Protein shakes for weight loss: reviews. Composition and preparation of protein shakes for weight loss. Protein shake for weight loss.

Protein shakes are widely known as one of the sports nutrition options most often used by athletes (bodybuilders) to build muscle. muscle mass. Along with this, such drinks are considered useful in cases where you need to get rid of subcutaneous fat and extra pounds. In combination with proper nutrition and physical activity, a protein shake for weight loss can become very effective way normalization of body weight.

What it is

Dry protein is a protein concentrate in the form of a powder obtained from various protein-rich foods. Such mixtures are purchased in specialized stores. Depending on the composition, ready-made protein concentrates are of several types:

  • whey;
  • casein (milk);
  • egg;
  • soy;
  • complex.

By diluting with water, milk or juice, you can easily and quickly prepare healthy drinks that help “build” muscle tissue, while saturating well and not stored in reserve. Besides, protein shakes easy to make your own natural products- these can be milk, sour-milk, egg or combined drinks with the addition of berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other useful components.

Both store-bought and homemade protein mixes can become excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds, if you know how much and when to drink such drinks. Also how to create optimal conditions at which they will be most effective for weight loss.


A protein shake is not the main factor in the process of losing weight, but only becomes its important catalyst, helping to quickly get rid of excess weight, while maintaining muscle tone and skin elasticity. To get the best results, the consumption of protein drinks must be combined with a proper balanced diet and sports training. At the same time, with the help of correct reception concentrated proteins can achieve the following effects:

  • decrease in appetite due to the slow absorption of proteins;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • activation of fat burning;
  • excess weight loss;
  • reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • acquisition of a beautiful muscular relief;
  • getting a charge of vivacity and energy.

As a result of a competent combination of physical activity and diet with regular intake of a protein shake, the body will receive a sufficient amount of protein necessary for active training and intensive weight loss.

In addition, the use of a protein drink has a number of its advantages:

  • the product is quite nutritious and may well replace one meal;
  • it can be drunk immediately after waking up to provide an invigorating effect;
  • the cocktail is prepared quickly, which saves time on cooking;
  • it takes a lot of energy to digest proteins, so even without physical exertion, you can speed up the process of losing weight;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition additionally contributes to the normalization of their balance in the body, which is very important during dietary nutrition.

Dry protein concentrates often contain L-carnitine, which speeds up metabolic and fat burning processes, as well as additives that reduce appetite. For vegetarians, vegetable protein is produced, in particular soy protein, the protein of which is absorbed worse, but this does not reduce the effectiveness of the drink in terms of weight loss.

How to use

The result of the struggle overweight with the help of a protein shake directly depends on the correctness of its use. If purchased shop concentrate, it should be borne in mind that it is intended for building muscle mass, therefore the dosage indicated on the package is aimed at obtaining just such an effect. When using the product, in order to reduce weight, the recommended rate should be reduced by 3 times.

The ideal option for taking proteins is considered to be the time within 15-20 minutes after training, when the so-called anabolic window opens in the body. During this period, the protein is absorbed as actively as possible and is immediately sent to muscle recovery, so nothing goes into body fat.

When using a protein concentrate, it must be taken into account that the body absorbs no more than 40 g of protein at a time. Therefore, it is better to divide the required portion of the cocktail into 2-3 doses, drinking it according to the following scheme:

  • instead of breakfast, adding fruits and nuts;
  • 15-20 minutes after training;
  • 2 hours before bed to satisfy hunger.

Along with the use of protein shakes, it is very important to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of liquid, which will cleanse toxins and remove decay products, including fats. To do this, you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure water, unsweetened herbal or green tea.

In addition, in order for a protein shake to “work” for weight loss, a number of rules must be followed:

  • it is necessary to ensure daily physical activity - moderate cardio exercises (gymnastics, fitness) will be enough;
  • switch to a balanced, proper, preferably 3 meals a day (replace other meals with a protein drink);
  • start using protein concentrate with one serving per day - if the body's reaction is normal, you can bring it up to 2-3 doses;
  • you need to drink a cocktail in small sips.

It should also be taken into account that the fastest output Whey Protein, and soy, egg or casein are absorbed by the body longer. Therefore, it is best to take whey concentrate in the evening, and in the daytime - other types of cocktails that can provide a longer feeling of satiety in between meals. However, when choosing a protein, it is important to know not only which one is better to drink at one time or another, but also its composition, quality and benefits for weight loss.

How to choose protein for weight loss

Protein diets are widely known for their high efficiency, so the introduction of protein shakes into the diet, replacing other meals, helps to avoid losing muscle tissue along with fat.

To ensure weight loss, you need to consume pure protein without fats and carbohydrates. Drinks with a protein-carbohydrate composition are called energy drinks. They can be drunk only before a very intense workout.

Optimal for weight loss is the use of several types of protein:

  • egg or casein - in the morning;
  • soy - after training;
  • whey - in the evening;
  • complex - at any time.

