How to cook a real chicken shurpa. Shurpa from chicken - and fragrant, and tasty, and satisfying

The traditional one is prepared on the basis of lamb, but if it was not possible to get lamb meat, then the option of preparing this rich chicken soup is quite acceptable. This dish does not pretend to the laurels of authenticity, but, nevertheless, it is worth preparing it at least for the sake of its amazing taste.

chicken soup recipe


  • chicken - 1 pc. (about 1.5 kg);
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • coriander greens - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • zira - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Before preparing chicken shurpa, we divide the chicken itself into joints, and cut the remaining carcass in half, immerse all the pieces in a saucepan with cold water. Cut the onion into thin half rings, three carrots coarse grater, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes, peel the tomatoes and cut into half rings. When it is ready, we take out the chicken pieces, cut the meat from the bones and send it back to the broth along with all the vegetables. Season the shurpa with salt, pepper and cumin. As soon as the vegetables become soft, remove the pan from the heat, add the chopped coriander greens and the garlic passed through the garlic press. Let the shurpa brew for 20-30 minutes and serve.

How to cook chicken shurpa?

You can also prepare shurpa in a more dietary way by using lean chicken meat in the recipe.


  • chicken fillet- 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion- 1 PC.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • coriander and dill - 1/2 bunch each;
  • Bay leaf- 2-3 pcs.


Heat up in the oven vegetable oil and fry onion and grated carrots on it. Chicken fillet also cut small pieces and send to fry after the vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes, pepper into strips, fry the vegetables together with chicken meat. As soon as the tomatoes give juice - pour the contents of the brazier hot water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about half an hour, adding a couple of bay leaves to the pan.

While the shurpa is being cooked, let's take care of the potatoes, they must be peeled and finely chopped, and then sent to the pan. As soon as the chopped tubers become soft, salt and pepper the shurpa, add garlic and herbs, remove from heat. Let the shurpa stand for about 30 minutes, and then serve it to the table.

Shurpa is hot soup, which includes meat, vegetables, sometimes legumes. This dish is prepared from lamb and lamb, pork and beef, game, poultry. Chicken shurpa occupies a special place in cooking due to its ease of preparation and relatively low cost. We will also try to understand all the intricacies of the process in order to please our relatives with fragrant and rich chicken shurpa.

Long history and present

This dish appeared in the East many years ago. It is still being prepared in many countries today. Central Asia and in the Caucasus. As in the old days, shurpa is boiled in copper and cast-iron cauldrons, and served in painted clay bowls. This fragrant soup You can cook on the stove, but it is especially tasty in the oven or on the fire.

You can taste it not only in the East. This dish is on the menu of many elite restaurants around the world. And there is nothing surprising in this! Amazing taste, excellent combination of products, delicate fragrance- all this allows Shurpa to find more and more new fans.

Products for shurpa

It is believed that one serving should have no more than one and a half glasses of water. Shurpa from chicken should be rich, fatty, thick.

An important feature of this dish is a large amount of onions. On average, it is 5 times more than in traditional European soups. Potato is often used as a starch base. Sometimes chicken shurpa soup is cooked with rice, bulgur, chickpeas. Such cereal additives are more typical for Persian cuisine.

Add carrots to this dish. And it also contains a lot. The entire vegetable part should be equal in volume to the amount of meat. In addition, spices are necessarily put in shurpa: bay leaf, black and red pepper, azhgon, turmeric or saffron, dried dill, ziru. IN ready soup It is customary to add a large amount of fresh herbs.

How to cook chicken shurpa

Like other dishes loved by many kindred peoples, shurpa has many cooking methods. For example, Uzbeks cook all the ingredients together in one pot. And some oriental cuisines are characterized by preliminary frying of meat and vegetables in fat, followed by joint boiling. In addition, each good hostess I am sure that it is she who knows best how to cook chicken shurpa.

All recipes have common features. Chicken meat usually enters the cauldron cut into portioned pieces. On average, one large chicken carcass is enough to prepare a four-liter pan. For such an amount of meat, 3-4 medium onions, 0.5 kg of carrots, about a kilogram of potatoes are needed.

