What is better and healthier for a person - fish or meat? An urgent question in the theory of nutrition: why is meat useful, what dangers does it hide? What kind of meat is healthier.

There is no single answer to this question: these products belong to completely different groups, and both have a number of advantages.

Meat or fish: which do you prefer?

Important: You must eat both foods because both are needed. human body.

If the choice is between meat and fish:

Protein. Both meat and fish contain complete protein. Meat contains a number of vitamins and amino acids that are not found in other foods and are not synthesized by the body. There are also many essential acids in fish. Conclusion: in terms of protein and amino acid content, the products are almost identical.

digestibility. Fish is more digestible, but we are talking about steamed fish with a minimum amount of fat and salt. Among meat, turkey, young chicken, and rabbit are the easiest to digest. Beef, pork, lamb are hard to digest foods. Conclusion: the fish is in the lead in this nomination.

Hemoglobin. Those who do not eat meat suffer from anemia. That is why it is so important to eat meat. Fish does not affect the level of hemoglobin. Important: meat wins in this nomination.

Weight. Even oily fish does not lead to weight gain, because Omega- fatty acid contained in it are very useful for the body, but fatty meat can lead to weight gain (with frequent use). Conclusion: the fish wins here.

Cholesterol. From fish it decreases, from meat it grows. Conclusion: the fish wins here.

Protein quality. Athletes are advised to eat a lot of meat, since meat protein is a building organism for cells. And this protein is better than fish protein. No wonder it is recommended to eat fish twice a week, and meat every day. Conclusion: meat wins in this nomination.

Allergy. Reactions to fish are much more common than to meat, although part of the world's population does not tolerate chicken, beef or other types of meat. Conclusion: in this nomination - a friendly draw.

Calorie content. Most varieties of fish contain much fewer calories than meat. Conclusion: the fish is the winner here.

Scientists long time tried to study such a phenomenon: why the peoples of the Japanese and Eskimos, distant from each other, are much less likely than many others to suffer from cardiovascular diseases? It turned out that everything is simple. Every day they eat fish, and fatty varieties: sardines, herring, salmon, burbot. And this has a positive effect on their health. It turns out that meat loses to fish in a dispute for greater utility. And there is confirmation of this.

How useful is fish?

Depending on the type of fish, the fats contained in it differ in chemical composition. The fish contains a large number of vitamins, polyunsaturated acids which are good for the brain, heart, bones. So you need to eat more fish. You should know that in salty and smoked fish healing properties preserved much worse.

How much meat does the body need?

Meat, no doubt, remains an important source of complete proteins. Meat and meat products form the bulk of the human diet. Only a few refrain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that a person has been eating meat for several thousand years, disputes about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside.

Proponents of eating meat argue that only this product is able to supply the human body with the necessary and irreplaceable proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is the source of the causative agents of a wide variety of diseases.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of meat, it must be said that much depends on the type of meat. Today, the human diet includes cattle meat (beef, veal), small cattle (goat meat, lamb), pork meat and poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail meat), as well as horse meat, rabbit meat and game . Each type of meat has its own taste and useful properties.

Pork contains a lot of protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, trace elements: iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Pork is good for bone and nervous system. The benefits of meat from cows and calves in a high content of B vitamins, as well as C, E, A, PP, minerals: copper, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, zinc, iron, potassium. Beef is useful for blood formation, is able to increase the level of hemoglobin, and is indispensable in the treatment of anemia.

The benefits of chicken meat in a high content of easily digestible protein, in minimum quantity fat and no carbohydrates. In addition, chicken is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Chicken meat can affect blood pressure, is involved in lipid metabolism, balancing blood and urine sugar levels, lowers cholesterol and stimulates kidney function. Chicken meat is excellent dietary product with low energy value.

Fish contains one-third less cholesterol than lean meat. Fish is pleasant and easy to eat without potatoes and bread with seasoning in the form of lemon juice, fuck, soy sauce. By the way, the Eskimos almost do not eat fruits and vegetables, but they eat fish. At the same time, the cardiovascular system of representatives of this nationality can cause good envy. It is no coincidence that fish oil and fish are promoted as a means to prevent heart attacks.

Both fish and meat are rich in proteins necessary for the full healthy functioning of the human body, but fish has much less connective tissue. Because of this, it is able to be better absorbed. On average, a person manages to digest fish protein by 98 percent, and meat protein by 89 percent. So is it worth it to overload your body with hard-to-digest food? Seafood and fish are endowed with a high nutritional value at the expense high content fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3. Most of these elements are fatty varieties fish such as salmon, salmon, rainbow trout, mackerel, herring, tuna, sardine.