When choosing a suitable cocktail, one should take into account not only the expediency of its reception, but also the reputation. To this end, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the ranking of protein supplements, which is compiled annually and gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich protein is best for weight loss.

protein shake rating

  1. Syntha-6 (BSN) is the ultimate multi-ingredient protein shake made up of 6 types of proteins at different digestion rates, ideal for weight loss. Price - 1500 rubles / 1000 g.
  2. Nitro Core24 ( Optimum Nutrition) is a mix of 10 different proteins (from super-fast whey to slow-acting milk) that is suitable for consumption at any time of the day, and also contains fiber for more intensive weight loss. Price - 900 rubles / 1000 g.
  3. Matrix (Syntrax), Protein 80 Plus (Weider) - high-quality complex proteins based on whey, milk, egg and casein proteins, which have different absorption rates and supply nutrients to the body immediately after ingestion, and then for 5-6 hours. Price - 1800 rubles / 1000 g.
  4. Elite Fusion 7 (Dymatize) is another complex protein containing 7 types of whey, egg and milk proteins in a perfectly balanced combination. Price - 2500 rubles / 1000 g.
  5. Elite 12 Hour Protein (Dymatize) - features the most modern formula and is considered one of the budget options a complete meal replacement with 12 hours of action. Price - 1000 rubles / 1000 g.
  6. Elite Gourmet Protein (Dymatize) is an inexpensive complex whey and milk protein shake. Price - 1200 rubles / 1000 g.

Using this rating, you can easily choose the protein blend that best suits your needs. individual characteristics and body needs. In addition, it should always be borne in mind that you can prepare such a cocktail at home, using natural products with a high content of protein, vitamins, and other substances useful for weight loss.

How to make your own protein shake

You can get a protein drink in the following ways:

  • dilute the finished protein mixture with any liquid;
  • use protein powder without any additives and prepare a cocktail based on it;
  • use recipes based on the use of exclusively natural products.

Depending on the ingredients available and personal preferences, you can prepare only one type of these protein shakes or alternate store-bought mixes with homemade ones.

from powder

To prepare drinks from a ready-made protein mixture, it is enough to dilute it with water, milk or juice in the proportions indicated on the package (usually 1-2 scoops per 300 ml of liquid) and mix well or beat with a shaker (blender). To make a pure protein powder shake, which is sold in specialty sports nutrition stores, you can mix it with other products of your choice or use popular recipes.

The method of preparing such drinks is simple - you need to mix the ingredients and, just like ready mixes, beat them with a shaker or blender. If the composition includes berries or fruits, they must first be crushed.

Components can be combined in the following formulations:


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • skimmed milk - 100 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • vanilla powder - 1 tsp


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • skimmed milk - 200 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l.


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • juice of 1 lemon.


  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tsp

fruity yoghurt:

  • protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • natural yogurt - 200 ml;
  • any fruit -100 g.

Such drinks are very tasty, healthy, nutritious. They can use only one type of protein powder (whey, casein, egg or soy) or mix them, creating a complex and more effective shake. Drinks similar in properties can be obtained from natural protein products, which are always at hand and do not require additional costs.

From natural products

Making homemade protein shakes is much cheaper and safer. In addition, they can consist of the most diverse set of components, which will make them as useful as possible not only for losing weight, but also for saturating the body with many necessary substances.

Before you make this or that protein shake with your own hands, you need to calculate how much protein the body needs, depending on the initial body weight and lifestyle.

A simple formula applies here - for 1 kg of weight you need to use:

  • with high activity - 2.4 g of protein;
  • with moderate physical exertion and regular training - 2 g;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle - 1 g.

The amount received is the daily allowance, which must be divided into several doses, taking into account the amount of protein supplied with other foods.

If we talk about recipes, then they can be very diverse. The main thing is that the basis is protein products: milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, soy milk, eggs. By mixing them with other ingredients, you can get a variety of protein shakes to taste. For those who are just starting to prepare such drinks, it is recommended to use ready-made recipes, and then, knowing the principle and components, already make your own.

Recipe 1

  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The presence of banana and honey increases the carbohydrate content, so this drink should be taken in the morning.

Recipe 2

  • fat-free kefir - 300 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp

This cocktail is also intended for breakfast. Chopped berries or pieces of fruit can be added to the specified composition.

Recipe 3

  • yogurt - 300 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g.

Exclusively protein product which is perfect for post-workout consumption.

Recipe 4

  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g.

These ingredients make an excellent analogue of a complex protein shake based on egg, casein and whey protein, which can be consumed at any time of the day.

Recipe 5

  • fruit or berry fresh - 100 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • baked milk - 200 ml;
  • oat bran - 1 tbsp. l.

This protein shake contains fiber, vitamins and proteins, so it's perfect for breakfast or pre-workout (2 hours in advance).

Recipe 6

  • soy milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt - 100 ml;
  • baked milk - 100 ml.

This is another option for a multi-ingredient protein drink that you can drink throughout the day.

