What to put in the refrigerator to remove an unpleasant smell? What to put in the refrigerator from the smell: a store-bought or homemade odor absorber.

The most important household appliance in the kitchen, right after the stove, is the refrigerator. It is on him that the entire responsibility for preserving food unchanged, fresh available for consumption. Nevertheless, it is by no means a rare situation when, due to improper storage and untimely cleaning, the refrigerator stinks. The situation is not the most pleasant, in addition to purely external unattractiveness and discomfort, this situation is dangerous to health, because unpleasant odors can be caused by mold and dirt, as well as spoiled food.

How to prevent bad smells in the refrigerator

In order to avoid wasting time on washing the refrigerator from the aromas settled in it, it is better to carry out regular cleaning and cleaning. You can take the following tips as a basis:

  • about once every two months, you need to turn off the refrigerator from the power supply, open its door and leave it in this form for airing for 2-3 hours;
  • once a week, clean the inside of this device;
  • if liquid is spilled on the shelves, you should immediately wipe it thoroughly with a cloth dipped in warm water;
  • every day you need to look through the contents of the refrigerator and remove products that have expired;
  • if stored ready meals, they're in without fail must be covered with lids or plastic bags;
  • in containers with vegetables, you need to lay a film or bags on the bottom;
  • inside the refrigerator there should always be a container with soda or activated carbon, which must be replaced with fresh ones every three months;
  • It does not hurt to put on the shelf special odor absorbers purchased at hardware stores.
  • Ready meals should be kept covered in the refrigerator.

How to start cleaning the refrigerator

  • Before you get rid of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, you need to identify its source. Conduct a thorough audit of the contents of shelves and trays. Surely you will find stale products, because of which this “aroma” appeared. They should be thrown away immediately.
  • Empty the refrigerator compartment and freezer from food, unplug the equipment from the mains.
  • Take out the shelves, trays and grates and wash them thoroughly with detergent. Do not forget about the inner walls of the refrigerator compartment and freezer, as well as the tray where the liquid is drained during defrosting.
  • Wipe dry and ventilate the refrigerator.
  • Place the aroma absorbers on the shelves before reloading the products.

Important! If you clean regularly and monitor the expiration date of the products, you will not have to think about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell

When choosing how to wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate odors, you should carefully read the following methods:

Lemon juice

  • cut the fruit into two halves;
  • rub the surface of the shelves and walls with lemon;
  • after two hours, thoroughly wipe the entire refrigerator with a damp cloth.


  • make an aqueous solution of soda;
  • I wash the entire refrigerator with this tool, paying special attention to the shelves and corners.

Hydrogen peroxide will help

  • first you need to wash the equipment with a sponge with soapy water;
  • then wipe the entire refrigerator with a sponge dipped in hydrogen peroxide.


  • first of all, dilute the essence in water;
  • wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a cloth that needs to be rinsed in the resulting solution.

Mint Toothpaste

  • the paste is applied with a cloth on the walls and shelves of the refrigerator;
  • after a while, you need to wash the refrigerator using warm water.

Liquid used to clean ovens

  • you need to apply the product on the surface of the inside of the device and leave it to act for the period specified in the instructions (usually at least 15 minutes);
  • then remove excess liquid and wipe the walls and shelves with a damp cloth.

Almost all of the above methods work with the same efficiency, it is important not to allow contamination to a critical level so as not to waste extra time cleaning it.

What to do if the refrigerator stinks

There are many reasons that can cause an unpleasant odor in this important unit. Among them are the main ones:

  • soiling of walls and shelves;
  • milk spilled inside, and not wiped up in a timely manner;
  • fish or meat products that lie inside the refrigerator for more than two days;
  • spoiled products;
  • the appearance of rot in vegetable or fruit compartments;
  • storage of certain types of cheese.

Naturally, in order to prevent the occurrence of such a situation, it is necessary to check the freshness of the products that are stored in this household appliance in a timely manner. Throw away every product that starts to deteriorate without regret. You should not leave jars, bags and other food containers on the shelves that are almost over: the likelihood that someone will eat them is extremely low, but the leftovers are quite capable of spoiling the smell in the refrigerator.

