To make the chicken broth clear and tasty. How to cook broth - features, recipes and recommendations

The broth is an amazing product. It is good both as an independent dish and as a basis for making soups, some cereals, risotto, jelly, sauces, gravy and other culinary masterpieces.

The taste of the broth depends on the quality of the meat used. Depending on what type of meat you use, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

As for pork, the meat of bacon pigs is considered the most valuable. It is lean tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon. Bacon pork cooks quickly, it makes a very tender and tasty broth.

For chicken broth, choose poultry meat grown in an environmentally friendly environment without antibiotics and growth stimulants. It is important that the chicken is not frozen, and that chlorine is not used when refrigerating it. From such a chicken, the correct broth is obtained: transparent, saturated, moderately fatty, without foreign odors.

For the broth, it is best to choose pieces of pulp or meat on the bone, rich in connective tissue. During long cooking, such meat releases the most extractive substances, and, accordingly, the broth from it turns out to be tasty, aromatic and rich.

Different manufacturers cut meat carcasses in different ways, so when choosing a piece of meat for broth, be guided by the recommendations of the seller. For example, the culinary cutting of Myasnov takes into account the nutritional characteristics of each piece and distinguishes the following parts of the meat carcass suitable for cooking: for pork, this is the shoulder blade; in beef - neck, brisket, ham; lamb - medallions from the neck, shoulder blade, brisket, ribs, drumsticks. Pay attention to the signs "Recommended for cooking" located next to the prices.
As for poultry, almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking, and there is no consensus on which part of the broth is tastier. Someone thinks that the most delicious broth is made from wings and necks, someone prefers broth from lean chicken breast meat, and someone prefers whole chicken.

1. We prepare products: thoroughly wash meat, vegetables and herbs. It is not necessary to cut the meat for the broth, it should give up its juices gradually, slowly - then the broth will turn out to be transparent and tasty. If you cook chicken broth, nutritionists recommend removing the skin from it - because of it, the dish may turn out to be too oily.

2. Fill the meat with cold water and put on fire. Our goal is the broth, not boiled meat, so it is important to use cold water: when the water is gradually heated, flavoring and nutrients are released from the meat and go into the broth. If you put the meat in boiling water, its surface will immediately be “sealed” with a protein film, which will prevent the release of extractives into the broth (but the meat itself will remain juicy and tasty).

Cover the pot with a lid until it boils and simmer the broth over medium heat. As soon as the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking at minimum heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the broth and spoil its taste.

3. When the broth boils, foam will begin to appear on it. It must be removed immediately with a slotted spoon as it appears. If this is not done in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will spoil the appearance of the dish. Remove the foam adhering to the walls of the pan with a damp cloth. If a lot of fat appears on the surface of the broth, it should be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy taste.

4. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to the broth to taste - with them the broth will be more aromatic. A little secret: you can put a little onion peel in the broth, then it will acquire a pleasant golden hue. Carrots, turnips, celery and other roots can be lightly fried in a pan without oil or baked beforehand - their flavor in the broth will be even stronger.

5. The time it takes to simmer the broth over very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the toughness of the meat, the age of the animal, and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, the broth will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young bulls, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. After boiling, pork broth is cooked for 1.5-2.5 hours, lamb broth - 1.5-2 hours, chicken broth - 1-2 hours.

If you want to use boiled meat from the broth in another dish, keep in mind that it will cook faster than the broth itself. You can check the readiness of the meat as follows: pierce it with a knife - the knife will enter a fully cooked piece without effort. Boiled meat can be carefully separated from the bone and used, and the bones continue to cook until the broth is ready.

6. After cooking, take out the meat and vegetables from the broth and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung dry so that the broth is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from getting into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given all their taste and aroma to the dish, and there is no longer any value in them.

The best broth is obtained from fresh or chilled meat. But if you are forced to use frozen, then it is very important to defrost it properly. Do not use microwave or hot water for this. The best way is to wash the meat with cold water and place in a sealed container for 2-3 hours.

It is desirable that the stock pot has a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. This will ensure gradual and uniform heating of the broth, which means that the meat will release the maximum amount of extractives.

The broth should not "boil with a key" - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust in such a way that the desired temperature is maintained, try putting the pot of broth in the oven, heated to a temperature of 100-110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to the broth or no salt at all: during cooking, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, thus, the broth runs the risk of being over-salted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook on the basis of the broth.

... The French add "bouquet garni" to the broth - a bunch of herbs, consisting of sprigs of thyme, bay leaf, parsley stalks and leeks. Optionally, you can add celery, garlic, cloves to this bouquet - whatever you like. At the end of cooking, the bouquet is caught and thrown away.