There are quite a few recipes for protein shakes. Choosing any of them, you must remember that this is just an aid in the fight against excess weight, which will only work in combination with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular exercise.

In addition, when using ready-made protein mixtures for the preparation of cocktails, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications and possible harm for the body.

Contraindications and harm of protein drinks

When using protein shakes harmful effect on the body may be due to the following factors:

  • protein concentrate creates a strong load on the liver if there are no amino acids in the composition that contribute to its excretion;
  • the kidneys are also negatively affected by too much protein intake, in which pathologies can occur and stones form;
  • with lactose intolerance, diarrhea, increased gas formation, flatulence, cramping abdominal pain and other similar symptoms may occur.

To avoid such negative consequences it is recommended to take protein drinks only in the indicated amount, not exceeding daily allowance protein based on body weight and physical activity. In addition, it is necessary to know and consider contraindications to the use of protein concentrates.

The drink is contraindicated in the presence of the following health problems:

  • kidney failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • gout;
  • hypolactasia (lactose intolerance) - only for whey and casein protein.

It should be borne in mind that with these diseases, it is necessary to limit the use of not only store-bought, but also self-made cocktails from natural products, since if taken excessively, they can also cause side effects.

If there are no contraindications, you can safely use protein drinks for weight loss. Such cocktails are guaranteed to help you lose weight and maintain muscle mass, but not alone, but in combination with diet and sports.

The appearance of extra pounds is often caused by improper and high-calorie nutrition. Therefore, nutritionists advise overweight people to first pay attention to their diet. In order for the weight normalization process to happen faster, they also recommend regular exercise in the gym and the use of special protein shakes, which not only reduce appetite, but also help burn fat cells. Due to what is this happening? And is it possible to prepare such drinks at home from conventional products nutrition?

Protein shakes for weight loss have unique composition. 80% are proteins of plant origin, the remaining 20% ​​are chemical compounds (amino acids, vitamins, etc.) that are necessary to maintain the functionality of the body. When a person regularly consumes such drinks, the following happens in his body:

  1. Decreased appetite. Protein is a chemical compound that has negative energy. That is, it forces the body to spend much more energy on its digestion than it gives it. Therefore, despite the calorie content of the cocktail, after drinking it, the body will use all the calories received for its digestion. This means that just one glass of such a wonderful drink will allow you to eliminate hunger, avoid various snacks and at the same time rid the body of excess fat.
  2. Preservation of muscle mass. While maintaining a regular diet, there is a decrease not only in body fat, but also in muscle mass. Such drinks do not allow the muscles to “dissolve”, but, on the contrary, saturate them with “building material” (protein), as a result of which they become strong and, with regular exercises in the gym, are embossed and pronounced. That is why athletes love protein shakes so much, because their use allows them not only to maintain normal weight, but also to make their body beautiful and attractive.
  3. Increase in metabolism. As mentioned earlier, the body digests protein for a very long time. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated by almost 40% and the fat deposits that were deposited by the body for a rainy day are burned.

Protein protein shakes for weight loss are an integral part of proper weight loss. You can drink them in any quantity, but here the main thing is to do it right.

It doesn’t matter if you are preparing protein shakes for weight loss at home or purchasing ready-made powder for dilution, the rules for using this do not change. They drink them, as a rule, in the morning on an empty stomach, replacing them with breakfast. And they do not drink in pure form, and be sure to eat bread or apples, oranges and other fruits. You can also drink a protein shake for weight loss after a workout, but no later than half an hour.

When you drink such a drink on an empty stomach, thanks to it, you provide the body with the necessary amount of protein compounds that were lost by it during the night. In this way, you prevent the loss of muscle mass, which is quite often the case when maintaining.

In addition, having consumed such a cocktail in the morning, you provide your body with energy for the whole day and suppress hunger for several hours. Wherein, accelerated metabolism allows you to burn excess fat.

Eating a slice of bread along with a protein shake, you feed the body with carbohydrates, which help it absorb other chemical compounds much better. And the bread without fail must be from whole grains. It contains almost the same calories as white bread, but do not forget that whole grains are fiber, which also contributes to weight loss. It eliminates hunger for a long time and at the same time helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

But don't forget about fruits. Their presence in the diet for weight loss is very important. Indeed, fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that support the work of all internal organs and systems, as well as fructose, which is a sugar. This sugar is different from regular sugar. It does not turn into fat under the action of insulin, but at the same time provides the body with energy for the whole day.

The effect will be much better if a homemade protein shake for weight loss is accompanied by the use of a couple of grains. walnut. This will allow you to provide your body healthy fats, which will help control cholesterol levels in the blood and nourish the brain, which will increase concentration and improve memory.

The use of protein drinks must be accompanied by plenty of fluids. Water plays important role in the human body. With its shortage, the body begins to accumulate it as soon as possible, as a result of which we observe an ugly one. Therefore, remember once and for all, in order to be slim and beautiful, you need to drink about 2 liters of water per day.

