Cast iron skillet grill recipes. How to use the grill pan? Grilled vegetables marinated in olive oil.

A steak is a thick piece of meat that is fried. Steak favourite dish most people. Meat is not only a source of protein, vitamins, but also useful and necessary chemical elements for the body. Scientists have been arguing about the benefits and harms of this product for a long time. At the moment, one thing is known that the better the steak is fried, the less likely it is to become infected with pathogenic bacteria that can live in a raw product. This is especially true for pork.

Types of steaks

Rib eye steak has a fatty layer. Part of the carcass in this case will be prepared prescapular.
Filet mignon is a steak made from a round mouse that does not move, so the meat is tender and not tough. It turns out this is solely due to the rest of this muscle during the life of the animal.

Teebone steak is meat on the bone. This type of steak is considered popular and is often ordered in restaurants.

Sometimes, having many options, a question arises during the selection. Mainly in the matter of pans, pots and utensils. It is not enough just to go to the store and ask the seller for something. Know what material is made; If you buy something that matches the practicality of your Everyday life; If the price not only attracts looks, but also quality with durability, these and other benefits that a good frying pan can bring you.

Frying pans are ideal for slow cooking and for preparing dishes that require several steps to cook. What many people don't know is that there are different types frying pans that differ in basic functions, such as.

Tornedos are small steaks that come from the central part of the animal.

Tomahawk steak - is meat on the bone with a whole bone in the form of a tomahawk. The second name of this steak is Cowboy.

Iron steak is a very tender, marbled steak that palatability can yield only to cutting. There are no bones in this piece of meat.

Format; the size; weight; Raw material. . Among the types, they are mainly divided into five categories: stainless steel; aluminum; non-stick; iron and cast iron. Today, in particular, we will talk about pans that have a material, cast iron. Cast iron pans provide best cooking food, keeping the temperature of the food, keeping them warm for longer. This is a universal cookware and can be used in all types of ovens. Cast iron pans don't break and your material is stable, which helps keep your stove and countertops in place.

Understand the benefits of cast iron cookware

Frying pans have many advantages over other kitchen utensils. They are not toxic; It is strong, durable and stable cookware; They don't stick; Do not break or deform; They are versatile and can be used and installed anywhere on the stove. They are nutritious because they provide a small amount of iron oxide and manganese in manufactured products. The lack of iron causes various diseases, such as anemia, in addition to symptoms such as extreme fatigue, despondency, and lack of focus. Therefore, these minerals are included in the diet and become important for the control and prevention of anemia.

Prime Rib is meat baked on the rib. The degree of marbling in such a dish will be high. The taste is tender and quite rich.

Minced meat is essentially minced steak used to make cutlets. To create such a dish, use the neck, rump and thick edge.

How to cook steaks the right way

How to maintain your frying pan?

Cleaning and conservation cast iron pans very simple. So, grab a paper and a pen and write down the tips we shared to help you keep your dishes longer! When washing the pan, use a neutral soap, preferably on a stick, to prevent the pores of the iron surface from detergent residue; Avoid using sponges that remove the protective layer from your pan. Over time and with the use of frying, new forms of protection form on the surface of the iron, which helps prevent rust. After completing the washing process, dry the dishes for several minutes until the moisture evaporates; It is recommended not to store food in a pan or cast iron cookware because as the hours go by, the water from the stored food will naturally start to oxidize. This procedure results in changes in the appearance of certain foods, such as browning.

Make healthy pan-cooked meals

Food demonstrates the properties of iron. . By now you should have understood that for good food it is not enough to use only quality ingredients or good cook, is not it?

To cook a steak deliciously, you need to know how to fry it properly. The cooking time for each piece of meat is different. The meat dish can be made both fried and with medium and low degrees of roasting. Before frying a steak, you need to cut the flesh. This should be done across the fibers. The thickness of the cut steak should reach 2 - 4 cm. It is best to take the fillet of a mature animal, but not too old, respectively, not too young. If, when pressing on the meat, a depression is obtained, which then returns to its original position, then the product is fresh.

Knowing how to choose the right pot or utensil for each type and food is a good start. As you can see, this utensil is useful to us in many ways. Now that you already know some of the benefits a cast iron skillet can bring to you day in and day out, it's time to start thinking about ready meals. When it comes to cooking, the trick is to take risks. Use basic recipes with ideas that are also easy and quick to make, though - a bit more incremental.

