Recipe for meat casserole with vegetables under a cheese crust. Vegetable casserole with minced meat in the oven

Casseroles are one of the dishes in which almost any combination and substitution of products is acceptable. Sometimes, in the absence of any component or vegetable specified in the recipe, chefs invent completely new casseroles. We will not give recommendations, just a warning - keep moderation in any flight of fancy and vegetable casseroles will become frequent and welcome guest on your menu.

Vegetable casserole with minced meat - general principles of cooking

Almost all offered casseroles contain cheese. No need to use expensive, rare varieties, it is enough to make sure that the product is natural and that it quickly melts under the heat of the oven.

Tomatoes of any outlandish varieties are more likely to harm the taste of the dish; use ordinary domestic tomatoes.

The quality of flour, if it is not specifically stipulated, can be any, even wheat, second grade, will do. But it is better not to use flour with bran or from other cereals.

If you prefer unrefined oil, you can fry vegetables such as eggplant on it, in all other cases it is better to use only peeled, sunflower.

Vegetable casserole with minced meat in the oven


onions - two medium heads;

three medium-sized tomatoes;

600 grams of potatoes;

half a glass of juicy young greens;

four hundred grams of minced meat;

large bell pepper - one fruit;

mayonnaise "Provencal";

150 grams of cheese;

a quarter of a garlic head;

pepper, curry, coarse salt.

Cooking method:

Wash all vegetables with a sponge, dry and chop small cube Set aside one chopped onion. Chop and add a clove of garlic and herbs to the vegetable mass. Season with mayonnaise and knead, as for a salad.

Add the remaining onion and garlic to the minced meat, season with spices to taste and add salt.

Cut the peeled potatoes and boil until half cooked, about twelve minutes. Grate with a coarse grater and cool slightly.

Rub a transparent form from the inside with oil, lay out in layers: minced meat, vegetables, the last - grated potatoes.

If desired, you can add another clove of chopped garlic to the grated cheese. Mix cheese chips with mayonnaise, thickly cover the casserole.

We bake the dish, setting the temperature to about 180 degrees. Keep an eye on the formation of a blush, but on average, such dishes are kept in the oven for up to fifty minutes.

Vegetable casserole with minced zucchini and eggplant


young squash;

two eggplants, small;

large lettuce;

two tomatoes, large, fully ripe;

two large, fresh eggs;

three hundred grams of dense minced meat;

70 grams of "Russian" cheese;

two tablespoons of thick thick mayonnaise;

salt, a pinch of pepper, a spoonful of soy concentrate.

Cooking method:

Inspect the eggplants and wash, peel with a “zebra”, thinly cutting off half of the dark skin. Simply rinse and pat dry the zucchini. Using a special grater for chips, cut the vegetables into plates in full length, pour over soy sauce.

Dissolve the tomatoes into thin slices.

Finely chop the onion, you can even chop it. After adding to the minced meat, add a little salt and pepper the mass, knead thoroughly.

We moisten the round baking dish with oil, spread the minced meat along the walls and along the bottom with a thin layer.

We put the same slice of eggplant on a strip of zucchini, and on top two or three tomato slices. We turn along the length, forming something similar to a rose flower with a tomato inside. We firmly press the vegetable "flower" to the minced meat near the side of the form. Having made and fixed three such blanks, put a spoonful of minced meat between them and continue to fill the form with “flowers”.

Release eggs to grated cheese, add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Pepper, you can add salt, pour the mixture over the casserole, send it to the oven for 45 minutes. Ready meal let cool ten minutes, uncovered.

Vegetable casserole with minced broccoli and potatoes with cheese


minced pork fine grinding, medium fat - six hundred grams;

three large onions;

400 grams of broccoli;

cheese, "Russian" - one hundred grams;

liter fat milk;

half a pack of "Farmer" oil;

4 tablespoons of flour;

five potatoes;

salt and spices for minced meat dishes (pepper is required in the composition).

Cooking method:

Cut the peeled, necessarily washed and dried onion into small checkers. Brown with hot oil and put the minced meat to the sautéing. Salt, kneading and stirring, warm up to a quarter of an hour.

