How to make chocolate icing for cake decoration. Recipe for Lemon Mousse Cake with Orange Color Glaze

Many housewives love to cook homemade desserts. Cakes or a cake with chocolate icing will delight adults and children, especially if you strictly adhere to the cooking recipe. A glaze of white or dark chocolate will become great option dessert decoration bird's milk, biscuit cakes and other homemade pastries.

In order for the fondant to get the desired consistency, it is important to determine for what purpose it is planned to be used. The technology depends on whether you need to get a matte or glossy mixture. Classic chocolate icing on the cake is prepared quickly and easily. Each housewife has her own recipes and secrets for making fudge for pies and muffins, but you can consider a few basic rules on how to cook chocolate icing for the cake:

  1. The consistency should not be very thick or runny. The ideal option there will be a creamy mass, because it is more convenient to apply it to the product. This mixture will harden faster.
  2. If you get a very liquid composition, it is recommended to add a spoon powdered sugar. Too thick diluted with a spoonful of warm water.
  3. It is better to make powder yourself from sugar using a coffee grinder. Finished Powder additional screening is required.
  4. If you change the water lemon juice, then the chocolate icing for the cake will turn out sour, which will give unusual taste sweet dish.
  5. If you need lean version, just melt the tile.
  6. Many recipes call for adding butter for more softness.
  7. If you apply jam from berries or fruits on the product before glazing, then the mass will lie in a perfectly even layer.

Chocolate icing - recipe

You can make a mass from confectionery tiles or cocoa: depending on which recipe for chocolate icing for the cake you liked. You can use the resulting composition for applying inscriptions, connecting cakes, decorating. Experienced Hostess knows that glazed cakes always look more appealing than uncooked ones, so it's worth taking a few minutes to prepare the composition. The classic base involves the use of sugar, cocoa, milk or water.

Below are a few photo recipes describing how to make chocolate icing for a cake. Before using the fondant, it is recommended to cool a little so that it does not spread over the dish. If using buttercream, cool the mixture even more. Distribute better with a brush. A little vanillin, rum, cinnamon or cognac will add a special taste.

cocoa cake icing

The presented photo recipe will tell you how to cook a delicious plastic mass for decoration. confectionery. When hardened, a dense glossy crust will be obtained. To prepare such a mass, it is recommended to take dark varieties of cocoa powder and high-quality butter. Cocoa chocolate icing is suitable for topping cupcakes, sweet pies, cakes or creamy desserts such as soufflés.


  • milk - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cocoa - 1 spoon;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons.


  1. Melt butter over low heat.
  2. Add granulated sugar with milk to the saucepan.
  3. Cook until sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Sift cocoa powder through a sieve, add to the milk mixture.
  5. Warm everything up for about two minutes.
  6. Let the mixture cool before decorating the cake.

Icing for cocoa and milk cake

Many recipes call for cocoa powder with milk, sour cream or cream. This combination of ingredients makes the coating shiny, soft, dense. There are many photo recipes that provide for different proportions of products. By experimenting, you can constantly get glaze from cocoa and milk of different shades and tastes. Will give originality coconut flakes, nuts, confectionery topping.


  • milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanillin;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Combine all ingredients in an enameled bowl.
  2. Boil in a water bath, constantly stirring the composition.
  3. Check readiness by dropping a little frosting on a saucer. The drop should solidify immediately.

Chocolate cake icing

The easiest way to prepare frosting is to melt a bar of dessert chocolate. You can use varieties of white, milky or dark, depending on personal preference. Chocolate icing for chocolate cake - fast way decorate the product (as in the photo). For the recipe below, you need to take a bar with a cocoa content of 72%.


  • milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • chocolate without additives - 100 g.


  1. Break the tile, put in a bowl, greased with oil. Water cannot be added.
  2. Add milk to ensure the desired density of the glaze mass.
  3. Put a bowl of food in a water bath.
  4. Heat until completely melted at a temperature of 40 degrees. Constantly stir the composition with a dry spoon until it melts.

