What sound should a sweet watermelon have? How to choose a ripe watermelon - what should not happen

August is the time of long-awaited watermelons. And the most actual question season - how to choose ripe and delicious watermelon? The seller can already assure you in June that he has a super early berry variety. The purchase will indeed turn out to have juicy and bright red pulp, but nitrates and other chemicals clearly helped such a watermelon to ripen. Therefore, it is better not to give in to temptation until the end of the season. Natural melons will be available for sale only in August.

Perhaps, choosing a sweet fruit is a whole science. How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon and choose a berry without nitrates? Let's study it together.

How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon

By appearance

A good watermelon is one that has bright stripes and a shiny rind. Pay attention to external damage to the fetus. If it is cracked or dented, then bacteria may have already penetrated the pulp. This watermelon is dangerous to health. Clothing should be so hard that it is difficult to scratch it with a fingernail. And one more thing: prefer a round watermelon to an oblong one.

According to the size and color of the earthen spot

Look for a watermelon that has a yellow spot on the side - this is where the berry came into contact with the ground. The color should be reddish, yellow or light brown. But a white earthen spot indicates that the watermelon is not ripe. The spot size should ideally be between 5 and 10 cm.

On a dry stalk

The tail of a watermelon is like the umbilical cord of a newborn: through it the fetus receives nutrients. In fact, when the watermelon ripens, it itself should fall off the fruit and dry out. Therefore, the green stalk of a store-bought watermelon should alert you - the fruit is clearly not ripe. The tail of a ripe berry will be brittle, check without leaving the cash register!

By weight

Many people believe that large watermelons are the most delicious. And they are right. The large mass of the watermelon indicates its ripeness. For some varieties, a weight of 10-17 kg is considered the norm. But there is a reasonable limit to everything: the abnormally huge watermelon was most likely grown using artificial feeding. Look for a middle ground.

By sound

Many people know the old-fashioned way - lightly tap the watermelon. This is the main sign of a ripe watermelon. If the sound is loud when tapped, and the watermelon rind springs a little when struck, feel free to buy it! But a dull sound, on the contrary, should alert you - the watermelon is most likely unripe.

How to choose a good quality watermelon

Few calories and a lot useful substances. This is about the watermelon that was grown correctly. In the century modern technologies We buy melon berries with fear - this is because of the chemicals used to create artificially ripe watermelons, and also to get rid of pests on melons. How to calculate excess nitrates? Look at the peel. Black and brown spots over the entire surface indicate the presence of nitrogen salts. Did the fruit look nice? Test it at home after cutting. If the color of the pulp is unevenly red and with purple spots, then the watermelon has an excess of nitrates. This will also be indicated by multi-colored seeds (black and white in one berry) as well as yellow veins from the rind to the pulp.

There is one more secret: the cut pulp of a “correct” watermelon will have grains, like sugar, but a watermelon containing nitrates has unnaturally glossy insides.

To make sure your sweet purchase is safe, try this simple experiment at home: lower the piece watermelon pulp into a glass of water and crush the pulp. Cloudy water indicates the naturalness of the berry; the water has turned red - an indicator of the presence of nitrates. This is the best way to check watermelons.

  1. The most natural watermelons appear on sale only in mid-August.
  2. It is better to buy watermelons in the store. If you go to the market, then avoid the seller whose watermelons are lying right on the ground.
  3. Don't buy watermelons on the highway. Car exhaust fumes do not have the best effect on the safety of the product.
  4. Refuse to buy cut watermelon, even if the half is carefully covered with cling film. Bacteria actively develop under it. It is generally unknown whether the person who cut it observed hygiene.
  5. Press the fruit from above and below: if you hear a crackling sound, then the watermelon is tasty and ripe.

We wish you delicious watermelons and a pleasant summer!

Summer is in full swing! Vegetables and, of course, melons appear on the shelves. If you dream of a striped berry, but are afraid of making a bad choice, be sure to read our recommendations. Then the most delicious and ripe watermelon will definitely be yours!

Let's start with the good news. More than 1,500 tons of melons in the Astrakhan region have ripened naturally. Due to the extreme heat, the harvest began earlier than usual.

So, you've come for a watermelon. First of all, do not rely on the advice and suggestions of sellers, but carefully inspect the product. The best proof of quality is a certificate of product compliance with the standard requirements. Every seller is required to have it on hand. If the document has all the signatures and seals, you can safely buy. However, in practice we know that most traders do not have a certificate or refuse to display it. Then our advice and your attentiveness will come to the rescue.

1) The watermelon rind should not have a matte coating, the striped pattern should be clear and contrasting.

