What kind of alcohol drink with lemon. Why and how they drink tequila with salt and lemon: features and interesting facts

Tequila is a traditional Mexican alcoholic drink increased strength, and if you use it, you can no longer do with simple “poured-drank-snacked”, here you need, if not skill and experience, then knowledge of certain rules, otherwise you will not only not appreciate the taste and properties of the drink, but you can also inflict some harm to yourself. Not to mention that you will form a completely wrong idea about tequila as an alcoholic drink.

Tequila: what is it and how is it made?

First of all, it should be noted that the drink got its name from the name of the town, in which the production of tequila was widespread. This is the Mexican town of Tequila, which is located fifty kilometers from Guadalajara, a large city, the state capital. It is here that the blue agave grows, from which the core is subsequently removed to undergo fermentation, distillation and become the main component of tequila.

Depending on the percentage of blue agave juice, the drink is divided into two categories:

  1. Tequila "premium", which is 100% juice; such a product is made only at home, bottled and put on sale there, as a rule, its quantity is limited, and the cost hits the wallet of the average person.
  2. Tequila "standard" is a kind of mix of sugars, of which, according to Mexican law, at least 51% of blue agave juice is allocated; besides him, the drink is added corn syrup or cane sugar(most common) however they may be substituted with other sugary products at the discretion of the manufacturer.

In addition to this, tequila (its value and, accordingly, the cost) also differ depending on the exposure time after production: the inscriptions “plata” and “blanca” indicate that the product was made no more than two months ago; "joven" - a very young drink, without aging; "reposado" has an exposure of about a year, "añejo" - up to three years, "extra añejo" - more than three years.

Tequila after production, in its original form, has a strength of about 55 degrees, which is significantly higher than the percentage of alcohol contained in traditional Russian vodka. Therefore, before use, it is always diluted to 38-40 degrees and slightly cooled.

For the use of tequila, there are special small narrow tall glasses with a bottom bay, connoisseurs call them "horses". And the process itself needs to be stretched, that is why there are different ways how to drink tequila. The Mexicans explain this by the fact that it takes a lot of time to make it, and every drop of the drink is worth it to taste it properly.

Method one
It involves the use of tequila in almost pure form, without a snack, only diluted to an acceptable strength.

Method two
Before you drink tequila (again, in one gulp, trying to do it in one sip), you need to eat a small chili pepper.

Method three
This is the traditional and most common option, which is based on three main principles - lick, drink and eat. To implement what was conceived in this way, you need a saucer with salt, a glass of tequila and a quarter of lime, its bitter taste with slight sourness perfectly sets off and enriches the taste of the drink itself. Lick the skin between the index finger and thumb of the non-working hand, sprinkle some salt and squeeze a few drops of lime juice on top. Lick it all up and gulp down the tequila, then nibble on the remaining citrus pulp.

In the absence of lime, you can limit yourself to lemon - there will be a difference in taste and perception of the drink, but not so significant. In addition, instead of sprinkling salt on your hands, you can sprinkle the edges of the glass with it (moisten it a little and “dip” it in a saucer with salt).

Method four
It also implies the presence of lemon and salt in the arsenal. Cut the lemon in half and scoop out the pulp to make a makeshift glass. Salt the edges by "dipping" them in a saucer of salt and fill with chilled tequila or add half an ice cube. Often, such an aperitif is treated to newly arrived guests at home parties.

Method five
This method has several names - the Mexicans call it "rapido", which translates as "quickly", and to us it is better known as "tequila boom". Its essence is that a glass of tequila is served with tonic. The glass is covered with the palm of your hand, after which you need to sharply (but not too hard so as not to break) hit it on the countertop or knee, and then drink the bubbling contents in one gulp. This option is also very popular in domestic bars and clubs.

Method six
For this option, you will need a little more preparation - in a shallow saucer you need to mix sugar and cinnamon, and roll an orange slice in the resulting mixture. Thus, you will get an original, with a specific taste, a snack for alcohol.

Some cocktails can only be prepared by professional bartenders with knowledge and a certain skill, but there are also those that are not so difficult to learn how to prepare on their own. Especially if you have a powerful motivational incentive - for example, impress your friends at an upcoming party.

"Submarino" or "Ruff"
In fact, the domestic "Ruff" is slightly different from the traditional Mexican cocktail, but they have the same essence. The Mexicans even determined the exact proportions - you need to take 0.33 ml of tequila and 330 ml of beer. An empty tequila cup is lowered into a mug of beer and gradually filled with a drink; the heavy bottom pulls it down, and both drinks are thus evenly mixed. Often tequila is replaced with regular vodka.

Very popular alcoholic cocktail, which became the progenitor of many similar mixtures that appeared later. The name was invented for a reason - the author of such a successful alcoholic mix is ​​Margarita Samees. To prepare it, you need to mix tequila in a shaker, Cointreau liqueur and lime juice in proportions 3:1:1 and add ice at your discretion.

Bartenders do not get tired of inventing more and more new types of cocktails - among them, options with fruit fillings (usually strawberries or pineapples) are in great demand as additional ingredients. An interesting recipe with caramel - after adding it and thoroughly mixing, the drink gets a golden hue and a sweetish aftertaste. Sometimes components are completely replaced, except for tequila, which creates the base.

