What is sweeter watermelon or watermelon. Does the condition of the stalk affect the taste

Your health depends on how well the watermelon is chosen. And since the season of the sunny berry will soon be in full swing, in today's article we will consider this issue in detail.

After all, we all want to enjoy a ripe, sweet and amazingly delicious watermelon without fear for our health. And each of us wants to eat only organic fruit, without nitrates and pesticides. Well, this is quite real, if you take a responsible approach to the choice of southern berries.

All members of my family love to enjoy juicy watermelon. At the same time, we always try to get the maximum benefit from it and preferably without harm to health. This is especially important for those who have small children growing up in the same way as ours. Indeed, in order to give a baby (especially under the age of three years) a sunny berry, you need to be sure of its quality and safety.

A juicy and ripe southern berry has a number of characteristic features:

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates?

Nitrates are dangerous, primarily because they tend to accumulate not only in fruit crops, but also in the human body. Worse, with their large accumulation, oxygen starvation, poisoning and even death can occur. Therefore, it is very important to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates, which unscrupulous producers like to use, especially when growing early fruits.

The easiest way to test a sunny berry for the presence of nitrates is to purchase a special device, the compact size of which will allow you to carry it with you always. If you don’t have a nitrate meter, then as soon as you get home, put the watermelon in a bowl of water: a ripe and sweet fruit will not drown. If the berry has sunk, immediately return it to the seller!

A watermelon grown by conscientious producers will have a grainy surface of a moderate reddish color when cut. Most of the seeds will be dark, not white.

If the pulp of the berry has a bright pink or even purple color, and the bones are predominantly white, be careful: in front of you is a watermelon stuffed with big amount nitrates. Remember the main thing: if the fruit raises doubts about its quality, it is better to refuse the purchase and choose another one!

Choosing sweet, ripe and good watermelon for sound and appearance

First, pay close attention to its peel. It should be firm to the touch, while it should be free of chips, cracks and damage. The peel of a good berry is not matte, it shines in the sun, but it does not have a wax coating.

A sweet and ripe fruit has a yellowish spot on the peel, which is formed from lying on the ground. At the same time, the striped pattern itself is clear, bright and not blurry. Please note: the more saturated green color has a crust, the more likely the excellent quality of the watermelon!

In addition, be sure to look for black dots or injection sites on the peel. The fact is that to give the watermelon a presentation, some sellers use saltpeter injections.

To determine by the sound whether the berry is ripe, you need to put it on one hand and gently knock with the other. If the fruit makes a dull sound, which at the same time gives into the hand on which the watermelon is located, then feel free to buy it!

Tips for choosing a good and ripe watermelon when buying from the market

The bazaars and markets are full of unscrupulous sellers who strive to sell you low-quality fruit at a high price. Examine and “listen” to the berry as described in this article, and you will already save yourself from buying a low-quality product.

Trying a watermelon when buying on the market, as our mothers and grandmothers did, is absolutely not worth it. The fact is that a knife unwashed during the day, which is used to cut the fruit “to try”, and the heat are good sources creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

If you do not have a nitrate meter, I advise you to take a bottle of water and a few glasses with you to the market. These simple and handy tools will allow you to determine the presence or absence of nitrate in the selected watermelon.

So, ask the seller to cut you a piece of pulp from the "test" watermelon. Pour half a glass of water and dip the fruit in it. If the water becomes only slightly cloudy after 2-3 minutes, then you can take such a watermelon. If the water turns colored, go to another seller, because this one has a berry full of nitrates!

Of course, with this approach, you can spend a lot of time choosing one watermelon, but it's worth it, because you don't need poisoning and other health problems from eating low-quality berries, right?

Video on how to choose a ripe, sweet and delicious watermelon in the store

When choosing a southern berry in a store, first ask where it came from. Ask to see the quality certificate for the watermelon you are selling, since legal outlets must have it. If it is not there, I do not advise you to risk your health by making a purchase in such a store.

