Mixtures for newborns without palm. Palm Oil Free Infant Formula - What Caring Moms Need to Know

When choosing the most suitable mixture for a newborn, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary, who can advise one or another product, based on the individual characteristics of the child's health. Which product is best suited for a child is determined by the reaction of the body.

Artificial nutrition is advised to be introduced in some situations when continuation of natural feeding is not possible:

  1. Treatment of infectious diseases in the mother of a newborn, during which it is impossible to feed the baby with breast milk.
  2. The amount of milk is not produced in sufficient volume to meet the needs of the baby.
  3. Lack of milk in the mammary glands. This factor is determined when weighing a newborn at a doctor's appointment.
  4. Difficult childbirth or the appearance of complications after childbirth in a woman.
  5. Taking medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding.
  6. The mother cannot be with the child all the time.
  7. Young mother against breastfeeding.

How to choose a formula for a newborn

The mixture should be well absorbed by the child's body and not cause allergic reactions.

When choosing a product, you need:

  • carefully read the composition of the product and the information on the package;
  • choose a trusted manufacturer;
  • look at the expiration date of products;
  • take into account the age category;
  • take into account the quality of the packaging of the goods;
  • take into account the tasks for which the mixture was created.

When choosing mixtures for newborns - which one is better - take into account professional requirements and recommendations:

  1. Adapted products are suitable for babies from the first days of life. Its composition is most similar to mother's milk. These products are easier to digest and digest by the child's body.
  2. When buying a mixture, you should take into account the age of the child. To start artificial feeding, a first-stage product is selected. You can add a mixture of the second category to the diet after 6 months.
  3. If negative reactions occur on the part of the child's body, for example, with a stable indigestion, they switch to medicinal products. At the same time, not all meals are replaced: a new product is introduced into the child's diet gradually, starting with 10 ml per day. Sour-milk mixtures can replace half of the baby's diet. They will help to avoid increased gas formation.
  4. When buying, you need to carefully study the label. You should purchase a mixture that does not contain palm and rapeseed oil. Experts recommend buying products enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex.
  5. Mixtures that are about to expire soon should be discarded. You need to choose a fresh product.
  6. For a purchase, you should go to stores that have optimal conditions for storing goods.
  7. Preference should be given to mixtures that contain linoleic acid, carnitine, taurine,. These components are involved in the metabolic processes of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, contribute to the generation of tissues, i.e. growth and formation of internal organs.
  8. It is necessary to take into account the reaction of the child to the administered product. If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, problems with the digestive system are found, then you need to consult a pediatrician.

Dry mixes

Dry products make up 90% of the entire range of artificial baby food on the Russian market. This is a powder that is sold in a foil bag placed in paper packaging, or in a tin can. To prepare a liquid solution, the powder must be diluted with boiled water.

The advantages of dry mixes are:

  • convenient storage;
  • easy dosing;
  • wide range of;
  • comfortable transportation.

Liquid mixtures

This type of mixture is available in tetrapacks in the form of a solution. The basis of production is milk or kefir. The volume of each box is 200 ml. The range of this variant of mixtures on Russian shelves is small. The advantage of this type of mixture is ease of use. The main disadvantage is the shelf life (up to 7 days).

Before feeding the baby, the mixture must be warmed up.

Formulas for healthy children

For food production, milk from cows or goats, or a combination of them in different proportions, is used. Formulas are classified according to their resemblance to a woman's breast milk.

  1. Adapted milk mixtures. In production, whey protein is used. This mixture is rich in amino acids, contains easily digestible proteins. Milk fat is almost completely absent, casein is completely removed from the mixture. To replenish the balance of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish oil and vegetable oil are added. Carbohydrates contain lactose, maltodextrin. These components are designed to reduce the osmolality of the product. Additionally, microelements and vitamins are included. The addition of nucleotides promotes growth, normal metabolism. The addition of probiotics helps to increase the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria in the baby's intestines. The chemical composition closely correlates with the chemical composition of mother's milk. Adapted mixtures are also produced with goat's milk. It is recommended to give this product to children from 0 to 6 months.
  2. Partially adapted blends. Contain a large amount of protein. Of the carbohydrates, lactose and sucrose are present in the composition. Quantitative indicators of the content of useful substances correspond to the needs of the body of children older than 6 months. The mixture contains more iron, zinc and calcium than adapted products. This product is also more caloric than products used to feed children up to six months.
  3. Unadapted mixtures. For production, milk powder is used, which is not chemically converted. The mixture is only enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex. The composition contains casein, which is not well digested by the children's body. Pediatricians advise including such a mixture in the diet of children no earlier than from the 8th month.

Fresh and fermented milk mixtures are also produced. In fresh mixtures, milk protein does not undergo additional changes from bacteria. In the production of fermented milk mixtures, the protein undergoes a curdling process. This product contains lactic acid and is low in lactose and milk protein.

Fermented milk products contain bactericidal components that are well absorbed by the child's body. They are recommended for children whose body responds with an allergic reaction to the consumption of milk protein. Additionally, probiotics are introduced.

Milk formulas for healthy children:

  • Bona;
  • Similac;
  • Tutteli;
  • Nutrila;
  • Milupa.