Remember that tequila is one of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world, so you should not rush headlong into the pool for the first time - which is good, you can burn your throat. To get started, get acquainted with its taste, drink a couple of glasses not to amaze everyone with your skills, but to taste and adapt to the taste. And try not to keep the drink poured into glasses for a long time - it starts to warm up and loses its taste. In this case, keep an ice bucket handy. Better yet, just drink it.

Video: how to drink tequila

Tequila belongs to the category of spirits. It is produced in Mexico from the blue agave, the real pride of the locals, because this plant cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Tequila is similar in taste and alcohol content (40 percent) to Russian vodka, but these two drinks have several important differences. The first of them is in the technology of preparation: it is a fermentation product of agave juice.

AT last years this type of alcohol has become very popular in Russia, in bar cards and restaurant menus you can find a lot of cocktails based on it. Most of you have probably heard about the existence of special way drink consumption. Fans are wondering why tequila is drunk with salt and how to do it right.

If you carefully study the rules of use, you can quickly learn this art, while not having special knowledge and skills.

To drink this type of alcohol in accordance with all the rules, you need to prepare everything for her. constituents:

  1. Tequila with lemon. Sold in bottles of 0.75 and 1 liter. Among the huge number of brands, you can choose the most popular, for example, Sausa. It is available in gold and silver versions.
  2. Lemon or lime (used in a traditional Mexican recipe).
  3. ordinary salt(connoisseurs also use iodized or marine).
  4. Slices of orange.
  5. Cinnamon powder.
  6. Granulated sugar.
  7. Special stacks for serving a drink - cabillitos.

To understand how tequila is drunk in Mexico, one should consider the traditional way of drinking this drink for most Russian bars. Only "golden" is suitable for him. brand.

Mexicans often drink tequila with Tabasco. There is another way - to wash down the drink with sangrita. However, some true connoisseurs of the drink believe that it is better not to mix it with others in order to fully experience all the notes of this type of alcohol.

How to drink tequila with salt and lime

This way consumption is considered the most famous among gourmets. For this performance, a stack is filled with tequila and a small plate with salt and lime or lemon is placed next to it. Before drinking alcohol, salt is poured into the depression between the thumb and the bent index finger, a few drops of lemon juice are squeezed onto it and licked off. After that, the contents of cabillitos are drunk in one big gulp and seized with a slice of lemon.

Mexicans use several different ways of drinking. Some prefer to eat the lemon before the alcohol, while licking off the mixture of salt and pepper. You can combine the ingredients in any convenient way, for example, dip a lemon in salt and, after biting off a small piece, drink tequila.

Another method is popular, which can often be found in Russian bars: the lime is cut into 2 parts, one of them is completely cleaned and the edges of the resulting stack are sprinkled with salt and the drink is poured inside. This idea is perfect for serving at a party even at home.

Having become acquainted with complete list what they drink tequila with, you can pick up perfect combination for yourself and your guests. It can be consumed before the main meal or after it, served as an addition to a meal with avocado and hot pepper.

What to eat

Before drinking, alcohol should not be placed in the freezer or ice, optimum temperature drinking - room. For those who have never tried this interesting and original drink, it is better not to rush and choose the most suitable way from the popular ones today.

The most interesting cocktails with tequila

The development of the bartender business every year brings more and more new varieties of cocktails with this Mexican drink. Each of them is original and interesting, but it is worth considering the most popular options that you can even cook yourself at home.

If you're a tourist arrival in Mexico, then you're a gringo. You are a good gringo if you honor the traditions of the descendants of the Aztecs and do not climb "into a strange monastery with your charter." But you immediately become a bad gringo if you don’t know how to drink tequila properly. Especially if you're used to drinking it with salt and lemon - "Lick, Shoot, Bite!" - only a very bad gringo drinks tequila like that.

Gringos aren't always bad. So, often, Latin Americans call the visiting audience. It's just slang. But there are cases when this statement acquires a derogatory meaning, in a certain context. You can be 100% sure that you will be called a "bad" gringo if you behave inappropriately in the company of a Mexican. For example, if you offer him to drink tequila with lime and salt.

It so happened that many drinking traditions are imposed on us by manufacturers of alcoholic beverages. Drinking tequila with salt and lemon has been instilled in us for a long time, not without the participation of such giants as the notorious Olmeca and Sauza. Lick, Shoot, Bite! (Lick, Swallow, Bite!) Propaganda went on all fronts, from advertising posters to Hollywood movies. And so it happened. In the homeland of this wonderful drink, Mexico, they drink it in a completely different way. Let's figure out how to drink tequila in an educated society.

How to drink tequila if you're a bad gringo

If you are a bad gringo, you will drink tequila like everyone else - with salt and lime, even worse with lemon. Another marketing ploy. You lick the outer part of the palm between your thumb and forefinger, put a pinch of salt there. In the same fingers you will take a slice of lime or lemon. Then everything is according to the Lick, Shoot, Bite scheme: you lick the salt, drink tequila in one fell swoop, eat a lime / lemon. Done, you're a bad gringo. You're a bad gringo German if instead of salt you took ground cinnamon and orange instead of lemon.

