When to plant pumpkin seedlings outdoors. Selection and preparation of seeds. This method helps the seeds to wake up as soon as possible and at the time set by nature.

Pumpkin seeds should be checked for germination before planting. To determine germination, as many seeds are selected as it is not a pity, and they are germinated. The more seeds were taken, the more accurate the germination percentage will be. If out of 18-20 seeds 15-16 sprouted, then the germination rate is 80%.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases, the seeds are etched in a bright red solution of potassium permanganate (1 g n 100 ml of water) for no more than half an hour.

So that young bees quickly insert it, and the newborn cake is not deformed. Once the cages have been built to half the height, the cake should be moved to the middle of the nest where the mother will lay her eggs. A new fund based on wax figures is placed in its place.

At the same time as laying the wax base for the cube structure on the other side of the cradle, the structure must also be placed. The bees satisfy her need for rudder construction and make so-called spleens. They make the best benign wax. If they have honey, they should be given to weaker families. The bees will clean it and then it will melt.

Pumpkin - planting and care

Pumpkin is planted in two ways:

Planting pumpkin seedlings

Laying building frames should not be underestimated. Bees build cages in which mothers lay unprotected eggs. This avoids the construction of Thracian cells and the cultivation of berries fruit cheeses. The bees involved in construction are more active, use the bee pasture better and do not fall into the forests, and the yield of copper is greater. If the beekeeper notices that the bees from the family are not building on the frame of the building, but others are building it, this is a sign that the family is either preparing for rooting or orphaned. All families have ceased to build, this indicates that there is no longer a contribution of nectar.

Let's consider the first method in more detail. So, we know the percentage of germination. Now you need to germinate the seeds. To do this, put a piece of gauze in a cup, moisten it with plenty of water and lay out the seeds. It is advisable to put the cup in a warm place, but not near the stove or radiator. From excessive heat, the seeds will boil, without even having time to peck.

Create a frame for the hive. A simple barren, unstretched wire is used for the building frame. When you attach a strip of wax about one centimeter to the top of the bed, the bees will start building on it. It is better, however, if at a third distance from the bottom bar you attach a second bar parallel to it. In this part, stretch the grids and place the wax base. The side slats used to have pewter ears at their upper end. They will hold the frame in the recesses of the pestle.

In this case, the top panel will remain movable. After attaching a wax-based strip to it, it will serve as the builder of the Thracian cells. On the bottom, which has a wax base, the bees will build chicks to raise chicks and store honey and pollen. The movable top rod will lift and cut the spleens without disturbing many bees.

While the seeds germinate, it's time to start preparing the pots and soil mixture. You can take disposable cups, cardboard boxes from ryazhenka and kefir, plastic bottles.

The bottom and top of the bottles are cut off, cut into pieces 7 cm high and placed on a pallet. Old plates and containers from detergent Palmyra.

Such improved building frames are placed 2-3 between the saw blades in the seat. Thus, they are easily accessible to all wax-producing bees. Watermelon cultivation has not been one of the most profitable industries over the past few years, but it cannot be denied that it provides a reliable and steady income for farmers.

In Bulgaria, two production lines are mainly covered: early production and main production. Early production costs are quite high as polyethylene tunnels are built and watermelons are grafted onto the substrate. The main production, in turn, is quite difficult and uncertain, as growers face high temperatures, watering difficulties and, last but not least, disease and pest problems during the summer.

Why are the bottoms of bottles cut off? The root system of a pumpkin is as fragile as that of a cucumber. Plants of the gourd family do not tolerate transplanting well, unlike tomato. And planting pumpkin seedlings in a container without a bottom prevents the roots from injury.

For easy cooking breathable soil mixture peat, soddy soil and humus are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2. In the prepared container, pour the earth halfway.

The information below will help manufacturers optimize their costs and increase their income. Divers do not require soil fertility. They can be grown both on poor sandy, heavy rocks, and on fertile soil. We recommend avoiding cold, loamy and wet areas. The best results are obtained by growing soils on soils with a pH of 6-6.

Watermelon is a warm and high temperature plant. In the early stages of its development, watermelon is more resistant to low temperatures. In small tunnels in conditions of high humidity, young plants can withstand quite a high temperature difference. Watermelon needs more light and cannot grow normally and produce large yields in limited light conditions. Cloudy weather or dense plantations result in prolonged vegetation and reduced sugar and yields.

Three days later, the beaked seeds are sown with their beak down into the ground, deepening by 5 cm. We put the container with the seeds in a sunny place. In a few days, the first sprouts will appear from the ground, which, at the age of 10-12 days, are carefully laid in a spiral and covered with prepared soil to the cotyledon leaves.

Do not forget to push the pots apart so that the leaves of the seedlings do not close, otherwise the more developed plants will not let the sun's rays through to the rest.

Plants form a powerful root system and therefore have a high dryness. It takes 160 liters of water to release 5 kg per 1 m of area. Over-irrigation before fruit formation results in poor root development and lower yields. Therefore, if there is no need for irrigation, watering should begin at the time of fruit ripening. For optimal plant design, humidity should be 75-80% of CC.

For the proper development of the root system, it is necessary to provide well-structured and aerated soil. Therefore, it is very important to make a deep plow at a depth of 22-27 cm in light and 30-37 cm in heavy clay soils. Since the use of herbicides in watermelons is not very common, and at a later stage crops are very confused, it is advisable to choose less sifted areas, especially perennial weeds, or to be destroyed at the end of the previous season.

We plant seedlings. A place for growing pumpkins is chosen sunny and protected from the winds. It is very difficult to get a good harvest in the shade. The best predecessors are potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots and corn. Pumpkins are returned to their original place after 4 years. You need to prepare the soil in advance. Since autumn, they have been digging up the earth and adding about 5 kg of compost.