Homemade protein shakes for weight loss are best drunk in one go. However, if it so happens that you have prepared a lot of drink, then you can pour the rest into a clean plastic container, which must be put in the refrigerator. A protein shake can be stored for a maximum of 10 hours.

The best recipes

Preparing a protein shake for weight loss is easy. Therefore, you should not buy ready-made cocktails. After all, whatever one may say, they still contain various chemicals and additives that are not the best way to affect your health.

There is just great amount weight loss shakes that you can easily make at home. After reviewing the recipes that are described below, you will understand the scheme for preparing such a drink and you can even come up with your own recipe that will not only suit your taste, but also allow you to easily get rid of excess weight.

Protein drink with pineapple

How to make a pineapple protein shake for weight loss? Everything is easy. To do this, you need to take a blender and place it in a container the following ingredients: 3 egg whites and 1 yolk (use raw), a couple of slices of pineapple (see to your taste) and a glass of water.

Whisk all this very well, and then pour the resulting mass into a glass and add some ice cubes. If you like, you can garnish the cocktail with walnut seeds on top.

Quite often, protein shakes for weight loss are prepared at home with the addition of cocoa or coffee. These ingredients give a person vigor and strength for the whole day. To make this drink at home, you will need protein powder. You can buy it in an online store, a pharmacy or in a specialized sports nutrition store.

So, the Coffee Refinement cocktail requires the use of the following ingredients:

  • protein powder - 30 g;
  • cocoa powder or instant coffee - to taste;
  • whipped cream - 1 tbsp;
  • water is a glass.

All these ingredients also need to be whipped in a blender until you get homogeneous mass. After that, it should be poured into a glass and add a couple of ice cubes. If you like, you can garnish the prepared drink with a few banana slices or walnut kernels.

Lemon Cocktail

Chilling Lemon homemade protein shake for weight loss is also prepared with the addition of protein powder. To make it at home, you need to beat the following ingredients in a blender until smooth:

  • protein powder - 30 g;
  • freshly squeezed juice of a whole lemon;
  • water - 100 ml.

After you prepare the drink, you can add ice to it if you wish. This will reduce the acidity of the lemon and give it a refreshing note.

Spice Sweetness Protein Shake

Protein shake at home can be prepared according to the following recipe. Take protein powder (30 g) mix with 1/3 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. linseed oil and ¼ cup of water. Can you add a little vanilla sugar(taste). All ingredients should be whipped in a blender, then pour the resulting mass into a glass and add a couple of ice cubes.

Protein shake "yogurt + fruit"

Highly delicious drink which many will like. To prepare it, you need a glass natural yogurt without any additives. It must be mixed with 100 g of any fresh fruit(you can take different ones) and with 30 g of protein powder.

All these ingredients must also be whipped in a blender. If you like cinnamon, then you can safely add it to such a drink.

Sports protein shakes for weight loss are different. But the most popular drink is Vanilla Sky. It is one of the most low-calorie drinks and allows you to get rid of excess weight very quickly. Preparing a cocktail is very simple.

Beat with a mixer or blenders in one container ½ cup of milk with 0.1% fat, mixed with protein powder (30 g), ½ cup of water and vanilla sugar taste. After preparation, you can add a couple of ice cubes to the resulting drink.

Cocktail "Chocolate strawberry"

This protein shake for weight loss will definitely appeal to all women. Its recipe is just as simple. You will need 1.5% milk (200 ml), cocoa powder (to taste), protein powder (30 g) and a few ripe strawberries.

To make the cocktail smooth, first beat the strawberries in a blender, and only then add other ingredients. After the tastiest strawberry drink ready, add a few ice cubes to it.

Protein shake "Curd Joy"

The taste of this drink will appeal to many. To do this, you will need fat-free cottage cheese (approximately 160-180 g), 30 g oatmeal(they must first be ground into flour), a glass of milk, fruit and cinnamon to taste.

As in previous cases, all these components must be whipped with a blender. You can add ice and walnuts if you like.

Protein shakes for weight loss, the recipes of which we have now reviewed, have a very pleasant taste. However, you should not get involved in their use. The norm for a person is 1 glass. A large intake of protein can negatively affect the functionality of some internal organs, which can provoke the development of many serious diseases.

Combine the use of such drinks with systematic physical exercises. Only in this way can you really get rid of excess weight without causing much harm to your body.

Protein shake recipe video for weight loss

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People who systematically visit the gym with simulators need special nutrition, thanks to which the results of training will appear in appearance at full power. The main focus of nutrition in sports is protein.

One of quick ways deliver to your body required amount protein is to consume a protein shake. It will help in losing weight and building the desired forms. Preparing a protein shake is very realistic and at home.

If you visit the gym in the system, then you should drink these cocktails both before and after training. This is essential for your muscles.

Why is it important to enjoy such a drink before a workout? Any active physical activity for the body is stress, during which it loses a lot of energy. Muscle micro-ruptures occur during power loads. But if you feed your body with protein before class, then this stress is significantly reduced. The body becomes more resilient. And muscle recovery will be carried out at a faster pace.