2) The watermelon itself should not lie on the ground or asphalt in the open sun. The ideal place for selling watermelons is a tent well protected from the sun's rays with trays for berries and stationary scales. Watermelons should be located at least 15 cm above the ground.

3) Under no circumstances take berries near the highway! A picked watermelon “breathes,” which means it absorbs road dust and gases.

4) A high-quality fruit should have a yellow spot, which indicates that this is where the watermelon came into contact with the ground and ripened on a melon patch under the sun.

5) Contrary to popular belief, never rely on a dry tail, this means that the watermelon has survived long-term storage.

6) There is no need to ask to cut a watermelon to determine its ripeness. By doing this, you open a corridor for microbes, which multiply rapidly in the heat.

7) Be guided by weight: a ripe watermelon should be heavy, overripe watermelons are usually much lighter.

8) Don't try to buy a giant watermelon that will feed your family and two neighbors' families. Give preference to medium-sized berries; as a rule, they are the ripest.

9) Pay attention to the crust of the striped berry. It should be hard and shiny, because the ripened fruit stops absorbing water and the crust hardens. Pry the rind with your fingernail: if the rind is easy to pierce, then you should not buy a watermelon.

10) Watermelon can be a “girl” or a “boy”. The sex of a minke whale is easy to determine: the “male” berry has a convex bottom opposite the tail and a small circle on it. “Girls,” on the contrary, have a flat bottom and a wide circle on it. It is believed that “girl” watermelons taste better because they contain fewer seeds and more sweetness.

11) When purchasing early watermelon, you should keep in mind that it may contain nitrates. It is almost impossible to check the berries for harmful substances when purchasing them, but at home before eating you can do a little research. Grind a piece of watermelon pulp in water. If the watermelon is of high quality, then the water is simply cloudier. Otherwise, the water will turn red or pink. If you still have suspicions that your watermelon is “wrong”, eat it carefully, not reaching the white border with the crust. This is where it is contained greatest number nitrates Therefore, it is better to feed children with pulp from the middle.

12) And finally, do not neglect the well-known method of checking a watermelon. Tap the berry you like! If the watermelon is ripe early, you will hear a hollow sound. If you buy watermelon at the end of the season, there should be a ringing sound.

13) If you have put all our advice into practice, congratulations. When you bring home a sweet and ripe watermelon, remember the rules for storing it. Before eating, be sure to wash the watermelon with soap and a washcloth to remove dirt and dust from the rind.

14) An untouched watermelon can remain fresh for three months, but a cut berry can be stored for no longer than three days. It is better to store it in a cool, dark place such as a cellar or refrigerator.

15) When you store a half-eaten watermelon, place it cut side down on a plate and wrap it in cling film on top to keep it fresh longer.

Juicy, sweet and tasty watermelon is exactly what anyone who wants to refresh needs. It is not only tasty, but also contains many vitamins. But it often happens that, having bought a large and beautiful watermelon, you take it home, cut it, and there is pale pink, tasteless pulp. And if you are also “lucky”, you will come across a fruit pumped with chemicals, which can lead to food poisoning. Today we will learn how to choose the watermelon of your dreams: aromatic, sugary and very, very tasty.

We buy in season

The most delicious fruits They ripen in season - and this is August-September. We do not recommend taking it earlier; such watermelons may contain nitrates, since unscrupulous melon growers, wanting to get the harvest faster, pump it with all sorts of fertilizers. It’s better not to take risks and wait for ripening.

Choosing the right place to buy

It is important to choose the right place to purchase watermelon. We buy only in a store or in a tent with an awning. Dust and dirt are extremely harmful to such fruits, so we only take them from places that are relatively clean. Never buy near highways - car emissions contain many harmful substances. Avoid cut watermelons - don't forget, they are teeming with germs.

We carry out an inspection

We carefully inspect the future purchase from all sides - there should be no cracks or other damage. A good watermelon is slightly elongated, has bright stripes and shines. Rub it with your finger - if the fruit is not yet ripe, you will notice how it smells like hay.

We take you by the tail

The watermelon tail is dry. A ripe fruit stops gaining moisture and dries out quickly. Pay attention to the color - if it is green, then you should not take it; a yellowish color is preferable. There is one more difference - the tail of a ripe fruit becomes brittle and is easy to tear off. With the immature the situation is the opposite. If the tails are removed, then such a seller should be approached with suspicion; he may be trying to disguise a poor-quality harvest.

Looking at the yellow spots

In a melon patch, the watermelon usually lies on its side on the ground. In the place where he touches it, a bright yellow spot appears. If it is too light or large, the fruit was probably on the melon field too little. The size of such a spot should not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Ripeness is also indicated by small light spots that form on the crust.

