How to grow kombucha. How to grow kombucha at home

Tea or japanese mushroom has huge amount useful properties. Drinking one glass of mushroom tincture a day, you will favorably affect the state of your entire body. Learn, grow and care for this amazing mushroom.

How to grow kombucha at home

Kombucha is obtained from strong brewing of black tea. Put 5 full tablespoons of tea in a teapot and pour half a liter of boiling water into it. V Reviver add 7 tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly. Let the brew cool completely and then strain the liquid well.

You need to pour tea at 3 liter jar. But remember, the fungus is very picky and loves only sterile dishes. Wash the jar well, do not use detergents- use it better baking soda. It will remove all microorganisms and dirt from the walls, which can prevent the appearance of the fungus.

Having poured a strong and sweet brew of black tea into the dishes, it must be tightly covered with gauze and put in a warm place for about 5 to 6 weeks.

After two weeks or less, you should be able to smell the vinegar. This indicates the process of oxidation, which means that you are doing everything right. Soon the smell will disappear, and a thin film will appear on the surface - this is the nascent tea mushroom. Over time, the layers will build up, and soon you will grow a full-fledged kombucha at home.

Kombucha Care

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the mushroom in the jar. If it began to sink and is no longer on the surface, you are doing something wrong. First of all, it may concern the purity in which the product is contained. Not following the care tips, you can destroy the healing properties of the fungus, and instead of a miracle drink, get an acidic and useless liquid.

After 6 weeks from when you started growing the mushroom, you need to change the amount of liquid. Instead of 0.5 liters, it is necessary to add almost 3 liters to the jar. Naturally, you will regularly drain the infusion, so do not forget to add tea leaves. The liquid should no longer be so strong: 1 liter of boiling water accounts for 1 tablespoon of black tea and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Keep the mushroom clean. Every two weeks, carefully remove it and, without deforming, rinse with cool water. Also strain the liquid through cheesecloth and wash the jar.

Pay attention to the color of the mushroom: if it is brown, do not use the tincture. It will only harm your health and will not give you any useful properties. And the liquid itself should not be cloudy.

Store the jar at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Remember, a mushroom needs light, but don't make one of the most common mistakes - don't put it on a windowsill. Direct sunlight will destroy the medicinal product.

By doing everything right, you will get a healthy and enjoyable drink at home. Do not forget: if you do the wrong thing, you risk getting poisoned and harming your condition. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and don't forget to press the buttons and

31.08.2015 01:30

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Kombucha (medusomycete) is useful, perfectly quenches thirst on hot summer days, and is used in cosmetology. Medusomycete easily reproduces by division and grows quickly even from a small piece. How to grow kombucha from scratch? It turns out that everything is quite simple. The main thing is to be patient to wait until it grows.

How to grow your own kombucha

There are several ways to get kombucha at home. It is not difficult to guess that it can be grown from tea leaves. This is the most suitable environment for him. But there are many other ways to grow jellyfish from scratch at home, so everyone will find the most suitable one for themselves. suitable recipe.

Important! Not many people know about medicinal properties kombucha, but it was with them that he became famous.

Growing from scratch from tea

First of all, you need large-leaf black tea. Optional to buy expensive varieties, take the most common one, but make sure that it does not contain various flavoring, aromatic and other additives. Inventory should be prepared: a 3-liter jar, gauze, a teapot for tea leaves. Of the products, except for tea, you need sugar, boiling water.

  1. Rinse well the jar where the drink will be infused. Cleanliness is a very important factor, if the bottle is washed unreasonably, then due to food residues and microbes, the fungus will simply die before reaching the required size. It is important not to use chemicals when washing. Apply soda. Do not forget to rinse the jar well with clean running water at the end.
  2. Brew tea with the calculation of 5 tbsp. spoons of tea in 0.5 liters of water. Let him insist.
  3. When the tea has cooled, add 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Mix well. All grains of sugar should be completely dissolved.
  4. The resulting broth is filtered using a sieve or gauze, poured into a pre-prepared jar.
  5. The bottle is covered with gauze folded in a couple of layers, put in a warm place, where it will be for 6 weeks. During this time, the medusa mycete will grow.

Important! Mushroom cultivation is possible from both black and green tea. The benefits of kombucha will not decrease from this.

Growing from wild rose

When using an infusion of a mushroom grown from rose hips, you will get a pleasant-tasting drink and a healthy, immune-boosting remedy. Especially useful is the use of such drinks in autumn and early spring, when the body so needs additional vitamins.

To grow a medusomycete on a wild rose, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of wild rose in a thermos. Pour in the fruits (4 tablespoons). Fill the berries with boiling water (0.5 l). The thermos is tightly closed with a lid. Leave the infusion for 5 days.
  2. Wash the jar in which the cultivation is supposed to be well. Pour the infusion into the bottle.
  3. Brew tea with the calculation of 1 tbsp. teaspoon for 1 tbsp. boiling water. Add the resulting tea leaves to the rosehip infusion.
  4. Pour into a jar 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Stir until all sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Leave the infusion for a day. Strain through cheesecloth.
  5. Strained infusion is covered with gauze. Defend in the same way as when grown on tea leaves.