To quickly get rid of such aromas, you can use the following express methods:

  • Spread a little on the shelves ground coffee which has an excellent ability to absorb odors.
  • An apple can have a quick and guaranteed effect, just cut it and place it on the shelf. Roughly the same result gives a chopped raw potato.
  • You can put a bag of baking powder for dough in the refrigerator, it will also perfectly absorb unnecessary flavors.
  • Vanilla sticks placed in pallets will exude a wonderful smell, thereby leveling the bad one.
  • Eucalyptus oil, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, can not only remove a bad smell, but also disinfect the air inside the equipment and act as a prevention of its occurrence.

How to clean the refrigerator from the smell of rotten meat

Every housewife is sure to face the question of how to wash the refrigerator so that there are no smells that cause annoying discomfort to all family members. This is especially true of the situation when the meat has deteriorated, which creates such a pungent bouquet of aromas that is quite difficult to fight.

It is worth noting that the culprits of this smell are bacteria, which themselves are considered uninvited guests in the food storage area.

To preserve the internal microflora of the refrigerator, you must immediately get rid of spoiled meat (do not transfer it to freezer in the hope of giving it to dogs as food, so the smell will also migrate to this compartment). Even the bin, where the rotten product will go, must be immediately taken out of the apartment or house.

Disconnect the refrigerator from electricity and remove from it everything that stood on the shelves and lay in pallets. Then, using a detergent, preferably with a strong scent, thoroughly clean all surfaces in the refrigerator. The next step is to process the electrical appliance using one of the tools listed below:

  • soda solution, which includes 2 tablespoons of it and a liter of warm temperature water;
  • vinegar mixed with water in equal proportions;
  • ammonia diluted in water;
  • lemon juice, diluted with ten parts of the liquid.

It is best to take out all removable structures and soak them in the bath, carefully washing them with cleaning agents. After washing, these elements can be tightly stuffed with old newspaper sheets and left in this form for a while. As soon as the washing process is completed, one of the known adsorbents will need to be laid out on the shelves.

How to remove the smell of fish from the refrigerator

Fish, especially fresh, has a pungent and intrusive "flavor". How can I get fishy smell out of the fridge? To fix it, follow these steps:

  • Defrost the unit. If it is equipped with a “no frost” system, simply unplug and unload all products.
  • Wash the shelves with detergent and then wipe the surfaces dry.
  • Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and carefully treat all internal surfaces with it.
  • Leave the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then remove the remaining substance with a damp cloth.
  • Ventilate the camera for 2-3 hours.
  • Start the appliance, having previously installed odor absorbers.

Now all the secrets of how to eliminate bad smell in the refrigerator at home, uncovered. But to prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions.

What to put in the fridge to get rid of bad smell

When a hostess thinks about what to put in the refrigerator to eliminate an unpleasant odor, purchased products probably immediately come to mind. There are a lot of them now in hardware stores, and you can choose an absorber for every taste and budget.

Neutralizers are of various types:

  • with activated carbon filler (the most common);
  • gel-like (suitable for those who are looking for a way to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator quickly);
  • absorbers-ionizers (allow not only to keep the air in the refrigerator fresh, but also prolong the life of products, stopping the processes of decay).

The validity period of such absorbers is from 2 months to a year, depending on what type of filler is present in the product and how many replaceable capsules are included in the kit. You can read about how quickly they will cope with an unpleasant odor in the instructions.

But if you do not have the desire to buy a ready-made composition, check out the methods of how to remove the smell from the refrigerator using folk remedies. These include:

  • Lemon. Just spread a few slices on the shelves of the refrigerator. The main thing is to replace them with fresh ones in time. You can use an orange in the same way.
  • Baking soda. Pour a few pinches on saucers and arrange them on the shelves of the refrigerator.
  • Activated carbon. Divide the crushed tablets into saucers and place them inside the chamber.
  • Salt. This tool does the job well. Salt, like soda, is laid out on shelves in small containers.
  • Black bread crusts. It is necessary to take those that are already slightly dried and put them in the refrigerator. The main thing is to make sure that mold does not appear on the crusts, and when this happens, replace the “absorber”.
  • Onion. Despite the sharp and “teary” smell, this vegetable is able to absorb other flavors. Cut the onion in half and place on a shelf.

