Food containing fat. vegetable fat.


We all know that chocolate, cakes, ice cream and biscuits are the foods which "gift" us with the most calories. You can deny yourself the consumption of these goodies as often as you like, but this will not save you from the calories that are hidden in other foods that we consume much more often than the above desserts. And if you are serious about preparing your body for the beach season, you might find it helpful to learn more about some of the products that do their "dirty work" invisibly., adding to our body more than one hundred extra calories daily.

Dairy products with a fat content of more than 1%, such as sour cream. Cookies, cakes, pastries. Although it is advisable to swap saturated fats for unsociable ones, they should be taken in moderation, as they the energy value, like other fats, is high. Most of these fatty acids contained in liquid oils. Unsaturated fatty acids are of two types.

polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids are very important for the body - they are an integral part of the cell membrane composition and are the precursors of some biologically active substances. Since the human body does not synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids, we need to get enough of them from food. The energy content of polyunsaturated fatty acids should be about 6-10%. Daily growth. Studies have shown that polyunsaturated fatty acids can lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, lower blood triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation, which reduces the risk of thrombosis, the risk of coronary heart disease, and cardiac arrhythmias.

1. Mayonnaise.

How to limit consumption? Replace mayonnaise with seasoning low content fat: add a little to the salad soy sauce or balsamic vinegar. Better - use regular low fat (or low fat) unsweetened yogurt . You can also add your own sauce with so-called homemade cheese (cheese "cottage"). Stop adding mayonnaise to a salad with chicken or tuna - try adding greens, black pepper and a little tomato instead.

The use of these fatty acids reduces the concentration of cholesterol in low-density lipoproteins involved in the development of atherosclerosis, and increases high-density lipoproteins, which inhibit the development of atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that this type of fat protects against cardiovascular disease and is also beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. This type of fat can occur naturally in some animal foods, but most of it comes from partially hydrogenated unsaturated fatty acids.

During the hydrogenation process, vegetable oil is converted into semi-solid fats used for margarine production and for commercial preparation. Clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that increased use of trans fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. These fats in donuts, cookies, crackers, margarine, butter, fried potatoes.

2. Nuts.

How to limit consumption? It must be remembered that, in spite of everything, nuts are an essential part of a balanced diet. And even if the fat content in this product is very high, nuts do not contain cholesterol, and fats are the so-called good monounsaturated variety. But if you are concerned about the problem of getting rid of extra pounds, it makes sense to stop eating handfuls of nuts every day. It is also worth choosing nuts with the lowest fat content: for example, the same almonds.

Using too much fat is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease. If high saturated fatty acids are present in the diet, there is an increase in cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. Fat provides a lot of energy, making them obese at high risk of consumption. Obesity not only increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, but also the risk of developing cancer. Tips on how to reduce your fat intake and which fats to choose.

Read product labels carefully and avoid using these products with high content saturated fats. Choose low-fat dairy products because full-fat dairy products contain high levels of saturated fatty acids. Even when choosing a lean product, keep in mind that even the "worst" cream still has a significant amount of fat, so you should use these products in moderation.

3. Creamer for coffee.

How to limit consumption? Even though you hate coffee without creamer, cream should be eliminated from your diet completely, as it is a real storehouse of harmful saturated fats. There is no other way to stop adding cream to coffee! However, it is possible to use skimmed (or low fat) milk. If you don’t have a refrigerator (for example, at work), you can use milk powder - everything is better than adding cream!

Choose foods that do not contain trans fat. Replace foods rich in saturated fatty foods, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids such as oils with vegetable oils, instead of meat, choose fish more often. Eat those foods that are naturally low in fat: grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Eat foods high in soluble fiber - vegetables, fruits, especially apples. Research has shown that increasing your intake of soluble fiber reduces the risk of coronary heart disease such as cholesterol and triglycerides. Remove hardened fats from chilled soups, broths, or fat surfaces.

4. Peanut butter.

How to limit consumption? Despite the fact that this product is rather typical for American and Western European cuisine, the fashion for peanut butter is beginning to gain momentum in our country as well. And no wonder - peanut butter is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats. However, your waist will not thank you if you abuse this product. However, now you can find analogues of this oil that do not contain sugar. Of course, the amount of fat from this will not decrease, but the calories will decrease. It is recommended to consume no more than four teaspoons of peanut butter per week - and try to eat it only as part of sandwiches.

