How to fry fish. Oven fried fish recipe

Many people love only cooked fried fish, because it has such a unique taste and incredible aroma.

Today we will tell you how to fry river fish in a pan and give you some valuable tips that will make your dish even tastier. Such a fish will become a real decoration for anyone, even holiday table, and your family and friends will increasingly ask you to cook it again.

Most often in our stores you can find oceanic species of fish. It is they who are constantly prepared by the hostesses in various ways. different ways and serve both to the everyday and to the festive table.

Many people have a rather biased attitude towards river fish. Most often it is a rather small fish that has great amount bones and strongly gives mud. To an inexperienced cook, it may seem that such a fish is simply impossible to cook deliciously.

In fact, this is not so, you just need to know some rules that will allow you to get rid of the negative qualities of such a fish and in the end get a real great dish because it will be cooked right!

How to remove the unpleasant smell of river fish

So, first, let's talk about what scares away from river fish a large number of people - the smell of mud. This not very pleasant aroma appears due to the living conditions of the fish and the characteristics of its nutrition.

If you really dislike this slight smell, then you can go to the trick and disguise it. To do this, we need a lemon, or rather, its juice.

Below we have presented you a recipe for cooking river fish. At the moment when the preparation of the carcass is completed and it remains only to roll and fry it, you need to pour it on all sides lemon juice.

After that, we leave our fish to marinate for half an hour and continue cooking further. If you don’t have too much time and you simply don’t have thirty minutes, then this is not a problem. In this case, we recommend pouring lemon juice over the already prepared carcass, this will clog the smell of mud and complement the overall taste picture.

We solve the problem of bony river fish

Another not very pleasant moment that concerns river fish, and especially its small varieties, is the abundance of small bones. Most often, this problem is faced by those cooks who cook carp - for real delicious fish, which has just a gigantic amount of bones.

Naturally, we will not remove them, but we will make sure that the bones are not felt at all when eating. For this sharp knife you need to make deep cuts to the ridge. The more there are, the more imperceptible the presence of bones in the fish will become. This advice will be especially useful when it comes to cooking whole fish.

In addition, the high temperature at which we will fry our fish will help us disguise the bones. Under its influence, the bones become more fragile and are almost invisible when eating this delicacy.

River fish fried in a pan


  • River fish - 1.5 kg + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - taste + -
  • - for frying + -

How to fry river fish in a pan

  1. The first thing we need to do is get rid of the scales. This can be done in two ways: with a knife or using a special scraper. In the second case, you will save a significant amount of your time, and also do not pollute the entire kitchen with scales.
  2. Now we need to get rid of the head. Of course, you can cook with it, then you will need to remove the gills. It’s better to simplify your task and just cut it off, anyway, there’s no meat in the head as such, and it’s not worth mentioning how much space it will take in this form in the pan.
  3. We cut off the fins and cut the abdomen. This should be done carefully, because there is a gallbladder inside, which, when broken, makes the meat bitter. In addition, some fish can find caviar, it is also used for cooking.
  4. We wash the carcasses well and make cuts on them to get rid of small bones. Also at this stage, you can marinate the fish in lemon juice for half an hour.
  5. So, now we go directly to the frying process. Pour our flour, salt and pepper into a flat large plate, mix everything and roll the carcass on all sides. Without flour, the fish will stick to the pan and will not get a crispy crust.
  6. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. If this is not done, then the juice will flow out of the fish, and so it will remain closed under a dense crust, which forms in just a second.
  7. We put the fish boned in flour in a pan and fry for 5-7 minutes, during which time it should form golden crust. After that, turn over to the other side and fry the same amount. If the oil is absorbed, then add it, do not allow the pan to dry out.
  8. We spread the finished fish on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.

Serve with a side dish or fresh vegetables. Also to such fish in pure form perfect special sauce like tartare.

By the way, if you are wondering how to fry river fish in a pan so that it is a little spicy, then use our advice. In such a situation, garlic will help you, a couple of cloves need to be fried until translucent, removed, and then fry the fish in the same oil. The garlic will release all of its flavor and pungency, but it won't burn.