White chocolate icing

If a homemade pie prepared for a special occasion, you can use white chocolate for glazing. With such a coating, the dessert will become truly elegant. The mass is suitable for decorating rolls, cakes or creamy jelly. glaze from white chocolate for a cake, you can cook with cream, condensed milk, vanilla. Below is classic recipe with photo.


  • powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Break the tile, place in a bowl.
  2. Place the container in a water bath.
  3. Add powdered sugar.
  4. Pour in a spoonful of milk.
  5. Constantly stir the mass until a thick homogeneous paste is obtained.
  6. Remove bowl from stove.
  7. Add a spoonful of milk.
  8. Beat the mass with a blender.
  9. Use the product until it has cooled down.

Chocolate glaze on sour cream

The mass prepared according to this recipe will turn out to be thick, with a characteristic sour taste. Cocoa cake icing with sour cream is suitable for dense homemade cakes or cookies, you can cover its traditional sausage with nuts. It will not drain or sugar, but will immediately lay down with a beautiful mirror surface. If desired, you can additionally decorate the product with butter cream, nuts, candied fruits.


  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar- half a teaspoon;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Combine powder, sour cream, vanilla and cocoa in a bowl.
  2. Put on low fire.
  3. Cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Remove bowl from fire.
  5. Add butter, mix.
  6. Apply to cakes until cool.

Mirror glaze for cake

Glasage looks especially beautiful and festive on homemade pies. Mirror chocolate icing to cover the cake is prepared with a special syrup or with the addition of a small amount of gelatin. Such a mass freezes very beautifully on the surface of the product. If the gloss will come out with bubbles, you can pass it through a sieve before applying it to the cake. You will need a thermometer: you can use the mass when it cools down to 35 degrees.


  • glucose syrup - 150 g;
  • water - 135 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • chocolate - 150 g.


  1. Gelatin pour 65 ml of water.
  2. Place sugar, syrup, water in a bowl.
  3. Put on a small fire.
  4. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Place broken chocolate, condensed milk, gelatin in another bowl.
  6. Pour in hot syrup. Beat with a blender and cool to the desired temperature.

Chocolate and cream frosting

The presented recipe is a classic, so it definitely will not let novice cooks down. Chocolate icing made from cream and chocolate will make even the simplest cake gourmet. It will take a little time and a standard set of products to cook the glaze. The chocolate bar for the recipe can be milky, white or dark. Due to cream and butter, the mixture will turn out shiny, plastic, thick.


  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • cream 30% - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter - 40 g.


  1. break apart chocolate bar, place in a clean, dry bowl.
  2. Put in a water bath.
  3. Add oil.
  4. Stir the composition until a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Whip cream.
  6. Gently fold the cream into the chocolate mixture.

Chocolate and Butter Glaze

One of the easiest and most proven methods for preparing a composition for confectionery glazing is chocolate icing from chocolate and butter. Chocolate can be chosen to your taste, but prefer the option without additives. If you want to decorate the dessert with nuts or berries, put them on top of the icing.


  • semi-sweet chocolate - 125 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • heavy cream - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Place ingredients in a metal bowl.
  2. Heat in a water bath, stirring.
  3. Refrigerate before use.

Milk chocolate glaze

This recipe is suitable for those who are going to please the household with cakes, muffins, rolls from thin dough. Fragrant glaze from milk chocolate for a cake it will turn out sweet, with an original aftertaste. The surface of the glazed cake will turn out matte, and if you want to achieve a mirror shine, you need to add oil to the composition.


  • low-fat cream - 150 g;
  • chocolate - 180 g.


  1. The tile is broken, placed in a bowl.
  2. Add cream.
  3. Heat over low heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

How to cover a cake with chocolate icing

It is important to know not only how to prepare a mass for decorating a pie or cupcake at home, but also how to properly pour the product with a sweet mixture. Glazing is a simple procedure: even a novice hostess can decorate a cake. The main rule is that the chocolate icing for the cake should cool slightly, but not thicken, so that the composition does not start to drain from the cake or turn into a lump.

Decorating the cake with chocolate icing is recommended to be done with a rubber brush. If you are preparing a dessert with a dense dough, try using apricot or peach jam or strawberries for an extra layer of lubrication. Coat the cake, leave for a few hours.