When grown in this way, the appearance of kombucha can be expected in 1.5-2 months.

Important! After a few weeks, the infusion will have a vinegar smell. This is fine. It indicates that the fermentation processes are successful. Within a week, a film will appear on the surface of the tea leaves, from which a medusomycete will form. After that, the smell quickly disappears.

Growing with apple cider vinegar

It is necessary to leave a bottle of apple cider vinegar in a warm, fairly dark place for at least 2-2.5 months. When sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle, pour the contents into the sweetened tea prepared in advance. The resulting mixture is kept for some time. After a couple of weeks, you can see that a thin film has appeared on the surface of the liquid, which will later grow and become a full-fledged kombucha.

Important! When grown by this method, high-quality Apple vinegar, which does not contain various additives, preservatives. If you use a low-quality product, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired result.

How to grow from a piece

If you have friends who have fairly developed kombucha specimens, just ask for a piece to breed. Medusomycete grows rapidly and exfoliates. Often there are people who sell it not only in the market, but also on the Internet. The only thing you need from you is to know how to properly care for the mushroom until it adapts to new conditions.

If there is a piece of kombucha, you need to prepare a solution for it.

  1. To do this, you need to make tea. For 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of tea are enough. It doesn't matter which tea you choose, black or green.
  2. Add a little sugar (40-50 g) to it and stir until all the sugar crystals dissolve.
  3. Cool the brew until room temperature, pour into a clean jar.

Important! Dishes must be perfectly clean. Otherwise, mold may form in the jar, due to the appearance of which the infusion may simply deteriorate.

Part of the mushroom is placed in this container. From above, cover the bottle with gauze folded in several layers, put it in a warm, dark place. After 7-10 days, you can enjoy a delicious effervescent tincture.

Important! Do not close the jar with a lid. Medusomycetes must breathe freely. Otherwise, the infusion can quickly deteriorate.

mushroom care

Now you know how to properly grow kombucha. But it is very important to properly care for the jellyfish in order to enjoy this healthy refreshing drink for a long time.

Initially, 0.5 liters of liquid is enough for the development of kombucha. But over time, the medusa mycete begins to grow rapidly, so the amount of solution is periodically increased, gradually bringing it up to 3 liters. To do this, you can use the leftover tea leaves. It is re-filled with boiling water, sugar is added, and then allowed to cool. Already chilled tea can be safely poured into a jar.

Be careful with adding sugar. Its quantity should not exceed 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of water. Also make sure that the tea is completely dissolved in the tea leaves and its grains do not fall on the surface of the fungus.

Important! Keep it clean so that mold does not form in the infusion.

Every month it is necessary to thoroughly wash the mushroom. Take it out of the jar. Movements must be careful and accurate, so as not to damage. Put the mushroom on a wide plate, rinse well with water. After that, leave to dry a little in the air (no more than 3 minutes). Gently place in normal environment. It is worth considering that tap water often unsuitable for washing. Filter or boil it before use.

Important! Healthy kombucha floats on the surface of the infusion. If he changed color or began to exfoliate unnaturally, then the medusomycete is sick. It is better to refrain from drinking infusion.

There are many myths associated with caring for kombucha. Consider the most popular of them:

  1. If the color of the medusa mycete has changed, turned white, it may simply develop, a new layer is formed. For the same reason, small bubbles or gaps may appear on the surface of the medusomycete in the form of round holes.
  2. The appearance of long threads in the jar that come out of the base of the jellyfish and look like legs are not harbingers of something terrible. This phenomenon is observed quite often.
  3. When transplanted into a jar, did the mushroom go to the bottom? Don't panic, give him some time to stand up and adapt. It will definitely float to the surface.
  4. The mushroom has turned brown, will not rise from the bottom. The medusa is sick. It is better not to use such an infusion.

Storage rules

After receiving the drink, you must follow the rules for its storage:

  • the mushroom should stand in a dark place;
  • temperature up to +25 degrees;
  • regularly drain the infusion (in winter 1 time in 5 days, in summer - 3 days);
  • store the drink in the refrigerator;
  • do not infuse the drink for more than 1 month;
  • pinch off the upper layers of the fungus (optimum thickness 4-5 cm).

The infusion is quite easy to prepare at home, you just need to be patient. But don't forget to get delicious healthy drink, the mushroom must be properly looked after.

The peak of popularity of kombucha falls on the beginning of the 80s. Then this miracle product, and as such it was recognized by both the people and medicine, was present in almost every family. And no one considered the incredible consumption of sugar and tea, since the panacea for all diseases was worth such sacrifices. Over time, he went into oblivion, and was replaced by various dietary supplements. But everything is returning to normal, and today there is again increased interest and demand for kombucha.

