How to fry fresh fish. Methods for frying fish

If you are looking for recipes for lunch or dinner, then pay attention to this article. In it, we will tell you how to cook delicious fish in the pan and in the oven.

Mackerel with vegetables

If you decide to lose a few pounds, then often delight yourself with this dish for dinner, without supplementing it with a side dish of potatoes or rice. You can cook delicious fish according to the following recipe:

  • To begin with, the mackerel (two or three carcasses) should be thawed a little, and then the skin should be removed from it, the fins and entrails removed, the head and tail cut off.
  • Cut the prepared fish into pieces, each of which is rubbed with salt and ground pepper.
  • Peel two onions and cut into half rings.
  • Take a few bell peppers different colors, cut them in half, remove the seeds and stem, and then cut them into thin strips.
  • Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  • Heat up a frying pan and fry vegetable oil pieces of fish until they are covered with a beautiful crust.
  • Immediately after this, add the onion to the mackerel, and a little later the rest of the vegetables.

Stew fish with vegetables for a few more minutes, and at the very end add salt, pepper and any other spices to your taste.

How to cook pollock fish deliciously

  • Take 500 grams fresh fillet, cut it into portions, lightly salt and season with a mixture of peppers.
  • Beat two chicken yolks with 50 ml of milk, a pinch of salt and sugar. After that, add three tablespoons of flour to the resulting mixture and mix the products with a mixer. At the end, put the whipped egg whites into the batter and mix again. If desired, add finely chopped dill to the dough - it will give the dish a special piquancy.
  • Heat up a frying pan and pour some vegetable oil into it. Dip the fish pieces in the batter, and then fry on both sides under a closed lid until they acquire a golden hue.

When everything is ready, put the pieces on plates, add a side dish and serve to the table, garnished with fresh herbs.

How to cook delicious fish with onions

Amazing taste of this juicy dish will not leave indifferent even the most severe critic. You will need some salt for this. wheat flour and navaga fish. How to cook tasty and fast:

  • Free the thawed or chilled fish (one kilogram) from the insides and skin, remove the tails and heads, rinse under running water. Salt.
  • Peel three large onions from the husk and cut into thin half rings.
  • Put the saffron in a skillet and fry over medium heat. When one side turns golden, the fish can be turned over. At this point, add the prepared onion to it.
  • When the fish is completely cooked, put it on a plate, and continue to fry the onion, stirring occasionally.

To make the dish juicy and acquire a slightly sweet taste, put the onion on the fish and leave the food alone for a while.

with tomatoes

Another idea for delicious lunch. For this dish, inexpensive and affordable hake fish is used. You can learn how to cook an unusual “hodgepodge” deliciously from the following recipe:

  • Peel 15 or 20 garlic cloves and then fry them lightly in vegetable oil.
  • Open two jars (each 800 grams) and put the contents into the pan.
  • Bring the vegetables to a boil and simmer over low heat for another half an hour.
  • While the tomatoes are stewing, start processing the fish. It should be cleaned, cut into pieces of the size you need, salt and pepper them.
  • Put the prepared hake in the pan in one layer and continue to simmer everything together for another 30 minutes.

When the specified time has passed, taste the fish. If it is ready, then serve the dish to the table, sprinkled with fresh herbs and supplemented with a side dish of potatoes or rice. We hope you enjoy hake. You can find out how to cook other culinary delights deliciously if you continue reading our article.

Fillet in a cheese coat

This unusual dish has such pleasant taste that it is not a shame to apply and to festive table. How to cook delicious fish in a pan? Easy Recipe read below:

  • Take a fillet of any fish (one kilogram) and cut it pretty big chunks. Sprinkle with a little salt.
  • To prepare the batter, take 200 grams of grated cheese, three chicken eggs, some salt. Beat the products with a mixer at low speed.
  • Next, to cook fish deliciously, heat a frying pan over a fire and add a little oil to it. Hook a piece of fillet with a fork, dip it in the cheese dough and immediately fry over medium heat. Do the same with the rest of the fish.