Watermelon is very sensitive to damage to the root system. Even minor damage can lead to Fusarium infection and plant death. Therefore, growth curves should be handled very carefully. great way to keep seeding, keep moisture and shorten the growing season within 5-7 days is to use mulch.

It is very important to know that the holes in the mulch must be very well covered with soil because the hot nylon can damage the plants and cause them to die. Under nylon mulch, the temperature is better and the humidity is maintained for a longer period. Usually, irrigation with this technology occurs in a dropper.

In mid-May, when the threat of morning frost has already passed, pumpkin seedlings at the age of three true leaves are planted outside. Before planting a pumpkin in open ground, seedlings are hardened, as young plants can die already at -1 0C. To do this, during the week, the plants are placed in a cool room, for example, in a corridor or veranda. During the day they take out the sun and the breeze.

The main prerequisite for obtaining quality fruits are correct schemes fertilizer application and timely water supply. Soil standards should be based on annual soil tests. Nutrient requirements for nutrients.

Watermelon requires nutrients, but with a well-developed root, the plant has the ability to absorb nutrients from a greater depth. In general, for the production of 5 tons per hectare, the following levels of active substance are required. It is important to know that watermelons are sensitive to the use of potassium chloride, and therefore potassium must be supplied with potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate.

Pumpkin has a powerful root system. The feeding area for each plant should be at least 1.5x2 m2. The pumpkin is planted according to the scheme 1x1.5 m2 - one meter between the holes and one and a half between the rows. Holes are made in the ground with a diameter of about 50 cm. Before planting a pumpkin, the holes are shed warm water. Pumpkin seedlings are planted in bottomless pots to a depth of 5 cm, carefully removing the pallet. This planting method protects the roots from the bear.

Although 70% of the nutrients are used in the last 3 - 4 weeks before ripening, it is practically impossible or expensive to supply them during this period. Therefore, the main fertilizers are introduced before the main tillage and before sowing. Introducing fertilizer into the rows can reduce the speed by 20-40%. If you go for an early delivery of goods, you can import 25% potassium and nitrogen by feeding the leaves. The main way to increase yields is through optimal fertilization.

An increase in nitrogen results in larger fruits, but with a lower sugar content. Many growers believe that watermelon requires irrigation to achieve high yields. Indeed, the lack of moisture will not significantly affect the number of fruits of the plant, but will affect their size, shape, weight and quality.

Planting pumpkins in open ground with seeds

Now let's take a step-by-step look at the second method - growing pumpkins in open ground with seeds. In early May, the seeds are sown in the ground according to the scheme 1x1.5 m. The holes are shed with warm water and 3-5 seeds are sown. Seeds can be sown at different depths. If some of the seedlings die during return frosts, the remaining seeds will sprout and produce a crop.

There are three main irrigation methods used for watermelon production. This type of irrigation is used in places where there are no restrictions on water resources. The effectiveness of this method is low, depends on the structure of the soil and does not provide an even distribution of water. Moreover, this method is very labor intensive.

This method is also applied where there are no water restrictions. It provides an even distribution of water, but it is expensive and can encourage disease development because the water is in direct contact with the leaves of the crop. This method, together with mulching polyethylene, is the most effective. It provides high level water distribution and reduces costs; through which fertilizers and plant protection products are imported for timely control. On the other hand, this method is costly and requires assembly and disassembly of the plant every season.

When planting pumpkins with seeds, the embedding depth should not be less than 8-10 cm. When planting shallowly, the sprouts sprout "in a shirt", that is, together with the seed coat. Birds pull out young sprouts, mistaking them for seeds.

Of all the seedlings, the most developed plant is chosen, the rest are simply plucked. It is plucked, not pulled out. The pumpkin root system develops very quickly both in depth and in breadth. The roots of the seedlings are intertwined. Pulling out weaker shoots can damage the roots of well-developed plants.

Fertigation is a method in which soluble fertilizers are applied along with irrigation water. This method is promising because it allows you to feed water and nutrients at the exact moment for the plant. In most cases, this is justified at the beginning of production, when the desire for the product is realized at a higher price.

In most cases, if there are no major droughts, the water begins to be watered after the formation of the fruit. Drought during the main flowering period leads to a decrease in the number of tufts. The needs of watermelons depend on the type and structure of the soil, air temperature, degree of development and technology of the root system and range from 1 to 8 liters of water per plant per day - from the moment the fruit appears until the fruit ripens. With this in mind, watering can vary from daily to once every 5 days.

top dressing

When growing pumpkins in open ground, until the foliage closes, the plants are regularly loosened and watered. Apply liquid organic or mineral top dressing, but not earlier than 10 days after transplanting pumpkin seedlings to a permanent place.

More important is not the quantity of the pot, but its uniformity. Sharp fluctuations in soil moisture can lead to deformation of the fruit. On heavy soils, watercourses should be stopped 7-10 days before harvest. On sandy soils, hatches are stopped shortly before harvest, as there is a risk of high temperature damage.

Depending on the possibilities and the period in which you want to produce products, you can choose different technologies for growing watermelons. Seedlings are grown in plastic pots or specially for these pots. Their size can be from 100 to 200 ml. Seedlings in small pots good quality and are ready relatively quickly within about 40 days after sowing. When using large pots, you can keep seedlings in them if conditions are not favorable for export, but in this case the best planting period is about 60 - 70 days.

Chicken manure and mullein are suitable as organics. Chicken manure is poured with water at a temperature of 40 0, stirred until a creamy mass is formed and infused until bubbles appear. It is not recommended to insist longer, otherwise the benefits of fertilizer will be less.

The finished infusion is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:20, that is, half a liter per bucket of water. First, the wells are shed with water so that the solution of chicken manure does not burn the roots of the pumpkin. Mullein infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Young plants are very sensitive to the presence of soil fungi, especially Fusarium. We do not recommend using substrates from any other source. Sowing seeds from watermelons occurs in a moist substrate. After sowing is completed, watering is carried out with a very large quantity water. The next watering occurs after germination. The sowing date is calculated depending on the direction and when the producer wants to plant it in a permanent place.