Dairy products:

  • NAN sour milk;
  • Nutrilak fermented milk;
  • Agusha.

Specialized mixtures

Among the mixtures for newborns there are specialized products. It is intended for children born prematurely or for children who have various pathologies.

Which mixture is best for babies in terms of therapeutic and preventive nutrition is determined based on the problems that need to be addressed:

Goat milk mixtures

Mixtures for newborns made on the basis of goat's milk are included in the diet of children and which is better - on the milk of cows or goats - is determined by the reaction of the child. Mixes are produced using whole milk or whey.

Products made with goat's milk have a number of advantages that distinguish them from a number of mixtures made with cow's milk.

  1. Protein has a special fraction. When interacting with the gastric juice of the body, it turns into a tender clot. This helps the body absorb food quickly and easily.
  2. It is recommended to use for feeding children who are allergic to cow's milk protein.
  3. The mixture has a light creamy taste.

Children's products made with the use of whole goat milk are represented by the casein-dominant mixture "Nanny". Milk fat contains a large amount of palmitic acid, polyunsaturated and medium chain fatty acids.

This mixture has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, rarely causes allergies in children, ensures the normal functioning of the intestines and prevents the occurrence of colic.

Kabrita, Mamako, MD Mil SP are produced using goat whey. It provides a proportional ratio of whey proteins and casein, as in breast milk. The introduction of plant components ensures a balanced fat content in the mixture.

Mixtures made with goat milk are enriched with vitamins and minerals, nucleotides, and prebiotics.

Palm Oil Free Blend

The mother's secret has a unique chemical composition. To repeat it, manufacturers of children's products introduce a variety of components into the composition. Milk fat does not contain all the elements necessary for this age group of children, therefore, vegetable oils are introduced to enrich the mixture with triglycerides.

Palm oil in the composition of infant formulas is not favored, it prevents the absorption of calcium. However, it is considered the main source of palmitic acid. It is not the oil itself that is used, but its derivatives: palm olein, palmitate, super olein. These modified components make it possible to make artificial nutrition as chemically similar as possible to natural human milk.

Products with -palmitate ensure complete absorption of calcium, help the development of the child in the mental and physical direction, promote the growth of bone tissue. Similac and Nanny do not use palm oil in their production. These manufacturers completely excluded it from the composition of the product.

Mixtures produced using a modified component:

  • Hipp Comfort;
  • Kabrita Gold 1;
  • Nutrilon Comfort 1;
  • Humana anticolic.

Hypoallergenic mixtures

For allergies, they choose which mixture is best for newborns, on an individual basis. The task of hypoallergenic products is the treatment and prevention of cow's milk protein intolerance.

In this situation, during production, milk protein is changed to:

  • a protein consisting of a mixture of amino acids;
  • partially hydrolyzed protein;
  • highly hydrolyzed protein.

Hydrolysis promotes the breakdown of milk protein into small particles. Due to their small size, the body does not show intolerance to the substance.

Preventive products are used for nutrition of children in the following cases:

  1. Feeding healthy children with a hereditary tendency to allergy to milk protein.
  2. In the transition from clinical nutrition to the age mixture.
  3. If intolerance to milk protein is not proven and is moderately manifested externally.

Manufacturers produce hypoallergenic mixtures for feeding babies from the first days of life. The package has the abbreviation "GA" or the word "Low Allergenic". Among the components there is lactose, therefore, the use of such mixtures in feeding children with intolerance to this substance should be avoided.

Hypoallergenic products:

  • NAN GA;
  • Nutrilon HA;
  • Similac GA;
  • Bellakt GA 2.

Medicinal mixtures are allowed for feeding children from the first days of life and up to 12 months. The division for age mixtures has "Nutramigen Lipil".

Medicinal products are prescribed in the following situations:

  1. Feeding children born prematurely.
  2. Acute allergy.
  3. Hypotrophy.
  4. Violation of the functions of the digestive system. Symptoms are: violation of the functions of the small intestine, non-infectious diarrhea, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, acute intestinal infections.
  5. After surgery on the stomach or intestines.

90% of children got rid of allergies when they included in the diet a mixture, the main component of which is highly hydrolyzed protein. The main component is whey protein hydrolyzate or casein.

Mixtures produced with whey protein hydrolyzate are used in the nutrition of children with moderate allergies. It contributes to weight gain, which is the main thing in malnutrition and feeding premature babies.

These mixtures include:

  • Alphara;
  • Pepticate;
  • Nutrilak Peptidi MCT;
  • Frisopep.

Mixtures produced using casein hydrolyzate are used in case of a complicated form of an allergic reaction or in case of intolerance to whey proteins. This mixture has a bitter taste.

These are the products:

  • Nutramigen Lipil 1 and 2;
  • Pregestimil Lipil;
  • Frisopep AS.

Medicinal mixtures produced using synthetic amino acids do not contain milk protein in their composition. They have low taste characteristics and high osmolality.

This option is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. Intolerance to a mixture with highly hydrolyzed protein.
  2. Intolerance to cow's milk protein, which characterizes the lag in the physical development of the baby and celiac disease.
  3. Treatment with a mixture of highly hydrolyzed protein does not bring results in 14 days.