The material was prepared by Turkina V.K., methodologist of the GMC DOgM

Each of us independently chooses what to eat, what foods to eat. Someone likes plant foods, someone likes meat products, someone loves exclusively fish and seafood, and, of course, how can one not remember poultry meat. Do not forget about the various menus in the numerous cuisines of the world, because almost each of them has its own, special, way of cooking one or another type of meat. That's for sure, how many people, so many preferences.

Everyone, without exception, knows that the human body needs protein. And meat is one of the main sources of protein. Also, one should not forget that meat is not only protein, meat contains iron, vitamins A and B, phosphorus and amino acids, which are not found in other foods. By eating meat, we thereby contribute to the prevention of diseases such as anemia, nervous disorders, bone fragility. But at the same time, the meat is rich saturated fat, which increase the level of cholesterol - the source of many diseases. There is evidence that meat can provoke the development of asthma, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, as well as impaired performance. of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, in order to benefit, you should adhere to the following rules: eat right, balanced, do not overload the body large quantity squirrel; to choose lean varieties meat such as chicken breast, turkey, rabbit, lean beef; front heat treatment remove as much fat as possible from raw product; and it is also necessary to arrange systematic “days off from eating meat”, i.e. fasting days.

Another source of protein is poultry meat. White meat is characterized low content fat and high content squirrel. It is a dietary product, an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins B2, B6, B9 and B12. The breast is considered the most dietary part, and the most harmful - chicken leg. It is not even advised to cook broth from it, since the largest amount of harmful substances settles in it. And of course, nutritionists recommend to stop eating chicken skin, which contains the maximum amount of fat. Chicken is characterized by a low content of collagen (connective tissue), so it is easily digested. That is why such nutrition is most optimal for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and obesity.

Beef, chicken, and fish are all excellent sources of protein and carbohydrates. But the question “Which is healthier, fish or meat?” Ultimately, everyone decides for himself.

We all know the benefits fish oil- it is necessary for bones and supplies vitamin D to our body. There are a lot of fatty acids and minerals in fish, which allow the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Let's try to figure out which is healthier meat or fish?

Fish Benefits

  • Low cholesterol. Fish is much lower in cholesterol than the leanest meats. People who eat fish often are less prone to cardiovascular disease, while eating meat increases the risk of heart problems by 40%.
  • Useful protein. Meat and fish are rich in protein, but it is slightly different. There is not much connective tissue in fish protein and its absorption is much faster. In addition, fish contains Omega 3 and Omega 6, which are essential amino acids and are necessary for cardiac activity.
  • General well-being. After a hearty meal with meat, a person dreams of lying down to rest. The process of processing meat is very long and requires a lot of effort from the body. Fish is very quickly absorbed and vice versa tones the body.
  • Fish is a dietary product. Fish has a relatively low calorie content and is great for diet food. If we consider diet varieties meat, there are very few of them, and preferring fish, you will always have a choice. In addition, fish can speed up the digestion process.
  • cooking time. To cook delicious fish, it does not take a lot of time. This product can be cooked in just 20 minutes, while the meat requires careful processing.
  • Useful elements. Fish is not only a source of fatty acids, but also vitamins A, E and D. It contains iron, zinc and magnesium. Thanks to this valuable composition, fish helps prevent heart disease, and it is also good for diabetics.

Among the shortcomings of fish, one can single out its ability to absorb harmful substances. If the fish lived in a region with an unfavorable ecological situation or was fed with antibiotics, the use of such a product can be dangerous. However, this disadvantage is present in all varieties of meat. It also contains a large amount of toxins and carcinogens.

In order to save beneficial features fish and meat, it is worth paying great attention to the preparation of these products. Avoid frying and using oil. Fish is best baked, and meat is boiled. Poorly cooked meat and fish can contain a large number of microbes or even worms. Do not purchase these products from dubious sellers.

Meat is a participant in hematopoiesis and supports immunity.

Therefore, meat lovers and people who follow their figure should follow the following tips:

  • nutrition should be balanced, do not overload the body with protein;
  • remove more fat from meat before cooking;
  • do fasting days, breaks from eating meat;
  • it is desirable to eat meat with vegetables, and not with cereals or pasta.

And with a tendency to diseases that are provoked by meat, you need to think about an alternative source of protein - about fish.

The value of fish

Fish contains proteins, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids useful for the body. A fish - low-calorie product. The fats found in fish are beneficial. They are perfectly absorbed by the body and improve the functioning of the heart and brain. They won't be the reason excess weight. The protein contained in fish is an excellent building material for tissues. Also, some varieties of fish contain a large amount of phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, zinc and calcium.

For the proper functioning of the body and maintaining a figure, use the rule of the golden mean. Alternate fish food with meat. If you prefer meat, make one day a week unloading. Include more vegetables in your diet. They aid in the digestion of protein foods. It is advisable to eat meat or fish boiled, steamed or baked. Diet menu can be diversified.

The answer to the question "What healthier fish or meat” is decided individually and independently, according to the characteristics and needs of the body.