How to make dough for soft waffles. Soft waffles amaze with their tenderness! Homemade recipes for soft waffles in a waffle iron with milk, sour cream, butter with different fillings

Soft delicious fluffy waffles can be prepared using a home waffle iron, electric, modern or old Soviet for the stove. Consider two recipes, one on sour cream, the second is a classic Viennese cooking option.


  • Eggs- 4 pieces
  • Sugar- 1 glass
  • Butter- 250 grams
  • Sour cream (kefir)- 3/5 cup
  • Flour- 1 glass with a slide
  • soda, salt pinch by pinch
  • How to make soft waffles at home

    1. Wash the eggs, break into a cup, add granulated sugar.

    . Melt the butter, cool to room temperature, about 5-10 minutes. At this time, beat eggs with sugar until white. Pour in the butter and again beat thoroughly with a whisk.

    Add salt and soda to sour cream, mix.

    4. Pour the sour cream mixture into the egg. Mix.

    5 . Gradually add flour, in a thin stream and mix.

    . The dough will have the consistency of a thick cream.

    . With a teaspoon, spread the dough into a waffle iron greased with vegetable oil. Close the lid tightly. If you're cooking on the stovetop, hold the waffle iron for about 2 minutes on each side. The electric waffle iron is preheated, then a thin dough is laid out on it and cooked for about 30 seconds.

    Delicious soft waffles are ready

    Enjoy your meal!

    Viennese waffles classic recipe

    What do most people associate with the name of the Austrian capital Vienna? Of course, with a waltz, Mozart and the famous Viennese waffles. Maybe this is not a masterpiece of culinary art, but they glorified Austria no less than great composers. Viennese waffles… soft, crispy and incredibly flavorful. Although…

    Frankly, what we used to call Viennese waffles is actually a Belgian dessert. It was there that they came up with pie-shaped sweets with large cells that can be filled with almost any filling: cream, syrup, jam, condensed milk, honey, ice cream and even fresh berries. In the old days, not only sweets were used as fillings. Often the role of the filler was played by processed cheese, pate or bacon.

    But, no matter how soft waffles are called, they do not become less tasty from this. And in order to taste them, it is not at all necessary to go to Vienna (Brussels, Liege, etc.). You can prepare this classic European dessert in your own kitchen using a homemade waffle iron.

    You will need the following products for such baking:
    flour- 300-350 g;
    butter- 50 g;
    eggs- 2 pcs.;
    milk- 300 ml;
    granulated sugar- 2 tablespoons;
    vanilla sugar- 1 teaspoon;
    baking powder and salt- 1/2 teaspoon.

    The main trick of Viennese, and maybe not Viennese, confectioners is that they never beat whole eggs. So, first you need to carefully break the eggs and separate the yolks from the proteins. Leave the whites alone, they will come in handy later, and add sugar to the yolks and grind thoroughly to get a white mixture. After that, add vanilla sugar to the mass and mix everything thoroughly again.

    Pour the pre-melted butter into the egg mixture, add milk and salt. Mix everything again.

    Sift flour through a sieve and mix with baking powder. After that, it should be added in small portions to the existing mixture, thoroughly mixing the resulting dough. You shouldn't hurry. It is important that the dough turned out homogeneous, without lumps.

    It's time to get back to the egg whites. Beat them with a mixer into a thick foam, which should be carefully laid out on the dough. Mix these ingredients very carefully. A mixer is not suitable for this procedure, it is better to use a regular whisk. In this case, you should not make rotational movements. It is desirable that the whisk moves up and down.

    As soon as the dough is finally ready, you can start heating the waffle iron. By the way, before frying the first batch of waffles, it must be greased with vegetable oil. Then this procedure does not need to be repeated, since the dough already contains a sufficient amount of oil.

    To make each waffle, you will need two tablespoons of dough. They are baked quite quickly - only 2-3 minutes. During this time, they should already brown enough. Viennese waffles are best served hot. They are good both with any sweet filler, and "in pure" form.

    Video Belgian waffle recipe

    Homemade waffles are a delicate crunchy treat that will win the heart of every sweet tooth. They can become both an independent dessert and part of a complex dish. Waffle dough can be prepared according to a variety of recipes. It remains only to choose the appropriate option for yourself, given the products at hand.

    The simplest and fastest recipe for the treat under discussion is based on margarine.

    It is better to take a high-quality creamy product for baking (a standard pack). And besides him: 220 g of flour, the same amount of sugar, 3 eggs and vanillin on the tip of a knife.