After that, you need to put the cake on the wire rack and you can start decorating it: pour over chocolate, leveling the surface with a spatula or a rubber brush. If desired, the product can be additionally decorated with nuts, berries, confectionery topping. Cool the cake for several hours in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Chocolate icing for cake at home recipe

Cake decoration

30 minutes

350 kcal

5/5 (2)

Often we bake cakes that need to be beautifully decorated at the very end of the process, but making the icing seems too complicated and time consuming for us. Familiar? I also wondered this question until the experience of my family came to the rescue.

Grandma has been cooking for decades tasty and thick glossy chocolate icing for filling a cake made of cocoa or chocolate and butter, milk, sour cream or cream according to a recipe from the old Soviet cookbook. I also learned from her how to cook white chocolate icing according to the classic recipe for a sponge spring cake made of chocolate, cocoa powder and milk, to quickly and easily cope with the design of the product.

Today I will share with you simple chocolate icing recipes so that you can just as easily decorate your cake at home and not be afraid that something will not work out for you.

How to cook and make glossy chocolate icing for pouring a cake from cocoa powder or regular chocolate? Experienced chefs they say the secret of the recipe super shiny chocolate mirror glaze for any cakes lies on the surface: you must have good mood and enough free time. Rush and nerves will prevent you from properly preparing a great glaze.

Classic variant

Kitchen appliances: take a saucepan with a volume of about 800-900 ml, several capacitive deep bowls of 300-800 ml, a whisk, a sieve, a grater and a measuring cup. In addition, making a good glaze requires a blender to mix the mass of glaze well.

Chocolate icing made with sour cream or milk may burn or stick in the process. Make sure you take the pot with non-stick coated.

You will need

Instead of milk, you can take water or low fat cream, as well as sour cream with a low fat content. However, remember that the classic recipe involves the use of milk.

Your wonderful chocolate icing is completely ready! Now you can decorate the cake with it, as chocolate mass does not require complete cooling. To do this, place your pastries on a metal grill and put them on a wide dish with them.

Pour the icing “from the center” onto the cake, spreading it with a spoon over the entire surface of the product. Then, without removing the grate and the dish, put it in a cold place for an hour or two.

Video recipe for making classic glaze

How to make excellent chocolate icing - attention to detail step by step video:

But don't rush to the kitchen - I have another great recipe for you.

White chocolate option

Time for preparing: 25-30 minutes.
Number of persons: for 1 cake weighing up to 1 kg, diameter 30-45 cm.
Calories per 100 g: 350 kcal.

You will need

  • 200 g of white chocolate;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk.

Can replace milk with water or other dairy products, but a smoother, thicker glaze can only be made with milk or cream, so water should only be used as a last resort.

Cooking sequence

Ready! Pour the finished and still warm frosting over your cake or small pastries and let it sit for about 2 minutes at room temperature. During this time, you can sprinkle the cake on top with crushed nuts or confectionery powder.

My mom often sprinkles white icing grated dark chocolate and vice versa, but the final choice of the final decoration of the cake is up to you.

Video recipe for white chocolate frosting

Look what a delicious chocolate icing turned out step by step recipe on this video! We look, remember and begin to act:

Thank you for attention! Finally, I would like to remind respected culinary specialists about cakes, for which such icing is ideal. Famous

Most frostings contain powdered sugar, which is why it is the most popular thickener. Add some powdered sugar to make up for the dry ingredients.

  • Add sugar in small amounts. Pour another 1-2 tbsp into the icing. (15-30 ml) and mix thoroughly. If you add too much at once, the frosting may be too sweet and too thick. If this happens, you will have to add more liquid to balance the structure, but the problem may not go away.
  • Powdered sugar contains corn starch. The starch absorbs the liquid and the corn starch present in the powdered sugar prevents it from sticking together.

Add some meringue powder along with the powdered sugar. To reduce the sweetness of the powdered sugar, you can also add meringue powder, which will thicken the frosting without making it sweet.

