Hotter for Easter. Meat fillet "Surprise"

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Delicious food for Easter

Easter cottage cheese (from cottage cheese)

To your attention - a recipe for cooking Easter from cottage cheese. This is the traditional royal Pascha, which for centuries from year to year dominates the table during the bright holiday of Pascha.

Traditional Easter cake

Traditional recipe video Easter cake will help to bake an Easter cake for those who are not too experienced in pastry business. Everything is very simple and clear - everyone can do it!

Salad "Easter egg"

Salad "Easter egg" - original and delicious salad in the shape of an Easter egg, which looks good on the holiday table at Easter. The salad itself can be almost anything, the main thing is the design.

Easter painted eggs

Today you can find a lot of ready-made decorations for Easter eggs, but let's not forget grandmother's recipes. Show me how to paint eggs onion peel- according to the traditional Russian recipe!

Curd Easter

Such an original and unusual cottage cheese Easter is an excellent table decoration on this bright holiday. For your attention - an extremely clear and simple recipe for cooking Easter from cottage cheese with berries.

Salad "Easter"

Salad "Easter" is a real culinary work of art. Any salad can form the basis, decoration is important. However, for inspiration, I will present my recipe.

Salad "Christ is Risen"

As the name suggests, the salad "Christ is Risen" is an exclusively Easter dish. Preparing a salad is quite simple, and looks great on the festive table. I recommend to try.

Easter snack

A delicious Easter appetizer made from eggs, which are always eaten very much at Easter. a large number of. Suitable for other holidays, but in our family it is customary to cook it for Easter.

Homemade sausage

Our great-grandparents considered Easter the greatest day. Very often, for the sake of such an event, a wild boar was slaughtered so that everything was on the festive table, including an amazingly delicious homemade sausage.

Easter cake in a bread machine

Cooking Easter cake in a bread machine is as easy as shelling pears. And don’t waste a lot of time, and put the most delicious homemade Easter cake on the table. Master the recipe under the power of everyone!


Your attention - classic recipe Easter cake. Absolutely nothing superfluous, no unnecessary ingredients - I tell you how to cook the simplest and most ordinary Easter cake at home.

Easter cake

Easter cake is something without which it is impossible to imagine the bright holiday of Easter. I suggest baking an Easter cake at home, and not buying it in a store - my recipe with a photo will help you do this.

fast easter

This Easter tastes great, but everyone can cook it - it is prepared quickly and simply. Easter dough according to this recipe will turn out light and fragrant. Try it!

Easter cake with white raisins

Easter cake with nuts

The recipe for Easter cake with nuts is useful for those who want to diversify the Easter menu and cook more original, non-traditional Easter cakes. Nuts give the cake a pleasant flavor.

Easter on yeast dough

I bring to your attention an extremely simple recipe for preparing a festive Easter for yeast dough. cook festive easter(Kulich) everyone, even an inexperienced confectioner, can follow this recipe.

Kulich in old Russian

For your attention - an old recipe for cooking Easter cake. According to Pokhlebkin's book, Easter cakes in Rus' were cooked according to this recipe.

Kulich Russian

A simple recipe for making Russian Easter cake will help anyone who wants to bake Easter cake at home, but does not know how to do it.

Kulich according to the old recipe

The recipe for Easter cake according to the old recipe, which was used by our great-grandfathers. Easter is a traditional holiday, so you should pay tribute to traditions and cook Easter cake according to an old recipe.

Easter fragrant

Every year our family prepares one of three recipes for Easter cakes. All three are time-tested, all are amazing, the main thing is to decide which one to choose this time. Here is the second of these family recipes.

easter lush

Every year our family prepares one of three recipes for Easter cakes. All three are time-tested, all are amazing, the main thing is to decide which one to choose this time. Here is the third of those family recipes.

Easter simple

This recipe is simple, but at the same time it gives you the opportunity to enjoy real homemade Easter cakes - tender, tasty and fragrant.

Grandma's Easter cake

It turns out delicious and easy-to-cook cake. Based on my grandmother's recipe with a slight adjustment to modern technologies. It turns out a real, classic Easter cake.

Easter cakes on margarine

Here is a simple recipe for making Easter cakes. on margarine According to this recipe, Easter cakes are incredibly tasty and tender, as well as long-term storage and not stale.

Lemon cake with turmeric

This bright yellow cake with lemon flavor will become great addition your festive table and bring joy to the whole family.

Easter cakes on kefir

A very tasty and simple recipe for kefir cakes from my beloved grandmother will help everyone who is already planning what to cook for the holiday table. Very beautiful and tasty cakes - I advise!

delicious cake

It would seem that cooking Easter cake is so elementary, but far from everyone it turns out to be really tasty. How to cook for real delicious cake. Recipe that has stood the test of time ;)

Easter cupcake

Easter cake made according to this simple recipe, effectively decorate the Easter table in your family. Preparing an Easter cupcake is very simple, it turns out - very tasty and beautiful.

