Rare varieties of honey and their properties. Types of honey: which is the most useful

18 hours ago Pink thistle, and in the background a rough cornflower. You can clearly see the difference in color. Cornflower at the beginning of flowering, but the pink thistle or thistle field has already begun to "fluff". And we have many such meadows. And from them our bees collect honey for you. #medsibiri #honey plants #meadows #honey plants #apiary #Starchevsky #thistle #thistle #cornflower

3 days ago Blooming Sally. The bribe from him is very short-lived, violent and often unstable over the years. So, for example, the highest honey yield from fireweed from the most productive family, which is known in our country, was obtained in 1952 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Tyukhtetsky district) in the apiary of the beekeeper M.I. Koleda - 420 kg. In 1965, in fireweed, the beekeeper A.I. Demko (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tyukhtetsky District) received 180 kg of honey from each bee colony. At the same time, in some years, fireweed gives very low honey yields. The instability of the fireweed bribe can be judged by analyzing the readings of the control hive for a number of years in the apiary of the beekeeper A. A. Yakischik (Krasnoyarsk

4 days ago Usually Burdock is high, but that year we met such "freaks" along the edge of the wheat field. Height 20-30cm and all dotted with Velcro. Maybe it's a different kind of burdock, who knows? #burdock #plant #flower #medical Siberia #summer #nature

6 days ago Today we checked the temperatures in the omshaniki. In one + 7.7 ° at a humidity of 76%. In the second + 5.6 °, humidity 64%. In the first omshanik, a canvas was raised from one family. The bees sit quietly. We will exhibit when the snow melts, and there is still plenty of it. Tomorrow you will see :) Our bees are medium Russian. All winter in omshaniki about +5. The second photo shows measurements from November to February. #winter #bees #omshanik #apiary #napasek #medsibiri #wintering #cf.

6 days ago In the basement of the Central Department Store, the "Ivanov family" began selling honey. We don't know what their product is. But we want to warn you right away that this company has nothing to do with us (Starchevsky apiary, Med Siberia stores). No need to go and complain to us later. PS: we moved out of Tsum on December 30, 2018. For several reasons. Bad trade, disregard for the landlord, lack of mobile communications. Pros: Low rent. Addresses of our stores: Novosibirsk St., 5. St. Paris Commune, 9. Lenin St., 153. tel. 83912803800 #medical sale #medsiberia #ivanovs #medivanovs #family-ivanovs #Krasnoyarsk #etonemy #weetoneoni #weneoni

To search: buy wild bee honey, wild bee honey sale, wild bee honey benefits, buy wild bee honey, wild bee honey sale, wild bee honey benefits.

Ginseng honey. Royal ginseng. Honey Ginseng.

There is no mention of ginseng as a honey plant in any literature. This honey is fake. Do not buy this kind of honey! Sunflower honey is usually sold under the guise of such honey. And sunflower honey is much cheaper. Flavorings and flavoring additives are added to improve taste. To reduce the cost, high fructose molasses is added at the plant.

To search: buy ginseng honey, sale of ginseng honey, benefits of ginseng honey.

Honey Kandyk. Honey from Kandyk. Honey Kandyk Siberian.

This honey is fake. Do not buy this kind of honey! Under the guise of such honey, they usually sell honey from sunflower, buckwheat, rapeseed or sainfoin. Flavorings and flavoring additives are added to improve taste. To reduce the cost, high fructose molasses is added at the plant. It is impossible to get marketable honey from kandyk. We speak to you as beekeepers of Western Siberia. It is here that this “wonderful” honey plant grows, from which all of Russia is littered with honey. Blooms in late April - early May. We have had years when bees are put out from wintering only in May, because. it's freezing and snowing!

For search: buy honey from kandyk, sale of honey from kandyk, benefits of honey from kandyk.

Honey from Lotus. Honey Lotus. Honey Lotus with royal jelly.

There is no mention of the lotus as a honey plant in any literature. This honey is fake. Do not buy this kind of honey! Sunflower honey is usually sold under the guise of such honey. To change the taste, add various additives and fragrances. To reduce the cost, high fructose molasses is added at the plant.

To search: buy lotus honey, sell lotus honey, benefits of lotus honey.

Royal honey. Honey Royal Velvet.

This type of honey does not exist. There are no plants with that name. The mysterious name is not a type of honey. Honey under this name has the right to sell only the owner of the trademark. What kind of honey is sold under this brand is unknown. Has a creamy texture. Honey "royal velvet" is not a variety of honey, so it deserves to be included in this database.

To search: buy royal honey, sell honey from royal velvet, the benefits of royal velvet honey.

Honey Red Brush. Honey from the Red Brush. Women's honey. Honey Borovaya uterus. Honey from Borovaya Matka.

honey product. Neither the red brush (rhodiola) nor the upland queen (ortilia) produce any honey! Since the two plants are known to all for their beneficial properties, it is their names that are used by crooks to attract gullible buyers, especially women. Sometimes sellers say that this is honey with the addition of an extract of medicinal plants. If so, then ask the sellers for documents on dietary supplements. There are no documents - get out of there while the money is intact. In any case, to add “something” to honey, you need to move it all and heat it up, otherwise the fermentation process may begin. Most likely only the name is being sold.

Fake. Don't buy this honey. Such honey can harm your health!

To search: buy honey from a red brush, buy honey from a hog queen, sell honey from a hog queen, sell honey with a red brush, benefits of honey from a hog queen, benefits of honey from a red brush.

Peach honey. Honey from peach. Kiva honey. Honey with Kiwi. Pineapple honey. Honey from pineapple.

Few people believe in the existence of such varieties of honey, but for some reason the smell of peach, kiwi or pineapple attracts buyers. Do not buy such honey! Under the guise of such honey, they usually sell honey from sunflower, buckwheat, rapeseed or sainfoin. Flavorings and flavoring additives are added to improve taste. To reduce the cost, high fructose molasses is added at the plant.

To search: buy pineapple honey, sell pineapple honey, benefits of pineapple honey, buy peach honey, sell peach honey, benefits of peach honey, buy kiwi honey, sell kiwi honey, benefits of kiwi honey.

Sea buckthorn honey. Sea buckthorn honey.

Sea buckthorn is not a honey plant. In addition, sea buckthorn is a wind-pollinated shrub. Under the guise of sea buckthorn honey, sunflower or buckwheat cream honey is usually sold, to which molasses, flavorings, flavor enhancers and other additives are added. Such honey is called a honey product and is produced in factories. Do not buy this honey!