Where this ritual came from is difficult to say. There is an opinion that in the 1930s, tequila with salt and lime was prescribed by doctors to prevent the Spanish flu that hit northern Mexico. You can often hear a more “romantic” version, they say, this is how Latin American peasants drank tequila in the fields: they licked off sweat, drank crappy mezcal and ate whatever came to hand - lime. It sounds very unbelievable.

How to drink tequila if you are a poor gringo

If you're a poor gringo, you're probably going to drink cheap Auchan tequila. Cheap tequila is a bottle labeled silver, blanca (aka plata) or gold. This is tequila without aging, a maximum of 2 months, which cannot boast of a refined taste and aroma. You can read more about the classification of a Mexican drink in this article. Tasting cheap tequila is difficult, but there are at least a couple of ways to brighten up its crappy taste.

Tequila with sangrita for the poor gringo

AT big company cheap tequila can be drunk a little differently. Entertainment is called Banderita (Banderita - from the Spanish "flag"). Pour sangrita into the first shot, tequila into the second, lime juice into the third. Drinks in glasses are the same color as the colors of the Mexican flag - hence the name. Drink according to the following scheme: sangrita, tequila, lime / lemon juice. Done, you poor but drunk and merry gringo.


Basic rules for use

Today, some ways of drinking tequila, reminiscent of peculiar rituals, have become widespread. You need to know them so as not to seem like a savage to the regulars of the clubs, but in fact it is not necessary to observe them. It is only important not to violate the basic rules of drinking this Mexican drink.

  • Tequila is served in narrow elongated piles with a thick bottom (caballito), which bartenders consonantly call "horses". In their absence, you can use the usual stacks. Standard portion drink - 25-35 ml. Sometimes, instead of glasses, lemon halves are used, peeled and sprinkled with salt around the edges.

  • It is not customary to cool tequila before serving, however warm drink drinking is unpleasant. Perfect option- The temperature is about 20 degrees.
  • Tequila should be served as an aperitif or digestif, that is, before or after a meal. It would be a violation of etiquette to offer tequila as a drink with certain snacks.

Ideally, tequila is not eaten or washed down. In Mexico, it is consumed in its pure form. So does most of her fans around the world. However, there are several ways to drink tequila along with other foods that can soften its taste and make it even more enjoyable.

What to eat tequila

Like any aperitif or digestif, tequila should not be eaten with anything. Exceptions are citrus fruits, chili peppers, guacamole (avocado puree, hot pepper and other ingredients). If you absolutely need to snack on alcohol with something more satisfying, give preference to spicy meat snacks or seafood dishes. It would be a violation of the rules, but with tequila, these snacks actually harmonize.

Popular ways to drink tequila

Inventive bartenders have come up with many ways to drink tequila, some of which have become widespread.

  • The international way, or “Lick! Topple! Have a bite! It will require salt, regular or sea, and lime, which can be replaced with lemon. Salt is poured onto the back of the hand, placed in a hollow between the index and thumb. Between the fingers themselves, a small slice of lime is clamped. Then, in a fast rhythm, salt is licked, tequila is drunk, and citrus fruits are eaten. With a little practice, you will do it like a born "macho". A less extreme variant of this method is as follows: the rim of the glass is wetted with lemon juice, sprinkled with salt, then it is filled with tequila. It remains to drink the drink in one sip and eat a cooked slice of lemon. Some people mix salt and pepper for new flavors.
  • The German way, which some Russians also call New Year's. You will need an orange, sugar and cinnamon. Sugar is not a required ingredient, but ladies prefer to have it. Orange is cut into circles, then each of them is cut into two or four parts. Pour sugar and cinnamon into a saucer and stir. After drinking tequila, an orange is dipped in a cinnamon-sugar mixture or only in cinnamon, they have a bite to drink.
  • With chili. A small pod of pepper is eaten either before drinking tequila, or immediately after.
  • "Tequila Boom" (another name is "Rapido"). This method is popular with young people. One part of tequila and two parts of a carbonated tonic or a drink called Sprite are poured into a glass. Then they cover the glass with the palm of their hand so that the drink does not spill, and hit it with the bottom on the table. From such a shake, the drinks are mixed, forming an effervescent foam. The resulting mixture is drunk in one gulp.

  • "Sangrita". First, sangrita is prepared - a drink that is a mixture of orange and tomato juices with the addition of salt and pepper. Break a pound of peeled and seeded tomatoes in a blender. Squeeze the juice from five oranges or three oranges and two lemons, mix with tomato puree. Add a teaspoon of ground red pepper, salt and sugar, beat. Sangrita is mixed with tequila in a ratio of one to one. The "horses" are filled with the mixture. The drink is drunk in one fell swoop.
  • "Submarine" (aka "Mexican ruff" and "sea wolf"). 0.33 l of light beer is poured into a large glass, 33 ml of tequila is added to it. Fog in the head after drinking this drink is guaranteed.
  • "Banderita". This word is translated from Mexican as "flag". The title reflects this well. original way drinking tequila. This will require three stacks. The first must be filled with sangrita, the second with tequila, the third with lime juice. Drinks are drunk one after another in this order: sangrita, tequila, juice. The colors of these drinks match the colors of the Mexican flag.

