Milk jelly with agar - agar. Preparation of jelly from agar-agar

Summer! An abundance of juicy and ripe berries and fruits, and it's time to stock up on vitamins for the winter. Best option: Eat as many seasonal fruits as possible (why not switch to a raw food diet at all in the summer?). Juicy strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, red and black currants, watermelons, melons, peaches, cherries and cherries are just a short list of the most delicious seasonal berries and fruits.

Don't forget that in summer time it is best to make preparations for the winter. And we are talking not only about conservation, but also about freezing fresh vegetables, herbs or berries, which allows you to save the maximum amount of usefulness in them. For example, for the winter it will remain almost as bright, juicy and healing as in fresh.

So, you have already eaten up ripe berries, prepared them for the cold season, it remains only to treat yourself to something especially tasty. For example, prepare a vegetarian strawberry jelly on agar-agar. - this is a vegetable replacement for animal gelatin, agar has a more pronounced gelling effect, moreover, no one suffers during its production.

On the basis of agar, you can cook any berry, fruit, and even (including almond, coconut, sesame milk).

What we need:

  • 300 g ripe and sweet strawberries
  • 40 g sugar
  • 2 g agar powder
  • 250 ml. drinking water
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • 1 st. l. honey

How to make strawberry jelly without gelatin

Sort the strawberries, remove the "tails", wash under running water and dry with a towel to remove water droplets. Place in the bowl of a blender or food processor, add lemon juice and puree.

In a separate bowl, mix water with sugar, wait until the sugar dissolves. Add agar-agar and put the saucepan on the stove. Simmer on low heat for 2 minutes, making sure that there is no strong boil.

Remove from heat, add honey, mix well. Pour in the strawberry mixture. Try to mix gently so that bubbles do not form.

Pour strawberry jelly into glasses or silicone molds and refrigerate for several hours.

frozen strawberry jelly on agar, garnish with fresh berries, mint leaves or vegetable cream. Enjoy your meal!

Hello dear readers! I haven't written anything for a long time, right?.. From the very beginning, let me express my gratitude to those who, even during my "absence", continue to leave comments, ask questions and share their opinions. This is really important and thank you for that!

When there is neither inspiration nor desire to publish new articles, each feedback received is not only support, but also a reminder that ideas dream of becoming someone's gift delicious recipes I just can't tell you about my findings!

There were two reasons for this:

After 5 minutes of cooling in the refrigerator, I got a tight jelly. Agar-agar really didn’t taste like anything, but the consistency was, in my opinion, a little rough.

Summary - less agar should have been added.

2) Experience the second, successful.

I decided to make the next jelly from freshly minted cherry compote. I filtered the liquid from the berries and experimented with 1 tsp. for 250 ml. water and with 2 tsp. for 250 ml. water.

In this case, I just poured agar-agar not with cold compote, but with hot one. Everything else is the same - boiled for 30 seconds with constant stirring, poured into molds and cooled in the refrigerator.

This is how the jelly looked in the light. The thickness is about 2 cm. The middle is slightly damaged on one side, hence the "pattern"

Summary. From 1 tsp agar-agar jelly set perfectly, but a little longer than with two teaspoons. According to the consistency of jelly from one tsp. agar is more gentle and pleasant. With two it seemed rough in taste.


eliabe_l shared some recipes using agar from the French book "Agar-agar à volonté: Les recettes minceur qui ont tout bon!" by Thierry Roussillon

Cucumber, yogurt, dill and smoked salmon jelly (Aspic de concombre, yaourt et saumon à l'aneth)

1 long greenhouse cucumber
2 natural yoghurts
2 gr AA
1 lemon
4 pieces of smoked salmon, sliced ​​flat
4 sprigs of dill
salt and pepper

Grate the cucumber, put it to drain into a sieve.
Boil the lemon juice and boil for 2 minutes along with the agar. Mix yoghurts and lemon juice, mix in cucumber and chopped dill. Lay out 4 small forms with pieces of salmon so that the ends of the pieces hang down. Fill each form with cucumber mixture, cover with loose pieces of salmon, refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Cinnamon Apple Jam

1.4 kg apples
500 gr sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp AA
1 lemon

The day before:
Peel and cut apples, sprinkle with sugar and pour over lemon juice, put a cinnamon stick in the middle. Close the lid and leave overnight.