For search: buy sea buckthorn honey, sale of sea buckthorn honey, benefits of sea buckthorn honey.

Honey Hazelnut. Honey from Hazelnut.

This honey is definitely fake. Under its guise, they sell cream honey from sunflower, rapeseed, and buckwheat. During production, molasses, flavors, flavor enhancers and other additives are added. Such honey is called a honey product and is produced in factories. Do not buy such honey, it is not natural. No health benefits!

To search: buy hazelnut honey, sale of hazelnut honey, benefits of hazelnut honey.

Cedar honey. Honey Kedrovy Bor. Honey from cedar.

Another non-existent variety of honey. Usually a mixture of cheap honeys, molasses and cedar flavor. Sometimes cedar resin is added, but then they write the name Honey with resin. In any case, this is not real honey and you should not buy this product!

For search: buy cedar honey, sale of cedar honey, benefits of cedar honey.

Honey Celandine. Honey from Celandine.

The celandine plant gives the bees only pollen. There is no honey from celandine! You have been sold or are trying to sell a fake!

For search: buy honey from celandine, sale of honey from celandine, benefits of honey from celandine.

Pumpkin honey. Honey from Pumpkin.

It is impossible to get marketable honey from a pumpkin! The sellers explain that pumpkin honey comes from forage gourd fields. According to laboratory studies, rapeseed and sunflower honey are sold under the guise of pumpkin honey. Flavorings are added to change the taste. To reduce the cost, molasses is mixed with high content fructose.

For search: buy honey from pumpkin, sale of pumpkin honey, benefits of pumpkin honey.

Honeysuckle honey. Honey from Honeysuckle.

To search: buy raspberry honey, buy raspberry honey, sale of raspberry honey, benefits of raspberry honey.

Milk thistle honey. Milk thistle honey. Milk thistle honey.

Another variety of falsified honey, which is so named due to the well-known benefits of milk thistle itself. Milk thistle cleanses the liver, removes toxins. That is why almost all sellers selling "names" have this variety. AT best case under the guise of milk thistle honey, you will buy cheap sunflower cream honey. Flavorings and flavoring additives are added to improve taste. To reduce the cost, high fructose molasses is added. Ask the seller for pollen analysis results. If there is no analysis, you should know that this is a fake. At fairs or honey festivals, you will probably not find real honey from milk thistle.

Real milk thistle honey is not easy to find. Milk thistle is a weak honey plant. Reluctantly visited by bees. Demanding on the weather.

To search: buy kurai honey, buy kurai honey, sale of kurai honey, benefits of kurai honey, female ginseng honey.

Blended honey

Honey Cornflower-Acacia.

Acacia blooms in May-June. Cornflower blooms in July-August. Therefore, this kind of honey can only be obtained as a result of blending two different varieties of honey. As a rule, blends are made in factories, maybe something else is added. Therefore, in order to buy good honey, ask the seller for a pollen analysis protocol for this type of honey.

To search: buy cornflower-acacia honey, sale of cornflower-acacia honey, benefits of cornflower-acacia honey.

Fireweed-Valerian honey.

Another beautiful, attractive name. Ask the seller for a pollen analysis protocol, draw conclusions. If there is no analysis, then before you honey product Or some completely different kind of honey.

Honey with additives

Fireweed honey with royal jelly. Royal jelly honey. Goof silver with royal jelly.

Any variety of honey with royal jelly is a common ploy to increase the price. The appearance of such honey is always the same. Unnaturally white, creamy texture. There is a taste of milk. If you bought just such honey, then congratulations, you bought a honey product. It does not contain a single gram of royal jelly, it may not even contain honey. This is a completely useless product. Do not believe in its miraculous properties, do not give in to your emotions.

If you mix real honey with real royal jelly in a ratio of 1 to 100 (10 g of pure milk per 1 kg of honey), then 1 kg of such honey will cost MINIMUM 3,500 rubles (excluding the cost of honey). With a 0.1% content of royal jelly, honey will cost 800-900 rubles per 1 kg.

If you so need royal jelly, then buy it in a pharmacy or in a specialized store of beekeeping products in an adsorbed form.


Mankind knows a large number of types of honey. This is a multi-component product that is distinguished by its unique features. The chemical and biological composition of honey for different varieties is different. It is not the same in external signs, as well as in its effect on the human body. To understand this intricate variety, it is worth studying in detail the types of honey and their characteristics.

Production methods

Natural honey is produced by bees, collecting nectar from plant flowers all summer. After returning to the hive, the insects put it in honeycombs, evaporate excess moisture and at a certain time close the cells with wax caps, where the substance is without air and in ideal conditions. temperature conditions continues the storage process. Nectar that has been fermented in a special way is called natural honey, its main criteria being natural origin and production by bees.

Artificial honey is made by people from sugar, molasses and other products that may not always be beneficial for the body. Sometimes they just do real harm.


The main criterion for separating product types is belonging to a certain variety. Origin plays a major role here.

Bee honey can be floral, divided into a pure single-type and mixed polyfloral product, as well as honeydew, which insects make from tree sap. It is not difficult to navigate the variety of types of flower honey. Sweet mass is classified according to the botanical name of the honey plant. On this basis, honey is considered lime, acacia, buckwheat, flower, etc.

Flower species are also divided according to the place of collection of nectar by bees. According to this indicator, honey can be meadow, forest, mountain.

Finished product quality

Each type of honey has its own unique features. They are distinguished by taste, color and smell, density, tendency to sugaring. The color palette of bee nectar is varied.

  1. Honey is usually divided into: light or white, medium or yellow and dark - brown or brown-red.
  2. The taste can be sweet, cloyingly sweet, with an admixture of bitterness, with hints of vanilla, spices, etc.
  3. A distinctive feature of some varieties is a strong specific aroma, while other species do not have it.
  4. Fresh honey, just pumped out of the honeycombs, is always liquid, but over time it changes its structure and crystallizes. The process of crystallization for a natural substance is a natural state. However, depending on the origin, the candied time is different and lasts from several weeks to months. Acacia and chestnut remain liquid throughout the year.
  5. Crystal fractions are also not the same for different types, because final result affects the density and appearance. Varieties with a small fraction of crystals resemble a paste, with a large structure - a dense mass, which is sometimes difficult to cut with a knife.
  6. Usually light varieties of honey are valued above dark varieties for their dietary qualities and creamy texture after crystallization. However, dark-colored species are rich in mineral salts and trace elements, which makes them beneficial to humans.
  7. Honey after pumping can be filtered (clean) and unfiltered, containing particles of wax, propolis and insect bodies.
  8. They also use the product in combs, which is characterized by sterility, richness of properties and unique action for external and internal use, regardless of its grade.