Brown the flour in a dry frying pan, add the butter, and when it melts, add the milk. Stir to prevent lumps from forming.

Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. Grease the form with a slice of butter and lay out the first potato layer. On top of it, smooth the whole stuffing and pour half cream sauce.

Broccoli, washed and disassembled into inflorescences, will be the next layer. Pour the rest of the sauce over it and sprinkle with grated cheese.

The temperature in the oven for this casserole is exactly 200 degrees, the dish is cooked for exactly 50 minutes.

Tender vegetable casserole with minced cabbage


half a kilogram of broccoli and cauliflower;

kilogram minced meat;

large juicy onion;

two tablespoons of flour;

one and a half glasses of milk;

chopped parsley - half a glass;

salt and spices;

vegetable oil - three tablespoons.

six tablespoons of vegetable oil;

a liter of milk;

two egg yolks;

two glasses of grated cheese;

a spoonful of "Peasant" oil;

five tablespoons of flour;

a couple of pinches of pepper and powdered nutmeg.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the peeled onion, lightly brown in hot oil. Add minced meat to the browning, salt and fry until the liquid evaporates from the bottom. Be sure to break up the lumps with a fork or spatula.

Pour and mix the flour, add milk in small portions. Stir thoroughly each time so that the mass is as homogeneous as possible. Add spices and chopped parsley, stir, set aside from heat.

vegetable oil for the sauce, heat in a saucepan, add cream, pour in all the flour. Pour the heated milk in small portions, stirring regularly and thoroughly.

Putting the saucepan off the heat, add pepper and nutmeg. Stirring quickly, we introduce the yolks, followed by grated cheese. We bring the components to a homogeneous, thick consistency, try, add salt if necessary.

Pour a certain amount of sauce into a voluminous, high form, carefully, trying not to mix the layers, lay out the minced meat, about half. We wash the inflorescences of both types and cut them a little smaller, spread evenly.

After salting the vegetable layer, lay the minced meat on top of it and pour the remaining sauce.

The casserole is cooked for about an hour when the oven is heated to 180 degrees, exactly.

Vegetable casserole with minced meat and zucchini and tomato rice with cheese


large round grain rice- one hundred grams;

four ripe round tomatoes;

half a kilogram zucchini;

three hundred grams of minced meat;

fresh egg;

50 grams of "Poshekhonsky" or similar cheese;

a quarter of a garlic head;

oil, refined, lean;

coarse salt.

Cooking method:

Sorted, lightly washed and dried rice is poured with boiling water, cover and leave for twenty minutes.

Grate the zucchini with a coarse grater, salt and, after about ten minutes, squeeze and drain the moisture.

Dissolve the washed tomatoes in thin circles, chop the garlic. Grate the cheese with thin shavings, release the egg to it, add the garlic and mix thoroughly, whisking a little.

Drain the water from the rice, mix the cereal with minced meat. Baking dish, choose round and transparent. Grate with oil, put in it and slightly compact the grated zucchini. We apply a layer of minced meat with rice on it, we finish the casserole with tomatoes. We spread the cheese mass on top, as evenly as possible.

The cooking time is half an hour, we keep the heat at two hundred degrees, we slightly cool the finished casserole before cutting it into portions.

"Moussaka" - puff vegetable casserole with minced eggplant with Greek sauce


minced veal - 500 grams;

a couple of medium-sized eggplants;

fine breadcrumbs - three full spoons;

two onions;

a handful of chopped parsley;

two tomatoes and a spoonful of thick tomato;

two spoons sunflower oil;

cheese, pickled - 100 grams;

a quarter of a spoonful of aromatic spices.

two glasses of full-fat milk;

a spoonful of flour;

a quarter pack of butter;

75 grams of cheese;

two yolks;

a pinch of grated nutmeg.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the eggplants selected for the dish, sprinkle with salt, stand for twenty minutes and rinse. Shake off moisture, blot with a towel, fry in hot oil.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes scalded with boiling water, and finely chop the pulp into cubes very sharp knife. Chop the washed parsley, grate the cheese of both types.