Hello friends! Who doesn't love fried fish? Yes, the one who does not know how to cook it. Read how to properly fry fish in a pan. I have selected some delicious and healthy recipes for you.

River breeds are ideal for frying - crucian carp, river trout, pike, perch, catfish or carp. From the meat of marine species, red fish, flounder, pollock, hake, tilapia, cod, blue whiting are perfect. Marine species are less bony, although among the river ones there are not so bony. For example, tilapia or catfish. In fact, almost any fish can be fried if you know some secrets.

We clean and salt

In the store, the fish is sold with the head or ready-made in the form of a fillet. I like to buy with my head. So it is more likely to determine what freshness. To begin with, the product must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

  1. If the fish is whole, then cut off the head, cut along the abdomen, gutted. For convenience, you can help yourself with a tablespoon. How to scrape off the offal, especially the dark film. Take special care to remove the gallbladder. Do not damage it, otherwise the taste of the fish will be bitter.
  2. Cut the fins with kitchen scissors.
  3. We remove the scales with a well-sharpened knife. We start cleaning from the tail.
  4. It happens that the surface is covered with a layer of mucus. And no matter how you wash it, it remains. Just rub the carcass with salt and wash again.
  5. You can leave the head in the broth and cook a delicious ear.
  6. If you are making a fillet, then cut the carcass into pieces about 3 cm. This is easier to do if the fish is slightly frozen. So the pieces will turn out even and will not move away from the bone. Sprinkle these pieces with salt. But not too hard. The golden rule is to under-salt. Salted and left for 10-20 minutes, so that the future dish was soaked. For fresh fish, 10 minutes is enough
  7. If the fish is small, it is better to cook it whole. Fins and tail can be left uncut. When fried, they will turn out like chips. Make cross cuts on both sides. Salt the dish, let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, in the abdomen, you can put herbs- dill, cilantro.

And now I’ll tell you a secret: it’s easy to get rid of the strong smell of mud (this is typical of river rocks). To do this, soak the pieces in a solution of milk, salt and ground black pepper. Proportions: ¼ cup of milk, half a teaspoon of salt, put a little pepper. This solution should almost cover all the pieces. After 20 minutes, take out the pieces or put them in a colander. It is not necessary to rinse, let the milk drain, or blot the pieces with a napkin. You don't need to salt anymore. Let everyone finish it later, if it seems a little.

Prepare directly for frying

As a breading for fillets or small pieces, any of the following breadings is perfect:

  • Roll in flour. This is the easiest way to breading. Pour flour into a plate, you can add spices and dried herbs for taste. And then roll the pieces of fish. In order not to stain the whole kitchen with flour, resourceful hostesses put the flour into a bag and send the pieces there. It is enough to shake the bag and the fish is already breaded. And the kitchen will remain clean 🙂
  • Breadcrumbs are good. They need to be crushed to a floury state. And here you can add a variety of fillers: cheese, herbs, nuts. The fillet needs to be salted, peppered, and then rolled in breadcrumbs.

  • To prevent the juice from the fish from flowing out, batter is perfect. It is prepared in different ways. The easiest is to take 2 eggs, flour and greens. Take any flour - oatmeal, rice or wheat. Crack 2 eggs in a bowl, mix with a fork. After small portions introduce flour. It should be something like thick sour cream. Add some salt, pepper, ground saffron. And roll the pieces in batter. So the meat will be “sealed” and the juice will not leak out when frying.
  • Another option is to mix 1 egg with 2 tablespoons of milk. First roll the fish in such an egg mixture, and then roll in flour.

fry fish

Now that we have cut and selected the breading, we proceed to frying.