Honey and medicine

In addition to high nutritional value and the use of honey in nutrition, it is known and valued as a medicinal raw material of natural origin. Honey can treat diseases no worse than any pills. This is explained by the rich natural composition of the product, the high biological activity of the substance and its comprehensive effect on the human body. Treatment with honey is the lot of traditional medicine, although traditional medicine does not deny its effectiveness.

Honey is used as an aid to get back on your feet faster after an illness. Doctors recommend eating sweet mass during colds and for the prevention of various diseases. Do not forget about the product in dietetics and cosmetology.

All types of honey are useful and valuable for humans, and their medicinal properties are diverse. To varying degrees, the sweet mass has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating qualities. The product, which has a completely natural origin, is completely absorbed in the human body.

  • stimulates and strengthens the immune system;
  • saturates the body with energy;
  • kills viruses, fungi and bacteria;
  • eliminates putrefactive and inflammatory processes;
  • disinfects tissues;
  • saturates with vitamins and minerals;
  • cleanses the blood and removes toxins;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • awakens a healthy appetite;
  • normalizes bowel function;
  • positively affects the work of the heart;
  • stimulates reproductive functions;
  • sharpens vision, hearing and memory;
  • calms the nerves and makes sleep sound;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • takes care of the skin;
  • contributes to longevity and active life.

Each type of honey has its own specification. Some qualities in the product are more pronounced, others are not so noticeable. In order for the substance to fully exert the necessary therapeutic effect, a certain variety is simply used. The choice of options is huge. The detailed characteristics of the types of honey and their properties can be found below.

Types of honey: characteristics and medicinal properties

May honey. This is the very first species that is pumped in the apiary. It is made by bees from the nectar of the first spring flowers, bird cherry, white acacia, maple, lily of the valley, strawberries, and fruit trees. This composition has a special freshness and healing power. Fresh May honey has a yellow color, not a strong aroma of flowers and a pleasant sweetness without traces of bitterness. The product retains a liquid state for a long time and does not crystallize. With prolonged storage, it acquires a cooling menthol taste.

May honey is valued for its ability to give strength and restore health. They also buy a jar of nectar for the treatment of colds.

Acacia honey. It is considered one of the most valuable species. It is a translucent liquid with a yellow or greenish tinge, with a fragrant specific aroma and a delicate pleasant taste. Having tasted the sweetness of acacia nectar once, the product cannot be confused with another variety. This honey has no notes of bitterness, and it retains its liquid state until the next spring. Crystallization in this species occurs slowly, while the mass turns into air cream which taste good.

Acacia honey is used to treat loose nerves, in baby food, and in diabetes. It rarely causes allergies and has a strong bactericidal, tonic and soothing effect. The product is useful for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

Linden honey. This species is classified as white varieties and the most valuable. Fresh product has a transparent liquid consistency, and a light yellow color. Sometimes there is a shade of green. The mass has a strong aroma of honey plant and a memorable taste. Crystallization occurs slowly and ends after 6 months. The fraction of grains in this species is large, but not dense. The color changes to light, almost white. Nectar from linden flowers is high-calorie, nutritious, helps to quickly restore strength. It also has a strong healing and immunostimulating effect. The use of the product improves memory and increases muscle performance. Eating it is especially recommended for colds, flu, fever. Tea from linden inflorescences, when used together, increases the diaphoretic effect of a sweet product.

Buckwheat honey. It belongs to the dark, but very valuable varieties. Collect nectar of a bee from flowers of the plant of the same name. The product has a brown, sometimes with a tinge of red, color, pleasant delicate taste and a strong specific aroma, which honey plant is famous for. It persists for a long time and appears instantly, one has only to open the container with sweetness. Buckwheat variety contains a lot of protein, iron and other beneficial trace elements. It is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, stabilize pressure, and disorders of all organs of the body. The product is indicated for anemia and is used as a food product in the nutrition of pregnant women with low hemoglobin levels.

chestnut honey. It is white and dark. The color of the finished product depends on the variety of the honey plant. Differs in persistent aroma, pleasant sweet taste. The light chestnut candied quickly, the dark variety remains liquid throughout the winter. The consistency of fresh nectar depends on the climatic conditions in the bribe region. In the absence of rain, the mass is more dense. A distinctive feature of the variety is the original bitterness, which disappears when the product is heated. Chestnut nectar has high bactericidal characteristics, therefore it is used externally and internally for infections of various origins. They treat burns, wounds and purulent lesions. It is also used for inflammatory, colds. For men, this medicine helps to cure prostatitis. The product has neutral acidity and does not irritate the walls of the gastric mucosa, which allows it to be used to combat gastrointestinal diseases.

sunflower honey. A variety of bright yellow color, in some cases with a green tint, thick and very sweet. Is different high content glucose. It has a tart taste, tearing in the throat, slightly sour. The aroma is not pronounced, it decreases with storage. The sunflower product is quickly candied and turns into a dense, strong lump. Its fraction of crystals is small, the structure of the mass is uniform.

Sunflower nectar is valued as a tonic, highly nutritious remedy. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is good for the heart, reduces tissue swelling. It is also prescribed as a diuretic, and is also used for neuralgia and stomach problems.

Flower honey. It is also called a herb. It consists of the nectar of many honey plants. Flower varieties differ in color, smell and taste. The presence of certain plants in the composition has a great influence on their characteristics. Individual selection of honey plants affects the time of sugaring. As a rule, it crystallizes for a long time and acquires a fine-grained structure. Sweetness is used to restore strength, prevent diseases, and as a tonic and immunostimulating agent.

Cyprus honey. Fireweed or Ivan-tea flowers serve as a source of nectar for the preparation of the product for bees. Fresh - it is transparent, with a peculiar greenish tint. After sugaring, which occurs in 3-5 months, it acquires a white or cream color and a thick, with the formation of "snowflakes" texture.