To get a well-developed root system, seedlings should be watered abundantly, but less frequently. The pots are poured until the water begins to flow through the bottom holes. Watering is best done in the morning, as the seedlings are dry at night. During hardening, the irrigation rate decreases.

For mineral supplement take a matchbox of ammonium nitrate to a bucket of water.

Pumpkin pests and methods of control

The main pests of all melons and gourds:

  • melon aphid;
  • bear;
  • slugs.

The gourd aphid is a small insect that damages the aerial part of the plant. The insect sucks the juice from the shoots and flowers. The leaves wrinkle, the ovaries crumble. Helps well against aphids soap solution. in a bucket warm water stir 100 g of grated coarse grater laundry soap and sprayed plants.

Medvedka makes moves in the soil and gnaws the stems and roots of plants. In each well, when planting, you need to put a few granules of the drug Medvedox. You can put boiled grain mixed with Bankol into the holes.

Slugs cause significant damage to the main young plants. Their invasion during the rainy period is massive. During the season, several generations of slugs develop. If there are a lot of slugs on the site, then wet rags are laid out and insects are robbed from them every morning.

Pumpkin formation, collection and storage

The pumpkin forms many shoots, which is why it needs to be formed. On the main stem, after setting 2-3 fruits, 5 leaves are counted from the last one and a pinch is made. On the side shoots after the first ovary, 5 leaves are also counted and pinched. Do not turn the whips over, but sprinkle them with earth. In places of contact with the soil, roots begin to develop at the whip, which additionally nourish the plant. If you do not form a plant, then many small fruits are formed that do not have time to ripen. Boards are placed under large late-ripening pumpkins to prevent fruit rotting.

At the end of autumn, they start harvesting. Pumpkins, along with the cuttings, are harvested before the onset of frost, in dry weather. Compliance with the technology of growing pumpkin allows you to get delicious ripened fruits with a high nutritional value. They are left to dry outside under a canopy, after which they are transferred to a well-ventilated area. Store the pumpkin at + 7-10 0C. Well-ripened fruits can lie until spring.


Agricultural technology for growing pumpkins

Agrotechnics for growing pumpkins consists mainly in the correct planting of pumpkins, and subsequent care for them. Everything you need to know about proper sowing and pumpkin growing technology can be found below.

Since the pumpkin is a heat-loving crop, the site for it should be well warmed up and lit. The pumpkin reacts negatively to shading. Compared to other vegetables, pumpkin cultivation in vegetable gardens is carried out in small quantities. For this purpose, plots located near the building, near the gazebo, near the fence are suitable, but always on the sunny side. Pumpkins grow well on last year's compost heaps. In order to avoid damage to plants by diseases, the pumpkin should not be returned to its original place earlier than after 4-5 years.

Technology for growing pumpkin seedlings

Soil preparation for planting pumpkin seedlings is the same as for cucumber. Doses of organic and mineral fertilizers can be given slightly higher than for cucumber. With a lack of fertilizer, you can limit yourself to local fertilization - when planting seedlings in the holes.

In our area, it is more expedient to grow pumpkin through seedlings. Begin preparing seedlings a month before planting. Seedlings are grown only in pots. The technology here is the same as for cucumbers.

If the terms for growing seedlings are missed, then it is necessary to sow seeds, but they must first be germinated. Seeds are first soaked for 2-3 hours in water at room temperature. Floating seeds are removed, after which the remaining ones are germinated in a moist substrate. Can be in a cloth on a saucer under the lid. Other methods of pre-sowing seed preparation are also used.

Seedlings, like germinated seeds, are planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed. The gardener can plant earlier, but the soil should warm up sufficiently (at least 10–12 ° C), and in case of frost, you should have on hand individual means plant protection.

Before planting, holes are made at a distance of 1.5–2 m. When applying local fertilizers, 1–2 kg of well-rotted manure or compost and 5–10 g of potash and phosphorus fertilizers, or 15–30 g of combined fertilizers are placed in each hole. Fertilizers should be well mixed with the soil. The wells are shed with water to the "dirt". Then the seedlings are buried to the cotyledon leaves, and the seeds - to a depth of 4–5 cm.

pumpkin sowing

When sowing pumpkin seeds, 2–3 germinated seeds are sown in each hole. In the phase of one true leaf, one plant is left in the hole. The rest, which are weaker, are removed by plucking. After planting or sowing, the wells are mulched with peat, humus or dry soil.

Before the leaves cover the entire surface of the soil, regular loosening is carried out both around the plants and in the aisles.

As soon as the growth of the lashes begins, the plants should be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. In dry weather, give liquid top dressing. In 10 liters of water dissolve 50 g of ammonium nitrate or 25 g of urea. Feeding solution spend 1 liter per 1 plant.

Dry fertilizer before watering or rain is scattered at a distance of 8 - 10 cm from the root neck, and immediately close it with a hoe.

At the beginning of the formation of fruits, they start feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, dissolving them at 40 g per 10 liters (spending 1 liter per 1 plant). Two dressings, if the soil was well seasoned during the main cultivation, will be enough.

Mineral top dressings can be replaced with organic ones - a solution of mullein, slurry or bird droppings. To stimulate the formation of additional roots, the stems should be sprinkled in places where the leaf departs. light nutritional soil mixture. The powder keeps such shoots from moving in strong winds.

To accelerate the ripening of fruits, the whips are pinched when 2-3 fruits are formed on the plants, 4-5 leaves are left above each of them. Extra shoots are removed.

So that the fruits do not rot, lying on the ground, you need to put a piece of plywood or a piece of plank under them. Harvest the pumpkin before the onset of frost. It is in this series of actions that the proper cultivation and care of pumpkins lies.

