Baked fish in a slow cooker recipe. Fish fillet in a multicooker

They say that steamed dishes are not only tastier, but also healthier, richer. Let's try to experiment with fish. Does everyone love her?

We will have both just fish and full meals, which can be served for dinner or lunch even to guests. They will love it, rest assured, because there is nothing tastier than steamed fish!

General principles of preparation

If your fish for the dish is frozen, then you need to get it in advance and defrost it according to all the rules. That is, do not pour boiling water or put in warm water. The product must be removed from the package and all packages, placed in a colander. The colander, in turn, is placed in a bowl, but so that it clings to the sides, and does not fall inside. So the water will flow down, and the fillet will not absorb it back. Remove the resulting structure to the very bottom of the refrigerator. When the fish is soft inside, it can be used for its intended purpose.

You will have to cut the whole carcass yourself. To do this, you first need to cut both fillets from the ridge, leaving the tail and head in the ear. After that, using tweezers, remove all the bones and rinse the fillet. If desired, cut the meat from the skin, be sure to clean the scales.

Classic recipe for steamed fish in a slow cooker

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

It is often served with lemons. And for good reason, it's really delicious!

How to cook:

Tip: You can use any other greens instead of dill.

Red fish in a steamed multicooker

Red fish is much more tender and healthier than white fish. That is why it is more suitable for people on a diet or for those who follow a healthy diet.

How much time - 95 calories.

What is the calorie content - 40 minutes.

How to cook:

  1. Wash fillets or steaks and pat dry.
  2. Then rub them on all sides with salt and black pepper.
  3. Place in a bowl, put rosemary on top and let the fish brew a little.
  4. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and place the basket.
  5. Put fish in it, and lemon rings on top.
  6. In steam mode, cook the dish under the lid for half an hour.

Tip: If you're using fillets rather than steaks, it's best to remove the bones.

Steamed fish cooked with vegetables

If just fish is not enough for you, cook a whole dish, complementing the fillet with vegetables. There are broccoli, and beans, and potatoes. It turns out quite satisfying!

How long is 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 87 calories.

How to cook:

  1. If the fish is frozen, then in a few hours it must be taken out of the cold.
  2. Pat the fillets dry with dry paper towels.
  3. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into small slices.
  4. Wash the string beans thoroughly, remove the tails and chop a little.
  5. Rinse broccoli, cut into florets.
  6. Pour water into the bowl, install the grate.
  7. Place a steam basket on top.
  8. Add potatoes, beans and broccoli.
  9. Spread the fish on top, sprinkle with salt and spices.
  10. sprinkle a small amount lemon juice.
  11. Close the lid and steam for twenty minutes.
  12. Mix the rest of the lemon juice with the oil.
  13. Clean the greens and finely chop.
  14. Pull the husk off the garlic, remove the dry tail and pass the cloves through the crush.
  15. Add them along with herbs to the oil and citrus juice.
  16. Mix everything thoroughly and you can serve the dish with sauce.

Tip: If desired, you can add spices to the sauce to taste.

Delicate recipe with carrots

The taste of pollock is very light, the meat is very tender and soft. We will complete it sweet carrots and rich rice, and then cook everything in a slow cooker for steam to make you enjoy it even more!

How much time - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 102 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse rice thoroughly until clear water.
  2. Rinse the fish and check for bones. If there are, remove them with tweezers.
  3. Next, grind a little pollock into portioned pieces.
  4. Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into strips.
  5. Do the same with the onion, but cut it into half rings.
  6. Pour water into the multicooker bowl and place the steam basket.
  7. Throw in onions and carrots.
  8. Grate the fish with salt and spices, put on top of the root crops.
  9. Wash the green beans, remove the tails and cut the pods into smaller pieces.
  10. Put them together with corn in a slow cooker.
  11. Mix everything and add rice.
  12. Close the lid and steam the dish until the rice is done.