Next morning:
Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, take the liquid with a ladle and pour it into a small saucepan. Add agar-agar and boil for 2 minutes. Pour the mixture back over the apples.
Pour into banks. Keep at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.

Creamy strawberry jelly (Panna cotta fraise/vanille)

650 ml (65 cl) liquid cream
1 vanilla stick
500 gr (50 cl) sugar
2 tsp AA
½ lemon
2 dozen strawberries

Cut a vanilla stick in half and scrape out the seeds sharp knife. Remove the zest from half a lemon with a potato peeler (like a stocking). Put the cream with sugar on the fire, put the zest, vanilla seeds, agar-agar and vanilla stick there. Heat over low heat - everything should be infused, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Cool, remove the zest, remove the zest and vanilla stick. Arrange the berries in glasses, pour in the cream and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Recipe from Katya lyukum berry dessert

1 cup=240ml

3 1/2 cups cold water
1/2 cup raspberry syrup
425g frozen raspberries
1 tbsp (no top) agar

Stir agar into cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring. Turn off, add syrup, stir. Pour the unfrozen berries into molds with the resulting liquid. Leave to freeze in room temperature. To approach the creaminess and softness of the marmalade type, you need to reduce the amount of agar and puree some of the berries.

Recipe tender marshmallow from irenka2501

- 600 gr applesauce
- 2 tsp topped with agar-agar
- 2 proteins
- 450 gr sugar
- 1/2 tsp citric acid
- 1 glass of water

- From apples, in a blender, we make mashed potatoes. We need 600 gr of ready-made puree. We unload it into a saucepan and boil for about 5 minutes. Then we set it aside - let it cool. I had mashed potatoes ready, cooked in the fall and waiting in the freezer in the wings
- In a bowl, beat 2 egg whites + 150 grams of sugar + 1/2 tsp. citric acid to a very thick foam. I entrusted this operation to the Kenwood kitchen machine.
- We put a saucepan on the fire, where we pour the remaining sugar (300 gr) + 2 tsp. agar-agar and fill it with water (1 cup). Boil the syrup until the "solid ball test" (or when we see a lot of boiling small bubbles)
- Then, whipping the protein mass, add to it applesauce and when the mass becomes the same color, pour boiling syrup in a thin stream, continuing to beat. Whisk well and mix well, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator to cool. Once the mass has cooled and hardened, it can be cut into pieces and poured with powdered sugar. Delicious pastille ready.

Where to buy agar-agar in Moscow

Shop "Peki Sam"
Score " Indian spices
Online store ""
Online store " delicious shop

Sources of information
- McGee on Food and Cooking An Encyclopedia of Kitchen Science, History and Culture, Harold McGee

Very easy to make agar jelly with many serving options and flavors. It can be prepared from any berry, fruit juice or puree. The clearer the juice, the clearer the jelly will be. Jelly can be used not only to decorate the cake, but also as an independent dish or dessert component.

  • Recipe author: Elena Davydova
  • After cooking you will receive 6
  • Cooking time: 20 min


  • 2 tsp agar-agar
  • 600 ml. juice
  • 50 ml. water
  • 100 gr. sugar

Cooking method

    Prepare the ingredients.

    Soak agar-agar in 50 ml. water for 5 minutes so that it dissolves and there are no lumps.

    Pour the juice into a saucepan (in this recipe, red orange juice was used), add sugar (its amount can be adjusted depending on how much sweet juice you use in the recipe). Boil. Pour in the agar and bring to a boil again.

    Pour into a mold(s) and place in a cool place to set.

