How to purify water at home. Proven Methods for Home Purification of Tap Water

Every modern person knows that drinking tap water is very risky. It contains various harmful impurities, pollution, salts of heavy metals, chlorine compounds and other substances hazardous to health. However, even boiling water does not solve the problem. Yes, you can buy already purified water in the store, but bottled water costs money, and using it all the time is quite expensive.

Tap water can be purified by yourself. There are several ways to do this.


To neutralize the microorganisms present in the water, it is chlorinated. This not only gives the water an unpleasant odor and taste, but also poses a health hazard: during boiling, chlorine forms very harmful chemical compounds. Even more dangerous for humans is the fact that chlorine tends to accumulate in the body.

Getting rid of this scourge is quite simple: just pour tap water into a glass dish and stand for 6-7 hours. During this time, impurities of heavy metals and chlorine compounds will evaporate from the water. You can use ¾ of settled water, and the rest should be poured out. Rinse the container before pouring a new portion of water into it.

Silicon Enrichment

Silicon is able to give water increased activity, it is the strongest bactericidal properties. After treatment with silicon, water acquires a pleasant taste, it can be stored for a long time, does not “bloom” and does not deteriorate. Where to get silicon? Stones are sold in pharmacies, you can buy them at various stone exhibitions.

To make silicon water, you need to thoroughly wash several silicon stones, then put them in an enameled or glass dish and pour water over it. After a few days, the water is saturated with silicon, it can be drunk and used for cooking. Make sure that the dishes are in the room with room temperature. Exposure to direct sunlight is undesirable.

A jar or can of silicon water must first be covered with gauze, and then, when it is saturated with silicon, with a lid. Such water should not be boiled: in its raw form, it is curative and will help you get rid of many diseases.

Cleansing with activated carbon

Activated carbon is a well-known water purifier and is used in a wide variety of filters. After treatment with coal, water acquires a pleasant taste and smell, since coal absorbs almost all harmful substances found in tap water.

Several pills activated carbon must be wrapped in several layers of gauze and put in a glass dish with water. It is enough to hold the coal in water for 12 hours so that the water is purified.

Make sure that the water with coal is not in a room that is too warm, otherwise pathogenic bacteria will quickly multiply in the coal environment.

freezing water

When tap water is frozen, salts of heavy metals are neutralized. Defrosting allows water to acquire a new strong energy, which it generously shares with a person.

To purify water with low temperatures, it is necessary to put a container of water in the freezer and keep it there for 7-8 hours. During this time, an ice crust will appear on the surface, in which salts of heavy metals will be concentrated. This crust should be removed, and the remaining water should be poured into another bowl and put in the freezer again, now for 10-12 hours. After that, you should pour out the water that has not frozen, and the rest should be thawed and used for drinking, cooking and washing.

Important: only the water from which it is obtained is useful clear ice. If the ice looks cloudy, the water from it is saturated with harmful substances. Therefore, doctors recommend only clear, clean ice to defrost and drink. Melt water from it is very useful for the skin, so you can actively use it for washing. In the skin after such washing, recovery processes are normalized, melt water will help remove toxins from the body and improve metabolism.

Silver cleansing

To make the water clean, it is enough to put a silver object on the bottom of the water container - jewelry, a spoon or something else, it does not matter. It is best to choose a 999 silver item for this purpose.

Water containing silver can be stored for a long time. The only warning: you can’t drink such water uncontrollably, since an overdose of silver is just as dangerous as an overdose of lead (silver is a toxic metal).

Purification with wine

Tap water becomes clear 15 minutes after you add ordinary white wine (1/3 wine to 2/3 water).


Perhaps the most effective way to purify water can be considered filtration. The most popular today are filter jugs with a carbon cartridge. It is relatively inexpensive, but effective: carbon filter absorbs the vast majority of harmful compounds contained in water. Do not forget that the filter will have to be changed quite often - every 1-2 months, depending on the water consumption in your family.