Kombucha Features

Official medicine has proven that kombucha (aka kombucha, medusomycete) really has therapeutic and prophylactic properties and can become an alternative to expensive pharmaceuticals. The unusual taste of the drink increases the tone of the body, gives strength and vigor, and, in addition, successfully fights various diseases.

The popularity of kombucha is also explained by unpretentiousness. Create the minimum conditions for it, the necessary nutrient medium in the form of sweet tea, and it will grow and develop very rapidly.

The biological origin of the puff jellyfish is due to the community of living cultures such as bacteria and yeast. In the course of the vital activity of organisms so different in nature and other characteristics, sweet tea is transformed into a sour drink that has a number of healing properties:

  • the risk of cancer is reduced;
  • the protective function of the liver increases;
  • the metabolism of the body is normalized and the process of purification from toxic substances is activated;
  • the intestinal microflora is restored;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • activities are normalized of cardio-vascular system and blood pressure;
  • improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the activity of the musculoskeletal system.

And this is not the whole list of advantages of kombucha. A drink saturated with organic acids, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements helps to reduce weight. It quenches thirst, dulls the feeling of hunger, but does not replace daily ration food intake. In combination with a fractional and balanced diet, kombucha is an auxiliary component in weight loss. The use of kombucha, as in other therapeutic and prophylactic cases, should be regular.

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Indications for use

Based on research on the properties of the tea product, it is recommended as one of the means to help recovery in the following diseases:

  • ARI, influenza, tonsillitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • diseases of the ear, throat, nose;
  • viral eye infections;
  • problems with the liver or gallbladder;
  • dysentery;
  • tonsillitis;
  • diphtheria.

A tonic drink can simultaneously serve as a diuretic and cholagogue. It also helps with hypertension, hair loss, nail fungus and various cosmetic procedures.


Not everyone is allowed to use kombucha. For a certain category, there are contraindications: hyperacidity stomach, sick diabetes, for drivers, only a fresh tea drink is allowed, and those who have problems with fungal diseases should refrain.

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Cooking kombucha

The process of growing kombucha at home is simple, but requires accuracy and consistency. The procedure itself takes about a month and a half, so patience and time will be needed.

Growing kombucha from tea leaves

  1. It is advisable to prepare a glass jar with a volume of 3-5 liters, wash it well with the addition of soda and leave to dry naturally.
  2. To prepare the nutrient solution in a separate container, 3 tsp. green or black brewed tea pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drain, add 5 tbsp. granulated sugar and cool.
  3. Pour the cooled tea into a prepared jar and place in a warm but dark place.
  4. Cover the neck of the glass container with a piece of gauze and tie with a braid or fix with an elastic band. Periodically, it is necessary to open for a short time to replenish the liquid with oxygen.
  5. After four days, you will notice a thin film on the surface - this is the beginning of the birth of kombucha.
  6. After 10-20 days, the contents of the can lighten up, a sour smell appears, and the film increases in size.
  7. By the end of the process, a mobile thickened substance is already formed on the surface. The formed kombucha is transferred to a clean container and a new nutrient solution is prepared, with which it is poured.
  8. The drink in the first jar is ready, it must be filtered and stored in a cool place so that the fermentation process stops. And the infusion of the second jar can already be consumed after 5-7 days.

The grown jellyfish is unpretentious, but requires care, cleanliness and lack of bright light.

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Growing from wild rose
Rose hips themselves are saturated with vitamins, and a drink made from them is a godsend for boosting immunity, preventing viral diseases and other disruptions in the body.

Select dense, evenly colored fruits, rinse, dry a little and chop. 6 art. l. pour into a clean thermos, pour boiling water in a volume of 0.6 liters. Close and put for 6 days. Then strain and pour into a three-liter jar, adding a tea solution there, which is prepared in the following proportion: 1 tbsp. l. tea, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, and steep boiling water in a volume of 220 ml. Place gauze on the neck of the container and leave in a warm, dark place. Then repeat the previous method.

Kombucha apple cider vinegar
You can independently grow a jellyfish from homemade vinegar own cooking.

washed up sour apples dry and grate with the core on coarse grater. fruit puree(approximately 400 gr) put in a clean jar and pour cold boiled water. Add 150 g honey and 15 g yeast. After that, the container remains open, it must be placed in a dark place. The mass should be stirred daily.

Ten days later applesauce it is necessary to squeeze through several layers of gauze, and pour the resulting liquid into a clean jar, cover with a thin cloth and leave for 1.5-2 months for fermentation.

At the final stage, the liquid becomes lighter, and a multi-layered jellyfish grows on its surface. It is transferred to a clean bowl with sweet tea and then according to the usual scheme.

Kombucha on beer
Mix 100 ml live beer, 10 ml wine vinegar, 5 grams of sugar. Pour the mixture into a container, cover the neck, and put in a warm place until a film forms on the surface. When it is 2 mm thick, then move it to a bowl with sweet tea. A week later, the drink is ready.

