Very tasty anthill recipe. Chocolate icing for cake "Napoleon"

The anthill cake is considered one of the most famous desserts of the Soviet era. It is called a delicacy from childhood. At the labor lessons for girls, such a cake was the first culinary experience, and the boys ran to their office to try these little masterpieces. Let's figure out how to make an anthill cake at home, spending as little time as possible on it.

The history of the appearance of the dessert and its name

The first cakes appeared quite a long time ago. Archaeologists during excavations find simple desserts made from boiled grains. Who and when first used the classic anthill cake recipe is still a mystery. It is believed that the first similar delicacy was born in Pennsylvania - the so-called "ground" dessert.

Over time, thanks to confectioners who experimented with dough crumbs and other products, anthill cake recipes appeared. Delicacies were made in the form of a circle, and only much later they began to spread it in the form of a slide. This is where its name came from, since the finished dessert looked like a real anthill.

In the very first recipes, poppy was an obligatory ingredient; its grains resembled small ants.

Step-by-step anthill cake recipe

The main advantage of this dessert is its fast cooking. The taste is very pleasant and satisfying. It can be prepared for any important occasion and just to spend the evening with a cup of tea with a sweet dessert.

The only drawback of the anthill cake is the calorie content. She is quite tall. A small piece can draw about 500 kcal.

To make a cake easily and quickly, the whole process of work is usually divided into several stages. But each of them hides his own secrets and tricks. classic cake the anthill is prepared in 30-40 minutes - this is perfect option when guests are on the doorstep.

Delicious shortbread dough

Cooking an anthill cake begins with the selection of ingredients for the dough. Usually use sand.

For a real dessert, the same as in childhood, you will need:

  • about 3.5 cups of flour;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar sand;
  • 200 grams of thick sour cream;
  • 1 pack of margarine or butter;
  • some salt;
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder.

The main stages of baking

Making an anthill cake is not difficult at all. The only flour for such a test must be of the highest grade. It is sieved several times through a fine sieve. This is necessary so that the product is enriched with oxygen.

Well-sifted flour greatly affects the quality of any pastry, especially if the dough is shortbread.

Next, softened (not melted) margarine, sugar, sour cream and other ingredients are added to the flour. Many housewives believe that salt should not be used for baking recipes - this is a big mistake. In this case, it acts as a flavor enhancer. Desserts are very tasty and bright in taste.

Next, knead the dough. This can be done with a regular spoon, whisk, or use a special kitchen appliances. But it is best when the dough is kneaded with clean hands. It is believed that the dough is able to absorb human energy, which greatly affects the taste and quality of baking.

Thus, a simple anthill cake recipe can become a real masterpiece. The dough should be completely homogeneous, without any small inclusions. The result should be a pleasant and dense mass that does not stick to the hands and the walls of the dishes. Ready dough clean in the cold and start preparing the cream.

Delicate condensed milk cream

The cream for such a dessert also dates back to Soviet times with its roots. boiled condensed milk in those years it was very popular and was made quite often. Therefore, butter cream with the addition of this product was the main component of a delicious treat.

Preparing an anthill cake with boiled condensed milk is quite easy. We need a jar of boiled condensed milk and a pack of butter (butter). It is worth noting that the oil must be of high quality. For the preparation of such a cream, spreads are not suitable. It is better if its fat content is over 80%. The same can be said about milk. On a jar of condensed milk, there must be a mark "whole".

First we prepare the milk. To do this, you need to take a suitable pan with high sides, put a metal can (closed) in it and fill it with water so that the top is completely covered. Next, the pan is put on gas and boiled on a small flame for about 1.5-2 hours. During the cooking process, it is necessary to add water, as it tends to boil away. Then everything is removed from the fire and the finished condensed milk is cooled.

Important! Can't open hot jar. The milk in it is under pressure and as a result you can get thermal burns.

The softened butter is placed in a bowl and beaten at a slow speed, adding condensed milk in several steps. Ready cream should be uniform, beige or light brown in color. It is cleaned in the cold and start baking dessert.

Homemade anthill cake: bake, collect

It is not difficult to bake an anthill cake at home, but for this you first need to prepare the dough for baking. It is taken out of the refrigerator and the meat grinder is prepared. The grate should have wide openings. The dough is passed through a meat grinder in small portions and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

The resulting cake is baked for about twenty minutes, until a light golden hue appears. The finished warm cake is crushed to a crumb state with a rolling pin or pusher and cooled.