There are more extravagant ways to consume tequila, but they are less common.

You can also drink tequila in cocktails, the most famous of which is the Margarita.

Cocktail "Margarita"

  • tequila - 60 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • ice - to taste;
  • salt - to decorate glasses.

Cooking method:

  • Moisten the edges of the glass with lemon juice, dip in salt.
  • In a shaker, mix juice, liqueur and tequila, remembering to add a few ice cubes.
  • Fill the prepared glasses with drink.

Cocktail "Mexican"

  • tequila - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 15 ml;
  • pomegranate syrup - 5 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place all ingredients in a chilled shaker and shake it vigorously several times.
  • Fill a tall glass with a drink, serve with a straw.

The cocktail has an unusual and very appetizing shade, refreshes well and is easy to drink.

Acapulco cocktail

  • tequila - 30 ml;
  • rum (dark) - 10 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 100 ml;
  • grapefruit juice - 40 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mix alcoholic and non-alcoholic alcoholic drinks after cooling them down.
  • Place ice cubes in a tall glass.
  • Fill the glass with a cocktail.

The drink is served with a straw and can be garnished with a slice of pineapple or a cocktail cherry. The drink turns out to be light, ladies like it, especially young girls.

Cocktail "Clouds"

  • sambuca - 10 ml;
  • tequila (silver) - 10 ml;
  • absinthe - 5 ml;
  • cream liqueur - 3 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour sambuca into a glass.
  • Pour tequila on top.
  • Drop in liquor.
  • Carefully add absinthe.

Serve the cocktail without stirring. It looks original, the taste is also unusual. It belongs to the number of strong cocktails, so it is not recommended to lean heavily on it.

Mexico is the birthplace of tequila, but in our country this drink is very popular. Both men and girls drink it with pleasure. The use of this drink has many rituals, which are optional, but still worth it. Moreover, from the many ways it is easy to find the one that you like.


Proper drinking ritual

The mysterious and incendiary drink has many names. Among them " mexican vodka”,“ cactus moonshine ”and others. The official name is tequila.

To understand how to drink tequila correctly, it is not necessary to go to Mexico and communicate with the local population. Although, if you like tourism, do so. In general, it is enough to study the ways of drinking "Mexican vodka".

A total of five varieties of tequila are produced, including gold, silver, aged, rested, and high-grade aged. And they are used in different ways.

What is required for correct use?

  1. Tequila
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Orange
  4. High stack with big bottom
  5. Sugar

Let's imagine that the listed ingredients and kitchen utensils are there. Now it's time to learn the intricacies of using "cactus moonshine".

Drinking Method #1

I suggest starting the tasting with the silver variety. I will describe the most popular way to use it.

  1. Pour some Mexican alcoholic drink into a special stack room temperature.
  2. Lime or lemon cut into quarters. If the fruit is large, divide into slices.
  3. In the dimple, which is located between the index finger and thumb, pour a little salt.
  4. It remains to lick off the salt, drink a shot of tequila in one gulp and eat a slice of lemon.

Drinking Method #2

The second method is traditional for drinking establishments and involves the use of the golden variety.

  1. Fill a special stack with tequila.
  2. Cut a medium-sized orange into half rings.
  3. Pour a little sugar into a container, add a little cinnamon powder and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Drink a stack in one gulp and have a snack with a piece of orange, which is pre-rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.

Expensive, aged "Mexican vodka" is recommended to be used only in its pure form to enjoy the excellent flavor.

Drinking tequila with salt and lemon

Hot drink appeared in Mexico 400 years ago. No wonder that many of his fans live there. In Russia, the culture of consumption has just begun to gain popularity.

Although the drink Russian market appeared relatively recently, many compatriots fell in love with him very much. In a short period of time, they managed to master various ways the use of "cactus moonshine". I will tell you how to drink tequila with salt and lemon.

Tequila is a strong alcoholic drink, so they drink it in small portions from piles. Mexicans use tall narrow glasses.

Salt and lemon is the most common way. It is noteworthy that it was not the inhabitants of Mexico who came up with it, but the Europeans. For the sake of increasing the culture of drinking, they came up with a real ritual.

  1. Before the procedure, prepare a lemon - cut into thin slices.
  2. Pour tequila into a glass. Squeeze a couple of drops of lemon juice on the back of your hand and sprinkle a little salt.
  3. After exhaling, lick grains of salt from your hand, drink a drink and quickly have a bite of lemon. After that, you are allowed to exhale.

The process is simple and fun at the same time. If a method seems extreme, change it. Take orange and cinnamon instead of lemon and salt. And another option - moisten the rim of the glass with lemon juice and dip in salt. After that, pour the drink into the dishes. Put the lemon on a plate and put it side by side.

