Delicious and fragrant honey gingerbread in a steamed multicooker. Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker

  • 50 grams butter;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups of wheat flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 0.5 cups of walnuts.

As you can see, the ingredients, for example, such as honey and walnuts, are very tasty and will perfectly complement the gingerbread. As a result, we should get ruddy, albeit steamed, honey gingerbread. We consider our recipe and, following the points, we begin to cook.

It should be warned that with dysbacteriosis it is not recommended to use rich pastries. You can get acquainted with the symptoms of dysbacteriosis in this article -

Step by step recipe

  1. So, for starters, we take the prepared walnuts, we need to grind them well. To do this, we will use a blender, with its help we will achieve the desired effect much faster. Well, if there is no blender, you will have to work with a knife, but it does not matter, you can do it just as well.
  2. Now we take a small saucepan, it is in it that we will begin to prepare our dough. We beat the egg into it, and then the prepared butter.
  3. After that, we send our fragrant honey to the common container. It is he who will give the gingerbread an individual touch.
  4. We also put sugar in a saucepan and proceed to the next stage of cooking.
  5. We need to put a container with a mass of ingredients on water bath. All this time, the contents must be stirred so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  6. When we have achieved uniformity, add soda and continue to stir. The mass should become thicker.
  7. Now, we can remove the container from the water bath. Add prepared flour and mix thoroughly.
  8. The dough is almost ready, it remains to add the nuts that we chopped at the very beginning. Add them and knead the dough so that the nuts are evenly distributed.
  9. Let's start forming the gingerbread cookies themselves. To do this, wet the handles so that the dough does not stick, and the gingerbread cookies turn out beautiful.
  10. We take a tablespoon, collect the dough with it and roll the balls with our hands. Do not make them too big, keep in mind that during cooking, the gingerbread cookies will increase slightly in size.
  11. We spread our gingerbread cookies in a slow cooker, on a special container for cooking, the so-called bowl. You can also use a double boiler, here is what technique you have.
  12. Cooking gingerbread in a slow cooker for a couple will be about 40 minutes. During this time, they will surprisingly become ruddy, although they were not cooked in the oven. This result is obtained due to honey.
  13. Steamed honey gingerbreads in a slow cooker are ready, we let them stand a little and cool. Only then we serve them to the table and treat our relatives.

This version of gingerbread, more classic, without various additions and decorations. But for those who want to add something else to them, it is proposed to make a glaze and pour it over a delicacy.

To do this, take two tablespoons lemon juice, pour it into the mixing container. Next, we need powdered sugar. It must be sifted and sent to the same container. But add in parts, while stirring so that it dissolves. As for the amount of powdered sugar, then take about 120 grams. As a result, we got enough liquid glaze. Well, now, we take one gingerbread, put it in a container with icing, turn it on all sides so that it is well covered with a tasty mass and take it out. We put the gingerbread on the grate so that it dries, and it is better to put a saucer under the grate so that excess glaze can drain into it. This is what we do with each gingerbread, as a result, we got it in lemon-sugar glaze.

If you do not have lemon juice, then you can easily replace it with water, it will be no less tasty.

You have turned out delicious, tender and very fragrant gingerbread. They will be happy to gobble up the kids, and you will not be able to refuse yourself to enjoy such a delicacy.

This recipe for gingerbread in a slow cooker belongs to the category of so-called culinary tricks. Because they are cooked not in the “Baking” mode, but for a couple. I don’t know about you, but this way of cooking seemed absolutely fantastic to me - is it really baking for a couple, and not pieces of boiled dough? But, as you can see for yourself in the photo, the real gingerbread is obtained, soft, sweet, as if from an oven.


  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons liquid natural honey
  • 2 tablespoons without top cocoa
  • 150 g soft butter
  • half a glass of sugar
  • half a teaspoon of soda (do not extinguish)
  • 2 cups of flour
  • you will also need half a liter of water


If you did not increase the proportions, then you should get 12-13 small gingerbread cookies that will simultaneously fit into the multicooker bowl designed for steaming. Let's start making the dough. To prevent a large number dirty dishes, it is better to immediately take a medium-sized metal bowl that can be put on fire. If this is not available, a regular saucepan will do. Although you can take any container convenient for you. We drive an egg into it, pour in sugar and throw a cube of softened butter.

Beat with a whisk or mixer.

Then add honey, soda and mix again. Take natural honey, for example, buckwheat will add additional color to your buns, linden - smell, and meadow - taste. We put on the stove on a small fire (if kneaded in a glass plate, transfer the mass to a metal one and send it to the stove).

We don’t go anywhere and while we don’t do anything else, we constantly interfere. Honey and butter should melt, and the sweet semi-finished product should become hot and increase in volume. You can, of course, heat the mass in a water bath, but in this case, it will take you much more time to prepare the dough. Remove from heat and add cocoa powder to a bowl.

Carefully introduce it into the dough so that there are no lumps left. Do not add more cocoa, otherwise your buns will be bitter.
V last turn put flour.
knead the dough better with hands. First pour in a glass, stir, then add another half glass, mix again. And then focus on the resulting dough density. It should be soft, but not sticky to the hands.