Storage conditions for pumpkin

For long-term storage Any variety of pumpkin is suitable. Highly good conditions storage of pumpkins in a dry room at a temperature of + 5 - 10 ° C, for this, the fruits are laid out on the racks with the stalks up so that they do not touch each other. Pumpkin keeps well for six months or more without losing its nutritional properties. This cannot be said about zucchini, squash and crookneck. So, in technical ripeness they are more tender, their skin is thin, the seeds are not developed. Such fruits are stored at home for no more than a week. Overripe zucchini, squash and crookneck are stored longer, but they are coarse and no longer represent a great interest as a food product.


Growing pumpkins. The soil. Seedling, Sowing pumpkin seeds. Landing. Fertilizer, top dressing, watering, diseases

How to grow a pumpkin. How to plant seedlings? How to care, fertilize, feed, water? When to harvest? (10+)

Pumpkin farming: from seeds to fruits


Growing pumpkin in different climatic conditions has its own characteristics. So in the south, where mild winters and warmth come earlier than anywhere else, the cultivation of this vegetable can be started right from planting in open ground. In the northern part and in the conditions of the middle zone, pumpkin seeds are initially planted in closed ground to get seedlings, and then into the soil. In order for the seeds to germinate as quickly as possible, it is recommended to soak or germinate them before planting.

Growing seedlings

The most favorable period for sowing pumpkin seeds for seedlings is the third decade of April - the first decade of May. Temperature regime, at which the seeds begin to sprout, is about 10 degrees Celsius, and at a mark of 25-30 during the day and 18-20 at night, the seeds receive best conditions for growth. Dive seating pumpkin is not required.

To grow seedlings, you will need pots with a diameter of 14-15 cm. At the time of planting the seeds, the pot is only half covered with earth. After two weeks, moist soil is poured into the pot, while the seedlings are banded. This process means laying the stem with a corkscrew so that only the cotyledon leaves remain on the surface of the soil.

Twice it is recommended to feed the seedlings. As a top dressing, it is better to choose mineral fertilizers. Important condition- the leaves of the seedlings should not have contact with each other, therefore, as they grow, it is required to move the pots apart. As soon as the seedlings have 4-5 leaves, they can be planted in open ground.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Seedlings ripen within 25-35 days, and already at the end of May-the first week of June, they are ready for transplanting into open ground. If planting a pumpkin does not provide for seedlings, then in this case, 2-3 grains are laid in the soil and a shelter is made. After the leaves appear, the strongest plant is selected, and the rest are removed.

Landing pattern

Pumpkin is a plant that requires a large area to get a good harvest. When planting, it is necessary to adhere to the following parameters: 1-1.5 meters between plants, and 2 meters between rows. For planting, a hole is made 8-10 cm deep. The pumpkin loves the sun, so the landing site should be dry and sunny. As an option - a compost heap, but previously fertilized with ash and superphosphate. In about a week, we prepare seedlings for open ground: we reduce the temperature to 15-17 degrees during the day and 12-15 at night.

Before planting, it is better to fertilize the soil: add 1.5-2 kg of compost to each recess and pour it well with warm water, approximately 1-2 liters of water goes into one hole. Place the seedlings in the prepared "house", and sprinkle with dry earth. Seedlings grown in peat peas can be planted with it. The first ten days, the seating should be covered, for example, with plastic cans.

How to properly water a pumpkin

Pumpkin has a fairly good branched system, the roots of which can go up to 3 meters deep. Watering is done moderately in an annular groove around the stem. If watering is not enough, the roots will get moisture from deep layers of the soil. As soon as the ovary reaches a size that is comparable to a fist, we transfer ordinary watering to drip.

Fertilizer and top dressing of the growing fruit

As soon as the plant acquires a lush "hair", feeding should be done regularly after 7-10 days. You should not stop at one thing, the plant needs both mineral and organic trace elements.

The first top dressing will be organic from wood ash and superphosphate based on the manure mixture. The second subcortex is mineral: saltpeter, superphosphate and potassium salt. After, they alternate. Since the pumpkin has many shoots, in order to form a juicy fruit, it is necessary to properly pinch the fruitful ones and remove unnecessary shoots. The main stem is pinched when there are already 2-3 fruits on it, and the other two side branches are also left. We delete the rest. To protect from the wind, the loops are pinched or fixed with moist soil. If the goal is to grow a huge pumpkin, then all other ovaries are removed, leaving the healthiest and most mature.

The main diseases of pumpkin

Among the most common diseases, you should know the following:

  • powdery mildew, which first covers the leaves with powdery spots, and then the stems. Over time, the leaves turn yellow and fall off;
  • olive spotting is characterized by the appearance of sores on the stems of the plant, and brown spots on the leaves. Oily spots appear on the fruits themselves, in which spores of the fungus ripen over time. The edges of the affected area have a gelatinous fluid. If the disease takes possession of the ovary, then it will certainly die;
  • slugs.


The crop ripens within 3 months after germination, and late varieties are harvested after 120-150 calendar days. Harvesting the autumn vegetable begins immediately after the first frost. It is important to cut the fruit sharp knife, retreating 3-4 cm from the stem. So the harvested crop will last much longer, and does not lose a lot of useful vitamins.


Planting pumpkin seeds in open ground

Today, the pumpkin is deservedly called the queen of the garden. It is unpretentious in cultivation, stored for a long time, rich in vitamins and microelements, well absorbed by the body, hypoallergenic, low in calories, widely used in dietary and baby food.

  • Pumpkin began to grow in North America about 5 thousand years ago. In Europe, it appeared after the discovery of America by Columbus, and from there it already came to Russia.
  • All varieties of this crop are divided into 2 groups: table and fodder. We cultivate three types of pumpkin: large-fruited, hard-barked and nutmeg.
  • Botanists call pumpkin fruits a berry.
  • The largest specimens reached a weight of 200 kilograms.