An important point for the muscles is to drink a protein shake after you have finished physical activity. Immediately after a workout in the gym, for about 30 minutes, the window of proteins and carbohydrates remains open. And here it is important not to miss this time and drink a protein shake. New forces will come very quickly.

What is the role of such cocktails in weight loss?

A protein shake is good not only for gaining muscle mass, but also for losing weight. In the process of losing weight, the balance of all nutrients in the diet plays an important role. If you remove carbohydrates from your regimen to the maximum and start using protein shakes more often, then the matter of losing weight will go much faster.

These drinks are also good because they are liquid foods. And liquid food is much easier to be absorbed by the stomach, without the need for extra energy. digestive system. In addition, such food almost instantly becomes nutrition for the muscles.

And you don't have to spend money on sports nutrition, since protein shakes can be prepared at home.

Drink prescriptions

First, let's learn the important rules that will be observed when making a cocktail. Based on these rules, you can prepare a protein shake according to own recipe. But, don't worry, below we will also give recipes for which drinks you will definitely like.

  • A protein shake must be at a certain temperature, about 36-37 degrees. At this temperature, the stomach will work as efficiently as possible.
  • Do not exceed portions. It should be approximately 250-300 ml. Large quantity your body will not absorb at once. And everything that is not digested will go into weight gain.
  • Consider foods that your body can't digest and don't add them to your drink. For example, you don't need to make a protein shake with milk if you can't digest it. In this case, replace it with juice. This replacement will also be justified if you want to remove some weight.

The basis of the composition will be protein. The components of such a drink at home must be selected so that there are approximately 25 grams of protein compounds. And carbohydrates and vitamins are about 5-10 gr. Dilute the drink with juice or milk to the consistency of sour cream.

Here are the basic ingredients for such a drink at home:

  • Liquid: juice, milk, kefir, water, yogurt, approximately 200 ml.
  • Protein compounds: quail eggs, chicken eggs, powdered milk, cottage cheese low-fat, about 50-100 gr.
  • Carbohydrate-type products: brown sugar, jam, honey, about 10 gr.
  • Can add vegetable fats: your favorite unrefined oil 1 tbsp
  • Vitamins: fruits, berries, can be frozen.

If you need to gain weight

The composition of such drinks may vary depending on the purpose of their use. If you feel a lack of muscle mass, then you should drink weight gain shakes. Their composition will be more high-calorie and nutritious. From liquids for weight growth are suitable: milk, fermented baked milk, kefir.

This is all used if your body normally absorbs these products. Suitable fruits for weight gain are bananas and grapes. In order to add weight to yourself, you can also use cottage cheese in these drinks, the fat content of which is medium.

If you need to lose weight

If you want to use such cocktails mainly in order to speed up the process of losing weight, then you are better off using less calorie ingredients.

From liquids for weight loss, low-fat kefir, any juices, just water are ideal. From fruit for more effective weight loss any berries and citrus fruits are suitable. If you add cottage cheese to the composition, then for weight loss it is better to take low-fat.


To let your imagination run wild, we present to you ready recipes protein drinks. Cooking them is not a difficult task, even if you are at home. The cocktail, which is called "aristocrat", is characterized by a reduced fat content. Such a cocktail can be made and consumed in fasting days which are so effective for weight loss. In addition, it will have a beneficial effect on the development of your muscles.

Take 200 ml low fat milk, a few plums, low-fat cottage cheese. Throw all the ingredients into a blender and mix at medium speed. Protein shake should be consumed immediately after preparation.

"Chocolate Bunny"

The difference of this cocktail is nutrition, it will help in order to gain muscle mass. It is extremely easy to make it at your home. If the first drink can be consumed just during the day, then this shake is best made and consumed right before training.

In a blender, you need to throw 5-8 grams of honey, a teaspoon of cocoa, 200 ml of milk, spicy seasonings are perfect here. Such a drink is a complete dessert, which is also ideal for gaining muscle mass.

Drink with oatmeal

If oatmeal delights you, then making such a drink at home will be a real pleasure for you. It is very suitable for those who train in the morning. It can be used as breakfast. It will energize you, protein will contribute to muscle growth. Before morning workouts, nutrients for muscle mass are very important.

2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal or cereal pre-fill with warm juice or milk. Leave for a few minutes. Then throw everything together with the liquid into a blender. A tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese will also go there, you can throw in a little jam or honey.

Using prescriptions for cocktails, feel free to make recipes yourself. Don't be afraid to make these drinks at home. We are sure that your recipes will be even more interesting.

Drinking protein shakes for weight loss is a great solution for those who want to lose weight. excess weight but not ready to comply strict diets and somehow limit yourself in the diet. When drinking such a drink, the body receives the necessary amount of protein. The body spends a third more energy on the absorption of protein than on the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. Protein shakes for weight loss are quite satisfying. You can start losing weight on cocktails right in the morning. After all, the preparation of these drinks does not require any special devices and ingredients. And a lot of recipes will help to make each portion of the cocktail in a completely new way.