Fry the chopped onion until a barely noticeable blush, add and knead the minced meat thoroughly for several minutes. Fry for up to half an hour, periodically completely turning over and stirring. Put tomatoes and tomato to the minced meat, add a little water and simmer, covered with a lid, for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the heat and stir in all the spices and parsley.

Slowly melt and slightly warm the butter, add flour to the pan and fry for a couple of minutes. Pour in milk, boil for a short time and turn off the heat. Season with spices, add cheese chips and mix thoroughly. After partial cooling, stir in the egg yolks.

Line a baking dish or a very deep roasting pan with baking parchment, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and lay out half of the eggplant. We spread all the minced meat on top of them, and then pickled cheese and a bit hard.

Evenly and tightly lay out the eggplant circles, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and pour over the sauce. With the last layer, evenly distribute a handful of cheese chips.

Bake for thirty minutes, cut the dish half-cooled.

Vegetable casseroles with minced meat - tricks and tips

For tender casseroles vegetable oil is more often used, but if you liked the recipe for using lard, replace it with melted goose fat. This product has its own wonderful taste and does not get bitter in casseroles, does not interrupt other products, in a word, it fits perfectly.

fresh garlic it is better not to replace with dried, unless it is directly indicated in the recipe. First of all, this applies to casseroles containing potatoes. Aroma dried garlic is noticeably different from fresh and can greatly distort the taste of the dish.

Almost any of the proposed casseroles can be cooked in a slow cooker, just carefully select the mode of operation.

Step 1: prepare the turkey fillet.

Rinse the turkey fillet thoroughly under running water. warm water and lay out on a cutting board. Using a knife, we clean the meat from the veins, films and, if necessary, from fat. Now cut the meat into small pieces and transfer to a clean plate.

Step 2: prepare minced meat.

Using a meat grinder or blender, you can make minced meat from meat pieces. I usually use the second inventory. To do this, I spread the crushed component into a bowl and grind at high speed until homogeneous mass.

In the case of a meat grinder, it is worth using it with a fine grate so that pieces of turkey fillet do not come across in the dish later. Be sure to do this over a small bowl. And, if desired, grind the meat for at least 2 times. Everything, the minced turkey is ready, so we leave it aside for a while, covering the bowl with a lid from the pan. This must be done so that the minced meat does not weather.

Step 3: prepare the carrots.

Using a vegetable cutter, cut off the peel from the carrots. Then we thoroughly wash the vegetable under running warm water to wash off the remaining dirt, and put it on a cutting board. Using a coarse grater, grind the component and immediately pour the chips into a free plate.

Step 4: prepare the onion.

With a knife, peel the onion from the husk and rinse under running warm water. Now lay out the component on a cutting board and finely chop the squares. Pour the chopped onions into a clean plate.

Step 5: Prepare the cauliflower.

Rinse the cauliflower under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, chop the vegetable into pieces and transfer to a clean plate. Attention: usually such a component is divided into inflorescences. In principle, this can be done, the main thing is that you leave the stem, which also boils well and retains useful vitamins and micronutrients. That is, it can also be added to food, especially for children.

Step 6: Prepare the zucchini.

Rinse the zucchini under running warm water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the edges and then peel the vegetables. Attention: if the component is still young, then you can leave the skin, as it is still very soft and practically not felt in the dish. Now cut the zucchini into thin slices and transfer to a clean plate.

Step 7: prepare the filling for the dish.

Using a knife, break the egg shell, and pour the yolk with protein into a clean small bowl. Add milk to this and lightly add. Now, using a hand whisk, carefully beat all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed. Everything, the filling is ready!

Step 8: prepare hard cheese.

Using a medium grater, grind hard cheese right on the cutting board. Then pour the chips into a clean saucer and wrap cling film so that it does not get weathered while we form and bake the dish for some time.

Step 9: Cook the vegetable casserole with minced meat.

Pour into one frying pan a large number of vegetable oil and put on medium heat. When the contents in the container warm up well, pour the shredded carrots with one onion here and fasten the burner. Simmer the vegetables, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, until the first component is soft and the second is transparent. Important: if there is not enough fat in the container during sauteing, then it can be replaced with ordinary cool water and literally poured here 1-2 tablespoons.