Tip: if the rice is almost ready and needs a couple more minutes, it's best to leave the dish on the heating mode for another hour. During this time, cereals will just become ideal.

Hearty dish with greens

This dish will turn out much more satisfying than the previous one. Here we will cook fish with potatoes and herbs. Very simple and just as tasty, because for a couple!

How long is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 78 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Defrost frozen fish, and rinse fresh fish and remove bones.
  2. Grate with salt and black pepper, cut into portions.
  3. Peel the onion, then rinse with running water and finely chop with a sharp knife.
  4. Put part of the onion into the multicooker bowl.
  5. Spread the pieces of fish on top and put the rest of the onion on them.
  6. Peel potatoes, rinse and chop.
  7. Put in a bowl and pour everything with water, salt.
  8. In the steam cooking mode, cook the dish for about thirty minutes under the lid.
  9. Rinse and chop the parsley, sprinkle it with the finished dish.

Tip: Instead of a regular onion, you can use green. It will be brighter and fresher with it.

Recipe with mushrooms

If you love mushrooms, then this recipe is for you. Imagine how tasty fish is when you combine it with fragrant mushrooms and sweet, but very juicy onions. And all this for a couple in a slow cooker.

How much time - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 79 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Clean the fish or leave it whole if you wish.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse and cut it into half rings.
  3. Rinse the parsley and place it in the cut of the hake.
  4. Rub meat with salt and black pepper.
  5. Peel the mushrooms, coarsely chop them with a sharp knife.
  6. Pour water into the multicooker, install the basket and place the fish in it.
  7. Put mushrooms, onions on it and salt everything.
  8. Steam for about 40 minutes.

Tip: In order for the fish to keep its shape well, be sure to leave the skin on.

Best paired with fish different types peppers, nutmeg, oregano, savory. You can also work with fresh ginger and lemon balm. Garlic, rosemary will give a special taste and aroma.

It will be delicious if you serve fish with pickles. It can be cucumbers, mushrooms, olives, black olives, cauliflower, onion. You can also stew spinach or sorrel, cook grilled vegetables or some kind of unusual sauce. It can be based on cottage cheese, cheese, chickpeas, herbs, yogurt.

No matter how beloved pasta, they do not fit the fish, especially the one that is steamed. The same goes for most cereals. The only exception is Fig. It fits perfectly.

The fish will turn out juicy if you roll it in mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt. In addition, such an “additive” will give tenderness and lightness to the overall taste. And if you take Greek yogurt, then the fish will also get an unusual taste!

A steamed dish must be present in the diet of every person. It is healthy, juicy and very tasty. You should definitely try and treat all your relatives.

Choose the type and quantity of fish you want to bake. Here the recipe will be shown using the example of two small trout. Similarly, carp, pike perch, tilapia, sea bass, sea bream, sole, i.e. practically any. It is advisable to take fresh chilled fish or shock-frozen. Fillet in ice glaze sometimes brings a lot of surprises in the form of excess water and unpleasant friability of the product after defrosting.

Wash, carefully gut, wash again and then remove the scales from the fish.
The bowl of the slow cooker usually limits the size of the fish that can be baked, so it makes sense to cut off the heads and tails and bake without them.

The traditional use for fish heads and tails is to make a rich broth for fish soup, fish soup or sauce base. An unconventional use is to bury them deep in a flower pot as an excellent complex organic fertilizer…

You can experiment with spices for fish, but still a lemon and one kind of greens is for sure! lemon juice and lemon peel created for any fish, and for some river also onion. Herbs can be parsley, rosemary or thyme. Shown: Lemon slices and fresh parsley.

Lightly rub the fish with salt on all sides and inside. Put parsley bunches and lemon slices into the belly of the fish. Then drizzle the lemon juice on top of the fish. You can cook immediately or, if you have time, then marinate for about half an hour at room temperature.