Let's take into account the size

We ignore large and small specimens. Large ones are rarely tasty, small ones are also often unsweetened. Perfect option– a medium-sized watermelon, so the chance that it will be tasty is high.

Listening to the sound

The oldest method of testing for maturity. Hit your fist - a ripe fruit sounds loud and clear, while an unripe fruit will respond with a dull and gloomy sound. You can also squeeze it lightly and listen - ripe watermelons crackle a little.

Checking the floor

The fetus may be a girl or a boy. In the former, the lower part is completely flat, in the latter it is more convex. There is an opinion that girls are much tastier, and they also contain fewer seeds.

Identifying chemicals

When you finally make your choice and bring a beautiful purchase home, don’t rush to try it. Rate it when you cut it appearance piece. The presence of chemicals is indicated by the following factors: very bright pulp with a lilac tint, yellow fibers in it and a glossy surface. Do not forget that any fertilizers are concentrated in the crust, so we recommend feeding children with the core. It’s safer this way, and it’s the most delicious thing in watermelon! If in doubt, ask the seller for the relevant documents. Be careful and don't make the wrong choice.

Summer is time fresh fruit and vegetables. However, in a temperate climate, not all gifts of nature have time to ripen and grow, so you have to feast on imported products. In this case, there is a possibility of running into a low-quality product, because unscrupulous sellers go to any lengths to ensure that fruits and vegetables are sold out as quickly as possible. This also applies to watermelons, the sales season of which is limited to several months a year.

What do the varieties of watermelons sold on the markets of the CIS countries look like?

Residents of warm regions, where watermelons are a common melon crop, know very well what a ripe, juicy berry looks like (a watermelon is actually not a fruit or a vegetable, but a berry). But residents of central Russia from the northwestern regions of the CIS may make a mistake when choosing a sweet delicacy. And we are talking not so much about the taste of the product, but about its health benefits. After all, overripe or underripe watermelons are toxic, and it costs almost nothing to get poisoned by them. What varieties are most often sold on the markets of Russia and neighboring countries?

  1. Astrakhan watermelon. This is the most popular and best-selling variety grown in southern Russia. It appears on shelves at the end of August and is easily distinguished by its dark green stripes on a light green background. The Astrakhan variety is the most transportable, it is stored for a long time and does not rot from the inside. Therefore, such watermelons can be seen in incredibly large sizes. Their shape is round, slightly elongated downwards. The pulp has a bright scarlet color, there are not very many seeds. Watermelon is juicy and aromatic. Ripeness is determined by the contrast in color of the stripes closer to the tail: the more ripe the watermelon, the greater the contrast.
  2. Melitopol watermelon. Ripeness is determined in the same way as for the Astrakhan variety. It is grown in southern Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. Can be stored for a long time, up to 4 months. It has a peel approximately 1.5 cm thick. The pulp is dense and juicy.
  3. Raspberry sugar (Crimson Sweet). Externally, watermelon is similar to Astrakhan, but the skin has a glossy rather than matte sheen. This is due to the fact that the variety belongs to the category of early ripening, and it appears on the shelves already in mid-summer. In weight and size it is inferior to its Astrakhan counterpart, however taste qualities he's no worse. If the market claims that at the beginning of July you have an Astrakhan watermelon, it will most likely be the Crimson Sweet variety. It will not withstand long-term transportation and long storage. But it is one of the first to appear on the tables.
  4. Madeira. This is a watermelon of American-Dutch selection. It has a round shape and low weight. It's quite possible to buy whole watermelon weighing 2-3 kg. The variety is early ripening, so its skin is not thick; the pattern is characterized by dark green stripes on a yellowish-light green background.
  5. Skorik. It is classified as an early variety. It is distinguished by its round shape, like a volleyball, and its deep green color, on which dark, broken stripes can be seen. The taste of watermelon is unusually delicate, not cloying, the seeds are few and small. The variety is grown in southern Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.
  6. Charleston Gray. This foreign breeder has an unusual elongated shape, and in appearance resembles a zucchini. There are no stripes on the skin, the color is uniform, light green. Charleston Gray is grown in Ukraine and appears on Russian shelves at the end of August. The pulp is bright, red, the taste is sweet, subtle, not cloying. Watermelon is good because it lasts longer than other varieties in the refrigerator when cut, without losing its consumer qualities.
  7. Chill. This amazing variety can be seen in supermarkets even under New Year. It can be stored for up to 5 months after cutting. It is easy to distinguish by its coloring features. The skin of the watermelon is thick, painted with a “cheetah” pattern. The stripes are not the same as those of the Astrakhan watermelon. Rather, these are light green spots on a dark background. The flesh is not red, but pink. The variety is grown in Ukraine and Moldova.
  8. Light. The variety is distinguished by a uniform dark green color without stripes or spots. The skin of the watermelon is thin, the flesh is tender and juicy. The size of watermelon is small; on average, the fruit reaches a size of 1.5-2 kg.