In supermarkets, sunny berries must be chosen as carefully as in the markets. At the same time, do not forget to keep the receipt from the purchase so that you can return the poor-quality fruit or make a claim to the seller in case of watermelon poisoning.

In order to make the process of choosing a juicy berry more clear to you, I found an excellent video for you. Be sure to watch it - there the expert tells in detail and shows all the nuances of checking watermelon for quality and ripeness.

Life hacks of experts on choosing a good watermelon

Watermelon experts have their own tricks for picking a good berry. First of all, they advise paying attention to the stain on the peel. If it has a diameter of 5-7 cm and is yellow or light orange, then the fruit is ripe and tasty. If the mark is white, the berry is not quite ripe.

A ripe watermelon should have a hard rind that is almost impossible to pierce with a fingernail. If, with the slightest pressure, you managed to pierce the berry, then they want to sell you an unripe fruit.

When you turn it in your hands, it should be firm to the touch on all sides. When choosing a watermelon, choose "girl" as it is sweeter. The fact is that the southern berry has two sexes. How to find a female among its fruits? Pay attention to the bottom (where there is no tail) of the watermelon - it should be flatter than the "boys".

When buying a solar berry, pay close attention to the place of sale. It is very important that the outlet is equipped with a canopy and special pallets with a height of at least 0.2 meters for storing fruits.

We choose a ripe watermelon in the garden (melon)

The surest indicator of the maturity of a berry in the garden is a completely dried tendril in front of it, that is, the closest to it. In this case, the tail remains green, not yellow!

The place where the fruit is in contact with the ground should have a yellowish or orange tint. In addition, the skin of the watermelon must be firm. This indicates that the berry is ripe.

Be sure to watch the following video if you want to learn how to accurately determine the maturity of the southern fruit on the melon and choose the most delicious of them.

How to choose the right delicious watermelon in October?

In October, the watermelon season comes to an end, so, as a rule, they are no longer unripe. However, there are several nuances of choosing a southern berry in the fall.

So, in October, you should buy the most immature, in your opinion, fruit, which is characterized by the almost complete absence of a yellowish spot on the rind and a green tail. The fact is that by the end of the season it is not recommended to choose a fully ripened fruit, since in this case it will certainly be overripe and tasteless.

At the same time, what is good in autumn watermelons, they no longer contain nitrates and pesticides, which give them a marketable appearance at the beginning of the season. But the benefits and taste remain without fail!

Do you know how to choose the right watermelon so as not to get poisoned by it? If you have your own secrets that were not covered in this article, be sure to share your useful experience in the comments. See you soon!

There are many lovers of watermelons, but it is extremely problematic to correctly find and choose a ripe and sweet watermelon, environmentally friendly, which contains minimal amount nitrates.

By tradition, summer is associated with travel, fresh greenery, sun and beach holidays. In summer, you can enjoy the divine taste of a delicious treat - watermelon.

Juicy and velvety flesh will please you with a pleasant coolness on hot days. Previously, watermelon was considered a useless fruit. Over time, scientists have found that watermelon is a source of folic acids, which have a beneficial effect on chemical processes and blood circulation. The pulp contains a lot of iron, vitamin C and fiber.

6 secrets to choosing a juicy watermelon

High-quality ripe fruit can be safely eaten in pure form, or use for liquor.

The carved pyramid is the most popular technique used by sellers to prove the freshness of the fruit. This method does not inspire confidence in me, sellers often use dirty knives.

5 main rules

  1. Make sure the stem is dry. She is the perfect indicator of ripeness.
  2. The sound of a watermelon when patted depends on the pulp. Ripe makes a dull sound, green - rings.
  3. If the fruit squeezed by hands cracks, it is ripe.
  4. If the earth stain is white, you should not buy. It is recommended to give preference with a yellow spot.
  5. Ripe watermelon scratches easily. In a ripe watermelon, the top layer of skin can be easily removed with a fingernail.

As you can see, there are many ways to determine ripeness.

How to determine the presence of nitrates in watermelon

The summer falls the largest number food poisoning. In hot weather, products deteriorate, and manufacturers add nitrates to speed up ripening.

