How to fry chicken with seasoning. A bird with a golden crust, but soft inside

Fried chicken in a pan helps out housewives when you need to quickly create something tasty and cheesy for dinner. If you use fillets and a minimum of fat, it will come out light treat, which can be eaten for dinner without harming the figure. Simple and very budget recipes can easily be mastered by the most inept or novice cook.

How delicious to fry chicken?

Any fried chicken recipe can be adapted to your own abilities and desires of any eater. The meat goes well with spices, any vegetables, and it will not be difficult to choose a side dish for hot dishes. Cooking chicken is very simple, but even in such a simple matter there are tricks.

  1. If you decide to fry poultry, it should be sweated for a few more minutes, since such meat often comes out harsh.
  2. Purchased thighs, legs need to be kept in salted water for several hours. So the meat will come out tastier, and some of the unhealthy substances will come out of it.
  3. Hen fried in pieces in a pan it can turn out to be dryish, especially if you cook fillets in this way. V this case watch the evaporation of the liquid and only after that add the oil and additives provided for in the recipe.
  4. It is better to sweat large pieces of poultry under the lid for the first 10-15 minutes, so the meat will come out more tender inside.

How to fry chicken legs in a pan?

Tasty fry chicken drumsticks in a pan, the recipe below will help. To make the legs soft and juicy inside and with a sad crust on the outside, use breading. It can be an ordinary bread crumb, or more complex mixtures. The dish will fit perfectly into the lunch menu and complement even the simplest side dish.


  • shins - 6 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, paprika, turmeric;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • breading.


  1. Rinse the shins, dry them, sprinkle with salt and spices and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Roll the drumsticks in flour, dip in the egg and coat in crumbs.
  3. Fried chicken is cooked in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Chicken fillet in a pan

The easiest way to cook fast food for a snack - fry the chicken fillet in batter in a pan. An excellent treat will satisfy any busy cook. The best batter does not contain complex and inaccessible ingredients, it consists of only three products, and spices can be added to your liking.


  • fillet - 500 g;
  • salt, pepper, turmeric;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Cut the fillet into pieces, salt, season with spices.
  2. Mix eggs, mayonnaise and flour, kneading a thin dough.
  3. Roll the pieces in flour, then in batter.

Chicken thighs in a pan

The most delicious chicken thighs in a frying pan can be cooked Georgian recipe. As a result, the treat will resemble the taste of tobacco chicken. Considering that not everyone has a special tapaka pan, to create a dish at home, prepare cast iron pan and a smaller lid, the chicken will be press roasted.


  • thighs - 500 g;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • oil, salt;
  • cilantro - 20 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.


  1. Beat the hips a little with a hammer.
  2. Grind the pepper pod with salt until gruel forms, grease the chicken with it.
  3. Marinate the meat for several hours.
  4. Fry the thighs until golden brown, covered with a lid and placed on top of the weights.
  5. Chop the garlic, cilantro, throw in the oil left in the pan after frying, simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Served chicken fried in a pan with garlic and herbs.

Minced chicken cutlets - recipe in a pan

Delicious and juicy will come out chicken cutlets in a frying pan, if the base is cooked by hand. The secret of a non-dry dish is in the minced meat. Fried onions and carrots are added to the composition, and a little lard. An appetizing treat will be ready in 20 minutes, and about 12 cutlets will come out of a kilogram of meat.


  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, curry;
  • pork fat - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • breading.


  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a fine grater, fry everything until soft, cool.
  2. Twist the fillet and lard, add the browning, mix.
  3. Beat in the egg, season with salt and spices.
  4. Form cutlets, breaded and fry until golden sides.

How to cook chicken wings in a pan?

Everyone can cook chicken wings in a pan in a delicious glaze and please lovers of original food. The meat turns out a little sweetish, due to pickling it in honey. If desired, the dish is supplemented with sesame seeds and served with hot sauce- an excellent solution for a friendly gathering over a glass of foam.


  • wings - 10 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce- 100 ml;
  • chili flakes - 1 tsp;
  • salt, pepper, turmeric, paprika;
  • frying oil;
  • sesame.


  1. Combine soy sauce, chili flakes, salt and spices, and honey; pour over wings. Leave to marinate for 2 hours.
  2. Fry until brown on both sides, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  3. Fried chicken in a pan is served hot immediately.