Comic video clip on how not to drink tequila

Tequila is produced differently. We are talking about strength, endurance, cost. In particular, the Blanco variety is bottled without aging and has a rich agave aroma. The Gold variety has a golden hue due to the addition of dyes. The Reposado variety, like cognac, is aged in oak barrels for 2-12 months. It is not difficult to guess that the cost of such a drink is higher. The aroma of agave in this tequila is not too bright, but this is more than offset by taste and aftertaste.

How to drink Olmeca tequila

Tequila Olmeca is Mexico's national premium spirit. The Olmec drinking rules were developed for a reason, because following them allows you to fully enjoy the excellent palatability expensive alcohol. Let's take a look at the three most common ways.

Classic way

  1. Pour tequila into a wide glass of small size. Next to put a plate with salt and a quarter of a lime. The taste of the fruit is ideally combined with "Mexican vodka".
  2. Pour a little salt into the depression near the thumb and squeeze a little juice from the lime.
  3. Gently lick off the ingredients located on the hand, empty the glass and eat fruit. If you don't like lime, take a lemon.
  4. Mexicans add a soft drink called sangrita to Olmeca. It is made from chili peppers, tomato and orange juice.

Olmeca is also used in a different way. Before drinking, they eat a slice of lemon or have a bite of lime sprinkled with salt.

Method "Rapido"

  1. Olmeca is served with tonic. Cover the glass with the mixture with your hand and hit the bottom of the table top. This is followed by a drink.
  2. Hitting the table makes the tequila bubbling. In our country, the method is called "Tequila Boom".

Lime drink

The third way is the most interesting, because in this case, the lime simultaneously plays the role of a glass and an appetizer.

  1. Carefully cut the lime in half, slowly remove the pulp and slightly flatten the bottom. This allows you to make two "fruit cups".
  2. Salt the edges of the edible dishes and pour the chilled tequila.
  3. It remains to drink alcohol and have a glass of snack.

3 video ways


Drinking tequila the right way. How to do it? Basic ways

Of course, the rule of drinking any of the drinks, as well as any dish, is dictated to us by its real "right holders". For tequila, it's the Mexicans.

They drink it by pouring it into small special cups. Their bottom is quite thick, and they call these cups “cabalito” and this word is translated as “little horse”.

Drink tequila a little chilled, or generally just room temperature. Of course, tequila, like other drinks, has its connoisseurs and true connoisseurs. It is they who determine the basic rules by which this drink should be drunk.

It is best to do this slowly, slowly sipping the drink in small sips. It is this technology that allows you to understand and appreciate the whole bouquet, which, of course, is present in tequila.

What do they drink tequila with?

There are many ways to drink tequila. But, in any case, it is usually not drunk in its pure form. There are a few simple products that always accompany tequila.

The first one is a lemon (maybe a lime instead). Sour taste(and slightly bitter) of these citrus fruits, pairs perfectly with tequila. In addition to these fruits, salt is also consumed with tequila.

How to drink correctly?

Let's start with the "classics", that is, with the method that is the most common today. It is based on a certain sequence of actions, which can be described in a few words - "slugs salt - drink - eat."

The procedure for drinking tequila here is just that. It all starts with salt, which is poured (a small pinch) on the area between the fingers.

Namely, between index and large. Lick off the salt, drink all the tequila from a small glass, and then eat 1/4 of the lemon slice. This is the easiest way.

There are more exotic ways, which are mainly practiced in clubs or at parties. They can be described as entertaining, or even erotic. Here again there is salt, which is already poured not between the fingers, but on the shoulder of the lying girl.

Salt must also be licked off, in this case, tequila is drunk from the navel of the same girl, and eaten with lemon. The girl should hold a slice of lemon in her teeth. In a fun and relaxed company, this method is quite popular. And by the New Year, which is getting closer, he will certainly be present at the parties.

There is another way, which also applies to the traditional ones. Here, tequila is washed down with another drink. This drink is completely non-alcoholic, but quite spicy, called sangrita. it tomato juice, mixed with lime juice, and Mexican chili peppers.

A method called "rakido". If you drink tequila in this way, then it is done with a tonic. At the same time, the tonic and tequila are simply mixed, the glass with this mixture is closed with the palm of your hand, the entire contents are shaken, and then the glass is hit sharply enough on the table.

With such an impact, many bubbles form, a kind of small explosion. It is at this stage that the drink is drunk, and very quickly, in one gulp. In Russia, this method is called differently, much simpler, with the phrase “tequila boom”, which fully reflects the entire technology of this method.

There is another way to drink tequila. Not used here anymore traditional dishes, but they make it themselves, from a lemon. It is cut in half, all the pulp is removed, and, thus, a kind of semicircular glass is obtained from a half of the fruit.

Now, this "lemon" glass, you need to give the usual shape. To do this, the hemisphere is flattened below. Now you can put a glass of lemon peel, and pour tequila into it. Usually, it is poured chilled and ice is also added to the drink.


Where does the tradition come from?

The mother country of tequila is, of course, Mexico. This drink is often called a kind of Mexican attraction, curiosity. Unusual alcohol is made from the juice of a plant popular there - agave.