Sweet mass rich in vitamins used in the treatment of colds, nervous disorders as a strengthening agent.

Angelica honey. An elite variety of dark color, with a hint of red and green. The fresh product is thick and does not crystallize for a long time. It has a delicate aroma, rich pronounced taste, a hint of caramel and a hint of bitterness.

As a medicine, the mass is used to improve memory, increase vitality, and when treating wounds.

Donnikovy honey. White variety, popular among lovers and connoisseurs of the sweet product. Young nectar is light, almost colorless. It is easy to recognize it by the specific smell of vanilla. During crystallization, the mass acquires a viscous fine-grained consistency.

Sweet clover nectar helps with colds, infections, relieves pressure, normalizes the digestive tract. This variety is recommended for breastfeeding women to increase their milk supply.

Mustard honey. A common variety with a deep golden color that becomes creamy when candied. The taste is sweet, but not cloying, without foreign inclusions. The smell is unobtrusive, barely perceptible. The product has the ability to treat diseases internal organs, relieves pain in the joints, good for the skin.

Hawthorn honey. A rare dark variety. Bitter in taste, with a distinctive aroma. The scope of its application is cardiovascular diseases, normalization of pressure, disease prevention, support for the body during mental and physical stress.

It is useful to include in your diet and people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Motherwort honey. Golden product, pleasant sweet taste with a sharp strong aroma. The consistency of fresh honey is thick, viscous. The product, inheriting the properties of the honey plant, has a soothing, bactericidal and cleansing effect. It is taken for neurosis, insomnia. Its use is recommended for obesity and metabolic disorders in the body. Suitable for regular meals.

Raspberry honey. White variety of autumn pitching. During storage, it acquires a dense, uniform, fine-grained structure. High nutritional value and high in vitamins.

The product is used for colds, stress, to strengthen the body and stimulate the immune system.

Clover honey. flower variety, fresh light yellowish hue, after crystallization - thick, dense pasty. The product is pleasant to the taste, sweet, has a stable strong aroma. AT medical purposes used as a general tonic, for the prevention of colds, in the treatment of burns, infected wounds, suppuration.

Rape honey. It is white, almost transparent, and quickly crystallizes in air. If stored improperly, it tends to ferment, and is poorly soluble in liquids. The taste is cloyingly sweet, but not harsh. After swallowing, bitterness is felt in the mouth. The product has a high nutritional value; when taken orally, it accelerates metabolic processes in the body. It is good for the core, does not cause allergies, has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system.

Alfalfa honey. A viscous product of a sunny amber color, translucent when fresh, upon crystallization it resembles thick cream. It has a pleasant smell of honey plant and a memorable specific taste. When stored in a warm room, the mass does not thicken for a long time.

Alfalfa honey is good for the liver, it is used in the treatment of hepatitis of any origin. It allows you to quickly restore strength, recover after surgery or a long illness.

Burdock honey. Variety of noble olive shade, with fragrant fresh aroma, original memorable taste. Belongs to a very valuable species. It is not widely used, but has good healing properties. It is an excellent diuretic and cholagogue, antiseptic and strong bactericidal product. Burdock honey is useful for obesity, for cleansing and renewing the body. The advantages of nectar include the ability of the substance to stop and prevent the development of cancer. When applied externally, the species is effective in dermatology.

When choosing honey for treatment, it is worth giving preference to the type whose effect on the disease is the strongest. For prevention, you can use any product, and for the soul - the one that you like best.

We expect from our readers recipes of honey medicines for the treatment of diseases or their prevention. The wisdom of the people is great, let's cherish it and share it.

Honey catalog. Dangerous and beneficial properties of honey

Honey is obtained from the nectar of flowers of honey plants, which enters the crop of worker bees; at the same time, under the influence of saliva, part of the cane sugar turns into grape sugar - the main component of honey; this honey is regurgitated by bees and put into special cells in honeycombs, which are sealed with wax caps, after some of the water has evaporated and when the bee releases a little formic acid from its poisonous sac into the honey (to prevent the fermentation of honey).

Honey is a product of longevity. One of the population censuses and subsequent studies of sociologists established that beekeepers or members of their families predominate among long-term residents (over 100 years).

As if everyone knows about honey. But not everyone knows that the body of Alexander the Great, who died during campaigns in the Middle East, was transported for burial to the capital of Macedonia, immersed in honey as a preservative. But not everyone knows that different varieties of honey are useful and suitable for treatment in different ways. This can be learned from ancient handwritten texts, which describe the characteristics of many varieties of honey and recommendations for the use of honey for the treatment of various diseases, as well as from ancient medical books.

good honey has a delicate aromatic scent. The aroma of honey is characteristic of this variety and is due to the content of honey added with nectar. different substances(120 names), among which there are esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxyl compounds. Honey produced by bees from sugar syrup without nectar impurities, has no smell. Aromatic substances are volatile, so the smell of honey weakens over time. The color and smell of honey depend entirely on the respective qualities of the flower nectar from which it is prepared by bees.

Light varieties of honey (acacia, linden, etc.) are considered the most valuable. The exception is buckwheat. At the same time, dark varieties are richer in mineral substances that are valuable for the body.

Rules for consumers who want to purchase high-quality natural honey:

  • Honey must be purchased in stores where veterinary control over its quality is carried out, if the seller has documents confirming its quality.
  • The honey offered in the home delivery system is usually of unknown origin. In such cases, falsification is very likely.
  • Freshly pumped honey does not flow from the spoon when it is rotated, but when it drains, it lies in a slide.
  • In October, all natural honey, as a rule, should be crystallized. The only exception is white acacia honey from white acacia, which has a mild crystallization.
  • When checking by organoleptic method (observation), it is necessary to know that honey must have homogeneous consistency, to have an appropriate taste and smell bouquet.
  • It is preferable to buy honey from the manufacturer, and not from a reseller.
  • The most preferred for purchase is honey produced in the area where you live, or within a radius of about 500 km.
  • when buying packaged honey, hand-packed honey has an advantage.

Honey is of plant origin, saturated with vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, K, E, pantothenic acid, folic acid) and contains more than 300 trace elements (manganese, silicon, aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, lithium, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, osmium and others), which significantly accelerate the metabolic reactions that occur in the body.

The combination of trace elements is very close to the content of trace elements in human blood. Honey is a combination simple sugars(glucose, fructose), a small dose of toxins ( flower pollen) and water.