The main thing is not to overdo it with flour. You don't want your baked goods to be hard, do you? We pinch off a small piece from the dough, roll it into a ball and put it in a steaming bowl, previously greased with butter. Pour half a liter of water into a large container for a multicooker, insert it into the multicooker, put a bowl with buns on top, close the lid and turn on the “Steam cooking” mode.

Each model has a different time programmed. To prepare such chocolate gingerbread it will take half an hour. Therefore, you may need to re-enable the mode. Don't worry if they get a little sticky during cooking, you can easily pull them apart when you take them out of the bowl.

Check the readiness of baking in the old and well-known way - pierce with a toothpick.

Serve the gingerbread cookies warm, and for more flavor, cut them in half and brush them with a little salty butter. Bon Appetit!

I haven’t baked something sweet and tasty in a slow cooker for a long time. Biscuits are already boring, I decided to experiment and bake Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker. The experiment was a success. The gingerbread was very tasty.


To cook Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker, we need:
150 g of honey;
60 g vegetable oil;
2 multi-cups* flour;
3/4 multi-cup* sugar;
2 eggs;
1.5 tsp baking powder;
1 tsp cinnamon;
1 tsp nutmeg;
1/2 tsp ginger;
jam - to taste.

The recipe uses a 160 ml multi-glass.

Cooking steps

Bake our gingerbread in a slow cooker for 50-60 minutes on the "Baking" mode.

Cut the cooled gingerbread into two cakes.

Grease each cake with jam or jam.

Connect the two halves. Glaze can be prepared according to your taste. To prepare the glaze, I mixed 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of water, brought to a boil and poured over a very tasty Tula gingerbread baked in a slow cooker.

Bon Appetit!

Honey is a great alternative to sugar. With it, you can cook delicious and fragrant pastries. Desserts are unusual and soft. One of these delicacies is honey gingerbread for a couple in a multicooker.

This dessert is low-calorie, as it does not involve the use of a large number grease for greasing the mold.

To prepare the dough, you will need the following products:

  • 200 g flour;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • cinnamon and cloves;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

For the test, it is better to take liquid honey. If you do not have this, warm the product for a couple, it will become liquid. Mix all recipe ingredients and knead soft dough. It will be sticky, but don't add flour anyway. It is better to pour some vegetable oil on the table. Use a teaspoon to scoop up the dough and form into balls. Put them on the bottom of the multicooker steamer.

You need to cook dessert in steam mode for 20 minutes. Gingerbread cookies are soft and airy. You can make an amazing cake out of them. To do this, simply fold the gingerbread cookies in a slide and pour them generously with sour cream and sugar.

Lenten honey gingerbread

This dessert can be prepared during fasting. They do not contain eggs or butter. To prepare a treat, pour 3 tablespoons of sugar into a saucepan and put on fire. Stir constantly. It is necessary that the sugar begins to burn and becomes dark brown. Pour 100 ml of water and 2 tablespoons of honey into the burnt sugar.

Pour half a teaspoon of soda into this dark liquid and pour in 100 ml of vegetable oil. Foam should appear on the surface. Don't forget the spices. Pour the dark liquid into the flour and knead into a soft dough. It will turn brown. Lubricate your hands with oil and pinch off small balls of dough. Put the lumps on the multicooker grate and steam for 20 minutes.

Pour the surface of the gingerbread sugar icing. If desired, add nuts and raisins to the dough. You can safely treat guests with such honey gingerbread. As you can see, the recipe is very economical and does not contain eggs and animal fats.

Tula gingerbread- perhaps the most famous variety of Russian printed gingerbread. There is probably no person in Russia who has not tried the Tula gingerbread or at least has not heard about it. But few people know what can be baked. That is what we are going to do now.

I note that the Tula gingerbread, baked in a slow cooker, is not very similar to its "store" counterparts. According to this recipe, it comes out tall and lush, more like a pie, but with an indescribable "Tula" taste. Yes, you can, of course, make this gingerbread very similar to the usual one by spreading the dough in a thin layer on the bottom of the multicooker. But I decided to take a different path this time. Watch, repeat (or do it your own way :), try and rate!

Recipe for Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker.

  • 50 grams of honey or three tablespoons
  • 120 grams of granulated sugar
  • two eggs
  • one hundred grams of butter
  • two cups of flour or 260 grams
  • one teaspoon of soda
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon

For layer:

  • Strawberry jam

For sprinkling:

  • powdered sugar

How to cook Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker:

We put all the ingredients for the gingerbread in a deep bowl, except for flour, and put it in a water bath. I just had a boiling pot of water.

Stir with a spoon until smooth until the mass is foamy. Remove the bowl from the water bath.

Add sifted flour, mix well.

We spread the dough of the Tula gingerbread in a greased multicooker bowl.

We bake Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker within 65 minutes.

After the signal Tula gingerbread in a slow cooker ready!

We get it with a container.

We cut the gingerbread into two or three cakes. I divided it into two cakes, it was necessary for three, especially since the height allowed.

Spread with strawberry or other jam.

We collect the cakes back into the gingerbread.

Sprinkle on top powdered sugar or drizzle with frosting.

Cut the Tula gingerbread into portioned pieces and serve with tea. Bon Appetit!

It turned out the taste and aroma of a real Tula gingerbread. And on the second day it tasted even better.