These mixtures are represented by products:

  • Neocate LCP;
  • Alphare Amino;
  • Nutrilon Amino acids.

When switching to a hypoallergenic mixture, you must follow the rules:

  1. Introduce the mixture into the diet in stages, replacing the used mixture in small portions.
  2. When eating, first of all give a mixture with protein hydrolyzate, and then a simple one.

The duration of taking hypoallergenic products is determined for each child individually. The average is 3-6 months. In severe cases, the period is extended to one year.

How to understand that the mixture is suitable

The introduction of formula for newborns into the diet is stressful for the child's body and it is important to choose which mixture is best suited. If the product is not digested, the symptoms may appear in the first days, and may not appear until a few days later.

When a new mixture is introduced, the child develops symptoms of intolerance to the product, which are explained by the lack of enzymes to break down all the components of the mixture. In this situation, you should reduce the portion size and wait until digestion improves.

Signs by which it can be determined that the mixture is not absorbed by the body:

The best milk formulas for newborns - rating, list

"Baby 1"

The composition includes natural ingredients. The mixture contains 11 trace elements, 16 vitamins. The composition is balanced and meets the age needs of the body. Prebiotics provide normal intestinal microflora and stable stools.


A Russian product recommended for feeding children from the first days of life. They produce fresh and fermented milk mixtures that have a pleasant taste and low cost.

Similac 1

Palm oil is not used in the production of products. A diverse assortment allows you to decide on a specific mixture, depending on the needs of the baby. The composition contains substances that contribute to the development of the brain, improve vision. The mixture is enriched with fatty acids, a combination of vitamins and minerals, nucleotides, prebiotics.

Nutrilak Premium

Mixtures have a pleasant taste, like children. The optimal ratio of all components, vitamins and minerals contributes to the normalization of the stool, the development of the child. The mixture is well absorbed by the body and easily digested.

Nutricia Nutrilon Premium

In the mixture, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, lactose are contained in the amount that corresponds to breast milk. Vitamins and minerals, nucleotides, essential amino acids are added to the products. The components of the product affect the development of the brain and vision of the child. Nutrilon Premium products do not burden the excretory system.

"Bibikol 1 Nanny" with prebiotics

The mixture is made using goat's milk. It is well absorbed by the children's body, it is recommended to include it in the diet of children with an allergy to cow's milk protein. The product is enriched with calcium and phosphorus. The composition includes prebiotics, fish oil, vitamins, oligofructose, inulin, minerals.

Kabrita 1 Gold

It is made on the basis of goat's milk. The composition includes vitamin components, bifidobacteria, minerals, nucleotides. Products contribute to the harmonious development of the child, strengthening immunity. The mixture is easily absorbed by the baby's body, does not cause colic and allergic reactions.

Nutrilon Amino Acids

Friso soy

Designed for medical nutrition. Doctors recommend including in the diet for lactose intolerance and an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein. Protein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - by glucose syrup. Among the components are polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Nestle NAN Pre

The protein composition of the mixture contains the optimal proportion of whey proteins and casein, similar to the ratio in mother's milk. They produce products without the addition of palm oil. The components included in the composition contribute to the harmonious development of the child.

Nestozhen 1

The ingredients do not include palm oil. Contains probiotics and prebiotics, the optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus.The mixture has a low osmolality. It is easily bred, without forming lumps, has a pleasant delicate taste.

Humana 1

The main component of the mixture is lactose. This brings the chemical composition of the mixture as close as possible to the composition of breast milk. Favorably affects the intestinal microflora, normalizes stool. Nucleotides strengthen the baby's immunity.

hipp 1

Meets the needs for useful components of children in the first months of life. Does not cause colic, intestinal upset, gas formation. Promotes the proper development of the baby and weight gain.

"Mamako 1" on goat milk

It is made on the basis of goat's milk. Prebiotics normalize the functioning of the intestinal microflora. Nucleotides strengthen the immune system. The recommended content of vitamins and minerals, fatty acids helps the child develop physically and intellectually.

"Nanny Goat's Milk"

Nanny Infant Formula is best suited for infants diagnosed with cow milk protein intolerance as it is made from goat milk. In addition, it is suitable if the child suffers from constipation, has a weak immune system.

One of the best Nanny formulas for newborns

Goat milk contains free amino acids, nucleotides, vitamin and mineral complex. A mixture of goat milk improves the intellectual and physical development of the baby, strengthens the immune system and normalizes bowel function.

Choosing a formula for a newborn is not as easy as it seems. Even from a mixture that is suitable in all respects, a baby may refuse simply because he does not like its taste. Parents also need to think about how the mixture will affect the digestion and development of the child.

Baby formula video

How to choose the right infant formula:

Of course, it is better and healthier than mother's milk for a baby. there is nothing.

But for various reasons, some mothers forced to give up from breastfeeding.

What to feed babies? How to choose substitutes breast milk?

The food industry came to the rescue with its infant formula.

Everything would be fine.

But, when I was forced to interrupt the natural feeding process, my baby flatly refused eat those that featured "palm oil".

Benefits and harms for the child

Before blaming manufacturers for being poison our children, I studied all the properties of the supplement. is of natural origin. It's the same useful, as well as corn, linseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower and others.