Then we set the pan aside, and instead we place another more comfortably. We pour it here literally 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil and wait for it to warm up well. Meanwhile, pour the remaining chopped onion into a bowl with minced meat and mix everything well with a tablespoon until smooth. Then we transfer the mixture to a preheated pan and simmer over low heat until all the liquid evaporates and the minced meat turns brown. Immediately after this, turn off the burner, and set the container aside.

Now, using a pastry brush, grease the bottom and walls of a deep baking dish. a small amount vegetable oil. Lay out the circles of zucchini in the first layer and, without delay, pour 1/4 egg milk liquid. Pour the vegetable frying on top and evenly level it with a tablespoon. Then lay out a layer of minced turkey and at the end - chopped cauliflower. Pour all the ingredients with the remaining mixture of eggs and milk and turn on the oven. It must warm up to 180 °С. As soon as this happens, put the mold on the middle level and cook the casserole for 25–30 minutes. After the allotted time, with the help of kitchen tacks, we take out the container and sprinkle the dish with grated hard cheese so that the chips evenly cover the top layer. Now we put the form back in the oven and continue to cook the casserole another 2-4 minutes until the chip melts. Attention: if you are making this for children as well, then you don't have to wait until the top layer is golden brown.

At the end, turn off the oven, and take out the dish with the help of kitchen gloves and leave it aside for a while.

Step 10: serve vegetable casserole with minced meat.

When the vegetable casserole with minced meat has cooled slightly, use a knife to cut it into portioned pieces and put it on a flat plate for serving. But we treat friends and households with such delicious food with bread or mashed potatoes, because the casserole itself is very satisfying.
Enjoy your meal!

If you want the minced meat to become very soft, then you can pour it with a small amount of boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15–20 minutes. The main thing is that he does not crumple. To do this, stir it from time to time with a wooden spatula and knead with a fork, and then everything will be fine;

In addition to the vegetables indicated in the recipe, shredded cabbage (stewed with onions and carrots), tomatoes and even mushrooms, such as champignons, can be added to the casserole, but it is better to fry them in advance to a soft golden color;

To prepare the filling, instead of milk, you can use cream or sour cream.

  • chicken or Ground beef– 500gr
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces
  • Fresh tomato - 2 pcs
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1-2pcs
  • Sour cream - 3-4 tbsp. (any fat content)
  • Olive or vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Cheese - 100g ( durum varieties)
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Step by step cooking recipe

    1 Vegetable casserole according to the mommies recipe can be cooked in the oven or in a slow cooker, but first things first. First, let's make a blank from onion. Remove the skin from it and chop finely. If your children categorically refuse onions, then you can scroll it through a meat grinder or puree it with a blender. 2 Mix the onions with the minced meat we have, naturally salt and pepper to taste. 3 We take baking dishes or a multicooker bowl, grease with oil and spread minced meat prepared by us. 4 Fresh tomatoes are cut into thin cubes or circles and spread in a layer on top of the minced meat. 5 Behind the tomatoes, a layer of sweet bell pepper. Which we cut, peel and cut into thin strips or sticks. 6 Potatoes are peeled and rubbed on coarse grater. Squeeze out the excess juice, and form the next layer from the potatoes.7 Lightly sprinkle with olive oil, then sour cream.8 The last final layer is grated cheese on a coarse grater. Any one is suitable for us, most importantly hard varieties so that you can grate. 9 We bake our casserole in the oven, heated to 180-190⁰С, for about 40 minutes. Or in the multicooker on the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes (then check the readiness, depending on the power of the multicooker, it may still take +20 minutes).

Recipe cooking secrets

This dish has a lot of names, someone calls it “vegetable casserole with minced meat”, someone just “potato casserole with vegetables” - the main thing is that the taste remains unchanged. A casserole with minced meat and vegetables will delight not only children, but the whole family. It is prepared quite easily and quickly, you can serve it to the table.