  • Coffee beans. They absorb odors well and do not “interrupt” the aroma of other products.
  • Aromatic herbs and spices (basil, turmeric, cinnamon and others). Put the spices on the saucers and arrange on the shelves.
  • Rice. It will help in the fight against odor, if you take a non-steamed version. You can lay out the cereal in saucers or gauze bags.

When using these products, it is important to know that you need to change your home absorbers frequently, perhaps daily.

In most cases, after cleaning the refrigerator, a general cleaning of the apartment with bleach is required. In the event that the smell of rotten meat is still felt, there is a possibility that it has penetrated inside the device. In this situation, only a specialist who will disassemble the equipment can help.

Sometimes it happens that this unpleasant aroma goes beyond the unit and saturates the kitchen or adjacent rooms. To eliminate the smell in the rooms, you will have to carry out general cleaning using chlorine-containing products.

After the cleaning is completed, you can turn on the stove for a few moments, then put a lemon or orange peel on the burner, which smells wonderful when heated. In conclusion, you need to carefully ventilate all rooms.

How to clean a new refrigerator

A big purchase like a new refrigerator always fills the house with a pleasant excitement. In the heat of joy, do not forget that adapting a new family member to life in an apartment and continuous work need to be done gradually and intelligently.

There are several stages of preparing this technique for work:

  • The newly delivered equipment must stand for at least 3 hours without being connected to the network.
  • During this time, you need to wash its internal contents using special cleaning products that are not too aggressive. Not bad can cope with this purpose ordinary soda.
  • After washing, it is required to ventilate the refrigerator for 2 hours, and only then connect it to electricity.

It should be noted that taking care of the refrigerator is very important, because it is he who is responsible for maintaining food in an edible state. That is why it is so important to clean it in a timely manner from the resulting pollution, wash and ventilate. If you follow these simple recommendations, you can never smell an unpleasant odor emanating from it.

Very eloquent photos are posted on sites dedicated to the elimination of various unpleasant odors: either the face of the hostess, twisted from disgust, or the nose defiantly clamped with two fingers in front of the open inside of the refrigerator.

So you immediately begin to feel: immediately start getting rid of the obsessive amber! And most importantly, just by washing the refrigeration unit, you won’t destroy the smell ...

What professionally eliminates the smell?

What to put in the refrigerator to remove the smell? The market offers a wide variety of absorbers for unwanted "flavors". Their undoubted plus is absolute safety in use. And, importantly, they are all suitable for any type of refrigerator.

In fact, they are boxes of various shapes filled with an adsorbent - a chemical substance that can absorb unpleasant odors. Each has its own characteristics in appearance, cost, functionality.

Egg shaped absorber with indicator

This very popular device is shaped like a conventional egg. Due to its compactness, it Takes up minimal space in the refrigerator.

Placed in it, it performs two functions: when the temperature in the refrigerator rises, which threatens food spoilage, the egg changes color; in addition, inside the unit, it works as an air freshener.

A significant disadvantage is the not too long period of validity of the indicator egg, which is 1.5 months. You can, of course, try to use it longer, but this will be at the expense of efficiency.

On guard - gel

There are such persistent odors which are difficult for some sinks to handle. In this case, it is recommended to use a gel odor eliminator in the refrigerator.

  • He made in the form of a conventional plastic container filled with a gel substance, which is just capable of defeating these very persistent "aromas".
  • With it, food remains fresh for a long time and does not deteriorate.
  • There are modifications on adhesive tape, with the help of which the gel absorber is easily attached to the inner surface of the refrigerator - on the wall, door.

Three balls to help

To more budget options includes ball odor absorber. It is easy to use and quite cheap. It is a package with three small balls used in turn.

The low price of the device, of course, does not guarantee a stunning effect. Weak and unstable odors are within his power, but he is not suitable for removing a more serious problem.

To the Barrier!

This is the name of the Russian-made dispenser absorber, which has several positive characteristics.

  • The shape of the devices is different, but their compactness distinguishes them.
  • "Barrier" is easy to use.
  • It has a rather long period of action - up to six months.
  • After the expiration date, only the capsule inside the device changes, and the base remains the same.
  • He contains in the composition Activated carbon, which, as you know, has excellent adsorbing properties and is able to cope with any smell.