These methods are for those who are just starting to master the art of growing kombucha. For those who are more fortunate and have shared a piece with them already finished product the process is greatly simplified. And if you connect fantasy, then the healing qualities of the medusomycete increase significantly.

Herbal kombucha
The preparation scheme is standard, and herbal collection choose according to your disease. Pour 200 grams of herbs with 3 liters of boiling water and leave overnight. Add a little honey to the infusion and place the mushroom in it. A week later, tea-infusion will be obtained. Thus, you can prepare a tonic drink based on hibiscus.

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Medusa mycete care

Growing kombucha is part of the task. Proper care is required for its development and reproduction. An indicator of health, first of all, is buoyancy. If he began to sink to the bottom and does not rise to the surface on his own, it means that he is “ill” and it is time to save him. Optimum temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.

The thickness of the jellyfish should not exceed 4 cm. The excess layer that appears should be carefully separated from the top and laid out in other jars. The lower part is the most productive.

Healing duration ready drink no more than one month. Subsequently, they are lost taste qualities, it will be more vinegar than an invigorating elixir. After keeping the liquid for a week, it is half drained and stored in the refrigerator. And the newly filtered is added to the jar tea kvass. When a new portion is ready, pour the part again and replenish with fresh tea leaves.

The volume of liquid in the tank

During growth, the fungus needs more liquid medium, about 3 liters. And when you pour a drink, make up for the shortage each time by adding liquid. This may be unfinished tea leaves, which are cooled, sweetened per liter of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Undissolved sugar that has fallen on kombucha is one of the causes of jellyfish disease.

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Bath days for kombucha

Every two weeks, the medusomycete must be bathed, carefully removed from the jar. Rinse gently warm water trying not to injure. Then leave for a couple of minutes on a plate to breathe air. Strain the contents of the jar and pour into a clean container. And wash the jar and return the mushroom to it.

The habitat of the fungus itself should be clean, without signs of turbidity, and the tea product should be light in color.

Growing kombucha at home does not require special knowledge and abilities. It is enough to adhere to a strict recipe, step by step technology and observe the conditions of its storage.

Video: how to grow kombucha from scratch

Few people know about kombucha now. And by the way, back in the eighties, he was in almost every home. Mothers and grandmothers kept something resembling a jellyfish in three-liter jars, looked after it, fed it with tea and sugar, and distributed the grown layers to friends. And it was not for nothing that many people then grew kombucha from scratch. After all, he has always been considered the elixir of health and immortality. It is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. It also has excellent taste qualities, and with its help you can quench your thirst even in the hottest time.

How to grow kombucha from scratch by accident

After the 1980s, the fashion for it passed, and this mushroom was forgotten for a while. But now they remembered him again, and people are interested in how to grow kombucha at home. And it turns out that this is not at all difficult to do! After all, one has only to forget about tea brewing for a while, as a slippery coating forms on its surface. And in a couple of months, a dense mushroom will grow from this plaque.

How to purposefully grow kombucha

But if you always wash the dishes, and you don’t have used tea leaves for months, then you need to grow the mushroom purposefully. This will require a clean three-liter jar, gauze and 0.5 liters of strong sweetened tea. This tea must be poured into a jar, and covered with gauze. Then the bank is placed in a warm place, it remains only to wait. And after a certain time, a film forms on the tea, which will “get fat” every day. And in a few months, you will learn how to grow kombucha from scratch. During this time, it will get stronger enough, and then it will be possible to make a miraculous drink from it.

Kombucha from a piece of layer

But how to grow kombucha from scratch and not wait several months? The most impatient are interested in this question. And it can be solved if you get a piece of the kombucha layer somewhere. It should be placed in weak tea, add sugar to it, leave to infuse for a week. And the mushroom will gradually grow, and new layers will appear on it. In this case, the level of the drink in the container will fall. Therefore, you need to monitor and, when necessary, add sweet tea. Also, from time to time, you should wash the jar in which the mushroom “lives” and change the tea in it. The mushroom itself should be washed every 2-3 weeks with warm running water.

Kombucha infusion

But it’s not enough to know how to grow kombucha from scratch. You still need to be able to make it useful infusion. And for this, a solution is first prepared. It will require a liter of water, 2 tsp. tea leaves and 100 g of sugar. First, tea is brewed, for 15-20 minutes, and then sugar is added to it. After that, the solution should cool to room temperature. Then it must be poured into a clean bowl. Then the mushroom is taken, gently washed in clean water and placed in a bowl with a solution. As such dishes, it is best to use a glass jar. Then this jar, covered with gauze, is placed in a warm place. In the summer after 4 days you will get a wonderful infusion. In winter, you will have to wait a little longer - up to 7 days.

Proper care of tea mushroom

If handled incorrectly, kombucha can lose its healing properties. Therefore, you need to follow a few basic rules for caring for him:

  1. The mushroom should be stored in a dark, warm place.
  2. He needs to breathe, so the jar does not close tightly.
  3. Tea leaves and grains of sugar should not fall on it.
  4. The mushroom cannot be poured with a hot solution.
  5. It should be washed with warm water only.
  6. It should also be washed before preparing a fresh infusion.
  7. Twice a week, the mushroom should be fed with sweet tea.

