Importance of bread and bakery products in human nutrition. Abstract Bakery products: importance in nutrition, classification, quality requirements, storage, defects

Nadezhda Korobochkina
The value of bread and bakery products in human nutrition

Lesson Objectives:

1. Educational - to familiarize students with baking properties of flour;, dough products; teach to determine the good quality of flour by the organoleptic method;

2. Developing - to develop the ability to compare and analyze, interest in learning;

3. Educational- to cultivate independence and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work to the team, the ability to work in a team, a culture of communication, accuracy and culture of work in the performance of work.

Lesson method: Conversation, explanation, practical work.

illustrative materials: Collection of flour; Images bakery, flour culinary and confectionery products.

During the classes

I. Organizational part (3 min)

1. Checking work clothes and readiness for the lesson.

II. Presentation of new material (26 min.)

1. Activation of cognitive activity - questions to participants:

What do you think importance of bread and bakery products in human nutrition?

Name what you know bakery products?

2. Lecture of the teacher.

"A hunk of well-baked wheat of bread is one of the greatest inventions human mind". K. A. Timiryazev

Products from dough - the most important product human nutrition. Bread and baked goods contain proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals. More than 35 million tons are produced in our country. bakery products per year, about 600 various kinds of bread, bakery, lamb, crackers products, as well as dietary and special destination. indicators nutritional value of these products is a high calorie content and good digestibility by the body. Not in vain people from ancient times to the present Bread the daily calls the very first shrine. Golden words we do not forget entitled: Bread- everything has its head in the field, in the house, in the state. The work of a baker has always been considered one of the most difficult professions. Currently, hard work in bakeries is mechanized.

Organization of a workplace for preparing dishes from dough and products.

Labor safety rules.

Getting started with food products, first organize

workplace, prepare necessary utensils, tools for work. In accordance with the instruction card or according to the recipe, products are selected. Dishes and appliances for kneading and cutting dough are placed to the right of the worker, products to the left. Inventory and equipment for processing and baking products from the dough are placed on the desktop near the gas stove.

Crockery, tools and appliances for cooking dough products:

For kneading dough: sieve, measuring cup, enameled bowls, pans, wooden spoon, mixer, beaters.

For cutting dough: board and rolling pin, circular knife, cookie cutters.

For baking dough: baking sheet, sheets, moulds, oven, electric waffle iron

For filing products from the dough use a spatula and confectionery tongs. Labor safety rules when using a gas stove oven

1. Before lighting the stove oven burner, ventilate it by opening it for 2-3 minutes.

2. To avoid burns, do not touch the stove body.

3. Do not open the door of the switched on oven, for baking products observe through a viewing glass.

4. Take out product from the oven only after the burner has been switched off.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Overalls for practical work must be clean.

You can not stab it with pins, keep personal toilet items in your pockets.

Hair must be tied back under a scarf, hands washed with soap and water.

Test types. The raw material used for its preparation.

Assortment of flour products:

1. Bakery products (bread, rolls, loaves, small pastry, etc.).

2. Flour culinary products(pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pies, pies, kulebyaki, dumplings).

3. Flour confectionery products(pastries, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, gingerbread, waffles).

Flour products obtained from various tests. Depending on the consistency, the dough can be thick, liquid, and according to the method of preparation - yeast and unleavened. Depending on the amount of pastry put, the dough is not rich and rich.

Unleavened dough according to the kneading method can be puff, shortbread, custard,

biscuit. Many flour products characteristic of the Russian cuisine: Russian "lace" pancakes, kulebyaki, pancakes, kalachi, gingerbread, pies and dumplings have always been richly decorated holiday tables. From time immemorial, this has become a tradition, distinguishing and glorifying the Russian culinary school, her masters. It is a wonderful tradition that has survived to this day to meet dear eminent or honored guests of the newlyweds. bread with salt - a symbol of hospitality, prosperity, wealth. The following products are used to prepare the dough.

Flour is a powdered product that is obtained by grinding the grains of wheat, rye, corn, etc. It is the carrier of all the necessary for the body nutrients. Depending on the type of grain used, there are wheat, rye, cornmeal. I determine the quality of flour by color, smell, taste.

Water. Depending on the type of dough, various liquids are used - water, milk, kefir, etc. The presence of milk in the dough increases nutritional value bakery and confectionery. Yogurt and yogurt loosen the dough. Yeast can be pressed, dry, liquid. The duration of the fermentation process of the dough and its looseness depend on the quality of the yeast.

Edible salt affects the processes occurring in the dough during fermentation and its physical properties, it is used as a flavoring agent.

Additional Products: fats, sugar, eggs.

Additional products are introduced into the recipe to increase the nutritional value of imparting specific, taste, aromatic and physical and mechanical properties. bread and bakery products. For aromatization and improvement of taste, smell bakery and confectionery, creams, minced meats, aromatic additives are used - products of plant origin that have a specific taste and aroma due to the content in them essential oils. Most often used vanilla, cinnamon, zest.