Ready-made fish goes well with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Pangasius rolls

If you want to cook delicious fish and surprise your guests, then pay attention to our recipe:

  • Cut the pangasius fillet into two parts (if you need more servings, then do the calculations yourself), lightly beat each piece, salt, season with your favorite spices.
  • Cut the bacon into long strips and wider slices.
  • Place a large piece of bacon on the edge of the fillet and carefully roll up the roll. Wrap the resulting design with a strip and stab it with a wooden skewer.
  • Pour enough oil into a deep frying pan to cover the finished roll, and heat it over a fire.

Fry the pangasius until cooked through, then place the fish on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Serve rolls for dinner, topped with fresh cucumbers and boiled potatoes.

Cod in lavash

You can cook delicious fish different ways. This time we invite you to try original version that your loved ones will surely appreciate. How to cook delicious fish in the oven:

  • Peel a large onion and cut it into thin rings.
  • Cut the tomato into rings.
  • Divide the fillet, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Lavash cut and put in front of you on the working surface of the table.
  • In a bowl, mix sour cream and mayonnaise.
  • Put the onion in the center of the pita bread, then the fish, and then grease it with sauce. Place tomato slices on top and wrap the filling in an envelope. Do the same with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Put the finished envelopes in a baking dish and brush with the remaining sauce.

Preheat oven and bake unusual snack within half an hour.

Red fish in foil

You can use this recipe not only at home, but also at a picnic, where there is a barbecue and a grill. This time we will be able to cook fish deliciously and quickly in the following way:

  • If you have a whole fish, then it should be cleaned and cut into steaks. If you are using fillet, then just cut it into pieces.
  • For the sauce, mix two tablespoons of sour cream, two tablespoons of soy sauce, chopped ginger root and garlic, passed through a press. After that, add some chili powder, cumin seeds and a spoonful of soy sauce. If you want, then put a little more chopped greens. Mix all ingredients.
  • Lubricate the pieces of fish with the prepared sauce and leave it alone for half an hour.
  • When the pieces are marinated, wrap them in foil and bake in a preheated oven until tender.

Decorate the dish before serving fresh vegetables and greenery.

In this article we will tell you how to fry fish in a pan deliciously. It does not require any new skills or unusual products, and the fish will turn out very juicy and unusually tasty.

Fish cooked according to this recipe always turns out very juicy inside, no matter how dry it is.

The whole secret is in an unusual breading, or rather in eggs and mayonnaise.

How to fry fish in a frying pan deliciously?

  • white sea ​​fish- 600 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 30 ml;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spicy salted seafood mix - to taste.

Cooking technology

1. We clean the fish, wash it and cut it into pieces. Salt and sprinkle lemon juice.

2. Beat the eggs, combining them with the norm of mayonnaise. Here we add a spicy salty mixture for seafood.

3. First roll the fish in flour, and then lower it into the egg mass.

4. The oil in the pan should be well heated by this time. We spread the pieces of sea rabbit on a brazier and fry on all sides. After frying, be sure to put the fish on a napkin so that it absorbs the remaining fat.

Prepare the fish for serving.

Put it on a plate, add, for example, pickled cabbage and herbs.

You can talk about fish endlessly, given that it inhabits most of the planet - the world's oceans.

To this, you can add more and fresh water.

But for the moment, let's focus on one aspect: fish is one of the most important sources of food for people, and in some countries its use as a food product occupies an absolutely leading position.

For example, each Japanese eats an average of 70 kg of fish per year.

In Russia, this figure is much more modest - 24 kg.

Every hour, up to one million tons of fish are caught in the world's oceans, and this is not counting the fact that in recent decades it has been actively grown in artificial reservoirs.

The nutritional value fish primarily lies in the special structure of the protein, which, despite its high calorie content, is easily absorbed by the human body, without aggravating consequences. Fish contains the whole complex of vitamins and minerals vital for a person, and at the same time it is a source of all unsaturated fatty acids. Such a voluminous combination, almost completely satisfying the needs of a person to restore strength and maintain the body's performance, is perhaps rarely found in other natural products.