Limit the use of products containing "secret" fats, such as cones, cookies, crackers. Many saturated fats are found on the skin of a bird, so remove it before eating. Children under the age of 2 should not be restricted in terms of fat intake, as cholesterol and other fats are essential for brain development.

Avocados are different from other vegetables and fruits because they are high in fat rather than carbohydrates. Avocado is delicious, very tasty, from which you can produce a great sauce, sprinkle and layer on bread, eat alone or cut into salads. Three-quarters of an avocado is made up of fat, mostly monounsaturated. They can also be found in olive oil These fats are good for the heart. Avocados are also rich in potassium, fiber.

5. Potato chips.

How to limit consumption? If you often buy chips, read the information on the product packaging - the amount of fat and calories varies, depending on the manufacturer and brand. However, chips - this is the product in whose justification there is practically nothing to say. It makes sense to replace it regular popcorn- of course, not purchased, but self-cooked. Even saltine crackers contain less fat than crisps, although this is not the best way. V last resort, choose variations of these products that do not contain trans fats.

It is recommended to consume half an avocado per day. Nuts are extremely healthy and at the same time very high in calories because they have a lot of fat. Nuts also contain magnesium, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and so on. Many studies have proven that after a few nuts, people who consume daily nuts are healthier, nuts can protect themselves from a wide range of diseases. Ice nuts, bertolets, almonds, walnuts are among the healthiest.

Of animal fat, oily fish is the healthiest. Such fish is tasty, rich and enriched. useful substances. Salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna, sardines and herring - these fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein and other important substances. Such a fish not only protects the heart, but also strengthens the body as a whole. When they eat, they begin to shine with healthy hair, enjoy the skin of the face.

6. Cheeses.

How to limit consumption? Whenever possible, always choose low-fat cheeses (like the aforementioned "cottage" cheese, or variations thereof). In more durum varieties cheese, such as cheddar, gouda or parmesan contains much more fat. Try to cut down on foods that contain a large number of cheese. We are talking about products such as pizza, macaroni and cheese, as well as various hamburgers and sandwiches widely offered in fast foods.

According to nutritionists, at least two servings of fish should be consumed per week. And not all - and especially pure, the first pressure. It is stronger in taste, more expensive and of high quality. Olive oil is the basis of the Mediterranean diet, and this diet is recognized by a nutritionist as very healthy. This oil contains not only vitamins, but also antioxidants that fight inflammation, which help lower blood cholesterol levels, preventing the aging process.

Use sparingly rather than regular sauces. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and fat. Fat is found in the egg yolk, so those who do not eat yogurt for health reasons should be aware that they lose some of the nutrients. It has been proven that while the yolk contains cholesterol, people who eat whole eggs have stronger hearts. From now on, you won't have to scratch your head where to put the yolk - eat it!

7. Red meat.

How to limit consumption? If you compare red meat (pork and beef) with other foods on this list, the percentage of fat does not seem that much. However, the problem is that we eat meat much more often and in much larger quantities than, say, the same peanut butter. Buy lean meats (veal, meat of animals obtained by hunting, poultry meat). Eat fish meat more often than red meat. When cooking meat, try to remove as much fat as possible. Avoid consumption of products where fat is clearly visible - salami, homemade sausage etc.

We left it as a dessert - until the end. Olive oil is not only very tasty, but also contains protein and fiber in addition to fat. Choose natural nut butters with minimal ingredients and no added sugar. It is suitable for application to an apple or bread crust, and by rubbing in a fruit and vegetable smoothie as a moisturizing ingredient and flavored puree.

Fat contains several fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The amount of these acids determines biological value fat. The more polyunsaturated fatty acids, the product is more beneficial to health. Monounsaturated fatty acids do not have a very positive or very negative effect. The healthiest fats are those with more unsaturated fatty acids.

8. Pies and flour products.

How to limit consumption? Bad news for all those who love to bake and eat pies: this dish is literally teeming with some of the most harmful fats for the body. And don't be fooled by the fact that pies are in eighth place on this list in terms of the amount of fat they contain.- we can eat a pie much more than the same mayonnaise, which comes first. It is worth limiting the consumption of this type of product if you want to lose extra pounds and improve heart health. Replace it with whole grain or rye flour baked goods.

Each side of an avocado has up to 15 grams of fat, but most of it is made up of monounsaturated fats, which regulate blood cholesterol levels. Incidentally, these fats are believed to help prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat. A study found that avocados can significantly lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides and increase good cholesterol by as much as 11%. Although the studies were conducted over 3-4 weeks with small groups of people, the results were excellent.