  1. The pan should be hot enough.
  2. Add a simple refined oil. There should be enough of it so that the fish is half immersed in it. Don't worry, it's not much. The dish is not particularly absorbent. But this is the secret to the appearance of an appetizing crust.
  3. Send breaded breaded pieces to a hot surface. The fish is placed in well-heated oil. So the breading will “seal” better.
  4. If you want to achieve a crispy crust, do not close the lid.
  5. The first 5-7 minutes do not turn the fish over. And then the juice will flow out, and the crust will not work. Until a golden crust forms on the bottom, do not turn the piece over.
  6. After gently lift the fish with a wooden spatula. If browned, feel free to turn over. On the other side, fry for 3-5 minutes.
  7. This dish cooks very quickly. Check readiness like this: pierce a piece with a knife. Is the meat soft and easy to move away from the bones? All is ready. How much to fry fish in a pan can be determined empirically. Usually it is from 3 to 10 minutes on each side.

If after frying it still seemed to you that the pieces turned out to be too greasy, send the finished pieces to parchment or paper napkin. I always do this when I fry pancakes or cheesecakes 🙂

Fried fish recipes

Fried flounder in flour and egg

There are several basic rules on how to properly fry flounder in a pan. For a medium-sized flounder, we take: 2 eggs, half a tsp. salt, juice of half a lemon, black pepper (2-3 turns of the mill), 100 g flour.

Trim the tail and fins with scissors, clean the scales and gut. When gutting fish, do not damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the meat will be bitter. Make 5-6 cuts diagonally across the carcass on both sides. Squeeze half a lemon over the flounder, the lemon juice will remove the specific smell. Dipping the carcass in the stirred eggs, roll in the flour. Season with salt and pepper and place in the skillet.

Put the flounder in a heated dish, always with the dark side and the white belly up. Fry over medium heat for 7 minutes. Flip over and another 5 minutes. So the finished dish will better retain its shape and not fall apart during the frying process. To understand how much to fry flounder in a pan, the resulting golden crust will help you.

Another recipe for fried flounder from Sergey Malakhovskiy:

Carp fried in breadcrumbs with onion and egg

Any fisherman will tell you how to properly fry crucian carp in a pan. In this recipe, we will do without flour. For 5 medium fish, take: 3 medium onions, half a glass ground crackers for breading, 3 eggs, sunflower oil for frying, 10 g of salt.

Prepare carp for frying, gutting, removing gills, cut the backs with a fine mesh, rinse, wipe dry with a paper towel. Rub the salt in evenly, letting it soak in for 5 minutes. Finely chop the onion. Roast it in sunflower oil and leave to cool in the pan, turning off the heat. mix well raw eggs with fried onions. Heat a dry skillet over high heat. Dip the fish in the onion and egg mixture, then roll in the breadcrumbs. Fry the carp on both sides. How much to fry crucian carp in a pan will tell the ruddy color of the dish.

Video recipe for fried carp in sour cream

Pollock fried in batter

Sea fish is slightly different in preparation from river fish. This is related to physiological characteristics. If you take them into account, it becomes clear how to properly fry pollock in a pan. Sea fish, such as pollock or hake, takes a little longer to cook than river fish, and has a tougher skin.

Ingredients: 700 gr pollock fillet, 2 eggs, 150 gr flour, 150 gr milk, saffron 1 tsp, olive oil; salt and pepper to taste.

Pour the flour into a deep bowl, add salt (half tsp), pepper and 1 tsp to it. saffron. He attaches ready meal great look and scent. Mixing everything thoroughly, gradually add milk and then eggs. Such a liquid batter is better suited for a pan. Transfer the fillet to the batter. Put the pieces of pollock in hot oil, which should be at least 1 cm in the pan. How much to fry pollock in the pan can be determined by the hardened and whitened fillet. On average, 7-8 minutes on one side, if the pieces of fish are large. For small ones, it turns out less, only 5 minutes. At this time, the batter will turn into a golden crust.

Another version of fried pollock in the video:

Fish is best cooked on a grill pan. On the surface of such a pan there are special recesses. This keeps the juice inside. Plus - in this dish you need much less oil when cooking. Therefore, the food will be more useful. Read more in the article "

Modern kitchen appliances allows you to implement any culinary fantasies: bake, stew, grill. When the hostess has at her disposal a multifunctional stove with an ultra-modern oven, any recipes for fish dishes are available to her. But in the absence of such luxurious conditions, when it is possible to use only a gas or electric burner for cooking, the question arises of how to cook fish deliciously in a pan. Fortunately, there are many recipes for when to create culinary masterpiece a frying pan is enough from fish, while the fish is by no means dry and tasteless, but quite the contrary. We are happy to share some of these recipes with our readers.

