Chicken broth with noodles is a light soup. The best recipes for chicken broth with noodles: with giblets, eggs, cheese, tomatoes

About the benefits chicken broth many people know. It restores the body's depleted strength after illness or surgery, helps to warm up during hypothermia, and eliminates the consequences alcohol intoxication. Properly cooked, tasty and has a high nutritional value. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances that a person needs for a healthy life.

Delicious and aromatic clear broth- this is the dream of every housewife. But it is not always possible to do it this way. In fact, in order for the broth to be transparent, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. The quality of the broth largely depends on the choice of chicken. Professional chefs give preference poultry. It is important that it is not old. Otherwise, such a clear broth will definitely not succeed.
  2. Before placing the bird in the pan, rinse it well and remove excess fat. If the bird is not domestic, but was bought in a store, you can remove the skin from it. Do not cook chicken broth. It will never turn out as fragrant and rich as from whole carcass. Thighs can also make a good broth.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook the chicken over low heat only. At the very beginning of cooking, you need to salt the water and add a whole onion to the bird. It will make the broth not only aromatic, but also transparent. Sometimes whole or coarsely chopped carrots and celery root (or parsley) are also added to the onion. But pepper and put in water Bay leaf do not do it. This will only make the broth darker.
  4. Immediately after boiling and periodically during cooking, you need to remove the foam from the broth. Do not cover the pan with a lid. This way you will be able to avoid a strong boil, at which the broth becomes cloudy.
  5. Boil the broth for 3 hours. At the end of cooking, you need to strain it, then pour it into a saucepan and last time let it boil over low heat.

If you follow the suggested tips, the broth will turn out as clear as a tear. Now you can add your favorite spices, noodles and other ingredients to it.

How to make homemade noodles

Most delicious broth turns out with To knead the dough, first beat a large egg, 50 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt in a separate bowl. Then sift flour (about 150 g) directly onto the table or into a large bowl, make a hole in it and pour in the egg mixture. Knead the cool stuff elastic dough. At first it will stick to your hands and flake off. In fact, this is how it should be. After 10 minutes of kneading, you will get a dense and elastic ball of dough. It needs to be wrapped in film and left on the table for 30 minutes. If this is not done, the gluten will not have time to swell enough and the dough will flake when rolled out.

After the specified time, the prepared ball begins to be rolled out on the table. First, up to 5 mm thick, then cut in the middle and each half is rolled to 2 mm (the thinner the better). Before cutting the noodles, each layer must be dried unrolled for 5 minutes. Then the dough is rolled into a roll or envelope and cut thinly with a wide knife.

The resulting halves are shaken on the table by hand and allowed to dry a little. If the noodles are being prepared for future use, they need to be dried more thoroughly, for 5 hours, and it is recommended to store them in a fabric bag.

Classic noodle broth

While the broth is cooking, you can prepare it in advance vegetable dressing for him. The onion is chopped into cubes, and the carrots are grated or cut into cubes. Vegetables are fried one by one in vegetable oil until cooked.

When the strained broth returns to a boil, the noodles are added to it. It is important that it boils hot enough. Otherwise, the noodles may become soggy. You need to cook it for 3 minutes, no more. Then vegetable dressing is added to the chicken noodle broth.

Boil everything together for another 3-4 minutes, and you can turn off the stove. Delicious chicken broth with homemade noodles is ready. It is served with herbs and crispy croutons.

Chicken broth with noodles and egg

To make the chicken broth presentable appearance, it is served with a boiled egg. Preparing such a dish will not be difficult. After all, almost all recipes with chicken broth are identical. All you have to do is cook the bird correctly and make a good one. homemade noodles.

To prepare this dish you need to boil the chicken. It is better to strain the resulting broth to remove all the scale and make it even more transparent. Let it boil again, after which you can add the noodles, and after a few more minutes, add the vegetables simmered in the pan.

Quail or chicken eggs for broth are boiled in advance. They need to be peeled and cut in half. Before serving chicken broth with noodles, it is decorated with eggs and herbs. Bon appetit!

Broth with noodles in a slow cooker

The main advantage of preparing broth in a slow cooker is that it will always simmer slowly, literally simmering. And you won’t have to remove the foam.

According to the recipe three chicken thighs place in the multicooker bowl and pour 1.5 liters hot water. Cook the meat for 1.5 hours in the “Soup” mode.