His appearance agave resembles a cactus, hence the numerous misconceptions that this plant belongs to the cactus family. However, in accordance with all biological laws, it belongs to the lily family. And its thorny appearance, like many other plants growing in Mexico, developed as a result of the hot climate.

Actually, speaking about how they drink tequila with salt and lemon, first of all, it is worth remembering that this is the fermented juice of a plant. There are several versions regarding the origin of the word "agave". There is an opinion that the plant was named after a tribe that once inhabited Mexico. Another version rests on the name of the cliff, on which huge fields of agave grew.

Tequila is a traditional alcoholic drink in Mexico, but in Russia and other countries of the world, people also know firsthand why and how they drink tequila with lemon and salt. It is in Russia that it is customary to use lemon, although tradition speaks of the use of lime. Not all Russians favor a drink with an unusual taste and strange smell for them. However, it cannot be called unpopular.

True connoisseurs of an alcoholic drink know that according to the European (note - not Mexican, since this tradition is not approved in Mexico, it is considered a sign of an uncouth gringo - English-speaking foreigners, that is, Americans and Englishmen) tradition is to drown out tequila with salt and lemon juice.

Why is tequila eaten with salt and lime?

The ritual of eating tequila with such a snack, of course, originated in Mexico. But its origin is rather vague. It is believed that the tradition appeared in the 19th century, during the flu epidemic in Mexico. This combination of alcohol and food was prescribed by doctors as a medicine. It is difficult to say with 100% certainty that this fact was the origin of such a tradition.

So why should you drink tequila with salt and lime? According to another version, such an appetizer is needed to kill the peculiar taste and smell of an alcoholic drink. The theory, in fact, is the most consistent with reality. It's hard to deny.

How to drink tequila with salt and lemon (lime)?

Surprisingly, this ritual of drinking tequila does not cause much enthusiasm among the Mexicans themselves. But Europeans are simply obsessed with how to drink tequila with salt and lemon (or lime) correctly.

For them, this is a matter that requires certain knowledge, skills and a special approach.

It is worth considering the ritual of use itself. Let's take a look at the most popular methods. Let's talk about how they drink tequila with salt and lemon in Europe and America. The reader will be able to try all these methods at home, provided, of course, that a drink and an appropriate snack are available.

Methods of use

There are several main ways to drink such a drink:

  • In one gulp. Between the thumb and forefinger there is a small hollow where you need to pour a pinch regular salt. Then take a piece of lemon in your hand. Now you can lick off the salt, knock over a glass and eat immediately with a lemon.
  • "Mexican ruff". To get drunk “in the trash” just right: 35 ml of tequila and 350 ml of beer are mixed in one glass. Then everything is drunk in one gulp. In some countries, such a cocktail is even called "Fog", as it instantly intoxicates.
  • "Margarita". This is a cocktail that includes tequila in its composition. Differs in simplicity in preparation. In a large glass you need to pour 200 ml of tequila and 75 ml of orange liqueur and lemon juice. Then mix everything and add ice.
  • "Tequila boom". This is just a "lighter" of nightclubs and a favorite of young people. To make a cocktail, you need to mix tequila and sparkling water in one glass in equal proportions, and then cover the dishes with a cup holder and lightly hit the bottom on the table. Thanks to these manipulations, we get a foamy liquid. It must be drunk in one gulp.

You can get real pleasure from drinking an alcoholic beverage by following the above tips and recommendations. Just keep in mind that tequila is a highly potent alcoholic drink, so don't overdo it.

Some facts about tequila

The mysterious and incendiary drink has received many different names. These include cactus moonshine, Mexican vodka and others. But tequila was and will be the official name for fermented agave juice. To learn how they drink tequila with salt and lemon, it is not necessary to go to sultry Mexico. It's enough just to get into various ways drinking cactus moonshine.

In total there are five varieties of tequila. This includes Silver, Gold, Rested, Aged and High Grade Aged. Each type is used differently.

How to drink and what you need?

For the correct use of tequila, you will need the following: tequila, cinnamon, orange, lime, a tall glass with a large bottom, salt, sugar.

The first way - tasting the silver variety is as follows: a little room temperature tequila is poured into a special stack, then a lemon or lime is cut into four parts, then a little salt is poured into the dimple between the thumb and forefinger, it is licked off and finally the stack is turned over in one fell swoop, nibbled on lemonade.

The second method is traditionally used to drink the golden variety of tequila: tequila is poured into a glass, the orange is cut into half rings, then a pinch of cinnamon powder is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The stack is drunk in one gulp and snacked on an orange, which should first be rolled in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

Aged varieties of Mexican moonshine are recommended to be used only in their pure form, so that you can enjoy the excellent aroma.

lime glass

The third method is the most interesting, since in this case the lime plays the role of both a glass and an appetizer. To do this, you need to carefully cut the lime in half and slowly remove the pulp, then slightly flatten its bottom. So we got two peculiar glasses. Next, salt the edges of the edible dishes and pour chilled tequila into it. We drink in one gulp and have a snack with a homemade glass.

Usually people do not limit themselves to one "glass", so the prospect of overeating salt does not seem so rosy. If you don't want to get alcohol poisoning, make sure you have a normal snack.