    1. Margarine (200 g) is cut into large pieces and melted in a water bath.
    2. Eggs are beaten with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved.
    3. Cooled margarine is added to the sweet egg mass, and the products mix well.
    4. Flour and vanilla are added to the ingredients in small portions.
    5. A homogeneous dough is kneaded. It turns out smooth and pliable.

    You can immediately bake crispy waffles from the dough.

    The right recipe for Viennese waffles

    You don't have to go abroad to try Viennese waffles. It is quite possible to cook them at home yourself. This will require the simplest products: 3 eggs, 120 g of sugar, 250 ml of milk, a pack of high-fat butter, 330 g of flour, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and the same amount of baking powder.

    1. Softened butter is rubbed with sugar. You can do this with a mixer at minimum speed.
    2. Eggs are driven into the resulting thick lush mass.
    3. The dough is whipped again at low speeds of the device.
    4. Warm milk and lemon juice are poured into the ingredients.
    5. After mixing, flour, sifted with baking powder, is poured into the dough. The mass is mixed with a spoon.
    6. The result should be a dough like kefir pancakes.

    You can cook such waffles both in a special waffle iron and in the oven in suitable molds.

    Cooking dough for crispy treats

    To make the dessert thin and crispy, you need to add potato starch to the dough. It will take 40 g of such a product, as well as: 140 g of flour, 120 ml of milk, half a pack of margarine, 130 g of sugar. The detailed test recipe is described below:

    1. Flour is sifted through a sieve along with starch.
    2. Eggs are lightly beaten with sugar until the latter dissolves.
    3. Warm milk is poured into the sweet egg mass.
    4. Margarine is melted in the microwave, cooled slightly and added to the liquid mixture.
    5. With constant stirring, flour with starch is introduced into the dough. The mass should be semi-liquid.

    Wafers from such a dough are perfect for wrapping boiled condensed milk in them.

    With yeast for soft Liege waffles

    This recipe makes thick waffles. They need a special device with deep cells or baking dishes in the oven. From the products you will need to use: 2 tbsp. sifted flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. dry yeast, a pinch of vanillin and salt, 170 g of sugar, a pack of butter, 170 ml of full-fat milk.

    1. Half of the milk is heated, the yeast is dissolved in the warm liquid, and it is left for 20 minutes.
    2. The remaining milk is whipped with salt and eggs with a mixer.
    3. Softened butter is rubbed with flour.
    4. All three parts are combined together and thoroughly mixed.
    5. The end result should be a soft sticky dough. It is covered with a clean towel and left for about half an hour in a warm place.

    The finished mass is divided into 12 parts, each of which is rolled in sugar before baking.

    Dough for wafer rolls in an electric waffle iron

    This is the simplest recipe with a minimum number of ingredients. To prepare a dessert, you will need to use: 5 eggs, a standard pack of margarine, 1 tbsp. flour and sugar.

    1. Eggs with granulated sugar are beaten until white.
    2. Further, the beating of the mass continues with margarine.
    3. The process does not stop even after adding flour.
    4. The end result will be a sticky dough.

    This waffle dough in a waffle iron is suitable for baking dessert in both electric and manual devices.

    Hong Kong waffle dough

    Hong Kong waffles also have a second name - "egg". It got its name because of the special "bubble" structure. Such dough can be stored in the cold for up to 2 days and delight homemade with a fresh dessert. For its preparation you will need: 160 g of flour, 140 g of warm boiled water and baking powder, 280 ml of condensed milk and vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 7 g of baking powder, 1 tbsp. pudding powder, liquid vanilla concentrate.

    1. All dry ingredients are combined in a sieve and immediately sieved. These are: flour, baking powder and pudding powder.
    2. Eggs and sugar are beaten until the latter is completely dissolved. Warm liquids are poured into the resulting mixture: milk and water.
    3. The liquid and dry parts are combined and mixed until smooth.
    4. At the end, 3 drops of vanilla concentrate are sent to the mass.
    5. It remains to pour oil into the future dough and leave it in the cold for 60 minutes.

    During the specified time, gluten will swell in the mass. It is not recommended to use the dough for baking treats immediately.

    For a Belgian dessert

    This delicate delicacy is now known and loved all over the world. To make it really soft and tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough for such waffles. From the products you will need to take: 110 g of granulated sugar and butter, 2 eggs, 130 g of flour, a large pinch of salt and baking powder.

    1. Melted butter is ground with sugar and salt until smooth.
    2. Eggs are mixed into the mass one at a time, baking powder is added, after which it is thoroughly beaten with a blender.
    3. Without turning off the device, flour is poured into the future dough in small portions.
    4. The mass should be soft and homogeneous.

    From the dough, you can immediately prepare soft thick waffles in special molds. The main thing is not to forget to grease them with fat or oil.