  • Use tapioca, corn starch, or arrowroot starch. Dry starches absorb liquid very well, therefore they are excellent thickeners that do not change palatability glaze.

    • Add about 1 tbsp. (15 ml) cornstarch to frosting. When mixing the starch, heat the frosting over low heat if it can handle higher temperatures. Remove from heat once frosting has thickened.
    • Cornstarch is probably the most popular icing starch, as it has little sheen, little flavor, and works well with dairy. It freezes at low temperatures, therefore not suitable for use with frosting that must be refrigerated. It is best suited for glazes that are cooked on the stovetop and then cooled to room temperature.
    • Arrowroot has a strong gloss when added and is better suited for use with acidic liquids. It tends to become viscous when mixed with dairy products, but if you've used higher acidity dairy products like sour cream or buttermilk for the glaze, arrowroot is a good choice. It also thickens at a fairly low temperature, making it suitable for frosting that needs to be kept cool.
    • Tapioca also has a high gloss, but it works well at low temperatures, so it is the best choice for cold frosting.
  • Only use flour for frosting that needs to be cooked. If you are making your frosting on the stovetop, you can try thickening it with a small amount flour.

    • Do not use flour in cold icing recipes. Raw flour has a characteristic taste, and the only way to get rid of it is heat treatment. That is why flour can only be used for glazes that are cooked on the stove, but it is not suitable for cold types of glaze.
    • Flour will not reach its maximum thickening potential unless it is heated.
    • Pour 1 tsp - 1 tbsp. (5-15 ml) of flour into the glaze and stir over low heat on the stove until it starts to thicken.
    • Remove glaze from heat as soon as it starts to thicken. Heating too long can cause the icing to become liquid again.
  • Try softened cream cheese. If the frosting is not only too thin, but also too sweet, you can try adding cream cheese to it to make it thicker and add a bit of tartness.

    • Add about 30 ml of cream cheese to the glaze and mix thoroughly. This is best for frostings that already have cream cheese in them, or for very sweet frostings.
  • If possible, increase the amount of cocoa powder. This does not apply to vanilla, cheese, or other non-chocolate icings, but it's worth trying additional cocoa powder if you're making chocolate icing.

    • Add cocoa powder gradually, 1-2 tsp. (5-10 ml) at a time. Otherwise, the frosting may be too thick or heavy. Since cocoa powder is quite bitter, too a large number of can make frosting bitter.
    • Cocoa powder is a starch thickener but does not need to be heated to thicken the liquid. That is why it is best to use cocoa powder for thickening rather than melted chocolate.
    • Unsweetened cocoa powder has more thickening power than dark chocolate. The first contains large quantity starch.
  • The thought of icing a baked cake can make you horrified and run to the nearest bakery. However, topping your favorite cake with a perfectly smooth layer of icing is easy! Try one of these three methods for a perfectly glazed cake and treat your beautiful pastries all your friends and family.


    Start of glazing

      Let the pie cool. The biggest mistake you can make when frosting a cake is using a hot cake and cold frosting. If the cake is even a little warm, it will still melt the icing, which will then spread and wet the top layer, making it raw. In addition, the cold glaze will not spread smoothly enough, and a lot of crumbs will form.

      • You must definitely wait for the moment when both the cake and the icing are at the same temperature - room temperature. You can wait several hours, but this is necessary to obtain a completely smooth layer of glaze.
      • If the cake is cooling on the work surface, place a medium-sized slice of sandwich bread on the upper part pirogue. This will keep it from drying out and help keep it fresh.
    1. Flatten the pie. When you bake the cake, it will most likely rise in the center in the form of a small dome. This is completely normal, but it makes it difficult to apply the glaze in an even, smooth layer, as it will slide off the convex surface of the cake. To avoid this, take a serrated knife (preferably for cutting the pie) and cut a thin horizontal layer from the top of the pie so that the top and bottom of the pie are parallel to each other.