In him large amount of vitamins groups A and E. There are Omega 3, saturated and fatty acids. Seemingly all right. Indeed, the same fatty acid(at least some of them) increase cholesterol levels.

Moreover, if the oil is not indicated in the composition, or disguised as "vegetable fats" and so on, then we can’t determine the taste in any way. Especially in . It has a pleasant creamy taste.

Where can I find mixtures without it?

Are there any mixtures without it and which ones? Find baby food, including formula, palm oil free very easy - study . conscientious manufacturers always indicate all incoming components in full and in Russian.

Take food at specialized children's goods or large retail chains. There are less chances to buy fake.


Mixes should help babies to develop, grow and stay healthy.

Therefore they should contain:

  • nucleotides;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids, especially taurine.

Which formula does not contain structured palm oil, and which does?

  1. Bellakt. In addition to vegetable oil, it also contains. Therefore, it is not suitable for all children and can cause allergy. But it contains everything. important for baby components.
  2. Hipp. A very small amount iodine and there is potato in the components starch. A newborn baby does not need it.
  3. Agusha. rich taurine and nucleotides, but contains little iodine.
  4. Baby. The constituent components include soy- a child under one year does not need it. But the content useful substances very high.
  5. Nan. There is soy and vitamin D, which prevents rickets.
  6. Nutrilon. High content useful substances.
  7. Baby. There is soy, but the other components are very useful.

mixtures, free of palm and coconut oils:

  1. Semilak. Contains soy and milk powder, but very high content iodine.
  2. Unstable. Little iodine, there is soy and milk powder. But there is also prebiotics excellent for digestion.
  3. Nanny. Little iodine and taurine, but there is vitamin D, lactose and prebiotics.

Another important point. If you manage to find whey, necessarily demineralized, then instead of other mixtures, get it better - the composition is very similar to breast milk. AND preference give to those mixtures, among the components of which it is listed.

Do you need an alternative?

If a woman deliberately refuses from breastfeeding from birth is stupid.

And if this type of nutrition for the baby is impossible, and the mother opponent of artificial mixtures, then you can, of course, replace the mixtures.

The question is different; if necessary?

Our grandmothers and mothers cooked porridge for us on cow's or goat's milk with cereals, such as semolina or rice.

Children grew up healthy and without delay in development. Although they didn’t let their parents sleep peacefully - their stomachs probably hurt.

In my opinion, better mix. Their choice is very wide: non-allergic (hypoallergenic), fortified with vitamins, minerals or iron, dairy, dairy-free… If the mixture hard going and the baby is suffering from a tummy, it makes sense to help him medically. For example, to give "smecta". The only caveat: choose food only together with the pediatrician.

My own experience makes me ardent opponent introduction of palm oil into the diet of newborns. But kids preschool and school age perfectly absorb products containing it. The choice of certain food for their children falls on the shoulders of the parents. She must be quality.

remember, that cheapness can also become an enemy of children's health. Avoid long composition on dairy products and be careful not to add dyes, flavors, GMOs and other chemicals.

And when you find “Palm oil” in the list of components, be guided by knowledge: vegetable fats can affect the body perniciously, and may positively, depending on the age of the person.

Palm oil is one of the cheapest vegetable oils, and therefore it is widely used in the food industry. In many cases, its use, such as in the confectionery industry, is justified, as it avoids the use of margarines containing harmful trans fatty acids. But we often hear more bad things about palm oil than good things. The unscrupulous manufacturers of dairy products are to blame for this, which reduce the cost of it by adding milk fat substitutes based on palm oil. Formulas for baby food also belong to dairy products, so many parents have concerns about their possible targeted reduction in cost by adding palm oil. Like it or not, we have to figure it out.

Baby formula without palm oil

For those parents who fundamentally do not want to see palm oil in their child's diet, baby formulas without palm oil have been created - , . Not so long ago in products 1,2,3,4 also stopped adding palm oil. These mixtures contain a combination of other vegetable oils. For example, Similak has soy, safflower and coconut oil. However, the refusal to use palm oil in them does not solve the main problem - the fat of these mixtures, like the fat of mixtures containing palm oil, is still very different from the fat of breast milk. In addition, "Similac" and "NANNIE" are characterized by an equal ratio of casein and whey proteins, which does not make them highly adapted, since whey proteins prevail over casein in human milk. So is there a way out of this situation today? It turns out there is, but first things first.

Pictures of blends without palm oil

Nanny Similac Premium
Nestojen NAS

Where does palm oil come from

Palm oil is obtained by pressing the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm tree, which is most widely distributed in Malaysia and Indonesia. In terms of oil content in the pulp, this plant is a champion among oilseeds, which explains its low price and widespread use.

Composition and properties of palm oil

Palm oil has a semi-solid texture with a pleasant sweetish taste and smell. Unrefined palm oil contains a large amount of carotenoids, which give it a distinctive bright orange color. To remove unwanted impurities, palm oil is subjected to purification (refining), during which its color, smell and taste disappear. It is this, as they say, impersonal oil, and is used in industry.
Palmitic (44-45%) and oleic acid (39-40%) are the main fatty acids in its composition, linoleic acid is only 10-11%. This makes palm oil fairly resistant to oxidation. The melting point of palm oil varies widely, mainly from 33ºC to 39ºC.
To obtain palm oil with desired properties, its fractionation is used, which results in the separation of the oil into fractions - liquid (palm olein) and solid (palm stearin). When palm olein is re-fractionated, "super" olein is obtained.