Easter cupcakes for kids

If you celebrate Easter with the kids, make them happy and bake children's Easter cupcakes, which will be much more in demand by the children's audience than ordinary Easter cakes.

Easter cake with saffron

The recipe for making Easter cake with saffron can be useful to anyone who is thinking about how to bake Easter cake. Easter cake with saffron - what you need if traditional Easter baking tired.

aspic oatmeal "Gems"

To your attention - a recipe for a very beautiful and original appetizer for Easter. Beef aspic "Gems" is a worthy element of your Easter table! ;)

Easter cake with ricotta

Easter cake with ricotta is very popular in Italy. I propose to borrow the recipe for Easter ricotta pie from Italian confectioners and diversify your menu on this bright holiday!

Eggs stuffed with crab meat

Another option stuffed eggs. Like us, the French, the authors of the recipe, prepare this dish for the festive table, and every time when there is a mood. Eggs are great for Easter or New Years.

Baba rum

To your attention - a recipe for making a baba with rum syrup and sugar fudge. Rum baba is a traditional Easter pastry, but I bake it not only on Easter, but also on weekdays.

Salad "Easter Bunny"

Salad "Easter Bunny" always attracts the most attention. All guests immediately fall in love with him, and then eat with great pleasure. I offer my step by step recipe photo salad.

Salad "Easter Wreath"

Salad "Easter wreath" - a spectacular dish that will decorate your holiday table. There are a large number of recipes for making this salad, but we will cook it with herring and apples.


Fiadone - traditional Corsican easter pie. Fiadone is wildly popular - cook according to this recipe with a photo and you will understand why.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

Capercaillie Nest Salad Recipe - cooking a salad of chicken, potatoes, eggs and cucumbers. This nest-shaped salad will be a great decoration for your holiday table. Popular Russian cuisine.

Easter almond macarons

Easter almond macarons- it's traditional french cookies, which is usually prepared on Easter Eve. I recommend borrowing this wonderful recipe from the French.

Stuffed eggs "Mushroom glade"

This dish is simple, and invariably tasty, healthy, perfect for you when you need to decorate the table for a holiday or celebration. It is easy to prepare, inexpensive and disappears from the table faster than others.

Kokurki on sour cream

The recipe for the dish "Kokurki on sour cream". Kokurki is a dish of ancient northern Russian cuisine. Yeast-free bread baked with boiled eggs.

Polish Easter cake

Today I will tell you how to cook Polish Easter cake - a traditional Polish Easter pastry. I don’t know if the Poles really cook Easter cake this way, but it turns out delicious.

Easter bagels in the shape of a sheep or a bunny

You will love the delicacy, you will cook it more often than once a year for Easter. You can give bagels any shape, even hearts, but lambs and bunnies are perfect for the symbolism of a bright holiday.

Easter cakes from "Viennese" dough

The taste of the Viennese cake is something akin to a rum woman without impregnation, and the taste will only improve during storage. And I also note that the Easter cake from viennese test does not get stale for a very long time!

Easter Royal

This Easter requires work, but it's worth it! Amazing recipe! The richness of tastes - in commemoration of the Greatness and Joy of this Holy holiday!

Sweet bread with raisins

Easter tender curd

I always wanted to cook a real Easter. This year we managed to realize this idea! Very tasty, airy, tender :)

Easter Lamb

The figurine of the Lamb (a symbol of meekness, humility and sacrifice) must be on the Easter table. It can be cut from butter or cheese, or it can be baked in a special shape.

Easter Banana Chocolate Cupcakes

Very tasty and flavorful cupcakes! I found the recipe in a magazine about 2 years ago, but only now I decided to bake these for my children for Easter. The children were delighted! Very gentle, not dry, but what a scent .....

Marble cake with chocolate and coffee glaze

I am not a particularly religious person, but Easter is a holiday with which I have many pleasant associations. It's time to paint eggs, bake Easter cakes and make Easter!

Light Christ Sunday always referred not only to the main holidays of Christians, but also to one of the most beloved.

This holiday has always been celebrated on a special scale. And this applied both to the preparation and preparation of treats intended for the Easter table.

The tradition of laying rich and varied tables for Easter has rather deep historical roots.

Preparations for the great celebration began as early as Maundy Thursday, when skillful hostesses made dough for rich Easter cakes, laid the foundations for , began to paint Easter eggs and painted unique Easter eggs.

Especially for the holiday, young greens of wheat or sheep were grown. For this tender greenery painted Easter eggs were laid out.

In wealthy houses festive table succumbed to at least 48 dishes.

This tradition is connected with the fact that the name lasted 48 days.

Traditionally on Easter table pancakes and women were served, as well as original Easter gingerbread, which were baked for the holiday in the form of rabbits, cockerels or doves.

Be sure to the table succumbed to baked meat.

Usually it was baked chicken or pork ham, young lamb or veal.

Hot dishes on the table did not give in, because the Easter table was laid for a long time and was ready to receive guests for a whole week.