    Chocolate waffle dough

    According to a special French recipe, everyone can cook chocolate waffles. For the test you will need to use: 4 tbsp. quality cocoa powder, 7 tbsp. milk, 130 g butter, 110 g sugar, 2 large chicken eggs, 130 g flour, vanilla on the tip of a knife, a pinch of salt.

    1. Melted butter is mixed with cocoa.
    2. The eggs are separated into components, after which the yolks, along with sugar, are added to the dough.
    3. Flour is sifted into the mass, and slightly warm milk is poured.
    4. Proteins are whipped with a pinch of salt until a thick white foam. They are added very carefully to the dough with a wide spatula.

    Thick soft waffles are baked from the resulting mass.

    For thin waffles

    Waffles prepared according to this recipe can also become the basis for a cake. For them, you will need to use the following products: 230 ml of low-fat cream, 2 tbsp. flour, 160 g butter, 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 eggs.

    1. The butter is melted in the microwave and cooled.
    2. Eggs are beaten with sugar. During the operation of the mixer or blender, cream and butter are gradually added to them. All components must be thoroughly mixed.
    3. The mass will be homogeneous and liquid.

    This is the optimal dough for wafer rolls with filling.

    Perhaps, nothing can be more fragrant and tastier, sweeter and more appetizing than homemade cakes and desserts. Favorite sugar waffles from a homemade electric waffle iron, simply out of competition. They can be eaten without filling, or with cream, ice cream or jam, condensed milk or protein meringue. This is a versatile product, a tasty budget dish that is prepared quickly and easily. And homemade waffle recipes regularly grace the fickle culinary fashion.

  • Eggs- 5 items
  • Sugar- 0.5 - 1 glass
  • Flour- 1.5 cups
  • Butter or margarine— 180 gr
  • How to cook waffles in a waffle iron

    1 . Wash chicken eggs with soap, break into a cup. Pour in sugar.

    2 . Beat eggs with sugar until smooth.

    3 . Melt margarine or butter. Cool down a bit.

    4 . Mix the egg mixture with margarine (butter).

    . Gradually, in small portions, pour flour into the dough.

    . Mix. The consistency of the dough will turn out like sour cream.

    . Heat up the waffle iron. Pour in a teaspoon, close. Bake 2-3 minutes.

    . Roll up the waffle while it is still warm. If desired, fill with cream or boiled condensed milk using a pastry syringe.

    Delicious homemade waffles are ready

    Enjoy your meal!

    Waffles in a waffle iron recipes

    Delicious waffles in a waffle iron, the recipe of which is always stored in the nightstand with the rest of the culinary records, can be prepared at any time. Get out the waffle iron and let's remember how to cook this amazing dessert.

    Thin waffles in a waffle iron

    Margarine - 1 pack (200 gr).
    Flour - 1 cup (200 gr).
    Sugar - 1 cup (200 gr).
    Eggs - 4-5 pieces.

    Such waffles are baked in a Soviet-era waffle iron, and this recipe is at least 25 years old. It has already been checked and rechecked, so do not hesitate, but rather try it. And so, let's start by grinding margarine and sugar into a homogeneous mixture. Why Margarine? Yes, because waffles with oil are not crispy enough, although this is a matter of taste. But this time we still take baker's table margarine.
    When the mixture is ready, add the eggs, preferably one at a time, to make it easier to mix. Slowly, after the eggs, pour the flour in a thin stream, knead well. We get the dough, watery, but not enough to drain around the edges when the waffle iron is strongly compressed (we press the top and bottom of the waffle iron shutters). You need to pour the dough a little so that it does not spill out onto your work surface around the edges.
    And so, thin waffles are ready while they are hot, roll them into tubes, and you can fill them with butter, custard, protein cream, or just ice cream. Serve with coffee.

    Homemade waffles with mineral water and milk

    Milk - 1 cup (200 grams).

    Butter - 100 grams.
    Mineral water - 100 grams.
    Sugar - to taste, from 50 to 100 grams.
    Eggs - 2 pieces.
    Baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon.
    Salt is on the tip of a knife.
    Vanilla sugar - to taste (according to the recipe 1 sachet).

    Separate the whites from the yolks, in a separate large bowl, mix the yolks with sugar, butter and salt, vanilla sugar. The sugar should melt, so take a mixer or mix everything by hand until smooth.
    In another container, mix milk with baking powder and flour until smooth. Mix the contents of two plates, knead with a spoon, and then pour in the mineral water, mix again.
    Beat the egg whites well so that they turn into a thick foam, add them to the dough and mix until the mixture becomes homogeneous. We bake thick and fluffy waffles, serve with honey and tea.