If these rules are observed, then the mushroom will be healthy and useful.

There are several ways to prepare it. For traditional version you will need tea, sugar and apple cider vinegar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • make a brew of 1 tbsp. l. tea and 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew;
  • add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 100 g of sugar;
  • pour this infusion into a three-liter jar;
  • the jar does not need to be closed with a lid, it is enough to tie it with a piece of gauze;
  • a jar of infusion must be placed in a warm place where the temperature is maintained at + 23ºC- + 25ºC.

In a three-liter jar, the mushroom will have enough space to grow freely. It is important to choose the right place to store the infusion, since the jar cannot be moved during the ripening of the mushroom. It is also necessary to exclude the possibility of sunlight on the jar. This traditional way grow kombucha from scratch.

After 3 weeks, a thin film is noticeable. An indicator of the full ripening of the fungus is the smell of vinegar. The film thickens up to 1–2 mm. The infusion can be drained, replacing it with sweet tea. It is important not to deform the fungus itself, it will compact only after a couple of months.

The surface of the fungus becomes porous over time. After six months, the mushroom reaches the required consistency. Every month it should be gently washed with warm water. With the help of such a mushroom, you can cook a healthy tea drink daily.

For its preparation, not only tea is used, rose hips and apple juice are well suited.

  1. A tea drink based on rose hips is a real storehouse of vitamins. It will help strengthen the immune system and will be a reliable prevention of seasonal colds. To prepare it you need:
  • in a thermos make an infusion of 4 tbsp. l. fresh or dried rose hips and 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • close the thermos and let the drink brew for 5 days;
  • pour the infusion into a three-liter jar, add brewed black tea made from 2 tbsp. l. tea and 2 tbsp. steep boiling water;
  • add 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  1. From apple juice the mushroom is obtained like this:
  • let the juice settle at the bottom of a three-liter jar for about 2 months;
  • then mix this infusion with black tea brew (1 tbsp per 0.5 l of boiling water);
  • add 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

In the following stages, the process does not differ from the previous recipes.

Knowing how to grow kombucha, you can enjoy a healthy and refreshing drink all year round.

Unfortunately, few in our time know Kombucha, which helps to solve complex problems with the inferiority of modern nutrition, often poor in vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

This mushroom is unusual. It does not grow in the forest, but in tea. Such a homemade mushroom in a teapot.

In appearance, it looks like a round cake, and the infusion obtained from it is pleasant. sour taste resembles kvass and is very useful.

First, let's look at what tea fungus is. This is a jellyfish organism, which is formed as a result of the coexistence of an acetic acid bacterium and a yeast fungus (in the photo it is presented in all its glory).

It can only grow and live in tea because it needs the purines found in tea infusion, which he uses without using other components.

The body of the fungus, medusomycete, is on the surface of the tea solution. Top part its body is light, and the lower one, immersed in liquid, is dark, with filiform processes.

A tincture of a miracle mushroom will turn out to be useful only if it is grown and used correctly.

Below, in addition to how to grow kombucha from scratch, you can learn a lot more useful information which will help to get rid of problems with health and well-being.

Unique properties of jellyfish

Tea kvass contains many minerals and vitamins.

Consider its detailed chemical composition:

With the help of infusion of kombucha, you can get rid of many diseases.

It is indicated for diseases of the stomach, colitis, constipation, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, for infectious diseases of the throat, nose, eyes, hypotension, hemorrhoids, all kinds of nervous disorders and headaches, during the recovery period after antibiotics and in infectious diseases of the skin.

The scope of this miracle drink is very extensive. However, it is important to know about the existing contraindications:

  1. Stomach ulcer;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Any fungal disease.

The vitamin and mineral composition of the “mushroom” miracle tea cannot be compared with any multivitamins and medicines because it is much better accepted and absorbed by the body.

Therefore, if you have no contraindications for use, find it and prepare it.

For information on how to use this living organism to treat diseases, see the video:

Self-cultivation of kombucha

No one knows who and when the first kombucha was grown. This discovery happened many thousands of years ago and has been successfully used by people in the household to this day.

Before the war, an infusion of it was in almost every home. The shortage of tea and sugar in the post-war period led to the disappearance of this tradition. Now interest has resumed and many would like to know the cultivation recipe.

To grow kombucha from scratch, you have to be patient. This lengthy process takes from one and a half to two months. But to improve your own health and the health of your family, this is not a long time.

Method number 1: from brewing black tea

You need to grow a mushroom by protecting the jar with it from sunlight, but not in the dark.

Since he needs light and air for life, the neck of the jar is covered not with a lid, but with gauze, and tea is never poured to the top of the jar, filling it only halfway.

Tea leaves are poured into a teapot, insisted, sugar is added.

