How to cook beef tongue. Oven-baked tongue with an unusual sauce. How to make tongue salad.

February 01, 2016 1280

There are many good recipes cooking beef tongue.

We will describe the best of them and draw your attention to those subtleties that are important when choosing and cooking this product.

Selection rules

So, those who prefer the market go to the market, and those who prefer supermarkets go there. But we go for the same thing - beef tongue. We need to choose this product correctly so that it is of high quality and fresh.

The first rule when buying meat products- this is the presence of a sanitary stamp on the product. The stamp confirms that the meat has been inspected and no diseases have been identified in the animal. Let's look at the appearance:

  1. The product should have a pink or slightly purple hue;
  2. Must smell fresh and meaty. A different smell is already suggestive of the staleness of the product;
  3. When pressed with a finger fresh language should be elastic, and the hole from the dent should disappear. The softness of the product indicates repeated freezing;
  4. When incising the tongue, pay attention to the meat juice. It must be transparent. If there is blood on the offal, then this indicates freshness. With an abundance of meat juice, you should know that this tongue is far from fresh.

A stale tongue will first of all smell bad and have an olive tint. Of course, it is very easy to get poisoned with such an offal. Therefore, be vigilant when choosing meat products.

What you need to know about the beneficial properties of offal

And so we chose the language. Now let's find out how useful it is.

Due to the fact that it is almost completely absorbed, it is part of many diets, and people with diseases of cardio-vascular system it must be eaten constantly, even the tongue prevents exacerbations of peptic ulcer. It is recommended even for children.

With the constant use of beef tongue, people increase immunity. And for the sick diabetes he is completely irreplaceable. The fact is that the product contains a high content of zinc, and with the help of zinc, insulin is produced, which is so necessary for the life of diabetics.

We will not delve into such a science as chemistry, we will only say one thing: in the beef tongue is all the periodic table useful for humans. The product contains all the proteins, acids and vitamins necessary for health and longevity.

Subtleties and secrets of cooking

According to the laws of logic, having learned about the benefits of this product, we proceed to its correct preparation. Having brought home from the outlet, bought a fresh and high-quality product, first of all we lower it into cold water and keep it that way for about an hour.

This is necessary so that it thaws and is easier to clean. With a knife we ​​remove mucus, blood and rinse well with running water, cold water.

A little secret: when cooking beef tongue, you need to take a pan with a large margin, as it will greatly increase in size during cooking.

Each housewife will cook an offal different ways- who is in a pressure cooker, who is in a slow cooker, and who is just on gas stove. Cooking times will vary, of course.

The fastest of these assistants to the hostess, of course, is a pressure cooker.

From the moment of boiling time, it will take only one hour to cook.

In a slow cooker, this process will take about six hours.

The most troublesome task of preparing the tongue will be for those who are armed with a gas stove.

But don't get discouraged and roll up your sleeves. Final result will be worth it.

We remind you: the pan should be at least twice as large as the tongue itself. So, here's how to cook beef tongue properly:

  1. Stage one: cut the already clean product in half. We lower it into a container, fill it with cold water and put it on a lit stove;
  2. Bringing the water to a boil, you need to remove the foam. Then cook the product on medium heat for about twenty minutes. Then we take out the tongue and wash it well. Pour out the broth, and wash the pan;
  3. We put a clean pot of water on a hot stove and wait for it to boil. Then salt, put meat in it and reduce the heat to a minimum;
  4. We cook for at least three hours, and then the hostess needs to look for herself whether to continue the process or not. After half an hour after boiling, we throw onions and 2-3 dry bay leaves into the broth. We check the readiness of the offal by piercing it with a sharp object. With ease of puncture - the tongue is ready. Take it out and put it in cold water. After holding the offal in water for a quarter of an hour, remove the skin from it.

Voila! The language is ready. Now you can make from it variety of dishes: salads, aspic, soups, appetizers. Even those who adhere low-calorie food, can also use this ingredient.

Often, boiled beef tongue is served in the form of a regular sliced ​​​​snack, and some kind of sauce is added to it. We suggest you deviate from the usual serving, replacing the sauce with homemade adjika which you can cook yourself. Wow, how sharp!

If you have decided to eat such a cut with bread, then in this case we know what to offer you. Of course, it will be bread, but not simple, but yeast-free. Try to bake homemade bread and, most likely, after that you will begin to bypass the departments bakery products in shops.

Attention! there are three recipes for Bonn soup that can drive away your extra pounds once and for all!