Seed preparation

Pumpkin is a thermophilic plant, so it should be planted when the risk of frost is extremely low. Pre pumpkin seeds heated for 2–3 hours at a temperature of 50–60 ° C, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, then germinated in wet sawdust or fabric for three days. To get an earlier harvest, seedlings are grown, and in the phase of three leaves they are planted in the ground, picking is not performed.

Soil preparation

The site should be well warmed up by the sun. Pumpkins prefer well fertilized, non-acidic, sandy or sandy loamy soils. The earth is carefully dug up, weeds are removed and organic fertilizers, ash and superphosphate are applied to each well. Predecessors can be any, with the exception of pumpkin (cucumbers, zucchini, squash). Best of all, not vegetables, but herbs, corn, winter wheat.


Pumpkin is a crop with a well-developed root system and wide leaves, so a planting pattern of at least 60 × 60 cm is used. Seeds are planted to a depth of 5–10 cm, depending on their size, large seeds are planted deeper than small ones. The holes are covered with earth, compacted and mulched. Plant 3 seeds in each hole. After germination, one of the most developed plants is left in each hole.


Before germination, the soil is rolled (compacted). Root loosening with a depth of 5-6 cm is done 2-3 times per season after watering. Row spacing is loosened 3-4 times per season before watering to a depth of 15 cm.

Pumpkin is very demanding on the content of nitrogen in the soil. Top dressing is done twice: when 3–5 true leaves appear and when lashes are formed. The third top dressing is carried out if necessary during flowering.

Watering depends on climate, soil and rainfall. Usually, during the period of flowering and fruit formation, it is watered at least once a week, at the rate of a bucket of water per plant, the water temperature should be at least 20 ° C. With a lack of moisture, the ovary crumbles. Stop watering before harvest.

To speed up maturation and obtain larger fruits, leave 2-3 stems and pinch the growth points on the main stems and shoots.

The main disease of cucurbits is powdery mildew. When the first signs appear, they are treated with fungicides.


The pumpkin ripening period is 85–120 days, depending on the variety and climate zone. Ripe fruits have a rich color, the leaves of plants turn yellow by the time the fruits ripen, the peduncle dries out.

Ripe fruits are cut together with the stalk. Pumpkins are harvested at the same time, damaged and unripe pumpkins are used first. Pumpkins intended for long-term storage must be harvested before the first frost, i.е. in dry weather.

Subject to all these simple rules, by the autumn the pumpkin will thank you with a wonderful harvest.


How to harvest pumpkin seeds for planting?

Question from our subscriber Alexander:

I am interested in how to properly harvest pumpkin seeds for further planting. Pumpkins and zucchini gradually ripen. I take them out with pulp and place them in plastic plates on batteries (under the windowsill so that the light does not get in) and try not to overdry. I guess that it is not recommended to do this, but there is no time or mood for monitoring the temperature (in a cool place).

Irina, Bender

Ripe pumpkin seeds are cleaned of the remnants of the pericarp, dried in a well-ventilated area, scattered in a thin layer. With improper drying, the seeds begin to darken, become moldy and acquire foreign odors, look at your seeds. If your seeds are light and dense, then you dried them normally. Why bother with pumpkin seeds, you need to plant a big plantation? The fact is that the pumpkin is very often easily pollinated and it is better to buy the seeds in the store. But, you choose.

Vera, Biysk

I read your question and decided that I could answer it qualitatively, because I have a thin booklet from the Library of an amateur vegetable grower "Growing vegetable seeds in home gardens." It was published by Rosselkhozizdat in 1986 with a circulation of 100,000 copies.

Alas! This brochure covers all crops except pumpkin and squash. Did gardeners not know about them in those years?

Therefore, I will tell you how I harvest pumpkin seeds. I can't guarantee that I'm doing everything right.

Seeds are used for various purposes. If it’s just for pumpkin flour, then I don’t do any special preparation. When peeling pumpkins, I just choose them, try to make the yellow pulp less clinging, put them on a sheet of clean paper, for some reason I have printer paper, a layer of one seed lying flat, and put the sheet on an open bookshelf. A few days and the seeds are ready.

If the seeds are needed for planting in the spring, then the work is being built from the spring. For the seed planting stock, I try to plant one or two plants separately from the entire pumpkin plot. Because I pinch after the formation of three or four ovaries. On the main plot, I do not bother myself with this. But on the "seed" all pumpkins will ripen well on the plant. I take the very first ones for seeds, if I like them with their exterior. And then everything is done using the same technology, I choose the seeds, do not wash them, I dry them.

But before sowing, I treat with Fitop-Flora-S in order to reject diseases that carry diseases, and at the same time treat healthy ones from pathogens.

Vasily, Kostroma

Let's talk about seed production. If we produce pumpkin seeds in small volumes, then we separate the seeds from the remains of the fruit manually and immediately. If in large volumes, then dry after the selection of the fetus. And then we grind, and the dry remains of the fruit disappear. Seed fruits are harvested naturally in last turn so that the seeds are poured and full-bodied. Do not forget that hard-skinned pumpkin, squash and zucchini are one species. And during seed production, they must be isolated so as not to get incomprehensible fruits such as pumpkin - zucchini. All seeds are dried in warmth, at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Warming up too important process, in time this process viruses die and seeds ripen. In the spring, before sowing, you can check your seeds for germination. But whether they have cross-pollinated, what their genotype is, you will find out only in the garden. Therefore, I will support Irina, maybe it makes sense to buy seeds from a trusted manufacturer. Good luck.

Alexander, Minsk


I'll answer more later.)

Ludmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

It is necessary to start harvesting pumpkin seeds even when it grows, as Vera does. For seed purposes, the best and typical pumpkin varieties are selected. Vera correctly grows "pumpkin offspring" separately, because. pumpkin is a cross-pollinated species, therefore, when sown nearby different varieties of one type of pumpkin, they freely pollinate and then "carry" the features of both parents.