A good example is the preparation of recipes using products such as eggs, which contain a wide variety of dishes such as omelettes; pancakes; Omelette; Fried pizza with potatoes and eggs; Grilled and grilled steaks or one skramblitz with vegetables and meat!

How to cook steaks, with or without salt

Salt also plays a role in this matter. But there is still no consensus on when to salt a steak. Some recipes say that you need to salt before frying, others - at the moment when there is a crust on the meat, others - in general, when the dish is already completely ready and is on the table. How to cook a steak, everyone decides for himself. In any case, the trial and error method will give the correct result.

Now that you know all the benefits of having a cast iron skillet, don't waste your time! Make the purchase of one and experience all these benefits and more! Faced with the multiplication of materials and coatings, it becomes increasingly difficult to choose a furnace. The task becomes increasingly difficult due to the fact that preconceived ideas and a priori are numerous. We will try to be as accurate and objective as possible so that everyone can make their choice consciously.

Coated or uncoated board?

When choosing, it is worth asking the first question. Let's assume the entry is perfect option- have 2 types of ovens in your cookware. It's not a stupid debatable argument, but both have opposite uses and are therefore complementary. We don't have to use a pan the same way we use an uncoated pan, and that's what 90% of us do! And, unfortunately, no manufacturer to date has been able to develop a fully universal frying pan.

How to fry steaks the right way

Dishes for frying a steak can be very diverse. The steak is cooked in a pan, on the grill, baked in the oven, on the grill, on an open fire. If you use recipes for frying pork or beef in a grill pan, then the meat will turn out to be almost dietary. This is due to the fact that the fat will drain into the grate compartments of the pan, and the meat will not absorb it back. A dish baked in the oven will be soft and easy to cut.

Fry steak is better only in vegetable oil, although recipes for roasting meat in butter are also acceptable. When using butter, do not overheat the pan, as its burning temperature is lower than that of vegetable oil. You can rush two oils or use the ideal option, which is sautéing a steak in ghee.

How to grill fish in a pan

The pan, commonly known as a non-stick pan, is not made by design for use at high temperatures, so absolutely no cooking meat or making vegetables, for example, didn't! Using it at too high a temperature, in best case it will lose its anti-adhesive qualities very quickly, in the worst case, the coating will peel off just as quickly.

Some coatings that are stronger than others will allow you to keep your non-stick jar longer, sometimes for years, especially if you use it on a low heat. But keep in mind that a non-stick pan has a limited lifespan in the long run. Its coating, even if preserved using all application recommendations, will eventually lose its release properties due to wear and time.

How delicious to fry

The main rule is that first the meat must be fried on a good fire until golden brown, and only then you need to bring it over low heat until cooked. Professional chefs it is advised to dry the product for one hour in the oven before frying. The temperature should be 60 degrees. In addition, you need to fry the steak comprehensively, this is a guarantee that meat dish stays juicy inside.

A beveled pan, mostly stainless steel or steel, is virtually indestructible! The problem is that most of the time you don't know how to use it. Unlike a frying pan, it must be used at a high temperature to be effective and is especially recommended for cooking meat.

Since steel and stainless steel are inert materials, they are safe to contact with food products and can easily withstand very high temperatures. The advantage of this cooking method is that your meat can be cooked healthy without the fat. First, the meat sticks to the pan. This is normal, the pores of the meat shrink under the heat and stick.

delicious steaks always obtained if proven recipes are used.

Recipe for steak in a pan

• two pieces of steak 2.5 cm thick,
• salt;
• black pepper;
• spices to taste;
• vegetable oil

What happens later is much more interesting: natural juices meat will be caramelized, as cooking allows you to take off to turn it. In addition to the practical interest of this phenomenon, you get golden and crispy meat on the outside, tender and melting inside, while retaining all its flavors.

Various types of coatings

It has never been clear what effects these fumes had on the body, but if they are declared toxic, it's best to be careful! This only reinforces our previous advice to only use this type of stove on low heat. Fortunately, we can talk about this in the past, because the vast majority of manufacturers have abandoned this product, which will be completely banned here anyway.