How to protect yourself from nitrate poisoning?

Buy products that are in season. For example, cherries and strawberries are bought in the summer. If offered in spring or autumn, they are greenhouse-friendly and contain nitrates.

6 rules for determining nitrates

Buy a special device - a nitrate meter. With its help, the amount of nitrates in watermelon is easily determined.

If you do not want to buy a nitrate meter, you can get approximate information about nitrates on your own.

  1. The absolutely smooth surface of the fruit indicates the presence of nitrates.
  2. Cut open the fruit and bring it to a light source. The surface of a purple hue is an indicator of the presence of nitrates. The color should be red.
  3. Dip the pulp in clean water. If the water turns red, nitrates are present. If it becomes cloudy, there are no nitrates.
  4. Ripe fruit containing nitrates, slightly sour aroma.
  5. If the seller does not allow you to cut the fruit, evaluate it by its appearance. Containing nitrates, when tapped, does not make sounds. It becomes soft and resembles a wrinkled ball.
  6. You can lower the watermelon into a tank of water. If the fruit floats, there are no nitrates.

Finally, I’ll add that nitrates are concentrated not in the middle, but near the crust. If there is no confidence in the ecological purity of the product, you should not eat it to the very crust.

In the course of the story, I shared the secrets of choosing a ripe and juicy watermelon. Additionally, you learned how to determine the ecological purity of this summer dessert. See you soon, dear readers!

Watermelon - favorite summer berry which on a hot day so perfectly quenches thirst! But this berry is not at all simple. Most people do not really know how to choose the right watermelon, because it is extremely difficult to determine its ripeness, unlike other berries. Therefore, the purchase of a watermelon often turns into the purchase of a lottery ticket: lucky - no luck. "Folk" signs in the form of a dry tail, a special sound when tapped and a rich green color do not always work, especially since it is necessary to pay attention not only to the degree of ripeness, but also to the safety of the goods. Watermelon is delicious valuable product, which can deliver true pleasure and benefit health, but only if it is grown, transported, stored, sold and consumed correctly.

Video about the properties of the giant berry

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How to choose a watermelon according to all the rules

Rule 1: Watermelon Season

The first appetizing "striped koloboks" appear on supermarket shelves in July, although the watermelon season comes only in the second half of August - September. It’s hard not to be tempted by early berries, but in order to get the maximum pleasure, joy and benefit from watermelon, it’s better to wait until the end of summer, when the likelihood of acquiring a fruit without a “nitrate cocktail” increases significantly.

Rule 2: The "Right" Seats

It is necessary to purchase watermelons and melons only in places intended for the melon trade: shops and equipped tents. Such tents must certainly have a hinged awning, and the fruits must be laid out on pedestals (flooring), at least 15 cm above the ground, so that dust, dirt and microbes do not get on the goods, for which the juicy pulp of watermelons is an ideal breeding ground. Dirt and pathogens can penetrate inside the watermelon through microcracks that may not even be noticed with the naked eye. In no case should you buy watermelons near roads. Roadside trade in melons is generally prohibited. This is due to the peculiarity of gourds to actively absorb pollutants from the environment, and even with all the quality certificates, you will get a product that is hazardous to health. So, for a watermelon to absorb the heavy metals contained in car exhaust, it will take only a few hours. Fruit soaked in exhaust gases can lead to serious poisoning.

Rule 3: Watermelon with a "passport"

Any type of product must have a quality certificate. The watermelon you like should also have the corresponding document. Because in this case we are talking about health and safety, any embarrassment and embarrassment is inappropriate. You have every right to demand a certificate of quality from the seller, and he is obliged to present it to you. The certificate will help you verify the origin of the goods, tell you about the amount of heavy metals, radiation, the content of mineral fertilizers and other indicators that affect the quality of the goods. If, at your request, the seller presents you with a photocopy of the certificate, be sure to pay attention to the seal, which must be in color, not black, otherwise the authenticity of the document, and, accordingly, the quality of the goods, is a big question.