... The broth can be frozen. If you often prepare broth-based dishes, then it will be convenient for you to do the following: boil the broth once every few weeks, then divide it into portions and freeze. Cool the broth, remove all fat from it. Line a deep rectangular container with a large piece of cling film so that the edges hang down a lot. Carefully pour the broth inside, close the container with a lid and place in the freezer. When the broth is completely frozen, take out the resulting "briquette" along with the film and wrap it in hanging edges. You can also use paper juice bags or clean plastic mayonnaise buckets to freeze the broth. Frozen broth will keep for up to 6 months.

or jellied dishes, absolutely clean, light broth is required.

In his long theoretical article about I described in detail the technology of their preparation and what you should pay attention to when cooking so that the broth is clean and transparent.

But what to do if your broth, due to the mistakes made, still turned out to be cloudy? Is it possible to make it a feast for the eyes amber-transparent? Yes, you certainly may!

In this article, I will detail and visually show you my favorite, proven and 100% reliable way to cleanse the broth.

For this experiment, I deliberately brewed the cloudiest veal broth I could. Oh, and it was not easy for me to do this because of my reverent attitude to the original quality of the broths!

And this is how it turned out: rich, thick, fragrant, but completely cloudy, absolutely unsuitable for use as a base for clear soups.

We'll fix it!

To clean up the broth, I always use egg whites and shells. Protein and shells are an excellent absorbent, which wonderfully, like a sponge, absorbs the smallest particles of meat dregs.

I recommend this proportion: for 3 liters of cloudy broth, take the protein and the shell of 2 large eggs. The accuracy here is not fundamental, the amount of shells and proteins taken depends on the degree of contamination and the total volume of the broth that you are going to clean. If you need to clear a smaller amount of broth, then navigate in proportion, taking protein and 1 egg shell for 1 liter of cloudy broth.

The shell should be thoroughly washed from possible dirt, finely crushed, and the whites should be whipped into a fluffy foam. You can add a little lemon juice to the proteins when whipping - this will make the protein foam more magnificent and stable (if you suddenly forgot or the juice was not at hand - it's okay).

Strain the broth into a saucepan through a fine sieve lined with several layers of cheesecloth. For greater clarity of the experiment, I skipped the straining step.

Bring your strained but still cloudy broth to a temperature of 60-65 0 C on the stove.

Add chopped eggshells to the broth and pour in the beaten egg whites. Here they will decorate your broth with such a beautiful snow-white cap.

While heating the broth, stir the contents of the pot with a spoon. At this stage, you can already notice cloudy flakes that the foam from whipped proteins draws on itself.

Continuing to stir, bring the broth to a boil. Let it boil for about 5 minutes.

Boiling should not be intense, otherwise your protein foam will run out of the pan; but still bubbling must be present - this ensures the absorption of cloudy foam by egg white.

Brrr, look how many cloudy meat flakes the egg foam has collected!

Turn off the heat of the stove and let the broth “rest” for 15-20 minutes. During this time, a cloudy sediment from heavy meat flakes and eggshells will fall to the bottom of the pan.

It can already be seen that "the patient is more alive than dead."

Carefully and accuratelyRemove the protein foam from the surface of the broth with a spoon. This is very easy to make because the egg white has curdled.I became dense.

How do you like the color of the broth?

Now carefully, trying not to disturb the heavy cloudy sediment at the bottom of the pan, strain your broth through a fine sieve lined with several layers of gauze.

All sediment should remain at the bottom, which is what we needed. Throw it away without regret!

If everything is done carefully, then one step of cleaning the broth is enough. In case of errors or if necessary, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times.

And here it is, handsome broth! Absolutely clean, transparent, amber, nice color! He remained the same strong and rich, did not lose his taste.

The result has been achieved! Hooray!

I hope this article was useful to you and may now all your broths be always excellent!

so you don't miss out on the best!

I will also be glad to receive feedback on your cooking experience based on the materials of my article.

The broth is an amazing product. It is good both as an independent dish and as a basis for making soups, some cereals, risotto, jelly, sauces, gravy and other culinary masterpieces. Myasnov offers some tips to help you prepare the perfect broth - fragrant, clear, nutritious and incredibly tasty.

Delicious broth - from quality meat!

The taste of the broth depends on the quality of the meat used. Depending on what type of meat you use, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

For beef broth, Myasnov recommends using the meat of young bulls - this is high-quality beef up to 3 years old. In young bulls, the meat is more tender, juicy and lean than in an adult animal. In addition, it cooks much faster. Unlike veal, the meat of young gobies has already accumulated all the nutrients necessary for good human nutrition.