Nuances and methods of preparation

  • Mammies love casseroles. in the ingredients used in them, although they appear fresh vegetables. But frozen ones are fine too. In addition, the composition of vegetable ingredients can be varied. For example, although it is not in the recipe, you can add broccoli here.
  • Can be used instead of mince chicken breast or meat without fat, just cut it thinly. Fish fillet(especially tasty obtained from pink salmon or cod) will also successfully replace meat ingredients.
  • Potatoes can be replaced with pasta, rice, buckwheat or other cereals, just pre-boil them until tender.
  • Instead of minced meat and potatoes, cottage cheese can become the basis and then it will turn out cottage cheese casserole with vegetables. And if the cottage cheese and sour cream are fat-free - this is already lean diet casserole from vegetables.
  • Mushrooms can be added to the casserole, only then it is not suitable for children under 6 years old.

On video step by step recipe how to cook a casserole with buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker, cabbage is used as a vegetable:

Minced meat for this vegetable casserole needs to be selected: very small - minced turkey or chicken, ground very finely, for older children, coarsely ground beef, veal or prefabricated is quite suitable. The same applies to filling: for kids, make an egg + milk (or even water), and for older children, an egg + cream (or sour cream).

Zucchini and cauliflower- hypoallergenic vegetables, you can not be afraid to give them to children (of course, the first acquaintance with them should take place before you plan to make this casserole), which is why they are present in our casserole. But you can take others if you are sure that the child will respond well to them.


  • minced meat - 350 grams
  • cauliflower - 250 grams
  • zucchini - 250 grams
  • bow - 2
  • carrots - 2 medium
  • egg - 1
  • milk - 0.5 cups
  • hard cheese - 50-75 grams

Cooking method

Coarsely grate the carrots and finely chop 1 onion.
Saute them with very little vegetable oil. Do not fry, but simmer over low heat until the carrots are soft and the onions are almost transparent. During sauteing, in order not to add excess oil, you can add a little water. In another pan, also with a drop of vegetable oil, stew the minced meat mixed with finely chopped second onion. Simmer until all liquid has evaporated. If you want the minced meat to become completely soft, add a little boiling water, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Make sure that it does not take in one lump (periodically stir with a fork while kneading the minced meat) and does not fry.
Thoroughly wash and peel the zucchini (if they are young with a delicate skin, then you can not remove it). Cut into circles. Cut the cauliflower into slices. It is usually customary to disassemble into inflorescences, throwing away the stem, which, by the way, is very useful, because it is part of the cabbage, and edible.

Prepare the filling by lightly whisking the eggs with milk, salt to your taste.

Lubricate the form for preparing vegetable casseroles with minced meat (you can use both vegetable and creamy). Put a row of zucchini on the bottom, pour them a little with filling.

Top with onions and carrots.

Next is a layer of minced meat.

The last layer of cauliflower. Fill the casserole with the egg and milk mixture.

Bake in a preheated (t - 180 degrees) oven for 25-30 minutes. A couple of minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with finely grated cheese, let it melt (do not keep until crusty, let the cheese remain soft).

Such a casserole will appeal not only to children, but also to the rest of the family, so you can cook a good portion so that everyone has enough and bake in a large form. And you can bake in portions - a small form will immediately serve as a plate with which the baby will be happy to eat a delicious dish.

Meat casserole with vegetables (3) Finely chop the onion, fry in oil, cool. Mix minced meat with onion, seasoning, salt if necessary and put in a mold, oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Lay thinly sliced ​​potatoes on top, then &...You will need: minced meat - 500 g, onion - 2 heads, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, potatoes - 4 pcs., a mixture of vegetables with frozen mushrooms - 400 g, kefir - 1 glass, an egg - 1 pc., hard cheese - 100 g, seasoning for minced meat - 1 teaspoon, salt

Rice casserole with minced meat Grate the carrots, fry in oil along with finely chopped onions. Add minced meat, fry it for 5 minutes, salt and pepper. Put the rice in a greased dish, then the minced meat with vegetables, sprinkle with cheese and bake until golden brown. ...You will need: hard grated cheese - 150 g, minced meat - 200 g, onion - 1 head, carrots - 1 pc., boiled rice - 200 g, tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons, ground black pepper, salt to taste