Boiled beef tongue: an interesting cooking recipe with a photo

For several centuries, our cuisine has been famous for such a cold appetizer as boiled beef tongue. This is an inexpensive and tasty dish that can be found on the menu of many restaurants. Let's learn how to cook at home boiled tongue and spoil your loved ones with a delicious dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beef tongue - about a kilogram;
  • Parsley or dill - 15-20 grams;
  • Black pepper - a pinch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Horseradish - a small spoon;
  • Mustard - a small spoon;
  • One leaf of lavrushka.

We take a capacious pan, pour water into it and put it on fire. We lower the tongue there and add a few pieces of black pepper.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then take it out and put it in cold water.

Then we remove the skin and cook in clean cold water for another 3-3.5 hours.

In the process of cooking, add dry Bay leaf, black pepper, and at the end we throw greens.

Cut the finished product diagonally into pieces and arrange them on a dish, serve with boiled potatoes, horseradish and mustard.

Here is the recipe video for you. proper cooking language:

Other delicious recipes

Pasta with tongue and sauce in the oven

Recipe Ingredients:

For sauce:

  • Ghee - 30 g;
  • Milk - 2 cups;
  • Salt - to taste.

Instructions for cooking pasta with beef tongue in the oven:

  1. Wash the offal, put in a saucepan with salted water, add pepper, garlic. You need to cook for about three hours. Tongue cut into cubes;
  2. Boil macaroni in lightly salted water until tender. Drain in a colander and let the water drain, then rinse with cold water;
  3. Prepare the sauce. AT melted butter add flour and cook until the smell of nuts. Remove from heat and pour in hot milk, stir. Season with salt to taste;
  4. Lubricate the pre-cooked form with oil, pour a little sauce on the bottom, spread the pasta, chopped tongue on top of the pasta. Fill the form with sauce;
  5. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in a preheated oven for 15 minutes to a temperature of 170 degrees;
  6. After the cheese casserole is ready, you can serve it to the table.

This casserole will become your family's favorite dish. Be sure, having tried this dish just once, you will remember its taste forever.

Cooking aspic in a multicooker


  • 1 large tongue;
  • 1 large peeled onion;
  • 1 medium sized carrot;
  • Dry bay leaf, allspice peas;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • Salt to taste.

We put the pre-washed beef tongue in a slow cooker.

We also put peeled onions and carrots there, salt to taste.

After that, pour water to cover the tongue, throw spices.

Press "Extinguishing" and cook for 3.5 hours.

  1. Pour a pack of gelatin into a bowl, add 150 ml of water and mix well. An hour later, gelatin is ready;
  2. After the signal, we take out the tongue from the multicooker and lower it into cold water for 5-10 minutes. Then it is easy to clean;
  3. Cut the beef offal into thin slices and put on a dish. We decorate beautifully using boiled carrots, eggs or green pea and greens;
  4. We filter the broth and introduce gelatin into it;
  5. We heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, but not to boil. After cooking, gently pour on the tongue and wait for it to solidify.

Aspic is ready - you can serve it to the table!

If you don’t have a multicooker on hand, then see what a wonderful video recipe for cooking jellied beef tongue without using a multicooker is:

Salad "Caprice"


  • Beef tongue (boiled) - 500 g;
  • Cheese durum varieties- 150 g;
  • Mayonnaise (fat content is determined at your discretion) - 200 g;
  • Olives - half a can;
  • Mushrooms - 300 g;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt, ground pepper;
  • Vegetable oil for frying mushrooms.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Mushrooms cut into strips and fry;
  2. We also cut the beef tongue into beautiful strips;
  3. Grate the cheese;
  4. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes;
  5. Olives cut into rings.

After that, we put all the products in a deep bowl, add mayonnaise, spices and salt to taste. Mix well. Transfer to a salad bowl and decorate.

For those who are losing weight and love this beef offal

Compliance with a dietary diet does not mean at all that a person should not eat meat. Exists a large number of recipes that are not only delicious, but also low in calories.

It is important to choose the right products and follow all the recommendations for cooking. We offer you a recipe for one of diet meals- salad "Grace".

It will include:

  • Boiled beef tongue - 400 g;
  • Pickled mushrooms - 250 g;
  • Prunes - 50 g;
  • 1 tomato;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Dill and parsley greens;
  • Olive oil for dressing;
  • Squeezed lemon juice - to taste;
  • Salt.