It is known that in the process cooking Of course, all products lose their valuable properties to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, the primary task of professionals and housewives in the kitchen is to find the best way cooking dishes that allow you to simultaneously preserve nutritional value products, while emphasizing all the best flavors of fish.

How to fry fish in a pan - basic technological principles

Even with the advent of cooking in its modern sense, the main methods of heat treatment of fish have not changed dramatically. It is stewed, boiled, stewed, baked and fried.

Each of the listed cooking methods is a rather voluminous topic, so let's focus on one of them, the most common - frying fish in a pan.

For this method, it is recommended to use only fresh fish. Large carcasses are cleaned, washed and cut into pieces, with bones or, after removing them, prepare the fillet, then cutting it into portioned pieces. Small types of fish are cleaned, removing scales, gills and entrails, washed and fried whole, with the head.

In every cuisine of world cuisine, fried fish is present in the assortment of fish dishes, apparently, as the most favorite way to cook it.

For frying, choose more fatty varieties of fish. This is due to the fact that with a low fat content, the flesh of the fish carcass becomes dry and crumbles. But in the case when you don’t have to choose a type of fish, and the desire to eat personalized fried fish is too great, housewives who have not closely studied the technology of preparing fish dishes begin to look for an answer, why does the fish crumble when frying, how to fry fish in a pan? In flour or in batter (lezon) - this is the fastest and easy way problem solving.

How to fry fish in a pan in flour

It is not hard to guess that frying is the most vulnerable way of food processing, during which a significant part, first of all, of the vitamins that are in the composition of the products, is lost. Of course, such losses cannot be completely excluded, but it is possible to preserve at least some of the beneficial properties of food with some knowledge of cooking technology.

Rolling fish in flour before frying is one way to preserve vitamins. The crust of flour formed during frying prevents the release of vitamins from the fish pulp and at the same time gives the dish appearance and a taste loved by all. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the flour shell does not burn.

The next important point when frying fish, which is also worth paying attention to, is the choice of fat, the topic is also quite voluminous, requiring separate consideration. We will only touch on some of its aspects relating to the question of how to fry fish in a pan.

In a good non-stick pan, you can fry fish without using fat, but there is a nuance here - depending on the type of oil, fried fish gets additional flavors.

Some types of fish retain their specific smell, even despite pre-treatment. If this smell is perceived with pleasure (and there are many such fish lovers!), Then use ordinary refined oil, which does not smoke at high temperatures. If you prefer the smell of olives over the smell of fried fish, use Extra Virginia oil for frying. High quality margarine can be used. But real professionals advise using butter when frying fish. In this case, you need to put a piece butter under the fish, turning it over to the other side, after frying on one side in vegetable oil with a neutral taste. Natural butter gives a special, delicate taste. In addition, being a product of dairy origin, butter, like all dairy products, successfully removes odors due to its chemical composition.

How long to fry fish

If cave ancestors fried fish on hot volcanic stones and did not think about how much to fry fish so as not to become infected with those harmful microorganisms that sometimes settle in marine, and especially in river inhabitants, what dishes are and how to fry fish in a pan, then modern requirements to the sanitary standards of its processing and storage is a prerequisite.

River fish must be kept in ice water to remove the specific smell of mud, river algae. Since fresh water bodies are the most favorable habitat for various invisible inhabitants of the earth's fauna than the salt water of the seas and oceans, then the question pre-treatment river and anadromous fish should be treated with special attention. After soaking in fresh water and removing the smell of mud, treat the river catch with a strong saline solution. Alternative way disinfection of fish can be treated with alcohol-containing products: wipe large carcasses with vodka or sprinkle with alcohol vinegar, soak for half an hour (preferably in the refrigerator), rinse the fish again under running water and proceed to direct cooking without fear of unpleasant consequences.