Seal the fish or pieces of fish in foil.
In general, you can cook fish in the same way in parchment or a sleeve, the main advantages of such methods are cooking without oil, more juiciness and aroma.

Place the fish in foil in the multicooker bowl, set the mode and time. For such small trout, this is a "Baking" of 40 minutes. For fillets, half an hour may be enough, and for large and thick pieces, it will take about an hour.

After the beep, the result looks almost unchanged. If the fish is hermetically sealed, then all the juices and flavors remain in the foil.

Fishing, like hunting, is one of the most ancient ways of obtaining food, thanks to which recipes for cooking fish dishes great amount. With the advent of more and more new kitchen appliances, the recipes themselves are also changing. If earlier the fish was fried on a fire, then in the oven, then in the oven or in a frying pan, now it can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Fish in a slow cooker - salmon, pink salmon, pike perch, cod and any other always turns out to be unusually tasty. It never burns, overcooks or falls apart no matter how you cook it. You can boil it, fry it or stew it. Well, steamed fish is perfect for those who follow their figure and are on a diet. And one of the most popular devices for cooking will be a slow cooker.

How to cook a fish dish in this miracle device? Choose one of the recipes we offer and decide on the type of fish. Then all that is required of you is to clean, cut or prepare minced meat. Load all the products into the bowl and wait patiently.

Fish fans, of course, were able to appreciate its unforgettable rich taste and ease of cooking in a slow cooker. This miracle device allows you to cook the most different fish with almost no effort, and enjoy a hearty and appetizing meal.

It is impossible to list at once everything that you can cook from fish with a minimum of effort. However, even if you have just started learning how to cook, then first of all you need to start with the processing of fish. Moreover, its cleaning is offered immediately after purchase. But at home it still needs to be thoroughly rinsed under cold water and dry with a paper towel.

It will be much easier to fry the fish. But the most delicious fish dishes are obtained when it is baked with various spices and vegetables or sauces are prepared for it. It is very easy to cook fish soup if several types of fish are used. Cooking fish takes a lot of time, but by resorting to the recipes on our website, you can learn how to quickly fry, bake, marinate, smoke a variety of fish and serve it beautifully to the table.

No matter how the fish is cooked in a slow cooker, it will drive even the most demanding gourmet crazy, because at the sight of a fragrant and juicy fish even his stomach growls. Our recipes will show that the process of cooking fish in a multi can turn into a fun and easy task that any beginner can easily handle. If you don't know how to cook fish for an exquisite and irresistibly tasty dish, be sure to check out our recipe photos. Trust us, and your family will be delighted with the food you have prepared and will definitely ask for more.

Delicious fish in a slow cooker, recipes with photos of which you will find in this section of our website, is not only satisfying and appetizing, but also healthy, since the features of cooking in this device allow you to save a maximum of minerals and vitamins. The most useful fish dish is the one that has been steamed. You can cook it at least every day, if, of course, your multicooker model supports such a function. Steamed fish does not need salting, as its taste will be rich without salt. To add versatility to a gastronomic bouquet - just add any spices.

Despite the fact that fish fillet is a delicate product that needs delicate heat treatment, fish baked in a slow cooker will never lose its softness and will not burn. After all, the intensity of heating is clearly verified by the manufacturer, so such a small, but at the same time practical kitchen appliance will definitely not let you down.

For those who like to cook tasty, healthy and fast, fish in vegetables will be the best option, since in fact you are simultaneously preparing both the main dish and a wonderful side dish for it. You will be amazed at how tasty fish can be in a slow cooker. Recipes with photos from this section will confirm that even from a simple variety of fish you can cook a chic dish that is not ashamed to be served on the festive table.

In fact, the recipes with fish in this modern kitchen appliance are very numerous and varied, so if you share your signature recipe with us, we will be grateful to you.