Are you planning a move? Check if you know ?

Ionizer - "time-based" use

This device can be called a novelty. The ionizer differs from all other ionizers in that runs on batteries. In addition, there is no need to keep it in the refrigerator all the time. For the necessary exposure, the device, placed in the chamber, is turned on for a quarter of an hour daily. This is enough for the unpleasant odor to disappear and the food to stay fresh longer.

Why not make your own absorber?

Many housewives believe that it is better not to use store-bought products that are filled with no one knows what, but, knowing about the adsorbing capabilities of familiar products, make absorbers based on them with your own hands.

How to make an odor absorber for the refrigerator with your own hands? You do not need any special skills for this, but you can use such available substances like activated charcoal, soda, ground coffee.

Activated charcoal is used in different forms. So,

  1. you can arrange it in the form of a candy by laying several - from 4 to seven - “black tablets” on a piece of non-woven material of a porous or mesh structure, wrapping them in an appropriate way and tying the ends with a ribbon or thread. This cute product is placed in the refrigerator.
  2. Five or six tablets of coal are simply placed in a saucer and placed on one of the shelves of the refrigerator.
  3. Other housewives offer to crush the tablets and put the saucer with the resulting powder in the refrigerator, periodically changing the product.

An efficient way is to use baking soda, which in a small container is placed in the refrigerator. To achieve the desired effect, the product must be changed at least five times within a month.

Various smells are well absorbed by ground coffee. It is treated in the same way as with other powdered substances absorbing odors.

As an absorber, rice is used, as well as buckwheat, wheat. They are poured into a plate with water and left to swell. And in the refrigerator, they will quickly destroy the amber. Some recommend rubbing the walls of the refrigerator with garlic, and then spreading the cloves cut in half in different corners of the unit. A medium-sized peeled onion is placed on the middle shelf. Change - when it fades.

IN aqueous solution table vinegar moisten a cotton swab and leave in the refrigerator.

You can leave for a day a few branches of spices and flavoring herbs: fresh parsley or mint, thyme, basil or celery. Spices are also suitable: cloves, cinnamon, turmeric.

With this method, the smell will not be completely destroyed, but they are quite capable of reducing it and “masking” it until a decisive cleaning in the refrigerator.

Having freed the refrigerator from products, it is recommended to put a few slices in it at night rye bread, and in the morning thoroughly wipe all internal surfaces.

Good adsorbents are laid out on shelves in the refrigerator:

  • citrus peel;
  • lemon or orange cut into slices and laid out on the shelves;
  • a slice of an apple;
  • salt.

Preparing the refrigerator for a meeting with the absorber

All experts as one insist: Before any manipulations, the refrigerator must be disconnected from the mains!

  • And then - it is necessary to free its cameras from the products located there. It would be good to place them in the coolest place in the apartment so that the provisions do not suffer.
  • Thoroughly wipe all shelves, seals, handles, containers for eggs and vegetables. Better enjoy detergents with a fresh scent. The main thing then is to thoroughly wash off their traces.
  • All surfaces and parts are wiped with a dry cloth.
  • The refrigerator should stand open for a couple of hours - for ventilation.
  • When it is finally ready for use, before reloading the chambers with products, lay out the prepared odor absorbers on the shelves.

It is known that one of the reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator is long-term storage perishable products.

Most household experts believe that odor absorbers should be natural and free of odors that food in the refrigerator can pick up.

Some, on the contrary, prefer "flavored" air purifiers. It seems that everyone will be able to choose from the presented range of funds according to their taste and preferences.

Greetings, dear blog readers! I think every hostess knows that sooner or later a specific smell appears in any closed room. The refrigerator is no exception.

But before you start rubbing the unit with all available detergents, you need to figure out what is the source of the “aroma”. So it will be much easier to deal with the problem, and it will save you from some troubles. Therefore, I propose today to talk about what to do if there is a smell in the refrigerator, how to get rid of it quickly.

So, let's imagine that you just bought a new appliance. As soon as you get the purchase out of the box, install all the shelves and drawers, you will definitely smell the plastic. This is normal, because before that all the plastic parts were closed and did not have access to air. To eliminate this trouble, you need to thoroughly rinse the new unit.