Chicken chops in a pan

Chops from chicken breast in a pan do not require difficulties in the cooking process. Juicy meat will turn out if you bread the pieces in breadcrumbs, and interesting taste add spices that you can season the meat before frying. The perfect dish for quick bite which you can take with you to work or on the road.


  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper, curry;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • frying oil.


  1. Cut the fillet into large plates, beat off.
  2. Salt, season with spices.
  3. Roll in breadcrumbs.
  4. Grilled chicken in a skillet until golden brown.

Chicken fillet pieces in a frying pan

An excellent addition to a potato side dish or porridge is chicken fillet in sour cream in a pan. The gravy is very tasty and fragrant. An important point - sour cream should be added after turning off the stove, so the product does not curdle and the sauce comes out light, homogeneous and very creamy.


  • fillet - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • greens - 30 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • oil for frying;
  • salt, turmeric, paprika.


  1. Cut the fillet into pieces, fry until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Pour in the oil, toss in the quarter rings of onion and pepper, fry until golden brown.
  3. Add chopped garlic, season with salt and spices, turn off the stove.
  4. Pour in sour cream, mix, sprinkle with herbs, cover.
  5. Serve after 10 minutes.

How to cook chicken liver in a pan?

Cooking chicken liver in a frying pan will last no more than 20 minutes. The dish will come out very tasty, appetizing and suitable for any side dish. Pieces can be darkened in sour cream or tomato sauce, but even without adding the latter, the treat will come out very appetizing. Good companions for the liver will be onion and carrot.


  • liver - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • salt, oil for frying.


  1. Rinse the liver, remove the veins and films.
  2. Fry until the liquid evaporates.
  3. Pour in the oil, throw in a quarter of an onion ring and coarsely grated carrots.
  4. Pour in water, reduce heat and simmer the dish under the lid for 10 minutes.

Chicken hearts in sour cream in a pan - recipe

Incredibly delicious chicken hearts in sour cream in a pan. Frying can be supplemented with vegetables, for example, sweet peppers and carrots, onions will not be superfluous. You do not need to simmer the dish for a long time so that the pieces do not come out tough. Gravy is the perfect accompaniment to a serving of mashed potatoes or pasta.


  • hearts - 0.5 kg;
  • onions, carrots, peppers - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • salt, pepper, curry.


  1. Rinse and clean the hearts from veins and films.
  2. Fry in a hot pan for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour in the oil, throw in the chopped onions, peppers and carrots. Salt and season with spices.
  4. Mix water and sour cream, pour into a pan, mix.
  5. Cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

When time is running out, and your loved ones are about to appear on the doorstep, when guests unexpectedly appeared, and you need to hastily serve treats to the table. When the choice of dishes is a fraction of a minute, then simple, nevertheless, very delicious recipes cooking chicken in a pan. After all juicy fillet or appetizing wings, perhaps even whole carcass, by all means, will be in the refrigerator of any hostess.

Standard pan fried chicken recipe

If neither the ingredients nor the imagination allow you to “roam” in the kitchen, then pay attention to the traditional, literally minute, recipe for making juicy fried chicken, which will require a minimum set of products (based on 4 servings):

  • Chicken (or any part of it) - 700 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 70 milliliters (= 5 tablespoons).
  • Salt (iodized or table salt) - 1 teaspoon.
  • Black ground pepper- 1 pinch (to taste).
  • Chicken seasoning mix (if available) - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

The recipe is quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the chicken meat. If it is frozen, let it thaw, if it is chilled, proceed to processing: rinse thoroughly under running water, pat dry with a paper towel. Attention! Make sure that excess water comes out of the chicken, otherwise it will form during frying. a large number of spray. Then you need to cut the carcass (if you are working with a whole chicken), cut into small pieces.
  • Now it's time to prepare the oil. You need to heat it in a pan, and only after that - lay out the chicken. Remember! The first 5 minutes of roasting meat should be done on high heat. Thus, a golden and crispy crust will appear quickly, and delicious juice- it will not leak out, it will remain inside the chicken.
  • It is necessary to fry the pieces of meat for several minutes on each side. Remember to turn them over with a wooden spatula.
  • After that, you need to reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the meat to “languish” for 10 minutes.
  • Then you need to add the available seasonings, salt and pepper (to taste), cover the pan again with a lid and leave the chicken for another 7 minutes.
  • The final touch is to set the minimum fire mode on the stove, add a crushed or finely chopped garlic clove, at the same time check the meat for readiness - pierce the pieces of meat with the tip of a knife. If clear juice appears on their surface, this is a sure sign that the chicken is ready.
  • Finally, you can add a few details - your favorite sauce, sprigs of greens and a couple of fresh vegetables. Voila! fragrant chicken ready to serve to the table.