Vanilla is the fruit of a climbing plant in the form of pods 20-25 cm long. When ground, it is a white powder. Vanilla is introduced immediately before the heat treatment of the dough.

Cinnamon is the bark of the cinnamon tree. When ground, it is light brown in color with a sweet, slightly pungent taste.

Zest is the outer layer of the rind of citrus fruits. (lemon, mandarin orange).

Dough prepared without baking powder is dense. This dough is suitable for making dumplings, noodles, dumplings. Loosening methods can be.


Biochemical, based on the vital activity of yeast;

Chemical - the introduction of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or ammonium carbonate;

Mechanical - with the help of whipping, layering with fat.

III. Consolidation of the studied material (8 min.)

test questions:

What utensils, tools and fixtures are used for kneading and. test sections?

What equipment is used for baking pies, cakes?

Tell us about the rules for working with an oven.

How is the dough divided according to the consistency and method of preparation?

Tell us about the main raw materials for making dough.

Tell us about the additional raw materials for making dough.

What are the quality indicators of flour?

Tell me about the methods of loosening the dough.

IV. Lesson summary (3 min.)

Analysis of errors and their causes. Reporting the evaluation of the work of each participant.

BREAD- a brilliant invention of mankind. There are few values ​​in the world that, like bread, would not lose their significance for a day or an hour. When you want to eat, the first thing you remember is bread. And who among us will doubt that the smell of hot bread is one of the best in the world. You can't confuse it with any other. Because bread smells like bread. Beautiful words about bread were written by Ataman Ogyueg Permentier, who lived in the 18th century. “Bread,” Permentier wrote, “is a generous gift of nature, a food that cannot be replaced by anything else. When we get sick, we lose our taste for bread. last turn; and as soon as it appears again, it is a sign of recovery. Bread can be consumed at any time of the day, at any age, in any mood; it makes other food taste better, and is the main cause of both good and bad digestion. Whatever it is eaten with, with meat or any other dish, it does not lose its attractiveness. Man needs it so much that, having barely been born into the world, we can no longer do without it, and it does not bother us until the hour of death.

Bread products are one of the main human foodstuffs. daily consumption of bread different countries ah is from 150 to 500 g per capita.

In Russia, bread is traditionally consumed a lot - on average, up to 330 g per day. During periods of economic instability, the consumption of bread inevitably increases, since bread is one of the cheapest foodstuffs.

Due to the consumption of bread, a person almost half satisfies his need for carbohydrates, a third for proteins, more than half for B vitamins, phosphorus and iron salts. Bread from wheat wallpaper or rye flour almost completely satisfies the need for dietary fiber.

The digestibility of bread is largely related to its organoleptic characteristics, primarily such as taste, aroma, looseness of the crumb, which form the concept of bread quality. The quality of bread is determined by the composition and properties of the components included in its composition, as well as by the processes occurring in the dough during its maturation and baking of dough pieces.

Modern bakery production is characterized by high level mechanization and automation of technological processes of bread production, the introduction of new technologies and the constant expansion of the range of bakery products, as well as the widespread introduction of small-capacity enterprises of various forms of ownership. All this requires high professional training, knowledge of technology and the ability to perform technological operations for the preparation of wheat and rye dough, for cutting and baking various types of products.


assortment bread product

The purpose of this work: the study and consideration of the new in the assortment of bakery products.

In accordance with GOST 16814-88 "Baking production. Terms and definitions", bakery products mean a food product baked from flour, yeast, salt, water and additional raw materials for bakery products. GOST 16814-88 (GOST is not valid in the Russian Federation. Instead of GOST 16814-71.). Bakery production. Terms and Definitions. Introduction 09/23/88 - Access mode:

It's no secret that bread in our country has always been a product not only accessible to all segments of the population, but also a strategic one. And today it takes on special significance. The assortment of bakery products is very diverse depending on the method of baking, the mass of the presence of the rich component, the moisture content of the crumb. At present, great importance is attached to the production of products for medical and preventive purposes.

Such a product group as bakery products is getting more and more improved over time, more and more manufacturers of this product appear, the assortment of bakery products is replenished, and the quality is improving.

Bread in a person's life

In Russia, bread is traditionally considered one of the staple foods consumed all year round regardless of the season by all groups of the population. The daily consumption of bread in different countries ranges from 150 to 500 g per capita, in Russia on average - 320-330 g. In a lifetime, a person eats a total of 15 tons of bread, and most of it is consumed along with other food products, then eating bread acts as a necessary supplement to almost any food. Barykin K.K. The bread we eat - M.: Politizdat, 1982

The value of bread in human nutrition, its nutritional value

Due to the consumption of bread, a person satisfies almost half the body's need for carbohydrates, a third for fats and a quarter for proteins of plant origin. Bread made from wheat or rye flour almost completely satisfies the need for dietary fiber and most B vitamins.

The nutritional value of bread is determined primarily by its calorie content, digestibility and the content of additional nutritional factors in it: vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. At the same time, regular intake of bread with food also has a great physiological meaning, because bread gives the mass of food consumed a favorable texture and structure, which contributes to the most efficient work of the digestive tract and the most complete wetting of food with digestive juices. Thus, bread serves not only as a source of necessary substances, but also plays important role in nutritional physiology.