Fractionation of palm oil yields liquid palm olein and solid palm stearin.

A feature of the chemical composition of olein and "super" olein of palm oil is a decrease in the proportion of palmitic acid and an increase in the amount of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic), which leads to a decrease in the melting point to 19ºС ("super" olein) - 24ºС (olein).
Most of any oil or fat is made up of triglyceride molecules, which are glycerol residues with three fatty acids attached. In appearance, they resemble the letter "Sh". In the triglyceride composition of palm olein, there is a decrease in the proportion of molecules in which palmitic acid occupies positions 1,3 and an increase in the proportion of triglycerides with palmitic acid in position 2.

Why is palm oil added to infant formula?

Many mothers, for various reasons, are unable to breastfeed their child and use infant formula to replace it, the composition of which is constantly being improved. In order for the formula to fully meet the needs of the child for fats, their composition should be the same or as close as possible to the fat of breast milk. Here we mean not only the chemical composition of fat (fatty acids), but also its spatial structure (triglycerides). Since each fat, including breast milk fat, is unique, this is difficult to achieve. The milk fat of cow's milk, which is the raw material for the manufacture of infant formula, differs in composition from breast milk fat, and therefore needs to be adjusted. It is carried out by introducing into the mixture of permitted vegetable fats or their fractions and specially prepared fish oil.

Important! In order for the fatty component of the mixture to contain the same fatty acids as breast milk fat, vegetable oils of various origins and fish oil are added to it.

Among the permitted vegetable oils is palm oil, which belongs to the so-called palmitic group of oils. This group consists of cocoa butter, cottonseed and palm oil. They contain the maximum amount of palmitic acid, which is especially abundant in human milk. However, only palm oil is distinguished by its maximum content. In addition, cottonseed oil is prohibited for use in baby food by current technical regulations due to the content of fatty acids that can adversely affect the growth and development of children. Thus, for palmitic acid balancing among all oils, palm oil remains the only most suitable and relatively safe option.

Important! Palm oil is the vegetable oil that contains the highest amount of palmitic acid in its composition and is approved by the Nutrition Institute as a source of palmitic acid in infant formulas.

Is Palm Oil Harmful?

Most often, under the name "palm oil" on the packaging, it is not palm oil itself that is hidden, but its fractions - palm olein and "super" olein. Their quantitative chemical composition, melting point and spatial structure of molecules (triglycerides) differ significantly from the original product. In addition to the high content of palmitic acid, palm oil is highly resistant to oxidation, during which far from the most useful, and even harmful, substances are formed. Due to this property, it compares favorably among all vegetable oils and, from this point of view, is safer than, for example, the same olive or sunflower oil.

Important! In infant formulas, not whole palm oil is most often used, but its fractions - palm olein and "super" olein.

Opponents of palm oil in baby food often use scientific studies that have shown the negative role of palmitic acid, which is located in the triglycerides of palm oil in positions 1 and 3. In the gastrointestinal tract, this fat molecule is exposed to the enzyme lipase, which is able to split fatty acids from triglyceride only in positions 1 and 3. As a result, free palmitic acid, binding with calcium, forms an insoluble calcium soap, which is not absorbed by the body and is excreted, thereby interfering with the absorption of this element. At the same time, babies develop constipation, and the bones grow slowly and become more fragile.

However, in all vegetable oils, and not only in palm oil, palmitic acid occupies just such a “harmful” position, while in breast milk fat it is predominantly characterized by position 2. Palm oil contains a particularly large amount of palmitic acid, so the proportion of fat molecules with this fatty acid is especially high.

Important! Palmitic acid of all vegetable oils, and not just palm oil, is predominantly in a position different from its position in the fat of human milk and, therefore, is capable of binding calcium after cleavage from the fat molecule.

The addition of palm olein (even better “super” olein) rather than palm oil to the mixture can reduce the proportion of palm oil triglycerides in which palmitic acid occupies position 1,3, increasing the proportion of triglycerides in which palmitic acid is in position 2, and positions 1,3 are occupied by oleic acid. This increases the absorption of calcium and reduces the negative role of palmitic acid.

To date, the most correct solution to the existing problem is the use by some manufacturers of modified palm oil, in which palmitic acid occupies the central position - position 2 in triglycerides (β-palmitate) and allows calcium to be freely absorbed. In addition, the application of this technology not only to palm oil, but also to other vegetable oils, allows you to create fat as close as possible to breast milk fat in chemical composition and in the structure of its molecules. An example is Matern's infant formula, which contains a unique composition of several modified vegetable oils. Unfortunately, the mixture is not very common due to its high cost. But there are cheaper analogues using similar technology:

  • Nutrilon Comfort 1;
  • Heinz Infanta Blend 1;
  • Kabrita Gold 1;
  • Hipp comfort;
  • Celia anticolic;
  • Humana anticolic.