Honey contains 60 times more vitamin A than beef. Honey also contains organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, lactic and oxalic), biogenic stimulants (which have a positive effect on the body, activating its vitality).

Honey is digestible human body 100%, which cannot be said about other products. Honey is not only an energy carbohydrate product, but also a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that strengthens and rejuvenates the body.

Honey improves immunity, has a bactericidal effect, has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, has analgesic and restorative properties, and has a pronounced anti-allergic effect.

Honey has long been used in folk medicine for colds. Honey reduces a sharp, irritating cough, relieves arthritis pain. Honey has a calming effect on the stomach. Honey also helps old people in maintaining health.

His correction can be called a champion among all varieties of honey according to his healing properties. It has a pleasant aroma of linden, pale yellow color. Quickly crystallizes in small crystals, crystallized honey of a fat-like white color. It has a sharp specific taste. It has high nutritional and medicinal properties.

Has antibacterial properties. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and slightly laxative effect. In folk medicine, it is used in the treatment of tonsillitis, runny nose, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, as a cardio-strengthening agent, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and bile diseases. Has antiseptic properties. Works well for purulent wounds and burns. This honey can be used in the treatment of any disease, if there is no appropriate variety of honey used in the treatment of a particular disease.

There are other varieties of monofloral honeys.

How many types of honey plants - so many honeys. And yet, purely monofloral honeys practically do not exist, and we can only talk about the predominance of some component.


Types of honey and their medicinal properties

To date, known different types honey, and their medicinal properties and possible harm have long been studied by scientists. Each variety has its own chemical and biological composition, so each has a certain "trick" in terms of health benefits.

Varieties of honey and their medicinal properties

Today, this popular delicacy is obtained from various plants, which leads to the presence exotic options, and this applies not only to taste, but also to the composition.

Varieties of honey and its medicinal properties:

  1. Acacia. This product has antimicrobial, tonic and sedative properties. It is recommended to eat it primarily for nervous diseases and insomnia. It is worth noting the positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Acacia honey does not cause allergies.
  2. Buckwheat. This product is rich in iron, so it will be especially useful for anemia. Medicinal properties Buckwheat honey is due to the presence of various vitamins and minerals, so it will be useful for beriberi. The product has a positive effect on the condition of the vessels and the work of the stomach.
  3. Lugovoi. This variety is also called "combined". Such honey improves the condition of the nervous system, helping to cope with insomnia and headaches. The product stabilizes the heartbeat.
  4. Chestnut. This variety of delicacy is distinguished by a pronounced antimicrobial and stimulating effect. Chestnut honey helps to increase potency, and it is also recommended to take it in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  5. Lime. The healing properties of this honey and bee products are due to the presence of various useful substances. It has a healing effect, so it is used as a place to treat burns and wounds, including purulent formations. The product has a bactericidal property, and it is also recommended in the treatment of laryngitis, bronchitis and asthma. This variety of honey is useful for gynecological disorders, diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart.
  6. Sunflower. Among other varieties of honey, this one stands out due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin A. It also has a pronounced bactericidal property. It is also suitable for topical use, as it has a wound healing effect.
  7. Pea. An unusual variety that is obtained from thin-leaved peas. It boasts antipyretic and disinfecting effects, and it is also effective for various inflammations.

Types of honey and its varieties are very diverse. Honey can be dense or liquid, vary in color from whitish, almost white, to amber-dark, according to palatability and aroma. Numerous varieties of honey are divided according to the type of honey plants and the collected nectar. Also, honey can be honeydew and flower (this is a division by origin), while pure or mixed.

Types and varieties of honey, their beneficial properties are actively used in medicinal purposes in folk medicine, in particular, apitherapy. There is a lot of information in various printed and electronic publications about what varieties of honey are, how they are classified by type, honey collection area and honey plants.

Varieties of honey depending on the type

Steppe or meadow type of honey

  • Altai honey - meadow and field. In the honey collection there are such plants as coltsfoot, dandelion, burdock, sweet clover, buckwheat, alfalfa, sunflower, willow.
  • Bashkir meadow is a huge variety of honey plants, trees and shrubs: honeysuckle, hawthorn, elm, bird cherry, linden, alder, gout, cow parsnip, sage, fireweed, motherwort, Ivan tea.
  • Honey in central Russia is divided into fruit and meadow varieties. Fruit varieties of honey are collected from fruit trees and shrubs: currants, gooseberries, apple trees, pears and others growing in the middle lane.

Honey, which is collected from apple and pear trees, cherries, sweet cherries, peach trees, is yellow with a reddish tint and delicate aroma, sugary-sweet taste, contains fructose (42%) and glucose (31%). This honey is early, the period of the main honey collection begins at the end of spring.

Honey collected from meadow herbs, amber, very tart and fragrant, has excellent healing properties. Sage, St. John's wort, sweet clover, thyme, oregano are the main honey plants of meadow varieties.

  • Central Asian steppe varieties belong to the steppe species and are collected from plants such as fireweed and sunflower.

Mountain view of honey

  • Caucasian honey. Its main property is slow crystallization, it remains in liquid form for a long time, it is collected mainly from chestnuts and acacias.
  • Gornoaltaysky honey. Typical melliferous plants are burdock, squirrel (saussurea).
  • Kyrgyz varieties are Toktogul, Issyk-Kul, Chon-Kemin, Susamyr honey. Honey plants are plants growing high in the mountains, approximately at an altitude of 1200 to 3000 m. The famous camel thorn, edelweiss, sage, hawthorn, oregano, mint, currant, clover grow here. This is an expensive type of honey, in particular, camel thorn honey is highly valued for its healing qualities, it is used for sore throats, shortness of breath, and in the treatment of coughs in children and adults.

Forest type of honey

This type of honey includes the following varieties:

  • Taiga honey. Its main honey plants are angelica, pine and cedar conifers. This honey does not crystallize, has a shade of brown with a greenish tint and a slight sour taste.
  • Altai honey is collected from such plants as goutweed, hogweed, forest raspberry, angelica.
  • Pre-Ural honey is whitish in color, tender, collected from strawberries, lindens, raspberries.
  • Bashkir honey has a yellowish tint or brown, its main honey plants are fireweed, oregano, hogweed, raspberry, angelica and linden.
  • Honey from the central part of Russia. The main plants for honey collection are maple, willow, willow-herb, ash, wild raspberry, wild strawberry, hawthorn, oak. It has a rich taste depending on the shade. The more delicate the taste, the lighter the honey, for example, willow honey is light and very delicate.
  • Far Eastern honey is collected from the Amur and Manchurian linden, lilac, cherry. It crystallizes quickly, the crystals are large and soft, quickly soluble at the same time. Very light.

