What do you need to cook. What you need to prepare traditional Easter dishes

Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines. How rolls are made is known not only in Japan. In China, Vietnam, Indonesia, they also prepare sushi, rolls, recipes, of course, may differ. Rolls, or kimbals, are also characteristic of Korean cuisine. Nevertheless, today the Japanese consider the recipe for making rolls the property of their culture. Japanese rolls are called makisushi. Usually rolls are cut into 6 pieces, but there are rolls of 8 or even 12 pieces. A variety of rolls are temaki - the same any rolls, but large, which are not cut into pieces, but eaten by biting. There are also "colored" and "mosaic" rolls, and other types of rolls. The ingredients for the rolls and the filling for the rolls are most often seafood and processed vegetables. For example, they make rolls with shrimp, rolls with crab sticks, rolls with salmon, rolls with eel, rolls with salmon, rolls with tuna, rolls with squid, rolls with trout. In addition, they often make egg rolls and rolls with vegetables or spring rolls. Chicken rolls, Caesar roll and other recipes for chicken rolls, pancake rolls, sweet pancake rolls and other homemade sweet rolls are innovations of our days. Many do not know what kind of cheese is needed for rolls. Cream cheese is used for rolls. The most popular cream cheese for rolls - this is Philadelphia. Cooking Philadelphia rolls without such cheese is impossible. The traditional sauce for rolls is soy. Soy sauce for rolls can be of several types: Teriyaki, Tonkatsu, Unagi. Vinegar for rolls is also used special - rice.

Today, sushi and rolls have become a prominent element in our lives. Photos of this dish are a favorite topic of many food photographers, and visiting a Japanese restaurant is a status event. Japanese cuisine has become so popular today that it has boldly stepped out of restaurants into our homes, so many home cooks are asking questions like: How to cook rolls? How to cook sushi and rolls? How to make rolls and sushi? What do you need for rolls? How to make rolls? How to make your own rolls How to cook rolls? How to make rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to wrap rolls or how to wrap rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to spin rolls? How to spin rolls? How to wrap rolls correctly? How to cook Philadelphia rolls? How to cook rice for rolls? How to cook rolls? How to cook California rolls? How to cook hot roll? How to roll rolls? How to make Philadelphia rolls? How to make hot rolls? How to make a hot roll? How to prepare vinegar for rolls? How to cook sushi and rolls? How to cook hot rolls? And it’s not in vain that they ask, because it’s interesting to make sushi and rolls with your own hands, but eating them is useful.

The rolls are made using a makisu bamboo mat. This is what you need to make rolls. So if you are interested in making rolls at home, you will have to stock up on this device. Making rolls at home without a mat will be really difficult. Sometimes the rolls are rolled in such a way that the nori sheet is on the inside and the rice is on the outside. This is the so-called. rolls with rice outside. This is how the famous Philadelphia rolls are made. The recipe for this roll includes cream cheese, caviar, cucumber, salmon fillet. You can make these rolls with your own hands, Philadelphia recipes are so popular for a reason. If you want to learn how to make Philadelphia rolls, more precisely, how to make Philadelphia rolls at home, see how our cooks do it. Maybe, rolls at home You will get even tastier than those prepared in a restaurant.

Despite the fact that, according to many, the most delicious rolls Made in Japan, the Philadelphia roll recipe does not originate in Japan. Rolls in general owe their popularity to a large extent to the United States, where the fashion for sushi rolls and, in general, comes from. Japanese cuisine spread throughout the world. Today, one of the most popular are Philadelphia rolls and California rolls, the recipe for these rolls was invented in America. We have already mentioned that Philadelphia rolls can be made at home without any problems. So feel free to cook Philadelphia rolls. A photo with step-by-step instructions at the same time greatly facilitates the cooking process. The recipe that describes step by step cooking rolls, besides it will save you from mistakes. And do not forget that these are being made rolls with Philadelphia cheese. Rolls, the recipe with photos of which is often prepared and posted on the Internet, are California rolls. You can also make California rolls at home. Classic stuffing California rolls are considered crab meat. These rolls are made with avocado, but you can also make these rolls with cucumber. So buy necessary ingredients, fixtures, and see on our website how to cook California rolls correctly. Or any other rolls, because here you can find the most various recipes rolls at home.

Thanks to the popularity of rolls, today there are the most different kinds rolls, both by the method of preparation and the composition of the products. These are fried rolls, baked rolls, hot rolls or warm rolls. There are also sweet rolls, lean rolls, pancake rolls, vegetable rolls. We cook rolls at home with our chefs and will be happy to tell you how to cook rolls at home. Many people associate the preparation of rolls and sushi with something mysterious and unattainable. Probably the way it should be. At the same time, you can also learn how to make rolls, join a new culture of cooking and eating food. On the pages of our site, we have already told you how to eat rolls correctly, so now we will tell you how to cook rolls at home. Sushi, rolls at home, or rather, cooking rolls at home will add exoticism to the usual cooking process. Homemade rolls will pleasantly diversify your usual menu or surprise guests at the festive table. After all, home-cooked rolls are delicious at home. Therefore, everyone who is interested in recipes for rolls with a photo, recipes for sushi and rolls at home, recipes for rolls at home with a photo, a recipe for rolls at home, rolls, homemade recipes, rolls home cooking, sushi rolls recipes with photos, baked rolls at home, rolls recipes with photos, hot rolls recipes with photos, we invite you to cook them with us. We and our chefs cook sushi and rolls at home, cook rolls at home. You can cook at home as simple recipes rolls, and complex roll recipes. Rolls at home are sometimes prepared with children, because making rolls at home is quite an exciting process. Rolls, the recipes of which you will find on our website, as a rule, are prepared from products that are familiar to us. So you can buy products for making rolls in our stores. But with one condition: products for rolls must be fresh. Of course, the recipe for rolls with crab sticks loses to the recipe for rolls with crab, but what can you do.

So, let's move on to a very important point: how the rolls are prepared. Cooking rice for rolls is where you should start making sushi and rolls at home. There is a special rice for rolls, but ordinary round rice is also suitable for making rolls. How to cook rice for rolls, more precisely, how to cook rice for rolls, in principle, every housewife knows. The recipe for rice rolls is simple. The ratio of water and rice is 1:1, you should wait until all the water has boiled away. Rice should be well boiled, but at the same time not be a porridge. When the rice for rolls is ready, rinse it cold water. That's it, now you know how to cook rice for rolls. The recipe for making rice for rolls may also contain a recommendation to pour the finished rice with apple or rice vinegar.

Recipes for making sushi and rolls are so diverse that everyone can find a recipe for themselves among them. Roll recipes use a wide variety of ingredients. If you want to make rolls at home, the fillings can be very different. This is a recipe for shrimp rolls, a recipe for eel rolls, a recipe for cucumber rolls, a recipe for avocado rolls, eel rolls, a recipe for omelet rolls, rolls with salmon and cucumber, sweet rolls, a recipe for salmon rolls, rolls with salmon and cucumber, battered rolls recipe, salmon rolls, chicken rolls recipe, egg rolls recipe, warm rolls, cucumber rolls recipe, avocado rolls recipe, spring rolls recipe, vegetable rolls recipe. fried rolls recipe, caesar roll, shrimp rolls, homemade warm rolls recipe, baked rolls, do-it-yourself rolls recipe, homemade fried rolls. Indeed, in last years hot rolls are especially popular. This method of making rolls will appeal to those who especially love hot snacks. Without much hassle, you can cook hot rolls at home. Hot rolls, the recipe of which differs from the usual ones, in fact, only in that they are fried in vegetable oil, you can cook at home. The batter for rolls is an egg, water, flour, salt. So cook rolls at home. There are recipes, but they are ready rolls impossible not to eat!

Cheese making for beginners sometimes seems not only a difficult process, but also practically inaccessible.

Many people think that successfully making cheese at home is a kind of vocation.

But in cheesemaking, as in any business, the main thing is to start, and start with a simple one, and then move on to more complex cheeses.

First of all, you need to know what it takes to make cheese at home, namely the basic ingredients and equipment.

With experience, there will be a desire to use various additives to give your product a refined taste and aroma.

Now let's start with necessary minimum products and kitchen utensils for a beginner cheese maker.

Basic ingredients for cheese

1. Milk. You can use different types of milk: whole, pasteurized, cow, goat, sheep and even horse. Cheese from different types milk will differ in taste and color.

Most best cheese is obtained from unpasteurized milk, but such a product must stand for 2 to 4 months before consumption, because milk may contain pathogens.

Used in making cheese whole milk(3.5% and above), 2% or skim milk.

Saturation cheese flavor depends on the amount of milk fat in milk.

As a result, 450-700 grams of cheese should be obtained from 3.5 liters of milk.

Reconstituted powdered milk is not recommended for a beginner; homemade cheese not guaranteed.

UHT milk doesn't taste like raw milk, and it's practically useless for making cheese.

The structure of the protein in it is changed radically, and calcium is almost completely destroyed, so coagulation is impossible.

2. Calcium chloride. During pasteurization, calcium in milk disappears, therefore, when using pasteurized milk, it is recommended to add a small amount of to ensure coagulation and the formation of curd that is not destroyed by stirring. You can buy it.

The optimal amount of calcium chloride is 0.02%. That is, it is necessary to add 3.6 grams of calcium chloride to 20 liters of pasteurized milk, which is about ¾ teaspoon.

Calcium chloride must be thoroughly dissolved in ¼ cup of water before adding to milk. Add slowly, mixing thoroughly.

You can also use calcium sulfate in highly diluted form, it is much less soluble than calcium chloride.

3. Sourdough. For fermentation of milk, bacteria must be added, as a result of which rennet enzymes will work, which contribute to clotting.

Fermented buttermilk can serve as a mesophilic starter. Also curdled milk can be used as a starter.

Some cheese recipes require the addition of chemicals to increase the acidity of the milk.

Never, especially when using buttermilk, add too much starter for too long, which will thicken the milk before the rennet is added.

4. Rennet extract. Enzymes convert the milk protein (casein) from a soluble to an insoluble material, and the milk becomes like milk jelly.

This process occurs only in fermented milk. It is necessary to leave the milk until a dense curd is formed. Rennet can be selected and purchased at.

Cheese cooking utensils

1. Heavy stainless steel pot. The inertness of the pan is very important, as sour milk can dissolve aluminum. You can also use enamel pots.

It is very important that the bottom is thick, so that the heat will be evenly distributed and the milk will not burn. Burning milk spoils the aroma and makes washing dishes difficult.

The pan should be large enough to leave at least 3 cm from the level of the milk to the edge of the pan. The lid is necessary for the time the milk settles.

2. Scales and measuring containers. The accuracy of the weight of the ingredients in cheesemaking is essential. The simplest option is . But ideally have

Whether you know how to cook fine dining or you can hardly cope with cooking store-bought dumplings, you can always please your soul mate with a surprise in the form of cooking the now extremely popular and very tasty Japanese food- rolls.

Rolls, in fact, are just cooking rice with a variety of additives, wrapped in seaweed. There is nothing complicated in the process of making rolls.


You can easily guess that when cooking rolls, you will probably need a saucepan for boiling rice. And you will be right. Next, you need to get a good cutting board, and - almost most importantly - a sharply sharpened knife. If the knife is blunt, then the whole idea will turn to dust, because the rolls will simply flatten out under its onslaught. For the preparation of rolls with rice outside, food-grade plastic wrap is useful.

From special devices you need to purchase a small makisu bamboo mat, which, in fact, will help you make a roll from everything that you are going to fit into it. And, of course, in the end, you will need chopsticks for eating rolls and soy sauce trays. Cymbals can be ordinary, or they can fully match the entourage of the moment and be with Japanese patterns.


It is impossible to cook rolls without rice. Rice is better to take a special, special variety that provides its best grip. It is sold in shops of the corresponding direction or "Japanese" corners of large supermarkets. This rice is sold either in smaller packages than usual, or in portioned perforated bags for ease of preparation. Some, however, use ordinary round-grain rice for rolls. This is also not forbidden, just the rolls are a little rougher due to its larger grains.

Rice needs special vinegar rice vinegar mitsukan, which will provide a decent bunch of rice grains into a single whole. This is necessary so that your rolls remain rolls in any situation (both in sticks and in soy sauce), otherwise your rolls will simply fall apart when you try to eat them.

Don't forget nori, dried seaweed. It is they who will help you roll the structure into a roll shape and keep it in this form until it is eaten.

As a seasoning, classic soy sauce and ginger. Soy sauce is better to buy good, cheap will be more like water.

Pickled ginger is now sold in any decent grocery store, so getting it will not be difficult either. Initially, this product was used in the process of eating rolls to refresh the taste sensations between their different types, but our compatriots eat it together with rolls.

Wasabi, aka "green mustard" or "green horseradish" - spicy seasoning to sushi, which is exactly what is supposed to be eaten with them. But we often add it directly to soy sauce.

You can't do without stuffing. In essence, you can put absolutely everything that your creative nature desires into rolls. Of course, there are certain classic ingredients, which are usually put in rolls in Russia (although, as a rule, they have little in common with Japanese rolls). This includes salted or smoked fish- salmon, tuna or eel, cucumbers and avocados, Philadelphia cream cheese, crabs, sometimes scrambled eggs and small fish caviar. However, with due imagination and opportunities, you can vary this list at your own discretion. Some even make rolls from potatoes with herring or pickles, which is not without national flavor.

Rolls are both quite high-calorie and dietary (including vegetarian). You can even make them sweet, if instead of a nori sheet you use ordinary thin homemade pancakes, and put fruit filling inside. Just don't eat this type of sushi with soy sauce.

How to cook

To cook classic norimaki rolls (that is, seaweed rolls outward), you need to lay out a makisu mat in front of you, turning it away from you. Place a sheet of nori on top of the mat. It looks brittle and tough, but under the influence of wet rice will quickly become elastic enough to roll up.

Top the nori with boiled and slightly flavored with mitsukan rice. Just leave a small free longitudinal strip along the bottom edge of the seaweed to secure the roll after folding. On the opposite end of this strip, lay out your filling, for example, slices of cucumbers, slices of fish and a little Philadelphia cheese. Then start rolling the future roll into a tube, starting from the edge with the filling. A mat will help you with this, which you can lift over the edge, thereby wrapping the structure. Make sure the roll is even and tight enough so that it doesn't fall apart when you cut it. When you have cooked this sausage, seal the edge with the remaining free strip so that the rice does not spill out. Your roll is ready, it remains only to cut it very sharp knife into portions of the size you need.

If you decide to cook inside-out rolls or uramaki, the principle of operation changes somewhat: a cling film is spread on the makisu mat, rice is placed on it, and the filling you need is placed on the rice. Then the scheme is the same: we roll the roll with a flexible mat and dexterous hands, then cut it into portions.

Ready rolls can be flavored small caviar (flying fish or capelin, hardly anyone will notice the difference) or thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fried pieces of fish.

Whatever rolls you decide to cook, remember: you can quite cope with the preparation of this already not very exotic, but still delicious dish.

please interesting dishes Every woman wants her loved ones. But what if you don’t know how to do it at all, how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch? There are, of course, some rules that must be followed in order to become a real craftswoman.

First you need to observe, and not start with the most complex recipes. No need to hope that mastery will come by itself. Observation is the first part in learning the basics of cooking. These basics include knowledge of how to clean vegetables, in what order they should be boiled. For those who do not have certain skills, it may not work the first time. Do not be upset, it was not the gods who burned the pots. Everything will work out, but everything needs experience. The next step is to study the sources, which contain detailed cooking recommendations. different dishes: from the simplest to the most complex.

This and cookbooks, and encyclopedias, and courses, and master classes. After the received theory, you need to move on to the practical development of cooking.

Let the experiments be not always successful. The main principle on which the taste of food depends is that everything should be done with kindness and love. The secret of each dish is that you need to cook not always exactly according to the recipe. You need to take as a basis the taste preferences of your family. After all, whatever good way, specific relatives will eat the cooked dish.

Where to begin?

You can start your culinary tests with ordinary sandwiches, then move on to salads, and then gradually to cooking soups and borscht.

An important point: one must be able to cook from the available products, since their abundance is not available to every housewife.

So how do you learn to cook delicious food from scratch? First you need to admit to yourself that you do not know how to do it at all. And there is nothing terrible in this. Everything can be learned. It's important to want it. And the desire arises immediately after the one and only one who really wants to be pampered with delicious appears.

How to learn to cook delicious food? Now it's time to learn a few simple rules. To please family delicious meals, need:

  • prepare simple meals;
  • look for recipes in cookbooks;
  • choose only high-quality products;
  • water that will be used for cooking must be filtered;
  • apply good dishes, serviceable kitchen appliances and knives made of good steel.

You should not be away from the stove for a long time in the process of cooking. This condition must be observed if the young housewife does not want to treat her loved one with burnt foods. If the recipe says that the dish needs to be constantly stirred, it should be done. Those dishes that a woman prepares, she should taste for the presence of salt, sugar, spices. Everything should be done with pleasure, and ready meals you have to learn how to make it beautiful.

The simplest dishes can become especially tasty with unusual sauce. Don't be afraid to fantasize. But for starters, your imagination should still be curbed by strict adherence to the recipe.

Rules for a novice hostess

How else can you learn to cook delicious food from scratch? No one is born with the ability to draw, sing, cook. These skills can be acquired and everything can be learned. In order to have enough time for everything, you need to properly distribute it. Choose products that do not require additional long-term processing.

This applies to meat, fish, chicken. You can’t save on buying vegetables, cheap vegetables cannot be of high quality. household kitchen appliances- a good help to the hostess.

It greatly simplifies the cooking process and saves time.

So, how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch at home? You need:

  • prepare simple meals, snacks;
  • purchase good kitchen appliances (pot, frying pan, several knives, grater, board, apron);
  • rearrange to make it as convenient as possible to be in the kitchen;
  • get acquainted with the recipes, with the sequence of all the main actions;
  • you need to thoroughly master several dishes, without spraying on many;
  • do not stop there.

Teaching kids and teens how to cook

A woman, by her nature and the need to feed her family, learns to quickly cook borscht and fry pancakes, but how can children learn to cook deliciously from scratch? How to teach a child to cook food so that, having matured, he does not experience difficulties in the process of creating hot first and second courses? This is especially important in the modern world of fast food and quick snacks. So how do you do it? Children should be instructed to prepare the simplest dishes. Let the child chop up the salad, salt it and season it with butter or mayonnaise. Let him bring his own dish to the table. This will give him weight in the family. The child will be proud of the fact that he is already independent. If they are afraid to give him a knife in his hands, you can instruct him to cook a cake without baking. Let him do only part of the work, the execution of which will be one hundred percent safe for him.

It’s easier to tell mothers and housewives how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch for a teenager. This is a matured child who can do a lot on his own. He can be instructed to independently carry out the entire process of preparing a simple dish.

Cook not only tasty, but also beautiful, interesting dishes

It is very pleasant to cook for the little ones. How to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch for children? The most important thing in this process is to find something that the kids will like. Sweets, many will say. They will be right. But you can’t feed a child with sweets, cakes and cakes alone. A growing organism needs meat, milk, vegetables and fruits. Ordinary vegetables will be eaten by kids with appetite, if you apply imagination and fantasy. Think about decorating the most regular eggs and casseroles to please the child.

The basic principles of tasty and healthy food are analyzed. Now it’s clear how to learn how to cook deliciously from scratch. Recipes in this case, as already mentioned, first choose the most simple.


Now I want to offer a short list of dishes that can be considered basic. When these dishes are mastered, you can move on to complex ones. They will have more components. We can assume that these dishes are for those who have just begun to learn the basics of cooking. These include:

  • fragrant chicken soup;
  • cabbage soup with fresh cabbage;
  • baked chicken;
  • fire cutlets.

For garnish you need the following dishes: fried potatoes, mashed potatoes. Greek and vegetable salad will great addition to the main dishes. And for dessert, pancakes and croutons are suitable.


Now that the first stage of mastering culinary delights has been mastered, you can safely experiment and move on. A woman determined to feel real hostess in the kitchen, who wants to learn how to cook well and please each member of his family, he will definitely achieve a positive result. Family members will appreciate the woman's efforts.

Children will delight mom with excellent appetite. Husband for Tasty dinner or dinner will thank you with a strong kiss. The obligation to be a mother will give confidence to the hostess. She will learn new and new recipes. But the biggest plus in this culinary comprehension will be the involvement of the whole family in the process of preparing family feasts. You can start today, you can’t put it off until tomorrow, because you always want to eat.

Dishes of oriental cuisine have deeply entered the culinary practice of gourmets in European countries. The main dish of Japan, rolls, has gained particular popularity. You don’t always enjoy them in a restaurant, but everyone can cook rolls at home. The required ingredients for rolls are easy to find in supermarkets in cities. Oriental cooking masterpiece will become a real decoration not only holiday table, but will appeal to all your family members including little gourmets. Explore the best step by step recipes.

What do you need to make rolls at home?

Let's highlight the main ingredients for cooking a Japanese delicacy at home: coarse-grained, round rice, nori seaweed, rice vinegar, sugar, salt, soy vinegar, and most importantly - seafood (red fish fillet: salmon, tuna, eel, salmon, crab sticks). For improvement palatability dishes also use avocado, regular cucumber, apple, ginger, cheese, chicken, shrimp. Oriental rolls are always accompanied by wasabi sauce.

How to cook rice properly?

To make rice suitable for forming rolls, you must first select desired grade. This is Rice for Sushi and Rolls. In general, it should be round, relatively large and not fall apart. The taste and appearance of the rolls depends on how the rice is cooked.

  1. Pour washed rice at the rate of 200 g of cereal per 250 ml of water.
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for 15 minutes covered.
  3. After the end of the boiling period, turn off the gas, leave the rice in the pan for another 15-20 minutes, without opening the lid, so that moisture is absorbed.


Whatever the rolls (spicy, raw, fried or baked), they are always served in their historical homeland with a specific Spicy sauce. It is easy to cook it yourself, giving an oriental dish a special zest of taste. Just a few ingredients - and your rolls will be appreciated by the most capricious gourmets. To prepare the sauce we take:

  • soy sauce - a few drops;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Chile ketchup - to taste;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • flying fish caviar - 1 tsp

Mix all the ingredients (the proportions are indicated) and enjoy the taste of Spicy sauce along with homemade rolls.

Philadelphia roll recipe

To prepare them you will need:

  • nori seaweed;
  • cream cheese "Philadelphia";
  • red fish;
  • cucumber.

Stages of preparation of the Asian "Philadelphia".

  1. Prepare rice according to the above recipe for rolls.
  2. Distributing already cold rice for the most part of the nori sheet, leaving about 1.5 cm for docking from one edge.
  3. Quickly and carefully turn the rice sheet over so that the filling remains under the seaweed.
  4. We roll the roll with the help of galvanized roll.
  5. We cover it with pieces of red fish, we press the fish from all sides to the rice with bamboo zinc.
  6. With a sharp knife dipped in water, cut a long roll into thin 6 pieces.

Philadelphia rolls are ready. They differ exquisite taste and aroma, but appearance decorate any festive feast.


It is interesting that the motherland Japanese rolls"Inside out" is rightfully considered the US state of California, as they were first prepared by a local restaurant chef. Such delicacies of "California" look chic and will effectively decorate the buffet table if they are laid out on a plate with fantasy.

Ingredients for California:

  • one avocado;
  • cucumber;
  • tobiko caviar - 150 g;
  • rice - 2 cups;
  • rice vinegar - 50 g;
  • crab sticks - 100 g;
  • trout (fillet) -100 g;
  • nori seaweed -1 pack;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yang rug;
  • soy sauce.

Exodus - 48 pieces.

Having collected all the necessary components of the recipe, we begin to prepare the dish.

  1. Cook rice according to the above instructions and mix with rice vinegar.
  2. Cut cucumbers, avocados, trout, crab sticks into slices.
  3. Separate half of the seaweed sheet and fill it with rice. Lay the nori back on the yin mat.
  4. Spread the tobiko caviar evenly over the rice spread with your hands.
  5. Gently flip the zinc over the nori.
  6. Lubricate the sheet with mayonnaise.
  7. We put the filling of avocado, cucumber, trout.
  8. Wrap the nori roll and give it a square shape.
  9. Cut the long roll into thin circles.

To diversify the American California rolls, we similarly create oriental dish, but stuffed with cheese instead soy mayonnaise, tobiko, crab meat or sticks.

egg rolls

Diversify traditional homemade dishes will help Korean cuisine. Egg rolls are considered to be its worthy representative. As the name suggests, this recipe contains eggs. Cooking such splendor (pictured) is not difficult even for a beginner.

Korean Meal Ingredients:

  • chicken eggs-3 pcs.;
  • nori seaweed - 1 sheet;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking according to step by step instructions.

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk or fork until smooth, like an omelet.
  2. We heat the pan and grease with vegetable oil over the entire surface of the bottom.
  3. Pour most of the egg mass into the pan, lightly salt.
  4. After a couple of minutes, cover the scrambled eggs with a nori leaf, and pour the remaining egg mass on top.
  5. Carefully flip the egg pancake with seaweed with a spatula.
  6. It is important not to overcook the egg blank: you need the eggs to be slightly raw.
  7. Wrap the "pancake" and put it outside on a cutting board. Cut into thin slices.

Roll "Caesar"

Try to cook a European variation of the fragrant Caesar roll. In addition to the main ingredients, the dish contains an equally healthy, fortified set of products: parmesan, salad, cream cheese. The rolls are topped with grated parmesan. breadcrumbs. The delicacy is easy to bake in the oven to improve the taste.

To make Caesar rolls you will need:

  • coarse-grained rice for sushi - 250 g;
  • boiled breast chicken - 90-100 g;
  • cream cheese - 80-100 g;
  • parmesan - 50 g;
  • rice vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • nori seaweed leaves;
  • lettuce (leaves);
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt.

Following the step-by-step instructions, you will get wonderful Japanese rolls that your family members will appreciate.

Cook rice according to the instructions above. While the rice is cooking, prepare following products.

  1. We cut the chicken meat into strips, lettuce leaves - by analogy.
  2. Fry breadcrumbs until golden brown in the oven without fat.
  3. Finely grate the parmesan.
  4. Laying bamboo galvanizing cling film.
  5. We cut the seaweed leaf in half, put one part on the bamboo.
  6. We distribute the rice in an even layer, 1 cm thick. Do not forget to leave the edges of the nori sheet, unfilled with filling for gluing.
  7. Turn the rice sheet down. We spread strips of chicken breast, a few tablespoons of cream cheese, salad in the center, carefully wrap the roll.
  8. Rolls are wrapped in breadcrumbs and cut into pieces. Put on a flat plate, sprinkle the dish with grated parmesan.

Spring rolls with chicken

Spring rolls differ from their ordinary roll relatives by their wrapping. Stuffing flavored with oriental spicy sauces wrapped in rice paper. The latter is easy to purchase at any hypermarket. The filling for "springs" is varied, it depends on the selected ingredients and your taste preferences. Vegetables, sprouted beans, mushrooms, seafood, chicken fillet, noodles, pork are wrapped in rice paper.

For cooking oriental snack with chicken you will need for 2 servings:

  • rice paper- 1 package;
  • chicken breast- 1 PC.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese cabbage - ½ head;
  • fish or oyster sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 l.;
  • ginger root, basil, green onion, cilantro, sesame.

How to make a spring snack?

  1. We cut small cubes chicken, thin strips of the green part of the onion, cabbage, carrot straws.
  2. In a heavy-bottomed pan, sauté chopped garlic, ginger, onion in vegetable oil. Add chicken meat.
  3. Separately, fry vegetables in oil, add chicken cubes, soy sauce, cilantro, sesame seeds, basil, remove the pan from the fire.
  4. Dip rice paper in non-hot water for 20 minutes. It becomes soft and easily rolled into a roll. Put the prepared stuffing with a spoon on the rice wrapper.
  5. Ready vegetable rolls deep-fry for several minutes.
  6. When serving, decorate the rolls with green onions.

Video tutorials on making delicious homemade rolls

“It is better to see with your own eyes once than to hear twice,” says the proverb. If you are new to oriental cuisine, then after watching the video, you can easily cook amazing-tasting seafood rolls, repeating step by step. Your family or friends will be delighted with the overseas dish you have prepared.

Baked rolls with eel and nori

Rolls with nori seaweed, eel are easy to cook in a baked form. A step-by-step video will help with this. Baked hot or warm rolls are served with unagi sauce or mustard sauce.

Fried rolls

Indulge your guests with fried crispy rolls according to a specific recipe by watching this video.