Pre-boiling lasts at least an hour, only after that vegetables enter the pot. You can choose the slicing method at your discretion, but most often carrots and onions are cut into cubes, and not grated. If you plan to add chickpeas to the soup, they replace an equal part of the potato in volume. Legumes should be soaked in water beforehand. Sometimes lentils are put in shurpa, but it also needs pre-soaking. In total, chicken shurpa is cooked for about 2-2.5 hours. During this time, both meat and vegetables will boil enough, the spices will fully reveal their flavor. If the meat and vegetables were previously fried, the cooking time can be reduced to an hour. Like all oriental soups, shurpa should be cooked over low heat, always with the lid ajar.

Salt and spices are best sent to the pot just before the end of cooking. They are added based on their own tastes. Cover the boiled soup with a lid, wrap it with a towel, let it stand for 20 minutes.

Shurpa from chicken on a fire

This dish is perfect for outdoor cooking. Rich broth, tender meat pieces, nutritious vegetables, fresh herbs What else do you need to satisfy your hunger? The aroma of the fire will give the dish a unique taste, resulting in an incredibly tasty chicken shurpa, the recipe of which will be as close as possible to the original. After all, in ancient times this soup was also cooked on a fire. Even the smallest participants of the hike can be involved in cooking, they will definitely like to collect firewood, wash vegetables, and bring spices. And when the shurpa is ready, none of the tourists will remain indifferent!

Serving to the table

To emphasize that the dish belongs to the cuisine of the East, you can serve shurpa to the table in ceramic or clay bowls. In their absence, you can get by with ordinary deep plates, which are usually placed on underplates. Shurpa is eaten with ordinary tablespoons.

On the table, you must definitely put a container with finely chopped greens: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, young garlic, watercress, spinach. Sometimes they serve shurpa homemade sour cream, thinly sliced ​​lemon, olives.

Goes very well with this dish. homebaked bread, for example, Georgian Shoti, Armenian Matkanash. Can be served with a shurpa and thin lavash. Of course, spicy oriental snacks will not be superfluous on the table.

From drinks to shurpa are served mineral water, grape, apple, tomato juice, wild rose, uzvar. Suitable for this dish and strong alcohol.

Shurpa - thick soup with rich meat taste and big amount greenery. When it is cooked, the aroma is such that it simply salivates. This dish oriental cuisine several thousand years. Traditionally it is made from large pieces fatty lamb. In the East, it is as popular as barbecue or pilaf. And if our housewives also learned how to fry kebabs and cook pilaf, then, unfortunately, most of them do not know how to cook shurpa. Yes, they are afraid. And not only because they are confident in the complexity of preparing this delicious dish First of all, they are afraid of its calorie content.

This recipe will allow you not to give up the pleasure of eating famous soup. We offer to please yourself and your loved ones with chicken shurpa.

Chicken shurpa is a light lunch dish. In contrast to the similar first of rich lamb, chicken shurpa is considered dietary, more balanced in taste. The specificity of the soup is given by large cuts of vegetables and meat, and many more spicy spices. In all other respects, the recipe remains very simple in cooking technology.


  • chicken (soup set and breast) - 1.4 kg;
  • onion (yellow) - 120 g;
  • carrots - 90 g;
  • potatoes - 330 g;
  • tomatoes - 80 g;
  • pepper (sweet) - 70 g;
  • coriander (seeds), zira - ½ tsp;
  • suneli hops - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • pepper mixture - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - for decoration.

How to cook chicken shurpa

First you need to weld good broth. Put in a saucepan chicken bones, breast, onion, half a carrot. Also for flavor, add fresh parsley stalks, bay leaf. Fill with 3 liters cold water- put on fire to boil. Constantly removing the foam, cook the broth over medium heat for about half an hour.

We take out the chicken breast from the broth, cut into large pieces. After all, the peculiarity of the soup is that all the pieces are large. We filter the broth so that there are no small particles and sediment left in it, salt.

Prepare the vegetables by rinsing them under running water. We cut the peeled potatoes into large cubes, chop the carrots in a semicircle (or a circle if the diameter of the vegetable is small), red pepper into strips, and cut the onion into a thin half ring. We cut the tomatoes into slices, you can not remove the peel.

We put potato cubes in the broth, cook for about 10 minutes (or almost until ready). If the potato is young and small, you can not peel it from a thin skin, but wash it, sending it whole to the pan.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the roasted onions and carrots. In a spoonful of vegetable oil, with constant stirring, fry the vegetables until characteristic softness. We lay the carrot-onion roast in the soup, simmer for no more than 5 minutes. If the carrot was thinly chopped, this time is just enough to bring it to readiness.