How to fry chicken in a pan - chicken in honey glaze

This is one of the simple, yet elegant ways to please family and friends. For cooking chicken honey glaze You will need:

  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • natural honey - 4 teaspoons;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • paprika - half a teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves (to taste);
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml. (= 5 tablespoons);

Cooking will not take too much time:

  • First you need to work with chicken meat: defrost (if necessary), rinse, dry and finely chop.
  • Then you need to prepare the vegetable oil for the frying process: preheat in a pan, and only after that put chicken pieces.
  • The next step is roasting the meat over high heat. Thus, the chicken will turn out juicy and crispy. Do not extinguish! Remember to turn the pieces of meat with a wooden spatula!
  • This is followed by the process of preparing the sauce - a mixture of honey, paprika, soy dressing and garlic. Mix all of the above ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Now you need to pour the resulting mixture into a pan with chicken fillet pieces, reduce the heat and let the liquid evaporate. Once the chicken is covered honey crust, remove the pan from the stove.
  • The final touch is serving the dish and serving it to the table. This is already a matter of your imagination. You can add vegetables as a side dish, you can decorate the dish with herbs.

Remember that even everyday meals can easily turn into gourmet meals if traditional dishes Serve with new sauce. And the unexpected arrival of guests can become a real holiday, warm, cozy, welcoming, and most importantly - delicious!

Juicy pieces of chicken, fried until crispy in a skillet, just can not get bored. Offer such a dinner to a man at least every evening - he will never refuse. And the chicken is delicious cold, especially with a bite. fresh vegetables. How to fry chicken in a pan quickly and evenly? Below we will talk about better ways and discover the secrets of chefs.

Crispy chicken with golden crust, tender meat, fragrant potato slices with dill - can you imagine a tastier dinner? The beauty of this dish is that it is quick to prepare. The chicken is fried for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is not to let it become stewed, otherwise the taste will turn out completely different.

For cooking, any pieces are suitable. And the most delicious fried the “pink” parts of the chicken are obtained - legs, thighs, wings. Although a properly cooked fillet never comes out dry.

Be sure to finish the chicken in the oven: this way it will be 100% fried, the meat will fall off the bone, you will want to savor them.

The chicken will be even tastier if you let it marinate a little in advance. To do this, cut the chicken into pieces, pour kefir with herbs and garlic, add salt and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Required components:

  • chicken carcass - 1000 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

How will we cook:

  1. Cut the chicken into pieces of 5 cm (approximately).
  2. Mix flour with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Do not be stingy - let it be enough.
  4. Dip the chicken pieces in flour and place in the pan. You shouldn’t put them too close to each other, because it’s important for us to fry the chicken, and its close-placed pieces will quickly release juice and stew in it.
  5. Fry the chicken over medium heat, first on one side, and then on the other. One side takes 5-7 minutes. The main thing is not to make the fire strong, so as not to burn our meat.
  6. At the end, turn off the stove, and cover the chicken with a lid. So it will reach the condition, and the meat will not remain damp inside. You can do it differently - hold it a little in a hot oven.

The dish is served with salad mashed potatoes, spaghetti. Don't forget to drizzle with the excess fat. We understand that it is not very useful - but how tasty and satisfying it is! Bon Appetit!

Fried chicken thighs

What is very convenient now is the opportunity to buy your favorite parts of the bird. Fried chicken thighs do not cook for long: we return from work, buy a package of thighs and fry them for dinner.

Required components:

  • chicken thighs - pack of 700 g;
  • any refined oil - 70 ml;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking process:

  1. We cut the thighs into two parts or leave them whole (pieces are often sold quite small). Sprinkle with salt, pepper.
  2. Heat up vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  3. We throw our hips at him.
  4. Fry on both sides until cooked through, turning occasionally.

While the chicken is fried, boil some rice, rub the carrots with garlic and season the salad with sour cream. Fast, tasty, fragrant dinner ready! Invite loved ones to the table!

Chicken drumsticks in dough

This is not an option for every day, but the fuss is worth it: the chicken drumstick in batter will give odds to any nuggets - it turns out so tender, juicy. Meat flavors seem to be sealed in the dough, giving the shins delicacy and satiety. Most delicious dough comes out on beer, mineral water, kefir. But believe me, the most unusual batter comes out on kvass: it is spicy, sweet and sour, with a slight Asian touch.