Types of honey and its varieties depending on the origin

  • Honeydew honey is obtained from honeydew. This is a sticky juice that stands out on the leaves of trees, shrubs, on tree bark, young shoots. These honeys and their various varieties are made from honeydew harvested during dry, warm weather during the summer months. Pad is collected from coniferous, deciduous trees and shrubs.

This is a forest type of honey, includes the following varieties: linden, ash, oak, willow, acacia, spruce, fir, fruit, etc. In terms of sugar and amino acid content, honeydew honey is richer than flower honey.

  • Flower varieties of honey are pure and mixed, polyfloric. Polyfloral varieties of honey are harvested by bees during the flowering of meadow herbs: cornflower, oregano, sage, clover, thyme and many other herbs from meadows and fields. This honey, whose shade varies from light, golden to dark, depending on the set of herbs present in it, is good for health, and is also used as a remedy in apitherapy.

Varieties and properties of honey used to treat diseases, depending on the variety and honey plant

Honey in the human body is absorbed by 97% and, bypassing the digestive system, immediately enters the bloodstream. It can be stored for a long time, but it can not be heated above 40 degrees. The composition contains many vitamins B, C and P, important organic acids (folic, nicotinic), minerals, trace elements (potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, iodine), which are so necessary for human life.

It contains hormones and aromatic substances in optimal amounts for humans. Due to this, it is actively used in apitherapy: it is used for wound healing as a bacteriostatic agent, it is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Honey can be used as an aid in the treatment of bronchitis. Used as dietary product. In cosmetology, it is included in numerous creams and face masks due to its ability to moisturize the skin.

  • Buckwheat honey has a very tart taste and bright aroma, when ingested causes slight irritation in the throat. It is honey of a bright, almost reddish hue. Buckwheat honey jars look very beautiful in the photo. It contains a lot of iron, so buckwheat honey is very useful for anemia and anemia.
  • Rapeseed honey is a honey with an unexpressed bitter taste, very light, almost white, easily and quickly falls out. small crystals, therefore, has some similarities with lard. Rapeseed honey contains a lot of glucose, it is used to increase potency.
  • Linden honey is very fragrant, contains a large amount of glucose and fructose in equal proportions, is used as a diaphoretic for the treatment of colds, coughs, and for the prevention of heart disease.
  • Willow honey. The main honey collection occurs in early spring. Honey of golden hues, crystallizes quite quickly. It is used for colds, to reduce body temperature, has a choleretic effect, it is used in the treatment of hepatitis.
  • Carrot honey is obtained from seed and wild carrot plantations. The main harvest of such honey occurs in July, when white flowers appear on the stems of carrots. Carrot honey has shades of dark brown, it contains carotenoids, it is used for anemia, with a decrease in immunity, especially in children, and for inflammatory eye diseases.
  • Cucumber honey is collected during the flowering period of cucumbers, the productivity of cucumber honey collection is small, only 30 kg per hectare. This variety of honey is rare, although cucumbers are very good honey plants. Honey is yellow-amber in color, not at all bitter, delicately fragrant, used to treat the urinary tract, as a choleretic agent, used for constipation.
  • Motherwort honey is used as a remedy for diseases of the nervous system, as a mild hypnotic, good in the treatment of neurosis, and also as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • mint honey very high quality, fragrant. Mint as a plant for honey collection is very productive. It blooms from early summer to mid-autumn. Mint honey belongs to the varieties of meadow honey; honey is collected almost all summer from meadows and fields. It is used for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, etc.), for the treatment of inflammation of the gums and teeth.
  • Thistle honey is a high-quality product collected during the flowering of such an unpleasant honey-bearing weed as thistle, usually adjacent to euphorbia. It has indications for the treatment and prevention of stomach and intestinal ulcers due to its antiseptic properties.

For example, for the treatment of stomach ulcers, you need to prepare a mixture of thistle honey with pollen: for 20 g of honey, take two tbsp. tablespoons of pollen and grind thoroughly in a mortar. Take 1 tsp. three times a day for three weeks before and after surgery. Mostly take thistle honey for surgical interventions.

  • Acacia honey is extracted by bees in acacia plantations. It has a delicate syrupy texture of light shades, almost does not crystallize. Traditional healers recommend this variety of honey as a means for a general increase in the tone of the body, with diseases of the digestive system. It is hypoallergenic and therefore can be given to children.
  • One of the best varieties is raspberry honey. When freshly harvested, it has a light golden hue, easy to crystallize. The period of its honey collection begins with the beginning of summer.

Many varieties of honey have a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness and delicate fragrance. The degree of sweetness depends on the ratio of carbohydrates and their quantity. Varieties with different botanical origins have characteristic flavors.

Rapeseed honey is very tart and sugary, dandelion honey has a harsh taste, heather and cornflower varieties have a bitter aftertaste. Willow, parsnip, mountain ash, sage varieties of honey have a pleasant taste.


The grade of honey is determined by many organoleptic characteristics. But the indication of the type of honey does not mean that it is absolutely pure and is made from the nectar of the very plant whose name it bears. In each variety there is always a share of another variety. Each type of honey has its own characteristics, depending on the ratio in its composition of amino acids, minerals and polysaccharides - glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Honey consists of plant nectar and some components that come from the bee's body. It contains about 300 different substances, but the main ones are glucose and fructose. By color it can be of different shades and is divided into groups of honey varieties:

  • light colors;
  • moderately colored colors;
  • dark colors.

Dark honey color means that the product contains more minerals and other substances and is considered healthier than the light variety. It begins to turn into nectar in the body of bees. From plants, bees transfer nectar to the wax cells of honeycombs. The bees not only collect and carry the nectar, but also process it in the hive. First, they produce honey from nectar, then they evaporate water from it, then it must be mixed in honeycombs and treated with enzymes. Due to this, the chemical composition of the product changes.

When the product is ripe, it is sealed by bees with wax caps. These signs help to determine it by maturity, variety and pumping time. If the product is not sealed, it means that it has an increased water content and contains in large numbers unsplit sucrose. Its quality will be worse and it cannot be stored for a long time.