      • If possible, cut off the top layer of the cake while it is still in the baking dish. This will help you get a smoother surface.
      • If your cake has multiple layers, cut off the top layer of any cakes you have baked.
    2. Assemble the pie. When the cake is cool and the top is even, prepare it for icing by placing it on a round piece of cardboard or a cake dish. Lay strips of wax paper about 2 inches (5 cm) wide around the edges of the dish under the bottom of the pie to keep the dish clean. When you have finished icing the cake, the waxed paper will need to be removed. The easiest way to frost a cake is on a special rotating cake stand, which you can buy at many hardware stores.

      • Gather your pie icing tools, including a special spatula and a wide scraper for leveling the icing. Do not use a knife or rubber spatula. They are easier to use but will not give the desired smooth finish.
      • If you like, you can use a piping bag with an icing tool to apply the first layer of icing. You can also decorate with a pastry bag. ready pie various tops.
    3. Apply crumb catcher. This is the initial thin layer of icing, designed to bind loose crumbs on the surface of the cake before applying the final layer of icing. Apply the crumb catcher with a cookie cutter spatula, spreading room temperature frosting over the top and sides of the cake.

      Glazing the cake with the upside down method

      1. Cut out the cardboard bottom. Measure the size of your cake using the bottom of your baking dish and cut out a piece of cardboard the same size. Attach it with a piece of duct tape to the rotating cake stand.

        Add wax paper. Cut out a large piece of wax paper or baking paper and place it on the cardboard and cake platter. The paper should completely cover the dish and its edges, hanging down on the sides. Tape it to the cardboard so it doesn't slide back and forth as you glaze.

        Apply the top layer of glaze. Use a spatula to apply a 0.5-1 inch (1.2 - 2.5 cm) thick layer of glaze directly onto the waxed paper. Completely fill in the area of ​​waxed paper, under which there is a cardboard outline. If needed, add some extra frosting around the edges.

        Put the cake on the frosting. Take the crumb-catcher-covered cake out of the fridge and invert it onto the frosting. Do this slowly so that the cake is exactly on the frosting.

        Cover the sides of the cake with frosting. Spread a generous amount of frosting on the sides of the cake with a spatula. Add in excess, as you will still scrape off the excess at the end with a wide scraper knife.

        Align the sides. Take your scraper knife and hold it steady as you slowly turn the pie plate. Since excess glaze will collect on it, wipe it off and immerse it in warm water. Wipe off any icing that gets on the wax paper.

        Refrigerate or freeze the cake. Place the pie dish in the refrigerator or freezer and let the icing harden. Depending on the temperature, this can take from half an hour to several hours.

        Finish glazing. When the frosting is firm to the touch, remove the cake from the refrigerator. Peel off the wax paper and remove the cake from the dish. Remove the cardboard outline from the dish and invert the cake onto the dish. Then slowly peel off the wax paper until you find a perfectly smooth surface underneath.

    Cocoa icing is used to decorate homemade cakes and give it additional flavor accents. Icing covers pies, muffins, homemade cookies, used as sweet sauce for pancakes, ice cream and all kinds of desserts. With the help of glaze, they make inscriptions on cakes, draw patterns. with icing homemade baking, and any sweet dish, takes on a competitive look and certainly surpasses factory confectionery in all respects.

    Making glaze does not require special knowledge and skills. It is prepared from the available ingredients - cocoa powder, sugar, water or milk. To make the fondant smooth and silky, fat is added to the glaze. It can be butter, milk, fat sour cream.

    Do delicious icing not difficult, but dexterity and experience do not come immediately. Without knowledge of the subtleties, the glaze tends to turn out to be too thick and harden before you apply it to the product. Or too liquid, and therefore drain from the cake onto the dish. May crack when dry or not look very good. We will tell you how to make cocoa icing correctly and reveal little secrets with which your icing will be the final touch to the portrait of a great dessert.