After a while, remove the chicken, disassemble it into pieces, and put it back into the bowl along with the noodles. Set the cooking mode to “Multi-cook” (or “Steam”, or “Grain”) and cook the broth for another 10 minutes. The multicooker will signal that cooking is complete.

Sprinkle chicken broth with noodles generously with herbs directly in the slow cooker. Tasty and healthy dietary dish ready.

Noodles with chicken broth

As a rule, the broth remains clear until the noodles are dipped into it. This immediately makes him cloudy. This especially applies to homemade noodles dusted with flour.

To maintain the transparency of the finished broth when serving, you should use simple secret. To do this, cook the noodles in a separate pan for 8 minutes. When it is ready, it should be placed on the bottom of a deep plate and filled with broth prepared according to the classic recipe. You can also add chopped boiled carrots(from broth), herbs and any other ingredients.

There is another way to prepare this dish. Cook the noodles for 3 minutes until half cooked in a separate pan. After this, it is placed in the broth for another 4-5 minutes. Such homemade noodles made with chicken broth turn out even tastier, after which they are imbued with its aroma and taste. Bon appetit!

Chicken broth with croutons and noodles

The preparation of broth with croutons is carried out in the same way as in previous recipes. First, cook the chicken for three hours. Then we take it out, filter the broth and add the noodles into it. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs, add egg and croutons to the plate. It is with these crispy cubes or slices that chicken noodle broth turns out even tastier.

To prepare croutons you will need white loaf, which is cut into small cubes or slices. The oven tray is greased a small amount butter or vegetable oil, squeeze a clove of garlic through a press and pour in the sliced ​​bread. Place the croutons for browning in the oven, preheated to 140 degrees, for 20 minutes. After the specified time, remove the baking sheet from the oven, let the crackers cool, and you can serve with the broth.

Fragrant, tasty and healthy chicken broth with vermicelli recipe, which will be useful not only to adherents of a healthy lifestyle or those planning a menu for, but also to any other person. How good is such a light soup after a hearty feast!

It is easy to prepare; it takes just a few minutes, since it contains only products that can be cooked for no more than half an hour. For example, I offer a recipe for chicken broth with noodles, but any other pasta or noodles made from durum wheat are quite suitable.


  • water - 1 l
  • chicken fillet – 100 g
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • noodles from durum varieties wheat – 80-100 g
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • dill, parsley – 1 bunch,
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook

Do you know how to cook clear chicken broth with noodles? Nothing complicated - the main thing is to pour it in right away required quantity water. Place a pan of water on the fire. Salt the water. Wash the fillet, cut into strips and place in boiling water.

Grate the carrots coarse grater and immediately send to the breast. You can add any vegetables to the recipe except potatoes: celery, onion, bell pepper, green pea, broccoli.

When the meat is ready, that is, after 20 minutes, put the vermicelli (noodles, pasta) into the pan.

Boil the egg in advance, cut into half rings or large slices and add to the pan 7-8 minutes after the noodles.

Add salt to the broth to taste, stir.

At the end of cooking, add the herbs to the chicken broth with pasta. Although it can be served fresh on a separate plate.

A wonderful light and nutritious first course is ready!

  • If you cook chicken broth with noodles strictly according to these proportions, then The calorie content of 100 g will be no more than 40 kcal. That is, this perfect option for a low calorie lunch.
  • Children also like this broth with chicken and pasta. If you want to make it more filling for your baby, add a spoonful of sour cream or a piece butter.

Chicken soup with egg and noodles is the first dish that you can quickly prepare and delight your loved ones at the dinner table. This soup can be prepared for both small children and adults, everyone will be full and satisfied. If you want to give vermicelli soup freshness, you can add any spicy herbs for decoration. Appetizing soup with vermicelli and beaten egg is quite tasty, although it consists of the most simple products. The quick and easy recipe is also low-calorie and low-fat, so it won't do any harm for heavier people. In our recipe we will show basic recipe To prepare this dish, we will cook it using ready-made chicken broth. If you do not have ready-made chicken broth, then preparing the soup will take a little longer; you need to cook the broth for 30 minutes; if you wish, you can not remove the meat, but cut it into pieces and then add it to the soup. Children will especially love this soup; potatoes, thin vermicelli and a beaten egg make this soup very tasty and tender.