    Homemade waffle cookies in a waffle iron

    Margarine - 1 pack (200 gr).
    Fatty sour cream - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Sugar - 100-150 gr.

    Eggs - 3-4 pieces.

    Soda - 1 teaspoon.
    Vinegar - extinguish soda.
    Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
    Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.
    Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons.
    Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife, optional.
    And so, our homemade waffles can be made in the form of cookies. It is quite tasty, relatively simple, satisfying, fragrant, and in general, who can refuse sugar wafers? It all starts as usual: we beat the yolks in a bowl with sugar and vanilla until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mass will eventually become magnificent. Margarine needs to be melted and cooled a little so that, adding it to the yolk-sugar mass, the eggs do not boil. Mix everything at medium speed, or manually until smooth, at the end add sour cream and mix again for several minutes.
    We extinguish the soda with vinegar, add a little lemon juice, pour into a bowl with dough, mix. Sift the flour and add it in small portions to the mass, stirring with a spoon. The dough for waffle cookies will not be as liquid as for pancakes, a little thicker.
    Lubricate the waffle iron with sunflower oil, and bake cookies for 2 minutes on each side. When the waffles are still hot, sprinkle them with cinnamon and powdered sugar, serve with tea and raspberry jam.

    Wafers "Viennese" homemade

    Flour - 1.5 cups (300 gr).
    Butter - 200 gr.
    Fatty sour cream - 4 tablespoons.
    Sugar - a little less than 1 cup, 120-150 gr.
    Vinegar - to extinguish the soda.
    Soda - 0.5 teaspoon.
    Eggs - 2-3 pieces.
    Cream - 1 cup (20 gr).
    Lemon zest - if you like, to taste.
    Potato starch - 1 teaspoon.
    Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
    Salt - on the tip of a knife (a pinch).
    Beat eggs with sugar until it dissolves completely in the mass, and stops crunching under a spoon. Melted butter, not hot, you need to pour in eggs and sugar, mix. Add cream and sour cream, salt and vanilla sugar, lemon zest, mix everything thoroughly.
    Sift flour, add starch to it, mix with dough. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add soda quenched with vinegar, mix. The dough is ready, it needs to be poured into a mold, and give a little time to the waffles to brown and acquire an appetizing crust. Serve with condensed milk or cream based on it.

    Homemade wafer rolls with buttercream

    Butter - 400 gr.
    Flour - 200 gr.
    Cream - 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Starch - 1 tablespoon.
    Eggs - 5 pieces.
    Sugar - 100 gr.
    Salt - a pinch.
    Condensed milk - 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Take the eggs out of the fridge and let them come to room temperature a little. Next, put the whites and yolks in a separate bowl. Beat the yolks with salt and sugar until they are completely dissolved. Melt the butter, add it slightly cooled to the egg mixture, mix until smooth.
    Sift the flour, add starch and soda, quenched with vinegar. Beat egg whites until fluffy, separately - cream. Mix the creamy and protein foam, add to the butter and yolks, mix. Then slowly and gradually introduce the flour and also mix so that the dough is without lumps. After 20-30 minutes, you can pour the dough into the waffle iron and make delicious waffles. Roll them up immediately while still hot.
    For the cream, you just need to beat the condensed milk and butter until smooth, the cream will foam a little and become airy, and fill it with tubes that are great for coffee.

    Homemade Lemon Waffles

    Flour - 1 cup (200 grams).
    Butter - 70 grams.
    Eggs - 4-5 pieces.

    Sour cream - 1 cup (200 grams).
    Lemon juice - concentrate 1 teaspoon.
    Lemon zest - half a teaspoon.
    You should start preparing homemade waffles by beating sugar with eggs until smooth. Next, put sour cream, zest and lemon juice, start adding flour a little at a time and mix so that there is not a lump. The mass is lush and fragrant. She needs to cool a little and stand, then you can bake waffles. And serve them with tea and meringue.

    Homemade lean waffles in a waffle iron

    Honey - 2 tablespoons
    Flour - 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Fruit syrup - 6 tablespoons
    Tea - 200 gr.
    Sunflower oil - 50 gr.
    In hot tea, fruit syrup and liquid honey must be dissolved. We add sunflower oil there. Sift the flour and add it a little bit to the tea, mix well, thoroughly. The dough is ready, you can bake delicious lean waffles, serving them with fruit, tea.

    Wafers on yogurt

    Flour - 1.5 cups (300 grams).
    Yogurt fruit, berry or without fillers - 1.5 cups (300 grams).
    Butter - 140 grams.
    Eggs - 2 pieces.
    Sugar - half a cup (100 grams).