Required components:

  • chicken drumsticks - 700 g;
  • any refined oil - 100 ml;
  • kvass - a large glass;
  • flour - 150 g (or less);
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. From kvass, eggs, flour, salt and pepper, knead the dough-batter. Its consistency should not be too thick - approximately like liquid sour cream.
  2. We heat up the vegetable oil.
  3. Dip the drumsticks in batter and send them to the pan.
  4. Fry on both sides: the crust should turn golden.
  5. So that the drumsticks do not remain raw inside, it is better to bring them to readiness in hot oven. While they are fried, heat it up to 220 degrees.
  6. We put the rosy drumsticks into a mold and hold in the oven for literally 5 - 7 minutes.

The dish is great to eat, dipping meat pieces in sweet and sour sauce or curry sauce. It goes wonderfully with fresh vegetables, rice, pasta and even unpretentious buckwheat. And yet, you can feel free to offer such legs to guests on festive dinner- the dish is always a delight.

Chicken fillet in a pan

We recommend frying chicken fillet when dinner needs to be cooked in just 15 minutes. The technology is so simple that even a schoolchild can be taught it, not to mention an adult hungry man. Teach your husband the recipe and he will thank you 1000 times.

If you dip a beaten fillet in an egg, and then in breadcrumbs and fry, you get a delicious and ruddy schnitzel.

Some housewives marinate chicken fillet in advance. Pieces are beaten off, smeared with mayonnaise, a little bit of any seasonings, lemon juice or a clove of garlic are added. Then they put the blanks in a plastic food container and fry as they are “hungry”. The workpiece does not deteriorate from 1 to 3 days, depending on the marinade. But if you don’t want to marinate the fillet, try the simplest version of its preparation.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  1. We beat off the fillet pieces thinly (up to 0.5 cm thick). The meat will not shatter into fibers if you are not too lazy to wrap it in cling film, and only then will you knock on it with a hammer.
  2. Heat up a frying pan, pour oil on it.
  3. We put salted, peppered fillet in it.
  4. Fry it on both sides until golden brown.

Put the fillet on a large flat dish.

While you are frying the chicken, you can put in microwave oven potatoes in uniforms, washed and cleaned from dirt with an iron brush. Bake it for 4-5 minutes and the side dish will be ready. Will be serving dinner. Put the fillet on portioned plates, and next to it are potatoes, cut into two parts. Cut a piece of butter into the center of each. It will melt, turning the potato pulp into gentle puree. Decorate it with dill and eat, savoring and enjoying.

onion recipe

Not everyone knows how to cook chicken breast so that it remains juicy. Doubting your skills? Fry it with onions and you can't go wrong!

The dish can always be supplemented with sour cream (125 g is required) and then you get a stew in a thick cream sauce- a variation of the popular fricassee dish in Europe. There they simply love to serve it with spaghetti or any other pasta.

In 100 grams chicken meat with onions contains no more than 150 kcal. If you add it with high-quality pasta, as well as arugula and cherry salad, you get a balanced lunch for losing weight.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • large onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes of about 1.5 cm.
  2. We cut the bulb into half rings.
  3. Fry the onion until golden brown in a small skillet.
  4. Season the chicken with salt, pepper and fry until half cooked on the other.
  5. Combine the onion with the chicken and fry everything together for another 5 minutes.

At the end, a surprisingly fragrant chicken stew will be ready. It is delicious to eat with pasta and brown rice but if you have time put it out green beans- a complex side dish always makes the dish richer, tastier, more satisfying and healthier.

No oil added

Supporters of a healthy lifestyle do not like fried food in principle. But if you do not use meat in cooking, you get an excellent healthy food. After all, chicken is a living source of quickly digestible protein - the main builder of muscles and a source of energy. True, without a grill pan, meat a la chicken steak will be problematic to cook. But why not try?

On a grill pan, the frying process is greatly simplified, and at the same time, the steaks acquire appetizing stripes.

What we need:

  • chicken breast fillet;
  • a mixture of peppers (pink, white, black);
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • Orange juice- 100 ml.