In a prepared glass jar, washed with baking soda, the tea leaves are poured from the kettle, after filtering it, the neck of the jar is tied with gauze and placed in a warm, shaded place.

After a couple of weeks or a little earlier, a vinegary aroma will come out of the jar, which will disappear after a week.

So the successful formation of kombucha began.

After a month and a half, a thin slimy “pancake” will appear on the surface of the tea leaves.

This is a young kombucha.

For further successful growth, carefully, without injuring the body of the fungus, move it into a clean three-liter jar filled with weak tea.

Method number 2: from the infusion of wild rose

The method of growing kombucha based on rosehip tea has its own characteristics. Rosehip drink will be richer in vitamins and useful in the cold season for colds.

It is also necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of wild rose, such as a tendency to form kidney stones.

Components for welding:

  • Half a liter of boiling water;
  • 4 large spoons of dry pounded rose hips;
  • Brewing large-leaf black tea (1 large teaspoon per cup of boiling water);
  • 5 large spoons of sugar;
  • Thermos;
  • Pure glass jar;
  • Gauze.

4 tablespoons of wild rose are poured into a thermos, half a liter of hot boiled water is added. Insist in a thermos for 4 days.

The resulting rosehip infusion is poured into a clean three-liter jar, filtering it through cheesecloth. Add to the same jar a glass of sweet tea leaves, in which 5 large spoons of sugar were dissolved.

Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put in a warm dark place.

As when grown in a normal tea brew, a vinegary smell will first appear, indicating the birth of an organism. Then the smell will disappear and in a month and a half a film will appear on the surface of the infusion - the body of the fungus.

Now you know how to grow kombucha from scratch yourself and you simply cannot help but take advantage of this knowledge, because the improvement of the most valuable thing that a person has - health depends on it!

Proper care of kombucha

It is not enough to grow this miracle doctor, you still need to be able to save it. So, our advice will help you in this difficult matter.

Strange as it may sound, Kombucha is a lover of cleanliness. This grown medusomycete is not just some kind of mold, but a living organism that needs to be monitored.

If the dishes in which he lives are dirty, then the fungus will start to hurt. Then the drink produced by him will be cloudy and will not bring benefits.

The mushroom lives in tea, floating on its surface in a three-liter jar. The diseased organism sinks to the bottom of the jar and the drink produced by it is not worth drinking, the fungus must be treated.

They wash the body of the fungus, dividing it into layers, if it exfoliates, they move it to a clean jar, pour it with fresh tea.

Using tea kvass, which was formed as a result of the vital activity of the fungus, add a new nutrient solution (for 2 liters of boiled water - 4 large spoons leaf tea and 1 glass of sugar).

If the whole kvass is drained, the jar is thoroughly washed with baking soda while the mushroom is on a plate of a suitable size, and then sweet tea is poured.

The mushroom itself loves to bathe, so once a month it is gently washed in a cup of clean warm water.

Fresh tea for him is prepared on good water purified from impurities.

You can’t pour sugar on the mushroom, he doesn’t like it. Pour it with cooled strained tea with sugar mixed in it.

The normal thickness of an adult kombucha is about 4cm. If it is thicker, it may begin to exfoliate. With hands, without using a knife, separate the layers and place the young mushrooms in new jars.

If it is necessary to leave and there is no one to look after the mushroom, it is taken out of tea, transferred to plain water and put in the refrigerator.

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The frequency with which the finished tea kvass is drained is determined by taste. lovers sour kvass take it 1 time every four days, a less acidic infusion is ready 2 days after adding new tea to a jar with a beneficial organism.

By the way, the jar in which the mushroom lives is not advised to be filled to the top, let it be one and a half to two liters of liquid.

Do not put the mushroom in direct sunlight so that it does not get sick and does not die. The optimum temperature in the room is 18-25 degrees.

Putting into practice the acquired knowledge and including in your diet "mushroom" infusion for daily use, you will soon feel an improvement in health and a good mood will become a constant companion of your life.

More information about this unique product watch the video below:

  • There are several ways to get kombucha at home. It is not difficult to guess that it can be grown from tea leaves. This is the most suitable environment for him. But there are many other ways to grow jellyfish from scratch at home, so everyone will find the most suitable recipe for themselves.

    Growing from scratch from tea

    First of all, you need large-leaf black tea. It is not necessary to buy expensive varieties, take the most common one, but make sure that it does not contain various flavors, aromas and other additives. Inventory should be prepared: a 3-liter jar, gauze, a teapot for tea leaves. Of the products, except for tea, you need sugar, boiling water.