Attention! Must be washed prior to use. And after you finish, leave the doors open for a couple of hours to ventilate the technical insides as best as possible.

How to clean a new refrigerator? You can do this either with a regular dishwashing detergent, or use soda diluted with water or a weak solution of ammonia (a few drops per liter). It is advisable to use both means in order to get rid of the smell, germs, and stains for sure. Because the technique is not dirty, then it will be quite simple and fast to do it.

After you have treated all the walls, fasteners, containers and shelves, rinse the cleaning solutions with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth, then leave to air for several hours.

BUT! If you have been using the refrigerator for some time and suddenly notice that a pronounced chemical smell has appeared in it, then immediately remove the food and call the master!

It is possible that some kind of breakdown occurred that led to the penetration of chemicals into your device. This is very dangerous and can have an extremely negative impact on health!

How to deal with food odors

Even if the refrigerator is regularly washed and defrosted, an unpleasant amber can still appear in it. The fact is that some products themselves have a strong smell. For example, garlic, fish or strong marinades. How to remove them, especially if the flavors are mixed? There are several folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. Make a solution of 9% vinegar (a tablespoon to a glass of water), moisten a clean cloth and wipe all the insides of your device.
  • Lemon. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and wipe everything inside with it (especially the shelves). Then, cut a whole lemon into 3-4 pieces and leave it in the refrigerator for a few days.
  • Rye bread. After you wash the machine, place pieces of rye bread in the corners (on a saucer or napkin). This method will absorb all unpleasant odors! Also, this task is excellent raw potatoes and fig. Just leave them inside for a few days.
  • Activated carbon. This method also allows you to collect all the "flavors" from the air. To do this, crush 40 tablets of coal (4 packs) and leave it on one of the shelves.

What to do to not smell like a pharmacy

Many housewives keep medicines in the refrigerator. And even if all the packages are closed and located in a strictly designated place, all the same, the equipment itself, and the food stored there, one day begins to smell strongly of all this pharmacology. What to do?

  • Place an open pack of baking soda in the refrigerator to absorb the smell of the medicine.
  • Place cat litter in one of the shelves.
  • Use a purchased product - in hardware stores there are quite strong and safe absorbents designed specifically for this technique.

This was the situation with my grandmother's refrigerator. She had various vials of medicines stored on the side of the sash, and although they were closed, an unpleasant smell appeared over time. Thorough washing of the refrigerator did not help for long, the master came several times, they thought that there was some kind of leak. As a result, he recommended to remove all medications, and after some time the smell completely disappeared!

And if the smell is very strong

Sometimes the refrigerator can get not just an unpleasant smell, but a real stink. For example, you left for a few days, and at that moment your electricity was turned off and all the food was spoiled. Or you accidentally left a large piece of blue cheese uncovered.

Sometimes the smell is so unbearable (especially from rotting fish or meat) that simple remedies that we use at home will not save. We will remove it like this:

  1. Rinse the refrigerator several times with dishwashing detergent. It is desirable to take with a refreshing effect.
  2. We wash as carefully as possible, without missing a single shelf, container or fasteners.
  3. After, we wash our device with clean water and dry it with a dry cloth.
  4. Wipe everything inside with lemon juice.
  5. We ventilate for a day, or maybe two.
  6. Thoroughly wash all the dishes that were next to the source of the "aroma".
  7. We put on one of the shelves the odor absorber, which was described above.
  8. After a few days, you can replace it with a natural flavor (coffee, Orange peel, gauze pad impregnated with aromatic oil, etc.).


I think you will agree that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences. How should food be stored?

  • When putting food in the refrigerator, make sure all lids are tightly closed.
  • Try to pack food in foil or bags.
  • By the way, the foil perfectly replaces the lid (if suddenly it is not there).
  • Defrost and clean your refrigerator regularly (even if you have No Frost).
  • Don't forget to rinse the rubber bands and drain.
  • If the product began to deteriorate, then it is better to get rid of it immediately.
  • Try to leave free space in the freezer so that the air has the opportunity to circulate freely.
  • When going on a trip, it is better not to leave food in the freezer. Try to use them as much as possible, and the rest is better to distribute.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to forget to regularly take care of your equipment, and it will serve you for a long time and reliably. Do you know any other methods to solve this problem? Waiting for you in the comments!