Taste Info Hot soups / Vermicelli soup


  • Chicken broth 2 l;
  • Potatoes 470 g;
  • Vermicelli 100 g;
  • Onions 150 g;
  • Carrots 150 g;
  • Sunflower oil 25 g;
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs.;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf 2 pcs.;
  • Dill 5 sprigs;
  • Parsley 5 sprigs;
  • Green onion 3 pcs.

How to make egg noodle soup

Add prepared potatoes to boiling prepared meat broth. You can cut the root vegetables into cubes or diamonds, depending on your preference. Cook over medium heat until half cooked, 10-15 minutes.

If you wish, you can cook this soup in water; the taste will be less rich, but it will still be very tasty.

The broth can be used either fresh or frozen; we use previously prepared broth, which I cooked a day before cooking the soup.

Cut the onion into half rings or cubes. If you have red or white onions, you can substitute regular onions. Add a little vegetable oil to a hot frying pan, add the prepared onion to the frying pan. Fry over medium heat until golden brown, 5-7 minutes.

Peel the carrots, grate them finely or cut them into cubes. Add grated carrots to the golden onions and let them fry for 5 minutes. You can add vegetable oil to the frying pan if it seems too little.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. A whisk or mixer will come to your aid in this procedure. Whisk until it forms an omelette consistency. Leave in a cool place for 5 minutes.

Homemade eggs are best; they have an orange yolk and generally taste better than store-bought eggs.

Add sautéed onions and carrots to almost finished potatoes. Stir the soup and let the vegetables simmer for 3-5 minutes.

Pour the cooled eggs into the soup in a thin stream. At the same time, have time to stir with a spoon or fork so that the eggs do not gather in one large lump during cooking. Let the egg cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Finally, add thin vermicelli, thin vermicelli does not need to be cooked, it will cook in the hot soup and will be ready.

If you don't have web noodles, you can replace it with spaghetti or another form of pasta. But in this case, it must be boiled over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

It remains to add a little greenery - green onions, dill and parsley. Boil for half a minute and turn off the heat.

Chicken soup with eggs and noodles is ready, enjoy your lunch.

Egg and noodle soup is often found in children's menu. Actually it's great option to feed a child - light, tasty, combining many useful ingredients. At the same time, there are a great many options for serving the dish, and to please the baby with beautiful dish as easy as pie.

And adults won’t refuse a bowl of this soup either - especially if it’s made with chicken broth and homemade noodles. Homemade egg noodles are a great option for soup (and not only for soup), and recipes for making them will also be given in this article.

Most often, such a soup is prepared with chicken broth - after all, everyone loves it, and it is invariably tasty. However, options with vegetable or meat broth, as well as in milk, are also found. Vermicelli can be any kind - not necessarily homemade - whoever prefers which one. Eggs are added to the dish in the form of three options: pre-boiled, raw and poached.

Additional ingredients are added to the soup only if you want to diversify the dish - for example, soup with sorrel or spinach, celery and potatoes is popular.

To make the soup tasty, cook it only for one serving. It doesn’t take long to cook, but letting the soup sit and reheat will definitely spoil the impression. Any pasta They tend to swell and absorb liquid, so instead of soup, you risk getting an indistinct slurry with blurry pasta.

How to cook soup with egg and noodles - 15 varieties

Lightweight and nutritious soup, which will suit any table. Both children and adults will love it. Prepared in a slow cooker.


  • Chicken for broth - 300 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Small vermicelli - 50 g
  • Fresh chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


First, let the chicken broth simmer. After the water boils, remove the foam, add the peeled onion and spices to the broth and continue cooking for another half hour.

During this time, peel and cut the carrots (you can grate them) and potatoes.

After half an hour, add the potatoes and cook until tender. Throw in the vermicelli, immediately beat the eggs in a cup, swirl the soup with a spoon and pour them in.

After a couple of minutes, add the greens, check the ingredients for readiness and turn off.

The dish is prepared in the “soup” or “cooking” mode.

For small children, you can add the potatoes whole, and when they are completely cooked, crush them and add them back. This method makes the taste of the soup even more rich, gives it tenderness and thickens it a little.

A variation of the usual soup with the addition of lemon juice, which is unusual for us (in soups).