    With a mixer or a whisk, you need to beat a little softened butter with sugar, when the mass is almost homogeneous, add eggs, 1 each. We continue to beat, turning the mixture into a dough, add yogurt. Sift the flour through a sieve and mix with the baking powder, then add a little bit to the dough, without ceasing to mix the ingredients. As a result, we will have a dough that resembles fat sour cream in consistency. In a waffle iron, you need to bake a dessert for 3-4 minutes, until golden brown. Serve with berries and freshly squeezed juice.

    Homemade waffles in an oatmeal waffle iron

    Oat flakes - 150 grams.

    Water - 200 milliliters (1 cup).
    Mineral water - 100 milliliters (0.5 cups).

    Brown sugar - 50 grams.
    Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups.
    Cocoa - 2 teaspoons.
    First of all, steam oatmeal in a glass of hot water, leave it until it swells to half readiness. In the meantime, sift the flour with cocoa through a sieve, add the baking powder and sugar, mix. Then, already cooled oatmeal, you need to mix with flour and cocoa, add the specified amount of sunflower oil. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour mineral water into the mass and mix the dough thoroughly, it will look like fat sour cream at the exit. Bake waffles in a waffle iron and serve them with honey, coffee.

    apple-cinnamon homemade waffles

    Apples - 1 piece, large size.
    Flour - 400 grams (2 cups).
    Eggs - 3 pieces.
    Milk - 0.5 cups.
    Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
    Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.
    Salt - a pinch.
    Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons.
    Sunflower oil - a quarter cup.
    First of all, you need to separate the yolks and proteins, we will beat the yolks, add warm milk, sugar, salt, sifted flour with baking powder, cinnamon to them. Mix everything thoroughly, beat. Then pour in the oil, mix again, leave.
    Beat the egg whites until thick, then add them to the dough, mix. We clean the apple, cut it and puree it. Add to dough and mix. Then pour the dough into a waffle iron and prepare a wonderful dessert, healthy and tasty, served with warm milk or cocoa.

    Homemade cheese waffles with sour cream, not sweet

    Semolina - 100 grams.
    Flour - 1.5 cups (300 grams, maybe a little less).
    Eggs - 3 pieces.
    Sour cream of medium fat content - 1.5 cups (300 milliliters).
    Salt - a pinch.
    Sunflower oil - 80 grams.
    Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons.
    Hard cheese - 100 grams.
    First of all, you need to pour semolina with sour cream so that it swells and becomes softer. In a separate bowl, place semolina in sour cream, mix and leave for 1 hour. Then we drive in the eggs, add the sunflower oil, mix everything thoroughly and beat.
    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add it to the prepared mass, knead the thick dough. You need to put at least 2 tablespoons of dough in the dough waffle iron so that the product at the output is lush and tasty. Serve for breakfast, with ham and herbs.

    Waffles in a waffle iron with candied fruit

    Flour - 0.5 cups (100 grams).

    Sugar - 150 grams.
    Salt - 1 pinch.
    Powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon.
    Cereal flakes - 50 grams.
    Candied fruits - to taste and desire.
    Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
    Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.
    Eggs - 3 pieces.

    Waffles according to this recipe are crispy, and thanks to a variety of candied fruits - sweet and fragrant. Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Then add a little softened butter, mix.
    Sift flour with starch, add baking powder to them, add the mixture to beaten eggs, mix thoroughly, add flakes, mix again. Then finely chop the candied fruit, put it into the dough, if you think you didn’t guess with the consistency, find similar recipes with photos on the Internet. Bake the waffles in a preheated waffle iron. Serve with coffee or juice.

    Chocolate wafers with coconut - ice cream cups

    Flour - 0.5 cups (100 grams).
    Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons.
    Flakes - 50 grams.
    Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
    Sugar - 150 grams.
    Starch - 0.5 cups (100 grams).
    Salt - 1 pinch.
    Coconut flakes - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Cocoa powder - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Eggs - 3 pieces.
    Butter - 1 pack (200 grams).
    We mix vanilla and regular sugar, add it to the butter, previously slightly softened and divided into pieces. Stir, stirring thoroughly to melt the sugar. Then add 1 egg at a time and mix again.
    Sift the flour, add salt and baking powder to it, mix with the butter-egg mass, mixing well. Then we grind the flakes in a blender or coffee grinder so that they become almost like flour, pour them into the already prepared mass, mix. The dough is thick, so if it does not fall off the spoon at all, you can pour in a little milk or water, just a little bit, so that you can conveniently place the dough in the waffle iron.
    At the end, you need to add shavings and cocoa, mix again, and bake the waffles, wrapping them in a glass. You can put ice cream balls into the finished product.