Until we meet again

Anastasia Smolinets

The new school year is upon us, which means caring mothers they will again begin to think about how to make a competent diet for their child. We share valuable tips that will help you organize a balanced diet for your student.

Another question is also important: how to fill the refrigerator so that the child can eat on his own after class. Food should be healthy, tasty and, most importantly, simple and quick to prepare. After all, no child will refuse good food, if all conditions are created for this.

So that your child always remains full, healthy and energetic.

Buy more vegetables and fruits

The child's diet must contain vitamins and minerals that are important for good health, strong immunity and active brain function. In large quantities, these valuable substances are found in fresh vegetables and fruits. By the way, they are very satisfying and nutritious.

May there always be in your refrigerator fresh vegetables and fruits - the child can easily satisfy their hunger or cook delicious, nutritious salad. Buy apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers. Remember to remind your child to wash fruits and vegetables well before eating.

Pay attention to dairy and dairy products

Dairy and sour-milk products are extremely important for a young growing organism. These foods are high in calcium and other useful material which are so necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. In addition, dairy and dairy products are sold ready-made and do not require preparation.

A child can eat cottage cheese with sour cream, drink ryazhenka, kefir or varenets, have a snack with natural yogurt with pieces fresh fruit or berries. The last product does not have to be bought in a supermarket. Today natural yogurt can be easily prepared at home using a special yogurt maker.

Choose the right snacks

Do not forget about such an important part of the diet as snacks. For some reason, many mothers believe that snacking harms the child, discouraging appetite. In fact, the right snacks will not affect the amount eaten in any way.

What are the right snacks? Forget about chocolate bars, sweets and fast food. They do not pull on the role of a really correct and healthy snack. You need nuts and dried fruits. They perfectly satisfy a slight feeling of hunger and in the most positive way affect mood and energy. In addition, nuts and dried fruits increase the body's defenses and improve brain function. Good grades guaranteed!

Make preparations in advance

If you care about the nutrition of your child, then try to make preparations in advance. Let them wait in the fridge in the wings. From what blanks can a child cook something tasty?

Firstly, these are vegetable sticks, which in themselves represent great option light snack for lunch. Add a couple of sauces to such vegetable sticks home cooking- so the chance that children will like their taste will increase several times.

Secondly, some cereals can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. It will not be difficult to warm them up, but not every child is able to cook them, even the most independent one.

Remember about ready-made breakfasts and lunches

The life of mothers has been greatly simplified by representatives Food Industry who are responsible for ready-made breakfasts and lunches. Of course, we are talking only about the food that benefits, and not about fast food and convenience foods. Think delicious muesli and whole grain cereals. They very effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger. There is no need to cook them, just pour the mixture with milk or juice. Such food is ideal for a child's diet.

Don't Forget Meat, Poultry and Fish

Today, many schoolchildren know how to use a microwave. It is not something unusual and unusual for them. So don't forget about hearty foods, which contain a large number of squirrel. It is extremely important in the diet for a child, because it is responsible for key processes in the body. Valuable protein sources are meat, poultry and fish. They can be prepared ahead of time and left in the refrigerator in a covered container. The child will only need to heat the dish in the microwave. Hearty, tasty and healthy. No one will be left hungry!

Buy a multicooker

If your child is friendly with technology, then try to teach him how to use a slow cooker. For some students, this is not difficult. Today there are models that are as simple as possible to use, but cook healthy and tasty food. All that remains for your child is to throw the ingredients into the bowl, pour water and press the right button. Conduct a detailed briefing, because the most important thing is not to get burned.

Delicious recipes that kids can repeat

1. Cheese sandwich

Sandwich is the easiest and fast way have a bite. There are the most simple options sandwiches that kids can make themselves. Prepare the cheese slices ahead of time. The child will only have to collect a sandwich. It consists of whole grain bread, lettuce and cheese. You can add tomatoes, fruits to taste and a glass of orange juice to this sandwich.