Safina Razilya Rishatovna

Bread is a food product made from flour. It is believed that the word "bread" Greek origin, ancient Greek bakers used special pots - klibanos - to produce this product. As for the origin of the Russian word "bread", it was associated with the borrowed name Gleb, or the verb "slurp".

The constant abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people living on Earth. Bread is not expensive, but not everyone knows how hard it is to get it, what is its true price. Before getting to our table, bread goes a long and difficult way. In order to grow grain in the fields, day and night, under the scorching sun and heavy rains, thousands of people work in more than 120 professions (breeders, agronomists, engineers, machine operators, elevator workers, flour millers, designers, machine drivers, bakers, salesmen, tractor drivers, combine operators and many others).



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Kazan National Research Technological University"


Nomination " Technology of bread, confectionery

and pasta»

Research work

"The Importance of Bread in the Nutrition of the Population"

Performed: Safina Razilya Rishatovna

8th grade student

MBOU "Kzyl Tau secondary school

named after M.Kh. Gainullin

Supervisor : Safina Ilsiyar Vazykhzyanovna

chemistry teacher

Kazan, 2018

Introduction …………………………………………………………………

II. Main part :

  1. Importance of bread in human life……………………………………

2. Research part:

1. Consumption rate and nutritional value of bread…………………

2. The study of the quality of bread at JSC "Karatun KhPP"…………..

3. Taste different types of bread.

4. A variety of bread in the outlet of the village of Kzyl-Tau ....

5. Homebaked bread……………………………………………………….

6. Attitude towards bread………………………………………………………

III. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………


Bread is a food product made from flour. It is believed that the word "bread" is of Greek origin, the ancient Greek bakers used special pots - klibanos - to produce this product. As for the origin of the Russian word "bread", it was associated with the borrowed name Gleb, or the verb "slurp".

The constant abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people living on Earth. Bread is not expensive, but not everyone knows how hard it is to get it, what is its true price. Before getting to our table, bread goes a long and difficult way. In order to grow grain in the fields, day and night, under the scorching sun and heavy rains, thousands of people work in more than 120 professions (breeders, agronomists, engineers, machine operators, elevator workers, flour millers, designers, machine drivers, bakers, salesmen, tractor drivers, combine operators and many others).

II. Main part :

  1. Importance of bread in human life.

Bread is a brilliant invention of mankind. There are few values ​​in the world that, like bread, would not lose their significance for a day or an hour. When you want to eat, the first thing you remember is bread. And who among us will doubt that the smell of hot bread is one of the best in the world. You can't confuse it with any other. Because bread smells like bread. Beautiful words about bread were written by Antoine Aposte Per-mentier, who lived in the 18th century. “Bread,” wrote Permentier, “is a generous gift of nature, such food that cannot be replaced by anything else. Having fallen ill, we lose the taste for bread last; and as soon as it appears again, it is a sign of recovery. Bread can be consumed at any time of the day, at any age, in any mood; it makes other food taste better, and is the main cause of both good and bad digestion. Whatever it is eaten with, with meat or any other dish, it does not lose its attractiveness. Man needs it so much that, having barely been born into the world, we can no longer do without it, and it does not bother us until the hour of death.

Bread products are one of the main human foodstuffs. Daily consumption of bread in different countries ranges from 150 to 500 g per capita.

In Russia, it is traditionally consumed a lot - on average, up to 330 g per day. During periods of economic instability, the consumption of bread inevitably increases, since bread is one of the cheapest foodstuffs.

Bread contains many of the most important nutrients needed by man; among them are proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber.

Due to the consumption of bread, a person almost half satisfies his need for carbohydrates, a third for proteins, more than half for B vitamins, phosphorus and iron salts. Bread made from whole wheat or rye flour almost completely satisfies the need for dietary fiber.

The digestibility of bread is largely related to its organoleptic characteristics, primarily such as taste, aroma, looseness of the crumb, which form the concept of bread quality. The quality of bread is determined by the composition and properties of the components included in its composition, as well as by the processes occurring in the dough during its maturation and baking of dough pieces.

Modern bakery production is characterized by a high level of mechanization and automation of bread production processes, the introduction of new technologies and the constant expansion of the range of bakery products.

That is why they say about him: "Bread is the head of everything." It also occupies an important place in the spiritual life of a person: for the ancient Greeks, bread was a gift from the gods, in India it was believed that the life of a person who did not eat bread would be unhappy, in Russia bread has always been a symbol of prosperity.

According to historical information, bread appeared on earth about fifteen thousand years ago. It was made from grains ground with stones and water, over time, sour milk began to be used for its preparation, but the ancient Egyptians were the first to learn how to bake real bread using yeast. They discovered a way to leaven the dough by fermenting, resulting in a soft and fluffy bread that was not only tastier than before, but could also be kept fresh longer. This method of baking bread passed from the Egyptians to the Greeks, it was borrowed from the Greeks by the Romans, who eventually developed their improved technology and spread it throughout the conquered territory.