Cooking instructions:

  1. To begin with, carefully beat off the chicken fillet. The thickness of the steak should not exceed 0.5 cm.
  2. Mix soy sauce, orange juice and pepper.
  3. Each piece is immersed in the marinade and left to soak for 40 - 60 minutes.
  4. Heat up a frying pan and grease with half raw potatoes. We need a medium fire, otherwise the meat will burn.
  5. Put the steaks in the prepared container and brown on both sides to a crust.

Serve with wedges raw vegetables and light sauce based on yogurt, mint and fresh cucumber.

Or make a spicy sauce. To do this, add finely chopped olives (2 pcs.) And any greens to Greek yogurt. Any options will bring fresh notes to the taste of this unusual dish from the breast.

How to deliciously fry chicken with potatoes in a pan

Hearty food lovers who don't want to count calories should indulge in fried potatoes with chicken pieces. Don't forget to add some tomato to it for spiciness, bell pepper- for flavor, and carrots with onions - for juiciness. When there are no vegetables, it does not matter. We offer a simple option, but no less appetizing.

A light “creaminess” to the dish will give a piece of melted butter, added at the very end of frying. And for lovers of bold experiments, we recommend seasoning the dish with a triangle processed cheese with ham flavor.

Full list of ingredients:

  • potatoes - 4 - 5 medium tubers;
  • carrot and onion - 1 sh.;
  • chicken (thighs, fillet) - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, seasonings to taste.

How will we cook:

  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces, and the onion and carrot into small cubes.
  2. Peel the potatoes and chop randomly.
  3. Fry chicken over high heat and add vegetables to it.
  4. At the first stage, fry everything over high heat until a pleasant crust forms on the bottom.
  5. Then reduce the heat and fry everything together over low heat until the potatoes and meat are soft.

If you are afraid that the dish will not be fried, add a little water (about a quarter of a glass) and simmer everything under the lid. Although there is usually no need for this: chicken and potatoes secrete juices, and everything is stewed in them quickly.

We serve a dish with Borodino bread, vegetables and herbs. It is ideal to complement it with homemade pickles: low-salted herring, mackerel are combined with such a dinner very harmoniously. Do not forget to offer sour cream or any other sauce to the eaters.

Chicken is affordable, easy to prepare, and adapts well to other ingredients. Fry it with vegetables, mushrooms, add cheese to it - you always get a new variation, and the meat will never get bored. Make hodgepodges with cabbage, olives and olives, stew chicken with tomatoes and bacon, fry, steam and bake ... We are sure that the chicken will open up to you from a new side and take the crown first place in your family diet.

The most important source of protein for our body is meat, and the most budgetary, quick and easy to prepare meat product- hen.

But to the poultry dish in the process heat treatment retained its benefits as much as possible, you need to master all the subtleties of the issue of how to tasty and properly fry chicken in a pan. And since there are many dishes from different parts of the carcass in the culinary archives, each of them has its own rules, which we will get acquainted with today!

How to fry chicken in a frying pan

In general, both small pieces of chicken, and individual parts of the carcass, and even the whole bird are fried using the same technology:

  • First you need to properly heat the pan with oil over high heat, and only then send the chicken to the container. There is no need to set the flame to the maximum.
  • It is better to set the temperature to a quarter above the average, so that we can fry the chicken on such a fire that the pieces will be covered with a dense ruddy crust, but not burnt. The resulting crust will retain the meat juice, making the dish juicy and tender.
  • At the first stage, it is not necessary to fry the chicken in the pan for too long, just enough with an excess of 5 minutes for the chicken to brown on all sides.

  • Next, we reduce the cooking temperature to the second or third level (slightly less than the average flame) and fry the chicken under the lid until cooked for 10-20 minutes on one side and the same amount on the other.

Chicken Cooking Time Chart

How to roast chicken with gravy

Such a chicken is equally tasty in both tomato and sour cream sauce. You can make such a dinner in a pan at home in just 20-25 minutes!


  • Chicken fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • Bulb onion - 1 onion;
  • Carrot - 1 root vegetable;
  • Sour cream - 50 g;
  • White flour - 40 g;
  • A mixture of spices "For chicken" - 1 teaspoon;
  • Laurel - 1 sheet;
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Drinking water - 330 ml.