Important! The use of β-palmitate makes it possible to bring the fat of infant formula closer in terms of the content of palmitic acid to the fatty acid composition of human milk, while solving the problem of calcium absorption that occurs when using palm oil.

Dr. Komarovsky about palm oil

Dr. Komarovsky also does not share the parents' fear of palm oil. He recommends using any formula when the mother does not have breast milk. An artificial mixture, even if it contains palm oil, will in any case be much more beneficial for a newborn than natural cow's milk. Infant formulas, as well as natural women's milk, cannot be completely absorbed by the children's body, therefore, even breastfed children experience the same problems as artificial children.

Infant formula and GMOs

An equally topical issue for parents is the use of GMOs in infant formula. GMOs are understood as genetically modified organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms), in the DNA of which genes of other organisms have been introduced that can endow them with new useful properties (for example, drought resistance, resistance to diseases, etc.), which are processed into GMI - genetically modified Ingredients. The safety of eating GM foods has not yet been proven, but according to many experts, these products are especially dangerous for children: they increase the risk of allergies, food poisoning, cause resistance to antibiotics, etc. That is why the technical regulation of the customs union TR CU 021/2011 " On Food Safety” the use of GMOs in the production of baby food and products for pregnant and lactating women is not allowed.

Important! The Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 021/2011 "On Food Safety" do not allow the use of GMOs in the production of baby food and products for pregnant and lactating women.

But, as in many cases, there is one "but". The GMO content of 0.9% or less is acceptable as an accidental or technically irremovable impurity and is not a basis for classifying such products as those produced in violation of the requirements of the technical regulation.

According to the latest research (December 2015) of five product samples (Nestle NAN 1 Premium, Agusha-1, Nutrilak Soya 1, Malyutka-1, Similac Premium 1), conducted National Association for Genetic Safety (NAGB) infant formula manufacturers comply with this ban. This also applies to Nestle, the manufacturer of the NAN mixture, which was previously seen using GMI.

In contact with

Palm oil, or rather, its liquid fraction olein, has been used for a long time. Its use was due to the fact that manufacturers sought to bring the mixture for newborns closer in composition to breast milk. It is known that there are a lot of nutrients in mother's milk, and one of these predominant components is fats, and in particular palmitic acid (almost a quarter of all fats). Palm oil contains the highest amount of fat - at least 45%.

Palmitic acids from mother's milk are remarkably absorbed. But the same acids in the mixture - no.

It's all about the structure of the molecules, the placement of the acid in the fat molecule. In breast milk, fats contain molecules whose acids are attached in the center (beta arrangement). And the molecules in the mixture are different.

Here the acids are at the edges. And so they infant formulas are digested much worse than breast milk, moreover, they form soapy substances, due to which some health consequences are possible (poor bone mineralization, colic, severe regurgitation, constipation, heavy stools in a child).

These effects were identified in studies where there were several groups - infants fed a mixture with palm oil, and pure breast milk.

Formula-fed babies have low bone mineralization. Calcium was simply not absorbed, and due to the formed soap molecules, it was excreted from the body. The child's stool became harder and less frequent, which in turn contributed to the appearance of constipation. In addition, the studied babies had colic, frequent regurgitation (compared to the control group on mother's milk).

Indications and contraindications

In many respects, thanks to these studies, modern mixtures with palm oil have changed, they began to add more calcium, vitamin D, as well as pre- and probiotics.

However, this didn't quite solve the problem. All children are different, and especially sensitive babies react to food with palm oil - spitting up, the appearance of colic and constipation.

But it is worth noting that nutrition has appeared, which contains a modified, structured palm oil, the so-called β-palmitate, which is identical in structure to maternal fats. And the use of such mixtures does not entail the consequences discussed above.

The selection of the mixture is a very crucial moment. And unfortunately, not all food without palm oil can be called adapted to the needs of the child.

No one rules out an allergic or other reaction to some ingredients in formulas, especially those based on bovine protein (which is also known to cause gas).

Direct indications for the use of mixtures without palm oil:

Contraindications to such mixtures for newborns: individual intolerance to the components of the mixture.


Palm oil-free formulas are an alternative to conventional nutrition. Often, they come to them after trying some kind of food, which for one reason or another did not fit.

Or immediately start supplementing with a formula without palm oil (based on personal opinion, advice and experience of their environment).

Rating of the top 5 manufacturers

Large manufacturers who have completely abandoned the production of food with palm oil or replaced it with a more suitable and safe structured oil can be counted on the fingers.

Abbott Global

Produce mixtures under the brand name Similak. The composition does not contain palm oil, but there are pre- and probiotics, as well as nucleotides. represented by a very wide range of the most diverse products - from a simple mixture for healthy children, and therapeutic (for premature and underweight babies, anti-reflux, sour-milk, hypoallergenic and others).

Similac blends do not contain GMOs, palm oil, preservatives or colorants. For many years the best baby food. Contribute to the normalization of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract of babies, reduce the frequency of constipation and colic, form a normal stool and promote optimal absorption of calcium, compaction of bone tissue, including hypoallergenic Izomil mixtures based on soy protein.


Bibikol - manufacturers of the Nanny brand. New Zealand goat milk formula adapted. Available with or without prebiotics.