If you drop your teaspoon with a few tablespoons of nuts, you'll end up with 16 grams of fat, about half of which is monounsaturated. It is worth knowing that peanut butter may protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes due to the ingredients and polyunsaturated fat.

9. Deep-fried dishes.

How to limit consumption? Deep-frying has never been considered a healthy option for any of the dishes. It is better to eat fried donuts or cook sausages on the grill (which is also far from the most useful things!) than to cook deep-fried dishes. We recommend that you also consider any other cooking options - fry, stew, bake - but try to avoid deep-fried foods.

Nearly 18 grams of fat in a given amount coconut, cooked in breakfast cereals or yogurt, is saturated. It is believed, according to new research, that saturated fats may find their place in a healthy diet and that they are not as strongly associated with heart disease as previously thought. It is true that it is recommended not to exceed the amount of saturated fat, depending on the number of kilocalories consumed.

You will get 14 g of fat if, for example, you eat 3 eggs for breakfast. What is fat? In this case, the true combination is monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated. Olives are a great choice for people who are healthier. They are rich good fats, nutrients such as vitamin E for skin benefits, antioxidants that protect against free radicals, and olive oil beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

10. Avocado.

How to limit consumption? As you know, the so-called monounsaturated fats contained in avocado fruits are also a necessary part of a balanced diet. But excessive consumption of this product will lead to the appearance of extra pounds so don't eat more than one medium serving of this fruit per week. There are lovers of flavoring this product with mayonnaise, we recommend that you give up this habit so as not to aggravate the situation, but add a little lemon instead - just for flavor!

The population of Lithuania, like many other countries, consumes too much food from fatty calories, especially calories from saturated fatty acids. Therefore, it is necessary not only to change the vegetable oil of animal origin, but also to reduce the overall fat intake.

The Institute reminds consumers that saturated fat increases the amount of low-density lipoprotein in the blood, which leads to high levels of saturated fatty acids, which increases the risk of chronic diseases, especially coronary artery disease.

A specialist from the National Institute for Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment advises consumers on how to reduce fat intake and which fats to choose. Read product labels carefully and avoid highly saturated fats. Choose low-fat dairy products because full-fat dairy products contain high levels of saturated fatty acids. Even when choosing a lean product, remember that even in the "worst" cream, you still have a lot of fat, so you should use these products in moderation.

Fats in food. Useful and harmful. Calculation of the daily requirement.

Fats are an integral part healthy eating of any person, as well as proteins and carbohydrates, all the myths that fats should be completely excluded from the daily diet are devoid of common sense, because. The role of fats for the functioning of the body is very large. The only question is what fats and in what quantities each of us should consume.

Choose foods that do not contain trans fats. Change the rich content of saturated fatty foods to foods that contain monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as oils with vegetable oils, instead of meat, choose fish more often.

Eat foods that contain a lot of soluble fiber - vegetables, fruits, especially apples. Many saturated fats are found in the skin of poultry, so remove it before eating. Children under the age of 2 should not limit their fat intake, as cholesterol and other fats are important for brain development.

Fats are compounds that consist of fatty acids and glycerol. Fats are made up of the same atoms as carbohydrates - hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, but connected in a different way ( liquid fats vegetable origin are called - oils, as well as butter).
Dietary fats are primarily a source for replenishing energy costs. When oxidizing 1 g of fat, 9 kcal of energy is released, which is more than two times more than when oxidizing the same amount of carbohydrates or proteins. Fats are involved in the formation of cell membranes, connective tissue, phospholipids, lipoproteins, and are also involved in the formation and functioning of prostaglandin prohormones ( prostaglandins these are short-lived hormone-like substances, they act on the surrounding tissues and cause contraction). Deficiency of essential fats provokes hormonal disorders, which negatively affects the results of training.
The main functions of fats and the structure at the biochemical level can be found in this

Types of fats.

Nowadays, dietetics and bodybuilding divide fats into two main types:
- harmful to the body (saturated, cholesterol)
- useful for the body (unsaturated, in particular omega-3)

The table above clearly shows the classification of the main types of fats, we will understand it in more detail.

Harmful fats (those that should be excluded from food).