How to cook fried chicken in a pan

  1. We wash the chicken breast and dry it with a paper towel, after which we cut the meat into small slices.
  2. We clean the carrots and onions, wash and chop them: onions - in cubes, carrots - on a grater.
  3. On the burner, turned on to medium heat, heat the pan and pour the oil into it, and after 1-2 minutes put the chicken pieces in the hot oil. Fry the chicken until the meat turns white, about 3-4 minutes.
  4. Now we send onions and carrots to the container, mix everything and continue frying until the vegetables are half cooked, about 5 minutes.
  5. We spread sour cream to the meat, add all the seasonings, spices and salt, pour 1 glass of water and mix everything. Under the lid, simmer the gravy with meat for 10 minutes.
  6. In the remaining half glass of water, dilute the flour so that there are no lumps, and then pour the mixture into the gravy in a thin stream through a strainer. Mix everything again and cook for 2-3 minutes until thickened.

If you prefer a thinner gravy, you can use less flour for the recipe. For lovers of the classic tomato sauce sour cream can be replaced with 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste.

How to cook chicken in a pan with a crust


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - 40 ml + -
  • - 50 g + -
  • - 3 cloves + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 0.5 tsp + -

How to make boiled chicken in a pan

  1. Place a frying pan over medium heat and add oil to it. As soon as smoke begins to come out, we send finely chopped garlic for frying for 2-3 minutes so that the vegetable gives its aroma to the oil, and then we remove all the garlic pieces from the pan.
  2. Now you can put the boiled chicken into the container. There is no fundamental difference here - it will be a whole chicken, legs or fillet pieces. Fry the bird until golden brown and a dense crust on each side.
  3. While the chicken is roasting, melt it in the microwave. butter, and pour the resulting liquid over the chicken during cooking so that it does not turn out dry.
  4. After 10-15 minutes, when the chicken is fried, salt, pepper it to taste and serve.

This step by step recipe how to fry fast boiled chicken in a frying pan - the best instruction for beginners. Believe me, it is very tasty, and this dish is very simple to prepare, so you can definitely make it yourself!

And if you want to get tender creamy fillet, then at the end of cooking, add 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream to the chicken, and simmer the dish over low heat under the lid.

Frying a whole chicken in a pan

You can learn how to cook chicken without a video with a photo, you just need to find an intelligent step-by-step recipe with detailed description process. With our cooking instruction You can simply and tasty fry a whole chicken or half a chicken.

And if you are in a hurry and want to cook the dish faster, you can take a frozen carcass for cooking. But it’s better, and it will be more correct, to defrost the bird first in a gentle way: on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. So we get very juicy chicken with tender, aromatic meat.


  • Chicken carcass - 1 piece;
  • Soy sauce - 150-200 ml;
  • Sunflower oil without aroma - 50 ml;
  • Garlic - ½ head;
  • Lemon - 1 fruit;
  • Ground paprika - 2 teaspoons;
  • Seasoning for chicken - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Dried oregano - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Zira - ½ teaspoon;

How to fry chicken in a skillet

  1. We wash the chicken carcass, dry it with napkins and cut it along the breast, then turn it back up, press it down so that it spreads on the board and, covering it with a film, tap it lightly with a hammer so that the meat is soft and the flat shape is stable.
  2. We make small cuts on the breast and then rub the chicken on all sides fragrant mixture from pressed garlic, black pepper, paprika, oregano, zira and lemon juice.
  3. After that, we put the bird in a deep container and pour it with soy sauce, do not use salt. Because soy sauce is salty.
  4. In this form, the chicken should stand for 30-120 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, put the frying pan on a high heat (large fire), pour oil into it and warm it up. Now we put the chicken in the pan with the belly up and fry for 3-5 minutes, after which we turn the carcass over and fry for another 5 minutes, without reducing the heat.
  6. Next, pour the rest of the marinade into the container, make the flame smaller, and cook the chicken under the lid for 25 minutes.
  7. When the specified period has passed, increase the heat again and fry the chicken again on both sides for 2-3 minutes.

How to make spicy chicken legs in a pan

In India chicken dishes occupy a leading niche in cooking, and someone who, but the Indians certainly know how to fry deliciously chicken legs on a frying pan! And we borrowed this step-by-step recipe for chicken legs in curry sauce from traditional Indian cuisine. Even in the photo they always look appetizing, and in real life they are just delicious!


  • Chicken drumstick - 8 pieces;
  • Melted butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Corn oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Turmeric - ½ teaspoon;
  • Ground coriander - 1 pinch;
  • Cinnamon powder - 1 pinch;
  • Ground cumin - 1 pinch;
  • A mixture of peppers - ½ teaspoon;
  • Powdered ginger - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • Garlic cloves - 5 pieces;
  • Drinking water - 220 ml;
  • Rock salt - to taste.

