturally. And remember, nitrates accumulate closer to the crust, so for safety reasons, it is better to always give children the middle.

Is watermelon a fruit or a berry? Most likely, a large berry that loves warmth and a lot of sun. Watermelon, like melon, is classified as a heat-loving crop of the Pumpkin family, growing in direct sunlight. There has been a lot of debate about what a watermelon is: a fruit, a vegetable or a berry. According to their own taste qualities it looks more like a fruit, but since fruit grows on a tree, and a watermelon spreads on the ground, they decided to classify it as a berry.

TO beneficial properties Watermelon can be attributed to its ability to alkalize the body. You can calmly arrange with him fasting days, which are tolerated by the body very easily, due to their high fiber content. It extinguishes the feeling of hunger. The fruit has a pronounced diuretic property, which means that it cleanses the entire urinary system. It perfectly quenches thirst. It contains:

  • ascorbic and folic acid;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • pectin.

If you are a watermelon lover, then you just have to learn how to choose it correctly. The tips listed above will definitely be useful to you.

The alluring word bazaar, with many-sided associations and a special microclimate, and the strict word supermarket, implying procedural order and thoughtful display of goods. Wherever we go shopping, we need to master the ability to choose among the many offers, and today we will tell you how to choose a watermelon. To provide a comprehensive answer to the question, we will describe all the nuances in the article, which will allow you to find a good product, singling it out from the crowd based on its indicative characteristics.

It's no wonder how much watermelon is loved around the world. Americans did not regret choosing the warmest month of the year for watermelon festivals. Among the Slavs, ripe watermelon decorates August and September.

Sweet and juicy watermelon fits perfectly into non-traditional food systems. Vegetarians and raw foodists have long chosen it as a tasty component for light salads and desserts. Previously, we were already lucky enough to plunge into creative cooking and select for you all the best

Moreover! Among many peoples of the world, among the advice of healers, we find therapeutic procedures with watermelon. The most famous of them:

And every time, at least our mood and well-being during the meal, or even health after eating, or a watermelon cleansing diet, depend on the quality of the watermelon - on its sweetness, juiciness and safety of the composition.

How to choose a good watermelon by appearance? – the burning question of the season. In answering this question, systematizing knowledge and refuting myths will provide us with some valuable universal advice.

We proceed to the description, armed with two desirable characteristics - sweet ripe watermelon + without excess nitrates.

How to choose a ripe watermelon: instructions

There are many signs that most often circulate in popular rumor as signs of a ripe sweet watermelon: a yellow spot on the side, a dull sound when tapped, a dry tail, not too large in size.

Let's look at the listed and less popular signs in order.

Yellow spot on the side

This is clear evidence that the watermelon is ripe. Its size should be between 5-10 cm in diameter. The spot may even have an orange tint!

But the white spot, on the contrary, reflects the immaturity of the watermelon. A spot that is too large indicates long aging in insufficiently warm conditions. This makes the watermelon less sweet and underripe. Therefore, a spot larger than the palm of your hand should definitely alert you.

Conveniently, this symptom is the same for all varieties, as it occurs due to the contact of the watermelon with the soil in the garden bed.

Contrast of stripes on the peel

For striped varieties, regardless of color intensity, it is the bright contrast of the stripes that indicates that we have a good ripe watermelon.

Hardness of ripe watermelon rind

When the berry is fully ripe, it is almost impossible to pierce it with a fingernail.

If you have already come across an UNRIPPE WATERMELON, do not try to put it aside for ripening. This is impossible under any circumstances. It is better to use unripe watermelon in cooking - in recipes for salted and pickled preparations. Unless, of course, this not-so-successful purchase shows signs of excess nitrates.

Smooth and shiny skin

This is usually a sign of ripe watermelon. However, do not forget about the tricks of traders who constantly grate watermelons. Therefore, choose a fruit from the depths of the display.

Dull sound when tapping

Alas, this sign is not a universal indication of how to choose a ripe watermelon.

Because such a sound is also formed when overripe watermelons are tapped. And eating an overripe watermelon can cause serious damage to health due to the souring of the red pulp.


Even unnoticeable souring of the pulp is an excess of pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances. Therefore, IMMEDIATELY SMELL the cut! When cut, a fresh, ripe watermelon should smell like freshly cut grass.

The second sign of an overripe watermelon is a matte, oily rind. Even on the counter, this noticeably distinguishes it from good ripe watermelons, whose skin is smooth and shiny.

Dry ponytail

It’s a shame, but this popular sign among the people only indicates that the watermelon was picked more than 3 days ago.

Not too big size

Again, not a perfect guide on how to choose a ripe watermelon.

Although the people’s idea seems logical: large size can serve as a sign of nitrate feeding. However, there are varieties of watermelons that ripen to a large size on their own and normally weigh up to 17 kg!

Crimson Gloria

For example, a watermelon of the Crimson Gloria variety, the average weight of which should range from 10 to 17 kg. This variety was created in Crimea specifically in order to transport it over long distances.

Now it is often planted on the mainland South of Russia (for example, in the Volgograd region). It is distinguished by well-defined light stripes, a slightly oblong shape, a noticeably thick peel and a not bright red color of the pulp.

Kherson watermelon

But the Kherson watermelon cannot weigh more than 10 kg! When choosing the most beloved variety of watermelon in Ukraine, you can safely arm yourself with a folk sign. A weight of more than 10 kg for a Kherson watermelon is a sure sign of excess nitrates.

You can distinguish Khersonsky from Crimson Gloria by the peel. The Kherson watermelon has a rind that is darker in color and relatively thin.

Varieties Skorik and Photon

Since we are talking about varieties, we will focus on the two most popular early ripening varieties - Skorik and Photon. The first has a dark green uniform color, and the second has a noticeably light striped skin. Their maximum weight is 7 kg.

If you want to enjoy watermelon in mid-July, you can also rely on folk sign about low weight. Otherwise, you will end up in your hands with a specimen overfed with nitrates. At the same time, remember that watermelon of any early-ripening variety will not be as sweet and juicy as its long-ripening relative at the end of summer.

Hybrid Chill

Finally, let us draw your attention to the interesting variety Kholodok, which was created with an eye to long-term storage. Hybrid Kholodok is a long-ripening variety that ripens only by the end of August.

The main task of its selection was solved with a bang! Its maximum shelf life, even in an apartment, is until the New Year! To do this, you just need to hang it in a net in a dry, dark place (a ventilated closet on the balcony, a well-appointed cellar, basement or shed).

Find out the date of collection of the batch from the documents

This date must be clearly and legibly indicated in the seller's documents. The shelf life of most varieties does not exceed 3 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the watermelon turns sour (unnoticeably to the taste buds!).

If the watermelon has not turned sour in 2-3 weeks, then it has probably been treated with slaked lime, alabaster or paraffin. Just imagine how many harmful substances penetrate through the peel into the pulp of such storage champions!

IMPORTANT! Whatever watermelon you choose, remember that before using it you should WASH IT THOROUGHLY - WARM WATER+ BRUSH!

When choosing where to buy food, you should use a sober mind to weigh the benefits and threats and choose a good ripe watermelon.

Of course, it’s so convenient to buy the gifts of summer nearby - at a spontaneous market next to the intersection. However, if you are a fan of market trading, then it is much wiser to choose watermelons at a reputable market with properly organized sales points.

Invulnerability to dirt from the outside is a deceptive illusion that arises when we look at a thick-skinned watermelon. In fact, WATERMELON IS LIKE A SPONGE!

Everything penetrates into it through the damaged peel! This happens especially quickly when making cuts and punctures with a knife. Dirt, bacteria, heavy metals and environmental toxins. The longer such a watermelon is not sold, the more dangerous it is for an inattentive buyer.

This is why the media highlight cases of unfortunate poisonings and intestinal infections every year. But many less severe cases remain behind the scenes!

In order not to join the number of unlucky ones, let's remember the signs of a bona fide retail outlet where you can choose the right ripe watermelon:

  • Specially designated sales area (watermelons and melons);
  • Always under a canopy to protect from sun and rain;
  • Strictly away from the roadway;
  • 20 cm is the minimum height to which the storage tray should be raised above the ground;
  • Availability of a surveillance service certificate for each purchased batch.

The supermarket is the most understandable place to purchase food for many “children of asphalt” who grew up in the city during the era of active development of store trade.

There are several stable reasons in favor of choosing watermelon in the store:

  • Watermelons are constantly stored under a roof;
  • Watermelons are kept away from the roadway;
  • Storage trays are at the right height to protect against scratches, damage and the penetration of harmful substances;
  • Watermelons are purchased in bulk from large, trusted suppliers.

However, there are also some disadvantages. The general impression of neatness from shopping in a supermarket often pushes us to choose not a whole watermelon, but a slice or half, which are neatly covered with cling film.

Our advice: stop buying cut watermelon once and for all!

  • Unknown reason for dividing a whole watermelon;
  • Dirt with bacteria, actively penetrating from the watermelon peel;
  • Insufficient hygiene of hands and tools during cutting;
  • Covering the cut with film, which creates a greenhouse effect for accelerated growth of bacteria.

All this should discourage you from choosing a cut watermelon, even if you like the look of its juicy flesh. It is better to choose a good, smaller watermelon, perhaps of a different variety, but in no case should you choose halves of large fruits.

Otherwise the signs the right choice ripe sweet watermelon in the store are the same as in the market.

Despite the abundance of new varieties and hybrids, most Russians will call the Astrakhan variety of watermelons, bred back in the 70s of the 20th century, the classic and most popular.

It is distinguished by an advantageous property for trade - resistance during storage and transportation. By the end of August, the shelves are filled with the sweetest and largest Astrakhan watermelons. And here the question arises of how to choose an Astrakhan watermelon, and what are the external signs of the popular variety.

Average portrait of a delicious Astrakhan watermelon:

  • Shape – round or slightly oblong;
  • Surface – smooth;
  • Peel color – green;
  • Pattern – spiky dark green stripes;
  • The color of the pulp is bright red;
  • The taste of the pulp is very sweet and juicy;
  • The average weight of a watermelon is 8-10 kg.

Below are a few photos of ripe Astrakhan fruits to help you choose a sweet watermelon:

How to choose the right watermelon without nitrates

Maximum permissible concentration of nitrates in watermelon: 60 mg per 1 kg of berries.

We pay attention to the following signs of excess nitrates:

  • ROUGH YELLOW FIBERS IN THE PULP that go through the pulp to the peel are a reliable sign of excess nitrates.
  • UNEVEN COLOR OF THE PULP (sometimes lighter, sometimes darker, especially as the color intensity increases from the peel to the center) is another sign of excess nitrates.

  • CRACKS IN THE PULP ON THE HALF CUT: When there are cracks in the red flesh on the middle cut, then most likely there are a lot of nitrates in the berry. They were added to speed up ripening; as a result, the watermelon began to grow sharply and violently, causing the flesh to crack.
  • TOO SMOOTH FLESH can be both a sign of nitrates and a clear indication of a lack of sufficient sweetness. Sweet sugar watermelon has red flesh with a noticeable structure - pronounced sugar grains and “sugar islands” on the cut.

  • MULTI-COLORED SEEDS, when one watermelon has completely dark and light seeds.


If you bought a watermelon, but doubts overcome you, you can use the test with plain water. Crush a tablespoon of watermelon pulp with a fork in a glass of water (about 150 ml).

  1. If after some time the water becomes slightly cloudy, you have a watermelon without excess nitrates.
  2. If the water turns red, don’t risk eating your purchase! There are too many nitrates in the pulp.

It is especially advisable to carry out the test when serving watermelon to children or at a crowded feast, when the risk of poisoning affects many people, including the most vulnerable.


You can be safe from nitrates by selecting special pieces of pulp. Nitrates in watermelon are distributed unevenly - closer to the rind and to the stalk. In a situation you don’t understand, if you still want to feed your children watermelon, give them only the pulp cut out from the middle.

A feature of folk speech is the ability of people to briefly describe a complex concept with an easily recognizable symbol. Thus, the pedestrian crossing became a “zebra”, and connectors for electronic devices acquired the names “male” and “female”.

People's linguistic ingenuity has not spared watermelons either. The same market traders sometimes offer us to buy a “girl”, claiming that girl watermelons are sweeter and have an order of magnitude fewer seeds.

How to choose a ripe “girl” watermelon? A “boy” differs from a “girl” in two ways:

  • Relief of the butt.
  • The depth of attachment of the tip or the speck that remains from the tip when it is torn off.

“Boys” have a raised butt, the tip is recessed inward, and the spot is pulled together into a small point. The “girl” has a flatter butt and a larger spot.

In the photo below you can easily see the difference.



To choose the sweetest watermelon, you should look for a “girl,” although it is believed that there are much fewer of them on the shelves - no more than 20% of the total harvest sold.

At the same time, it should be noted that many breeders and experienced sellers are skeptical about this division of watermelons.

If you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful and practical cut, use the advice of our chef.

When you don’t know how to choose the right watermelon, buying it is like a lottery for you. If you're lucky, enjoy the juicy sweet taste. If you're unlucky, you'll end up in a hospital bed. Remember this by carefully studying the intricacies of choosing watermelons, and protect yourself and your loved ones from dirt, heavy metals and nitrates. And then you will be pleased with not even the sweetest watermelon.

« The caftan itself is scarlet sugar, the caftan is green velvet.” All kids can easily guess this riddle. Juicy, sweet and velvety watermelon pulp Pleasantly refreshing on a hot day, quenches thirst and is a source of vitamin C, iron, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, pectin and fiber. However, how many times have we brought home a big beautiful watermelon, gathered at the table with the whole family, cut it and... were disappointed. Instead of scarlet pulp splashing with juice, something pale pink and completely tasteless appeared before our eyes. It’s even more offensive when, after tasting a quite decent-looking watermelon, symptoms of poisoning appear - headache, nausea and vomiting. This reaction is caused by the nitrates contained in watermelons, which appeared during the growing process of the fruit due to the use of large amounts of mineral fertilizers.

How to choose a good ripe watermelon

It's not difficult at all if you know a few simple rules. So, let's learn how to choose the perfect watermelon, aromatic, sugary, melting in your mouth and without nitrates!

Rule 1. Look at the calendar.

The most delicious ones ripen in season, that is, from the second half of August to the end of September. Early watermelons are rich in nitrates, since some producers, in an effort to harvest the crop faster, feed melons with nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants. If you want to enjoy watermelon without any health consequences, be patient!

Rule 2. Meeting place can not be Changed.

It is very important where you buy your watermelon. Melons should be sold either in a store or in sales tents with awnings, on special floorings located at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground. The fact is that delicate watermelon pulp is a suitable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms that get inside through invisible cracks along with dust and dirt. All melons instantly absorb hazardous substances from the environment, so never buy them near highways, because car exhaust contains harmful substances and heavy metals. For the same reason, do not take cut watermelons, which are literally teeming with germs. In this case, even certificates will not help - an initially flawless watermelon can be very dangerous to health.

Rule 3. They greet you by their clothes.

Carefully inspect and touch the watermelon from all sides - the watermelon rind should not have even small cracks, dents, soft spots, scratches or other damage through which bacteria and microbes can easily penetrate. It’s good if the watermelon has a spherical or slightly elongated shape, a uniform and even color - this is a huge plus for the watermelon image. Bright and contrasting stripes are a sure sign of the ripeness of a watermelon, as is the shiny “wooden” rind, which cannot be pierced with a fingernail, but is easy to scratch. Rub your finger over the watermelon rind - the unripe fruit will smell like fresh hay.

Rule 4. It's all in the ponytail.

The watermelon tail must be dry - when the watermelon ripens, it stops taking moisture from the ground and dries out. If the tail is green, it means that the watermelon was picked before it is fully ripe, although the green tail of unripe fruits that were collected long ago turns yellow over time. There is an important difference between a ripe and unripe tail - a ripe watermelon has a tail that is fragile and breaks easily, while an unripe fruit has a more flaccid tail. If the tail is cut off, avoid such watermelons - most likely, the sellers decided to disguise the poor quality of the crop.

Rule 5. Those mysterious yellow spots.

Since it lies on one side for a long time, a light spot of a rich yellow or orange hue forms at the point of contact with the ground - it is called a “cheek”. A surface that is too light, large or unevenly colored should alert you, as this is a sure sign that the watermelon was not on the melon patch. The optimal size of the “cheek” is 5–10 cm. There is another sign of ripeness - small light spots appearing on the entire surface watermelon rind after chlorophyll production ceases.

Rule 6. Big or small?

The correct answer is average. Large watermelons, despite their tempting appearance, are often grown with nitrates, and small fruits are often unsweetened. Sometimes there are exceptions - small watermelons can be sugary and tasty, while large ones can be watery, unsweetened and pale pink.

Rule 7. Voiced and ripe.

Tap the watermelon with your fist - ripened fruits make a clear and ringing sound, while unripe watermelons respond dully. You can put your ear to the watermelon, like a sea shell, and squeeze it slightly - a ripe watermelon will crackle slightly.

Rule 8. Girl or boy?

It turns out that watermelons have gender. In female fruits the lower part is completely flat, with a large brown circle, while in male fruits it is convex and with a very small circle. Know that the sweetest and tastiest are “girls”, and they also contain much less seeds.

Rule 9. Watermelon “passport”.

If you have found the best watermelon and are ready to buy it, ask the seller for a quality certificate, which can be considered a kind of watermelon “passport”. The certificate must indicate the following data: the “homeland” of the watermelon, its age, that is, the timing of harvest, nitrate content and other characteristics, on the basis of which you can make a final conclusion whether or not the watermelon will be on your table. If the seller shows you a photocopy of the certificate, take a closer look at the seal - it must certainly be in color, not black and white. If you suspect false documents, do not take risks - your health is more valuable.

Rule 10."Unmasking" nitrates.

Finally, you bought the “right” watermelon, brought it home and cut it. Do not rush to taste, first make sure that the fruit is not nitrate. The following points should alert you - incredibly bright watermelon pulp with a lilac tint, yellow fibers in the pulp and a smooth gloss on the cut of the watermelon instead of a grainy surface. Remember that nitrates are concentrated closer to the crust, so always leave the juicy core for kids - it is the most delicious.

Enjoy the aromatic and sweet pulp, prepare juices from it and summer desserts which children love very much. You can also arrange watermelon fasting days and lose weight in a tasty, easy and healthy way. We wish you a pleasant watermelon season and a juicy fruity mood!

Juicy, sweet and tasty watermelon is exactly what anyone who wants to refresh needs. It is not only tasty, but also contains many vitamins. But it often happens that, having bought a large and beautiful watermelon, you take it home, cut it, and there is pale pink, tasteless pulp. And if you are also “lucky”, you will come across a fruit pumped with chemicals, which can lead to food poisoning. Today we will learn how to choose the watermelon of your dreams: aromatic, sugary and very, very tasty.

We buy in season

The most delicious fruits They ripen in season - and this is August-September. We do not recommend taking it earlier; such watermelons may contain nitrates, since unscrupulous melon growers, wanting to get the harvest faster, pump it with all sorts of fertilizers. It’s better not to take risks and wait for ripening.

Choosing the right place to buy

It is important to choose the right place to purchase watermelon. We buy only in a store or in a tent with an awning. Dust and dirt are extremely harmful to such fruits, so we only take them from places that are relatively clean. Never buy near highways - car emissions contain many harmful substances. Avoid cut watermelons - don't forget, they are teeming with germs.

We carry out an inspection

We carefully inspect the future purchase from all sides - there should be no cracks or other damage. Good watermelon– slightly elongated, has bright stripes and shines. Rub it with your finger - if the fruit is not yet ripe, you will notice how it smells like hay.

We take you by the tail

The watermelon tail is dry. A ripe fruit stops gaining moisture and dries out quickly. Pay attention to the color - if it is green, then you should not take it; a yellowish color is preferable. There is one more difference - the tail of a ripe fruit becomes brittle and is easy to tear off. With the immature the situation is the opposite. If the tails are removed, then such a seller should be approached with suspicion; he may be trying to disguise a poor-quality harvest.

Looking at the yellow spots

In a melon patch, the watermelon usually lies on its side on the ground. In the place where he touches it, a bright yellow spot appears. If it is too light or large, the fruit was probably on the melon field too little. The size of such a spot should not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Ripeness is also indicated by small light spots that form on the crust.

Let's take into account the size

We ignore large and small specimens. Large ones are rarely tasty, small ones are also often unsweetened. Perfect option– a medium-sized watermelon, so the chance that it will be tasty is high.

Listening to the sound

The oldest method of testing for maturity. Hit your fist - a ripe fruit sounds loud and clear, while an unripe fruit will respond with a dull and gloomy sound. You can also squeeze it lightly and listen - ripe watermelons crackle a little.

Checking the floor

The fetus may be a girl or a boy. In the former, the lower part is completely flat, in the latter it is more convex. There is an opinion that girls are much tastier, and they also contain fewer seeds.

Identifying chemicals

When you finally make your choice and bring a beautiful purchase home, don’t rush to try it. Rate it when you cut it appearance piece. The presence of chemicals is indicated by the following factors: very bright pulp with a lilac tint, yellow fibers in it and a glossy surface. Do not forget that any fertilizers are concentrated in the crust, so we recommend feeding children with the core. It’s safer this way, and it’s the most delicious thing in watermelon! If in doubt, ask the seller for the relevant documents. Be careful and don't make the wrong choice.