  • Chicken for broth - 300 g
  • Small vermicelli - 100 g
  • Fresh chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


Boil the broth. Add vermicelli to the prepared broth and boil. While cooking, beat the eggs with lemon juice and a spoonful of oil.

Add a little broth, stir and pour the mixture into the switched off pan.

Mix carefully, let stand and pour into plates, garnishing with lemon and herbs if desired.

Delicious, hearty soup with rich roast and bone broth. Exit ready soup- about 5 liters, so adjust the amount of ingredients to suit you.


  • Pork bones for soup - 500 g
  • Vermicelli - 100 g
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Turmeric - to taste
  • Herbs, spices - to taste


Boil the bones in water for an hour. Add spices to the broth to taste.

Peel and cut the potatoes, boil them in broth.

Heat in a frying pan olive oil, add butter and melt it.

Add chopped onions and grated carrots when they become translucent to the oil mixture. At the end of frying, add turmeric.

While vigorously stirring, fry until deep golden brown. Pour 500 ml of boiling water. When the potatoes are cooked in the pan, add frying to them.

Check the soup for taste.

Beat the eggs in a plate and pour them into the soup while stirring the broth. Immediately add vermicelli, mix well, add greens.

Unusual ingredients and unusual soup. With a hint of Asia, chicken pieces are marinated in soy sauce, and rice noodles are used instead of wheat noodles.


  • Chicken pieces (meat) - 200 g
  • Rice vermicelli - 50 g
  • Fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • Corn - 200 g
  • Soy sauce- 2 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  • Spices and salt - to taste


Prepare the marinade for meat: in a saucepan, heat a mixture of oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt (to taste) and 3 tablespoons of water.

Stir in flour until smooth, heat until slightly thickened. Place pieces of chicken fillet into the prepared marinade and leave for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, put one and a half liters of water in a saucepan to heat; when it boils, add corn and meat. Cook until done.

Beat the egg, add it into the soup in a thin stream, then add the vermicelli and cook until tender, stirring. If desired, garnish with half a boiled egg.

Two recipes in one - delicious soup and equally delicious homemade noodles. Noodles can be used in any other soups, and the soup itself, thanks to the use of celery, will certainly become one of your favorite and unusual ones.


  • Chicken for broth - 1 kg per 2.5 liters of water
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Celery root and stem - 50 g each
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste
  • Flour - 75 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Boiled quail egg - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.


Boil chicken broth, add half of the vegetables (not chopped) to taste. While the broth is simmering, prepare the noodles.

Pour flour onto the table, make a mound of it, pour in 1 egg, a pinch of salt, butter.

Knead this into a dough, adding flour periodically to obtain an elastic, thick dough.

Leave the dough to rest, then roll it out into the thinnest layer you can.

Let it dry for a couple of minutes, then start cutting into strips (noodles) and let them dry.

Peel and cut vegetables. Heat the butter in a frying pan and saute it.

Remove whole vegetables and meat from the prepared broth, place the prepared fry into it, then the resulting noodles.

Boiled quail eggs peel, cut into halves. Pour soup into a plate, add herbs and garnish with egg halves.

To make the broth golden, you can lightly fry the vegetables. This is done right in the peel, on the burner. Once added to the broth, they give it an interesting color.

A quick way to make soup - you don't even need broth. The meat base will be sausage - which one is up to you to decide.


  • Sausage (can be assorted) - 200 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Vermicelli - 100 g
  • Fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Herbs, spices - to taste


Place a pan of water on the fire, meanwhile cut all the vegetables into cubes or strips. Sausage - the same.

Fry onions and sausage in a frying pan. Then add carrots and tomatoes.

Place the fry into boiling water and add the potatoes. Cook until half cooked, at this stage add vermicelli. Check the soup for spices.

Whisk the egg and pour into the pan, stirring the broth. Let stand and serve.

The easiest way to make soup. A minimum of ingredients, a minimum of time and effort for preparation - and the result is a wonderful, aromatic dish!


  • Chicken - 400 g
  • Vermicelli - 50 g
  • Boiled chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Herbs, spices - to taste


Boil the chicken in two liters of water, adding spices to taste.

When the chicken is cooked, cut the eggs into cubes and pour them into the pan, then add the vermicelli, cook for a minute, turn off the gas and leave to simmer under the lid.

Five-minute soup in the truest sense of the word. Elementary composition with elementary preparation.