    Photo of chocolate icing from cocoa powder for cake

    Chocolate icing for the cake turns out to be plastic, does not form a dense crust when solidified, has a thick creamy consistency, a glossy, shiny surface. Properly prepared icing does not drip, covers the cake with an even mirror surface, has a rich chocolate taste. This glaze is best made from first-class butter and dark cocoa varieties.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • butter 50 g.
    • milk 4 tbsp. spoons
    • sugar 4 tbsp. spoons
    • cocoa 1 tbsp. a spoon

    How to make cocoa frosting for cake:

    1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Pour milk and sugar into melted butter. Cook, stirring, until sugar dissolves.
    2. Add cocoa. To avoid lumps, you can sift it through a sieve. Warm up 1-2 minutes. Glaze is ready.
    3. Allow glaze to cool slightly before use. It will thicken slightly and will not drip off the cake.

    Photo of chocolate icing from cocoa for cookies

    Glaze over it the recipe will do for cookies, muffins, gingerbread and cakes. It hardens, covers the products with a hard candied matte crust, does not stick to hands. Such cookies can be put to children at school without fear that they will get dirty. A hard glaze is prepared from the same ingredients as in the previous recipe, but the products are mixed in a different sequence.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • sugar ½ cup
    • cocoa 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • milk 3 tbsp. spoons
    • oil ½ teaspoon

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix sugar and cocoa. Add milk (you can make glaze on water). Cook over a slow window, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass begins to foam.
    2. At the very end, put the butter. Stir until oil dissolves. Oil can not be put at all. It gives the glaze a shine and makes it softer.

    Feed method: Dip the items in the hot glaze until it has cooled. If you do not have time, just reheat the contents over low heat.

    Photo of thick cocoa and sour cream glaze

    The icing on sour cream turns out to be thick, has a characteristic milky sourness, does not flow, but does not sugar. It covers the product with a beautiful glossy surface. On top of the glaze, you can make patterns with butter cream, decorate the cake with nuts, candied fruits, marzipan figurines.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • cocoa 2 tbsp. spoons
    • powdered sugar 4 tbsp. spoons
    • sour cream 2 tbsp. spoons
    • butter 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • vanilla sugar ½ teaspoon

    Method for making cocoa and sour cream glaze:

    1. Combine powdered sugar, cocoa, vanilla sugar and sour cream in a bowl. Put on the weakest fire, cook, stirring continuously for 3-5 minutes.
    2. Remove glaze from heat. Stir in a tablespoon of butter. Let the glaze cool slightly. Apply to product warm.

    Icing from cocoa powder on water

    Photo of glaze from cocoa powder on water

    The question often arises of how to make a homemade cake beautiful if there are no special artistic abilities and skills for this. Help out chocolate icing. Apply it with a grid on ready product. It will turn out beautiful and tasty. For these purposes, a simplest glaze on the water. It is liquid when hot, and when it cools it hardens, retaining the pattern.

    Ingredients for the recipe:

    • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. spoons
    • sugar ½ cup
    • water 3 tbsp. spoons

    How to make cocoa powder frosting:

    1. Mix sugar and cocoa powder. Add water. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Put on fire and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    2. Apply the finished icing to the cake while hot. It quickly cools and hardens. If the frosting has hardened before you applied it, heat it up again.

    Feed method: Glaze according to this recipe can decorate not only pastries, but also ice cream, curd mass, pancakes, thick milk porridge for children.

    Cocoa frosting is the easiest and safest way to decorate homemade desserts. The advantages are that the frosting is very easy to prepare, and if something goes wrong, it is easy to fix the situation. True, for this it is not superfluous to know how to prepare cocoa icing in accordance with all the rules. To do this, use the little tricks from knowledgeable chefs:
    • To make the glaze smooth, homogeneous, without lumps, mix cocoa with sugar, and even better with powdered sugar, and only then add liquid (milk, water, sour cream).
    • Make the icing shiny allows butter or fat sour cream.
    • Too much thick glaze must be reheated by adding a little water or milk. To thicken the rare glaze, add powdered sugar and boil the mass for 1-2 minutes over low heat.
    • Allow glaze to cool slightly before use. Hot glaze liquid. She'll just slide onto the platter.
    • To give the glaze an interesting flavor, you can add vanilla sugar, lemon zest, cognac or rum to the mass.
    • hot icing cannot be applied over butter cream. The oil will melt. For these purposes, use glazes that do not sugar. Cover the product with glaze when it is almost cool.