In the same oil where the frying of onions and carrots was prepared, lightly fry the red pepper and tomato slices. We will also send them to the pan when ready.

It is very important to properly season the soup, for this we grind coriander grains, suneli hops, cumin, peppercorns in a mortar. We fall asleep in a saucepan fragrant mixture seasonings

After the spices saturate the soup base and vegetables, return the large pieces of chicken to the pan, let the meat warm up a little.

Usually in Asian cuisine there is an abundance of fresh herbs, which compensates for the spiciness of the dishes. Let's make a small accent of fresh parsley to your liking. Instead of parsley, you can use spicy cilantro or otherwise - fresh coriander. But, since this spice only looks like parsley, and the smell is quite specific, use it with caution.

Delicious homemade chicken shurpa is ready. And now you can make sure that the soup turned out to be no less tasty than its lamb prototype, and at the same time it is quite light!

Chicken shurpa: cooking recipe

lovers Uzbek cuisine they will not be surprised that we will talk about such a traditional dish as shurpa. What it is? This is the first dish of meat and vegetables. In other words, filling soup, but simply - meat broth. In the East it is called differently. Who says that this is a shurpa, and who says that it is a chorpo. But its essence does not change from this. Usually lamb is used for its preparation, but now any other products have begun to be used: pork, beef. The dish is served hot. But there is also chicken shurpa. So this soup is unusually called if poultry meat is used. This dish has a special place in culinary recipes. In terms of cost, it will be much cheaper.

By the way, chicken shurpa is on the menu of many restaurants not only in the East. You can try it in Russian cities.

Why is chicken shurpa so popular? Because it has a great taste and pleasant aroma. This dish pairs well with foods such as meat and vegetables.


How is chicken shurpa prepared? For its preparation, they use, as in the old days in the East, where this dish came from, a cast-iron or copper cauldron. You can use not only the stove, but also try to cook shurpa on a fire. This soup has an incredible amount of onions. The main ingredient is potatoes, sometimes it is replaced with rice.

Shurpa from chicken. Recipe one

The following products are taken for the dish: potatoes - 600 grams, 0.5 kilograms of chicken (it is better to use breast). You will also need 2 onions, 2 medium-sized carrots, 1-2 bell peppers, 2 tablespoons tomato paste. From greens it is better to use dill and parsley, add salt and pepper.

How is chicken soup prepared? Now we'll tell you. At first chicken breast you need to rinse and lower into a saucepan, pour two liters of cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add black pepper, salt. The broth is cooked for 45 minutes. Then you should lay out the meat and cool, strain the broth and send it back to the fire. While the water is boiling, you need to prepare the potatoes: peel, cut into cubes, pour into boiling broth and cook for 15 minutes.

Now it's time for onions and carrots: cut the first into strips, the second into circles. Pour vegetable oil into a heated pan and fry the onion. Remove skin from chicken and cut into large pieces. Slightly stew the onion and add the carrots. Hold for two minutes on fire, put the chicken. Then everything should be thoroughly mixed, increase the heat and wait until the chicken is browned. Now you need to add tomato paste and a few tablespoons of broth. Simmer for 5 more minutes, stirring frequently. At this time, potatoes are being cooked in a saucepan, everything that was cooked in a pan should be added here. On low heat, all ingredients are cooked for another 10 minutes. final stage will add greenery. The soup is ready, it is poured hot and served to the table.

Now we will give some tips for those who do not know how to cook chicken shurpa. The amount of vegetables for cooking this dish should be equal in weight to the amount of meat. It is good to season the shurpa with various spices: bay leaf, all kinds of peppers, saffron. Chicken meat is cut into portioned pieces immediately. Carrots and onions should not be grated, because ready meal will look like porridge. It will take approximately two and a half hours to prepare.

Vegetables and meat can be brought to readiness in two ways. The first option involves separate frying of vegetables and meat, and the second allows you to cook all the ingredients in one container. Another tip for novice cooks: shurpa is cooked with the lid slightly open over low heat. Ready soup is served hot, but not immediately. It should be well wrapped and left for 20 minutes.