Fish fillet "under a fur coat"

Ingredients required:

  • fish (fillet) - 800-900 g, about four large piece pink salmon or other fish,
  • tomato paste - 4 teaspoons,
  • carrots - two medium-sized,
  • onion - two things,
  • mayonnaise - two large spoons (suitable and mayonnaise sauce, including lean),
  • cheese hard varieties- 100-150 g (can be excluded during fasting),
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons,
  • salt, black ground pepper or a mixture of peppers - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Without defrosting, put fish fillet in a greased pan a small amount vegetable oil. The fillet of any not too small fish is suitable, for example, pink salmon, a piece of which weighs about 200-250 g. It is important that you can not use oil if you wish - it will turn out slightly worse in taste, but much easier in energy value. Place the pan with the fish over a medium heat.
  2. When the fish is completely thawed, wait about five minutes and turn the fillet over to the other side, reduce the heat, pepper and salt each piece.
  3. While the fish is thawing in a pan, you need to prepare a “fur coat”: grate coarsely pre-peeled carrots, finely chop the onion and mix it all with mayonnaise. Grate the cheese separately.
  4. Brush each piece of fish fillet tomato paste, put on top of a slide vegetable mix, sprinkle each piece with cheese. Close the lid and simmer over low heat until the liquid has almost completely evaporated. Tasty and juicy fillet fish cooked in a frying pan differs little from fish baked in the oven - it turns out even juicier, while it looks no less appetizing.

Fish fried in mayonnaise

Ingredients required:

  • cut fish (medium-sized varieties: saffron cod, pollock) - kilogram,
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml,
  • onion - three medium-sized onions,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • flour, vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse, dry the fish, cut large pieces if there is a need for it.
  2. Cut the onion into small pieces, mix it with mayonnaise.
  3. Salt and pepper each piece of fish, if desired.
  4. Put all the fish in a container with mayonnaise and roll well in it.
  5. Roll each piece in flour, fry on both sides. Try to get as much onion-mayonnaise mixture into the pan as possible along with the fish. Fish fried in a pan in this way is never dry. Enjoy your meal!

Fish in milk with vegetables

Ingredients required:

  • fish (pollock, saffron cod, cod) - kilogram,
  • milk - 2 cups,
  • carrots - three medium size,
  • onion - two medium-sized onions,
  • vegetable oil - how much will it take,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • flour - how much will go away.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fish into portions, rub with salt and pepper and leave for half an hour.
  2. Cut the onion into thin half rings, coarsely grate the carrots.
  3. Roll each piece of fish in flour, fry in a pan until browned.
  4. Put onions and carrots on the fish, pour in milk, salt and pepper a little more, close the lid and simmer until tender.

Fish cooked in a pan with apples

Ingredients required:

  • fish (fillet) - kilogram,
  • apples - four pieces,
  • lemon - one
  • sour cream - a glass,
  • fresh herbs - to taste,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • vegetable oil - how much will go.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, salt and pepper each piece.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour the lemon juice over the fish, leave for half an hour.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the fish fillet in it, put the apple slices, fry a little together, put sour cream on top, simmer under the lid for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Cooking in this way in a pan, the fish turns out to be unusually tasty. It is best served sprinkled with herbs.

Ingredients required:

  • fish fillet, preferably pink salmon - a kilogram,
  • chicken egg - half a dozen,
  • mayonnaise - four tablespoons,
  • water - 100 ml.,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • vegetable oil, wheat flour - how much will it take.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fish into pieces, salt and pepper each.
  2. Mix eggs, mayonnaise and water, gradually add flour until you get a dough like thick sour cream.
  3. Dip each piece of fish in batter and fry in a pan in boiling oil.