The effect of a protein shake for weight loss

Protein shake for weight loss is useful to include in the diet to tame appetite. After all, squirrels human body digests much longer carbohydrates. One glass of this drink does not provide many calories, but it perfectly dulls the feeling of hunger.

With dietary nutrition in the human body, the number of fat cells and muscle mass of the body decreases. With an increased intake of proteins in the body, the so-called anti-catabolic reaction is triggered, in which, in parallel with the loss of fat, muscle mass is replenished. And in the absence of fats and carbohydrates, the digestive tract spends 30% more energy on digesting proteins.

When and how to drink a protein shake for weight loss

It is advisable to drink a protein shake for weight loss in the morning instead of breakfast, with fruit or a slice of bread. Thus, the body will receive the necessary amount of protein and replenish the number of calories lost overnight.

At regular use this drink the body spends more energy than it received. A small piece of bread contains the required amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help the nutrients in the drink to be better absorbed in the body. It is better to use whole grain bread, because it has a lot of fiber and dietary fiber.

From fruits in the composition of the drink, the body will receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Fruit contains sugar and fructose. They will provide the body with additional energy and will not turn into fat cells.

You can also add crushed walnut grains to a protein shake for weight loss. Nuts will help regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood. They give our body healthy fats, and also actively nourish all brain cells.

It is advisable to drink a protein drink immediately after preparation. But if the cocktail turned out to be a lot, then the rest can be placed in a glass container, closed tightly with a lid and sent to the refrigerator.

Composition and types of protein shakes for weight loss

When losing weight, it is very important to know how many calories are in a cocktail. The calorie content of these drinks is low (no more than 200 kcal per serving of 250 g). But they contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. One glass of a protein drink can contain as much iron and protein as a beef steak. At the same time, the calorie content of the protein shake will be minimal.

The composition of any protein shake for weight loss includes water-soluble proteins derived from egg whites, whey or products of plant origin (for example, soy).

Athletes drink specialized protein drinks. They contain mineral supplements and multivitamin complexes. When using such cocktails, the loss of salts that come out with sweat is compensated.

Considering how many calories are in a cocktail, carbohydrates (fructose or sucrose) or fats are sometimes added to the drink to increase the calorie content. Such drinks are called energy drinks.

Whey protein shake for weight loss is 100% absorbed by the body and very rarely causes allergies. Whey protein will help restore strength after a workout. At milkshake a more pleasant taste, however, some people do not tolerate milk sugar. Egg drink is well digested and has a high biological value. However, such a cocktail is considered allergenic.

A vegetable cocktail lacks many valuable amino acids. Such a drink is less popular due to the fact that the human body absorbs plant protein worse. Vegetable protein shake is mainly consumed by vegetarians.

Manufacturers add components to cocktails that reduce appetite (chromium picolinate) and accelerate the consumption of adipose tissue (L-carnitine). The most popular cocktails are Turboslim, Doctor Slim, Cambridge Nutrition. One hundred grams of such cocktails contain no more than 50 kcal (5-6 grams complex carbohydrates and proteins and no more than one gram of healthy fats).

AT protein shake for weight loss "Doctor Slim" a good ratio of carbohydrates and proteins (approximately 1:1). Thanks to this combination, protein is absorbed better, hunger is satisfied faster. In addition, this drink is rich in calcium. You can choose strawberry, chocolate or vanilla flavor.

The cocktail "Turboslim" contains a lot of useful fiber, as well as chromium picolinate, which suppresses sugar cravings.

Protein Shake Recipes

It will be easier to prepare cocktails at home if you buy protein isolate at a pharmacy or store - a pure concentrate that is 97% protein.

So, to prepare a refreshing lemon protein shake for weight loss, you need to take the freshly squeezed juice of one lemon, two tablespoons finished powder, half a glass of water and ice if desired. All the ingredients must be mixed in a blender, after which you can drink the finished drink with pleasure.

To prepare an invigorating coffee-protein drink, you need to take a glass of water, two tablespoons of powder, one teaspoon instant coffee or cocoa and a teaspoon of whipped cream. Blend all ingredients in a blender, adding ice if desired. The drink will be even tastier if you add a handful of chopped nuts or a couple of banana slices to it.

To prepare a cottage cheese protein shake for weight loss, you need to mix 200 grams fat-free cottage cheese, 200 grams of milk, two tablespoons of oatmeal, a little cinnamon and fruit. Mix all ingredients in a blender.

For a chocolate strawberry smoothie you need a glass skimmed milk, two tablespoons of ready-made protein powder, one tablespoon of cocoa and five to six strawberries. First you need to beat the strawberries, add cocoa and protein powder, and then milk.

Harm from protein shakes for weight loss

Protein shake should not be consumed in large numbers. Nutritionists recommend drinking no more than a glass of drink daily.