At the end of the XIX century. the first bakery enterprises appeared, which began to displace artisanal ones. In Moscow, for example, the baker Filippov was famous. His company developed a wide range of bakery products, many of which are still produced today. By 1905, the Filippovs' firm had 16 bakeries and bakeries in Moscow alone, as well as branches in six more cities. The main enterprise was located on Tverskaya, 10 and included crackers, lamb, confectionery departments, two departments of German bread, Riga, St. Petersburg canteen, unbuttoned, black, white and Swedish bread, fried pies, rolls.

By the beginning of the First World War (1914) in Russia there were only a few large bakery enterprises in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kronstadt. Small handicraft bakeries predominated. The beginning of the creation of a modern domestic baking industry, capable of freeing up a large amount of manual labor and providing the population with high-quality bread, was laid in the late 20s and early 30s by the construction of large highly mechanized bakeries. Bread business acquired industrial features, bakeries were equipped with modern technology. During the years of the pre-war five-year plans, 280 bakeries were put into operation in the country. In 1940, more than 55% of all products were produced at bakeries.

The value of bread in human nutrition is actually enormous. Bread contains many vital nutrients, such as: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral compounds, dietary fiber. With daily consumption of bread, a person can fully satisfy the need for dietary fiber, half for carbohydrates and B vitamins, iron and phosphorus salts, and one third for proteins and calories.

In addition, bread has its own distinctive feature - it never gets boring, as it has a constant digestibility. The digestibility of bread is related to the peculiarity of its chemical composition. Bread proteins are denatured, starch is in a gelatinized form, and fats are part of complexes with carbohydrates, proteins and other components. This consistency and structure contributes to the most efficient digestion, due to which other foods eaten with bread are better absorbed. Since rye flour is rich in folic acid, iron, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, Rye bread has a great biological value, and also acidity than wheat. That is why most of the various biological additives are added to bread from wheat flour. It should also be noted that the more bran particles are contained in bakery products, the more useful they are. Indeed, in these particles there are biologically useful material necessary to maintain the health and life of any person.

There is a wide range of bakery products designed to reduce the risk of diseases for people who live in ecologically unfavorable areas, as well as for therapeutic and preventive nutrition of preschool and school children.

One of the most important characteristics of the quality of bread and bakery products are indicators such as moisture and acidity of these food products. In my work, I want to learn how to determine these indicators, to study the compliance of these characteristics with existing requirements (regulatory documents), as well as the possibility of bread consumption depending on the above indicators by various groups of the population.

2. The study of the quality of bread at JSC "Karatun KhPP".

"Whose bread?" - people ask in the outlets of our village and take the bread of our native Karatun bakery with pleasure.

We made an excursion to this enterprise, and found out that the bakery provides the inhabitants of the Apastovsky district with its products. OAO"Karatun HPP"The main activity of the enterprise is the production of bakery products.Number of 102 people. Currently, the output is 1.5 tons per day.

OJSC "Karatun HPP" "is the main supplier of bread and bakery products to the residents of the Apastovsky district. All production processes at the enterprise are mechanized, there is a warehouse for bulk storage of flour. The enterprise has its own vehicles, including a flour truck and grain vans for the delivery of products to consumers. Currently, the bakery produces a wide range ofbakery and confectionery products in accordance with the approved GOST using Russian traditional technology in the production of products. Bread is created by a natural fermentation method, without precocious improvers, leavening agents and chemical additives that are harmful to human health. In other words, we can say this: produced at the enterprise JSC " Karatun HPP ”, bakery products are an environmentally friendly product.

All raw materials entering the enterprise are controlled by the production laboratory. The main supplier of flour for baking bread is the Karatun flour-grinding plant, which occupies one of the leading places in Tatarstan in terms of the quality of its raw materials.

The technological service of the enterprise has developed and mastered over 30 types of bread and bakery products and continues to work on expanding the range. Among the new products are custard breads, bread with bran, dietary varieties, which are preferred by people with cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, leading a sedentary lifestyle.

The weight of a loaf of bread is from 600g to 650g. The range of manufactured bakery products is diverse.

OJSC "Karatun HPP" » more than 16 types of bakery products.

3. Taste qualities of different types of bread.

Raw material. For the manufacture of bread, the main and additional raw materials are used. The main raw materials include flour, water, yeast and salt; to the additional - fats, sugar, molasses, dairy products, malt, egg and egg products, bran or whole grains, nuts, raisins, spices, etc.

flour use baking wheat and rye different varieties. To ensure consistent bread quality, it is possible to mix different batches of flour of different quality. For example, low gluten flour can be mixed with high gluten flour. In order to improve the baking properties of low quality flour, improvers can be used. Due to the combination of various components, improvers have a wide range of effects on the quality of bread and pastries, namely, they improve the biological properties of the dough, cause the formation and ensure the retention of gases, increase the plasticity and water-holding capacity of the dough.