How to fry chicken legs in a pan

  1. On the hot pan pour the vegetable oil and put the ghee, mix them and, as soon as the oil heats up, we send the onion finely chopped into cubes for frying. We fry it for a short time, literally a couple of minutes, until soft.
  2. Then put in the pan chicken legs and fry them on a fire slightly above average for 10 minutes, turning on all sides. The surface of the legs should be browned.
  3. After that, we reduce the fire, salt the chicken, cover the container and cook the chicken for another 15 minutes, and then remove the finished drumsticks on the dish.
  4. Now all the spices should be poured into the empty pan, pour a glass of water and cook the sauce over medium heat for 7 minutes, then add chopped garlic and continue to cook the sauce for another 10 minutes over low heat.

After you have finished frying the chicken in the pan, place the legs on serving plates and pour over spicy sauce. Also, this dish can be served as a side dish - boiled rice.

Fried chicken is insanely appetizing in appearance and amazingly juicy in taste! There are many cooking methods: fry the chicken in a pan, in the oven, on the grill. The presence of even one of these devices will allow you to learn how to cook this dish. And the material of the article will be a useful guide for you.

How to fry chicken in a pan

Everything is quite simple: no extra ingredients, and the result is amazing! ruddy crust and soft juicy meat.


  • chicken (drumsticks and legs are best)
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt, spices.

Recipe for frying chicken in a skillet:

  1. First of all, wash the chicken, then salt and rub with seasonings. Leave the chicken like this for 10 minutes.
  2. At this time, you can put the pan on the fire. pour sunflower oil, but not too much, because the chicken itself will give fatty juice during the cooking process.
  3. Put the marinated chicken pieces on the heated pan. Without covering with a lid, fry them for 15 minutes on low heat. Do not go far from the pan so that you can constantly check to see if the chicken is burning. Lower the heat if the meat starts to burn.
  4. Then you need to turn the chicken on the other side and fry it for another 15 minutes. There is no need to cover with a lid.
  5. After that, it is worth turning the chicken over again and squeezing garlic on it. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low.
  6. After 3 minutes, turn the chicken over and let it simmer for another 3 minutes.

How to Roast Chicken in the Oven

In order not to save time and not stand at the stove while cooking, just use the oven! She will fry the chicken herself if you create the right conditions.


  • chicken (any parts or whole chicken cut into several pieces)
  • salt pepper,
  • vegetable oil.

Recipe for roasted chicken in the oven:

  1. To pickle chicken or not is everyone's business. If you wish, rub the pieces of meat with salt and pepper (an option with mayonnaise is also possible), and then leave it to lie in the marinade for a while.
  2. It would be nice to put parchment for baking on a baking sheet so that after a delicious meal you don’t have to suffer with washing off fat. Put the chicken on a baking sheet and pour each piece with vegetable oil to avoid dryness of the chicken.
  3. We place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 °, and fry the chicken until cooked, until it is browned. Finding out if your chicken is done is easy: pierce it with a fork. If at the same time a clear liquid flows out, then everything is ready. It is better to pierce the chicken close to the bone.

How to grill chicken

Cooking juicy grilled chicken is quite difficult. Many housewives complain that their chicken is a bit dry. The fact is that it is very important to marinate a whole chicken for at least two hours.

Let's talk about how to prepare a marinade for grilled chicken. There are many options, we suggest using oriental marinade... In a small saucepan, heat vegetable oil (1 tbsp) with chili seasoning (0.5 tsp). Add to them thinly chopped onion (1 pc) and garlic (2 finely chopped cloves). Simmer for 2 minutes. Then add half a glass of water, soy sauce (2 tbsp) to the pan, lemon juice(2 tablespoons) and, after boiling, simmer the marinade for 3 minutes. Put the chicken into the cooled marinade and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Now you can not be afraid that the grilled chicken will turn out dry. Let's prepare the oven. We need a skewer or grill. Under which a baking sheet will be placed so that the fat from the chicken flows into it. It remains only to put the chicken on a skewer or put it directly on the grill with the breast down. Grilled chicken is necessary at a temperature of 200 °. How long to fry chicken? It should be ready in 1 hour. Be sure to test the doneness of the dish by piercing the chicken next to the bone with a knife. If there is no blood, then the chicken is ready.

Bon Appetit!