If it contains more glucose, then it is able to crystallize, and with increased fructose, it will taste sweeter. Crystallization does not impair the quality, but when heated, the healing and nutritional properties are declining. From 40 ° and above, it turns into a regular syrup.

With nectar, various aromatic substances enter the hive, therefore it has a peculiar taste. Taste also depends on organic acids : apple, milk, lemon.

Product properties

Varieties of honey

For pre-sale preparation, it is divided into two types: centrifugal (popular) and cellular (useful). By consistency: crystallized (shrunken) and liquid. It happens very liquid, liquid, thick and gelatinous. The consistency of shrunken honey is fine-grained, coarse-grained and fat-like. They also differ in color and transparency, taste and aroma.

Types and their features

What is honey?

  1. The May type of honey - the first pitching, has a philistine name. It happened in ancient times, when people lived according to a different chronology, that is, two weeks later. At this time, the first product was pumped out.
  2. Monofloral type of honey - this is what is called when more than 40% of nectar is collected from one honey plant. Bees collect nectar from various honey plants.
  3. - developed in a dry summer from sweet secretions of insects: a mealybug, aphids, psyllids. And it is also produced from honeydew (sugar substances of plants): linden, apple, fir, spruce, maple, hazel, rose, pear, etc. Its color is usually dark, but it can also be light yellow from coniferous trees . The aroma depends on the source of honeydew: it may be odorless or unpleasant. The consistency is viscous, syrupy, does not melt in the mouth for a long time. It is used by confectioners and bakers.
  4. Polyfloral type of honey - produced from nectar collected from several types of plants. The name is depending on the type of honey plant: mountain, forest, meadow, steppe.

Varieties of honey and their beneficial properties

  • acacia- it is considered that it does not crystallize for a long time. The taste is enveloping, floral, delicate, when swallowed, the taste intensifies. If the product is liquid, then it is transparent in appearance, and upon crystallization it becomes white, fine-grained and resembles snow. From yellow acacia it is very light, and when crystallized it looks white, greasy, its grain size is medium. It is used in medical practice for nervous diseases as a sedative and for insomnia. It does not cause allergies and is used in baby and diabetic nutrition. It has an antimicrobial effect and is used for eye diseases. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. With children's enuresis at night, the child should not be given to drink, but give him a spoonful of acacia honey, it retains moisture in the body and soothes, very useful.
  • Heather- refers to low grades of honey, has a reddish-brown color, a specific aroma and astringent taste. It contains more protein and mineral salts, so it does not crystallize, but coagulates, becomes jelly-like. According to the healing and healing properties, it is considered useful and one of the best. It is used in diseases of the bladder and kidneys, it has a diuretic effect. Used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. If you take it at night, then the dream will be calm and strong. Calms the nervous system and is an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Buckwheat- the best grade, dark color, has sharp and spicy taste and aroma. During crystallization, it becomes a mushy mass. It contains iron and protein, thanks to which the vascular bed is cleansed, blood is renewed, damaged tissues are regenerated and the level of hemoglobin increases. Recommended for anemia, anemia and pregnancy. And also for those who suffer from gastritis with hyperacidity gastric juice. Cures beriberi, hypertension, scarlet fever, measles, rheumatism. It is used when there is a hemorrhage in the brain or retina, improves capillary permeability. Locally it is used for trophic ulcers, furunculosis, purulent wounds and many skin diseases. Useful in children's and diabetic nutrition, with nervous diseases it has a calming effect.
  • Donnikovy- first-class, with high qualities. When crystallized, it has a white or yellow color, it contains a lot of glucose. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, sedative, diuretic effect. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take to stimulate milk flow. It is taken for colds, insomnia, headaches and for the treatment of respiratory organs. They treat rheumatism and cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis. For purulent wounds and cuts, compresses with propolis are applied.
  • Lime- the best sort of honey, transparent, has a slightly yellowish or greenish color, very sweet taste and aroma of linden. Turns white upon crystallization pure form is rare. It is used to treat colds, as it has a diaphoretic property. Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, kidneys and in gynecology. It has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, helps in the treatment of purulent wounds and burns.
  • Lugovoi- first-class, upon crystallization becomes fine-grained or greasy. The color varies from golden yellow to yellow-brown, depending on the predominance of flowers. It has healing and nutritional properties, is used for various diseases.
  • May- an early summer variety of honey, the sweetest, they begin to pump it out after the flowering of acacia. The color varies from white-gray to bright yellow, cooling taste and menthol aroma. It is well absorbed by the body, without disturbing the function of the pancreas, which means that diabetes does not develop. Recommended for atherosclerosis, liver diseases and nervous conditions. Honey has a calming effect.

Quality determination methods

Dip a spoon into the honey and rotate it. The immature will drain, and the mature will wrap in folds like a ribbon. You can lower a thin stick into it: the real one will stretch in a continuous thread, the fake one will drain and drip with splashes. Quality honey does not foam.

All varieties natural honey have useful properties and are necessary for healthy eating. Differs only in appearance and taste, and the benefits are almost the same. It is stored in a dark place so that the beneficial substances do not decay from the action of light.

Varieties of honey

Honey cake, pancakes with honey, honey gingerbread- honey has become so firmly established in our lives and cuisine that sometimes we don’t even think: where does it come from. No, we remember the hardworking bees and flowers, but we don’t always know why this sweet substance is healthy and tasty. Bees produce honey from the nectar of flowers, which they visit innumerable numbers during the summer.

Usually we eat honey collected by domestic, "cultural" bees, but honey produced by wild bees is no less tasty and healthy (remember, Winnie the Pooh was looking for it in a hollow?). This honey differs both in taste - ripe, tart, slightly sour, and in color - dark, cloudy, and in its composition - it contains much more useful substances. But, unfortunately, there is very little honey from wild bees, and we usually use honey created by domestic workers.

The chemical composition of honey

Besides the fact that honey is delicious, it is also very useful. Having a complex chemical composition, this product contains almost the entire periodic table of elements: aluminum, chlorine, silicon, zinc, osmium, bromine and many other elements. It also contains vitamins and amino acids: vitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), C, E, PP, K, pantothenic acid and others.

It is impossible, and even incorrect, to say which honey is the most useful - each type or variety of honey has its own useful properties, its own advantages.