Agree that with such ingredients, a salad simply cannot be tasteless and take my word for it that it really will not bring you excess weight. diet salad"Grace" will decorate any festive table.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Tongue, mushrooms, tomato and boiled eggs cut into strips;
  2. Add chopped prunes;
  3. Dressing the salad olive oil, lemon juice, salt and mix thoroughly;
  4. Put in a salad bowl and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

So we told you everything we wanted about beef tongue: about its correct choice and the most delicious ways cooking. Buy and cook beef tongue according to the indicated recipes and you will appreciate it.

Watch another recipe video cold appetizer from the tongue, which takes only 10 minutes to cook:

Beef tongue is a versatile product, you can cook a lot of different dishes from it - appetizers, salads, hot dishes, you can even eat it instead of sausage with sandwiches. To make delicious beef tongue dishes delight you and your family, we will talk about the intricacies and nuances of its preparation.

Not every housewife takes up the preparation of beef tongue, but all because the process of cooking it at first glance may seem very complicated. You should not be afraid - even a novice cook can cook delicious beef tongue, and we will tell you how it is done.

For salads, as well as many other dishes - aspic, soups, pies, the tongue must first be boiled. Therefore, first of all, you should master the science of proper cooking of beef tongue.

How to cook beef tongue:

So, before cooking, it is better to soak the tongue in water for at least half an hour, so that it is easier to clean it of dirt. After soaking with a knife, scrape off mucus, fat, dirt, blood from the tongue, leaving the skin clean, then rinse well under cold water.

Next, you need to pour cold water into the pan, bring it to a boil and put the tongue. The tongue expands as it cooks, so if it's large, it's best to cut it in half. Boil the tongue until the water boils again, remove the foam, cook for 15 minutes, then drain the water. Next, the tongue must be put back into boiling water and let it boil, then cook the tongue until tender. Immersion of the tongue in boiling rather than cold water will make it more juicy and tender.

The answer to the question of how much to cook beef tongue depends on the weight, size, age of the cow, as a rule, it is not less than 2 and not more than 4 hours. You can check the readiness like this: after 2 hours of cooking, pierce the tongue with a fork - if clear juice stands out, it is ready, and if it is cloudy, boil the tongue again until the juice becomes transparent. So that the boiled tongue is not tough, salt it only at the end of cooking, along with salt, you can add bay leaves, peppercorns and peeled carrots to the water - this will make the tongue more fragrant.

After cooking, the finished tongue is removed from the liquid and transferred to a container with cold water for 2-3 minutes. A very important stage is the removal of the skin from the tongue, it is immersion in cold water that will make it easier to cope with this task.

Some housewives prefer to salt the tongue only after cleansing: for this, the finished peeled tongue is again put into the broth where it was boiled, everything is salted and seasoned, the tongue is cooked for about 15 more minutes. The resulting broth can be used for aspic. By the way, carrots, onions, spices and greens are put into the broth peeled, but not chopped - whole, so the broth and tongue will turn out to be more fragrant. If you cook soup on this broth, then you need to use new, fresh roots for it, and those on which the broth was cooked should be thrown away.

With boiled beef tongue, you can cook a lot of dishes. By the way, this is a very useful, dietary and light product - it is recommended to eat it for pregnant and lactating women with anemia, after operations, and also to give it to small children. They make a lot of snacks, salads, hot dishes from the tongue, and they just eat it as cold cuts(cut the boiled tongue like a sausage, wrap in foil and store in the refrigerator). Here are the most interesting and delicious recipes beef tongue dishes.

Recipe for beef tongue salad with mushrooms and prunes

You will need: 300 g of boiled beef tongue, 250 g of champignons (or other fresh mushrooms), 50 g of prunes, roasted hazelnuts, 1 onion, mayonnaise, black pepper, salt.

How to cook beef tongue salad. Finely chop the mushrooms and onion, fry together until the liquid evaporates. Cut the boiled tongue into strips, mix with chopped prunes, chopped nuts, mushrooms and onions, pepper and salt, and season with mayonnaise. Refrigerate salad with tongue before serving.

Aspic beef tongue

You will need: broth, boiled tongue, boiled carrots, boiled egg, canned green peas, parsley, dill, gelatin.

It is easy to prepare aspic from the tongue. Strain and cool the broth that remained after boiling the tongue, pour in the gelatin and leave for an hour, then heat, without boiling, until the gelatin dissolves. Language, boiled carrots and cut the egg into slices of the desired shape, put in molds along with herbs and peas, pour in chilled broth and remove until completely solidified in the cold.