    Video recipe "Waffles in a waffle iron"

    Soft waffles are almost cookies! But not quite simple, but very tender and fragrant. It can be supplemented with condensed milk, jam, creams and

    even a soufflé. Soft waffles are usually thick, baked in a special waffle iron of square, rectangular, round shape, can be in the form


    Soft waffles - general cooking principles

    The dough for soft waffles is always kneaded with the addition of liquid. Usually this is milk, kefir, you can use sour cream or cream. If a

    the recipe contains only eggs and fats, then the structure will be crumbly, crispy, the waffles will look like shortbread cookies. Quantity

    sugar in recipes can vary greatly. Sometimes they make very sweet waffles, but there are also more insipid options, it all depends

    from the presence or absence of the filling.

    For baking, deep waffle irons are used, into which the dough is poured up to the very sides, it must be covered from above. If waffle iron

    electric, then the temperature and mode are selected taking into account the data in the device instructions.

    What are waffles served with?

    Condensed milk;


    Various creams;

    Chocolate, honey;

    Soufflé, jelly.

    The filling can be lubricated with two wafers, glued together. Sometimes the cream is simply squeezed out from above, sprinkled with chocolate or chocolate for beauty.

    coconut flakes, colored sweets, lay out berries or pieces of fruit. You can simply pour soft wafers with melted chocolate

    or prepared frosting. Very often, several types of sweet toppings are served in a separate bowl.

    Soft waffles in a waffle iron with condensed milk (milk dough)

    A simple dough for an amazing treat. It can be kneaded in advance, a few hours before baking soft waffles in a waffle iron, and at the right time

    a moment to please the household or guests. But it is better to store the dough in the refrigerator.


    Two eggs;

    30 grams of sugar;

    20 grams sl. oils;

    240 grams of flour;

    250 ml of milk;

    Salt, soda, vanilla;

    Condensed milk for gluing.


    1. Separate the proteins, add a pinch of salt to them, beat into a strong white foam.

    2. Add sugar to the yolks and immediately vanillin. Beat or just grind well until white.

    3. Add melted butter to the yolks and immediately pour milk at room temperature, stir.

    4. Add flour, mix.

    5. Gently fold in the beaten egg whites.

    6. Take 0.4 tsp. baking soda, quench with vinegar, pour into the finished dough. Mix gently with a spatula. Try not to upset

    7. You can bake waffles right away. We put the dough on the heated surface of the waffle iron, cover, wait for a golden crust.

    8. Remove the waffles, cut into sectors or cubes, depending on the shape. Lubricate with boiled condensed milk. Glue the pieces together

    2 things.

    Soft waffles with sour cream

    For the test, you can use sour cream of any fat content, but it is better not to take too liquid or sour product.


    Three eggs;

    150 grams of sugar;

    Vanilla, salt;

    A little lemon juice;

    250 grams of sour cream;

    220 grams of flour;

    1 tsp soda (without tubercle).


    1. Combine eggs and granulated sugar in a large mixing bowl. Beat the duet with a mixer until a good foam appears. About five minutes.

    2. Add sour cream mixed with a pinch of salt, stir.

    3. Enter vanillin or vanilla sugar. But any essence will also work, choose the flavor to your taste.

    4. Add flour and add soda slaked with lemon juice. Juice needs about a tablespoon. You can replace all this with a bag of ready-made

    baking powder.

    5. Stir the dough until smooth, set aside for five minutes.

    6. While you can prepare the waffle iron, heat it up.

    7. Pour the dough so that the cells are filled. Cook thick and soft waffles for a few minutes until they are completely

    golden. We don't overdo it.

    Soft chocolate wafers in a waffle iron

    Recipe for soft waffles in a waffle iron with chocolate flavor and color. In fact, the dough for them is kneaded with cocoa. But choose a good one

    quality baking powder.


    100 grams of sugar;

    28 grams of cocoa;

    130 grams of flour;

    125 grams of butter (we take butter);

    0.4 tsp ripper;

    6 spoons of milk.

    Additionally, you will need one bar of chocolate and 6-7 tablespoons of milk. You can use cream of any fat content.


    1. Melt the butter. You can also use margarine for soft chocolate wafers. Add cocoa powder, stir. Then pour in the prescription

    2. Combine fresh eggs with sugar. Beat until fluffy foam with a mixer or whisk. In the first case, all this will be fast.