Folk ways to purify water

Add 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water apple cider vinegar and honey, as well as 3 drops of iodine. After a few minutes, all microbes will die in the water.

For 1-3 liters of water, you need 10-15 rowan leaves and a handful of hawthorn berries. After 2 hours the water will be clear.

But what about boiling? After all, most of us are accustomed to using this particular method to disinfect water and purify it from harmful impurities. It turns out that in order for most of the microorganisms to die, it is necessary to boil water for 10-15 minutes. In addition, it is recommended to boil already pre-settled water, since almost all the chlorine has already evaporated from it.

Taking care of your own health and the health of your family, determine for yourself the best way to purify water.

Every year the ecological situation in the settlements is deteriorating significantly. Therefore, taking care of your health is one of the main places. You can take vitamins and go to the fitness club. But if at the same time you drink dirty water, then all efforts are useless. There are several ways to improve the quality of life and help restore your body. To do this, you need to know how to purify water at home.

Most of the methods have been used for several millennia. Throughout the history of the development of society, man has been busy providing his home with clean drinking water. Let's look at a few available methods that can be used in any place convenient for you.

Purification of water at home by the old method

The special disinfecting properties of copper have been known for several millennia. Passing water through such a water supply, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and Rome had a clean drink, in which there were no pathogenic bacteria. But this substance also has negative qualities. Its compounds are highly toxic. Therefore, storing water in a copper vessel is life-threatening. To disinfect it, just four hours is enough. After this time, clean water should be poured into another container.

In Russia and India, water purification at home took place with the help of silver plates or utensils. This method is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church to prepare holy water. A silver object dipped into a vessel will purify the liquid much faster and better than chlorine gas, carbolic acid and bleach. But the main plus is that the disinfecting effect of this liquid persists for several months.

Of great interest to scientists was the method of disinfection used by herbalists and ancient healers. Water purification was carried out with the help of willow bark, bird cherry leaves, branches of juniper and mountain ash. In this way, it is possible to purify even swamp water, saving it from bad taste and smell. To do this, you need to collect it in any container and hold the rowan branches in the vessel for about 2-3 hours.

But the most the old fashioned way, which has been known since biblical times, involves the use of young dry white wine. Added to water in proportions of 1/3, the drink cleanses it no worse than a silver plate.

Water purification at home using modern methods

One of the most simple ways disinfection is boiling liquid. But even such an easy procedure must be carried out correctly. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to kill 50% of the bacteria. If the process is completed within 30 minutes, then 99% of pathogenic microorganisms will be destroyed. And only the anthrax virus will die after one hour of continuous boiling. Although this way considered the most common, it also has a big drawback. Such a liquid contains the maximum concentration of heavy metals, salts and nitrates.

At home, evaporation is widely known and is a method for obtaining a distilled liquid. Although it has no bacteria at all, drinking it for a long time can lead to negative consequences. has the ability to flush out of the human body useful trace elements and salt.

One of the simplest and effective ways water purification can be considered freezing. This procedure is easy to carry out at home. And with a separate freezer, you can provide your family with clean water every day. It is enough to fill the jar with liquid. Then install it in freezer. In the process of freezing, water molecules, turning into a crystal, displace all foreign impurities.

It is necessary to wait until 2/3 of the total volume of liquid turns into ice. We take out the jar and pour out the water, and transfer the piece of ice to another container and defrost. In this way we get pure water without impurities.

It so happened that tap water is often the only source of water for a modern city dweller. At the same time, such water in our country almost never meets the quality criteria, either for drinking or for cooking.

Not everyone can afford special filters, devices, their components. What can be done in this case How to purify water at home on your own?

Home water purification methods

These methods are simple and do not require any costs, or these costs are negligible. The most famous of them are boiling, freezing, settling, as well as purification with activated carbon, silver, shungite.