Beef tongue baked with mushrooms, "under a fur coat"

You will need: 600 g of boiled tongue, 200 g of champignons, 200 g of cheese, 50 ml of cream, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 onion, spices, salt.

Cooking beef tongue baked with mushrooms. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, fry them together in oil until the liquid is completely evaporated, add flour mixed with sour cream, salt, season with spices, heat until thickened. Cut the boiled tongue into slices about 1-1.5 cm thick, put on a baking sheet covered with paper, put the prepared mushroom mixture on top, cover with tomato slices, and top with cheese plastics. Bake the tongue under a fur coat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

And yet, beef tongue can be salted or pickled.

Salted beef tongue

You will need: 1 beef tongue, 2 tbsp. coarse salt with a slide, seasonings and spices to taste.

How to salt your tongue. Rinse and clean the tongue with a knife, dry, rub with spices and salt, put in a bag, leave for 10-12 hours at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for 6-7 days, periodically shake the bag. After the time has elapsed, put the tongue in a saucepan, pour in water, put spices and roots to taste, boil until tender, then pour over ice water, clean, put back into the broth and heat.

Asian Pickled Tongue Recipe

You will need: 600-700 g boiled beef tongue, 2 tbsp. sesame, 1 Bell pepper, hot peppers, garlic, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tsp. vinegar and honey ground ginger, salt.

How to pickle the tongue. Chop the garlic, fry for 2 tbsp. oil, adding hot pepper, put the tongue, cut into strips, add sesame seeds and warm. Mix vinegar and honey soy sauce, pour the marinade to the meat, add spices, mix, remove immediately from the fire, put in a bowl, add the sweet pepper chopped into strips, mix, sprinkle with herbs. This tongue can be served hot or cold.

In contact with


Beef tongue is a very popular organ meat. In our country, it has long been considered a delicacy.

The tongue consists entirely of muscle tissue, which is covered with a rough shell on top. The beef tongue is carefully processed before being sold. Its weight can range from two hundred grams to two kilograms.

In Russian, Tunisian, Chinese, Polish and Georgian cuisines there are many national dishes from the language. There are a large number of options for its preparation, however, boiled beef tongue is the most popular.

Preparing Beef Tongue Before Boiling

Before cooking, it is best to soak the beef tongue in cold water for at least half an hour to facilitate its cleansing of impurities. After soaking, scrape off the fat, mucus, blood and dirt from the tongue with a knife, leaving its surface clean, and then rinse the tongue thoroughly under cold running water.

How and how long to cook beef tongue

Beef tongue should be cooked for 2 to 4 hours depending on its size.

  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  • Put beef tongue into boiling water. Due to the fact that the tongue increases in size during cooking, it is better to cut it in half.
  • After the water with the tongue boils again, remove the foam, cook for 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to drain the water.
  • Again, put the beef tongue in boiling water and cook until tender (if you immerse the tongue in boiling water, it will cook more tender and juicy).
  • The tongue must be boiled for at least 2, but not more than 4 hours, depending on its size and weight. You can check whether the tongue is ready as follows: after 2 hours of cooking, the tongue must be pierced with a fork and if the released juice is transparent, then the tongue is ready, and if it is cloudy, then it is necessary to boil the tongue again until the released juice becomes transparent.
  • It is desirable to salt the tongue at the end of cooking, then it will not be hard; it is also desirable to add peppercorns, peeled onions, carrots and bay leaves to the water - in this way the boiled tongue will turn out to be much more fragrant and tastier.
  • After the beef tongue is cooked, you need to remove it from the broth and transfer it to a container with cold water for 3 minutes. It is imperative to remove the skin from the tongue and for this it is necessary to put it in cold water, this procedure will facilitate the cleansing of the tongue.

Helpful Hints

  1. When buying a beef tongue, be sure to check if there is a sanitary service stamp on the tongue. This stamp shows that the product has been thoroughly tested by experts and that the animal was in perfect health. The stamp is a guarantee of product quality.
  2. Also, when buying, check the beef tongue for color. This product must have either a pink or purple hue. A purple hue means that the product contains a lot of iron. The pink hue of the tongue means that it has already been frozen and possibly more than once. The product is stale if it has a gray tint.
  3. If desired, you can salt the beef tongue and salt it after cleansing: put the cleaned ready tongue in the broth where it was boiled, salt and cook it for about 15-20 more minutes.
  4. Onions, carrots, herbs and spices must be put into the broth peeled and preferably whole, so the resulting broth and the finished tongue will turn out to be more fragrant and tasty.
  5. The broth obtained after boiling the tongue can be used to prepare aspic. Soup can also be cooked on this broth. You just need to use new ones for him, fresh vegetables, and those vegetables on which the broth was cooked should be thrown away.