Potato casserole with mushrooms Cut the peeled potatoes into quarters and boil for about an hour over medium heat until tender. It should become very soft, even slightly boiled. Drain the water, mash the potatoes with a potato masher without lumps. Add olive oil, thyme leaves, lime juice...Required: For mashed potatoes: 5-6 medium potatoes, 5 tbsp. olive oil, 6 sprigs of thyme, juice of 1/2 lemon, Salt, Pepper, For minced meat: 350 g fresh or thawed mushrooms (cherries, champignons, honey mushrooms, white mushrooms), 1/4 celery root, 1 onion, 300 g tomato in ...

Variegated casserole with macaroni Boil macaroni in boiling salted water. Fry minced meat on a hot rast. oil until crumbly. Salt, pepper. Add frozen vegetables and sauté for 5 minutes. We're preparing the sauce. To do this, melt the butter, add flour, mix ...Required: 250g pasta macaroni, salt, pepper, 400g ground beef, 2 tbsp. rast. oil, 1 pack (approx. 480g) frozen Italian mixed vegetables ( green beans, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic), 1 tbsp. drain. oils, 2 tbsp. flour, 250ml vegetable broth...

Casserole with minced meat and vegetables Broccoli, colored cabbage, string beans boil for 2 minutes. Boil carrots and potatoes until half cooked and cut into circles. Fry minced meat, season with seasoning from Yulia Vysotskaya! Mix mayonnaise with egg. Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and carrots with...You will need: minced meat, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, potatoes, mayonnaise, eggs, cheese, pepper (mill), seasoning for meat from Yulia Vysotskaya

Potato casserole Lightly sauté finely chopped onions and porcini mushrooms in a large frying pan (3-5 minutes over medium heat). When the onions become transparent and soft, add minced meat to the pan and mix thoroughly. Add diced boiled carrots, green peas, ku. ..You will need: Vegetable oil, Onion - 1 head, Minced beef - 500 gr, Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons, Green pea canned - 150 gr, Carrots - 2 pieces, Canned corn - 150 gr, Potatoes - 10 pieces, Milk - 100 ml, Butter, Sour cream...

Casserole with fish and vegetables Peel potatoes, boil. Make mashed potatoes. Cool down. Beat the eggs a little with a whisk and mix with mashed potatoes. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the pepper into strips, peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes ...You will need: 1 kg potatoes, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 bell peppers, 2 fresh tomatoes, 600 gr pollock fillet, 200 gr cheese, 4 eggs, mayonnaise

Beef casserole with vegetables Meat, white bread soaked in milk, chopped onions, stewed carrots pass through a meat grinder twice, add salt, pepper, egg, pieces butter and mix everything. Put half of the minced meat in layers in the prepared form, rice and the remaining minced meat on the rice. On top I ...Required: 400g boiled beef, 70g white bread, 1 egg, 1st milk, 200g carrots (stewed), 1 onion, 100g boiled rice, 1st spoon tomato paste, 6 tbsp sour cream, 20g butter, 1 tbsp broth (if needed), salt and pepper to taste

Potato casserole with minced meat Finely chop the onion, fry it until a beautiful golden color - and pour it all to the bottom of the form, in which our casserole will actually be. We cut the potatoes into thin circles (I even used my not favorite vegetable cutter) Lightly fry our fai...You will need: 1. Potatoes, 2. minced meat, 3. 5-6 medium onions, 4. A lot of cheese (I had about 600-700g), 5. Ground paprika, salt, pepper, dry basil, 6. tomatoes (literally one tomato)

Meat casserole with cauliflower 1. Put the minced meat in a deep bowl. Cut off the crust from the bread, break the pulp into pieces and soak in milk. When the bread is soaked, squeeze it out and add to the minced meat. 2. Peel onions and carrots. Wash the pepper, remove the core. Cut all vegetables into small...You will need: 1 head of cauliflower, 800 g of minced meat, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 red Bell pepper, 1 bunch of fresh thyme, 300 g white bread, milk, vegetable oil