Harvest the seed gourds when they reach full maturity, i.e. acquire the characteristic shape and color of the variety. Then the removed fruits ripen for 10-15 days, keeping in the sun or in a dry, warm place. Longer ripening will worsen the quality of seeds, because. from them, an outflow of nutrients will go into the pumpkin tissue; they may even grow. After ripening, the fruits are cut, placentas with seeds are separated from them with hands or a spoon, the seeds are cleaned of the placenta, dried in the sun or in a dry, warm room. Seeds are usually stored in paper bags or canvas bags in a dry place.

The future germination of seeds depends on the humidity at which the seeds were stored and the storage conditions - temperature and especially the relative humidity of the air.

Optimal conditions: low maintenance moisture in the seeds (not higher than 7%), low relative humidity (30-45%) and low temperature (0 + 2 degrees Celsius), although at a relatively high room temperature of + 20 + 25 degrees Celsius, the seeds do not lose their germination for a long time. It is better to keep the seeds indoors at a relatively high temperature than in unheated buildings with high humidity.

And a few more popular pumpkin tips:

Pumpkin seeds taken from the side facing the sun yield more than from the bottom side, because. formed in more favorable conditions and ripened better.

Seeds formed near the stalk are more productive than seeds located in the upper part of the fruit - near the receptacle.

As a rule, the seeds of fruits formed on the main stem or side shoots of the first order in early dates, have higher rates of mass, germination energy, germination and give more early and productive plants than seeds from fruits located in the upper part of the plant, formed later.

Alexander, Minsk

Reply to posts:

If your seeds are light and dense, then you dried them normally.

Yes, I'm following it.

Do you need to plant a large plantation?

Yes, your permanent site and friends have "floating"

that I have a thin book

- And I have a library, annual newspaper files and the Internet on the topic since 2011 ... That's why I asked the question that somehow it is not particularly covered

I pinch after the formation of three or four ovaries.

- Thank you, I haven’t done this yet, I’ll try it this season

I choose seeds, do not wash, dry.

I, too, now only dry it (maybe for rational scientific reasons, or maybe out of laziness) and from humane impulses, I sow almost everything (it’s a pity to throw it away)

But before sowing I treat with the drug

– I am doing an eco-site (I try without drugs)

Alexander, Minsk

And when seed growing, they must be isolated so as not to get incomprehensible fruits such as pumpkin - zucchini

This is how selection is done.

Read more on the website 7dach.ru: How to harvest pumpkin seeds for planting? / Questions / 7dach.ru

Alexander, Minsk

both seeds and pumpkins of zucchini were preserved until after Christmas, which I wish everyone

Svetlana Satubaldina

A familiar saleswoman of vegetables and pickles told how to plant a pumpkin. In the spring, she leaves the pumpkin, and when they go to their garden, they cut and pull out the seeds for planting. She says that the seeds do not break and the germination rate is 100%.

Alexander, Minsk

Yes, it is believed that the longer the seeds in the pumpkin, the better. Also in our experience. It's just hard to keep pumpkins until spring. (I want to eat)) “Probably not seeds break”, but “seedlings”)), that is, “stalks” ...

Natalia, Novorossiysk

I still have one from last year! pumpkin ..., I'm afraid to cut it ..., otherwise, suddenly, like in horror films ....;)))

Inna Raevnikova, St. Petersburg

Natasha, where did you keep it? My zucchini lay for a long time, then they could not cut it with an ax)))

Natalia, Novorossiysk

I have a room built into the house of 40 sq.m., originally it was supposed to be a garage .., now there is a workshop and a pantry ... In summer it is 5 degrees cooler .., in winter it is 5 degrees warmer ... if it is + outside, but if on the street - then for all 15 ... I didn’t store it at all ... Two lay .., I cut one in June ..., and one is still whole ...

If you want to get a good harvest of such a heat-loving crop as a pumpkin outside the southern region, then you should get acquainted with how and when it should be planted in seedlings.

Preparing pumpkin seeds for planting seedlings

The most common of these is soaking. It consists in the fact that the planting material is wrapped in a cloth, then soaked first for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then for 12 hours in water with a growth stimulator. After these procedures, the seeds should be washed in clean water and put in the refrigerator for one night.

Also, some gardeners use calcination of pumpkins at a temperature of 60 ° C for two hours. In this case, the main thing is not to fry them. in an unusual way is considered to be piercing. To do this, dry seeds should be opened from the sharp side. This is done with the non-sharp side of the scissors blade. To perform this method, you must first practice, as this is not always immediately obtained.

Growing pumpkin seedlings

The best time to sow pumpkin for seedlings is the first half of May. This is due to the fact that this plant has certain requirements for the temperature of the earth (not lower than + 16-18 ° C) and does not tolerate frost at all. In each locality, such conditions are met at their own time, but approximately this happens in late May - early June.

Growing seedlings should take place at an air temperature of + 18 ° C during the day, at night - not lower than + 15 ° C. It must be watered regularly and carried out two top dressing.

Seedlings should be planted in open ground no later than a month after they germinate. Otherwise, sprouts

too stretched out, which will affect the future harvest. It is possible to determine that the seedlings already need a transplant by the length of the stem (about 15 cm) and the presence of two bright green leaves.

Pumpkin seedlings can be grown both at home in small individual pots, placing them on the windowsill, and on the beds in the greenhouse. The only thing to consider is that this culture has a very delicate root system, so it does not tolerate transplants well. Growing seedlings in peat cups helps to avoid it, right in which the pumpkin is planted in open ground, after soaking them with water and removing the bottom.


There are about 100 varieties of edible pumpkin. It can be round, pear-shaped, oval, turban-shaped and other shapes. The color of the fruit is also varied. To be able to consume this vegetable all winter, you need to properly plant and grow it.