Another variant

The cooking process will not cause difficulties even for young housewives. Therefore, the next step-by-step instruction- for beginners. Components of the dish: chicken (it will be enough to take a kilogram and a half), two carrots, 4 onions, a kilogram of potatoes, two tomatoes, spices, herbs, salt to taste.

Cooking chicken shurpa

First you need to cut the prepared chicken into larger pieces. Pour water into the cauldron, put the chicken, after boiling, remove the foam, cook for an hour. Cut the carrots into slices, and the onion into half rings. Cook for 10 minutes, then add vegetables, after 5 minutes - potatoes. Tie the greens in a bundle and send to the cauldron. Now the refueling is ready. Chop the tomato and put in the contents of the cauldron. Mix everything. When the potatoes are ready, take out a bunch of greens (he has already given all his nutritional properties) and let the soup brew.

In a slow cooker

At the beginning of this conversation unusual dish Uzbek cuisine, it was mentioned that shurpa can be cooked both on a fire and in a slow cooker. The fire will add originality to a smell and taste. After all, do not forget that our distant ancestors prepared all their food in this way. But a new device called a slow cooker will greatly facilitate the process of creating this original and delicious dish.

Therefore, for a change, you can offer to try how delicious the cooked chicken shurpa in a slow cooker will be.

For cooking you will need:

This amount is for 5 servings.

As in the first recipe, you need to boil the chicken, add vegetables and spices. The mode in the slow cooker is selected the simplest - "Multi-cook" (for 30 minutes - for chicken). After another 30 minutes, add vegetables. Then, after full readiness, you should set the same mode for 10 minutes. Before serving, add finely chopped greens.

How to apply?

And finally a few useful advice. How to serve shurpa to the table? It should not be forgotten that this dish came from the East, so it should be served in bowls or deep plates with coasters. They eat with spoons. On the table there should be finely chopped greens, homemade sour cream, chopped lemon and homemade bread. Now the stores have a large assortment of oriental bread. Often people take lavash. This is also a traditional bread of eastern peoples. From drinks you can offer mineral water, juices of grapes, apples, tomato. Although here you need to be guided by the tastes of those who will be at the table. If adults are invited, then it would be useful to offer alcoholic drinks.


The cuisines of the peoples of the world are so diverse that they can satisfy the most refined tastes. Children especially love new dishes. They appreciate novelty and originality. Have fun and enjoy!

Chicken shurpa: recipe. How to cook chicken shurpa

Shurpa is a hot soup, which includes meat, vegetables, and sometimes legumes. This dish is prepared from lamb and lamb, pork and beef, game, poultry. Chicken shurpa occupies a special place in cooking due to its ease of preparation and relatively low cost. We will also try to understand all the intricacies of the process in order to please our relatives with fragrant and rich chicken shurpa.

Long history and present

This dish appeared in the East many years ago. It is still prepared in our time in many countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. As in the old days, shurpa is boiled in copper and cast-iron cauldrons, and served in painted clay bowls. This fragrant soup can be cooked on the stove, but it is especially delicious in the oven or on the fire.

You can taste it not only in the East. This dish is on the menu of many elite restaurants around the world. And there is nothing surprising in this! Amazing taste, excellent compatibility of products, delicate aroma - all this allows shurpa to find more and more new fans.

Products for shurpa

It is believed that one serving should have no more than one and a half glasses of water. Shurpa from chicken should be rich, fatty, thick.

An important feature of this dish is a large amount of onions. On average, it is 5 times more than in traditional European soups. Potato is often used as a starch base. Sometimes chicken shurpa soup is cooked with rice, bulgur, chickpeas. Such cereal additives are more typical for Persian cuisine.

Add carrots to this dish. And it also contains a lot. The entire vegetable part should be equal in volume to the amount of meat. In addition, spices are necessarily put in shurpa: bay leaf, black and red pepper, azhgon, turmeric or saffron, dried dill, cumin. It is customary to add a large amount of fresh herbs to the finished soup.

How to cook chicken shurpa

Like other dishes loved by many kindred peoples, shurpa has many cooking methods. For example, Uzbeks cook all the ingredients together in one pot. And some oriental cuisines are characterized by preliminary frying of meat and vegetables in fat, followed by joint boiling. In addition, every good housewife is sure that she is the one who knows best how to cook chicken shurpa.