Rule 4: Safe and sound

When choosing a watermelon, carefully inspect it from all sides to make sure the fruit is intact. It should be without cracks, bruises and other visible flaws, and even more so not rotten. Through damaged areas and even microcracks, bacteria and pathogens penetrate the watermelon, which actively multiply in the sweet watermelon pulp and can lead to serious food poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders. This also applies to cut watermelons, the sale of which is officially prohibited.

Rule 5: Size matters

The large size of the fruit, which many buyers are led to, is not at all a guarantee of excellent taste and maturity. Indeed, the larger and lighter the watermelon, the riper it is, but is it tastier? And a small instance may be remote. However, from one variety of watermelons and one batch, it is better to choose a fruit of medium size - not very large, but not too small. The rule of "golden mean" is useful in choosing a watermelon. Extremes are best avoided.

Rule 6: Hard shiny crust

In a ripe “minke whale”, the crust should be hard and shiny, difficult to pierce with a fingernail. This is due to the fact that when the fruit ripens, the tail dries up, the flow of moisture stops and the crust hardens. If the nail easily pierces the crust or the smell of freshly cut grass is felt when rubbing it, this indicates the immaturity of the fetus.

Rule 7: Degree of banding

To choose the “right” watermelon, you should definitely pay attention to the degree of striping of the fruit, which is not only an important part of the watermelon image, but also an indicator of its ripeness. For every self-respecting watermelon, the color of the striped crust should be as contrasting as possible.

Rule 8: Yellow barrel

Ripening on the field, a watermelon, as a rule, “lays down” one of its sides, on which a light spot appears. In a ripe fruit, the spot should be saturated yellow or even orange. After the tail dries up and the production of chlorophyll stops under the influence of light, light spots may appear on the fruits, which are also a sure sign of the ripeness of the watermelon.

Rule 9: Dry ponytail

The most famous sign of ripeness is a dry tail. When ripe, the “correct” watermelon is “disconnected” from the melon by drying out the tail. However, it should be noted that a dry tail can also appear in long-plucked unripe fruits, so this sign should be taken into account only in combination with all the others.

Rule 10: Sweet "girls"

Watermelon is a bisexual berry. In “boys”, the bottom of the fetus, the side opposite to the tail, is convex, while in “girls” it is flat and has a wide circle on it. Why do you need to know the sexual characteristics of watermelons? To choose the most delicious and sweet fruit. The fact is that "girls" are considered tastier: they have significantly fewer seeds, and more sugar. So when buying, it is better to choose a "watermelon".

Rule 11: "Sounding" watermelons

Well, the watermelon has been examined “from head to toe” and now it remains only to knock on it. In a ripe watermelon, the sound should not be deaf, but sonorous. To finally dispel all doubts, put a watermelon to your ear and try to squeeze it with your hands with all your might: in a ripe fruit, the peel should bend a little and crackle.

That's all the wisdom of choosing the "right" watermelon. Before use, do not forget to thoroughly wash the fruit under running water. Cut watermelon should only be stored in the refrigerator.

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Beware of nitrates!

In pursuit of high yields and rapid ripening of fruits, unscrupulous producers overfeed watermelons with nitrogen fertilizers - nitrates, which are converted directly in the pulp or in the gastrointestinal tract into toxic nitrites that disrupt the transport function of blood and lead to oxygen starvation of tissues, which is especially dangerous for children. and people suffering from diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and excretory systems. You can judge the presence of nitrates in a watermelon by a cut fruit. The following signs should be alert:

  • too bright and saturated red color of the pulp with a slight purple tint;
  • the fibers going from the core to the crust are not white, but yellow;
  • a smooth glossy surface is formed on the cut, which should normally sparkle with grains.

In watermelons, the allowable norm of nitrates is 60 mg per 1 kg. Nitrates accumulate in fruits unevenly. The most poisonous in watermelons is the pulp at the peel, so it is better for children to give the core, which usually turns out to be the most delicious.

How to choose the right tasty ripe watermelon What are the signs to look out for? This material will help you choose sweet watermelons with juicy flesh without a high concentration of dangerous nitrates.