Bad fats include:
- saturated fats
- trans fats (processed unsaturated fats into saturated artificially)
- cholesterol

An excess of these dietary fats can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, heart attacks, and high cholesterol levels, which in turn leads to blockage of blood vessels. A high content of these fats is present in such products as: meat, seafood, dairy products, cheese, milk and ice cream, chicken skin and egg yolk and in a hearty meal.

Saturated fats.

Saturated fats are simple in structure and most harmful to health. In order to understand what they are, imagine a ball on a thread, saturated fat looks like a tangled thread tied into many knots. An unsaturated fat is like a thread with a few knots, while a polyunsaturated fat is like a neatly folded thread without any knots. The more saturated the fat, the more likely it is to stay in the body and clog the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease as it circulates. a tangled thread is an order of magnitude more likely to get stuck somewhere in the circulatory system. Another important difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is that they remain solid when room temperature.

Foods rich saturated fat:
- Margarine
- Animal fats such as butter, cheese, visceral fat, kidney fat and white fat on meat (including chicken skin)
- Tropical vegetable fats - palm and coconut oil
- fatty meat products(beef, lamb, pork)
- Fast food
- Confectionery
- Chocolate
- Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, etc.)

Meat and dairy products are good for your health, but always choose the ones that contain the least amount of fat, thus you will keep the consumption of unhealthy fats to a minimum.

trans fats

Trans fats are produced artificially by converting unsaturated fats into saturated ones by heating and hydrogenation (the addition of hydrogen atoms). Hydrogenation converts liquid vegetable oils into solid oils such as margarine or cooking oil.

In the food industry, trans fats are used to extend the shelf life of products.
Trans fats are found in foods such as: chips, crackers, cookies, pies, donuts, any pastries, confectionery and bakery products and other snacks on the go. They are also high in carbohydrates. glycemic index, causing a large release of insulin and the accumulation of excess fat.


Cholesterol is a fat (a waxy light dense mass) that is mainly formed in the liver and is of key importance for normal functioning organism. V small quantities cholesterol is necessary for the body, since it produces the most important hormones - testosterone, estrogens, as well as bile acids. But, high levels cholesterol can cause:
- atherosclerosis - narrowing of the lumen of the arteries or blockage of the arteries;
- higher risk of coronary heart disease - damage to the arteries that deliver blood and oxygen to the heart;
- myocardial infarction - occurs when the access of blood and oxygen to the area of ​​​​the heart muscle is blocked, usually by a clot (thrombus) in the coronary artery. This leads to the death of the heart muscle.
- angina pectoris - pain or discomfort in the chest that occurs when the heart muscle does not receive enough blood;
- other cardiovascular diseases - diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- stroke and mini-stroke - occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery or vein, interrupting the flow of blood to an area of ​​the brain. It can also happen when blood vessels rupture. As a result, brain cells begin to die.

Elevated blood cholesterol is thus a major risk factor for heart disease. But in many cases, it can be controlled with exercise and a healthy diet.
There are two types of cholesterol, the one that circulates in the bloodstream and the one found in food. When foods containing cholesterol enter your body, they are broken down into smaller components that will be used to form fats, proteins and other substances necessary for the body. Cholesterol consumed with food does not become the type found in the blood. While it's important to cut down on high-cholesterol foods, it's even more important to cut back on saturated fats, because the liver makes blood cholesterol from them. How large quantity The more saturated fat you consume, the more cholesterol your liver makes.

Healthy fats (those that you need to eat).

The main representatives of healthy fats are unsaturated fats, which are divided into two main types:
- monounsaturated (omega-9)
- polyunsaturated (omega-3 and omega-6)
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are usually liquid at room temperature. Vegetable fats and margarine, which are polyunsaturated, are presented in solid form at room temperature, because. their chemical composition has been modified for the purpose of hardening (trans fats), they are more harmful than saturated ones, so they should be avoided from eating.

Omega 3

Omega 3- polyunsaturated fats that are not reproduced in our body on their own, but perform vital important role. Omega-3, getting into our body are introduced into cells, affect their structure and activity. Hence the diversity useful properties: they improve the functioning of the heart, brain, eyes and joints, reduce the level of bad cholesterol. These fats can have an anti-inflammatory effect and are excellent antioxidants, which means they help eliminate harmful substances and free radicals from the body.