On the preparatory stage flour must be sifted to separate impurities and saturate the air with oxygen. Then it is passed through magnetic apparatus to remove metal impurities.

Water must comply with the drinking water standard. Water hardness is due to the content of calcium and magnesium salts, which not only do not worsen the quality of bread, but sometimes even improve it, strengthening weak gluten, and also provide the human body with salts. For regions with soft drinking water, such as the Neva, it is proposed to carry out its mineralization, i.e. enrichment with calcium and magnesium salts. When kneading the dough, use water heated to 30 ° C to ensure optimum temperature test.

Yeast - unicellular microorganisms used for loosening wheat dough and providing the necessary porosity of the product. For their normal life, a liquid medium containing nutrients, an appropriate reaction of the medium and temperature conditions are necessary. In the baking industry, pressed, dried, liquid yeast is used. It is possible to use frozen yeast after its slow thawing at a temperature of 6-8 °C. Yeast is premixed with warm water. For the production of rye bread and some varieties of wheat bread, sourdough is used.

  1. Variety of bread at the outlet in the village of Kzyl-Tau.

The assortment of bakery products is large and varied. The store has a department where we can easily buy bread, as well as buns, lavash, flatbread and other flour products.

  1. Homebaked bread.

Since ancient times, bread has been baked at home.

Homemade bread recipe:

  • Warm water - 600 ml
  • Milk-200 ml
  • Sunflower oil - a glass
  • Salt-2 tsp
  • Sugar-4 tbsp
  • Wheat flour-1200 g
  • Fast Acting Moist, Fresh Yeast

Baking time-1h30min

I think that this is the best homemade bread because it is without any artificial additives.

  1. relationship with bread

What was relation to bread? Bread was highly valued and revered by man. Bread stood on a par with the sun and gold. In ancient Egyptian cursive writing, bread, the sun and gold were designated by one symbol: a circle with a dot in the middle. Songs and hymns were composed about bread. In the tomb of one of the Egyptian pharaohs, there is a picture on the wall with a detailed depiction of bread making. In the museum of Egypt there is a figurine of a dough mixer, it is several thousand years old.

In some countries it was believed that bread has healing properties and cures many diseases, for example: by inhaling the smell of freshly baked bread, a runny nose was treated, and by stale bread - diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Throughout its history, mankind has not been provided with bread in sufficient quantities, it has never been enough. That's whyrelation to breadwas always respected and respected, life depended on it.

III. Conclusions

As a result of my research, I concluded that the store in our village sells quality bread. However, while researching various types of bread (both wheat and rye), I wondered which bread is healthier?Bread made from rye flour effectively removes harmful substances from the body - heavy metal salts, radioactive substances and increases life expectancy, because the use of bread rich in fiber has a beneficial effect on the whole digestive system the human body, improves bowel function, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries. However, according to my research, its acidity is higher than bread made from wheat flour. It is known that the use of high acidity bread (rye varieties) can lead to an exacerbation chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Bread baked from wheat flour has a lower acidity than bread made from rye, and it also contains nutrients. However, I find it less useful for everyday nutrition. During a tour of the bakery, I learned thatThere are varieties of bread that are recommended by doctors. By changing the chemical composition of bread and bakery products, various dietary types of bread are baked: with a reduced carbohydrate content for patients with phenylketonuria .; salt-free - for patients with hypertension and having problems with the kidneys, cardiovascular system; with low aciditylow-acid bun I studied)for people suffering from stomach ulcers. But what about a healthy person? I believe that in the diet healthy person there may be bread from both rye flour and wheat flour. Undoubtedly, the benefits of eating bread are great, there is still no such product that would replace bread.


  1. Microcosm. Children's encyclopedia - ROSMEN, 2014. - 96s.; ill.
  2. Tsekhansky, S.P.

Great Children's Encyclopedia, 5000 events, facts, phenomena / S.P. Tsekhansky. - Moscow: AST, 2014. - 160 p.; ill. - (Children's Encyclopedia)

  1. Nesmeyanov A.N. Food of the future. For middle and high school age. 2nd edition. Authors: A.N. Nesmeyanov, V. M. Belikov. Moscow: Pedagogika Publishing House 2012 – Series “Scientists for Schoolchildren”
  2. Internet resources

Krasnousolskaya Bashkir gymnasium - boarding school

Section: primary classes

Bread and its importance in our life

Vagapov Dinar

2 "A" class

scientific adviser

Khisametdinova Venus

Nurislamovna, teacher

2009 - 2010 academic year


Introduction..……………………………………………………………..3-5 pp.

Part 1. The history of the emergence of bread…….……………..….. 6-7 pp.

Part 2. Bread in the 21st century……….…………….………………...….7-8 pp.

2.1. Is bread healthy?

2.2. bread for health

Conclusion……………..…………………………………….………….9 p.

List of used literature………………………….…..10 p.