As for pork, the meat of bacon pigs is considered the most valuable. It is lean tender meat with a thin layer of pink bacon. Bacon pork cooks quickly, it makes a very tender and tasty broth.

For chicken broth, choose poultry meat grown in an environmentally friendly environment without antibiotics and growth stimulants. It is important that the chicken is not frozen, and that chlorine is not used when refrigerating it. From such a chicken, the correct broth is obtained: transparent, saturated, moderately fatty, without foreign odors.

When choosing meat for broth in Myasnov stores, it is impossible to make a mistake, since the products we offer meet all the listed quality criteria.

Choosing the right piece

For the broth, it is best to choose pieces of pulp or meat on the bone, rich in connective tissue. During long cooking, such meat releases the most extractive substances, and, accordingly, the broth from it turns out to be tasty, aromatic and rich.

Different manufacturers cut meat carcasses in different ways, so when choosing a piece of meat for broth, be guided by the recommendations of the seller. For example, the culinary cutting of Myasnov takes into account the nutritional characteristics of each piece and highlights the following parts of the meat carcass suitable for cooking: for pork it is; in beef -,; in lamb -,. Pay attention to the "Recommended for Boiling" signs next to the price tags, and your choice of meat for the broth will always be successful.

As for poultry, almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking, and there is no consensus on which part of the broth is tastier. Someone thinks that the most delicious broth is made from wings and necks, someone prefers broth from lean chicken breast meat, and someone prefers whole chicken.

Vegetables and herbs

Vegetables and herbs are designed to enrich the taste and aroma of the dish. Onions, carrots and celery are best suited - this is a classic "vegetable composition" for meat broth. For a two to three liter saucepan, one onion, a small carrot and 2-3 stalks of celery are enough. Leek, parsnips, bay leaves, turnips and other roots also harmonize wonderfully with meat broth - add them to the broth to your liking.


The water for the broth should be clean (well, spring, bottled, or at least filtered) and, preferably, soft - in hard water, the meat will not be able to give all its juices.

As for the amount of water, then, depending on how saturated and concentrated the product you want to get, 2-3 liters of water will be required for 1 kilogram of pulp or meat with bones.

The longer you plan to boil the broth, the more liquid will evaporate from it - consider this when determining the required amount of water. It is better to pour more water in advance than to add it as it boils away, otherwise the taste of the broth will not be as rich and saturated.

Preparation: 6 easy steps

1. Prepare products: wash meat, vegetables and herbs thoroughly. It is not necessary to cut the meat for the broth, it should give up its juices gradually, slowly - then the broth will turn out to be transparent and tasty. If you cook chicken broth, nutritionists recommend removing the skin from it - because of it, the dish may turn out to be too oily.

2. Fill the meat with cold water and put on fire. Our goal is the broth, not boiled meat, so it is important to use cold water: when the water is gradually heated, flavoring and nutrients are released from the meat and go into the broth. If you put the meat in boiling water, its surface will immediately be “sealed” with a protein film, which will prevent the release of extractives into the broth (but the meat itself will remain juicy and tasty).

Cover the pot with a lid until it boils and simmer the broth over medium heat. As soon as the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and continue cooking at minimum heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the broth and spoil its taste.

3. When the broth boils, foam will begin to appear on it. It must be removed immediately with a slotted spoon as it appears. If this is not done in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will spoil the appearance of the dish. Remove the foam adhering to the walls of the pan with a damp cloth. If a lot of fat appears on the surface of the broth, it should be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy taste.

4. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to the broth to taste - with them the broth will be more aromatic. A little secret: you can put a little onion peel in the broth, then it will acquire a pleasant golden hue. Carrots, turnips, celery and other roots can be lightly fried in a pan without oil or baked beforehand - their flavor in the broth will be even stronger.

5. The time to simmer the broth over very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the toughness of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, the broth will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young bulls, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. After boiling, pork broth is cooked for 1.5-2.5 hours, lamb broth - 1.5-2 hours, chicken broth - 1-2 hours.

If you want to use boiled meat from the broth in another dish, keep in mind that it will cook faster than the broth itself. You can check the readiness of the meat as follows: pierce it with a knife - the knife will enter a fully cooked piece without effort. Boiled meat can be carefully separated from the bone and used, and the bones continue to cook until the broth is ready.

6. After cooking, take out the meat and vegetables from the broth and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung out dry so that the broth is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from getting into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given all their taste and aroma to the dish, and there is no longer any value in them.