Sand crumbs are mixed with cream and a slide is laid out on a dish, giving the shape of a real anthill. The finished cake is left to soak for about half an hour in a warm place, and then put in the refrigerator.

We really hope that step by step recipe anthill cake will be to your liking.

The best anthill cake recipes

Especially for you, we have collected the simplest and most delicious recipes for making an anthill cake. We hope you appreciate them.

No Bake Cookie Recipe

We bring to your attention a very quick recipe for a delicious dessert. Is it possible to bake an anthill cake in 10 minutes? It turns out you can.

To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • boiled condensed milk - a jar;
  • 0.5 kg of any cookie (preferably crumbly);
  • chopped walnuts - a glass;
  • poppy and chocolate for decoration.

The cookies are broken into small pieces and crushed to a crumb state. Anniversary or any sand is ideal. The process of cooking condensed milk is very long. This may take up to 2 hours. If you want to make a cookie anthill cake very quickly, you need to buy a can of already boiled condensed milk.

Nuts and cookies are mixed with condensed milk. The resulting mass is laid out on a prepared dish in a slide. How to decorate an anthill cake? To do this, the prepared chocolate bar is melted in a water bath and dessert is poured over it. Top delicacy lightly sprinkled with poppy seeds. assembled cake first leave to infuse at room temperature for about half an hour, then put in the refrigerator.

Cake anthill of cookies with condensed milk is considered the most quick recipe dessert. Use it when guests are already on the doorstep, and there is nothing for evening tea drinking. Any gourmet will love this unique delicacy.

Cake anthill without sour cream and milk

This is another recipe quick dessert. To prepare it, you do not need milk, sour cream, and indeed the preparation of the dough. Intrigued? We will make an anthill cake at home from corn sticks. It is necessary to prepare the sticks themselves and toffee candies themselves.

Melt toffees in a water bath until a thick syrup is obtained. Next, corn sweets are mixed with the resulting mass and form a dessert. Cake anthill of corn sticks is ready.

You can decorate in any way: pour chocolate or sprinkle with nuts. It will take all thirty minutes to impregnate and solidify such a cake.

Do you want something interesting?

Delicious Coconut Cookie Cake

If you're not always successful at baking, then you can use this super-easy recipe. This dessert can be prepared in just 15 minutes.

To do this, take the following products:

  • butter (fresh) - 1 pack;
  • 0.5-0.6 kg of sugar cookies;
  • poppy 50 grams;
  • 1.5 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • a small pack of coconut flakes;
  • vanillin;
  • 75 grams of chocolate (preferably milk).

First you need to carefully grind the cookies. All methods are good. This can be done with your hands, a rolling pin, a mortar or a pusher. By the way, there is one little secret. So that the cookies do not scatter all over the room, they need to be put in a regular plastic bag and then start grinding. Later, you just have to pour the finished crumb into a cup.

The softened butter is mixed with condensed milk, poppy seeds, vanilla are added and beat well. You can use a mixer to speed up the process. The resulting cream is combined with cookies, kneaded until smooth and spread in a neat slide on a dish. It is put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Chocolate bar must be completely melted in a water bath and pour over it. finished cake. While the chocolate has not hardened, sprinkle the dessert on top. coconut flakes. That's all! Delicious and very cute cake for your tea party is ready.

Anthill cake with honey

To prepare a honey masterpiece, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • milk about 100 grams;
  • butter - a pack;
  • bank of condensed milk;
  • honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • walnuts - an incomplete glass;
  • flour 4 cups;
  • soda slaked with vinegar.

Melt half the butter in a small saucepan and add sugar to it. When the sand is completely dissolved and the resulting mass has cooled, milk and an egg are added. Next, pour in the quenched soda and mix everything thoroughly (you can use a mixer).

Then pour flour into the mixture and knead a fairly steep dough, gradually adding flour so that it does not stick. Pieces of dough are passed through a meat grinder and spread on a baking sheet. By the way, it must first be covered with parchment. The base for the dessert is baked in the oven to a light gilded color.

Remaining for cream butter beat, gradually adding condensed milk. When the cream is ready, it is mixed with broken on small pieces crust and mix well. An anthill cake without baking is formed into a slide and sent to the refrigerator for final solidification.