The line of mixtures is designed for children from birth, from six months and older than a year.. The traditional formula is used for children from birth in the absence of mother's milk.

It contains everything you need for natural growth and development of your child, as it is made from natural goat's milk without the addition of whey and palm oil.

Babies love NANNIE mixes for their pleasant taste, and responsible mothers love that they retain the beneficial properties of natural goat milk to the maximum and at the same time are fully adapted for small children.


They produce two brands at once, for different price segments: Nestozhen and Nan. Nan has a wider variability in the choice of mixtures(there are medical), but it is more expensive.

Nestozhen, which can be attributed to the therapeutic mixture, there is only fermented milk. Mixtures based on cow's milk. It is believed that Nana has the optimal ratio of whey protein and casein.

A mixture that, due to a special BIO-fermentation technology, provides additional protection, promotes easy digestion and prevention of intestinal infections. It improves digestion processes, and also provides additional protective properties against the risk of intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to the pleasant and mild sour-milk taste.


Kabrita - produce mixtures based on goat milk under the brand name Kabrita Gold. Dutch production. Contains pre- and probiotics.

The composition includes lactose and vegetable fats, among which the DigestX complex stands out, which includes natural oils (rapeseed, palm, sunflower). The mixture contains goat whey protein concentrate, skimmed goat milk powder and whole goat milk powder.

The composition of the product includes corn starch, as well as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides. The mixture is enriched with minerals. It has added fish oil, a source of docosahexaenoic acid from the omega-3 class. The product also contains arachidonic acid, vitamins, taurine. "Cabrita" includes choline and nucleotides, bifidobacteria and mesoinositol.


Materna brand mixtures (there are both adapted mixtures and medicinal ones). Milk-based Materna mix with the addition of modified butter.

It is distinguished by high quality (there are products that are considered “kosher”, for example, Mehadrin) and prices. It's just that you can't find similar products of the brand in ordinary supermarkets. As a rule, it goes only to order.

Materna baby food was developed by highly qualified Israeli specialists, and all nutritional components were selected with great care so that the milk formula matches the composition of breast milk as much as possible.

List of baby food products

Every child is different and what suits one person may not suit another.. There is no such mixture that would be 100% suitable for everyone. Mixtures without palm oil or with β-palmitate are a worthy alternative to conventional products. They are of various types, both simply adapted and special - therapeutic.

It is worth noting that these products are quite competitive and, along with others, are included in a variety of top best mixtures.

Nan Optipro 1

Mixture based on cow's milk, with lactose. The composition also contains live bifidobacteria, fish oil, Omega 3 and 6 acids, maltodexin, and a number of useful trace elements. Optimized for protein.
Among the advantages:

  • Lots of positive feedback.
  • Quite common.
  • Pleasant taste.

The downside is the high price. Indicated for the nutrition of healthy children from birth to six months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation.

The price is 441 rubles.

Similac 1

Based on cow's milk, with lactose. Contains prebiotics, nucleotides.

Among the advantages:

  • Well distributed.
  • Budget.

It dissolves poorly, which is a minus.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation.

The approximate price is 279 rubles.

Similac Premium

The series is supplemented with probiotics, complex "IQ-Intelli-Pro" and as close as possible to breast milk. This is a more expensive food option (compared to simple Similac).

Designed to feed healthy children from birth to six months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation.

The approximate price is 390 rubles.

Nestozhen 1

In its composition contains prebiotics and lactobacilli. Based on cow's milk, with lactose. It is a budget alternative to Nanu.


  • Uncomfortable cardboard box.
  • It dissolves worse (compared to Nan).

Adapted for nutrition of healthy children from birth to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

The price is 275 rubles.

Nutrilak Premium

Contains essential Omega 3 and 6 acids, fish oil, prebiotics and a whole complex of micro and macro elements, vitamins. Based on cow's milk, with lactose.


  1. Acceptable price.
  2. Dissolves well.

For nutrition of healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Possible side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • increased gas formation;
  • constipation.

The price is 242 rubles.

Nutrilon Comfort 1

The mixture is based on cow's milk (hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate), contains structured butter, lactose, fish oil, nucleotides, vitamins and minerals. If the mixture is suitable, it can solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The disadvantages are:

  • High cost.
  • Bitter taste.
  • Doesn't dissolve well.
  • The smell of fish.
  • Healthy children with a tendency to constipation, colic from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Among the side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation.

    The approximate price is 500 rubles.

    Nanny 1

    Created on the basis of goat's milk. Essential acids (Omega 3, 6), nucleotides, vitamins and minerals, 1 - enriched with prebiotics. Better absorbed than cow's milk.

    Created for healthy children, as well as those with intolerance to cow's milk from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Among the side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation.

    The approximate price is 953 rubles.

    Kabrita GOLD 1

    Based on goat milk. There is a modified palm oil, pre- and probiotics, a complex of vitamins and minerals, nucleotides, as well as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


  • High cost.
  • There are fakes.
  • Designed for healthy babies allergic to cow's milk from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.


    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation.

    The approximate price is 920 rubles.

    Materna Classic Milk

    A mixture based on milk with the addition of modified butter, contains Omega 3 and 6. It is of high quality.