Boiled beef tongue recipe

Salad from beef tongue under the "fur coat" (with prunes and mushrooms)

  • 300 gr. boiled beef tongue;
  • 250 gr. champignons (can be replaced with other fresh mushrooms);
  • 50 gr. prunes;
  • 50 gr. roasted hazelnuts;
  • salt;
  • one bulb;
  • ground black pepper;
  • mayonnaise.

The salad is prepared as follows:

  • Cut the boiled beef tongue into strips.
  • Slice prunes and chop nuts.
  • Move all the ingredients, salt and pepper to taste, and season with mayonnaise.
  • Chill the salad in the refrigerator before serving.

Beef tongue baked with mushrooms

For cooking you will need:

  • 600 gr. boiled tongue;
  • 200 gr. champignons;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • one bulb;
  • 50 ml. cream;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • salt;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • spices.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  • Finely chop mushrooms and onions.
  • Fry them together until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  • Mix the flour with sour cream and add the resulting mixture to the mushrooms with onions, salt, add spices and stir over low heat until thickened.
  • Cut the boiled beef tongue into slices no more than 1-1.5 cm thick.
  • Put the slices on a baking sheet covered with foil or paper, put the prepared mushroom mixture on top.
  • Top everything with circles of tomato and slices of cheese.
  • Bake beef tongue "under a fur coat" in a preheated oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Few people know that beef tongue can be attributed to universal products that are served as a separate treat or as part of some interesting dish. Only a few dare to get involved with such a valuable ingredient. Not all cooks can cook beef tongue. After all, this process requires a delicate attitude. Despite the complexity of the task, it is still possible to cope with it if you know how to cook beef tongue.

AT cookbooks dozens will be found unusual recipes, for the preparation of which beef tongue is needed. The chefs of renowned restaurants never cease to amaze their customers with gourmet treats from the very regular product which few people take into account.

Small tips for boiling the tongue

As mentioned earlier, even professional chefs not always able to cook such an interesting product correctly and tasty. You need to learn how to deal with him. And only after that, beef tongue can become a real delicacy that true gourmets will want to get to know closely. It is highly recommended not to add it to dishes without pre-treatment. Before this, it is necessary to weld the product.

The assumption that beef tongue is easy enough to cook would sound very ironic. After all this process requires certain knowledge and skills from the cook. It is also worth paying attention to a number of important points that will help to properly cook offal. Even an inexperienced culinary specialist who decides to listen to them will be able to create sumptuous dish from the language.

Before cooking, it is necessary to soak the beef tongue. This little trick will allow the hostess to further clean the ingredient for the future dish from all existing contaminants without any problems. After the meat has spent enough time in the water, it is recommended to carefully go over it with a knife, making scraping movements. This will remove the remaining dirt and unnecessary fat from the product. At the end of this work, it does not hurt to rinse the tongue again under running water.

To cook meat, you will need a special pan. It should be wide and roomy. After all, during cooking under the influence hot temperature the product will begin to increase in size.

More recently, beef tongue could only be cooked on the stove. However modern technologies gave the hostesses a lot of interesting equipment that facilitates their work. So now you can cook such meat in a slow cooker and other similar appliances.

If the tongue will not be cooked on the stove, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time that the product will need to reach full readiness. In pressure cookers, this process will take at least one hour. In a slow cooker in stewing mode, the meat will be cooked for 5-6 hours.

Quality product selection

To prepare good dish, it is necessary to buy a fresh product. First of all, you should pay attention to whether the product has a stamp of the sanitary service. It guarantees the safety of the meat that is on sale.

The freshness of the tongue is easily determined by its color. A good product which was stored in right conditions, has a slightly purple hue. If the meat is pink, then most likely it was frozen. The gray language should be immediately abandoned, as it is corrupted.

Before you finally decide to buy, it is recommended to smell the beef tongue. It must have a fragrance. fresh meat. The notch on the product is also taken into account. If a clear liquid is released from it, then the meat was frozen before being sold. Muddy ichor gives out improper storage of goods. Therefore, it is better not to buy it in order to avoid poisoning. Ideally, only droplets of blood should be present on the cut. Their presence indicates that the product is fresh and has not yet been in the freezer.