The main advantage of boiling is the guaranteed total destruction of bacteria. Boiling decomposes such chemical elements as chlorine, ammonia, radon and some other heavy compounds.

Boiled water is safe to drink. Some cleaning by boiling exists, but has its drawbacks:

First of all, this is a change in the structure of water. Boiling "dead" water, because in this process, along with the destruction of harmful substances, oxygen is removed.

Secondly, in the process of evaporating some of the water, the concentration of salts in the remaining liquid increases. Salts in the form of scale and lime deposits are deposited on the walls of the dishes. Particles of these sediments enter our stomach every day.

It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of such processes: these are kidney stones, arthrosis, and liver dysfunction.

Important! A few years ago, scientists proved that in the process of boiling one unsafe substance is formed - chloroform. It is derived from ordinary chlorine and, if ingested for a long time, promotes the formation of cancer cells. Conclusion - the method of boiling should not be the main and only method of water purification.


The essence of the method is to filter the liquid by the method of its crystallization. Freezing gives the best cleaning result. But in order to get truly purified water, it is not enough just to freeze and thaw it. To get high-quality cleaning, you need to make sure that the freezing process occurs smoothly.

After freezing, you need to remove the frozen water located in the middle of the container, it is this that should not be consumed. When the liquid freezes, the main component crystallizes in the coldest place. That is, only pure water freezes first, and if it is separated from contaminants and heavy metals, the purification is a success.

You can remove the frozen liquid from the middle as follows:

  • get and put the central part under warm water, leaving it like that until a thawed patch forms in the center. After all, it is there that all heavy metals and pollution that are undesirable for us will accumulate.
  • The ice that remains is the most valuable. This will be the most purified water.


This method is based on the fact that heavy metals will settle, and the upper layers of the water will become cleaner.

Most often, settling is used to clean tap water from chlorine.

The method is suitable if nothing else can be done. Water should stand for at least 2-3 hours and not be mixed.

After settling, the percentage of chlorine in the upper third of the tank will decrease significantly.

But upholding does not solve the problem of cleaning from dirt, bacteria, pathogens. Therefore, after settling, water still cannot be eaten without boiling.

Water purification with activated carbon

Activated charcoal is a part of many coagulants (lat. coagulatio coagulation), so we can assume that this method really works. Activated carbon is able to cope with unpleasant and specific odors, if any, and also, as a sorbent, it will “pull out” all harmful impurities from the liquid.

The cleaning process is as follows:

  • five activated charcoal tablets are tightly wrapped in gauze and placed on the bottom of a container of water.
  • The cleaning time is five to six hours. Next, activated charcoal begins to act.
  • After that, the water can be safely consumed. The method is simply indispensable in extreme conditions: on a campaign, in military operations, and even on a desert island.


No less entertaining is the method of purifying water with silver, which came to the world from Ancient India. The ancients noticed amazing properties silver and copper utensils, especially the effect of water was strong if the contents of the vessel were exposed to the sun. Water that has received a charge of silver ions is not only 100% disinfected, but also improves metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

"Silver Water" has long won many adherents of this method around the world. Hundreds of scientific treatises have been written on the topic of water positively charged with silver ions. The whole “salt” is as follows: water enters into a chemical reaction with silver molecules, enriching it with positively charged ions.

Important! A concentration of 20-40 micrograms makes silver water healthy and safe to drink.

For external use - masks, lotions, treatment of dishes - doctors recommend a concentrate - 10,000 mcg, which in its action can be compared with a powerful antiseptic.

Carefully! It is absolutely impossible to drink such a solution - this will entail poisoning. Like everything useful, silver water has a downside, so the main thing is not to overdo it.

To purify water with homemade silver, just dip a silver spoon, bracelet or other silver jewelry into the decanter.

Water interacts with silver for 2-3 days and only after that it becomes ionized. With such an ionization period, there is no risk of obtaining a concentrate - this would take much longer.

Water purification with shungite

Another method that has gained wide popularity in recent years is water purification with shungite.