To be absolutely sure of safety, fry the fish at a temperature not lower than 150ºϹ, for at least 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the fish, and then bring it to readiness in the oven at a temperature of 220ºϹ, for five minutes. If you are not going to fry the fish in the oven, then fry it in a pan, turning it over twice on both sides. In this case, the first frying is best done with the lid closed, so that the product undergoes preliminary and serious steam treatment. Then remove the lid and fry a second time for a crispy crust.

Recipe 1. Fried pelengas with onions, in a "cheese coat"

This fish belongs to the mullet family. Pelengas is a fish that is tasty without any additives, and if you want to add a fish dish other ingredients, then choose neutral products to emphasize the taste of the fish itself.


Pelengas 2.5 kg

grated cheese(any hard grade) 600 g

Butter 82.5% 120 g

Chopped onion 0.5 kg

Flour for breading

Oil for frying 150 g

Cooking order:

Clean the large carcass from the scales, remove the gills, make an incision on the abdomen and remove the insides. Rinse your belly. big fish can be divided in half along the ridge. In this case, you need to make an additional incision on the back and separate the pulp from the ridge, which, together with the fins, tail and head, use to cook the fish soup. Cut into portions, put them in a stainless steel bowl and sprinkle with salt. Leave to soak for fifteen minutes. Heat a frying pan and pour generously with oil so that the pieces of fish are half immersed in it. Dip the fish in a bowl of flour and place in the pan when the oil begins to smoke slightly. Fry on both sides and transfer to parchment. Take another pan, heat it up again and sauté the chopped onion in the butter. Put the pieces of pelengas on top and sprinkle them with grated cheese. Cover with a lid and keep on low heat until cheese is melted. If desired, you can add chopped dill and chopped garlic.

Recipe 2. Pike perch with creamy wine sauce


Lemon juice 200 ml

Pike perch fillet 6 steaks 150 g each

Oil (butter and vegetable) for frying

Flour for breading

To prepare the sauce:

Wine white, dry 150 ml

Eggs 2 pcs.

Cream, fatty 225 ml

Muscat, ground 3 g

Cooking method:

Place the prepared steaks in a container, pour lemon juice for twenty minutes. Combine breading flour with salt, nutmeg and pepper. Take out their liquid steaks and dry them with a paper towel. Roll in the prepared flour mixture and start frying: first in heated refined oil, and then, turning over, put 20-25 g of butter under each piece. When frying on the other side, cover the pan with a lid. Heat the cream in a saucepan to 40-50ºϹ, dissolve salt and sugar in them, season with spices. Pour the beaten eggs in a thin stream, stirring constantly and heat the sauce to a boil. Pour in the wine and cook for another 5-6 minutes. Remove from heat and add herbs if desired. Serve hot with fish.

Recipe 3. Milk hake with tomato and vegetables

Composition of products:

Hake carcasses (without head) 4 pcs.

Carrot 150 g

Flour (including for sautéing) 180 g

Tomato juice 300 ml

ground coriander

ground cloves

Dill, chopped 100 g

Spread (72.5%) 200 g


Salt prepared small-sized carcasses and dry with a napkin after twenty minutes. Fry in hot fat on both sides, after rolling them in flour. Chop the peeled onion, cut the carrot into small sticks. Saute vegetables until soft, add flour.

Bring tomato juice to taste with sugar, salt and spices; Pour it into the sautéed vegetables and bring to a boil. Pour the fried fish with the prepared sauce and simmer for 30-40 minutes, adding greens at the end and Bay leaf.

Serve for a side dish mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Recipe 4. Pollock in batter


Pollock fillet 1.2 kg

Apple vinegar 100 ml

Soy sauce 25 ml

Rosemary 3-4 sprigs

Sour cream (25%) 200 g

Chopped thyme 50 g

White ground pepper 5 g

Sesame seeds, roasted 100 g

Spread for frying 200 g


Cut pollock meat into strips or cubes, put in a container and marinate with honey, salt, vinegar and soy sauce. Mix the pieces with the marinade, transfer to a plastic bag, and put fresh rosemary sprigs in it. The bag can be left overnight in the refrigerator, tightly tied.