For Orthodox Christians, the Easter holidays began with the end of the Easter itself, which lasted as much as 7 weeks. Festive feast began with breaking the fast, which was especially pleasant after a long abstinence from fast food.

For breaking the fast, those products that were consecrated during the Easter service were exhibited. The first to be eaten, of course, were eggs and a piece of Easter cake.

During a long fast, the consumption of any animal products was prohibited.

Therefore, the housewives tried to cook as much as possible for the festive table. hearty meals meat, fish, and complex salads and sweet pastries.

Modern housewives, regardless of whether the family observed the fast, try to keep up with their great-grandmothers, and prepare a wide variety of dishes for the Easter table.

These will be favorite Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, as well as colored eggs, which will take center stage on the festive table served according to the Easter theme.

In addition, be sure the hostesses select interesting recipes to prepare new dishes that complement their most successful culinary masterpieces.

Meat Easter dishes and snacks

Hearty Easter salad

It is difficult to call such a dish a salad. This is, in fact, a complete satisfying meat snack. But that's it for the Easter table. Adjust the amount of ingredients yourself, depending on the number of guests.


  • smoked fat;
  • homemade sausage;
  • pork tenderloin;
  • boiled eggs;
  • soft cottage cheese;
  • horseradish grated with beets;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dill greens.

All meat ingredients in the form of sausage, lard and boiled pork, cut into beautiful neat straws.

Prepare the dressing sauce. To do this, mix a couple of tablespoons of horseradish with soft cottage cheese, finely chopped dill and grated egg yolks, which will take about three to four pieces.

Mix all the meat ingredients with the sauce in a separate bowl.

As meat components for such a salad, you can use both boiled tongue and chicken breast, and other types of meat.

Prepare lettuce leaves by washing, drying and tearing them with your hands. Put torn into a salad bowl lettuce leaves and meat mix.

Garnish the top of the salad with egg whites, which must be cut into strips.

Of course, after a long abstinence, you want to enjoy various hearty goodies.

But indulging in such gluttony is not only forbidden by the church, but also not recommended by doctors.

Diversify your Easter table. It doesn't have to be what the family has been eating for the past seven weeks.

Added to light vegetable salad the same eggs make the dish play with new colors.


  • radish - 200 gr.;
  • tomatoes - 600 gr.;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • green onions;
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sour cream;
  • horseradish;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare the sour cream salad dressing soy sauce and fuck. Each component will need 1 tablespoon.

Cut the boiled eggs into washers, and cut the radishes, tomatoes and chicken breast into cubes. Mix all ingredients except eggs.

Lay out the salad bowl with lettuce leaves, on top of which place the prepared salad mixture. Lay eggs on top and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

As additional ingredients can be used with this salad fresh cucumbers or Chinese cabbage.

Try to cook as many interesting and varied dishes as possible for the Easter table.

For on this day festive celebration lasts not a couple of hours, and a rich table is not removed until the evening.

From ancient times in Rus' solemnly prepared for the Holy Day. From Monday of the last - Holy - week of Great Lent, a general cleaning of the entire house began, which ended on Maundy Thursday. After that, they began to prepare the Easter festive table. According to tradition, ritual dishes must have been present on the Easter table: cottage cheese Easter, Easter cake, Easter lamb and painted eggs. These dishes are deeply symbolic. For example, Easter cake symbolizes the presence of God in the world and in human life. The sweetness and beauty of the Easter cake express the care of the Lord for every human being. Cottage cheese Easter traditionally has the shape of a truncated pyramid. And this is not accidental: this form symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. The Easter lamb (lamb) is a reminder of the sacrificial death of Christ to atone for the sins of all mankind. Colored eggs are always red! - a symbol of the blood of Christ and His Resurrection. But even in pre-Christian times, the egg has always been a symbol of peace and the triumph of life.

An especially rich festive Easter table was always prepared for Easter. In wealthy families, the number of festive dishes reached 48 - according to the number of days of the past post. The basis of the meal these days was meat: baked hams, lamb or ham, stuffed geese, ducks, turkeys, suckling pigs and homemade sausage. Moreover, all Easter dishes were served cold. More precisely, they did this: the first meal took place at night, upon arrival from the church. First they drank a spoon vegetable oil, then ate oatmeal jelly, broke the fast with a piece of Easter, a slice of Easter cake and an egg. And in the morning they decorated the table, put out pre-prepared dishes and did not clear the table all day, since these days it was customary to visit without an invitation and try everything your heart desires.

In the center of the Easter table was a dish with sprouted grains of wheat, oats or watercress. You need to germinate grains and seeds about a week before Easter: pour some earth and well-moistened seeds on a flat dish, mix and leave in a warm place. By Easter the grass will grow. Just don't forget to water. Put the colored eggs in the grass and put in the center of the table.

Eggs can still be laid in a special one.

500 g flour
10 g pressed yeast
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
100 ml milk
½ st. l. salt,
1 tsp citric acid,
75 g melted plums. oils,
2 eggs,
poppy, raisins, dried apricots, nuts - a handful.

Sift flour, make a well in the middle. Put the crumbled yeast, add a little sugar and warm milk, knead the dough. Cover and put in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, until the dough begins to bubble. Add to it the remaining milk, sugar, salt, citric acid, butter, 1 whole egg and 1 protein (leave the yolk for lubrication). Knead elastic dough. Roll into a ball and leave for 30-40 minutes. come up. When the dough has doubled in size, knead it thoroughly. Divide into three parts and roll out each in the form of long strips 10-15 cm wide. Spread the filling on each strip: poppy seeds mixed with sugar, finely chopped dried apricots, chopped nuts or washed and dried raisins - if desired, and wrap in tow rolls (by lenght). The main thing is that you get three rolls with different fillings. Weave a braid from the bundles and put on a baking sheet in the form of a wreath (around). Let go, grease with yolk and put in the oven. Cool the baked wreath, put it on a flat dish, put the colored eggs in the center.

Eggs are usually eaten with mayonnaise. This is fundamentally wrong, and it's not even about dubious benefit mayonnaise. Traditionally, eggs and all Easter dishes were eaten, sprinkled with Thursday salt - this is salt burned in an oven with kvass wort, herbs or cabbage leaves. Thursday salt, prepared only on Maundy Thursday in Holy Week, p curative and even magical properties. Putting magic aside, we can say that such salt is indeed very useful product. It is enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium ions, selenium elements. Besides, thursday salt is an "absorber" of all kinds of toxins. This salt was prepared only once a year - on Maundy Thursday, before sunset, and brought to consecrate together in Easter cakes, eggs and Easter. By the way, this salt is still prepared in Kostroma.

Mix 1 kg of coarse (precisely coarse!) salt with 5 kg of soaked black Borodino bread. Place the mixture in an oven heated to 250ºС and bake until the bread turns black. Grind the resulting mixture and sift through a sieve. Pour the remaining salt in the sieve into a jar and use instead of regular salt.

Easter was prepared from fresh, dry cottage cheese. To do this, the cottage cheese was laid out in advance in gauze and placed under a slight oppression so that the whey was glass. There is an opinion that in ancient times, Easter was prepared not from cottage cheese, but from settled yogurt, so it was very tender, airy and fragrant. But you can also cook a wonderful Easter from cottage cheese. Only cottage cheese should never be passed through a meat grinder. Only through a sieve! So the recipe Easter with pistachios.

1.2 kg of cottage cheese,
1 l heavy cream(at least 33%),
200 g sugar (preferably powdered sugar),
4 eggs,
200 g butter,
250 g pistachios,
Vanilla to taste.

Rub cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with sugar, vanilla and eggs. Add softened butter and chopped pistachios. Grind the whole mass as best as possible, gradually adding cream. Put in a pasochnik, covered with slightly damp gauze, put under oppression and leave in the cold. In a day or two Easter will be ready. If you don't have a bean bag, then you can use a plastic bucket, in which you first make holes with a hot nail (so that the whey can drain).

An indispensable attribute of the Easter table is a lamb made of dough. In the old days, it was baked in special forms, and in our time, housewives have come up with a new original way cooking Easter lamb.

3 art. spoons of flour
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of pressed yeast (or a bag of dry ones),
½ glass of water.

6 cups flour
1 glass of milk
1 teaspoon salt
5 st. spoons of sugar
2 eggs,
150 g butter.

Filling: poppy, dried apricots, thick jam(taste).

Mix the ingredients for the dough, stir until homogeneous mass leave in a warm place. When it bubbles, pour in the melted butter, milk, eggs, sugar and salt. Mix well, add 4 cups of flour, mix thoroughly. Gradually adding flour, stir until it becomes impossible to stir the dough with a spoon. Then pour flour on the table, lay out the dough and knead, adding a little flour until it becomes smooth and soft. Place in a bowl, cover and leave in a warm place until doubled in size. Punch down and leave until re-rise.

In the meantime, draw and cut out a lamb on paper. Ready dough roll out, apply a template, cut a lamb on it and put it on a baking sheet. Leave a piece of dough for the ear. Fold the remaining dough, roll it into a layer, put the filling on it and roll it up. Cut the roll into pieces 1-1.5 cm wide, grease the lamb with water, lay out the pieces of the roll in the form of a skin. Form an ear out of the dough and glue it to the head. Lubricate the lamb with sweet tea and bake in the oven at 200-220ºС.

And finally, the cake. It was prepared only for Easter and the Easter table, and they did not spare butter, sugar and eggs in the dough. The dough for the cake is very sweet. Therefore, it was kneaded for a long time, at least an hour. It was believed that you need to hit the dough 300 times in order for the guests to praise the cake 300 times. Sure, a recipe that uses 40-60 egg yolks, even for a non-hungry modernity, it’s very bold ... Moreover, old recipes designed for a large number of Easter cakes. Indeed, on Easter, Easter cakes were shared not only with relatives and friends, they were distributed to the poor, taken to shelters and hospitals ... Modern recipes Easter cakes are not so plentiful. But no less tasty. For example, kulich "Citric".

40 g pressed yeast
1 hour a spoonful of sugar,
½ cup warm water
2 tbsp. spoons of flour.

4 eggs,
¾ cup sugar
150 g butter,
3 cups flour
1 cup raisins
½ cup nuts
2 tbsp. spoons of cognac
zest of 1 lemon,
1 teaspoon turmeric


1 protein
100 g of powdered sugar.

Prepare the raisins (wash thoroughly and pour cognac), nuts (grind with a rolling pin), wipe the zest from the lemon. Brew turmeric 2 tsp. boiling water. Separate the yolk from one egg. Set aside the white for icing. Prepare the dough, leave in a warm place for fermentation. Beat the yolk, eggs and sugar with a mixer in a fluffy foam. Add 1 cup flour and stir. Stir in softened butter, zest, vanilla, turmeric, a pinch of salt. Whisk well until evenly colored. Pour in the broth, stir. Add 1.5 cups of flour, beat well with a mixer. The dough will be runny and sticky. Cover the bowl and leave to rise in a warm place. The dough should rise at least 2 times.

Put the raisins and nuts into the dough. Lubricate the hand vegetable oil and mix the dough. Add ½ cup of flour and fold it into the dough, using your hands in a circle in one direction until all the flour is distributed in the dough. Put in oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs forms (put an oiled circle of paper on the bottom). Put on proofing in a warm place. Bake as usual. Beat the protein with powdered sugar and pour over the cakes with the resulting icing.

On our website you can always find step by step Easter recipes with photos.

bright joy to you, fun, hope and truly Christian love!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Easter is coming, which means that many are wondering what to cook for Easter 2019, and what to make the Easter menu 2019. The Easter table 2019 will be the same as it has always been. In addition to the obligatory, sacral dishes, there will be ordinary festive ones, which you can choose yourself. With the advent of Easter ends great post, so the dishes for the Easter table are very diverse. This and meat dishes, and pastries for Easter, and salads for Easter. But the most important Easter dishes, of course, Easter or Easter cake, and Easter eggs. This is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what to cook for the Easter table. Without these dishes, a festive table for Easter is unthinkable. There is no point in discussing boiled egg recipes, but Easter pastries are those recipes for the Easter table that are worth talking about separately. Those who know how to cook delicious Easter dishes probably learned the recipes for Easter dishes from their grandmothers, because in the Soviet years the questions were how to cook the Easter table, recipes for Easter, how to bake Easter cakes, how to bake Easter cake, Easter recipes, Easter recipes, Easter cake easter (curd recipe), how to cook custard cottage cheese Easter cake, Easter cake recipe for Easter in the oven, cottage cheese Easter recipe, how tasty cheese Easter is prepared, icing recipe for Easter cake, royal cake, recipe for Easter salad, baked cottage cheese Easter, recipes for cottage cheese Easter with raisins and candied fruits, could hardly be found in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food. Baking Easter or baking Easter cakes is the most responsible task in preparing the Easter table. Easter dough is made with yeast, milk and eggs. According to the technology of preparation Easter or Easter cake is very similar to bread, so you can find recipes for Easter cake in a bread machine, a recipe for Easter cake for a bread machine, Easter cake in a bread machine, a recipe for Easter cake in a bread machine, an Easter recipe in a bread machine. Everyone wants to cook not only tasty, but also beautiful easter, so they try to decorate it, for this, icing for Easter cake is used. There are three types of icing recipe for Easter cake: it is protein, fruit and chocolate glaze. If you are not friends with yeast dough, for you easter cupcake, the recipe of which is used for many European Easter dishes. In addition, Easter is prepared from cottage cheese, Easter from sour cream. Easter recipe from sour cream and cottage cheese Easter - recipes that can be combined, often called royal Easter. Royal Easter is a recipe that is prepared not by baking, but by brewing. The recipe for royal curd Easter is simple: after mixing all the ingredients in a saucepan, they are stirred and brewed. Hence the name custard easter, boiled easter recipe, royal custard easter recipe, custard curd easter. To get the royal curd Easter of the correct form, it is advisable to stock up on a special form.

Easter recipes from cottage cheese are just as traditional for this holiday. There are three types of Easter cottage cheese recipes: custard, pressed and baked. Cooking Easter from cottage cheese is chosen by those who do not like to mess with the dough. Cottage cheese Easter, the recipe can be very different, it greatly depends on the quality of the cottage cheese. Curd for cheesy easter let drain. Curd Easter baked is usually cooked in the oven. Cottage cheese Easter is a recipe that gives scope to your imagination and tastes; it is prepared with candied fruits, raisins, fruits, cognac or rum. We suggest you use Easter cottage cheese recipe with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipes with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipe with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipes with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipes with photos, Easter dishes recipes with photos, because the illustrations really help to prepare a beautiful and delicious Easter.

Hello. The great holiday is getting closer and closer. It's time to think about what to cook on the Easter table quickly and tasty.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is Easter cakes, Easter and colored eggs. After all, these are the first dishes that begin to be consumed on this day, exchange and treat each other.

But apart from these traditional dishes, you need to think about what else you can cook for the festive table.

I have already thought about this and made a menu, which I will share with you today.

Of course always holiday menu starts with salads. It is best to make them light so as not to stress your stomach too much after fasting.

You can decorate them beautifully for various Easter attributes. In the recipes below, I'll show you how to make them.

egg shaped salad

For example, you can make this, easy and quick to prepare.


  • Boiled potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Chicken breast (you can take a fillet) - 1 pc.
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Greenery

Cooking method:

Boil and peel potatoes, carrots, eggs in advance. Boil chicken breast until tender, about 40 minutes.

1. Grate boiled vegetables (I prefer fine, but it doesn’t matter if you want). In boiled eggs, separate the yolks from the whites and grate them separately too.

2. First, separate the boiled chicken breast from the bone (if you have a fillet, then it is a priori without a bone) and cut into small cubes.

3. We begin to spread the salad. The first layer consists of potatoes, lay them out in the shape of an egg and tamp down a little with your hands.

4. Spread a little with mayonnaise, as in the picture.

5. Now lay out the next layer - chopped chicken breast.

6. The breast also needs to be smeared a little with mayonnaise.

7. Lay a layer of corn on top, but not all of it - leave some for decoration.

8. Place a layer of carrots on top of this. All this is still aligned with your hands in the shape of an egg. And again, also coat with mayonnaise.

9. Now you need to sprinkle grated yolk on top.

10. And finally, lay out the last layer of proteins, then we begin to decorate the salad.

11. Once again, firmly tamp it into an oval shape and decorate with corn and herbs of your choice.

12. Be sure to put it in the cold for two hours, and then it will be ready for use.

Our salad looks pretty, is prepared quickly and simply, and tastes divine.

As if "Kulich"

We will prepare this salad in the form of an Easter cake. During cooking, it is mixed, so it is not necessary to follow the sequence.


  • Canned fish - 1 can
  • Boiled egg - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Olives

Cooking method:

1. In a cooking dish, mash canned fish(they can be chosen at your discretion and taste).

2. Then grate eggs and potatoes on a fine grater.

3. Cut the tomato into slices and put it in a common dish with the rest of the ingredients. Salt and season with mayonnaise.

4. Mix everything properly with a spoon.

5. Now take holiday dish, which you will put on the table and put the salad there in the form of a cylinder, like an Easter cake.

6. Sprinkle it with breadcrumbs.

7. And on top, generously grease with mayonnaise, like a hat.

8. Decorate bell pepper and olives.

It looks like the guests will not immediately guess what is actually in front of them)).

Cooking "Easter Wreath"

This salad is layered. The taste is simply amazing.


  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 300 gr.
  • Boiled pork - 300 gr.
  • Grated cheese - 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise, vegetable oil.

For decoration:

  • Quail eggs
  • parsley

First you need to prepare all the products for the salad:

1. Boil meat, potatoes and eggs in advance, cool and peel. Then chop the mushrooms, grate the boiled potatoes, eggs and raw carrots.

2. Grate the cheese, cut the boiled meat into small pieces, champignons and carrots fry in a pan.

Well, the products are prepared, you can start putting them in a salad bowl:

1. We put a glass in the center on the dish and put potatoes around it, compact and level.

Adjust each layer with a spatula, spoon or hands, so that everything is laid evenly.

2. Then put the fried champignons.

4. The next layer is boiled and chopped meat.

5. Now grease with mayonnaise. Help yourself with a fork or spatula.

6. Put the grated eggs on the next layer, again coat with mayonnaise.

7. The last layer consists of grated cheese.

8. You need to carefully remove the glass from the center.

9. Decorate the salad with greens and spread quail eggs(here they are painted food coloring, so beautiful, but not necessarily).

This is how it looks when finished. Very beautiful.

Light Spring Salad

It is unlikely that you will spend more than 15 minutes on its preparation. And it's really light, and really springy).


  • Fresh cabbage -300 gr.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Sausage "salami" - 100 gr.
  • fresh greens
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream

Cooking method:

1. Chop the cabbage and place in a dish, grate the carrots on coarse grater and mix with cabbage, lightly salt and let stand a little to give juice. Finely chop the sausage, cucumber and greens.

2. Add sausage, cucumber and greens to the cabbage. Mix everything thoroughly and let it stand a little.

3. Then season with mayonnaise, mix and you're done.

Very easy and very fast to prepare.

Spicy beetroot salad with horseradish

It is also considered traditional. Easter dish to the holiday table.

Boil the beets in advance, cook for about an hour, cool and peel.


  • Boiled beets - 3 pcs.
  • Horseradish roots - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons

1. Grate the beets on a coarse grater.

2. Then grate the horseradish on a coarse grater.

If there is no combine at hand, but only a grater, then wet the grater and peeled horseradish so that it does not sting your eyes.

3. Add horseradish to beets.

5. Let stand for 15 minutes, then mix sour cream and mayonnaise and add to the salad, mix everything, garnish with herbs.

It turns out a spicy beetroot snack.

Jellied dishes for Easter

Well, having eaten salads, you can start aspic dishes. With jelly, perhaps now you will not surprise anyone. You have to show imagination and think about how else you can surprise guests. I found some pretty original solutions.

Jellied "Faberge egg"

Very beautiful and original snack. It's perfect for other holidays too.

We will need:

  • Meat broth - 1.5 cups
  • Eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Peas - 1 bank
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Greenery
  • Gelatin - 15 gr.
  • Soda solution - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water

1. First, there are 2-2.5 cm holes in the eggshells, pour the contents of the eggs into a separate bowl (then make an omelet out of them, they will not be needed in the recipe). Then dip the cleaning shell into a soda solution for disinfection for half an hour, then dry it on a towel.

2. Cut the ham into small cubes.

3. Then we cut the bell pepper into cubes.

4. Now we alternately put a leaf of parsley into each shell, then several pieces of pepper, sausage, corn and peas.

5. Dissolve gelatin in the broth and stir until completely dissolved. Then pour through a strainer into a glass with a spout, so that later it is convenient to pour it.

7. Then we take it out from the cold and carefully clean the shell.

8. Put the peeled jellied eggs on a dish.

And we get this beautiful dish- "Faberge eggs".

Video on how to cook chicken roll in jelly for the holiday

Very tasty and tender aspic chicken for the holiday. Try it).


  • Fillet chicken thighs- 800 gr.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Lemon juice
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.

See the video for the cooking method:

It seems to be not very difficult and I already want to cook it.

jellied fish recipe

Such an appetizer can be prepared quickly and without any problems, and will always decorate any holiday table.


  • Fish - 700 gr.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Boiled egg - 1 pc.
  • Pepper
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet

1. First you need to remove the skin from the fish. Then we will cook the fish trimmings with carrots and onions 30-40 vbyen

2. When everything boils, we filter the broth through a sieve.

3. Now, in the same broth, cook the fish until tender.

4. Soak gelatin in cold water.

5. When the fish is cooked, take it out of the broth. We filter the broth through a fine sieve and put it on a slow fire (do not boil). Then salt and pepper, add gelatin and stir until it dissolves.

6. We lay out the fish, egg, chopped carrots in a deep dish (we decorate to your taste).

7. Pour in the broth and refrigerate for one hour.

8. After an hour, transfer to a dish and serve.

Stuffed eggs "Chickens"

Of course, we will exchange krashenka, but I also want a stuffed egg. These stuffed chickens will look fun on your holiday table.


  • Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Horseradish - 1 teaspoon
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber pickle - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt pepper
  • Peppercorns, dill - for decoration.

Boil carrots and eggs and peel in advance.

1. The bottom of the eggs needs to be cut off a little so that they can stand on a plate, and the top (you can use a curly knife).

2. Gently remove the yolks, grate them, add mayonnaise, mustard and horseradish.

3. Very finely chop the pickled cucumber and add to the eggs.

4. Salt and pepper, add cucumber pickle.

5. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass.

6. Gently spread this mass into empty squirrels so that the top sticks out well for the cap.

7. Put on a hat on top, make eyes from peppercorns, and a beak and paws from boiled carrots.

And here we have such mi-mi-bear chickens, it’s even a pity to eat.

Meat for the Easter table

Can a holiday be complete without meat? No table is complete without it. Meat can be served in any form - be it smoked, or baked, stewed, fried, or any. It is impossible without meat, the table will not be full).

Beautiful cuts on the table assorted

Slicing is usually put on the table along with salads. She is considered as snack. As a rule, it should be cooked half an hour before it goes to the table.

It can be made from smoked, semi-smoked, boiled sausages, with ham or with your favorite smoked meat. Usually, meat on a plate is sorted into several types, supplemented with cheese, decorated with vegetables and herbs.

Here are some cutting ideas for you.

1. The rosette in the middle can be done like this - fold it in a row, laying several pieces of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bon top of each other and start twisting it all into one roll from the edge. When twisted, fasten with a skewer just below the middle so that the roll does not unwind and put on a plate, and spread the petals nicely on top. Next, just wrap the rose with the rest of the cut.

2. Or like this. There is a rose in the middle smoked sausage. It folds in the same way.

3. If the cut pieces are soft, they can be folded in half and laid in a circle in several rows.

4. And here is the already familiar rose and a thin bacon bow. Pieces of bacon are folded in half, make a bouquet and fasten with a skewer at the bottom.

5. A few more ideas.

You can style it as you like and with anything, as long as you have enough imagination or use my ideas.

Recipe for roll "Fake Bunny"

The roll is very juicy. I take pork for minced meat, but you can use any other at your discretion, you can even mix two types of minced meat.