Shungite is a natural mineral. The uniqueness of the stone is due to the rare form of carbon molecules called fullerenes. Shungite is used for water conditioning. When interacting with a liquid, the globular carbon of shungite shares its miraculous properties with it. Possessing bipolar properties, it is able to mix with the components of animate and inanimate nature.

Shungite water is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse shungite thoroughly.
  • Pour at the rate of 150 g per 2-3 liters of water.
  • Infusion 3 days.
  • Can be used for bathing, drinking, cooking.

“Water” and “life” are related and complementary concepts. No water, no life.

The human body consists of two thirds of water and everyone, on average, drinks neither more nor less during their life - about 75 tons of water. That is why it is very important to monitor the purity of this vital product.

How to purify water at home is up to you. The main thing is to make the right choice and enjoy the taste - there is nothing more amazing than real pure water.

Drinking tap water without further purification is harmful to our health. But not everyone has the opportunity to install an expensive filtration system in their home. There are several ways to purify water.

  1. Purification by folk methods.
  2. Purification by boiling, settling, freezing.
  3. Filtration using cleaning materials.

Let's dwell on each of them in detail. Let's outline the pros and cons." alt="(!LANG: data-mce-src=">!}

Cleansing ingredients

  1. Salt. A water purification method accessible to all. For 2 liters of liquid we take 2 tablespoons table salt, dissolve them in water. Leave the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Salt will make our water free from heavy metals and harmful microorganisms.
  2. Activated carbon. Another budget way to get clean water. Activated charcoal is an excellent absorbent, it perfectly, like a sponge, absorbs all harmful impurities and unpleasant odors. Wrap 5 tablets of activated charcoal in gauze, place it at the bottom of a container of water. The coal will take effect. After 5-6 hours, remove the gauze from the container and safely drink the resulting water. This method can be used not only at home, but also in field conditions.
  3. Silver. Even our ancestors noticed that those people who consumed food from silver cutlery got sick less often. As before, not everyone can afford to buy a pure silver table service today. This is quite an expensive purchase. But anyone can purify water with silver. Silver not only disinfects water, but also beneficial effect on human immunity, metabolic processes in the body. Place any silver item in a vessel of water. It can be a piece of jewelry, a spoon, manufacturers now even began to produce special silver ionizers (it can be made in the form of a fish on a chain, for example). After 2-3 days, the water becomes completely ionized.
  4. Shungite. This is a natural mineral that is able to condition water, make it from drinking tap water. First, carefully wash the stone, then fill it with two liters of water. We leave for 3 days. The resulting water is poured into a clean vessel, and the shungite itself is washed with a hard sponge. Periodically, the stone will need to be replaced with a new one.
  5. Silicon pharmacy. Like shungite, first we thoroughly wash the silicon under warm running water. Then we place the pebble in a container of water, let it be three-liter jar. We close the neck with gauze and place the vessel in a bright place, but not under direct sunlight. After 3 days, we drain our water into a clean container, also leaving 3 cm of water at the bottom.


Let's say a few words about distilled water. Experts say that it is dangerous for humans to regularly quench their thirst with such water. Yes, such water does not contain harmful impurities and pathogens, it tastes like bottled water from the store, but it is able to remove vitamins and minerals from our tissues. Therefore, it is better to use distilled water for its intended purpose: in medicine, cosmetology, for technical purposes.

If none of the above methods suits you, we advise you to purchase a simple jug with a replaceable cartridge. It does not require installation (like stationary filters), does not take up much space (it fits even in the smallest kitchen), and does its job perfectly. You just have to change the replacement cartridge in time. And you need to make this replacement at least 1 time in 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, the cartridge itself will turn into a source of danger for the whole family. He absorbs great amount harmful impurities accumulated during the month of work. And the water passing through it will be dirtier and more dangerous than tap water.