Immediately before frying, combine sour cream with flour, beat with a blender, adding spices, thyme and roasted sesame seeds.

Dry the marinated pieces of fish with a napkin, bread in flour and, dipping each piece in the prepared batter, spread with tongs in boiling fat, frying until tender.

Recipe 5. Fried trout with lemon and olives


Olives 100 g

Trout steaks 2 pcs.

Lemon slices 4 pcs.

Butter, melted 60 g

Olive oil (for frying) 75 ml

Ground almonds 50 g

Salt, mixed ground peppers


Sprinkle washed and slightly dried trout steaks with lemon juice and roll in flour, combined with spices, nuts, salt. Heat the oil and fry the steaks, 10 minutes on each side. Cover the pan with a lid for 5 minutes to steam the fish, and then fry it again on both sides for 2-3 minutes with the lid open, until a crust forms.

Serve with lemon wedges, sliced ​​olives and drizzle with hot oil.

    Before frying the fish in a pan in flour, wash it and sprinkle with lemon juice to remove the smell.

    After cooking the fish, rub the cutting board, knives and dishes with lemon peel or vinegar.

    Waste after cleaning fish is best removed from the premises immediately after processing. This is an extremely dangerous source of infection.

    Fish can and should be included in the children's diet, but children should use fried fish not worth eating. Especially for them, boil a piece of pulp. If the child refuses to eat fish because of its smell, add lemon zest, bay leaves, more greens to the fish broth, or combine fish broth with chicken so that the baby does not notice anything, and cook meatballs with rice from fish meat.

Fish is found to be a very useful product for humans, and if it is properly cooked, it is also tasty. A source of protein and, most importantly, phosphorus, sea and river fish contains trace elements and the famous fish fat. It is indicated for use by both children and adults. There are a great many recipes that highlight cooking (if you suddenly want to arrange a "fish day" for yourself). We will focus on some of them. And also on the features of the technology of preparation. How to fry fish? To do this, you need to know a few culinary secrets.

Preparation stage

First, before frying fish in a pan, it must be prepared for this process. We will thoroughly clean it from scales, gut it and separate it from the bones (if the recipe involves the use of fillets). If the fish is small, then you can not remove the bones, but fry them whole. This issue can be solved in a different way, easier, by buying an already cut carcass or fillet in the store. To cook in batter, you also need to remove the skin. Before frying, remove excess moisture from the product so that the oil does not splash in different directions. This can be done with a linen dry napkin.


When the fish is properly prepared, you can start frying. But first, before that, choose a frying pan. After all, even an inexperienced cook knows that good dishes in cooking - already half the battle. So, this kitchen appliance should be large enough to fry, for example, long fillets. It should be noted that the fish has a delicate structure. Therefore, not every pan will be suitable. By the way, today the industry also offers special "fish". Use only high-quality dishes so as not to spoil both the appearance of the dish and its taste, as well as beneficial features. The most important parameter of the pan is the thickness. The thicker the bottom and sides of the cookware, the better. An important role is also played by the non-stick coating (now it is considered the best from natural stone, then Teflon and ceramics). But if you have a "grandmother's" Cast-iron pan, good too.


Before frying fish in a pan, you need to take care of the choice of oil. Use only vegetable! No spreads, margarines, animal fats. Before frying fish, choose a good vegetable oil: olive or sunflower, but not for salads, namely for frying, refined, peeled - this way it will burn less.

How to fry fish in a pan

Now that all the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin the frying process itself. If you have large cut pieces of fish with skin, then you need to make small cuts so that they do not change their shape. If you will be fried in batter, prepare it ahead of time.

