Blueberry jelly for the winter, recipes. blueberry jelly recipe

Of course, we all have heard and are well aware of the benefits of such a berry as blueberries. Most often, we serve it with sugar, both to ourselves and to our children. But today I want to teach you how to make blueberry jelly. I offer a recipe for the winter without gelatin, so you cook blueberry jelly very quickly.

- blueberries - 1300 grams,
- granulated sugar - 800 grams.

To make blueberry jelly, you will need ready-made blueberry juice. But if you don’t have it, don’t be discouraged, in this master class I will show you how to make jelly without juice. And we will start with the berry itself. Let's sort it out and remove all the leaves, twigs, if any.

Then we wash the blueberries under running cold running water and put all the berries into a fine sieve or a colander. Let's wait until all the water drains. Then, with the help of a crush, crush the berry, as seen in the photo.

Then we will prepare a saucepan or an enameled container. Pour the extracted juice into it, which we obtained by rubbing the blueberries through a fine metal sieve. Let's prepare sugar.

We send all the indicated granulated sugar into a container with juice and turn on the fire. We heat the juice, bring it to a boil, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved.
The resulting mixture is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and boiled until the volume is reduced by about 1/4 of the original size.

We pack the finished blueberry jelly. Prepare for this in advance clean and dried jars. We close their jelly with boiled lids, hermetically seal and cool. There is no need to turn the jars upside down.
So, our blueberry jelly is ready, enjoy your meal!
Useful and delicious

blueberry jelly I cook without adding water, because the berry is watery, and if you add syrup to cook on water, it will be very liquid (almost fruit drink). The taste is unusually fragrant, the color lasts all winter. I use it for making pies, mousse and just as an additive to tea table.

Cooking Ingredients:
- freshly picked blueberries - 3 kg
- granulated sugar - 2.5 kg

1. Blueberries for jelly should be used only freshly picked, until it has given juice. Carefully sort the berries by hand, remove leaves, twigs. Put the berry in a colander and wash quickly in running water.

2. Put the blueberries in the pan in which the jelly will be prepared, cover with half the sugar, but do not mix. Leave covered for two hours, then see how much juice stands out. If less than half a glass, then leave for another hour.

3. Put the pan with blueberries on low heat. The berry will begin to "settle", so you need to carefully mix the contents of the pan, gradually adding the rest of the sugar. Boil

cook for no more than 5 minutes, remove from heat. Let the jam cool completely, then put it back on low heat, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Cool the jelly, put it on low heat again, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Jelly is ready

There are many options for creating blueberry jelly, what can we say about its components. Even blueberry jam can be turned into jelly, but how beautifully blueberry juice gels or how picturesque fresh berries look in a transparent piece light dessert and you don't have to speak.


  • blueberries - 250 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • maple syrup - 50-150 ml;
  • gelatin - 5 sheets.


We put the washed berries in a saucepan and pour a glass of water. We put the berries to cook over medium heat, covering the dishes with a lid, exactly until the blueberries burst. After, the resulting berry solution should be mixed with maple syrup, the amount of which is determined only by your taste preferences. About a third of the resulting mixture will serve us to dissolve the gelatin. Then we mix both components and bring the solution for the future jelly to a volume of 500 ml. It remains only to pour the solution into molds and leave to cool in the refrigerator.

If you want to make blueberry jelly for the winter, then boil the base additionally before pouring it into sterile jars and rolling it up. Once set, this jelly goes great with bread toast and butter, and in the company of fresh berries and fruit and will become your favorite among morning meals.

How to make blueberry and milk jelly?


  • milk - 235 ml;
  • blueberry jam - 150 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • pistachios.


For the blueberry part of our dessert berry jam should be mixed with sugar and water, and then brought to a boil over medium heat. We filter the resulting syrup through a sieve and dilute half of the gelatin in it.

The second half of the gelatin is dissolved in hot milk and poured into molds. Wait until milk jelly harden in the molds, and then pour the blueberry jelly solution on top of it. Leave the delicacy to completely freeze and serve, sprinkled with pistachios.

blueberry jelly cake recipe


  • blueberry jelly - 85 g (3 bags);
  • boiling water - 3 tbsp.;
  • ice water - ¾ st.;
  • blueberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilla yogurt - 2 tbsp.


In a glass of boiling water, completely dilute one bag of blueberry jelly and combine the solution with cold water. Pour the jelly into the bottom of the mold and let it thicken slightly in the refrigerator. Mix jelly with fresh berries, level and cool completely.

In two cups of boiling water, dilute the remaining two bags of finished jelly. We wait until the solution is completely cooled, and then mix it with yogurt. Pour the yogurt mixture over the blueberry jelly and return the mold to the refrigerator. As soon as the dessert has cooled completely, it can be removed from the mold.