Good afternoon!
Today, no less relevant topic, in my opinion, is how to purify water at home. Water is the main source of life-giving energy for the body, especially since a person is 90 percent water.

Much depends on its quality and components - the degree of purification of our body, intestines, liver and stomach, etc. Beauty and youth can not even be mentioned, since water is the basis of beauty and beautiful skin. Here's another reason why you should consume enough of it! With the cleansing of the body comes and rejuvenation.

Of course, we are all used to using the filter, why not!? Our whole family has been buying a water purifier for more than 5 years. But today I would like to note how else you can purify water at home without using a filter, because we can’t always have it at hand, you see.

For example, you come to visit relatives, but they do not consider it necessary to use a cleaner and drink water from the tap. This is a personal matter for everyone, but how can you get around this issue for the benefit of your body?

You can buy clean water in the store, mineral water without gases, or ....

How to purify water at home without a filter

  • Method since biblical times

This method was used long before our birth. White young natural is added to the water dry wine at the rate of 2/3 water to 1/3 wine. It is necessary to wait 15 minutes and the life-giving drink is disinfected. Drink to your health.

  • The most common way since grandmother's times is boiling

This method only kills part of the pathogenic microbes, but the amount of impurities, nitrates and salts in it increases significantly if you pour unpurified water into the kettle, immediately from the tap. You need to boil for at least 5-10 minutes. Try to use this cleaning method in rare cases.

  • Primitive way - upholding

It is necessary to defend for at least 6 hours, this precipitates heavy components to the bottom, gaseous impurities evaporate through the air. The water should become cleaner and clearer. best time 12 hours are considered for settling, while the water must not be stirred and stirred before use.

  • Silver

Yes, silver cleans and ennobles the water, at the same time, it cleanses the blood. Now there are many companies that sell special bags of herbs and silver, which allows you to instantly transform water. To do this, a bag of additives is thrown into a certain amount of water and kept for 15 minutes. I have been using XtremX2O live water for more than 3 years. Very helpful, easy to take with you on the road. We will talk about this in more detail. It is also good to keep water in a silver dish, if possible, of course.

  • rowan paw

Lower it in the input by 2-3 and it will save you the taste of rust, bacteria, impurities. Some studies show that the cleansing properties of mountain ash rival those of silver, chlorine, and activated charcoal. Similar analogues of rowan paw - bird cherry leaves, onion peel, willow bark, juniper branches, but the duration of disinfection should be at least a day.

  • freezing water

Pour water into a jar or other container from the tap, put it in the freezer for 7-8 hours, preferably on a cardboard box. Remove the ice crust in which heavy metals and molecules have collected. Then pour the rest of the water into a new container, leave overnight. Pour out the liquid that has not formed ice, it is the least useful, and defrost the ice and drink it to your health or use it for washing.

  • Water purification with activated carbon.

Charcoal is used in many cleaning filters. Take a pack of activated charcoal, tamp it into gauze, put a jar or container on the bottom and pour water. Leave overnight and by morning the water will be clear. The only thing is that water must be put in a cool place, otherwise microorganisms develop in it in a warm environment.

  • Silicon

Sold in pharmacies with the necessary instructions. Put in a jar, put where there is light, but not in the sun, be sure to cover with gauze so that the useful properties are preserved. If you drink such water regularly, then the manifestation of many diseases begins to actively subside.

  • Shungite

We will talk about it separately, about the structuring and preparation of shungite water.

And yet, remember that all the same, essential and significant for our health is energy, our energy. Our energy is able to purify any source and make it useful. If you enrich the water with pure thoughts and love, it will bring the same to your body. Or vice versa if you drink it in a bad mood, with negative emotions, then water, like a sponge, will pass them on to you even more. Try to give water the most useful properties, which improves its structure.

Just try to drink water consciously, mentally enriching it. healing properties for your body. Perhaps I missed some ways, I will be glad to see comments from you on how else you can purify water at home.

A small announcement video about water purification and its structuring with the help of stones: