How to make regular dough without eggs. How to learn to bake without eggs and yeast? Sweet pastry without eggs with milk.

Recipe yeast dough for pies in the oven, it is perfect for those who do not like to spend time in the kitchen at all, are not “friends” with the stove, who do not have time for long cooking, but at the same time a large family that appreciates homemade cakes, and in particular, milk pies: soft, fluffy, delicious. By the way, milk is not a mandatory ingredient here, you can cook yeast pies without eggs, without milk, kefir or other animal products, as it was made in the recipe (vegan option).

For liquid ingredients, use clear plastic or glass liquid measuring cups with measurements clearly marked on the side. Do not use opaque plastic or metal measuring cups unless they have measurement marks on the side.

Place the cup on a horizontal flat surface and mark the marks at eye level. The liquid level must be aligned with the appropriate measurement mark. An inaccurate measurement can affect the critical balance of a recipe. For dry ingredients, use the enclosed plastic or metal dry measuring cups and spoons. Do not use utensils in cups or spoons.

If you are looking for meatless recipes, then pay attention to Indian samosas - delicious pies with vegetable or mushroom stuffing:

  1. on ghee (baked in the oven).
  2. , lentils, green peas and other vegetables (fried in boiling oil).

Now let's move on to our recipe.

Ingredients for 40 pies:

It is important to pour or dry the dry ingredients into a cup. There is no need to sift the flour. Do not press the cup or pack the ingredients into the cup unless otherwise directed. Packed brown sugar. This extra amount can affect the critical balance of the recipe.

How to prepare yeast dough?

Align upper part cups, sweeping up excess with the back of a knife or the handle of a spoon. When using measuring spoons for liquid or dry ingredients such as yeast, sugar, salt, powdered milk or honey, measurements should be even, not piled up.

Recipe for yeast pies in milk without eggs


To achieve consistent results, it is recommended to use a weighing scale if possible, as it is more accurate than cup measurement. Place the container on the scale, massage the scale, then spoon or pour the ingredients until the desired weight is reached.

Measuring ingredients when developing your own recipes

Bread machine recipes often call for some of the less common measurements, such as cup no./. Use this chart to see their equivalents. Use these tips to make it easier to develop or adapt a recipe. The recipes in this book have been specifically designed and tested to produce 1 to 5 pound loaves, so they may have slightly more or less flour than the general formula above. However, if you develop your own recipes As a general guideline, a minimum of 2 cups and a maximum of 5 cups of dry ingredients are recommended to keep the dough from rising above the bread pan.

Add the butter to the warmed milk (do not let the milk boil), dilute the salt, yeast and sugar.

Sift the flour into the milk mixture (use a sieve). In the absence of a special sieve for sifting flour, you can use an ordinary colander with small holes.

The Best Bread: Vital Ingredients

When setting jams, a maximum of 3 cups of fruit should be used as a general guideline. Yeast dough is a rare guest in kitchens. Its crazy smell reminds us of his last childhood, when his grandmothers and mothers greatly appreciated him as a cheap base, without eggs and butter. It is a favorite center of many sweet dishes that today deserve the expression of antiquity in calorie-conscious times, which is why they are rarely served. They have not lost their delight. The time-consuming discovery has delayed its arrival for the time being.

Mix all the ingredients of the dough well with a spoon.

The dough will be in the refrigerator for 2 hours, but before that, place the thoroughly mixed mixture in plastic bag and tie tightly. Pies can be started on another day, the dough can wait in the refrigerator for up to two days. Dough that has stood overnight in the cool is much tastier!

Who, after a long day at work, comes to the kitchen with an empty stomach, kneads the dough and lets it rest for hours? Some useful details help. In school cookbooks the following quantitative ratio is indicated: 20 g of fresh yeast are counted per 500 g of flour.

The easiest recipe

Fresh Yeast vs. Dry Yeast: The practical advantage of dry yeast is unmistakable. Sugar is mixed in a glass. If the liquid bubbles after 5-10 minutes, the yeast still has sufficient momentum. Yeast rises 5 - 39 degrees Celsius. From 40 degrees Celsius, the fungus dies. Optimally, the growth process occurs at 25 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is important that all ingredients are warm. Some cooks put flour in a preheated oven for a few minutes. By the way: 25 degrees Celsius is warmer than expected.

When two hours have passed, the dough will fit well and you can already start sculpting pies. The mixture will rise well in the cold, but it will take longer. If you want to bake pies as soon as possible, then put the dough in a warm place for 30 minutes. (You can put on a warm battery, for example).

How to make yeast dough

The thermometer helps for the first time for a good assessment. Preparation: because yeast dough also reaches 5 degrees, it follows that the yeast dough can be prepared the day before and can sleep in the refrigerator. This also results in a certain fine porosity in the bakery and is therefore always found in recipe lines.

Yeast needs sticky flour to walk, hour s high content squirrel. To dissolve yeast, dissolve yeast in hand-held water. The addition of a pinch of sugar—even in the case of salt dough—causes "priming" for the upward process. By the way, salt makes yeast mushrooms die.

Sprinkle your hands with flour before preparing the pies so that the dough does not stick to your hands. Gather a little dough (approximately 1 tbsp. with a slide) and form pies (they will turn out small, bake well, inside there is a juicy filling).

Don't forget to put your filling in the center. You can not put anything inside, you will get lush, ruddy, baked buns.

Test making. The production of dough with yeast liquid and part of the flour aims to speed up the fermentation process. Because yeast cultures are very mobile in a particularly wet dough mass. The step can also be skipped, i.e. all ingredients can be processed.

If there is no kitchen machine that accepts kneading, beating can be taken literally. Cookbook author Maria Horváth quotes an old Hungarian cook. It becomes light as a feather and flows into the mouth. So the dough is good. Only when it is sufficiently affected is enough gluten present so that the subsequent blistering remains stable and does not "break down". Get up. Yeast dough needs a warm place to open and does not tolerate trains. There are several possibilities for this: the dough bowl, covered with a dish, is placed in a preheated oven.

Spread products on a baking sheet greased with any fat. For a golden crust, anoint the pies with vegetable oil (optional). You should get about 40 pies.

Or: In a large pot, water is heated to room temperature. Place the covered bowl of dough into the pot. Or: I also like to use a bowl with a resealable lid. Often cookbooks show that the dough should double in volume. It is practically important that it acquires a lot in volume and is so recognizable that the yeast has developed its driving force.

To bloom Depending on the recipe, flour is added to the dough, and usually enough to prevent it from sticking to your hands. Knead The dough is kneaded until homogeneous mass. Rise The dough is brought into its shape. Then he can go indoor a second time.

Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Temperature 180°C.

Pies without eggs are fluffy, airy, bake well inside, and a beautiful, golden brown., thanks to vegetable oil the pies are delicious.

Just read your post about yeast dough, but you should correct. The statement "salt lets the yeast die" is contradictory. There is the so-called salt-yeast method, where the yeast is deliberately mixed with salt and a small amount water, you get a wonderful fluffy yeast dough. Yeast is a living thing and needs moisture, food, a certain temperature to live and reproduce. If he's in contact with salt, it doesn't matter - as long as he doesn't stay in touch for too long.

Salt is hygroscopic, meaning salt attracts moisture. If the salt is stored for some time with the yeast, the yeast will degummed and may die, but this takes several hours, but when the salt is dissolved in the water with the yeast, it does not die - this is called the salt yeast process. Bread, rolls, cakes, pizza, mare! For some, yeast dough is child's play, while for others, it's a mystery. Why is my dough not rising? Questions about questions that shouldn't stop you from trying it yourself.

Perhaps this the best recipe: delicious, fast, simple, literally in 5 minutes!

Bon Appetit!

Recipe from Nadia Konovalova.

The secret of delicious pies - the right recipe yeast dough. And this is a known fact. Kneading it is easy if you try and do everything right.

Fresh yeast or dry yeast?

Fresh ingredients are usually better than canned. However, in yeast, the difference in quality is not so great. For short-term decision makers, it's perfectly fine to use dry yeast. The following applies: 1 cube of fresh yeast corresponds to 2 sachets of dry yeast. For 1 kg of flour, you usually need 1 cube of fresh yeast or 2 sachets of dry yeast. Whether fresh yeast or dry yeast - both types of yeast should be dissolved in warm water or milk. In this way, the yeast is distributed optimally in the dough and takes on the correct "working temperature" to activate quickly.

However, this delicious dough does not have to be high in calories. You can make it a little more dietary if instead of traditional ingredient- milk, use water, with the addition of which the rich dough turns out no worse, and in some situations even better.

If you follow the instructions and follow the recipe exactly, and, of course, add your good mood, you can cook very interesting delicious pies or pies made from dough without milk. Butter dough on water and without eggs is done very quickly, so it can always be kneaded.

Knead, knead and knead more

It's only when you knead the dough that the dough can really rise well. When kneading, branding threads are formed, which form a scaffold for many small gas bubbles. The latter are filled with yeast and provide elasticity to the dough. Rule: Knead until your wrists limp.

How and where is yeast dough best suited

Yeast dough needs rest. The one exception: it's best refrigerated. The yeast grows more slowly, the pores become smaller and the dough becomes especially elastic. How long the dough should go, it cannot be said that it is general. It's best to take a look at your dough. To prevent it from drying out, cover with a damp kitchen cloth. You are invited to breakfast, you want to serve a yeast spit, but do not get up at 5 o'clock in the morning? Then put the dough in the refrigerator after kneading and cover it with a kitchen towel.

Advice: pies made from such dough without eggs get stale pretty quickly, so you should eat them as soon as possible so that they do not deteriorate.

  • Wheat flour - 1 kg;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dry spoons - 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. We take 50 ml warm water in which we dissolve the yeast and a teaspoon of sugar. The sugar needs to be completely dissolved. And put the resulting mixture in a warm place so that the yeast can ferment properly.
  2. We take a large deep bowl, in which we mix the flour, the remaining sugar and salt.
  3. Pour yeast mixture into flour. And gently mix, trying to dissolve all the lumps.
  4. Carefully pour in the rest of the warm water, being careful not to make the dough too runny.
  5. In the process of kneading, pour oil into the yeast dough in several steps.
  6. Butter dough should be elastic, so that you can knead it on the work surface.
  7. When the pastry reaches an elastic state, it will need to be covered with a towel and sent for an hour and a half in a warm place so that it rises.
  8. Punch down the risen dough. It is advisable to repeat this 2-3 times and you can cook. Everything for delicious pie has already.

Therefore, he can get up all night or until the next evening. Before cooking, let the dough pass at room temperature in about 30 minutes and it is ready to be filled, coated or molded. Just prepare the dough and freeze before the first fermentation process in fresh products or bags with freezer. Thus, yeast dough holds up to 6 months. To further process frozen yeast dough, grate the dough either overnight in the refrigerator or cover the bowl.

The right flour for your yeast dough

Then give the dough the yeast as usual and form the desired cookie. Bad news for all celiac patients: yeast dough only works with wheat or sintered flour. The gluten that has been swollen during kneading traps the yeast gases in the dough, making it larger and more airy. Without gluten, your yeast dough will not rise. The pizza is baked with a different flour than the spit. And bread with a different flour than wreath.

Yeast dough without eggs and milk

Delicious pies are great. fragrant toppings, soft crust and many more pleasant moments, and I want to start cooking them right now, taking the right recipe. In addition, at least one member of your family is unlikely to refuse such a delicacy.

Set of products for cooking

  • 500 grams of wheat flour;
  • 250 milliliters of boiled water;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast.


  1. To prepare a pastry without eggs, take 100 ml of warm water and add dry yeast to it. They should completely dissolve and begin to rise.
  2. In the meantime, mix the remaining 150 ml of water with salt and sugar. This should be done in the bowl where the dough will be kneaded.
  3. Pour the risen yeast into a mixture of water, sugar and salt. We mix a little.
  4. Add pre-sifted flour. It is desirable that the flour be of the highest grade, so the pies will turn out much more magnificent.
  5. During stirring, you will have to grind all the lumps very well so that they do not get into finished product. And the water during the kneading of the dough should be constantly warm, otherwise the dough will turn out to be too hard, and it may also become ugly and rise poorly.
  6. When the yeast dough becomes homogeneous, reaches the consistency of thick sour cream - it is almost ready. We cover it with a towel and send it to a warm place where nothing will prevent it from rising. Hold it for 40 minutes, after which you can continue to work.
  7. Pour into yeast dough sunflower oil and gently mix with gentle movements until smooth.
  8. Leave the dough in a warm place for 30 minutes. You need to wait until the dough without eggs rises. If everything was done correctly, then it will rise by about 3 times. You can start baking buns.

Thus, we have prepared a delicious dough without milk and without the addition of eggs, which can be used in any situation. And what delicious pies and pies are obtained from it, I just want to try it.

What flour for bread?

Bright breads and rolls can be baked well with 812 wheat flour. It has a strong flavor and is rich in fiber. If you prefer to bake with food or rye flour, then you can focus on the names of wheat flour. Savory flour is not only more digestible, but also has a slightly nutty flavor.

For sweet bakery products better than ordinary household flour type 405. This is the brightest and most beautiful Wheat flour, which makes your dough especially free-flowing and elastic. Is your baking stick not rising and not stainheart? There's no reason to cram it into the trash can.

When kneading such a yeast dough without eggs in water, you should know that if you follow the recipe, it will certainly be insipid, but it doesn’t make it less tasty, so you should try to follow this recipe and bake a lot of delicious pies.

If you follow your figure, then the dough recipe without eggs and on the water is a great way out. The calorie content is much lower, and this allows you not to worry that extra centimeters will be added to the figure. Also, if done correctly, taste qualities unleavened pies, pies and buns will not differ from ordinary ones.

Bon Appetit!