Meat would be ideal. This is fried lamb, and juicy pork, and cutlets. Among unusual dishes, which can be served with tequila - burrito, tacos, shawarma. Seafood is also perfect: salted salmon, mussels, fried pollock.

In general, tequila is still advised to drink. For this, Sangrita is best suited - a vigorous mixture of pepper, orange and tomato juices.

Sometimes Mexicans at home like to mix with other alcoholic drinks, for example, scotch or cognac. True, even an experienced alcoholic "stoic" will not resist such a "tornado".

Tequila is a universal drink, which, however, can be consumed in different variations without any strict reference to a specific snack. Just salt and lemon. This is a permanent masterpiece.


Why with salt

  • First, it's delicious.
  • Secondly, salt perfectly exacerbates taste buds. After all, in this drink, all the charm is in its taste!
  • Thirdly, these ingredients are able to neutralize the specific taste of agave (the plant from which tequila is made), revealing all the pleasant notes of the drink.
  • Fourthly, salt successfully neutralizes the acidity of the lemon.

O useful properties we talked, and now we will find out how to drink tequila with salt.


For this we need tequila, salt and lemon. As for the container for the drink: as a rule, a narrow glass with a thick bottom is used for it. Many people have another question: where to pour salt and how to eat it? There are several ways:

  • Smear the rim of the glass with lemon, then lower it into a prepared saucer with salt, which will then remain on the glass.
  • Alternatively, rub lemon on your hand at the base of your thumb and sprinkle it with salt. Lick it up and drink tequila right there! For a snack, you can use lime instead of lemon, but just don’t try to experiment with other citrus fruits, otherwise you risk spoiling the taste!


Many lovers of interesting drinks sometimes have the question of how to drink tequila. And believe me, tequila is a drink that you need to know how to drink, this is a whole action, the culture of the drink. After all, tequila is drunk to enjoy its taste, and not just to get drunk. Who does not know, tequila is Mexican vodka made from a cactus, but not a simple one, but an elite one, blue agave, so we can say that it is a drink of blue blood. By strength, it has 40 revolutions, as well as our strong alcoholic drinks. By the way, it is best to choose a more seasoned tequila, but the young one is not bad either. Naturally, it all depends on how much you are willing to pay for a given alcoholic drink.

Let's say right away that tequila, although strong, is drunk easier and softer and the head does not hurt, which is a big plus. But of course it all depends on how much you drink. In general, many believe that a drink from sunny Mexico will give a person a lot of energy, and it is. Energy after tequila, more than enough. By the way, drinking tequila at home with your friends is a real pleasure. Throw a hot party, hot Mexican style! If you have never drunk tequila, then know that before you start enjoying it, you need to take a little training on how to drink this drink.

Usually tequila is drunk from small glasses or cups with a heavy bottom. So, if you have already bought a drink, then pour it into a small pile, the taste will depend on it, so in no case do they drink such alcohol in glasses and glasses. In addition to the tequila itself, you will need a lime or lemon, as well as salt. Master class on how to drink tequila at home:

1. Poured tequila is waiting for you in a small pile.

2. Put a little salt on your hand, coarse grinding is better. but not essential.

3. Cut off a piece of lemon or lime.

4. Now attention! We do the following: we lick off the salt, quickly drink tequila and have a snack with a lemon or lime.

That's the whole amazing ritual. But, by the way, it is very cool and interesting to look at, especially if a noisy group of friends has gathered. Please note that tequila should be slightly chilled or at room temperature.

Why are we worse than Quentin Tarantino?

Recall that tequila is one of the favorite drinks of the famous Quentin Tarantin.

Recall that tequila is one of the favorite drinks of the famous Quentin Tarantin. Why are we worse? True, he has a little more money, so he drinks more elite varieties, but in general there are five types of tequila:

1. Golden.

2. Silver.

3. Aged.

4. Young.

5. Aged of the highest grade.

Which one to choose, the decision is yours, but it's better to drink quality drink, agree. So do not save on this, buy only the highest quality, it will be tastier!

By the way, advice for the future, if you want to feel the taste of real tequila, then you need to drink it clean. Any additives like ice are not needed, try a real drink. And yet, this is the tradition in Europe “licked, drank, ate”, in the homeland of the drink everything is different.

How do they drink tequila in Mexico?

For Mexicans, tequila is their national pride.

For Mexicans, tequila is their national pride, they treat this drink with trepidation, respect it and love it very much. Any self-respecting resident of Mexico consumes only the most the best tequila and only in its purest form. Yes, that's right, without any additives. No salt, no lemons. limes and especially ice and other liquids. Only a pure drink, which is drunk in small sips, savoring and feeling the taste. By the way, there is a special time for tequila when many Mexicans go to enjoy this wonderful drink.

It's Friday night, after work, in a circle of friends, men drink tequila. So that various additives- These are movie tricks that have become very popular among ordinary people. Since in Mexico there are no recipes for how to drink tequila. But nevertheless, it is the traditions that accompany this drink that have made it so noble and popular all over the world. Yes, and drinking tequila with lemon and salt is much better and, what is more interesting to hide. After all, we use this way only this drink.

Can you make tequila based cocktails?

Margarita is the most popular cocktail in a world made with tequila

If you are not a big fan strong drinks and you will never drink them, then you can try tequila not in its pure form, as part of a cocktail. We will provide you with a recipe for drinking tequila at home. Also a very good option. So, here are some tequila-based cocktails:

Margarita is the most popular tequila-based cocktail in the world. You can cook it yourself too. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of tequila, orange liqueur in the amount of 30 grams, ice, juice from a piece of lime. Mix it all well and you're done! Here is another recipe for drinking tequila at home, so to speak, we make Margarita, and not just drink it in its pure form.

Naturally, it is best to eat tequila with lime, but it is not always on hand, so many people replace it with lemon. By the way, it’s a pretty good replacement, but we don’t advise you to seize this alcohol with an orange. Many people have a question, how to drink tequila with lime? And everything is simple, as always: "licked the salt, drank and ate lime." By the way, it is not clear where the tradition of drinking with lime came from, since Mexicans drink tequila in its purest form. But it doesn't matter. Lime is considered a more elite snack for tequila. So, if you have already bought a good tequila, do not spare the money for a lime, it will be super, I assure you! But by and large, it’s not so important than having a lemon or lime snack, take what you have.

So this incendiary mexican drink will be to everyone's taste, those who like drinks stronger and weaker. The choice is yours. But for sure, tequila is quite an interesting drink, which is gaining more and more fans around the world. So the Mexicans really have something to be proud of. By the way, if you still don’t quite understand how to drink this alcohol, use the all-powerful Internet, where you will definitely have a video instruction on how to drink tequila, so try it, it’s really cool. For a fun party, tequila is what you need. The main thing is to choose a good variety, and for this you need to spare no expense. After all, a quality drink simply cannot be cheap. Happy tequila! And rather, call your friends and let them take this drink with them on Friday evening, after working days!

How to drink tequila - video

The ability to tequila, sometimes more than ever by the way, can skillfully complement the festive atmosphere. After all, at such moments you want everything to be on top, everything brings pleasure: not only the environment, but also drinks.

How to drink tequila with lime and salt?

One of the most popular ways, which can be called as "Tequila in one gulp". To do this, tequila is complemented by lime or lemon with salt. In order to get incomparable pleasure from drinking, you should pour a little salt on the outside of the palm between the index and thumb. Then, the main thing is not to confuse the sequence: take a small slice of sour lime with these fingers, lick off the salt and, of course, after drinking a glass, have a bite of lime. For easy memorization, we offer a mini scheme: "Licked - knocked over - ate." There is another version of this method, which is much more intimate than the previous one: salt must be licked off a part of the body of a loved one. With what exactly? Solve partners. The only guaranteed result: it will be unforgettable.

Snack or what do they drink tequila with?

In order to diversify the process, you can resort to the German way of enjoying tequila. AT this case salt is replaced by cinnamon, and a slice of sour lime is replaced by an illuminating orange. The scheme is still the same "Licked - knocked over - ate." For more piquancy and a new taste, an orange can be pre-dipped in a mixture of sugar ( powdered sugar) cinnamon. It is believed that this great way for tequila Gold.

What can you drink tequila with?

Tequila can be drunk in combination with tomatoes, orange and lemon. How is this possible? Simply by combining 6 ripe tomatoes, previously separated from the skin, the juice of 4 oranges and 3 lemons, do not forget to add an onion (finely chopped), one teaspoon of pepper, salt and sugar. Having mixed all the ingredients in a blender, adding a couple of pieces of ice, you can safely enjoy a cocktail called "Sangrita".

The Banderite method is considered popular. One shot of Sangrita, another of lime juice, and a third of tequila. Because Since this drink is purely Mexican, their combination symbolizes the flag of Mexico.

Not less than unusual way: mix of tequila and. Take 350 g of beer and 40 g of tequila. Mix first tequila, then beer. Drink in a split second. True, after a couple of minutes, a foggy state will come in my head.

Representatives of the club life are crazy about the Tequila Boom cocktail. It instantly gives a surge of strength, vitality and unrestrained fun. So, pour any kind of tequila into a glass, then sweet sparkling water. The most interesting next step: covering the glass with your hand or cup holder, hit the bottom on the table. When foam forms, drink tequila in one gulp.

How not to mention "Margarita"? About 800 million servings of this cocktail are drunk annually in the USA alone. Sometime in the 40s of the last century, a certain Margarita Samees came up with it. Recipe quite simple: mix one part of Cointreau orange liqueur with three parts of tequila, add ½ lemon juice and ice to this. Mix in a shaker and don't forget to serve in a glass garnished with salt.

Some nuances
  1. Is tequila drunk cold or warm? In this case, you need to know the golden mean. The temperature of the drink should be neither cold nor warm.
  2. What goes with tequila? It is believed that this is an ideal component of many cocktails: Tequila Sunrise, Margarita, etc. Moreover, it can be added to coffee, cognac or tea.
  3. Why is tequila drunk with salt? Tequila and a pinch of salt is a traditional combination. After all, the birthplace of the drink is Mexico, the city of Jalisco.