    Agar-agar replaces gelatin, but hardens much faster, even at room temperature. Approximate curing time 10-15 minutes (depending on the volume of the mold).

    Cut out the necessary shapes and decorate the cake.

    How to cook vegan orange cakes and cashew cream, you can see on our website in the vegan recipes section.

    Jelly on agar ready!

    Enjoy your meal!

I can’t make an addition to the text, so I’m making a link to our archive here - interesting about agar - agar

To prepare a salad with agar-agar, the plates are soaked for 20-25 minutes in warm water and then put on a sieve and dried. The plates are separated from each other and cut into pieces. After that, agar-agar is mixed with other components of the salad.
For jelly, agar-agar powder or plates are dissolved in water over very low heat (about 10 minutes). Separately heat the milk with sugar and flavors, and then mix it with a solution of agar-agar. The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Usually, 300 ml of liquid is taken per teaspoon of agar-agar powder.
When acidic solutions of agar-agar are heated at high temperatures, hydrolytic cleavage can occur. With the correct addition of citric acid, acidity does not affect the process of gel formation. The mass prepared on agar-agar can be cooled to 60-70 gr. C, and only then acid and flavors should be added.
Agar-agar powder can be dissolved not only in water, but also in other liquids, for example, non-acidic fruit juice, broth. The mixture is allowed to swell, then the liquid is brought to a boil, stirring constantly, until the powder is completely dissolved. Then put the desired additives and finally cool the dish at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
Agar is an excellent gelling agent, especially popular with vegetarians who use it instead of gelatin.
The algae that produce agar-agar are extremely rich in iodine, calcium, iron and other valuable substances and microelements.
The swelling substance of agar does not decompose in the intestine, as it passes through it very quickly. The action of agar has a slight laxative effect and is based on the fact that, when it swells, it significantly increases in volume, fills a large intestinal space and thereby stimulates peristalsis. Agar owes its qualities high content in him coarse fiber. Agar-agar removes toxins and toxins from the body, removes harmful substances from the liver, improving its functioning.

Agar-agar, both in plates and in powder, is stored in a cool, dry place for an almost unlimited time.
The gelling properties of agar can vary, so it's best to check in practice how much agar you bought should be put in. As you know, agar-agar hardens quickly and therefore, before cooling the entire mixture, place a teaspoon with a small amount of the mixture in the freezer for half a minute. If the mixture has frozen, agar is enough, if not, you need to add more: dissolve the powder in a small amount liquid and add to the total mixture
If interested, I have a proven recipe for agar soufflé cake.

See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

Easy to prepare and very tasty healthy raspberry dessert - jelly on agar-agar our find this summer! Cooking this dish is as easy as shelling pears, the jelly hardens quickly and efficiently, the result pleases pleasant taste. I offer an easy and tasty recipe for raspberry jelly, as always with step-by-step photos.

The harvest of berries is now good, fresh raspberries have been eaten in plenty, and therefore I thought, what would I cook from raspberries so that the vitamins would not spoil much, and it was delicious. From Thailand, I brought several packages of agar-agar, which is a great plant-based alternative to gelatin. On the basis of agar-agar, delicious healthy desserts and jelly, marshmallows and marshmallows, due to its gelling properties.

Here are some of the properties of agar-agar:

  • envelops the stomach and relieves hyperacidity gastric juice;
  • getting into the intestines, it swells, stimulates peristalsis, has a mild laxative effect, while it is not addictive and does not wash out minerals from the body;
  • removes toxic substances, including salts of heavy metals;
  • saturates the body with macro- and microelements, as well as folates;
  • lowers the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels.

Agar-agar is an extract from seaweed. He is credited with many useful properties for humans - this is very valuable and amazing product food rich in vitamins and minerals. At the same time, its calorie content is zero.

Raspberry jelly recipe with agar agar

I prefer minimal heat treatment products, especially berries, to preserve more vitamins. Therefore, we will not heat the berries, at all. To prepare raspberry jelly, first you need to chop the berry, and then strain through a sieve.