  • Pork (you can take already minced meat) - 1 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Seasonings - to taste
  • Mustard - 2 teaspoons
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Heavy cream - 200 ml.
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons

Cooking method:

1. Grind meat, onion and garlic in a meat grinder. Add seasonings to minced meat.

2. Put the mustard and break the egg.

3. Pour half the cream into the minced meat.

4. Salt and mix everything until smooth.

5. Put parchment into the mold and fold 1/3 of the minced meat.

6. Put boiled eggs in the middle (how many will fit).

7. And lay the rest of the minced meat on top. Level and put in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for one hour.

8. When removed from the oven, cover with foil for 10-15 minutes to absorb the juices. And it will become juicy.

9. Such a roll is served both hot and cold.

This is how the “fake hare” looks in section. Very appetizing. And you can make any filling, as long as your imagination is enough.

Juicy stacks of minced meat

Another original recipe. They say very, very juicy and tasty).


  • Minced meat - 650 gr.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt, seasonings, spices to taste
  • Mayonnaise
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

1. Dice the onion and fry until soft.

2. Salt the minced meat, pepper, add spices and grated garlic. Mix everything.

3. Grate boiled eggs, salt, add mayonnaise and mix.

4. Make flat cakes from the minced meat and place on a greased baking sheet.

5. Put the fried onions on top of the cakes.

6. Put the grated eggs on the onion.

7. Then rub raw potatoes, salt and stir.

8. put the potatoes on the stacks.

9. Put grated cheese on top and brush with mayonnaise.

10. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Indeed, they look juicy and very appetizing.

Delicious and easy cookie recipe

One of the main dishes of our festive table is Easter cake. It must be prepared on Friday in order to consecrate it in the church on Saturday. The dough for this recipe is without yeast, so it cooks quickly.


  • Flour - 400 gr.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Candied fruit
  • Butter - for greasing molds

For glaze:

  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • Eggs (only protein) - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • confectionery topping

Cooking method:

1. Add sugar and milk to cottage cheese, mix until smooth. Then add beaten eggs, vanilla sugar and soda slaked with lemon juice. Mix everything properly.

2. Then add flour there large portions and stir, then put candied fruits and mix again. Now butter We grease the molds and spread the dough there about halfway.

3. Put in the oven on a slow fire for one hour. Then increase the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 45 minutes. When we take it out of the oven, let it stand for a while, cool down.

In the meantime, let's do the frosting:

Whip egg whites until foamy, then add powdered sugar And lemon juice and beat until creamy.

The icing sets quickly, so you need to cover it immediately. Brush generously with icing and cover confectionery topping.

This is a fairly simple recipe. I have a few more delicious recipes. And you can also look at several other cooking methods that do not crumble.

Cottage cheese Easter for dessert

For dessert, of course, delicious cottage cheese Easter. It is made either raw or custard. Custard is stored longer, and raw is easier.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Cream - 150 ml.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

1. First you need to separate the yolks from the proteins. Mix the yolks with melted butter (it must be pulled out of the refrigerator in advance).

2. Add cottage cheese there (it must be rubbed through a sieve first) and mix into a homogeneous mass.

3. Then put whipped proteins, raisins and cream there - mix.

4. Put gauze in two layers in the pasochnik and put the mass tightly there, cover with gauze on top and put some kind of load, such as a jar of water, and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

5. After that, take it out of the refrigerator, remove the gauze from above and turn the beaker on a plate.

How to cook cottage cheese easter I have more recipes. If interested, take a look.

Cookies in glaze

Well, for tea, I suggest you serve cookies. own cooking and original design.


  • Flour - 2 cups with a slide
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 180 gr. (a little less than a glass)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Confectionery topping.

For glaze:

  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

1. Mix butter with sugar and beat.

2. Then add the egg and continue to beat.

3. Separately mix flour with salt, vanilla sugar and baking powder.

4. Add the dough to the mixed mass in parts and mix.

5. Then we spread it on the board and knead it with our hands into an elastic elastic dough, put it in plastic bag and put in the fridge for half an hour.

6. Then we take it out of the refrigerator and divide it into two parts.

7. Roll out each part on the board and squeeze out the cookies with a mold.

8. Put on a baking sheet parchment paper and put cookies in it. Insert a wooden stick into each cookie. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet there for 10-15 minutes until they are browned.

9. In the meantime, make the glaze. Take an egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Set the yolk aside.

10. Whisk the protein until fluffy foam.

11. Squeeze juice from half a lemon there. Stir a little more.

12. Add powdered sugar and mix again until it becomes creamy.

The glaze hardens quickly, so it must be spread immediately.

13. We take out the cookies from the oven and begin to glaze.

14. And on top we cover with any confectionery dressing. Soon the icing will harden and the cookies are ready.

What drinks can be served at Easter

Well, what a table without drinks. You can put juices, some berry juice. Of the alcoholic drinks, wine is recommended, traditionally it is Cahors, but not very important. After all, this is a church holiday, so you should not get drunk))

All this, of course, takes time, but my girlfriends will come to me and help, in a few hands we will quickly cope))

Well, that's all. I wish you a great celebration of this Great holiday. Write comments if you liked my menu)) All the best.