Fish cooked in a frying pan in batter - a good option dishes for the buffet table. It turns out very tasty!

Fried fish is delicious! But not all are suitable for frying. And it's all about the meat. If it is not oily, then the fish will turn out dry. That is why it is better to use moderately fatty and fatty varieties: carp, crucian carp, bream, eel, lamprey, carp, vobla. Connoisseurs say that river fish is ideal for frying. But how can you refuse fried sea bass, mullet or catfish? This is a meal and a "holiday of the belly"!

Preparatory process

Purchased or caught fish must be scaled, fins, gills, tail, head and giblets removed. The exception is fish such as smelt. It almost does not need to be cleaned, and many do not even cut off the head, fins and tail, but fry it whole. Fish mucus is removed with salt: the whole carcass is rubbed and then washed under running water.

Pay attention to the size of the fish: if it is small, then it is fried whole. If large, then cut into portioned pieces(not too wide, and not narrow - about 2.5 cm), without removing the bones, or cut to obtain a fillet. It is not recommended to remove the skin from the fish, otherwise the fish pieces will fall apart when frying (although it is recommended to “undress” the catfish, whose skin is thick).

There is a remedy to get rid of the specific smell of river fish by soaking in milk
. Add half a teaspoon of salt and a little pepper to it. Fish soaked in this sauce will not fall apart when fried, and its meat will become more tender and soft. After 20 minutes, the fish is removed from the milk and blotted in a paper towel to remove all excess moisture.

It is also recommended to soak river fish in order to process it from fresh water, in which various organisms are found, including those harmful to human health. To get rid of this dubious “addition”, the fish carcass is either rubbed with salt or vodka. And marine varieties” are already treated with a natural “disinfectant”.

Fish fried in a pan

There are at least three ways to fry fish: in a pan, deep-fried and grilled. If you are going to bread it, then flour is suitable for these purposes. Pour it on a flat plate, add salt (if you soak in milk, you don’t need to add salt again), mix flour and salt and roll each piece in this breading. Some make it easier and more efficient. Flour is poured into a plastic bag, fish pieces are put there and then the bag is “shaken” so that all the fish crumbles. Such a "breading" is useful only once, then the bag must be thrown away.

For frying, you should have a separate frying pan - with a thick bottom and only for fish. The pan must be clean and dry. Pour oil on it and heat it to a temperature of 160-170 degrees. Now you can lay out the pieces of fish. Do not put them close to each other, but leave some distance between them. Then the pieces will not stick, and the crust formed on the fish will not peel off when turned over. Fry it until golden brown on both sides. A neat crust “holds” the juice in the fish and prevents the loss of vitamins during frying. As a result, you get a wonderful, healthy and juicy dish.

Some people fry the fish, just season it well with salt and pepper on all sides. But for these purposes it is better to use varieties with a “thick” skin: eel, catfish, burbot, bream. If you do without oil at all, then hot pan fill rock salt and wait until its grains begin to “jump”. Then the salt is removed and the fish is fried until cooked - without oil.

deep fried fish

Friture is a French word meaning "fried in oil". In other words, deep fat is boiling oil (fat) in which various foods are cooked: potatoes, rice, chicken pieces, fish, shrimp, donuts.

It is better to fry dense fish in boiling oil: pike perch, hake, sea ​​bass, pollock, blue whiting, mullet. In addition, their “meat” is sticky and will not fall apart during cooking.

If there is no electric deep fryer, then you need to prepare heat-resistant non-enamelled and non-aluminum dishes (saucepan or pan). Pour in fat / oil - about half the volume of the dish or in a ratio with the volume of fish 4 to 1. small fish they are fried whole, large ones are cut into fillets or cut into thin long pieces. Before loading into oil, the fish is breaded or dipped in batter. As a breading, you can use 4 layers:

  1. sifted wheat flour;
  2. Egg lezon - a mixture of beaten egg and milk (water or cream);
  3. Breadcrumbs white bread and wheat flour;
  4. Lezon again.