Attention! Experienced chefs claim that the vast majority fish dishes need delicate preparation. Fish should not be boiled for a long time in a strongly boiling pan. After 10-15 minutes you can take out the finished meat, fish from the multicooker. If you want it to be even more saturated with the taste of the sauce and the smells of herbs, then it makes sense to pre-marinate the pieces of fish in lemon juice, shifting with herbs or putting the finished fish on heating, seasoning it with sauce. In this case, your dish will be able to retain aroma, juiciness and will not be boiled.

Fish goes well with a variety of foods, allowing owners to combine and experiment with them. You can cook the following dishes: fish with potatoes, fish with vegetables, fish with onions, fish with rice, fish with carrots, marinated fish. Marinated fish is perfect for a festive table, as it has a special taste and aroma, and also turns out to be festive and bright.

River fish has the specifics of cooking in a slow cooker. Thus, medium-sized fish usually have many small bones, which prevents her from making a quality dish. It is better to take care of the preparation of canned river fish. There such a disadvantage is leveled. Among river fish for portioned dishes, it is necessary to give preference to larger specimens, as well as elite varieties of fish: pike perch, silver carp, sturgeon, etc. TO festive table perfect oceanic and sea ​​fish, which has fewer bones and is more fleshy. Any red fish is very healthy and tasty.

One of better ways get rid of the bones - pre-cut the carcass of the fish or buy finished fillet. It is wonderfully cooked, it turns out tender, perfectly “soaked” in marinade and spices.

Healthy and tasty fish in a slow cooker. Recipes with photos and videos from the site

In order not to get lost in the variety of recipes we offer, we suggest that you immediately study the photo already ready meals and read the comments of our readers. This will allow you to choose the most suitable option. Do not be afraid that something will not work out for you or you will spoil the dish, if you strictly follow the instructions in our recipes, this will definitely not happen.

Fish is, without any doubt, nutritious, valuable product, which must be present in the diet of every person. It contains Omega-6, Omega-3, which are indispensable for the human body. These acids reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improve metabolic processes inside cells and lower cholesterol levels.

Minerals, vitamins and elements increase mental activity, improve metabolism, regulate blood pressure. High-quality protein contained in fish has a positive effect on all processes that occur in the body. Plus, the fish is perfectly digestible, and it is often recommended as a diet food.

Also, fish is great for those who are worried about their harmony, as it is among low-calorie foods. We suggest paying attention to lean varieties fish, which include cod, blue whiting, macurus, pollock, hake, pike, pollock. Eel, mackerel, sturgeon, halibut are considered fatter.

All recipes for fish dishes in a slow cooker are easy to prepare. But to make your dishes even more healthy and tasty, we recommend that you follow some of our tips:

  • If you decide to use a frozen fillet, then it is not necessary to defrost it at all. It is enough to wait until you can cut it normally.
  • Before cooking, the fish must be prepared: remove the fins, scales, tail and head, gut and dry with a napkin or paper towel.
  • On different models of multicookers, the programs for cooking fish may differ slightly. If there is a “Multi-cook” or “Steamer” mode, then you should use them for steaming fish.
  • When cooking fish with vegetables, you diversify your dish by adding bell pepper, cut into sticks, green beans or eggplant.
  • An excellent side dish for fish will be baked or steamed, fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice.
  • When cooking fish in a slow cooker, you can replace sour cream with mayonnaise, but be prepared for the fact that the dish will come out with more calories.
  • If you submerge a fish in water and it sinks, it means that it is fresh. If the fish swims, then it is completely unsuitable for cooking.
  • Fish are easier to clean if you cut off the prickly and hard fins with scissors.
  • It is highly recommended not to fill fish dishes with cold water.
  • For the juiciness of the dish, we recommend pre-marinating the fish in mayonnaise, sour cream, cream or milk with salt and spices, etc.
  • The grate for the multicooker must be well lubricated with oil, otherwise the product will stick.
  • Any garnish for fish is suitable for your taste and choice.