When protein is consumed in large quantities, calcium gradually accumulates in the kidneys, and this can lead to the appearance of various diseases kidneys and to the formation of stones.

If you are allergic to lactose, a protein shake for weight loss can cause bloating, cramps, and indigestion.

At frequent use protein drinks hamper the process of utilization in the body, while the liver is greatly overloaded.

Weight loss is a whole science. Especially now, when the advice of nutritionists is heard from everywhere, often contradicting each other. But the human body really does not like experiments on itself, and diet food should not only help to lose weight, but also not disrupt metabolic processes. The topic of today's article was one of the competent ways to get rid of body fat. Let's talk about whether it is possible to lose weight with protein shakes, cooking recipes and correct application these miracle drinks.

How does the protein shake diet work?

It is a reasonable question, because proteins are real calories, albeit useful ones. So why not drink, for example, absolutely calorie-free tea or just water? The fact is that the water that comes in its pure form is absorbed very quickly, and the feeling of fullness of the stomach disappears after 10 minutes, giving way to the previous hunger.

Protein drinks act differently, and it is not the low level that makes them dietary. the energy value, and the principle of operation, consisting in the following points:

  • Slow absorption and digestion. The thick liquid will be processed by pancreatic enzymes, and only after that the absorption of nutrients begins. Digestion will take a little less time than if you had a full meal, which means hunger will not bother you.
  • Preservation of muscle mass. With an ultra-low calorie diet, the loss of body fat is invariably accompanied by a decrease in muscle mass, since the body seeks to obtain the necessary amino acids and energy from all available sources. Moreover, muscle reduction reduces basal metabolism, and is an adaptive mechanism for experiencing hunger conditions. Sufficient intake of proteins, which provides a diet with a protein shake for weight loss, allows you to save muscle tissue with a low daily calorie intake.

  • An increase in basal metabolism, since 30% more energy is spent during the digestion of protein than on carbohydrates or fats. This means that the daily mandatory calorie consumption, independent of motor activity, will increase slightly.

These factors make this technique a slow but safe way to reduce weight. In fact, the meaning of such a diet is to ensure that the protein content in food remains physiological against the background of carbohydrate deficiency.

How much and when to drink a protein shake for weight loss

To effect healthy drink fully manifested, it is necessary to follow certain rules regarding the amount and mode of use. Even if at first glance the recommendations seem insignificant, believe me, you should not ignore them.

Of primary importance is how many grams of protein you get per day. You can meet the point of view that the more protein foods a person eats, the better. This is not only wrong, but dangerous.

The products of protein metabolism are nitrogenous bases, which are excreted from the body through the kidneys. Excess of the protein component in the diet increases the functional load on the urinary system, and can lead to kidney disease.

photo from the site

Consumption rates are directly dependent on the degree of physical activity, and should take into account all incoming protein - with food and cocktails:

  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle and not involved in sports should eat 0.85 g of pure protein per 1 kg of body weight;
  • The average activity characteristic of people who systematically do not strength training, as well as during pregnancy and recovery after illnesses, requires 1.4 g of protein per kilogram of weight;
  • For those whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion, or involved in strength training, the required protein rate is 2.5 kg per kilogram of body weight.

In addition to observing quantitative standards, there are certain rules on how to drink a protein shake at home for weight loss, compliance with which is not so critical, but still desirable:

  • You need to drink them not instead of meals, but in parallel with them - your diet should still be complete. It is acceptable to replace protein supplements with snacks, afternoon tea and dinner. Breakfast should give you energy in the form of slow-digesting carbohydrates - cereals or whole grain breads.

  • If you are actively involved in sports, then the regimen is somewhat different. You need to drink a healthy cocktail 30-40 minutes before training, and 20-30 minutes after. Muscles also grow at night, so a protein shake at night for weight loss is quite acceptable, but you need to choose recipes that do not contain carbohydrates. The best option would be purchased mixtures based on casein, since its absorption is extremely slow.
  • The optimal temperature of the liquid for pre-workout techniques is 37⁰С, since in this case the stomach does not need to heat the food, and absorption will be faster. In other cases, it is better to prefer a chilled drink - it will stay longer in the stomach and will be absorbed more slowly, which means that saturation will be long.

And remember that no one canceled the taste pleasures, so drink slowly, stretching the pleasure, because this is not only healthy, but also very tasty food.

What is the best protein shake for weight loss: types of drinks

When it comes to the classification of such products, it is first of all worth mentioning that they are ready-made and self-made. With ready-made, everything is relatively simple - it is a powder that is diluted in a given proportion, and contains as many nutrients as indicated by the manufacturer. Dry mixes are convenient in conditions of limited time, as they are prepared almost instantly.

A homemade protein shake for weight loss will require regular purchase of fresh ingredients and some fiddling with preparation. But in return, you will receive guaranteed naturalness and harmlessness of the drink, and you will also be able to vary the taste according to your preferences.