By the way, the cream can be prepared without condensed milk. To do this, melt a glass of honey, add half a glass of granulated sugar. When the mixture thickens a little, you can collect a savory treat.

Secrets of making a delicious and beautiful cake

How to bake an anthill cake, we figured it out. On how to get that real Soviet taste. Using the suggested tricks, you can cook a really tasty and unique dessert.

  1. Cake dough can be made on kefir or yogurt. This is a good substitute for regular sour cream.
  2. As flavorings for the cream, you can use a few drops of cognac, lemon peel or vanilla.
  3. Instead of grinding with a meat grinder, you can use a regular grater, however, the dough should be very well cooled before that.
  4. Collecting a cake in a slide is a tradition. In fact, almost any figure can be fashioned from such a base. It can be a flower, a ring or a heart, but not an anthill.
  5. The classic anthill cake was not decorated with anything, but if the dessert is being prepared for the festive table, then all methods are good. It can be decorated chocolate chips or frosting, whipped cream, nuts, almonds, poppy seeds.
  6. Professional chefs literally bring anthills to life with sweet mastic. From it you can fashion small ants, blades of grass, flowers and whatever you want. Such a beautiful dessert will become the hallmark of the festive table.
  7. If the cake was baked for a special occasion, you can put it on a mirror dish, put fresh flowers around and put candles. The effect will be unforgettable.

Prepare an anthill cake, and your family will be very pleased. It will suit any table as an extraordinarily tasty dessert and will appeal to even the most demanding sweet tooth. Bon Appetit!

Honey cake

This step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you simply prepare a classic Anthill cake at home. Make an Anthill cake according to this video recipe

2 h 40 min

425 kcal

4.69/5 (48)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: Oven, refrigerator, blender, meat grinder, baking sheet, glass 200 ml, spoons, knife, silicone spatula, baking paper.


Cake base:


  • 400 grams of boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of poppy.

The history of the appearance of the cake

It is believed that this cake was invented in the USA German-Dutch colonists in Pennsylvania. At fairs, festivals and carnivals, the “Funnel cake” meat grinder cake was very popular among walkers. Later recipe of this cake has spread all over the world and in many countries has its own meat grinder cake. In the USSR, this cake is well known under the name "Anthill". It got its name because of the outward resemblance of the slide to a real anthill. Every Soviet housewife could tell you how to cook an Anthill cake, as it is very easy to prepare and uses ordinary products that were available even at that time.

How to choose the right ingredients

If you are going to cook this wonderful cake, remember: even though the products from which the Anthill is baked are among the most common and affordable, do not forget to read the composition on the packages when choosing. Flour for dough must be of the highest grade; butter should only contain cream cow's milk; sour cream is better to use at least 20% fat. All this will give your cookie base and the whole cake that extraordinary taste which we have known since childhood. Condensed milk for an anthill can be bought immediately boiled, but in Soviet time it was always cooked on its own (there was no other for sale then). The composition of high-quality condensed milk includes only milk and sugar - no vegetable fats.

Recipe with a photo of making Anthill cake

Some novice housewives are wondering: How to cook an Anthill cake at home? There is nothing difficult in this, it is done quite easily. This step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you quickly and easily prepare a classic Anthill cake at home. So…let's cook, shall we?

Preparing the base of the cake

Cream making and cake assembly

Video recipe cake Anthill

If you have never tried to bake an Anthill cake at home, this simple recipe will tell you how to do it:

How to decorate an Anthill cake

Cake Anthill due to its shape already looks like an anthill and may well do without additional decorations. However, each hostess has her own version of decoration. Most often used in cake decoration poppy, honey, grated chocolate, as well as everything that will tell the hostess her inspiration. I met Anthills decorated with cranberries, coconut flakes, candied fruits and even pieces of fresh dates (very unusual and delicious combination, by all means try it. Just don't forget to peel the skins off the dates.)

This recipe uses medium sized eggs. If you use large eggs, one will be enough for you, and if you are using small ones, then it is better to take three eggs.

Do not overcook the dough in the oven. Overcooked cookies acquire a characteristic burnt taste and smell, which is unacceptable for a cake.

If you decide to cook condensed milk yourself, make sure that the corked jar is covered with water. There are cases when jars of condensed milk, not covered with water during cooking, “exploded”, smearing everything around with condensed milk.

Boil condensed milk for at least two hours over low heat.