What are the beneficial properties of honey?

The effect that honey has on the body is favorable and very mild, because it is a natural medicine that looks like chemical composition on blood plasma, it does not contain any additives that are alien to our body. Honey has been around for a very long time, and for thousands of years people have used it for healing.

  1. Restorative. Honey is a strong natural immune stimulant. Strengthens the body's defenses and restores them after illness.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Reduces the signs of the inflammatory process: swelling, pain. It is also used as a means for extracting pus with boils, mastitis (mixed with rye bread or flour).
  3. Antimicrobial. The action is very pronounced. It is provided by inhibin, an antibiotic-like substance found in honey. It has long been known that honey is an excellent preservative: when immersed in it, meat and fish were preserved.
  4. Wound healing. Used to heal wounds and burns. Often used for stomatitis (on mucous membranes), stomach ulcers.
  5. Nutritious. Contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, is absorbed by the body without residue.
  6. Emollient. It is used in cosmetology in the form of masks and applications to improve skin elasticity and plasticity. Probably everyone knows that if you apply a mixture of honey and salt on the skin in a bath, massage a little, and then wash it off, the skin becomes smooth and tender, like that of a small child.
  7. fat burning. Added in the preparation of masks, body wraps in the fight against cellulite.
  8. Normalizes metabolism.

The most useful varieties of honey

We will analyze the usefulness of the most common types of honey for various ailments, starting with the most potent.

Often, when buying honey, you can see the words Monofloral (monofloral) and the name on the label. This means that the bees that made this honey collected pollen from flowers of the same species: fireweed, sunflower, linden, etc. Polyfloral or flower honey is called, which was pumped out from honeycombs of bees, the hives of which were located among the herbs.

The main varieties of honey and their beneficial properties

Linden honey

As the name implies, bees collect nectar from linden blossoms. This honey is light yellow in color, when candied (precipitation of sugar crystals) becomes almost white. The taste is sharp, against the background of sweetness, tingling and tingling of the tongue and throat are felt. Linden honey is considered one of the most useful due to the fact that it has a very strong antibacterial effect and is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems, heals wounds and burns. Linden honey can be used for treatment when no other kind is available.

Buckwheat honey

Beautiful brown color, with a specific taste and smell. Having tasted buckwheat honey, you cannot confuse it with another: spicy, tart. It quickly crystallizes, does not retain transparency for a long time. This type of honey contains more vitamins and microelements than others. Buckwheat honey has very strong bactericidal properties, especially with respect to staphylococci. It is used for anemia, a decrease in the body's defenses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acacia honey

The most common type of honey. Bees brought nectar from flowers of white and yellow acacia. Fluid, slightly yellowish, turns white during crystallization, which comes late. Very delicate taste, very fragrant. Everyone loves this honey. Has an antiseptic effect. Can be used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, nervous system, pustular skin diseases. With anxiety, insomnia, acacia honey is simply irreplaceable.

sunflower honey

Yellow, thick, fast crystallizing honey. It "candied" within a month after collection. Contains many elements and amino acids, is used in the treatment of diseases of the throat, lungs. But you can find this honey, unfortunately, only in the southern regions.

sweet clover honey

Sweet clover honey is made by bees from the nectar of white and yellow sweet clover flowers. This honey is almost completely transparent, only slightly yellowish, fragrant and tasty. None of the types of honey can be compared with it in its properties: honey from sweet clover contains the substance coumarin, which thins the blood and serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes. That is why doctors recommend that patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system regularly consume this type of honey.

chestnut honey

Dark honey with original taste and a little bitterness is a natural antibiotic. It is successfully used for wounds, burns, inflammatory processes in various organs. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Honey is thick, it does not “candied” for a long time.

Angelica honey

Honey is quite rare. This is a natural antiseptic: stomatitis, gingivitis, ulcers of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, a decrease in the body's defenses - this is the point of application of this product.

Dark red, very viscous, with a delicate, light aroma, unfortunately, this honey is often faked. Therefore, you need to purchase it in trusted places.

Sainfoin honey

The sun in the jar - sainfoin honey has a golden color, transparent. When crystallized, it becomes whitish-cream in color, and is no less tasty. Not as sweet as other types of honey, it has a very delicate floral aroma.

This honey is credited with the ability to increase male power.

Also, this honey has bactericidal properties, is used in inflammatory processes, and its antitumor properties are also noted.

Honey with perga

Opaque, slightly sour - a very useful variety of honey. Due to the presence of bee pollen in honey, it will increase protein composition honey. Absolutely indispensable for restoring the body's strength after illnesses, the treatment of anemia.

flower honey

It is also called meadow. This honey is light amber in color, very sweet and pleasant in taste, has a bright aroma. When "candied" turns into a yellow-creamy mass.

To prepare this honey, bees collect nectar from various honey plants. It has all the useful properties, contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

fireweed honey

Fireweed or Ivan tea is a plant with fragrant pink flowers, probably everyone knows. This variety has an unusual color: brownish-greenish, opaque, and when candied, it generally turns into white snowflake flakes. Nevertheless, it is very tasty and healthy: in inflammatory diseases, it is indispensable for diseases of the prostate in men, it has an antitumor effect.

How to use honey correctly so that it only benefits our body?

  1. Most importantly, the amount of honey consumed should not be calculated in kilograms, moderation is important.
  2. Usually honey is recommended to take in the morning, on an empty stomach by diluting it in a glass of water room temperature, or simply dissolving in the mouth.
  3. If observed nervous system disorders, insomnia- the most famous recipe is 1 tablespoon of honey diluted in a glass of warm milk.
  4. After drinking honey need to brush your teeth- very quickly formed in the mouth acid helps to develop caries.
  5. When honey is heated above 40 degrees, all its beneficial properties are lost., and it remains just a culinary product, so honey diluted in a glass of hot tea does not carry any useful load.
  6. Unfortunately, there are people for whom honey is contraindicated, or its use is limited. These are people allergic to honey and bee products, patients with diabetes patients with exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also honey is not recommended for children of the first year of life.
  7. Very carefully, only after consulting a doctor, you can use honey for cancer patients, and honey with bee bread is generally contraindicated for them - bee bread enhances tumor growth.
  8. In order not to harm yourself and use the product of worker bees with benefit and pleasure, in case of any doubts, it is better to ask the advice of a doctor.
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