Depending on the protein source used, both homemade and ready-made shakes are classified into:

  • Dairy - the most common group, including due to palatability. Milk protein is well absorbed by the body, but can serve as an allergen for people prone to allergies.
  • Egg - have a balanced amino acid composition, but are inferior in taste to dairy counterparts. They will become indispensable for people suffering from lactose intolerance.
  • Vegetable - prepared on the basis of soy milk, but do not contain the entire spectrum of essential amino acids. Only possible variant for those who follow a vegetarian diet.
  • Combined - contain various proportions of vegetable, milk or egg protein.

When wondering if it is possible to drink a protein shake while losing weight, it is not necessary to stick to one option. You can alternate or combine varieties when cooking yourself, and when there is not enough time, just dilute the protein powder.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss

Self-preparation gives real scope for creativity, since, without exaggeration, there are many recipes for such drinks. Thanks to such variability, you can not be afraid that the drink will become boring and boring, you just need to be creative in solving the problem.

Chocolate curd

photo from

The sweet name does not imply a sweet taste, as basic recipe contains no sugars at all. If this is critical for you, use artificial calorie-free sweeteners or stevia. To prepare a serving you will need:

  • 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml low-fat milk;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 2 tsp cocoa.

Products must be mixed in a blender until smooth and drink a cocktail immediately after preparation. Calorie content per 100 g is 82 kcal, and the nutritional value such a set would be:

  • Calorie content - 262 kcal;
  • Proteins - 35 g;
  • Fats - 7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 14 g.

Almond Coconut

The exotic aroma of a combined vegetable and milk combination, worthy of the title of the best protein shake for weight loss, which, thanks to the addition of nuts, will become a source of vitamin E and fatty acids. In this case, too, you can not do without a blender to give a homogeneous consistency to the following combination of products:

  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 g soy milk;
  • 5-6 almond kernels;
  • 1 teaspoon flaked coconut.

The nutritional value of 100 g of the product will be about 100 kcal, and the entire serving:

  • Calorie content - 326 kcal;
  • Proteins - 34 g;
  • Fats - 14 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 17 g.

Any protein-protein shake for weight loss can sound new if you add your favorite spices to it. Vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and even a pinch of allspice, because the kitchen is a great place for creativity.

Spicy egg-curd

Who said that the taste of the drink must necessarily be sweet or neutral? Treat yourself to a zesty, peppery flavor in a protein shake. To do this, beat:

  • 6 quail eggs;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 3-4 sprigs of parsley and dill;
  • A pinch of red paprika;
  • Black pepper on the tip of a knife.

An excellent protein shake for weight loss at home, as it contains only 67 kcal per 100 g, and the entire serving will enrich the body with the following nutrients:

  • Calorie content - 253 kcal;
  • Proteins - 30 g;
  • Fats - 12 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 8 g.

Kiwi and honey

It's already full sweet option, so for an evening portion it is not the best way out, but in the morning or in the afternoon, why not treat yourself to such a drink? Moreover, kiwi is one of the natural fat burners that speed up the metabolism. You will need:

  • 100 g soy milk;
  • 150 g 1.5% kefir;
  • 100 g 1% cottage cheese;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 tsp liquid honey.

sweet fruit and sweet Honey in total, they gave only 60 kcal per hundred-gram serving, and the entire volume contains:

  • Calorie content - 248 kcal;
  • Proteins - 26 g;
  • Fats - 5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 24 g.


A charge of proteins and invigorating caffeine in one glass - what could be better for the first morning portion? You can brew natural coffee for the recipe or use instant coffee - according to your taste, only its concentration should be twice as high as usual:

  • 4 egg whites;
  • 100 ml coffee;
  • 200 ml 1% milk;
  • 1 tsp honey.

If you can do without honey - feel free to exclude it from the list of ingredients. But even with a teaspoon of honey, the calorie content of a 100-gram serving will be only 37 kcal, and the nutritional value of all components will be as follows:

  • Calorie content - 152 kcal;
  • Proteins - 17 g;
  • Fats - 2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 15 g.

Contraindications to protein shakes

Despite the fact that the question “is it possible to lose weight on protein shakes?” the answer sounds yes, there are a number of diseases in which the doctor will prohibit you from such a diet.

You will have to choose another way to deal with annoying kilograms with the following diagnoses:

  • Kidney diseases of various origins - glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. In the case of impaired excretory function of the kidneys, they simply cannot cope with the excretion of nitrogenous compounds, and with the preserved function, such a diet can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pathology.
  • Gout - purine bases, which are rich in protein foods, are detrimental to such patients and lead to an almost instant deterioration in well-being.
  • Chronic pancreatitis - the production of appropriate (proteolytic) enzymes in the pancreas will not correspond unusually high content proteins in the daily diet.

Now you know exactly what a protein shake for weight loss is, how to prepare it and drink it correctly. The main thing - do not forget to adhere to a reasonable framework in the rest of the diet and follow the regime of physical activity, and soon the figure will please with tightened contours!