Can be used to chop raspberries blender with bowl. Pour a full bowl of berries, turn on the blender and achieve homogeneous mass. The resulting raspberry puree we need to separate from the seeds. The sieve works great for this. Puree from raspberries turns out to be thick, so it must be diluted with 1 glass of cold water and mixed. Now you can pour the mixture into a sieve.

After we strained the raspberry puree, the seeds calved and we were left with only rich raspberry juice with pulp. This will be the basis of our jelly. The proportion of products is as follows:

for 1 liter of raspberry liquid we take 4 tsp. agar powder (not flaked), 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar

Pour agar-agar with a glass of cold water and add sugar, stir and leave for 15 minutes. Then mix the mixture again and put the saucepan on fire. As soon as the syrup with agar boils, we detect 30 seconds, boil and remove from heat. Immediately add raspberry juice here and mix.

It remains only to pour our future jelly into molds or plates. The mixture cools to room temperature and the molds can then be put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning you will have breakfast ready. delicious jelly from raspberries, which retained the vitamin value of berries.

By the way, products with agar-agar contribute to weight loss. Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, agar normalizes metabolism. The fiber it contains helps better job intestines, cleanses it, normalizes the stool. Desserts based on agar-agar can be used in dietary and diabetic nutrition, especially if you replace white sugar with brown cane or palm sugar. Enjoy your meal!

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Fired up to learn how to work with agar-agar, I leafed through all my cookbooks and, with regret, found that the information in them is not. I had to collect information bit by bit from different sources, and then conduct experiments on my own. Here it is - the result of my yesterday's "dancing with a tambourine", and you have an article about agar-agar.


Agar or Agar-agar is the strongest gelling agent of plant origin, capable of gelling at much lower concentrations than gelatin. Requires less than 1% agar by weight finished product to form jelly.

Agar is a mixture of various carbohydrates and other substances that have long been extracted from several types of red seaweed.

red algaeRedalgae (nori, dals, etc.) - most common in tropical and subtropical waters.His they owe color special pigment-protein complexes, soluble in water and heat sensitive: So during cooking their color may change quite striking from red to green.
The power of red algae lies in the peculiar form of starch, as well as in the ability to produce large quantities sugar - galactose, from which we get gelling agents agar-agar and carrageenan

agar agar manufactured by boiling algae, filtering the liquid, and freeze drying it in the form of sticks or threads, which are easily accessible Middle Asian food. Solid parts of agar can be eaten no pre-cooking, like chewy ingredients in cold salads , soaked and cut into small pieces .

Image from Image from website http://1tess.wor

In China, agar produced in the form unflavored hard jelly cut into slices or cubes and served with enriching flavors different sauces. He also used for gelling fragrant mixtures fruit juice and sugar, stews from meat, fish or vegetables. In Japan, jelly sweets are made from agar.

The gelling ability determines the type of agar: 600, 700, 800, 900. Therefore, the higher the marking, the less agar should be added.

AT Food Industry agar-agar is referred to as food supplement E406.


The word "Agar" comes from the Malay " agar-agar »(meaning "jelly"). It is also known as:

kanten(from Japanese « cold weather, chilly", referring to what is collected in the winter months),
Chinagrass(Chinese seaweed),
Japaneseisinglass(Japanese fish glue; gelatin).


agar jelly somewhat opaque (slightly opaque) and less viscous than gelatin jelly. To jelly agar, dried agar powder or flake is soaked in cold water or other liquid, then heated to boiling to completely break the carbohydrate chains mixed with other ingredients, mixed vigorously, and cooled to about 110ºF/38ºC.

The approximate proportions for making jelly are 1 tsp (2 g) of agar-agar powder per 250 ml of liquid. But the acidity of the liquid also matters. The more acidic the liquid, the more agar-agar should be added.