Growing and planting seedlings in open ground

Pumpkin is valued for its medicinal and taste qualities. Porridges, soups, juices, salads, pancakes, casseroles and even jam are prepared from it. You can use the pulp for culinary purposes, and the hard edging as an attribute for Halloween. Then you need to plant round-shaped varieties with yellow or orange color. If you want to impress people who come into the house, plant a pear-shaped variety. Like many others, it will last until spring when room temperature if an undamaged fruit is stored. You can decorate your home with similar specimens. If you want to get an early harvest, plant the seeds for seedlings, and then in open ground. Pumpkin should grow at home for no more than 25 days, otherwise the seedlings will stretch, so start pre-sowing seed treatment a month before the end of spring frosts. In the middle lane, they begin to pickle them in potassium permanganate on April 20-25. Make the solution weak. After pouring 3-4 crystals into 100 water, stir it. Then put the pumpkin seeds in there for 20 minutes. After that, rinse them and put them to be enriched with nutrients. For this you need a bandage and a bowl. Wrap the seeds in a double layer of bandage, put it in a container, pour in the growth stimulator. After 10 hours, drain it, put the bowl in the refrigerator for a day. After this time, keep the wet seeds in a bandage at room temperature for a day. Then plant each seed in a separate pot with a nutrient mixture, it is better to use peat. Do not overmoisten the ground, grow seedlings on a bright windowsill or balcony at a temperature of + 15 + 20 ° C, then it will not stretch. At the end of May, pumpkin seedlings are planted in open ground.

Planting seeds in the soil

If you do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings, you will have time to get large fruits by planting seeds immediately in open ground. The optimal time for this is May 15-20. Start germinating the seeds in the manner suggested above two days before planting. This crop, like all members of the pumpkin family, loves to grow on light soil rich in organic matter. Moreover, the latter may be semi-decomposed. It is easy to prepare a plot for a pumpkin, to avoid unnecessary effort, start digging from the middle of the ridge. At the same time, take some land, set it aside to the left and right side. You will get a trench 60 cm wide. Put grass, dry leaves, semi-decomposed compost, manure into it. Pour 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska per square meter. Mix it all up with a shovel. Cover the top with earth that lies on both sides of the trench. Spill the bed with warm water. Plant the pumpkin seeds in a square-nest pattern in 2 rows 50 cm apart. Cover the top with non-woven fabric. If the weather is warm, the first shoots will appear after 5 days. If it's cool, you'll have to wait 7-9. After that, remove the non-woven fabric, water occasionally, loosen the top layer shallowly, water as needed. Leave no more than 1-2 ovaries on each bush, then the fruits will grow large.



When is the right time to plant a pumpkin?

When to plant a pumpkin

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pumpkin planting time

When to plant pumpkin seedlings?

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Growing pumpkin

pumpkin care

Pumpkin vitamin

Pumpkin vitamin

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how to grow a pumpkin.

When is the right time to plant a pumpkin?

Thinking when to plant a pumpkin correctly? Not all weather is suitable for its landing. The worst thing for her is the cold. They are destructive, the seeds freeze and rot. Therefore, the optimal time of the year is the second half of May, when uninvited frosts are unlikely to come and take you by surprise. When to plant a pumpkin previously determined by folk omens. During the flowering of viburnum and peonies. Pumpkin is a heat-loving plant, the temperature on the thermometer should not be lower than 20 degrees Celsius.

When choosing a place on the site, it is worth considering its features. Since the plant is thermophilic, then we allocate a place on the south side. Good predecessors are potatoes, onions, beets, peppers.

For a good harvest, take care of fertilizers. One square meter requires 6-8 kg of humus. But you can also take the path of least resistance. Before planting, put humus in each well. Its depth is 30 cm, 80% humus and 20% earth.

Muscat pumpkin varieties are planted in seedlings. First, the seeds are soaked in an ash solution for 12 hours. Then they take it out and plant it flat in a pot to a depth of 6 cm. On the fifth day, the seeds will give the first shoots. Seedlings are planted at a permanent place of growth after a month.

Most often, pumpkins are planted immediately in the ground. But for before planting prepare the seeds. Seeds are heated at a temperature of 40 degrees for 10 hours. Then soaked for 12 hours in an ash solution. When choosing a place of growth on the site, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the pumpkin. Since she is thermophilic, then take her south side. And from the north, plant corn or curly beans. the distance between the rows is 1.5 meters, planted to a depth of 8 cm, before putting the seeds in the hole, it is watered. Lay 3-4 seeds.

Pumpkin planting dates - the second decade of May

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Pumpkin is not a very capricious plant, however, in order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to follow certain rules when planting it. Firstly, it is desirable to plant a pumpkin after legumes: beans, peas, it will also feel good in the garden where beets, tomatoes, and potatoes were grown last year. To get a good harvest, you need to take care of the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. You can bring them directly into the hole, in the amount of about a handful of humus, a glass of ash and 50 grams of superphosphate. All components before laying the seeds must be thoroughly mixed with the ground.

Muscat varieties of pumpkin are recommended to be planted with seedlings. Seeds are pre-soaked in an ash solution, then sown in cups with moist soil. In this case pumpkin planting time for seedlings are calculated in such a way that at the time of planting the plants they were 25-30 days old. 5 days are added for seed germination and emergence of seedlings.

The best time for planting pumpkins in the ground with seeds is the second decade of May, when frosts no longer threaten young plants, the earth is sufficiently warmed up, at this time viburnum is already blooming and peonies are blooming.

According to folk traditions, the best day for planting seeds is on Yuri's day, in the morning. But it's okay if circumstances do not allow planting seeds on that very day - it has been repeatedly tested in my own experience - planting in moist, warm soil enriched with fertilizers gives a very good harvest, regardless of the date of planting.

Before planting in the ground, it is advisable to keep pumpkin seeds in an ash solution for 10-12 hours at temperatures up to 40 degrees. Plants are sown to a depth of about 5 cm, 4-5 seeds are placed in the hole. Row spacing should be approximately 1.5 m, in a row between plants - 1.2 m.

When to plant pumpkin seedlings?