The meat must be cut into portioned pieces. Salt and pepper are used to taste. Spices are desirable to rub into the pulp. The pan must be heated up with vegetable oil. Oil of vegetable origin can be mixed in half with cow's oil. The fire must be made strong and fry the meat on each side for 2 minutes. After that, the fire is reduced, and the product is fried for another five minutes on each side. In addition, you need to fry the sides of the steak. Such an operation will help to keep the juice in the flesh, providing it with tenderness.

The stone oven does not exist!

Therefore, it should be used in the same way at low heat, not for health reasons, but to maintain all its effectiveness. The stone oven does not exist and we have refused to sell this product at the moment. Not that the product is necessarily low quality, but it is one of the most beautiful language abuses at the moment to deceive the consumer!

As we already mentioned, stainless steel and steel furnaces are uncoated with a fairly similar operating mode, but there is a fundamental difference between them. Indeed, if a stainless steel pot, which is very easy to maintain, retains the same properties over time, a steel stove will improve as it is used with a certain amount of precautions. Then after each use it will be sufficient to rinse without degreaser detergent dishwashing detergent, which will help give it non-stick properties, since its use is not as effective as a coating, but still very interesting.

Grilled steak recipe

Cut the meat into portions from 2.5 to 4 cm. Prepare salt, pepper, Provencal herbs. Salt the carcass, sprinkle with herbs and send to the grill to fry on both sides for 2 minutes. The grill pan does not need to be lubricated. After such an operation, it is worth sending the dish to the oven, heated to a temperature of 180 degrees for a period of 15 to 30 minutes. Everything will depend on the oven, the thickness of the meat and the desired degree of roasting. When cooking a meat dish in the oven, it is worth covering it with foil. After cooking the dish, he will need to let it stand for a couple of minutes on the table, only then it is worth removing the foil and serving the steak. Serve meat on warm plates. The plates will keep the temperature and the dish will not cool down very quickly, which means that the steak will delight in its taste.

Other types of ovens are also offered for diffusion that is more marginal but may be of interest. Copper oven. Often for professionals and enthusiasts, copper plate has a relatively small spread due to its cost. Since copper is not compatible with food contact, the copper pan has a pewter finish and its interior is made of a layer of stainless steel. In this case, you have a formidable tool that combines the wonderful qualities of the uniform circulation of copper heat with the neutrality and ease of maintenance of stainless steel.

original steak recipe

• Portion meat (2 large pieces);
• 2 tbsp. spoons of rum;
• 1 clove of garlic;
• 1 tsp. soy sauce;
• salt;
• oregano;
• 2 tbsp. vegetable oil

All ingredients are mixed together. The meat remains in the marinade for 2 hours in the cold. After two hours have passed, the product should be allowed to lie down at room conditions for another hour. It is advisable to turn the fillet several times so that both sides are saturated with marinade. Before frying, the meat must be wiped and dried well. You can fry either in a grill pan or in a thick pan. The meat should be fried in a well-heated pan for 4 to 8 minutes on each side. Roasting time will depend on the thickness of the product. The steak can be turned either once or many times. From the frequency of coups, the meat will have different taste and aroma. The piece that is turned over more often cooks more evenly, while the piece that is turned once has a stronger flavor.

Cast iron pan Another attractive alternative is enamelled cast iron, which is also a healthy material with uniform heat circulation in the form of copper and prevents food from sticking. The enemy of a cast iron skillet is weight, but it can be a lot of fun to cook meat that is usually not required to take the pot in your hand while cooking.

Enamelled sheet metal plate. Strongly present in kitchens half a century before non-stick coating, the enameled sheet plate is making a comeback, but with a level of enamel quality far below that of enamel, which is what motivates us to stock this product the most.

It is worth trying both methods of roasting to understand which one will suit your taste. At the end of the frying ready meal you have to put a piece butter and let it melt and absorb. After frying, the meat should rest for ten minutes under the foil. It is this secret that allows you to make the dish juicy, tender, melting in your mouth. It is best to serve the product on a warm plate, decorating it with herbs, vegetables and sauce.

Various cooking methods. We often tend to overcook pork. The result is dry, tasteless and tasteless meat. By maintaining a moderate temperature and the suggested cooking time, you will get tender, juicy and tasty meat. Cooking according to time.