The breading process looks like this: the fish is rolled in the first layer (in flour), then it is dipped into the lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs and flour, and the lezon is released again. It turns out a dense breading layer.

Batter is different from breading and is a pasty mass. The basic composition includes flour, eggs, water and salt. Mix two eggs and 0.5 teaspoon and beat a little with a fork, add sifted flour (0.5 cup) to the mixture, mix well to get a homogeneous mass. 0.5 cup cold water pour into the mixture last turn and stir again. A liquid creamy dough should form. This is the batter.

Very tasty fry fish beer batter. To do this, take 2 chicken eggs, separate proteins and “forget” about them for a while. And flour is sifted into the yolks (1 full glass), pour a pinch of seasoning for fish and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Shake all this mass and gradually pour in 1 glass of cold light beer. Proteins need to be whipped separately until foamy and added to the beer mixture. stir up uniform consistency, adding 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Pieces or fillets of fish are rolled in flour or breaded, and then dipped in batter and quickly deep-fried. The chunks should "float freely" in the oil, so there shouldn't be too many of them. To find out if the fish is ready, you just need to keep an eye on it: if it is covered with a golden crust, you can remove it from the container. The remaining oil must be removed: spread the pieces on a paper towel so that the excess is absorbed.

You can cook the fish in the oven. Then they do this: they spend up to 5 minutes on deep-frying, 5-7 minutes on the oven.

Grilling fish is also one of the types of frying. Non-bony varieties with dense meat are suitable: tuna, mackerel, sea bream, pink salmon, salmon. To give the fish a special taste, marinate it and leave it for 30 minutes. Without marinade, it is recommended to rub the carcass with vegetable oil, and then it will not stick to the grill grate.

Highly spicy taste obtained from fish, if it is first grated with sugar and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Later it is salted or pickled: for example, in different varieties oil and soy sauce, where chopped garlic and ground ginger or lemon juice with garlic. You should not get too carried away with spices and seasonings, otherwise their smell will “outweigh” the smell and taste of fish.

frying oil

Only refined oil is suitable for deep-fried fish.
But which one - it's your choice. You can use rapeseed, safflower, canola, peanut, soy, olive, and only fresh. It should be noted that olive oil has a high smoke point. However, you will use several times less peanut butter than usual, besides, when deep-fried, it burns out less than all other varieties. The only (but significant “minus”) of peanut butter is that it is an allergen.

Fish is also fried on a “mixture” of sunflower and butter. Can be used instead of butter pork fat. Some chefs recommend using butter as a “lining” for fish during the frying process, and when it is already browned on one side and turned over to the other. Butter like milk product, removes specific odors. Others advise frying on vegetable oil, but melt the butter and pour it over the already prepared fish before serving. Such a culinary "trick" will make the dish more tender and refined.

Before pouring oil into the pan, it must be well calcined. An acceptable "layer" of oil is 1 cm. Ideally, the fish should be half immersed in the oil, but not boiling, but well heated. How to check it? Very simple: if a whitish smoke is emitted, you can start frying. By the way, heavily smoky oil must be replaced with “fresh”. It is not recommended to fry many times in the same oil: the breading particles will char and can spoil the chic look of the dish. Save oil!

Some use margarine or fat. Little secret: to avoid sticking to the pan, it (fat) needs a little salt.

Note to the owner

Fried fish is recommended to be fried just before serving. After spreading it on a dish, pour it with the juice released during frying or butter, melted and warm. If the cooking recipe involves sauce (tomato, mayonnaise, sour cream), then it must be poured into a gravy boat and put on the table next to the fish - everyone will take as much as he sees fit.

To fried fish serve side dish: fried potatoes or vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower, green pea), vegetable salads. Pasta or cereals (except rice) are bad manners. But salted, pickled cucumbers or mushrooms, a lot of greens, lemons - what you need!

Seafood has always been considered an exquisite and very healthy dish, especially when it comes to scaly and tailed inhabitants of reservoirs. There are many variety of options cooking the catch, but today we’ll talk about how to properly stew fish in a pan so that the treat turns out to be truly the most delicious.