From time immemorial, bread has been assigned a special role among all foodstuffs. Neither a festive nor an everyday table can do without bread, because a meal without bread is not able to saturate and deliver real pleasure. Bread is truly a one of a kind product with a rich history, and there is no cuisine in the world where bread is not present. Each nation added its own ingredients to bread: the ancient Romans and Greeks added anise, coriander, nuts and even garlic to the dough, Asians ate bread with soy, and the inhabitants of Burgundy - with dried fruits and acacia honey. In Russia, bread has always been treated with great respect, dear guests were greeted with bread and salt, and during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds put their hands on the bread. Bread is able to satisfy the daily need human body in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. Moreover, wholemeal bread is recommended not only for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also as dietary product nutrition. Bread in the house is a symbol of well-being and wealth, as bread has saved entire nations from hunger more than once. This product was also endowed with some mystical power: it was believed that if you take bread on the road, it will not only always saturate, but will also protect on the way. Bread can be used as an absolutely independent food product, and there is no other such product in any cuisine of the world. Since ancient times, bread has been considered the sacred thing that had to be counted and kept in any situation, and no matter how many centuries pass, bread will always remain a symbol of life itself.

    The history of bread

15 thousand years ago, man first began to use grains of wild cereals in food. At first they ate the grains raw, then they began to grind them between stones and add water. The very first bread was liquid mealy-grain, like porridge. Something similar is eaten today by some tribes of Asia and Africa. A great leap in the use of grain occurred with the mastery of fire by man. He began to roast the grains before mixing them with water. The resulting porridge was tastier than before. The next stage: baking on hot stones, a fire or between stone disks of unleavened cakes from thick grain porridge. The burnt hard cakes that our ancestors obtained did not really look like bread, but this was the beginning of bread baking. The ancient Egyptians made an epoch-making discovery - loosening the dough for fermentation (work baker's yeast and lactic acid bacteria). The great Russian scientist K.A. Timiryazev called bread made from fermented dough the greatest invention of the human mind, one of those empirical discoveries that later scientific research has only to confirm and explain. The function of yeast is the production of sugary substances contained in the flour of carbon dioxide and alcohol. A gaseous shell develops around each yeast cell, which transforms into a pore during baking. Thanks to a large number Since then, bread acquires its extraordinary qualities - splendor and softness. Bread was and remains one of the essential products in the world. Take, for example, the history of Australia. Many of the first settlers were exiled to this mainland for stealing bread. Flour was the most important food raw material in the state markets. The first bakery was opened by a resident of Sydney, John Palmer, who came to Australia on a warship. Bread production relied on manual, manufacturing labor until the early 1900s. In 1908, in Milbourne, this process was first mechanized with the help of machinery. In Russia, the main type of bread was sour black bread. They also baked sieve (the flour was sifted through a sieve) and white from grains. But ordinary people, hardly, could even afford to taste “Boyarsky” bread for the holiday. Bread was highly valued. Therefore, there was a respectful attitude towards bakers. In some countries, they were even exempt from taxes. In lean years, bread was worth its weight in gold, all kinds of vegetable additives were mixed into flour. In 1638, according to the census, there were 2367 artisans in Moscow, of which: 52 bread bakers, 43 baked gingerbread, 7 pancakes, 12 baked sieve bread. At that time, there were many bakeries in Moscow called “bread huts”. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th, pretzels, bagels, bagels, and rolls were popular in Russia.

    Bread in the 21st century

2.1 Is bread healthy?

Bread is a product containing proteins (5.5-9.5%), carbohydrates (42-50%), B vitamins, mineral salts (calcium, iron, phosphorus - 1.4-2.5%), organic acids . Bread satisfies almost all the human body's need for carbohydrates, a third for proteins, more than half for B vitamins, phosphorus and iron salts. On the great importance of bread in the diet of I.P. Pavlov wrote: "It is not for nothing that care for bread dominates over all the phenomena of human life. It represents that ancient connection that connects all living beings, including man, with the entire environment."

Everyone must have read the tale of G.Kh. Andersen's "The Girl Who Stepped on Bread": "Without hesitation, Inge threw her bread into a puddle in order to step on it and cross the puddle without getting her feet wet. But as soon as she stepped on the bread with one foot, and raised the other, intending to step into a dry place, the bread began to sink deeper and deeper into the ground with her - only black bubbles went through the puddle! "Here bread is perceived as a symbol of a holy and pure life. For Russian people, bread from time immemorial has been not only food, but also an object of national pride and well-being.

Now the most relevant issue is the usefulness of bread. Let's try to figure it out.

Many scientists believe that bread should be excluded from the diet, this is partly due to the fact that when baking bread at high temperatures (200-300 degrees), the structure of proteins, fiber, water and mineral salts contained in bread is destroyed. Should I give up bread? It is impossible to give a definite answer. If you have free time and desire, you can bake bread yourself, it is better to do it in water or steam at a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees (see bread recipes). Of course, the taste sensation is not so pleasant, but this will allow you to be sure that your body receives all the nutrients and vitamins that make up the bread. At present, bread varieties with various additives enriched with vitamins and minerals. If bread is one of the most important food products, then flour is certainly the most important element in the production of bread. Flour is produced as a result of grinding grains of wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, peas, etc. In addition to flour, the minimum yield of which when grinding is about 70%, side substances are formed: flour dust, bran, etc. Flour of each type is divided into varieties that differ in quality, physical and chemical properties. Wheat flour is of the highest, I and II grades, grains, wallpaper. Rye - seeded, peeled, wallpaper. Chemical composition different types of flour are presented in the table:



Protein %

Carbohydrate. %


fabric %





kJ value


Top grade







1 grade







2 grade




































According to the content of proteins, as well as vitamins B1, B2, PP and E, flour of the 2nd grade and wholemeal are more complete in comparison with semolina and flour of I and premium grades. Beneficial features flour directly depends on its composition. Of the carbohydrates, starch is of the greatest importance, its content in flour reaches 75% and above. The quality of starch has a significant impact on the quality of flour. The content of soluble carbohydrates is low. Flour contains 12-15% nitrogenous substances. The main nitrogenous substances are proteins. The most important are gliadin (soluble in alcohol) and glutenin (soluble in weak alkali). Increased content fat in flour characterizes its low grades.

In addition to rye and wheat flour, other types are also produced. oatmeal used to make biscuits and nutritional mixtures for children. Cakes are made from barley flour. Pancake wheat flour - a mixture of wheat flour with additives (egg powder, powdered milk, soda, powdered sugar and etc.).

2.2 Bread for health

A person consumes bread both on weekdays and on holidays, in the morning and in the evening. It is impossible to imagine dinner without bread. Bread has earned such respect due to its qualities. The simplest bread includes almost all the nutrients a person needs. One interesting feature bread - it does not bother and does not cease to be useful even when stale. It has long been proven that eating only bread, the body receives all the substances necessary for a full life. Proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins contained in wheat or rye grain retain their biological activity for a long time. On average, grains of wheat and rye contain 10...13% proteins, 60...70% carbohydrates, 2.5...4% fats. When a person eats rye and wheat bread, the body provides its need for proteins by 25 ... 30%, in carbohydrates - by 30 ... 40%. The composition of bread includes valuable proteins, consisting of essential amino acids. By eating bread together with animal protein, a person provides himself with high-grade quality nutrition. There are a lot of B vitamins in bread: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (PP). Thiamine is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Its deficiency leads to disease nervous system, numbness of the limbs. Vitamin B2 is involved in the processes of tissue respiration and the formation of energy in the body. In case of deficiency, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes are formed, vision deteriorates. Vitamin PP is the main regulator of oxidative processes in the body. With its lack, rapid fatigue, weakness, irritability and skin diseases develop. How much bread can you eat in a day? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. With a varied diet, including products of both plant and animal origin, it is quite enough to eat about 300-400 g of Bread per day. However, with minor disease states, the amount of bread included in the diet should be reduced. For example, for an obese person, a doctor may recommend reducing the amount of bread in the diet to 100-150 g per day. The question often arises: which bread is healthier - rye or wheat? Given the lower calorie content of rye bread, it should be consumed more often than wheat bread by those who are inclined to be overweight. For most healthy people, rye bread made from wholemeal flour is healthier. But rye bread is not recommended for exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis with hyperacidity. In such cases, wheat bread, lean crackers are shown. The range of dietary varieties of bread intended for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases is constantly increasing. Some people, wanting to lose weight, exclude bread from their diet. However, at the same time, they do not care about the fact that the body receives in sufficient quantities from other products all those useful substances that are contained in bread. An effective assistant to doctors in the fight against various diseases serve medical and dietary products from bread.