The main functions of omega-3 fats:
- accelerate metabolism (metabolism)
- increase insulin sensitivity (by slowing down the movement of food contents through the gastrointestinal tract, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly without creating sharp spikes in insulin that reduce the sensitivity of insulin receptors)
- enhance the fluid properties of blood (due to a decrease in viscosity, as a result of which the arterial pressure reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks)
- raise the general tone and increase endurance
- contribute to the loss excess weight reducing appetite
- are natural active biologically anti-inflammatory components of the blood - precursors of prostaglandins. (Prostaglandins reduce the pain and inflammation that always accompanies intense exercise. Thus, the destruction of muscle tissue after exercise is reduced, and recovery time is shortened.)
- improve brain function, cheer up. The medulla is composed of 60% fat and especially needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly.
- make the skin soft and velvety.
- a healthy source of energy that does not create the risk of increasing fat mass.
- enhance the production of hormones, including the most important testosterone in bodybuilding.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are also needed in the following situations: functional disorders of the central nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in the level of mental energy and intellectual functions, conditions chronic fatigue, rehabilitation after acute disorders of cerebral circulation; rehabilitation after a heart attack, angiopathy; osteomyelitis, bone fractures, trophic ulcers; autoimmune diseases; glomerulonephritis; pregnancy; skin diseases, cosmetic programs, cancer prevention, etc.

Omega-3 in food:
- A fish. It can be put first. However, not just fish, but oily or bold fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines, mackerel, etc.). Exactly at fish oil contains a large amount of Omega-3. Doctors believe that by consuming fish at least twice a week, you significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Preferred fresh fish, since when salting and smoking, part beneficial acids is lost, but canned fish- another thing. If the fish is canned in vegetable oil, then this is a guarantee that useful fatty acids are completely preserved (when canned in own juice part of the omega-3 fats is lost). Eating a jar in two days canned sardines in olive oil, you will replenish your body necessary quantity Omega 3.
- Flax seeds. Today, flaxseed oil is sold in stores, just add it to salads. Another option is to grind flaxseed in a coffee grinder and add it to your food like a condiment or spice. The positive side of this method is that the ground seed contains not only Omega-3, but also fiber. Dose for 1 day - 1 tsp. ground seed.
- Walnuts. You must have heard that regular use for food walnuts improves mental performance? And all because walnut oil contains Omega-3. So, eating 5-10 nuts a day, you provide yourself with the Omega-3 norm for the day.
- Sesame oil. Give preference to it when dressing salads: it contains not only Omega-3, but also phytic acid (a strong antioxidant).
- Rapeseed oil. Also great option for dressing salads, a supplier of Omega-3 to our body. Omega-3s are found in spinach, cauliflower and canola oil, melon, beans, bok choy and broccoli.

Daily omega-3 intake:
- to improve health and normalize cholesterol levels, it is enough to take 1-1.5 g of Omega-3 per day
- when doing bodybuilding to increase muscle mass doses of 2-3 g daily are required.
- with a decrease in body weight, take 3-4 g of Omega-3

Omega 6

Only omega-6 fats are able to convert into gamma linolenic acid and provide protection against many unpleasant diseases. Gamma linolenic acid is an essential nutrient without which the body cannot produce prostaglandin E1(prostaglandin E1 is one of the most important means of protecting the body from premature aging, heart disease, various forms of allergies, cancer, and many, many others).

Useful properties of omega-6:
- reduce cholesterol levels.
- reduce inflammation, which is great help with arthritis.
- omega-6 fatty acids are effective in 40% of cases in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (it is noticed that the maximum efficiency is observed when taking omega-6 and linseed oil(omega-3).
- relieve the unpleasant effects of premenstrual syndrome. (girls take note)
- stop the progressive destruction of nerve fibers in diabetes mellitus.
- gamma-linolenic acid - an indispensable tool for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, which also relieves brittle, exfoliating nails.

With Omega-6 deficiency and deficiency, a person feels constant fatigue and depression, his memory deteriorates, blood pressure rises, and obesity develops; frequent colds; the skin dries, skin diseases appear; sick and withering hair and nails.

Content in food:
- safflower oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, walnut oil;
- Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkins, and walnuts;
- germinated wheat.

Balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6

With a shortage or deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids behave in exactly the opposite way. In such cases, they begin to provoke the development of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks; exacerbate the symptoms of hypertension; promote inflammatory processes internal organs and joints; stimulate allergic reactions; accelerate skin aging, cause dermatitis and acne; accelerate the development of asthma in children and adults; create favorable conditions for the development of osteoporosis; in pregnant women cause late toxicosis and premature birth. In general, they act directly opposite to all their positive properties. Therefore, the balance of these fats with the food entering our body is important.
It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods with Omega-3, and reduce the amount of foods with Omega-6 in the diet. Eat more vegetable salads, oily fish, or at least nuts, flaxseed, eggs, and when cooking, use as little oil as possible - try to bake and stew dishes, or steam them.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 must be consumed in certain proportions. Recommended ratios range from 1:1 to 4:1 Omega-6:Omega-3. As it was calculated, it is these proportions that are evolutionarily the most adequate.

Omega 9 (oleic acid)

Fats Omega 9 known to everyone - they are also called oleic acid - this is a monounsaturated fatty acid, which is abundant in olive oil, the most popular and useful - nutritionists consider it a champion among vegetable oils. It is oleic acid that is part of lipids - fats and fat-like substances that are the most important component of cell membranes and ensure the normal course of many vital processes in our body. If for some reason there is not enough oleic acid, the body replaces it with other fatty acids, and then the permeability of cell membranes begins to change dramatically, which means that metabolism is also disturbed.

The health benefits of omega-9 are similar to those of omega-3 and omega-6:
- reduces the risk of developing diabetes and the occurrence of hypertension (helps to eliminate the resistance of cell permeability to insulin)
- protects women from breast cancer (by blocking the appearance of malignant tumors)
- lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol
- have an immunostimulating effect; contribute to the production of prostaglandins - substances involved in many important processes- in particular, regulating the work of smooth muscle muscles
- reduce high blood pressure and the risk of exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases
- improve digestion and prevent constipation
- protect us from colds and protect against viral infections
- improve memory, help to avoid depression
- supply the body with energy
- support healthy skin, hair and nails

Many people, including some nutritionists, do not consider foods with Omega-9 as useful and necessary as foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6: there is even an opinion that Omega-9 are secondary fats.

However, they have one important feature: in addition to the fact that omega-9s reduce the level of cholesterol in the body as a whole, and increase the amount of “good” cholesterol, they have high chemical resistance - they do not oxidize during storage and heating, while omega-3 and omega-6, for all their usefulness and indispensability, are easily oxidized and acquire the opposite effect of their positive properties. Another important difference between omega-9 and omega-3.6 is that our body is able to produce omega-9 itself, and experts do not classify them as essential substances, but this requires optimal conditions and normal metabolism.

Basic rules for choosing food with a fat content:

- The main sources of bad saturated fats are meat and processed foods. whole milk. Choose lean cuts of meat such as rump, loin and flank. Eat portions that do not exceed the size of your palm. Chicken, turkey and fish are always leaner meats.
- When you cook and eat meat, make sure that all visible fat and skin are cut off. To avoid getting bad fats into the meat when baking, roasting over an open fire, grilling, steaming or microwave, use special racks.
- if you want to eat meat for lunch instead of fatty smoked sausage or salami, opt for a lean chicken or turkey breast.
- the presence of dairy products in the diet is extremely important, including for weight control. Choose low-fat foods and eat two to three dairy meals daily.
- Cholesterol is present only in animal products, and egg yolk is its concentrated source. Replace the yolk of one egg with the white of two, or use an egg powder substitute. Limit egg consumption to one yolk per day.
- processed and cooked foods, especially snacks (chips, crackers, etc.), can be a concentrated source of bad fat.
- read the labels and don't overlook the word "hydrogenated" - the only bad word, especially for older children and adults. Hydrogenated fats are obtained by artificially processing vegetable oils in order to make them similar to saturated fats. Used in some packaged foods and in the fast food industry to add a greasy, oily taste, artificial fats raise blood cholesterol levels. These dangerous fats are often found in non-dairy creams and chocolate.

Calculation of the need for fat

If you are an athlete, bodybuilder or strength athlete and are looking to maintain slim figure, you should monitor the total amount of fat consumed (to know the total number of calories digested). Try to stick to 25-30% fat calories per day. Your diet should include: 5% saturated fat, 10-15% monounsaturated and 7-10% polyunsaturated.
One way to calculate the need for fat is to count in grams every day. You can calculate your individual daily fat requirement using the following formula:

When following a special nutrition plan for strength athletes, first determine your and. The remaining calories are "fat" calories, most of which should come in the form of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Do not forget to pay attention to the percentage of fat in one serving of the product indicated on its label. The amount of fat in grams is available on any package where the nutritional value is indicated.