Important nuances

The best broth is obtained from fresh or chilled meat. But if you are forced to use frozen, then it is very important to defrost it properly. Do not use microwave or hot water for this. The best way is to wash the meat with cold water and place in a sealed container for 2-3 hours.

It is desirable that the stock pot has a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. This will ensure gradual and uniform heating of the broth, which means that the meat will release the maximum amount of extractives.

The broth should not "boil with a key" - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust in such a way that the desired temperature is maintained, try putting the pot of broth in the oven, heated to a temperature of 100-110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to the broth or no salt at all: during cooking, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, thus, the broth runs the risk of being over-salted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook on the basis of the broth.

And did you know that...

... The French add "bouquet garni" to the broth - a bunch of herbs, consisting of sprigs of thyme, bay leaf, parsley stalks and leeks. Optionally, you can add celery, garlic, cloves to this bouquet - whatever you like. At the end of cooking, the bouquet is caught and thrown away.

... The broth can be frozen. If you often prepare broth-based dishes, then it will be convenient for you to do the following: boil the broth once every few weeks, then divide it into portions and freeze. Cool the broth, remove all fat from it. Line a deep rectangular container with a large piece of cling film so that the edges hang down a lot. Carefully pour the broth inside, close the container with a lid and place in the freezer. When the broth is completely frozen, take out the resulting "briquette" along with the film and wrap it in hanging edges. You can also use paper juice bags or clean plastic mayonnaise buckets to freeze the broth. Frozen broth will keep for up to 6 months.

In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspics, where a clean, literally transparent broth is needed.

What should I do if the broth becomes cloudy during cooking? Is it possible to return to him a golden, amber color, so that he looks appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some must be used during cooking, others - when the soup has cooled.

How to make the broth clear

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So, how do you make the broth clear?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the fire at the very moment, as soon as they noticed that the broth began to become cloudy. Let the soup cool down.
  2. While the broth is cooling, prepare raw chicken protein. To do this, you need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another bowl, and place the protein in a small bowl.
  3. Use a fork to beat the egg white as if you were making an omelette. Beat until foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into a cloudy, slightly chilled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Next, put the pan back on the fire and wait until the broth boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consommé boils, remove it from the heat and leave it again for five minutes, no more. Cooled down - again on the stove. And so we do it two or three times.
  7. When the broth has cooled for the last time, scoop out large pieces of protein from the pan. A slotted spoon or large spoon will help with this.
  8. After the done actions, pour all the contents into a clean saucepan, you can strain through a fine sieve. It is advisable to line it with gauze folded four to five times.

How to make chicken broth clear

How to make chicken broth clear? In order to achieve excellent results in the preparation of chicken decoction, you will need to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured. It will help to collect the ichor from the bird and other unnecessary garbage. After the carcass, rinse thoroughly again.

While the broth is on fire, try not to interfere with it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

It is necessary to add grated carrots, small noodles, onions to the finished product for beauty, they will help to make the consommé more saturated, tasty and fragrant.

golden chicken broth recipe

How to make chicken broth clear and golden? In order to prepare a delicious decoction of chicken fillet, you need to rinse it thoroughly, boil it first and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan to form a golden crust. It will help to give the soup a beautiful color.

And in order to make the broth even lighter, strain it through cheesecloth, folded at least twice.

This is such a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will give the broth tenderness and unique taste.

Making the broth clear, especially if it has become cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that need to be adopted by those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown in a whole piece, so that it gives up its juice gradually, and not immediately. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too oily. Never pour meat into too cold water, but you should not throw it into boiling water either. The surface of the water will be covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a cloudy broth, you will have to use a dense cloth through which you need to filter the soup.
  • Skim off the resulting foam immediately, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only on low heat, do not let the broth boil too much.
  • Avoid frozen meat.
  • In a cloudy broth, you can throw a raw onion or a potato cut into several pieces.
  • Pork and beef need to cook from one to two hours, but chicken is cooked for up to an hour.
  • As already mentioned, a simple protein will help to make a cloudy broth transparent.
  • Strain the broth through a fine sieve, then the consommé will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent lighting

So, how to make the broth clear and golden? There are some tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. We prepare a broth guy from protein, eggshell.
  3. The guy should be cold and introduced into the decoction in parts, and not pour out immediately.
  4. It is desirable to put the shell in gauze, it is also desirable to place raw minced meat there.
  5. The time for which the guy will lighten the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing an additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help hide its turbidity and opacity.

Bouillon for delicious jelly

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will only need a clear meat broth.

Kholodets is a dish traditionally prepared in ancient Russia. This is a great snack for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed due to natural ingredients and helps to strengthen bones and make tendons elastic.

If during cooking the broth has become dark, do not worry, it can still be lightened. To do this, pour the broth into another pan in order to rid it of the resulting sediment, then strain and bring to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onion with ice and put it in consommé in gauze, and then let it cool. Drain off any sediment if necessary.

How to make chicken broth golden

How to make the broth clear and golden? In order to give the rich broth an amber color, you will have to try, but it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil, turmeric will not hurt either, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, large carrots can be thrown whole into the soup, it will give a pleasant, orange color.

Remember that consommé is always lighter, richer, tastier and more transparent among domestic chickens, and the color will be soft yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth clear. And finally: do not forget to decorate it with finely chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!

In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspics, where a clean, literally transparent broth is needed.

What should I do if the broth becomes cloudy during cooking? Is it possible to return to him a golden, amber color, so that he looks appetizing? There are many ways to help achieve the desired result. Some must be used during cooking, others - when the soup has cooled.

How to make the broth clear

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So, how do you make the broth clear?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the fire at the very moment, as soon as they noticed that the broth began to become cloudy. Let the soup cool down.
  2. While the broth is cooling, prepare raw chicken protein. To do this, you need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another bowl, and place the protein in a small bowl.
  3. Use a fork to beat the egg white as if you were making an omelette. Beat until foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into a cloudy, slightly chilled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Next, put the pan back on the fire and wait until the broth boils, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consommé boils, remove it from the heat and leave it again for five minutes, no more. Cooled down - again on the stove. And so we do it two or three times.
  7. When the broth has cooled for the last time, scoop out large pieces of protein from the pan. A slotted spoon or large spoon will help with this.
  8. After the done actions, pour all the contents into a clean saucepan, you can strain through a fine sieve. It is advisable to line it with gauze folded four to five times.

How to make chicken broth clear

How to make chicken broth clear? In order to achieve excellent results in the preparation of chicken decoction, you will need to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured. It will help to collect the ichor from the bird and other unnecessary garbage. After the carcass, rinse thoroughly again.

While the broth is on fire, try not to interfere with it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

It is necessary to add grated carrots, small noodles, onions to the finished product for beauty, they will help to make the consommé more saturated, tasty and fragrant.

golden chicken broth recipe

How to make chicken broth clear and golden? In order to prepare a delicious decoction of chicken fillet, you need to rinse it thoroughly, boil it first and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan to form a golden crust. It will help to give the soup a beautiful color.

And in order to make the broth even lighter, strain it through cheesecloth, folded at least twice.

This is such a simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will give the broth tenderness and unique taste.

Making the broth clear, especially if it has become cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that need to be adopted by those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown in a whole piece, so that it gives up its juice gradually, and not immediately. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too oily. Never pour meat into too cold water, but you should not throw it into boiling water either. The surface of the water will be covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a cloudy broth, you will have to use a dense cloth through which you need to filter the soup.
  • Skim off the resulting foam immediately, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only on low heat, do not let the broth boil too much.
  • Avoid frozen meat.
  • In a cloudy broth, you can throw a raw onion or a potato cut into several pieces.
  • Pork and beef need to cook from one to two hours, but chicken is cooked for up to an hour.
  • As already mentioned, a simple protein will help to make a cloudy broth transparent.
  • Strain the broth through a fine sieve, then the consommé will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent lighting

So, how to make the broth clear and golden? There are some tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. We prepare a broth guy from protein, eggshell.
  3. The guy should be cold and introduced into the decoction in parts, and not pour out immediately.
  4. It is desirable to put the shell in gauze, it is also desirable to place raw minced meat there.
  5. The time for which the guy will lighten the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing an additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help hide its turbidity and opacity.

Bouillon for delicious jelly

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will only need a clear meat broth.

Kholodets is a dish traditionally prepared in ancient Russia. This is a great snack for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed due to natural ingredients and helps to strengthen bones and make tendons elastic.

If during cooking the broth has become dark, do not worry, it can still be lightened. To do this, pour the broth into another pan in order to rid it of the resulting sediment, then strain and bring to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onion with ice and put it in consommé in gauze, and then let it cool. Drain off any sediment if necessary.

How to make chicken broth golden

How to make the broth clear and golden? In order to give the rich broth an amber color, you will have to try, but it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil, turmeric will not hurt either, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, large carrots can be thrown whole into the soup, it will give a pleasant, orange color.

Remember that consommé is always lighter, richer, tastier and more transparent among domestic chickens, and the color will be soft yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth clear. And finally: do not forget to decorate it with finely chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!