Fish goes well with vegetables, herbs, spices, cream filling and tomato sauce, but here the main thing is to choose the right additive for a particular variety.

For stewing, fresh fish, cut into portions, is often used. But sometimes varieties such as crucian carp, carp and other pond fish require pre-soaking or even marinating in aromatic compounds that can not only veil the muddy aroma, but also give the dish a rich, rich taste.

Seasonings for river fish

However, not all spices are equally suitable for all fish species. For example, for river and lake varieties, spices such as:

  • Peppers of all kinds;
  • Mustard in seeds and in the form of a paste;
  • Onion dry, green, onion or leek;
  • Dill greens in fresh and dried form;
  • Mint, lemon balm, basil, celery and rosemary will add freshness to the meat.

It is also worth remembering that when stewing freshwater inhabitants, you should not choose pronounced spices, such as turmeric, curry, coriander and cinnamon.

Seasonings for sea fish

What about sea ​​fish, then this product perfectly holds its shape when stewing, while perfectly absorbing all the flavors and juices of vegetables or sauces in which it is cooked. So in this case it's better to use:

  • Lavrushka and allspice;
  • Mustard, ginger and nutmeg;
  • Garlic, onion, carrot;

From unnecessarily spicy spices, such as cumin, coriander, sage, fennel, mint and curry are best discarded.

How long to stew fish in a pan

The secret of delicious fish dish lies not only in aromatic additives and marinades, but also in the time of its preparation, depending on the breed. So, for example, if for cooking salmon or salmon for classic recipe you need to take no more than 25 minutes, then burbot and sturgeon varieties require longer cooking (1-2 hours), since their meat is elastic.

  • It will take about 40 minutes to extinguish carp, and 20-25 minutes for pike.
  • Pollock, smelt, mackerel, pangasius and capelin are considered the fastest in cooking - 5-10 minutes.
  • A little more time is required to stew trout, pike perch, flounder and cod - 15-20 minutes.

How delicious to stew red fish in a pan

Make it fast, simple and very delicious dinner at home with our step by step recipe under the power of any hostess. For this dish, we need red fish. Traditional Choice- this is salmon, but you can also take trout, and pink salmon, and salmon, and salmon, in general, what you like best.


  • Salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • Cream 20-30% - 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour - 40 g;
  • Olive oil - 20-30 ml;
  • Dried dill - 1 tsp;
  • Grated black pepper - 1/3 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste;

How to cook fish stew in a pan

  1. To begin with, we should cut the fish fillet into portioned pieces. From a whole kilogram piece, about 5-6 slices are obtained. Rub each piece with a mixture of oil, salt and pepper.
  2. After 15 minutes, fry each slice in an oiled pan, literally 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown and take it out on a plate.
  3. In a dry hot frying pan, fry the flour, and then pour it into a plate.
  4. Now you can pour the cream into the pan and warm it up a little over medium heat, and then, while constantly stirring with a whisk, pour the fried flour, salt, literally a pinch into them and mix everything until smooth so that there are no lumps.
  5. Pour dry dill into the sauce and lay out the fish slices. Simmer the salmon on low heat under the lid for 20 minutes.

How to quickly put out a pike in sour cream

Pike in sour cream is a great addition to vegetable garnish whether it be stew, potatoes or fresh salad. This dish is prepared quite quickly, and the taste is simply incomparable.


  • Pike carcass (peeled) - 1.5 kg;
  • Onion turnip - 2 heads;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Lavrushka - 1 sheet;
  • Premium flour - 40-60 g;
  • Sour cream 20% - 150 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 120 ml;
  • Fresh dill - 1-2 bunches;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • A mixture of peppers - 1 tsp

How to stew pike in sour cream in a pan

  1. We cut the pike carcass, cleaned of intestines, head, fins and scales across the ridge into portioned pieces of 3 cm, and then rub each slice with salt and pepper. Let marinate for 10-20 minutes.
  2. After the allotted time, roll the fish in flour and fry in a pan until half cooked on both sides (1-2 minutes each), and remove to a plate.
  3. Cooking vegetable pillow. Sliced ​​in circles onion fry until golden brown in oil, then add the grated carrot and also pass it.
  4. Next, pour 20-40 ml of water into the vegetables, lightly add them, add the lavrushka and spread the pike on top in an even layer, which we then cover with an even layer of sour cream.
  5. Under the lid, simmer the pike in sour cream for 15 minutes over low heat.