Fried, fried, fried: 5 to 20 min. They are suitable for small parts. By staying watered, the meat retains all of its juiciness, making it softer and smoother in the mouth. If other ingredients require a longer cooking time, remove the meat and return it at the last minute, just to warm it up. Cut the meat into small pieces for the best result. . Fried, stewed, boiled: 1 to 3 hours.

Spices are of great importance when frying a steak. Meat salted one hour before frying will be softer due to the softening of the protein. Spices also soften the structure of the meat and saturate it with an unsurpassed aroma and taste.

How long to fry beef steak

The meat is cut into pieces, salted, peppered, coated with vegetable oil, spices can be added if desired. Meat rubbed with spices, pepper and salt should be allowed to rest for one hour. You need to fry in a pan with a thick bottom or in a grill pan. Over high heat, the pulp must first be fried for one minute on each side. After that, the meat is still fried for four or five minutes on each side. To prevent the juice from flowing out of the beef, it is necessary to turn it over with culinary tongs, and not with a fork. After the dish is ready, it must be allowed to stand for room temperature ten minutes. At this time, the meat should be covered with foil. So it will become even juicier and softer. After that, the dish is served on the table with vegetables or potatoes.
Date: 13.05.2017 / 16:39

Grilling in the oven and microwave is convenient because you don’t have to mess around with charcoal, and besides, not everyone has the opportunity to cook outdoors. Grilled dishes are very diverse, almost any non-liquid dish that does not require utensils can be cooked on the grill. They cook grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, grilled meat, grilled fish.

One of the most popular dishes- grilled chicken. The recipe for grilled chicken is very simple, so instead of buying ready-made grilled chicken, it's better to learn how to cook grilled chicken. Of course, it is important whether it is prepared grilled chicken in the oven, grilled chicken in aerogrill or charcoal grilled chicken. The recipe for grilled chicken is similar in all cases, but the cooking technology is different. Charcoal-grilled chicken will require you to periodically turn the chicken carcass. Of course, grilled chicken at home is often cooked in the microwave. You need to understand that if the chicken is cooked in the microwave, the grill is not so fragrant, but on the other hand, the chicken cooks faster and it is easier to control the process. Another common way to cook grilled chicken is grilled chicken in the oven. The grilled chicken recipe in the oven can be with some kind of chicken filling, but is often prepared without it. It is even more convenient to cook in the oven and the fact that the chicken will be evenly fried, and excess fat drip onto a baking sheet. Grilled chicken can be cooked as a whole or in parts. It can be grilled legs, grilled wings. An important detail is the grilled chicken marinade. Without it, you won't be able to delicious chickens grill. Marinade is prepared on the basis of mayonnaise or dry white wine, with the addition of spices. But if time is running out, grilled chicken can be cooked without marinade. We will show you how to cook grilled chicken without marinade: first rub the chicken with salt and spices, and then rub with vegetable oil. In this case, you can also delicious chicken grilled with a delicious crispy crust. It is this crust that is famous for real chicken grill, a photo of cooked chicken with a brownish crust leaves few people indifferent. In principle, grilled pork and grilled beef are prepared according to the same rules. For rubbing, it is better to use olive oil, and the wine should be dry red. Today there are also special pans that allow you to fry meat without oil. It is also very convenient to cook meat in a grill pan, so if you are not a supporter of microwaves, use this specialized utensil. The most unpretentious is the grill for sausages, since this is a semi-finished product and it does not take long to cook them.

A special delicacy is grilled fish. Fresh, hot, smelling of smoke, it can give odds to a restaurant one. The most delicious is grilled trout, grilled salmon, grilled mackerel, grilled salmon. The recipe for grilled fish is also very simple: the fish must be sprinkled with spices, pour over lemon juice or white wine. If the fish is large, lemon slices can be put inside or in the incisions on the back. Grilled fish in the microwave is also good. In addition to grilled fish, you can cook other seafood, such as grilled shrimp.

To cook the grill in the microwave, it is best to read the instructions, which will always tell you how to cook the grill in the microwave. There are often microwave-grilled recipes in there too, but a more reliable option would be the proven grill recipes from your fellow home cooks, which you can find on our website. They will tell you how to cook grilled chicken, grilled vegetables in the oven, how to make grilled chicken in the oven and on charcoal, as well as other grilled recipes.