If agar-agar is in flakes, then it must be taken twice as much -2 tsp. agar-agar flakes per 250 ml. liquids.


Agar-agar gel solidifies at 110ºF/38ºC, while gelatin gel already melts at this temperature.

The agar gel only melts again when its temperature reaches 185ºF/85ºC. Thus, it does not melt in the mouth, it must be chewed into pieces. On the other hand it will remain solid in hot days, and maybe even filed hot. Modern cooks use this property by adding small agar - gel pieces for contrasting shade in hot dishes.

Agar agar gel is thermoreversible those. it can be heated again and when cooled it will solidify again.

Agar has no taste.

Agar-agar is insoluble in cold water.

Agar-agar is not a source of calories (zero calories) because it is not absorbed by the human body. The swelling substance of agar does not decompose in the intestine, as it passes through it very quickly. The action of agar has a slight laxative effect, because. contains 80% fiber. It removes toxins and toxins from the body, removes harmful substances from the liver, improving its functioning.

Agar-agar jelly can be consumed by vegetarians.


We need 1 tsp. (2 g) agar-agar and 250 ml. liquids (water, juice, compote, etc.)

1) Pour agar-agar with cold liquid. It will swell right away.
// Digression - I put agar-agar in both cold and hot liquids, the result was the same.

The photo shows my very first experiment with agar-agar, so there is a lot of it, but not enough water. But here you can clearly see how it instantly swells in cold water.

2) Heat the liquid to a boil, stirring.

3) Boil for 30-60 seconds.

4) Pour into the right utensils. Cool to room temperature (you can put in the refrigerator for a quick solidification). It is more convenient to use silicone molds, it is easier to pull out of them.

MY OWN EXPERIENCES. The guinea pig is Agar-agar, with a gelling power of 900.

1) The first experience, not entirely successful.

The task was set - to prepare a jelly berry puree. I took 300 g of a mixture of berries, which I ground in a blender into a puree.

I did not want to boil berries with agar-agar. Therefore, I decided to add agar to sweetened water, in which I boiled it for 30 seconds, in order to then mix this water with berry puree and get delicious and healthy "jelly".

But! I did not find the exact proportions for the use of agar anywhere, the data varied from 1 to 4 teaspoons of agar per 250 ml. liquids. I don’t know what came to my mind and how I calculated so (it was also necessary to take into account the volume of berry puree), but I added 2 tablespoons of agar to the sweetened water.

After I brought the water with agar to a boil, I got a rather viscous matte substance. I quickly mixed it with berry puree and spread it over silicone molds.

After 5 minutes of cooling in the refrigerator, I got a tight jelly. Agar-agar really didn’t taste like anything, but the consistency was, in my opinion, a little rough.

Summary - less agar should have been added.

2) Experience the second, successful.

I decided to make the next jelly from freshly minted cherry compote. I filtered the liquid from the berries and experimented with 1 tsp. for 250 ml. water and with 2 tsp. for 250 ml. water.

In this case, I just poured agar-agar not with cold compote, but with hot one. Everything else is the same - boiled for 30 seconds with constant stirring, poured into molds and cooled in the refrigerator.

This is how the jelly looked in the light. The thickness is about 2 cm. The middle is slightly damaged on one side, hence the "pattern"

Summary. From 1 tsp agar-agar jelly set perfectly, but a little longer than with two teaspoons. According to the consistency of jelly from one tsp. agar is more gentle and pleasant. With two it seemed rough in taste.


eliabe_l shared some recipes using agar from the French book "Agar-agar à volonté: Les recettes minceur qui ont tout bon!" by Thierry Roussillon

Cucumber, yogurt, dill and smoked salmon jelly (Aspic de concombre, yaourt et saumon à l'aneth)

1 long greenhouse cucumber
2 natural yoghurts
2 gr AA
1 lemon
4 pieces of smoked salmon, sliced ​​flat
4 sprigs of dill
salt and pepper

Grate the cucumber, put it to drain into a sieve.
Boil the lemon juice and boil for 2 minutes along with the agar. Mix yoghurts and lemon juice, mix in cucumber and chopped dill. Lay out 4 small forms with pieces of salmon so that the ends of the pieces hang down. Fill each form with cucumber mixture, cover with loose pieces of salmon, refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Cinnamon Apple Jam

1.4 kg apples
500 gr sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp AA
1 lemon

The day before:
Peel and cut apples, sprinkle with sugar and pour over lemon juice, stick a cinnamon stick in the middle. Close the lid and leave overnight.