All recipes have common features. Chicken meat usually enters the pot cut into portions. On average, one large chicken carcass is enough to prepare a four-liter pan. For such an amount of meat, 3-4 medium onions, 0.5 kg of carrots, about a kilogram of potatoes are needed.

Pre-boiling lasts at least an hour, only after that vegetables enter the pot. You can choose the slicing method at your discretion, but most often carrots and onions are cut into cubes, and not grated. If you plan to add chickpeas to the soup, they replace an equal part of the potato in volume. Legumes should be soaked in water beforehand. Sometimes lentils are put in shurpa, but it also needs pre-soaking. In total, chicken shurpa is cooked for about 2-2.5 hours. During this time, both meat and vegetables will boil enough, the spices will fully reveal their flavor. If the meat and vegetables were previously fried, the cooking time can be reduced to an hour. Like all oriental soups, shurpa should be cooked over low heat, always with the lid ajar.

Salt and spices are best sent to the pot just before the end of cooking. They are added based on their own tastes. Cover the boiled soup with a lid, wrap it with a towel, let it stand for 20 minutes.

Shurpa from chicken on a fire

This dish is perfect for outdoor cooking. Rich broth, tender meat pieces, nutritious vegetables, fresh herbs - what else do you need to satisfy your hunger? The aroma of the fire will give the dish a unique taste, resulting in an incredibly tasty chicken shurpa, the recipe of which will be as close as possible to the original. After all, in ancient times this soup was also cooked on a fire. Even the smallest participants of the hike can be involved in cooking, they will definitely like to collect firewood, wash vegetables, and bring spices. And when the shurpa is ready, none of the tourists will remain indifferent!

Serving to the table

To emphasize that the dish belongs to the cuisine of the East, you can serve shurpa to the table in ceramic or clay bowls. In their absence, you can get by with ordinary deep plates, which are usually placed on underplates. Shurpa is eaten with ordinary tablespoons.

On the table, you must definitely put a container with finely chopped greens: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, young garlic, watercress, spinach. Sometimes homemade sour cream, thinly sliced ​​lemon, and olives are served with shurpa.

Homemade bread, for example, Georgian Shoti, Armenian Matkanash, goes very well with this dish. You can also serve thin pita bread with shurpa. Of course, spicy oriental snacks will not be superfluous on the table.

From drinks, shurpa is served with mineral water, grape, apple, tomato juice, wild rose, knot. Suitable for this dish and strong alcohol.

Shurpa from chicken

Greens - to taste

Pepper - to taste

Seasoning for meat - to taste

Suneli hops - 1 tsp

Dried roots - 1 tsp

Potatoes - 5 pcs.

Garlic - 1-2 teeth

Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking instructions

Shurpa is a dish of oriental cuisine, and it is a thick soup, most often from lamb, taking into account local specifics. The dish has left its regional limits and has become widely popular all over the world, and since chicken, beef and pork are more familiar types of meat for us, we most often cook shurpa from them.

My husband is a hunter. In August, the opening of the hunting season in nature is solemnly celebrated, with trophies - whoever has what. Traditionally, shurpa is also prepared - from game ( wild duck, teals, partridges, etc.). Such a shurpa is prepared on a fire, in a camping cast-iron, exactly as it should be for such a soup. But the hunting season is coming to an end, trips to nature are becoming rare, and you want to taste your favorite soup. That's when it's time to cook chicken shurpa. Of course, the aromas of a fire, romance, a sense of unity with nature will be missed. Let's replace them with the comfort and warmth of a modern apartment, but the soup, it will turn out delicious anyway.

Cut the cooked chicken into bite-sized pieces. Meat for shurpa can be pre-fried, or you can not do this.

Cut the potatoes into slices like a soup. Part of the potatoes can be replaced with peas. If you are using chickpeas, then soak them first.

Such a dish as chicken shurpa is most likely known only to the inhabitants of Russia. Shurpa is a traditional Uzbek dish, and cook it from lamb. However this species meat is not always at hand or not everyone likes it.

Therefore, Russian people often replace lamb with chicken meat. The name of this dish comes from the Arabic word "shobra", which means "soup". By itself, chicken shurpa is a very rich soup with clear broth and a wide variety of vegetables and spices.

To prepare this dish you will need following products: 1.5-2 kg chicken carcass, onions - 3 pieces, carrots - 3 pieces, medium-sized potatoes - 5-6 pieces, tomatoes - 4 pieces, a bunch of coriander, 2-3 cloves of garlic, cumin, salt and ground pepper taste.