How to make batter

This batter, which forms a golden crisp when frying the product in it. It usually cooks boneless fillet, not very fatty. The most commonly used in this case are pelengas, cod, pollock, pike perch, hake. It is not recommended to cook red fish in batter. The test recipe is simple. You need to take four tablespoons of wheat flour, two eggs, 200 grams of sour cream or mayonnaise, salt and spices to taste, but you can do without them. Beat eggs in a bowl, add sour cream, salt and spices, mix well. Gradually, stirring, we introduce flour. The batter should be homogeneous, not containing lumps. In terms of density - like dough for pancakes. diet option- without eggs, but with breadcrumbs. Dip medium-sized pieces of fillet into it - and into the pan!

The process itself

We put the dishes on medium heat and warm up before frying the fish in a pan. Now oil. It must be poured a lot, brought almost to a boil, and only then put the fish. Can be used breadcrumbs by rolling the product in them. And you can - ordinary flour or batter. The main thing is to fry until crispy golden brown and not stew!

How much to fry fish of different varieties

A whole small flounder or halibut (300 grams) is fried on each side for five minutes. The fillet of these fish is three minutes each. Herring, whole mackerel (up to 300 grams) - about five to six minutes. Small fish - two to three minutes on each side, turning over.

deep fried

It is necessary to fry in a special deep fryer using a large number vegetable oil or special - for deep fat (also vegetable). We remind you: do not use animal fats! The fish pieces themselves are best dipped in batter, then they will not fall apart when frying, but will remain whole. You can cook batter on beer. It will be very tasty: five tablespoons of flour, a glass of beer, one tablespoon of starch, one egg, salt to taste. Since the oil is almost boiling with us, and the fillet pieces are small, the dish is fried very, very quickly - just a couple of minutes. The main thing here is to carry out the necessary preliminary work. As soon as the fillet pieces in batter begin to brown, we take them out of the deep fryer with a special spatula and put them on paper towels to dry them from excess fat. Serve with rice as a side dish or mashed potatoes. It is possible with a salad of greens and fresh vegetables.


If you have a quality grill, you can try using that as well. So let's fry the fish. The grill recipe is very simple. We clean the fish, gut it, cut off the heads (by the way, in some species you can not cut them off, but bake them whole). Then dry the whole carcass with prepared towels and rub with salt and spices to taste. What seasonings to use? There are, of course, special fish. These include coriander, turmeric, paprika, parsley, thyme, various dried vegetables (garlic, onion, carrot). In general, now you can buy in the store already ready mix. Don't be afraid to oversalt! The fish "takes" as much white powder as it needs. You can even grease the carcasses with vegetable oil before cooking so that our dish does not turn out too dry. But for fatty fish, this is not necessary. Fry on the grill, turning over. "The taste is specific," as a well-known satirist in the USSR used to say. And all because the birch coals give a subtle smoky flavor, and the crispy crust on the grate turns out to be amazing. Bon appetit!

Dry the fish pieces with a paper towel to prevent splattering of oil while frying.

If the scales are difficult to separate, you can lower the fish for a moment in boiling water - the cleaning process will go much faster.

Any common fish V a small amount oils can be prepared by breading in breadcrumbs or flour. After frying, it must be put on a napkin to remove excess fat. In order for the hot oil not to splatter, you need to salt the pan a little, and then lay out the fish.

Here is the recipe for fried fish:



Crucian - 0.5 kg
Cornmeal - 50 g
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Vegetable oil - 50 ml

  • Cooking time: 25 min
  • Fried fish
  • For 2 people
  • 200 kcal per 100 g


It is impossible not to love the juicy and fried crucian carp, which was just served to you with hot pan especially if it's breaded with cornmeal! Cooking this fish dish at home is not difficult, because crucians are very easy to clean, fry and eat just as quickly!

It is advisable to immediately fry crucian carp with an additive, since this fish looks like seeds - it is impossible to eat it!

To prepare fried carp, prepare necessary products: Purchase or catch live fish, making sure it is fresh.

Clean the carp from the scales and open their belly. Take out the insides very carefully, as there is a bag of bile near the head - it is important not to damage it so that bitterness does not spill out.