How to deliciously stew crucian carp in a pan

Crucian carp is undoubtedly a very tasty fish, but it has a specific smell that is inherent in almost all pond inhabitants. That is why the preparation of this delicacy requires its preliminary soaking in order to get rid of the not very pleasant aroma of mud. Earlier on our website, we already talked about how to pickle crucian carp at home in different ways. Get to know these useful tips you can in this article: "How to deliciously fry crucian carp in a pan."

And this recipe will tell you step by step how to stew crucian carp with mushrooms.


  • Peeled crucian - 1 kg;
  • Fresh champignons - 70 g;
  • Onion turnip - 1 large head;
  • Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp;
  • Soy sauce - 30-40 ml;
  • Potato starch - 10 g;
  • Celery greens - ½ bunch;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook fish stew in a pan

  1. Let's prepare all the ingredients. We cut the mushrooms into medium slices, cut the peeled crucian carp into portions and add them.
  2. Pour oil into a preheated pan, and as soon as it is hot, fry the fish in it on both sides until golden brown.
  3. Next, add onion and mushrooms chopped in half rings to the fish, fry them. Then we pour soy sauce, add ginger and pour 1 tbsp. water.
  4. Reduce the heat to a minimum, simmer the fish under the lid for 10 minutes. Then we introduce starch diluted in 70 ml of water in a thin stream.
  5. We cook everything until it thickens, and then sprinkle with garlic passed through a press and finely chopped celery.

Cooking cod is a pleasure. This fish is very easy to process and does not require much time to cook. So recipes with it can be safely written down in the category "in haste".

Today we have chosen a very simple, but very original version cod dinner with vegetables. The main feature here is that we will stew the fish slices between the layers of passivated vegetables so that the cod is saturated with this fragrant juice.

  1. Cut 1 kg of cod fillet into portions, add salt, roll in flour and fry over high heat until golden brown.
  2. Let's prepare the vegetables. 4 onion heads chopped small cube, 2 large carrots three on a medium grater, 2 tomatoes cut into cubes. First, fry the onion in hot oil until “golden”, then add the carrots, tomato and fry over medium heat under the lid for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. We take out half of the vegetables from the pan, and on top of the rest we lay out the fish, which we cover with the second half of the frying. We season all 50-100 g of melted butter and simmer under a lid over low heat for 20 minutes.

How to stew delicate mackerel in a pan

Mackerel is a rather delicate fish in terms of heat treatment. When working with it, it is necessary to observe the time regime. But if you follow all the prescriptions of the recipe, then with your own hands you can cook a chic and incredibly delicious dish in a matter of minutes. tasty dish for lunch or dinner.


  • Fresh mackerel carcasses - 2 pcs.;
  • Leek - 2 pcs.;
  • Juicy tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Green beans - 240 g;
  • Frozen green peas - 150 g;
  • dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground pepper - ½ tsp;

How to stew mackerel in a pan

  1. We clean the fish, cut into portioned pieces, salt, pepper, leave to soak. We chop the onion into rings, the tomatoes into thin half-slices.
  2. In a frying pan, fry the mackerel until half cooked on both sides and take it out on a paper towel.
  3. In a frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown, and then add peas, tomatoes and beans to it, add everything to taste, pour in ½ tbsp. water and simmer for 15 minutes covered.
  4. After the allotted time, we spread the fish on top of the vegetables and simmer everything over low heat until cooked for 7-10 minutes.

Stewed fish is a complete, healthy and diet option supper. And to do fish menu tastier and more varied, our recipes will tell you how to properly stew fish in a pan with various additives.