    • not distributed, can only be purchased to order;
    • high prices.

    Designed for healthy babies from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation.

    The price is 2300 rubles.

    Materna Mehadrin

    A mixture based on milk with the addition of modified butter, has Omega 3 and 6. It is considered kosher.


    • not common;
    • very high prices.

    Designed for healthy babies from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation.

    The approximate price is 2300 rubles.

    When choosing a mixture, always pay attention to the quality of the packaging, expiration dates.

    If the mixture is produced in different countries, then give preference to the product that you have already used. Even slight differences in the production of the same brand can affect the well-being of the baby.

    Do not buy opened packages from your hands. There is no guarantee that exactly “yesterday” this package was opened.

    The mixture from the open package should be consumed as soon as possible. As a maximum within a month (and some manufacturers have an even shorter period).

    Always strictly follow the food preparation instructions. Declared “measuring spoon without a slide”, it means only a measuring spoon (and the “hill” can be removed with a knife or on the protruding edge of the can). Keep a close eye on the water temperature. A number of mixtures simply do not stir to the end if the water is cold.

    Be sure to sterilize bottles. Use purified and/or boiled water.

    Do not store the prepared mixture outdoors. If it is provided for and stated by the manufacturer on the packaging, then not drunk food should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus whether palm oil is good or bad for the body. That is why many mothers whose children are bottle-fed prefer to purchase mixtures that do not contain this product. However, manufacturers, knowing this, are sometimes silent about its content or designate it in other terms. That is why today we will find out what baby formulas exist without palm oil, we will give a list of those at the end of the article, and first we will find out what this product is.

    General information about palm oil

    What is palm oil?

    Palm oil is an oil obtained from the fruits of the oil palm tree, which grows in tropical countries. It has a red tint and a specific smell and taste. It began to be included in many food products, including milk and even infant formula, because it is a very cheap raw material compared to other analogues. In addition, it has found wide application in industrial production. It is an integral part of many cosmetics, candles and even biofuels.

    The benefits and harms of palm oil

    As we have already said, scientists have not yet come to an agreement on this issue. There are many proponents of palm oil who claim that it is good for the body. They base their conclusions on the fact that this product is rich in many substances useful for the body. Thanks to these substances, harmful free radicals are removed from the body. In addition, this oil helps to strengthen bones, teeth, nails and hair. However, this is only on one side.

    If we consider a different point of view, namely, the harm of palm oil, then its supporters argue that the product contains a large amount of cholesterol, so it should not be consumed by either children or adults. In addition, it removes calcium from the body and this property has been clinically proven. That is why it is not recommended for children. A growing organism especially needs calcium, since this mineral is involved in the formation of the skeletal system and many organs. If it is not supplied in sufficient quantities, then the baby will not grow well, he will have problems with his teeth - and this is not all the problems associated with calcium deficiency. In addition, palm oil causes constipation in a child and colic. It also provokes constant regurgitation and even regurgitation with a "fountain". Knowing all this, most mothers opt for those mixtures that do not include palm oil.

    An overview of popular baby food brands can be found in the article.

    Infant formula: there are products without palm oil

    Children's products without palm oil

    Features of blends without palm oil

    Baby formulas without palm oil, the list of those is not too long, belong to the premium class. They contain prebiotics and probiotics, which positively affect the intestinal microflora. It is they who help to cope with intestinal colic, which very often torment newborns. Note that since they do not include palm oil, the baby does not have problems with the stool.

    In addition, they contain the IQ complex. It is he who contributes to the normal development of the brain of the baby and positively affects his vision. Also in the composition of this complex is a substance called lutein. It cannot be produced by the body on its own within a year after the birth of the baby. That is why it is important that the child receives it from the outside. Only mother's milk and formulas adapted for it can provide lutein for a baby.

    List of blends without palm oil

    Nanny Classic

    This mixture comes to Russian shelves from New Zealand. It contains substances such as Omega-3, Omega-6, lactose, coconut, canola and sunflower oils, whole goat milk powder, and marine animal fat. This product is suitable even for babies prone to allergic reactions and for those children whose body rejects cow's milk.

    The average cost is 320 rubles per 100 gr.


    The country of origin of this product is the Netherlands. This mixture is recommended for:

    1. The baby has an allergic reaction.
    2. Problems with the assimilation of incoming food.
    3. Before preparation for surgery or after it.

    This mixture contains lipids, corn oil and many other beneficial substances.

    The average cost of this product is 270 rubles per 100 gr.

    Similac Isomil

    This mixture comes to us from Denmark. It belongs to the category of medicinal, as it is recommended for the nutrition of children prone to allergies and for those babies whose body rejects cow's milk.

    The average cost of this mixture is 110 rubles per 100 gr.

    Similac Premium

    This mixture, like the previous one, comes to us from Denmark. It is designed to feed babies from the first days of their birth. It contains substances that provide the child with a full mental and physical development.

    The average cost of the product is 110 rubles per 100 gr.

    According to many researchers, infant formulas without palm oil, some of which we have listed above, are more beneficial for the baby than a similar product, which includes this oil. Knowing all this, you can choose the most suitable option for your child.