The further the region is from the watermelon growing area, the greater the chance that nitrate watermelons will be sold in the markets. To extend the shelf life of the product and its appearance, suppliers stock unripe berries, picking them at the stage of milk ripeness. As a result, the watermelon has a beautiful appearance with all the signs of ripeness. But this is achieved by far from the most noble methods. By injection, nitrates are injected into the watermelon pulp to speed up the ripening process. How to determine whether the watermelon in front of you is naturally ripened or stuffed with chemicals?

  1. Tap the watermelon with your knuckles. If you hear a dull sound, like tapping a deflated ball, you have a nitrate fruit.
  2. When cutting a watermelon, a naturally ripened specimen will crackle, but one stuffed with chemicals will cut silently.
  3. The clearer and more contrasting the stripes on a watermelon, the greater the chance that it has ripened on its own.
  4. Natural watermelon has dense, light red, bright flesh. A light pink and translucent tint indicates that the product contains chemicals.
  5. A good watermelon will have a yellow earthen spot on which it lay, ripening in the sun. Nitrate fruit does not have such a stain.
  6. Clearly defined whitish veins indicate artificial ripening of the watermelon.
  7. Place a piece of watermelon in a glass of water. If the water doesn't turn pink, that's good. A change in the color of the water indicates the presence of nitrates in the watermelon.

  1. The areola of the soil spot of a ripe watermelon should not be large. If the spot occupies a large area and has a bright white-yellow tint, this indicates that the fruit was cut prematurely.
  2. Most nitrates are located near the rind, so the presence of pale pink flesh under the rind indicates the presence of nitrates.
  3. Given the same size of watermelon, the ripe fruit weighs more than the unripe one.
  4. Buying cut watermelons is prohibited. If you see a piece of watermelon wrapped in cling film, don't be tempted to buy. It’s better to agree with your neighbors that you will buy a watermelon and split it in half at home.
  5. When food poisoning After tasting the watermelon, tell the seller about it.
  6. Children under 3 years old should be given watermelon in small quantities and only after you are convinced of its quality. If a watermelon contains nitrates, an adult may not notice, but for a child everything can turn out very badly.

Conclusions: when choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the following:

  • stripe contrast
  • glossy shine of the peel
  • no stains or blemishes
  • ringing when you tap your knuckles
  • dimensions of the soil spot

Video: how to choose a watermelon

Your health depends on how well you choose the watermelon. And since the sunny berry season will soon be in full swing, in today’s article we will look at this issue in detail.

After all, we all want to enjoy ripe, sweet and amazingly tasty watermelon without fear for our health. And each of us wants to eat only environmentally friendly fruit, without nitrates and pesticides. Well, this is quite possible if you take a responsible approach to choosing southern berries.

All members of my family love to eat juicy watermelon. At the same time, we always try to get the maximum benefit from it and preferably without harm to health. This is especially important for those who, like ours, have small children growing up in their families. After all, in order to give a baby (especially under the age of three) sunberries, you need to be confident in its quality and safety.

Juicy and ripe southern berries have a number of characteristic features:

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates?

Nitrates are dangerous, primarily because they tend to accumulate not only in fruit crops, but also in the human body. Worse, when they accumulate in large quantities, oxygen starvation, poisoning, and even death can occur. Therefore, it is very important to choose ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates, which unscrupulous producers like to use, especially when growing early fruits.

The easiest way to check sunberries for the presence of nitrates is to purchase a special device, the compact size of which will allow you to carry it with you always. If you don’t have a nitrate meter, then as soon as you get home, put the watermelon in a bowl of water: the ripe and sweet fruit will not drown. If the berry drowns, return it to the seller immediately!

Watermelon grown by reputable producers will have a grainy, moderately reddish color when cut. Most of the seeds will be dark, not white.

If the flesh of the berry is bright pink or even purple, and the seeds are predominantly white, be careful: this is a watermelon stuffed with big amount nitrates Remember the main thing: if the fruit raises doubts about its quality, it is better to refuse the purchase and choose another one!

Choosing a sweet, ripe and good watermelon based on sound and appearance

First, pay close attention to its peel. It should be hard to the touch, and there should be no chips, cracks or damage. The rind of a good berry is not matte, shines in the sun, but does not have a waxy coating.

The sweet and ripe fruit has a yellowish spot on the peel, which is formed from lying on the ground. At the same time, the striped pattern itself is clear, bright and not blurry. Please note: the more saturated green color has a rind, the more likely the watermelon is of excellent quality!

In addition, be sure to look for black spots or puncture marks on the peel. The fact is that to give watermelon a marketable appearance, some sellers use saltpeter injections.

To determine by sound whether a berry is ripe, you need to place it on one hand and gently tap with the other. If the fruit makes a dull sound, which at the same time radiates into the hand on which the watermelon is located, then feel free to buy it!

Tips for choosing a good and ripe watermelon when buying at the market

Bazaars and markets are full of unscrupulous sellers who strive to sell you low-quality fruit at a high price. Examine and “listen” to the berry as described in this article, and you will already save yourself from purchasing a low-quality product.

Trying watermelon when buying it at the market, as our mothers and grandmothers did, is absolutely not worth it. The fact is that a knife unwashed during the day, which is used to cut the fruit “to try”, and the heat are good sources, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

If you don't have a nitrate meter, I advise you to take a bottle of water and a few glasses with you to the market. These simple and handy tools will allow you to determine the presence or absence of nitrate in the selected watermelon.

So, ask the seller to cut you a piece of pulp from a “test” watermelon. Pour half a glass of water and dip the fruit in it. If the water becomes only slightly cloudy after 2-3 minutes, then you can take this watermelon. If the water becomes colored, go to another seller, because this berry is full of nitrates!

Of course, with this approach, you can spend a lot of time choosing one watermelon, but it’s worth it, because you don’t want poisoning and other health problems from eating low-quality berries, right?

Video about how to choose a ripe, sweet and tasty watermelon in a store

When choosing a southern berry in a store, first ask where it came from. Ask to see the quality certificate for the watermelon being sold, since legal retail outlets must certainly have one. If it is not there, I do not advise you to risk your health by making a purchase in such a store.

In supermarkets, sunny berries must be selected as carefully as in markets. At the same time, do not forget to keep the purchase receipt so that you can return the low-quality fruit or make a claim to the seller in case of watermelon poisoning.

To make the process of choosing a juicy berry more clear to you, I found an excellent video for you. Be sure to watch it - there the expert explains in detail and shows all the nuances of checking a watermelon for quality and ripeness.

Life hacks from experts on choosing a good watermelon

Watermelon experts have their own tricks for choosing a good berry. First of all, they advise paying attention to the stain on the peel. If it has a diameter of 5-7 cm and a yellow or light orange color, then the fruit is ripe and tasty. If the mark is white, the berry is not quite ripe.

A ripe watermelon should have a hard rind that is almost impossible to pierce with a fingernail. If you manage to pierce the berry with the slightest pressure, it means that they want to sell you an unripe fruit.

When you turn it in your hands, it should feel firm to the touch on all sides. When choosing a watermelon, choose the “girl” one, as it is sweeter. The fact is that the southern berry has two sexes. How can one find a female fruit among its fruits? Pay attention to the bottom (where there is no tail) of the watermelon - it should be flatter than that of the “boys”.

When buying sunberries, pay close attention to the place of sale. It is very important that the retail outlet is equipped with a canopy and special pallets with a height of at least 0.2 meters for storing fruits.

Choosing a ripe watermelon in the garden (melon)

The most reliable indicator of the ripeness of a berry in a garden bed is a completely dry tendril opposite it, that is, the closest one to it. At the same time, the tail remains green, not yellow!

The place where the fruit comes into contact with the ground should have a yellowish or orange tint. In addition, the watermelon rind must be hard. This indicates that the berry is ripe.

Be sure to watch the following video if you want to learn how to accurately determine the ripeness of a southern melon fruit and choose the most delicious one.

How to choose the right delicious watermelon in October?

In October, the watermelon season comes to an end, so, as a rule, they are no longer unripe. However, there are several nuances to choosing southern berries in the fall.

So, in October you should buy the most immature fruit, in your opinion, which is characterized by an almost complete absence of a yellowish spot on the rind and a green tail. The fact is that by the end of the season it is not recommended to choose a fully ripe fruit, since in this case it will certainly be overripe and tasteless.

At the same time, what’s good about autumn watermelons is that they no longer contain nitrates and pesticides, which give them a marketable appearance at the beginning of the season. But the benefits and taste certainly remain!

Do you know how to choose the right watermelon so as not to get poisoned by it? If you have your own secrets that were not discussed in this article, be sure to share your useful experience in the comments. See you again!