    1. Rinse well the jar where the drink will be infused. Cleanliness is a very important factor, if the bottle is washed unreasonably, then due to food residues and microbes, the fungus will simply die before reaching the required size. It is important not to use chemicals when washing. Apply soda. Do not forget to rinse the jar well with clean running water at the end.
    2. Brew tea with the calculation of 5 tbsp. spoons of tea in 0.5 liters of water. Let him insist.
    3. When the tea has cooled, add 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Mix well. All grains of sugar should be completely dissolved.
    4. The resulting broth is filtered using a sieve or gauze, poured into a pre-prepared jar.
    5. The bottle is covered with gauze folded in a couple of layers, put in a warm place, where it will be for 6 weeks. During this time, the medusa mycete will grow.

    Mushroom cultivation is possible from both black and green tea. this will not decrease.

    Growing from wild rose

    When using an infusion of a mushroom grown from rose hips, you will get a pleasant-tasting drink and a healthy, immune-boosting remedy. Especially useful is the use of such drinks in autumn and early spring, when the body so needs additional vitamins.

    To grow a medusomycete on a wild rose, you must follow the recommendations:

    1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of wild rose in a thermos. Pour in the fruits (4 tablespoons). Fill the berries with boiling water (0.5 l). The thermos is tightly closed with a lid. Leave the infusion for 5 days.
    2. Wash the jar in which the cultivation is supposed to be well. Pour the infusion into the bottle.
    3. Brew tea with the calculation of 1 tbsp. teaspoon for 1 tbsp. boiling water. Add the resulting tea leaves to the rosehip infusion.
    4. Pour into a jar 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Stir until all sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Leave the infusion for a day. Strain through cheesecloth.
    5. Strained infusion is covered with gauze. Defend in the same way as when grown on tea leaves.

    When grown in this way, the appearance of kombucha can be expected in 1.5-2 months.

    Important! After a few weeks, the infusion will have a vinegar smell. This is fine. It indicates that the fermentation processes are successful. Within a week, a film will appear on the surface of the tea leaves, from which a medusomycete will form. After that, the smell quickly disappears.

    Growing with apple cider vinegar

    It is necessary to leave a bottle of apple cider vinegar in a warm, fairly dark place for at least 2-2.5 months. When sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle, pour the contents into the sweetened tea prepared in advance. The resulting mixture is kept for some time. After a couple of weeks, you can see that a thin film has appeared on the surface of the liquid, which will later grow and become a full-fledged kombucha.

    When grown by this method, high-quality apple cider vinegar is used, which does not contain various additives, preservatives. If you use a low-quality product, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired result.

    How to grow from a piece

    If you have friends who have fairly developed kombucha specimens, just ask for a piece to breed. Medusomycete grows rapidly and exfoliates. Often there are people who sell it not only in the market, but also on the Internet. The only thing you will need is to know until he adapts to the new conditions.

    If there is a piece of kombucha, you need to prepare a solution for it.

    1. To do this, you need to make tea. For 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of tea are enough. It doesn't matter which tea you choose, black or green.
    2. Add a little sugar (40-50 g) to it and stir until all the sugar crystals dissolve.
    3. Cool the tea leaves to room temperature, pour into a clean jar.

    Dishes must be perfectly clean. Otherwise, mold may form in the jar, due to the appearance of which the infusion may simply deteriorate.

    Part of the mushroom is placed in this container. From above, cover the bottle with gauze folded in several layers, put it in a warm, dark place. After 7-10 days, you can enjoy a delicious effervescent tincture.

    Do not close the jar with a lid. Medusomycetes must breathe freely. Otherwise, the infusion can quickly deteriorate.

    mushroom care

    Now you know how to properly grow kombucha. But it is very important to properly care for the jellyfish in order to enjoy this healthy refreshing drink for a long time.

    Initially, 0.5 liters of liquid is enough for the development of kombucha. But over time, the medusa mycete begins to grow rapidly, so the amount of solution is periodically increased, gradually bringing it up to 3 liters. To do this, you can use the leftover tea leaves. It is re-filled with boiling water, sugar is added, and then allowed to cool. Already chilled tea can be safely poured into a jar.

    Be careful with adding sugar. Its quantity should not exceed 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of water. Also make sure that the tea is completely dissolved in the tea leaves and its grains do not fall on the surface of the fungus.

    Keep it clean so that mold does not form in the infusion.

    Every month it is necessary to thoroughly wash the mushroom. Take it out of the jar. Movements must be careful and accurate, so as not to damage. Put the mushroom on a wide plate, rinse well with water. After that, leave to dry a little in the air (no more than 3 minutes). Gently place in normal environment. It should be borne in mind that tap water is often unsuitable for rinsing. Filter or boil it before use.

    Healthy kombucha floats on the surface of the infusion. If he changed color or began to exfoliate unnaturally, then the medusomycete is sick. It is better to refrain from drinking infusion.

    There are many myths associated with caring for kombucha. Consider the most popular of them:

    1. If the color of the medusa mycete has changed, turned white, it may simply develop, a new layer is formed. For the same reason, small bubbles or gaps may appear on the surface of the medusomycete in the form of round holes.
    2. The appearance of long threads in the jar that come out of the base of the jellyfish and look like legs are not harbingers of something terrible. This phenomenon is observed quite often.
    3. When transplanted into a jar, did the mushroom go to the bottom? Don't panic, give him some time to stand up and adapt. It will definitely float to the surface.
    4. The mushroom has turned brown, will not rise from the bottom. The medusa is sick. It is better not to use such an infusion.