After purchase, do not keep the tongue in the refrigerator for too long. You need to understand that this product is among the perishable ones, so it is better to start preparing it right away.

Universal recipe for cooking

Exists universal recipe, which helps to properly boil the beef tongue. You should immediately warn: its preparation will take a very long time, so the housewives will have to be patient. It is strongly not recommended to hurry in this matter. After all, excessive haste will only hurt palatability meat.

The first step is to go through the preparatory stages:

  • First you need to thoroughly rinse the beef tongue and clean it of dirt.
  • After it needs to be cut into two equal parts.
  • Individual pieces are placed in a saucepan filled with water.
  • Now you can safely put it on the stove.

The water in the pot should boil. By this time, a foam will appear on the surface, which must be removed. After boiling, you need to screw the fire to a medium level. On it, the tongue will be cooked for 20-25 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, the meat must be removed from the broth. It is recommended to rinse it again with cold water. All the contents of the pot are poured out.

The dishes in which the tongue was prepared must be washed after the first stage of cooking. Clean water is again poured into the pan and put on fire. She must boil. As soon as this happens, pieces of the tongue and a little salt are put into it. On medium heat, the meat should be cooked for about 3-4 hours. It is best to cover the pan a little. After half an hour from the start of cooking, you should throw a bay leaf into the water with the tongue. It does not hurt to add grated onions and carrots. Vegetables will give the broth a pleasant taste.

Checking the readiness of the beef tongue is easy. For this purpose, you will need a knife or fork. One of the devices is necessary to make a puncture in the meat. If he easily pierced his tongue, then it's time to remove the product from the fire. It should immediately be lowered into cold water. If the knife hardly pierced the meat, then it will not hurt him to cook a little more.

After the tongue has been in the water for 5-10 minutes, you need to remove the skin from it. It still has no value. Beef tongue is ready. Now it can be used in the creation of any dishes. If the chef did not plan to immediately start cooking, then he needs to wait until the meat has cooled down and simply wrap it in foil. In this form, the boiled product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

No need to rush to pour out the broth obtained after cooking the meat. After all, from it you can cook tasty soup which is sure to please the family.

Favorable combination with other products

Beef tongue goes well with many foods. For this reason, it is often used in cooking. various dishes. Especially this kind of meat is perfect canned pineapple, green peas and mushrooms. If you use the tongue as a snack, then you should add berry or peanut sauce. There is also a place for it in salads and aspic dishes.

The effort spent on cooking beef tongue is fully justified. Indeed, as a result, the hostess receives appetizing dish who definitely need to treat their family and guests invited to dinner. Nobody will be disappointed. A deliciously cooked beef tongue speaks of the mastery of the hostess and her talents in cooking.

  • Beef tongue - 1-1.5 kg
  • Salt 3 tablespoons
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns
  • Onions, carrots, parsley in broth - optional
  • How to cook boiled beef tongue

    First of all, wash in cold water and clean the tongue with a brush. It can be very dirty, be sure to clean off all the sand.

    We put the tongue in a saucepan in cold water. Let's boil. If the surface of the tongue remains dirty, after boiling, drain the water and fill it again with clean water. We are waiting for boiling, after that we salt abundantly and cook for 3 hours. Half an hour before readiness, you can add onions, carrots and parsley to the broth for flavor.

    We determine the readiness of the language. It becomes soft, easily gives in when pressed with a fork. Now, let's tackle a rather important question. how to clean boiled beef tongue. The fact is that it is cleaned from the skin only when it is hot. Therefore, this process must be fast. Turn on the cold water faucet. We take out the tongue and put it in the sink under the stream. Make a small incision along the tip of the tongue with a knife. We remove the skin, as from a stocking. Be sure to start doing everything from the tip. After all, it cools down very quickly, and if you start peeling from the thick part, then the skin may no longer be removed from the tip (I tell you from my own experience).

    How long does it take to cook the tongue?

    It all depends on the size of the tongue: small - up to 2 hours 1-1.5 kg - at least 3 hours, more than 2 kg - about 4. Veal tongue takes about 2 hours to prepare.

    How to store language?

    It can be used in salads, snacks, cook as a hot dish, pouring delicate sauce or sour cream. It is best to eat a freshly cooked tongue, but it can be wrapped in foil or cling film and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It can also be cut into portions and frozen (this is exactly what restaurants do), and then cooked or added to dishes as needed. And store in this form for no more than 1 month.

    Video cooking recipe