Alcoholic blueberry jelly

Alcoholic "jelly shots" are a popular entertainment at parties these days. A couple of such delicacies may well decorate not only your table, but also your mood.


    • lemonade - 2/3 tbsp.;
    • soda (lime / lemon) - 2/3 tbsp.;

  • gelatin - 84 g;
  • vodka (can be blueberry) - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • fresh blueberries - 15 pcs.


In fact, cooking alcoholic jelly shots, not much different from ordinary desserts. We combine soda and lemonade, and pour into the jelly solution. We leave the powder to swell for about 5 minutes, and then dissolve it by slowly heating the citrus mixture over low heat. Cool the base for jelly to warm, and then combine with vodka. At this point, you can add food coloring.

To the bottom silicone molds put the berries and fill them with a jelly solution. Leave to cool, remove and eat ... or do we still drink?

The fruits of this wild berry contain neomitrillin and carotenoid compounds that sharpen night vision, compounds of iron and manganese, sugar, vitamin C. Blueberries are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, compotes, jelly, as an astringent for indigestion.

To prepare a compote, wash the berries in cold water, transfer to a colander to glass water, and pour into prepared jars. When filling with berries, shake the jar several times for better sealing. Berries packed in a jar, pour hot sugar syrup and sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 15.
For 1.5 liters of syrup -1 liter of water, 820 g of sugar.

Sort the berries, rinse, dry, mix with sugar and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mass thickens. Fill with hot stuff glass jars and sterilize in boiling water half-liter jars - 30 minutes, liter - 50 minutes. After sterilization, roll up hot jars immediately.
For 400 g of berries - 300 g of sugar.

To prepare the syrup, take cranberries or red currants, grind with a mixer or knead with a wooden crush, put on fire and bring to a boil, then cool and squeeze through a gauze napkin. Pour the resulting mass into the middle of the cooked sugar and boil the syrup. Put the blueberries into the boiling syrup and cook over high heat for 40 minutes. For the entire cooking time, actively mix the berry and crush it against the walls of the pelvis. Ready-made hot jam is packaged in jars, preferably with a capacity of 700-800 ml. To form a protective film on top of the jam, leave the jars open until completely cooled. Can be closed tightly.
For 3 kg of blueberries - 3.9 kg of sugar, 3 cups of cranberries or red currants.

Sort the berries, rinse and drain with water. Then blanch for 13-15 seconds and transfer to pre-prepared hot jars with a capacity of 800-1000 ml. Shake the jars several times for greater compaction of the berries. Fill the jars 3 cm below the edge of the neck and pour boiling syrup over. Use for dessert and for filling pies.
For syrup: for 1 liter of water - 300-350 g of sugar.

Sort the berries, rinse thoroughly and let the water drain. As soon as the berries dry, pour them into enamel pan, add sugar and, after mixing, chop with a wooden spoon or pass through a meat grinder scalded with boiling water. Transfer the resulting puree to clean jars, close with thick paper (you can also close it with plastic lids on top of the paper). Store jars in a dark cool place.
For 1 kg of berries - 1-1.5 kg of sugar.

Place ripe blueberries in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer until softened in a closed saucepan. Then leave overnight to drain the juice. Add sugar to the juice and cook until a drop of jelly immediately begins to solidify on a cold plate. Pour hot jelly into jars and sterilize half-liter jars - 30 minutes, liter jars - 50 minutes, roll up.
For 300 g of juice - 50 g of sugar.

Pour the prepared berries with freshly squeezed juice, put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. After 5 minutes, quickly pour into hot jars and roll up. Use for making jelly, compotes, fillings for pies.
For 1 kg of berries - 1 glass of juice.

Sort, wash and drain the berries. Fill clean boiled bottles with them. Cover them (leaky) with corks and put in a bowl of water, on the bottom of which is placed a wooden grate or a rag folded into several parts. Pour water into the dishes to 3/4 of the height of the bottle, cover and boil for 20 minutes. Take out the bottles on a table or board, cork tightly, tie tightly with twine, cool. Seal the plugs with paraffin. In winter, jelly, jelly, compote can be prepared from such berries.

Sort out freshly picked ripe blueberries. Select berries that are dense, without mechanical damage and pour into bottles calcined in the oven (2 hours), shaking them so that the blueberries fit tightly. Seal with corks and fill the neck and cork with sealing wax. Store in a cool dry place.

Separate about a fifth of the cooked berries, put in an enamel pan and crush. Pour the remaining berries and sugar on top, put on fire. Heat, stirring, almost to a boil (90 ° C), hold for 5 minutes, remove the foam, transfer to large jars and immediately roll up. Banks with a smaller capacity (half-liter, liter) must be pasteurized.
For 1 kg of berries - 500-600 g of sugar.