Remove the black film from the inside of the abdomen, it is extremely bitter when tasting, and it is better to get rid of it immediately.

Rinse the fish several times in water and cut its surface diagonally without cutting all the way through. Thus, the inside of the fish will be fried and steamed.

Rub the crucian carp with salt both inside and out.

Pane in cornmeal, in the absence of which you can use ordinary wheat.

Fry crucian carp in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

Serve hot. Fried crucians are insanely delicious, but it is advisable to eat them with bread so that you can get enough faster.

Enjoy your meal!


  • Carp in sour cream in the oven
  • Carp baked in foil
  • Carp in sour cream

Here is another recipe for fried fish:

How to cook fish in a special dough

Many people like to cook fish in dough: it turns out very appetizing, tasty and satisfying. Even children, who do not always like fish, will eat with pleasure in the dough. Such fish turns out to be more tender and juicy than just fried in oil.

You need to have:

  • 800 gr. fish,
  • vegetable oil.

For the test you will need:

  • 2/3 cup wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • greenery,
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 1 red tomato,
  • 2 chicken eggs,
  • milk,
  • salt.

Dough preparation method

  • Sift flour into a small bowl and mix with salt. We take the eggs, wash them well and break them, separating the whites from the yolks. In a small bowl, beat egg whites until white foam. Add the egg yolks to the flour and dilute with milk. Mix well until homogeneous mass to avoid lumps. Pour in vegetable oil, mix and leave for 25-30 minutes. Before we start frying, we add proteins to the dough and mix.
  • Preliminary preparation:
  • We take the fish, clean it, take out the insides, if necessary, remove the bones, wash, blot with a napkin, dry, salt a little.
  • We take a deep frying pan, pour vegetable oil, heat it up and then dip the prepared fish into the dough and fry first on one side, then on the other. In this way, you can fry cod, pollock, hake. It turns out unusually tasty when we fry carp belly using this method.
  • Put the finished fish on beautiful dish, decorate with herbs and fresh vegetables. Fish can be served upon request. boiled potatoes with greens boiled rice, seasoned with butter, and your favorite sauce.

A few more tips (repetition is the mother of learning):

How to fry fish in a pan

If you do not know the basic rules for frying fish, this product can be easily spoiled. All river varieties and some sea varieties are suitable for cooking in a pan: hake, pollock, tilapia, flounder, blue whiting, cod and red fish.

Before frying fish, you need to choose the right pan, breading and oil. The pan should be large, with a thick bottom and a quality coating. But tasty dish Can be cooked in regular cast iron cookware.

It is better to fry this product on vegetable or olive oil, and for juiciness, a few minutes before readiness, add a few pieces of butter.

What breading to choose for fish?

The easiest option is to roll pieces of fish in flour. Dried herbs and various spices are also added to the flour plate. Breadcrumbs can also be used as a breading. They are crushed, spices, herbs and cheese are added to taste. The fish is peppered and salted, and then rolled in breadcrumbs.

The batter is prepared for low-fat fillets, cod, pelengas, pike perch, pollock and hake. But this method is not suitable for red fish. To prepare the batter, you will need 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. flour, salt and spices to taste (for example, ground saffron and pepper).

In a deep bowl, you need to break the eggs and beat well, add spices and salt, and then gently pour in the flour. If desired, you can add a few tablespoons of sour cream to the mixture. There should be no lumps in the batter; in terms of consistency, it resembles thick sour cream.

How to fry fish in a pan?

First you need to heat the pan well, pour in the sunflower oil and wait for it to sizzle. Lay out the pieces of meat or fillet and fry on one side for at least 5 minutes to get a golden crust.

It is important to remember that you can not cover the pan with a lid. When a crust appears, the fish must be turned over and fried on the other side for 3-5 minutes, putting small pieces of butter on it. Ready meat moves away from the bones well.

Fish can be fried without oil, but first, salt is calcined in a heated frying pan, then it is poured out and pieces or fillets of meat are placed.

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