As you can see, working with fish is very convenient and no more difficult than with other products, but the taste and originality of fish dishes will surely satisfy all eaters and will be fresh. The fish does not have to be fried or boiled out of it. We will offer you many more options, among which you can definitely decide on the most suitable for yourself.

Cooking fish in a slow cooker: recipes with photos, step-by-step descriptions and videos

most useful and delicious recipes from fish both for lovers of tasty and satisfying food, and for those who follow their sports and slim figure- are on our website.

Attention! Scientists have proven that about 20% of fish consists of valuable protein, which stores all the amino acids important for the body. Professional nutritionists put this product on a well-deserved, second place in terms of nutritional value (first place is occupied by mother's milk).

For some peoples, fish is the main food, and someone eats fish no more than once a month. Experts say that for the normal functioning of the brain, bones and muscles, eating fish less than once a week is fraught with negative health consequences. You already know how extravagant fish dishes are. We have a huge variety of fish recipes - ranging from stuffed options and ending with the original ones of the type of "surströmming" and "sugudaya".

Now fish is actively used in the preparation of many dishes - cutlets, soups, salads, snacks, dumplings, pastries. When choosing fish, we recommend taking into account how it was caught - commercially or specially grown in artificial conditions. In the first case, her the nutritional value increase significantly, eliminating the need for growth hormones and antibiotics, which are often treated with fish grown in artificial conditions.

Our section presents recipes for fish dishes in a slow cooker with step by step instructions preparations and photographs. There are a huge number of options for fish dishes, so experiment and surprise your family and friends with your results and culinary abilities.

Fish is almost the main source of vital fats and useful chemical elements available to the inhabitants of modern megacities. It is fish that in our time is elevated to the rank of "medicines" for almost all ailments, including female rigidity and male "impotence". True, not many people know how to cook it. As a rule, things do not go further than fish fried in a pan (with rare exceptions). Our task is to correct this “defect”. How?

Yes, very easy! Finally learn how to cook a variety of delicious fish dishes that will save the maximum beneficial trace elements, fatty acids and vitamins. Well, the most ordinary multicooker will help us with this ...

Fish in a slow cooker

One of the most important rules proper cooking useful fish in a slow cooker - do not overcook it. At the same time, of course, if you want frankly crispy fins, then we are no longer talking about preserving the maximum number of utilities. Then fry it so that it is truly delicious!

In other cases (when preliminary frying of fish is required), you need to approach this matter with intelligence and caution.

How to cook fish in a slow cooker?

In a slow cooker, you can cook literally everything from fish: from fish with vegetables to fish pie! The only exceptions are smoking and grilling. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

You can cook a lot of fish delicious meals. But, fish baked in a slow cooker (Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Scarlet, Mulinex, Vitek and other models) is beyond praise. Try baking it with potato sauce.

Ingredients for baked fish in a slow cooker:

  • 450-500 g fish fillet (any)
  • 5 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • fresh dill and parsley.

Fish baked in a slow cooker with cheese: recipe

You can bake in a slow cooker any (, etc.). If you don't have a sirloin, make your own. To do this, it is necessary to remove the insides, tail and head from the fish. Next, along the ridge, cut the fillets on both sides. Finished cut into medium square pieces.

Peel and wash onions and potatoes. Cut the onion into half rings, and into thin circles.

Now start preparing the sauce to bake fish in a slow cooker. To do this, pour some water into sour cream, add chopped parsley and dill. Salt (you can add spices) and mix. If fresh herbs are not available, use dried ones.

Pour sunflower oil into the bowl. Lay out a layer of onions. Place potato slices on top. Lay the fish fillets on top of the potatoes.

Pour in the prepared sauce. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake fish in a slow cooker on the "Baking" program for 40 minutes. After the signal, the fish baked in the slow cooker is ready. Recommended recipe. Bon appetit!

Fish baked in a slow cooker with vegetables video

Enjoy watching!