First rule: watermelon season.
It is best to buy watermelons at the end of summer, then this berry no longer contains a lot of nitrates and will bring maximum benefit, joy and pleasure.

Second rule: the "correct" places.
It is recommended to buy melons and watermelons only in special places that are intended for the melon trade: in equipped tents and shops. In such tents, there must be a hinged awning, and fruits and berries must be placed on special decks, above the ground at least 14 cm.

Third rule: unharmed and whole.
When buying a watermelon, you need to carefully examine it from all sides, you need to make sure that the fruit is not damaged. It should not have any bruises, cracks and other visible flaws, and even more so, the fruit should not be rotten.

Fourth rule: fruit size.
A lot of buyers, choosing a watermelon or melon, are guided by the size of the fruit, but this is absolutely no guarantee of good palatability and maturity.

Fifth rule: shiny hard crust.
Mature "minke whale" has a hard and shiny crust, which is difficult to pierce with a fingernail.

Sixth rule:
degree of striping.
To buy good watermelon, be sure to pay attention to how striped the watermelon is. After all, the more contrasting color of the watermelon crust, the more ripe it is.

Seventh rule: yellow spot on the side.
As a rule, while the watermelon ripens in the field, it “lays down” one side of itself and a bright spot forms there. If the fruit is ripe, then the spot is bright yellow, sometimes the spot becomes orange.

Eighth rule: dry tail.
A dry tail has always been a sign that the watermelon is ripe. When ripe, the watermelon, as it were, “disconnects” from the bush by drying out the tail. But do not forget that such a dry tail can also be found in fruits that have been plucked for a long time and at the same time they will not necessarily be ripe.

Ninth rule: Who tastes better - "boy" or "girl"?
As you know, among the watermelons there are "boys" and there are "girls". If the “boy”, then on the opposite side of the tail, the bottom of the fetus is slightly convex, while for “girls” the bottom is flat and decorated with a wide circle. It is believed that "girls" are tastier and sweeter, they have more sugar and much less seeds.

Tenth rule:"voiced" watermelons.
If the watermelon is already ripe, then when tapped, it makes a sonorous sound, not a dull sound.

That's all the secrets of choice delicious watermelon. Before serving it on the table, you need this sweet and fragrant berry Be sure to wash under running water.

In the photo: 8 eight most important signs of a ripe watermelon:

How to choose a watermelon without nitrates?
Some unscrupulous melon growers, fertilizing the soil with nitrates, often exceed the permissible norms in pursuit of quick fruit ripening and quick yields.

So, you should be on the lookout for the following signs that will help you avoid food poisoning"chemical" watermelons:

  • bright yellow fibers that go to the rind of the watermelon towards the core;
  • excessively bright red color with a purple tint;
  • instead of sparkling grains on the cut - a smooth, too glossy surface.

diets and healthy eating 26.08.2018

The steps of autumn are faster and more confident. The variety of vegetables and fruits that she so generously gives us helps to come to terms with her arrival and end of summer. One of the main August delicacies is His Majesty watermelon. How to choose the right watermelon in order to get not only maximum pleasure from it, but also benefits, will be discussed in our article.

The chemical composition of watermelon

This miracle berry (which is actually a watermelon) is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. Folic acid, vitamin C, PP, A, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, lycopene (a natural antioxidant) - well, where else can such a number of benefits be combined with excellent taste?

About the health benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is not only delicious summer dessert He's incredibly helpful too! What, you ask? After all, 90% of a watermelon is just water. Yes, water. But not only. First of all, this summer fruit is incredibly useful for people suffering from cardiovascular and kidney diseases and prone to edema. After all, it has a natural and at the same time quite a powerful diuretic property. Regular use watermelon, thanks to its alkalis, is an excellent prevention of kidney stones.

Watermelon juice helps to cleanse the liver, helping to remove accumulated toxins from our body. Watermelon is also useful for blood circulation - thanks to the record content, it helps to improve blood composition.

And this video shows an unusual use of watermelon. Just unbelieveble!

see also


    02 Sep 2018 at 18:54