Cooking begins with cutting the chicken carcass. Separate the legs, thighs, wings, cut the rest in half along the spine. Place the chopped poultry meat in a five-liter saucepan, pour boiled warm water and put on medium heat, do not forget to remove the foam.

At this time, clean the vegetables. Cut the onion into rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Potatoes also need to be peeled and cut into cubes. Place the tomatoes in a deep bowl, cover with boiling water for 5 minutes. After that, the skin can be easily removed. Cut the peeled tomatoes into half rings.

Once the broth is ready, remove the chicken from it, cool and separate the meat from the bones. Then, together with vegetables, place back into the rich broth. You can immediately add spices and salt. When the vegetables are cooked and become soft, you can remove the fire from the pan with shurpa and add chopped coriander there. Chicken shurpa soup is very easy to prepare, and the dish will delight you with an invariably delicious taste.

Chicken shurpa: a recipe for a slow cooker

keep up with technological progress and traditional recipes peoples of the world. Therefore, now it is not a problem to cook chicken shurpa in a slow cooker. List of ingredients: chicken fillet - 0.5 kg, potatoes - 3-4 pieces, carrots - 1 piece, onion - 1 piece, bell pepper - 2 pieces, tomatoes - 2 pieces, salt and pepper - 1 tsp each, parsley and dill.

Rinse the chicken fillet thoroughly, cut into large pieces and put in a multicooker bowl. Add 3 liters of water and put on the "Soup" or "Multipovar" mode for half an hour. During this time, you need to prepare the vegetables. Finely chop the onion, and potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers into medium-sized cubes.

After half an hour, add vegetables and spices to the broth in a slow cooker. On the same mode, cook for another 15 minutes. On this chicken shurpa recipe is completed, it should be served, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

To begin with, you need to prepare everything necessary products: 0.5 kg of chicken, onions - 1 piece, unsalted bacon - 80 g, half a glass of rice, a small bunch of dill, bay leaf - 2 pieces, salt - 0.5 tsp. Wash the chicken meat well and cut into medium pieces.

Place in three-liter pan with cold water. Then put on high heat, bring to a boil, removing periodically boiled foam, then leave on low heat for about 30 minutes.

After this time, prepare the rice by rinsing it with cold water and add to chicken broth. Bring to a boil again and cook for another 15 minutes until rice is tender. At the last stage of cooking, you need to fry the lard with onions a little and add to the pan with rice. Turn off the stove and put the bay leaf and salt into the soup. You can also add spices to taste.

Regardless of how to cook shurpa, the result is always the same: tasty, satisfying, aromatic and healthy dish, with which you can always diversify the daily menu of your family.

Shurpa is National dish oriental cuisine. What does it represent? It's thick rich soup, which, as a rule, is prepared from large pieces of young lamb and a large number fresh greens. The dish is incredibly tasty and fragrant, but at the same time very high-calorie.

This may be the reason for refusing to eat such a famous soup. That is why we bring to your attention the recipes for preparing this wonderful first course in dietary option cooking, namely with chicken meat. Do not deny yourself the pleasure!

Shurpa cooked with chicken turns out to be less high-calorie, but no less tasty, because in addition to replacing lamb meat with chicken meat, the recipe remains traditional.

  • chicken carcass - 1 pc.;
  • potato tubers - 4 pcs.;
  • carrot root - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • sweet paprika - 1 pc.;
  • fresh parsley - ½ bunch;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • pepper "Lamb's horn" - 1 pc.;
  • table salt;
  • wine vinegar - 50 ml.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours

Nutritional value per 100 g: 37 kcal.

Cooking chicken shurpa at home:

Recipe for chicken shurpa soup with rice


  • homemade chicken - 1 pc.;
  • round-grain rice - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian red onion - 3 pcs.;
  • a mixture of spices "Hmeli-suneli";
  • rock salt;
  • fresh fat - 50 g;
  • laurel leaf - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking time: 90 min.

See also: How I lost 19 kg in a month and a half

Energy value per 100 g: 42 kcal.