Very easy to grow. Pumpkin is a short-day plant, with a light day of less than 12 hours, the pumpkin begins to bear fruit earlier and gives high yields.

When to plant pumpkin seedlings? Pumpkin should be planted in May. Pumpkin is sown quite late, after the end of spring frosts. The pumpkin makes a shadow, so you can plant it near the arbors, houses, fences, thus introducing a decorative element. For fruits, you can make props, as well as hang them on nets.

When to plant pumpkin seedlings? In different climatic regions, the timing of planting pumpkins varies. In the northern regions, pumpkin is cultivated in pits and steam heaps using potted seedlings. For faster fruiting, the first shoot is shortened after the appearance of five leaves, weak shoots are also removed until the fruits are tied. On large-fruited plants, three or four fruits are left. If the pumpkin is well lit by sunlight, then it turns out tastier.

Before sowing, the seeds are heated at a temperature of 60 degrees for two hours. Seeds are sown in two or three to a depth of eight centimeters. Seedlings need to be grown at temperatures above 18 degrees during the day and 15 degrees at night. Twice it needs to be fed with complex fertilizer. If the plant is too long, then the subcotyledonous knee can be carefully laid on the soil in a ring, and then sprinkled with soil. The pumpkin is planted at a distance of 50 centimeters, so complex fertilizers should be applied directly to the hole. The best temperature for the development and growth of the fetus is 25 degrees.

Growing pumpkin and caring for it in the garden

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It is safe to say that the most big vegetable in our gardens. There are specimens that reach up to 250 kilograms, but subject to a hot climate. In our middle lane, it is realistic to grow a vegetable up to 50 kilograms.

Growing pumpkin and caring for it is available to every gardener. This is not a fastidious, at first glance, vegetable, it requires, of course, listening, but always pays for the work with a large harvest.

Growing pumpkin

Pumpkin is thermophilic. Therefore, it must be planted in the already heated ground, and at a temperature of 10-13 degrees it will die. The vegetable grows strongly, for this reason the distance between the holes must be made from 0.6 to 1 meter. The beds are best planned in open areas, away from tall plants.

Pumpkin is grown in two ways:

  1. seedlings. At the end of April, seeds are sown in tall pots. The temperature in the room or greenhouse should be around 30 degrees. It is not necessary to dive the seeds. Seedlings are planted in a month.
  2. Seeds. Pumpkin should be planted at the end of May in the ground. Water the soil before planting hot water. The optimal depth for planting seeds is 6-9 centimeters. In a week, sprouts should sprout.

pumpkin care

  • Before planting, be sure to pour organic fertilizer (peat, humus, manure) into the holes.
  • After planting, until heat is restored, the plant is covered with a film.
  • When the pumpkin blooms and fruits are formed, the plant should be watered. But when the vegetable ripens, a lot of moisture is not required. Water the pumpkin always with warm water.
  • Every 10-15 days, the pumpkin requires top dressing.
  • So that the pumpkin does not deteriorate from contact with the ground, it is lifted up and a material is placed that does not rot.

Pumpkin cultivation and care huge amount does not require time or effort. As you can see, all the works converge only to watering and feeding the plant. So in 80 - 90 days you can grow a tasty and healthy product.

Pumpkin vitamin

Pumpkin vitamin refers to a late-ripening pumpkin variety. About 130 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the ripening of fruits. Vitamin pumpkin is a long climbing plant with a wide short oval fruit. The fruit is dark pink, has an orange tint, the stalk has ribbing. The mass of the pumpkin is from 4.5 to 6.8 kilograms. The pulp is sweet, crispy, very tender, bright orange in color. The thickness of the pulp is up to 10 centimeters. The bark is leathery and thin.

Vitamin pumpkin prefers light loamy and sandy soils. Pumpkin is sown after the soil warms up. The depth of placement of seeds is up to 10 centimeters. You can put 2-3 seeds in the hole. Pumpkin can also be planted using seedlings, which are planted after a month. This variety of pumpkin is best planted in rows.

Pumpkin vitamin needs care. It consists in pinching the side lashes, pinching the main stem, it is imperative to water, loosen, weed, periodically the plant is fed with mineral fertilizer. For better ripening in autumn, flat stones are placed under the pumpkin. Harvested in September and October before frost.

Vitamin pumpkin is characterized by high yield, good keeping quality and fruit transportability. This is one of the tastiest and sweetest varieties of pumpkin. Pumpkin pulp contains a large number of carotene, so this pumpkin is often used for medicinal and baby food. Vitamin pumpkin is even recommended to be used in fresh. Pumpkin is used to make purees and juices, and is also used in baking.

How to grow pumpkin outdoors?

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It is difficult to find a gardener who has never once wondered whether how to grow a pumpkin. And this is not surprising, because this culture has excellent taste and outstanding healing qualities, it has found wide application not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine and cosmetology. In addition, most pumpkin varieties are very unpretentious in their care, and even not the most experienced gardener can harvest a rich harvest.

So, how to grow a pumpkin in the open field? Fertile, nutrient-rich soil is the key to a good harvest, so the area where the pumpkin will be grown must be prepared in the fall (apply 8-10 kilograms of manure per square meter). In the spring, it is necessary to dig up the earth and add potassium salt and superphosphate. Before planting, pumpkin seeds should be germinated. To do this, they are placed in a plate on a piece of cloth moistened with water, covered with a second plate on top and placed in a warm place until the first sprouts appear on them. Pumpkin sowing in open ground is carried out in the first half of June. It is necessary to place the seeds in holes located at a distance of a meter and a half from each other, and immediately fill the ground with plenty of water and mulch it with peat or dry humus.

Further care for the pumpkin consists in its regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the earth and taking measures to combat pests and diseases. This crop forms a large amount of vegetative mass (stems and leaves) and fruits, so it is in dire need of frequent top dressing, for which it is better to use liquid fertilizers.