    Storage rules

    After receiving the drink, you must follow the rules for its storage:

    • the mushroom should stand in a dark place;
    • temperature up to +25 degrees;
    • regularly drain the infusion (in winter 1 time in 5 days, in summer - 3 days);
    • store the drink in the refrigerator;
    • do not infuse the drink for more than 1 month;
    • pinch off the upper layers of the fungus (optimum thickness 4-5 cm).

    The infusion is quite easy to prepare at home, you just need to be patient. But do not forget that in order to get a delicious healthy drink, the mushroom must be properly looked after.

    Called tea kvass, you need to have a tea (aka Chinese) mushroom. The easiest way is to take a part of it from someone and place it in a nutrient medium, as a result of which it will begin to grow. new mushroom, and you will quickly get a delicious healthy drink. But if this is not possible, then you can grow a tea jellyfish (as the people often call Kombucha) on their own. However, you will have to be patient, since the growing process will take 1.5-2 months.

    Kombucha is grown for a drink.

    The jar of tea must be closed with a lid and left alone for a week at room temperature. The container should be placed in a moderately lit place (not in sunlight and not in darkness). A week later, a thin cloudy film should appear on the surface of the nutrient medium. If this happens, then the process of growth of kombucha has begun. In this state, the jar with the solution should be left for 1.5-2 months. During this time, the tea jellyfish will grow and can be placed in a large jar to make a drink.

    Before moving the mushroom to a new jar, it must be washed with warm water. A three-liter jar is ideal for preparing a drink. It must be filled 2/3 with fresh sweet tea, after which you can put young chinese mushroom. It is recommended to cover the neck of the jar with gauze folded in several layers.

    How to split kombucha?

    The mother mushroom is easy to delaminate, if it is ready for it.

    Yet few people are engaged in self-cultivation of kombucha. In most cases, it is propagated by dividing a large mushroom into several. You can separate the mushroom that is exfoliating along the edges, the thickness of which is several centimeters. If the mushroom is young and still very thin, then it is better to wait with the division, otherwise you can injure it. You should also not cut off or pinch off a piece of the mushroom, damaging its structure. From a small fragment of a mushroom, a new one usually grows over time, which takes the shape of the container in which it exists, but sometimes the Chinese mushroom dies.

    A thick mushroom must be carefully divided into several plates in places of delamination. If the mushroom is ready for such separation, then the layers are separated from each other without effort. If you need to make an effort to separate the layers, then you should not tear the mother fungus, you should wait until it grows a little more and becomes thicker.

    Sometimes the tea jellyfish divides on its own. In such cases, the mother mushroom sinks to the bottom of the container, and a thin film emerges on the surface of the solution - a young mushroom.

    Each separated layer should be rinsed with room temperature water and placed in a separate jar with fresh nutrient solution. You need to shift the mushroom very carefully, trying not to tear it. For the first few days, it may lie at the bottom of the jar or float vertically in it, but then it will rise to the surface on its own. It will take a little longer to get tea kvass right away.

    There is another way of dividing kombucha, which, in fact, is the cultivation of a new tea jellyfish in already prepared tea kvass. A drink prepared for at least 5-6 days should be placed in a clean container, covered with gauze and left alone for several days. After some time, a thin film will appear on the surface of the nutrient medium - a new kombucha. This is because in the finished tea kvass in a small amount microorganisms are present yeast mushrooms and bacteria) that make up the fungus.

    Kombucha Care

    Caring for a tea jellyfish is not at all difficult. best home there will be a glass jar for her, because she needs light. Every 3-5 days it is worth pouring half of the resulting drink from the can, and then replenishing the volume of liquid. Only prepared sweet tea can be poured into a jar, in no case should tea leaves and sugar be poured directly into a container or onto the mushroom itself. You can also drain all the ready-made tea kvass, and then lower the mushroom into a new nutrient medium, just keep in mind that the preparation time for the drink in this case may increase slightly. For the preparation of a nutrient medium, you can use both black and green tea but without fragrances essential oils. If desired, you can replace sugar with honey, but the taste of the drink will be slightly different from the traditional one.

    The neck of the jar should always be covered with gauze, folded in several layers and secured with an elastic band or thread. This is necessary in order to prevent insects from entering the container. In addition, pouring the drink through gauze, you do not have to filter it additionally. Close the jar with a lid or plastic wrap It is impossible, since the fungus needs air for life.

    If the mushroom has become very thick or its surface has turned brown or brown, you need to separate it. One new layer must be carefully, trying not to tear, rinse with clean water and place in a container with fresh nutrient medium. Even if it is not necessary to separate the mushroom, it is recommended to wash it once a month.

    Video on how to grow kombucha at home from the program "Housekeeping"