  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • Thin vermicelli - 50 g
  • Spices - to taste


Boil 200 ml of water in a small saucepan and boil the vermicelli. At this time, beat the egg with milk and pour into the noodles.

Cook for two minutes, adding any seasonings to taste.

A recipe that stands out from the rest. Instead of regular cobwebs, homemade egg noodles are used here, and the eggs are served in unusual shape poached The presentation of the dish is also unusual - this option will definitely surprise guests.


  • Chicken for broth - 300 g
  • Fresh eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Flour - 100-200 g
  • Spices, salt - to taste


Boil the chicken broth - cook it with all your favorite spices, carefully skimming off the foam.

Pour flour onto the table in a heap, beat two eggs into the center and gradually knead into a thick, elastic dough.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer, then cut into thin slices - this will be the finished vermicelli.

Boil the poached egg. You need to take as many eggs as the servings will serve - one egg per plate.

Line it in a bowl cling film, pour the egg there, connect the edges at the top and tie with thread.

Let the eggs and vermicelli boil (in water!) at the same time. Place the finished noodles in a colander. Remove the eggs from the film and place in the center of the plate.

Place noodles around and pour in broth.

If the egg dough is too tight for you, add a little water when kneading - a couple of teaspoons, and the process of kneading and rolling will go much faster.

Delicious milk soup- a dream from childhood. The sour cream and egg mixture adds an interesting twist to the recipe.


  • Milk - 2 l
  • Vermicelli - 100 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Fresh egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Herbs, spices - to taste


Put the milk on the fire. Cut potatoes small cubes, add to boiled milk. Cook for 10 minutes, add vermicelli. Cook until done.

Separately, beat the egg with sour cream, add to the soup, add salt, let simmer for a couple of minutes and turn off.

Delicious and crazy healthy soup using spinach. Spinach can be replaced with sorrel.


  • Spinach - 500 g
  • Vermicelli - 300 g
  • Chicken for broth - 200 g
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice- taste
  • Spices - to taste


Boil the broth. Boil vermicelli in clean water and rinse it cold water.

Melt some butter in a saucepan and add chopped herbs. Simmer briefly (no more than three minutes), pour in the prepared broth and lemon juice.

Beat the eggs into the broth one by one and stir briefly. Place vermicelli on a plate and pour in broth.

Soup with egg and noodles inspired by the Japanese soup "Ramen"

Thick, rich soup, almost the second course. Classic Ramen has long been overgrown with a bunch of variations, but most importantly - quick noodles and separate preparation of each ingredient are observed.


  • Noodles instant cooking Japanese - 1 pc.
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Celery - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled egg - 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce - 125 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml


Boil chicken fillet. Remove it from the broth.

Mix one glass of broth and water and boil the noodles. Cut celery and chicken into slices.

Grate the carrots and fry them along with the breast in a preheated frying pan.

When they are fried, add the celery, soy sauce and broth and leave to simmer until the celery softens.

Place the finished noodles on plates (ideally deep, preferably in a bowl or quiche), place the chicken on top, pour over the gravy from the frying pan and garnish with an egg.

Simple, quick and delicious meatball soup. Minced meat can be used from any meat.


  • Any minced meat, mixed - 500 g
  • Vermicelli - 150 g
  • Boiled chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Spices, salt - to taste


Add chopped onion, spices and salt to the minced meat. Mix well and form small balls - meatballs.

Place in boiling water (for a richer taste, you can use ready-made broth) meat balls, let them cook for a couple of minutes and then add the vermicelli.

When they are ready, add a diced chicken egg and herbs to taste.

The custom of adding kvass to soup originates from Moldova. It gives the soup an unusual sourness and contributes to its better preservation.


  • Chicken - 0.5 kg
  • Fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Vermicelli - 100 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Kvass - 300 ml
  • Spices - to taste


Let the broth simmer. At this time, cook the carrots and onions, add a little broth and continue to simmer.

Place chopped potatoes into the boiling broth, cook until half cooked, then add fried potatoes and noodles.

Pour in the kvass and the mixed egg one after another and mix. Add herbs to taste.

An interesting option for preparing soup from the famous British chef and TV presenter Gordon Ramsay. Asian style The preparation will appeal to many fans of Japanese cuisine.


  • Miso paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Shiitake mushrooms - 3 pcs.
  • Noodles - 200 g
  • Fresh eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Spinach - 70 g
  • Champignons - 100 g
  • Ginger root - to taste
  • Soy sauce - to taste
  • Green onions- taste


Soak shiitake mushrooms for 2-3 hours. Dissolve miso paste in boiling water (2 liters). Grate ginger there, add chopped shiitake mushrooms and soy sauce.

Gently add the egg into the broth without stirring.

Place thin slices of champignons and pre-boiled noodles on a plate. Pour boiling broth over it and carefully add the egg. Garnish with green onions.

Soup with vermicelli (noodles) and egg belongs to the category of five-minute dishes. It is better to cook this soup in a small volume so that you can eat it fresh and hot. There is no need to store it in the refrigerator, because if you want more, you can easily prepare it again.

Recipe: Soup with vermicelli (noodles) and chicken egg


    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
    • butter - 40 gr.
    • vermicelli (noodles) - ¾ tbsp.
    • parsley or dill - 1 bunch
    • salt, pepper (to taste)

Cooking method

    • 1. Chop greens

  • 2. Beat chicken eggs with a fork in a small bowl, add salt

  • 4. Put salt, oil and vermicelli (noodles) into boiling water. Stir and cook for 5-7 minutes

  • 5. As soon as the vermicelli (noodles) are ready, slowly pour the beaten chicken eggs into the pan, stirring the soup constantly

  • 6. Stir for another 1 minute until the eggs are cooked.

  • 7. Sprinkle the soup with vermicelli (noodles) and eggs with chopped herbs. Serve hot. When serving, you can garnish with a slice of lemon.

Soup with vermicelli (noodles) and chicken egg


Chicken noodle soup with egg

Chicken noodle soup with egg is one of the classic recipes chicken soup. Although this soup is called “noodle soup,” it can be prepared with any pasta. Noodle soup is boiled immediately before serving, since while in the broth, the pasta continues to swell, and even if stored for a short time, the soup loses its taste qualities and appetizing appearance. However, this effect can be avoided if you boil the pasta separately and store it separately from the chicken broth, combining it only before serving.

  • Recipe author: K. Kryn
  • After cooking you will receive 4 servings
  • Cooking time: 1.5-2 hours


  • Chicken – 1/4 carcass
  • Pasta – 2-3 handfuls
  • Eggs – 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs. (small size)
  • Onions – 1 pc. (small size)
  • Greens (parsley and (or) dill) - 4-5 sprigs each
  • Salt - to taste

Step by step recipe

Prepare chicken broth. Wash a piece of chicken and put it in three-liter saucepan. Pour cold water about 4-6 cm below the edge of the pan. Place the pan over high heat. While the water is heating, peel the onion and one carrot. Just before boiling, skim off the foam from the broth. Place an onion and one carrot into the boiling broth, bring to a boil again, reduce heat and cover with a lid. Cook until chicken meat comes off the bone easily. Just before it's ready, add salt. Remove the finished chicken from the broth and set aside to cool. Strain the broth and bring to a boil again.

Boil the eggs. As soon as the chicken broth begins to cook, you should start working on the eggs. Rinse the eggs, put in a small container, add cold water, about 1-2 cm above the eggs, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the finished eggs with cold water and leave to cool.

Add pasta and carrots to the soup. Peel the second carrot and cut into small pieces. As soon as the strained chicken broth boils, add pasta and carrots, stir, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cover loosely with a lid. Cook until the pasta breaks easily with the edge of a spoon on the side of the pan.

While the pasta and carrots are cooking, prepare the chicken, herbs and eggs. Remove the chicken from the bone and cut into small pieces across the grain. Finely chop the greens. Peel the eggs and cut them into halves, or chop them more finely.

Add chicken and herbs to the soup. As soon as the pasta is cooked, put chicken meat into the soup and pour in the herbs, stir, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover loosely with a lid, let simmer for 1-2 minutes and remove the pan from the heat.

Chicken noodle soup with egg is ready! When serving, add boiled eggs to each plate.

Chicken soup with egg noodles

No hot ones rich dishes life is difficult, especially in the cold season, and they various recipes amaze. Here, for example, is soup with egg noodles aromatic, tasty and useful not only for adults, but also for children. And during periods of illness, chicken broth soup is extremely necessary, since the first aid to the body, especially in winter, is good hot food.

We will prepare egg noodle soup using chicken broth, and to make the dish tasty, it is best to choose meaty chicken breast, add a lot of onions, don’t forget about spices and herbs.

Egg noodle soup with chicken - recipe with step-by-step photos

  • chicken breast – 500 grams,
  • onions – 4 heads (large size),
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves,
  • salt – 1 heaped tablespoon,
  • black peppercorns – 1 tablespoon,
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pieces,
  • egg noodles – 200 grams,
  • carrots – 80-100 grams,
  • dill – 15 grams.

How to make delicious egg noodle soup:

1. First of all, you need to cook the broth. Chicken breast should be washed thoroughly and, if necessary, defrosted in advance. cold water. Place in a saucepan.

2. Onion and peel the garlic. Chop the onion coarsely. Place in a saucepan along with garlic and spices.

3. Fill with water. It is better to fill with cold water. Place the pan on the stove to boil. The fire, both when boiling and when cooking the broth, should be minimal. If you follow this rule, foam will practically not appear at all.

4. Boil chicken breast need 2 hours on low heat. During this time, she will be completely ready. As soon as the chicken meat begins to boil, it’s time to fish out the breast and onions.

5. The broth will be very tasty, rich and aromatic. Now you need to prepare the egg noodles and carrots. Peel the carrots, grate them on a fine grater, and fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Add 2-3 tablespoons fried carrots and noodles into the pan.

6. Cook over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Typically, egg noodles cook very quickly. Fresh dill rinse, chop finely. Add to the finished first course.

7. Pour hot chicken soup with egg noodles in tureens. Serve hot.

Enjoy in cold weather winter evenings hot noodles in a tasty and healthy broth!

Recipe with photo of chicken soup: with noodles, potatoes, cheese and egg

Chicken soup is one of the most popular dishes in this category. Today we’ll look at how to make soup at home. It is well suited for those who want to lighten up their diet. After all, chicken soup is highly digestible, nutritious and helps the body recover. Therefore, doctors recommend eating this soup when you are sick. And carries minimal load on the gastrointestinal tract.

What to expect in the article:

The recipe is a collection of simple cooking steps and does not require complex ingredients. And to prove this to you, they suggest starting with recipes.

Chicken and noodle soup

First option. Simple steps, simple ingredients. Nothing complicated.


  • Chicken meat - 500 grams
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Onions and carrots 1 piece each
  • Noodles - 100 grams. We use web noodles.
  • Bay leaf - 2 leaves
  • Fresh greens - 1 bunch
  • Ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste


1 First of all, you need to boil the chicken. Place chicken in a medium saucepan. Fill with water above the middle. Let's set the fire. When it boils, skim off the foam. Cook for about 40 minutes.

2 While the chicken is boiling, peel the potatoes. Wash well and cut into cubes.

3 Once the chicken has boiled and you have skimmed off the foam, add bay leaf and black ground pepper. They will give the broth a fragrant aroma.

4 Now let's move on to the onions and carrots. They need to be cleaned and crushed. To do this, finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Next, throw it into a heated frying pan with sunflower oil. Once the onion turns golden, remove the pan from the heat.

5 Add our overcooked chicken to the almost finished chicken and throw in the chopped potatoes.

6 Once the chicken and potatoes are cooked, immediately throw in the noodles and add salt to taste. Two palmfuls of noodles are enough. As soon as we threw it, turn off the fire. There is no need to cook the noodles; they will soften already. In addition, the soup will turn out clear.

7 Take the meat out of the pan. Grind into small pieces. Remove excess seeds. And throw it back into the pan.

8 Chop the greens. And add to the soup.

9 Our soup is ready. On your dining table you will have delicious soup from chicken. And the fragrant aroma will spread throughout all the rooms and call relatives to the table.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken soup with cheese

We continue to look at the options. As the name implies, the peculiarity lies in the presence of a special ingredient, or rather processed cheese. The soup acquires a unique taste.


  • Chicken meat - 300-400 grams
  • Noodles – 150 grams
  • Processed cheese - 2 pieces
  • Bell pepper, onion 1 piece
  • Pieces white bread. You will only need a few pieces
  • Water - 2.5 liters
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Let's start cooking:

1 Take a saucepan. Place the meat in a saucepan and add water. We put it on the fire and when it boils, remove the foam. Cook over low heat. Keep on fire for about 40 minutes.

We need to cook over low heat so that the broth turns out clear.

2 Finely chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan.

3 Remove seeds and stalks from sweet peppers. Cut into small pieces.

4 Measure out the required amount of noodles. You can weigh it or about two handfuls in your palm.

5 Processed cheese grind. To do this you don't need a grater.

6 Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the pan and put it aside for now. Add fried onions, peppers and cheese to the broth.

7 Once it boils, cook for a few minutes. During this time, the onions and peppers should become soft. And the cheese will completely dissolve.

8 Bye previous ingredients boil, cut up the chicken. Remove the seeds. Grind into small pieces. Then put it back into the pan.

10 You can serve the soup with croutons if desired. Crackers are an addition that adds piquancy to the dish. Take pieces of bread and toast them in a toaster. Can be done in the oven or in a dry frying pan. Cut into small cubes. Add them to the plate when serving. It turns out very tasty.

How to make chicken noodle soup with eggs?

We will take the first recipe as a basis. The difference will be that the composition includes one more ingredient: chicken eggs. We need 4-5 pieces. Boil them, cool and peel them. They can be cut in half or into four pieces. You can cut it finer with a knife. Whatever you like best.

Now let's look at the first recipe. Starting from step 7, when we throw the meat back into the pan, we also throw in the chopped eggs. Let's move on to the recipe.

For example, you can take a different type of noodles.

Our soup has changed a little. But it turned out very tasty. Bon appetit!

Video instructions for preparing chicken soup in a slow cooker (with noodles and vegetables)

In theory, it seems like there are too many cooking steps. In practice, it is very simple and easy to prepare soup with chicken broth.

Thank you for attention. Please rate and like. Share recipes with friends. Leave your comments.

Chicken broth soup with homemade noodles and eggs

chicken broth soup with egg

There are many recipes for making soups with chicken broth. But today I want to offer you a simple and quick-to-prepare soup that I will cook with chicken, homemade noodles and eggs. Nourishing, tasty and healthy.

In Moldova, this soup is also called zama. I will tell you how to prepare this Moldavian dish in the near future. And here is the recipe, which is in this link.

For chicken soup we need:

  • chicken drumsticks – 5 pcs.,
  • water – 2.5 liters,
  • potatoes - 5 medium tubers,
  • one carrot,
  • ready-made homemade noodles - one large handful,
  • fresh herbs (wild garlic, parsley, green onions),
  • salt - to taste,
  • a couple of bay leaves,
  • sour borscht or juice of 1 lemon,
  • two boiled chicken eggs.

how to make homemade chicken noodle soup

1. First, let's cook chicken broth. For this I used chicken drumsticks.

But you can use any part of the chicken you have. Chicken legs wash, remove any feathers and pieces of skin. Wash under running cold water, add clean water and put on fire. After boiling, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and add salt to taste. Cook the broth together with the meat until the meat is ready.

2. In the meantime, let's move on to the next stage. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes and carrots as desired.

3. Next you need to prepare homemade noodles. It's very easy and quick to make. Detailed recipe See this article for all the photos. This chicken soup I wanted to cook With large homemade noodles. I beat one homemade chicken egg with a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. spoon with water. Then I added flour and kneaded a not too tight lump of dough. Let the prepared dough rest for 15 minutes. Then roll it out thinly and cut into large strips.

4. Strain the finished chicken broth and transfer the meat to a plate. Place the chopped carrots and potatoes into a separate pan. Pour in enough water to just lightly cover the vegetables.

Cook until half cooked, then pour in the chicken broth, bring to a boil and add homemade noodles. Here, throw in the bay leaf and cook everything together until done. About 5 minutes.

5. In the meantime, wash and chop the greens. Add chopped herbs and preferably sour borscht to the slightly boiling broth. Stir, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

Leave the chicken soup covered for 15 minutes and serve for lunch. But before that, there’s one last thing left to do. Since we have chicken and egg soup, which means peel the hard-boiled eggs, chop them and add them to each bowl of soup.

You can do it another way: at the moment when you add the greens, pour one large beaten egg into the soup. In this case, the soup must be constantly stirred so that the egg completely curls and separates into flakes. But this is not for everyone.

How to cook kharcho soup a simple recipe