Mature blueberries without pedicels are harvested after the dew has dried and in good sunny weather. Clean the collected blueberries from debris, but do not wash. Place the sorted blueberries on baking sheets with a tinned mesh, sieves and similar dishes. Dry in a slightly cooled oven, first at a temperature of 35-40°C, and then at a temperature of 50-65°C or in an oven with the door open.

One of the most delicious and healthy berries of the season is, of course, blueberries. It ripens at the end of June, just behind strawberries. Usually jams or jams are made from its fruits. However, there is another cooking method that preserves all beneficial features berries. So how do you make blueberry jelly?

Required Ingredients

To make classic blueberry jam, we need only three products:

  • the berry itself (blueberries must be fresh);
  • regular white sugar (about the same amount as blueberries);
  • water.

You can diversify the options for making jam or blueberry jelly. A recipe that will surprise your household is very simple. It is only necessary to add a few slices of lime or mint to the treat. They will give a special aroma and unique taste to the delicacy. In addition, blueberries combined with citrus fruits will make your jam much healthier.

blueberry jelly recipe for the winter

One of classic options cooking winter treats is that the berry must be boiled over medium heat for about 15 minutes. However, let's talk about everything in order.

  1. First you need to sort out the fruits, which means that the berry should be placed in a large container. Then it is desirable to remove the stalks and get rid of the leaves.
  2. It is best to rinse the blueberries under a stream of cool water, and then put in a colander to drain all the liquid.
  3. The prepared berry must be crushed. You can do this both in a meat grinder and with a blender. In this case, it is better to choose a stationary device, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid splashing juice with a submersible device.
  4. Now you can add sugar, and you need to add about enough so that the ratio of crystals and berries is "one to one". It is in this case that blueberry jelly will be sweet enough. And if you add less than the recommended rate, then the taste will turn out to be more sour.
  5. The prepared mass must be transferred to a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on slow fire. Cook for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the berries do not burn.

Ready blueberry jelly should be put into jars and rolled up until the jam has cooled.

Recipe with gelatin

Blueberries are very useful berry, which provides beneficial effect not only to our eyes, but to the whole body as a whole. It strengthens the immune system, which is why it is so important to stock up on berries for winter period. Unique healing properties blueberries appear not only in fresh, but even when jam is made from it. Any novice hostess can cook blueberry jelly, because there is nothing complicated in its preparation. Just follow the recipe. So, we will need:

  • 500 g blueberries;
  • 1 liter of drinking water;
  • 50 g gelatin (approximately 5 packs of 10 g);
  • 1 cup of sugar.

The most important thing is to properly prepare the gelatin base. To do this, it must be soaked in about 300 ml of cold water and allowed to swell for one hour.

While the gelatin is being prepared, you can do the berry. All blueberries should be sorted out and washed under a stream of cool water. And then get rid of the stalks and other debris. After that, you can start the cooking process:

  1. Put 700 ml of water on the fire, bring to a boil and carefully add the blueberries.
  2. Stir thoroughly every 5 minutes so that the berries do not stick to the sides of the pan.
  3. Pour 150 g of sugar and cook for about 15 minutes.

Now you need to do the jelly again: it is necessary that all the gelatin dissolves. And for this, it can be placed in the microwave for literally 1 or 2 minutes, depending on the power of your equipment. Then gelatin should be carefully poured into the cooled blueberry syrup and mix well. You will get a thick mushy mass, which can be decomposed into molds or rolled into jars.

How to cook berry jelly for the holiday?

The festive table can be decorated with an unusual delicacy made from berry syrup and gelatin. The advantage of this treat is that it can be prepared from fresh fruits, as well as from frozen ones. In any case, blueberry jelly will turn out incredibly fragrant and delicious in taste.

So we need the following:

  • blueberries - about 1 kg;
  • sugar - 150-200 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • a slice of lemon or lime;
  • half a glass of any red wine.

Step by step recipe

Usually, any jelly is made from berries and gelatin and is used both as a filling for pastries and cakes, and as an independent treat. The following recipe for blueberry jelly with gelatin is perfect for special occasions. So:

  1. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice from the berries. The best way to do this is with a blender. Then you should strain the blueberries through cheesecloth or a strainer to get the juice without the berry mass.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add 1 cup of sugar and put on a slow fire. Boil for 5-7 minutes, and at the end add wine.
  3. Prepare gelatin in advance: soak it in cold water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 50 g of powder. At the end, it is recommended to drain the excess liquid.
  4. In boiling berry syrup Add the finished gelatin, stirring constantly so that no lumps form.
  5. Pour the resulting jelly into molds and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

The finished delicacy can be decorated with whipped cream. Put a teaspoon of whipped cream on each piece and pour cherry syrup on top.

Another bright idea for decorating holiday table: place berry jelly in orange peel, freeing it from the insides in advance.

Serve on the table in the form of fruit slices. To do this, you need to cut the orange filled with blueberry jelly sharp knife. Guests and your family will be delighted with such a treat!