    3. We combine both masses.

    4. Add vanillin to the dough.

    5. Combine flour with baking powder, pour into chocolate mass.

    6. Stir the dough well, bake thick and soft waffles. Since the dough is dark, carefully monitor the readiness, do not


    7. Break the chocolate into arbitrary pieces, send to the steam bath. Warm up, pour in the milk, stir the cream.

    8. Pour the baked waffles with chocolate. You can use this mass for gluing pairs.

    Soft waffles in a pan

    Making soft waffles in a waffle iron is not difficult. But what if she doesn't? This is no reason to refuse a wonderful dessert! There is

    Great recipe for the most ordinary frying pan.


    Three eggs;

    A glass of flour;

    50 grams of oil;

    A glass of sugar;

    0.3 tsp ripper.


    1. Melt, cool the butter.

    2. Beat the eggs with prescription sand until fluffy. Enter the prepared oil, stir.

    3. Fill the dough with flour and baking powder. If not, then add soda. About half the norm, but be sure to extinguish

    lemon juice or table vinegar.

    4. Lubricate the pan. You can do this with a brush or a cloth dampened with oil. We heat almost to a haze.

    5. We spread the wafer with a spoon. Bake for 15-20 seconds on each side. Turn over carefully so as not to break.

    6. Lubricate the pan before each new batch of dough so that a beautiful crust appears on the waffles. Serve with any sweet


    Soft waffles in a corn flour waffle iron (with buttercream)

    Recipe for wonderful soft waffles in a waffle iron. For cream, use full-fat natural cream above 30%, otherwise it will not be possible to produce


    A glass of corn flour;

    1 st. l. Sahara;

    0.5 tsp soda;

    Three large eggs;

    A glass of wheat flour;

    3 spoons of butter;

    Serum glass.

    A glass of cream;

    100 g mascarpone;

    4 tablespoons of sugar (or more).


    1. It is better to prepare the dough an hour before baking. Cornmeal should be given a little time to swell. Mix eggs and sugar

    whisk for a minute. Add whey, then softened butter. Beat for a couple more minutes.

    2. We mix two types of flour, put vanilla if desired, send it all into the dough. During kneading, add soda slaked in acid.

    Stir the dough, leave for a while.

    3. We bake waffles in a greased form in the usual way. It is important not to overdo them. Cool down. Can be put in the refrigerator. It is necessary,

    so that the cream does not melt.

    4. Whip cream with sugar or powder until fluffy foam, combine with tender mascarpone cheese. Optionally put liqueur, vanilla or

    a drop of cognac

    5. We supplement waffles with cream: you can glue, squeeze flowers from a pastry bag onto them, grease and decorate with chocolate chips,

    coconut flakes.

    Soft wafers with cocoa in milk

    Another recipe for soft chocolate wafers. The dough is made mainly from milk and flour.


    140 grams of flour;

    60 grams of sugar;

    40 grams of cocoa;

    0.3 tsp soda;

    275 ml of milk;

    A pinch of salt;

    60 grams of oil;

    Chocolate paste or cream


    1. Mix all dry ingredients according to the recipe in one bowl.

    2. In another bowl, shake eggs and milk, add melted, but in no case hot butter.

    3. Combine both mixtures, put slaked soda, stir for several minutes until the dough becomes homogeneous and smooth.

    4. Pour a ladle into a heated waffle iron, bake until cooked.

    5. Lubricate with chocolate paste or any cream.

    Soft waffles in a waffle iron with sour milk

    Is the milk sour or stale yogurt? Excellent! They make an excellent dough for soft waffles. Additionally you will need



    400 ml of sour milk;

    A couple of eggs;

    120 grams of sugar;

    4 grams of ripper;


    350 g flour;

    4 tablespoons of oil.


    1. Thoroughly rinse the orange. Peel off the thin orange peel. Chop it with a knife or immediately remove it with a fine grater. Then

    cut the citrus, squeeze out the juice. We filter.

    2. Beat eggs and sugar, add sour milk, orange juice and zest, pour in four tablespoons of any mala. But it's best to use

    olive oil. Fill the dough with flour and ripper. Stir.

    3. Bake thick cakes in an electric or simple waffle iron.

    No whisk or mixer? Forks can be used to shake the eggs and knead the dough, you need to insert the cloves into each other to

    an oval formed between them. Work exactly the same way as a whisk.

    If you do not plan to immediately use waffles or lubricate, then put them in a bag. Otherwise, they will dry out and will not be soft.

    No milk for the test? Waffles can be cooked with water. You can mix it with cream or sour cream. Great dough can be made

    from diluted condensed milk, but in this case it will be necessary to reduce the amount of sugar.

    If the waffle iron is new, you need to generously coat it with oil, warm it up well, then wipe it with paper.