How to store bread so that it does not lose its taste and nutritional properties? There are many ways to store bread. Never make large stocks of flour. This is only in the villages, due to certain circumstances and because bread is baked there every day, the inhabitants stock up bags of flour. It is enough for townspeople to buy a bag of flour and use it right there. But if you still have flour left, store it in a special container (tin or glass), and not in plastic bags. Sift the flour every time before preparing baked goods, preferably twice. Stock up on bread for the future, unlike some other products, we can not. He begins to stale, and even moldy. So far, it has not been possible to create non-stale bread, although many experts are working on this problem. This is explained by the fact that the composition of bread includes starch polysaccharides, which in normal conditions storage quickly pass from a soluble state to an insoluble one. All kinds of additives only slow down this process. And to throw out stale bread - the hand does not rise. Still, each of us has certain moral and moral principles. How can you keep bread longer? Do not store rye and wheat bread together. Rye bread has higher humidity and mold earlier. And if you have a bread box with one section, store rye bread in a plastic bag, with several holes punched, say, with a hole punch. Never put hot bread in a plastic bag, let it cool down. Since ancient times, in the Urals and Siberia, freshly baked bread was frozen, and, as needed, loaves were heated in a Russian oven. The bread again became soft, ruddy, with a delicious crispy crust. And many of us, adhering to the principle of antiquity, store bread in the refrigerator. And is it right? It turns out that bread stales the fastest at a temperature of +2 degrees. This is the temperature on the top shelf of the refrigerator, where most of us store bread. For long-term storage of bread, a temperature of -25 degrees is best suited. And if you have freezers, store bread in them for health. And as needed, put the frozen bread in the oven for ten minutes, but in a tightly closed pan, and get fragrant hot bread. And if you don’t want to bother with warming up, just without taking off plastic bag, put the bread on the table, and in two hours it will be ready to eat. You can freeze bread by cutting it into pieces. Then, when defrosting, you will take as many slices of bread as you need. And a few more old-fashioned tips for storing bread and slowing down its staling. Start cutting a whole loaf or loaf not from the edge, but from the middle. Cut the loaf in half, cut from the middle right amount slices, and fold the remaining parts tightly together with slices and store. Place the loaf cut in the same way vertically. This makes it possible to more tightly combine the slices. The bread, as it were, remains protected on both sides and does not get stale longer. Bread does not go stale so quickly if you put a piece of sugar, a small peeled potato or an apple slice in the bread box. They absorb excess moisture quite well and help maintain the humidity level at the same level. Mold is another problem associated with bread storage. How to get rid of it? Keep the bread box close to the window, in a well-lit, best of all sunny place. A handful of salt placed in a tightly closed bread box will prevent bread from mold. Salt is a good preservative that inhibits the development of microorganisms. From mold, as well as from unpleasant odors, a piece of charcoal wrapped in gauze will help if you put it in a bread box. Charcoal perfectly absorbs smells and excessive moisture. Lemon peel helps to rid the bread box of mold, as well as the invasion of domestic ants and cockroaches. Lemon will also eliminate the unpleasant specific smell fresh bread. Vinegar works for the same purpose. Rags moistened with vinegar are placed in the corners of the bread box. After regular washing and drying the bread box, it is useful to wipe its inner walls with a cloth moistened with vinegar. Acetic acid corrodes the mold and neutralizes the penicillins contained in it, which, when decomposed, release unpleasant-smelling substances. But if, nevertheless, the bread is stale, it is not difficult to restore it. Experts say that even stale bread does not lose its palatability and aroma. So let's save the bread! 1. Dried bread, sprinkled with water, and even better wrapped in wet paper, place in the oven. Please note that this method is not suitable for sprinkled rich varieties. 2. Put the dried bread in a saucepan, tightly close the lid and put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 120-130 degrees. 3. In large saucepan with water, place a smaller saucepan on the stand. Put the bread in it, cover with a lid and hold on low heat until the smell of fresh bread appears. This is the easiest and most reliable way, as it does not allow the bread to burn if you forget about it, and you will receive bread like from a bakery - fresh and fragrant. And, finally, you can always dry crackers from stale bread, which can then be used with broth, soup, etc. Store crackers in clean linen bags, and you can always use them for breading, making kissels, casseroles and kvass. In general, a few laudatory words should be said about crackers. Firstly, it is a good alternative to bread for first courses. Rusks have a fairly low moisture content (8-12%), which prevents the formation of mold fungi and other microorganisms. Secondly, crackers are hygroscopic, easily absorb moisture and gastric juice, and therefore are easily absorbed by the body. Thirdly, crackers contain little coarse, hard-to-digest fiber, and wheat crackers have a much lower acidity than bread. Therefore, they are used in diet food with gastrointestinal diseases. And, besides, crackers never get bored, and you can cook various, original and delicious dishes with them. What is caused not by poverty, but by folk traditions. After all, if you study the culinary archives of different countries and peoples, you will definitely be able to find dishes using bread and crackers.


Bread occupies a special place in our diet. Without bread, it is impossible to imagine the diet of both a healthy person and those. who needs diet food. In addition, bread has a rather rare food products property - it never bothers, which allows you to include it in the diet every day.

Now the most urgent question is about the usefulness of bread. Let's try to figure it out.

To prevent diseases in a healthy person, bread baked from coarse flour with the inclusion of bran or whole (crushed) grains is especially useful. It has higher content dietary fiber necessary to reduce calories, proper bowel function and removal of harmful substances from the body.

Many scientists believe that bread should be excluded from the diet, this is partly due to the fact that baking bread at high temperatures (200-300 degrees) destroys the structure of proteins, fiber, water and mineral salts contained in bread. Should I give up bread? It is impossible to give a definite answer. If you have free time and desire, you can bake bread yourself, it is better to do it in water or steam at a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees (see bread recipes). Of course, the taste sensation is not so pleasant, but this will allow you to be sure that your body receives all the nutrients and vitamins that make up the bread. Currently, varieties of bread with various additives, enriched with vitamins and minerals are gaining popularity.

Here are some tips on how to store bread and how to keep it fresh for a long time. It is not recommended to buy a lot of bread at once, from long storage it becomes stale, loses its taste. Bread easily absorbs moisture and other odors, so keep it separate from other foods. Special wooden or plastic bread bins are convenient for storing bread, you can store bread in enamelware with lid. Bread will go stale more slowly if you put a slice of peeled potato, chopped apple or a little salt in the bread box. Stale bread, by the way, is more useful, in addition, it can be used to prepare various dishes, crackers, kvass.