Step by step description:

  1. From domestic chicken makes an excellent rich broth. It is not worth cutting the carcass into pieces before cooking - steal it into the pan as a whole. Fill the bird with water and put on the stove. After boiling, remove the foam from the broth, immediately salt it and, covering it with a lid, cook until the meat is ready;
  2. Rinse the rice groats and put them in the broth along with the potatoes cut into slices;
  3. Cut the fresh fat into small pieces, chop the onion into half rings. Fry the onion with bacon until golden brown, and then, together with the carrots chopped into cubes, add to the soup;
  4. Boil the shurpa for another 20 minutes, then flavor it with a generous pinch of Khmeli-suneli spices and a laurel leaf.
  5. Shurpa chicken rice soup is served at the table with garlic croutons and a pod of hot pepper.

How to cook soup in a slow cooker


  • chicken thighs - 1 kg;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • bell peppers- 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • a bouquet of fresh herbs;
  • edible salt;
  • a mixture of aromatic peppers.

Cooking time: 50 min.

Number of kcal per 100 g: 37.

See also: How I increased my breasts by 2 sizes in 1 week

How to cook chicken shurpa in a slow cooker:

  1. Put the chicken thighs on the bottom of the multicooker bowl and fill with water. Turn on the unit to the "Soup" mode by setting the timer for 30 minutes;
  2. In the meantime, get ready to prepare the vegetables. Cut carrots and bell peppers into strips, onions into large quarters, and potatoes and tomatoes into slices. Load the vegetables into the already boiled broth, season it with salt and a mixture of fragrant peppers;
  3. Cook shurpa in a slow cooker in the “Soup” mode until the vegetables are ready, then unplug the unit from the mains, sprinkle the finished dish with a chopped bouquet of fresh herbs and, pouring it into portioned plates, serve it to the table.

Shurpa from chicken in a cauldron on a fire

Cooking Ingredients:

  • chicken carcasses- 2 pcs.;
  • fat tail fat - 250 g;
  • potato tubers - 700 g;
  • paprika sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh carrots - 400 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 400 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • a bouquet of greenery;
  • vodka - 100 ml;
  • laurel leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • drinking water - 5.5 l;
  • salt;
  • spices "Hmeli-suneli";
  • black pepper - 10 peas.

Cooking time: 3 hours

Nutritional value per 100 g: 46 kcal.


  1. To cook shurpa on a fire, you will need a large cauldron. Put chicken carcasses in it, fill them with water, add whole onion heads and hang over the fire. Shurpa broth will languish for quite a long time, at least 2 hours;
  2. All vegetables necessary for the preparation of shurpa should be cut into large slices;
  3. Cut the fat tail fat into small pieces and lightly fry in a pan. Add carrots to it, continuing to fry for another 3-4 minutes;
  4. When the chicken carcasses are completely ready, add all the necessary vegetables to them, as well as frying from fat tail fat and carrots;
  5. Cook soup-shurpa on a fire until tender (at least 20-25 minutes). Then add spices, herbs, garlic and vodka to the finished soup. Steam the rich soup-shurpa over the fire for another 6-8 minutes, then sprinkle with a chopped bouquet of greens and serve;
  6. Shurpa, cooked in a cauldron over a fire, turns out to be especially piquant, tasty and fragrant. It has a pleasant aftertaste, quickly saturates the body and satisfies the feeling of hunger. Bon appetit!

Shurpa made from chicken will turn out to be especially fragrant and tasty if the bird carcass is quickly fried in a dry frying pan before boiling until an appetizing crust forms.

Such a dish as shurpa is served to the table without fail fresh and hot. It is not recommended to heat it, otherwise it will lose most of its taste and aromatic properties.

One of the most important ingredients (besides meat) for making this oriental soup is a generous bouquet of greens. It may include: cilantro, parsley, tarragon, dill, basil and onion feathers.

Ready-made Shurpa soup can be supplemented with dressings such as sour cream, mustard, mayonnaise and even adjika. Everyone will be able to choose the option that he most likes.

When cooking shurpa, it is very important to maintain a state of stable boiling, one might even say, languishing. Do not allow the liquid to boil violently.

To prepare this oriental soup, you must use either a whole bird carcass or its fleshy parts. Soup set is not suitable in any case. Since shurpa without meat or with a small amount of it is no longer shurpa, but an ordinary soup.

Since this soup should languish and not boil, it is recommended to use dishes such as a cauldron, a thick-walled pan, or cast iron pan with high sides.