    Children and adults love delicious desserts, but it is not always possible to spend several hours preparing sweets for yourself or your family. But if you use a waffle iron, you can cook an exquisite delicacy in a short time. It can be soft or crispy wafers in the form of a tube, a cone, a basket filled with protein, butter cream or filled with ice cream. What recipes are suitable for making sweets in a waffle iron?

    To make an amazing dessert with a waffle iron, you will need sugar, flour, eggs, milk or cream, butter or margarine. These products are the basis of all the recipes described below.

    Waffles can be a decoration for a children's holiday or a family dinner, they can be shaped into a cone or a tube if you are planning a dessert with a filling inside, but flat waffles simply sprinkled with powder or chocolate chips will be no less tasty. Wafer rolls can also be baked from salt dough with liver pate, cheese or salted cottage cheese as a filling.

    To prepare sweet / savory shortbreads with a honeycomb pattern, either an electric waffle iron or a special culinary appliance that is heated on the stove is used. There are some rules for making waffles:

    • First, pour the dough into a preheated waffle iron.
    • Secondly, the dough is poured onto an open, oiled device, leveled, and then closed with a lid.
    • Thirdly, the finished shortbread is rolled hot into a tube or cone.
    • Fourth, bake waffles for 0.5-3 minutes.

    Products that contain butter or margarine cook faster than those that are mixed with kefir / milk. For wafer rolls, condensed milk filling is often used. It is made quickly and easily: to prepare this type of cream, take butter and mix it with condensed milk with a spoon or with a mixer. In the latter version, this is done carefully so that the oil does not overwhelm and water does not separate from it.

    The resulting sweet mixture is filled with cooled tubules using a confectionery syringe. But waffle cones are good to use as ice cream cups. They also make original baskets from shortcakes made using a waffle iron and fill them with various fillings. Consider popular recipes with photos for baking with a waffle iron.

    Crispy waffle recipe

    Crispy shortcakes are quickly cooked in a waffle iron. If you wrap jam, jam, condensed milk with nuts in them, you get an unusually tasty treat that will become a hit at any holiday or party. And if you prepare this dessert for your sweet-toothed children, they will be just happy.

    There are many waffle recipes that are cooked on gas and in an electric waffle iron. Some of them involve the use of eggs, milk for making dough, while others do not. The following is a popular method for making crispy wafers.


    1. 4 eggs;
    2. 2.5 cups flour;
    3. 1.5 cups of sugar;
    4. 100 ml sour cream;
    5. 1 tsp soda;


    1. Crack the eggs and place the yolks on one plate and the whites on another. Whisk the whites, cool them. Combine soda with sour cream. Stir.
    2. Rub the yolks with white sugar, then mix everything with sour cream, flour.
    3. Add egg whites to dough. It is desirable that it be uniform. It is better to knead the dough with a mixer, and then spread it with a tablespoon on the center of the waffle iron for baking. If you use a waffle iron for a gas stove, then fry on one side of it for 1-2 minutes, and then on the other for the same amount.

    How to make dough for Viennese waffles for waffle irons

    If you want to make a delicious and original waffle cake, then it is easy to make cakes for it yourself. To do this, you will need a special device and specially prepared dough. Viennese waffles are great as cake toppers because they are soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. How to make a delicious dough for their manufacture, consider below.


    1. 1 cup wheat flour;
    2. 4 eggs;
    3. 200 g white sugar;
    4. 120 g butter;
    5. 2.5 cups of cow's milk;
    6. 0.5 st. l. yeast (dry)


    1. Divide the eggs into 4 yolks, 4 whites. Beat the latter until foamy and refrigerate.
    2. Using a blender, combine salt, yolks, flour.
    3. Pour a little warm milk, melted butter into the resulting mixture.
    4. Pour a little rum, sugar, salt, yeast, chilled proteins into the dough. Mix until smooth and leave it for 20 minutes. Spoon the batter into the center of the waffle iron and bake.

    Recipe for making soft waffles in a waffle iron

    Delicate, soft waffles are easy to prepare in a waffle iron. Such a dessert is suitable for those who do not like the crispy taste in confectionery. Soft waffles will taste better if they are sprinkled with powdered sugar or grated chocolate (pour melted) before use. In the manufacture of this dessert, more butter is taken and the dough is made thicker than for making crispy shortbreads.


    1. 5 eggs;
    2. 200 g flour;
    3. 200 g of sugar;
    4. 250 g butter;
    5. vanilla


    1. Melt the butter in a water bath. Whisk the eggs quickly and combine them with sugar, vanilla and salt.
    2. Beat this mixture with a mixer with the addition of melted butter to it. Add flour to the resulting composition in such an amount that a dough with the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.
    3. Spoon the prepared mixture of ingredients onto the center of the waffle iron with a large spoon and bake for 4 minutes.