Next morning:
Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, take the liquid with a ladle and pour it into a small saucepan. Add agar-agar and boil for 2 minutes. Pour the mixture back over the apples.
Pour into banks. Keep at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.

Creamy strawberry jelly (Panna cotta fraise/vanille)

650 ml (65 cl) liquid cream
1 vanilla stick
500 gr (50 cl) sugar
2 tsp AA
½ lemon
2 dozen strawberries

Cut the vanilla stick in half and scrape out the seeds with a sharp knife. Remove the zest from half a lemon with a potato peeler (like a stocking). Put the cream with sugar on the fire, put the zest, vanilla seeds, agar-agar and vanilla stick there. Heat over low heat - everything should be infused, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Cool, remove the zest, remove the zest and vanilla stick. Arrange the berries in glasses, pour in the cream and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Recipe from Katya lyukum berry dessert

1 cup=240ml

3 1/2 cups cold water
1/2 cup raspberry syrup
425g frozen raspberries
1 tbsp (no top) agar

Dissolve agar in cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Turn off, add syrup, stir. Pour the unfrozen berries into molds with the resulting liquid. Leave to harden at room temperature. To approach the creaminess and softness of the marmalade type, you need to reduce the amount of agar and puree some of the berries.

Sweet Pasta Recipe irenka2501

- 600 gr applesauce
- 2 tsp topped with agar-agar
- 2 proteins
- 450 gr sugar
- 1/2 tsp citric acid
- 1 glass of water

- From apples, in a blender, we make mashed potatoes. We need 600 gr of ready-made puree. We unload it into a saucepan and boil for about 5 minutes. Then we set it aside - let it cool. I had mashed potatoes ready, cooked in the fall and waiting in the freezer in the wings
- In a bowl, beat 2 egg whites + 150 grams of sugar + 1/2 tsp. citric acid to a very thick foam. I entrusted this operation to the Kenwood kitchen machine.
- We put a saucepan on the fire, where we pour the remaining sugar (300 gr) + 2 tsp. agar-agar and fill it with water (1 cup). Boil the syrup until the "solid ball test" (or when we see a lot of boiling small bubbles)
- Then, whipping the protein mass, add applesauce to it and when the mass becomes the same color, pour boiling syrup in a thin stream, continuing to beat. Whisk well and mix well, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator to cool. Once the mass has cooled and hardened, it can be cut into pieces and poured powdered sugar. Delicious pasta is ready.

Where to buy agar-agar in Moscow

Shop "Peki Sam"
Shop "Indian spices"
Online store ""
Online store "Tasty store"

Sources of information
- McGee on Food and Cooking An Encyclopedia of Kitchen Science, History and Culture, Harold McGee

  • Main dishes Many people prefer to eat the second course for dinner, but children like to eat it instead of soup in order to quickly get to dessert or their favorite pastries. On the site Tasty food you will find many a variety of recipes second courses from simple steam cutlets before exquisite rabbit in white wine. It is delicious to fry fish, bake vegetables, cook a variety of vegetable and meat casseroles and favorite mashed potatoes our recipes with step-by-step photos will help to garnish. Even beginners will cope with the preparation of any second course, whether it be French meat or turkey with vegetables, chicken schnitzels or pink salmon in sour cream, if they cook according to our recipes with step-by-step photos. Delicious food site will help you cook the most delicious dinner for your loved ones. Choose a recipe and cook for health!
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