How to serve an Anthill cake

It is better to serve the Anthill cake to the table whole. So guests will be able to appreciate its external resemblance to a real anthill. Cut the cake into small free-form pieces. It will be equally tasty to eat both a traditional piece of a round shape and a square. Fragrant and sweet, all your guests will want to try this cake.

To bring out all the flavors of this wonderful cake, serve unsweetened tea or coffee with Anthill, as the cake itself is very sweet. Children can be offered milk, classic yogurt or not very much for the cake. sweet compote(for example, from fresh or dried apples).

Possible other cooking options and ingredients

You can diversify the recipe for the classic Soviet-era Anthill cake by adding chopped roasted nuts, poppy, steamed raisins. Components can be added all together or individually. If the guests are already on the doorstep or you suddenly decide to treat your family to delicious, the recipe will help you out. When preparing an Anthill according to this recipe, you do not need to bother with baking, because it is proposed to use ready-made store-bought cookies as the basis. It is not for nothing that even in Soviet times, the Anthill Cake made from biscuits with condensed milk was considered the favorite homemade cake. After all, where condensed milk is used, the cake cannot turn out tasteless.

I wrote this step-by-step Anthill cake recipe so that everyone who loves this wonderful cake and still bought it in the store finally figured out how to make an Anthill cake at home and could please themselves with a “real” Anthill.

Write to me which Anthill cake recipe is best for you. I would be happy to know the options.

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For those with a sweet tooth, "Anthill" in any of its variations is a real treat. This cake gained great popularity in the 70s of the last century. Grandmothers baked it with pleasure, teaching the secrets of cooking to our mothers.

This cake is loved not only in Ukraine and Russia. It is believed that his recipe originated from the popular US dessert fanel cake from Pennsylvania. By tradition, it was prepared by the German-Dutch colonists for fairs, festivals and carnivals. Fanel cake was made from choux pastry, fried in the form of various figures in oil. Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar, decorate with jam and fresh fruit.

In other countries, similar desserts are also found. These are Strauben in Austria, Tippaleipa in Finland, Jalebi in India, Zulbia in Iran, and Flangati in Slovenia. One can only guess what all these cakes look like, but our "Anthill" is, of course, the most delicious.

We offer you several recipes for this cake, from the simplest to the more complex.

In the first recipe we will tell you how to cook classic version Anthill from oven-baked cakes. We will also tell you how to make an equally common option - from cookies, cookies can be taken purchased or homemade.

Also among the recipes you will find the simplest recipe for the "Anthill" cake with condensed milk from corn sticks and, of course, a variant of brushwood with honey and shortcrust pastry. Making them is a little more difficult, but no less exciting.

Cake "Anthill" with condensed milk from the cake

"Anthill" is one of the easiest homemade cakes to make. During its many years of existence, this wonderful dessert has acquired a considerable number of cooking methods: from the simplest, where the place of the cake is occupied by ready-made cookies, to more labor-intensive ones, where the base of the cake (cake) must be prepared independently. Here is just one of these options, we offer you to cook. We use the classic recipe, the same one when making the Anthill cake with condensed milk from the cake. Condensed milk will go into cream. And we will bake the cake from shortcrust pastry, using a meat grinder. The cake is being prepared quite quickly, the main thing is to be patient and let it brew properly. Then you will get a very, very tasty and tender cake!

Taste Info Cakes and pastries


  • For the crust:
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter (can be replaced with margarine) - 180 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • flour - about 3 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - a bag.
  • For cream:
  • condensed milk (regular or boiled) - 1 b.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • For decoration:
  • chocolate (or any topping of your choice).

How to make an Anthill cake from a cake

First, knead the dough for the cake. We melt the butter. The oil should not boil, because the presence of unmelted pieces is quite acceptable. Add an egg to the oil.

Salt the dough, add vanilla and sugar.

With a mixer, whisk or blender, bring the mixture to homogeneity, then add flour and baking powder to the dough.

We add and mix flour into the dough in portions until you get a dense, smooth and oily ball of dough to the touch. We hide this ball in a bag or film and put it in the refrigerator to cool it. Usually 40 minutes is enough. To speed up the process, you can pre-cut the dough into 3-4 parts.

After the specified time, turn on the oven to warm up (temperature 180-200 gr.), Remove the dough from the refrigerator and use a meat grinder or grater with a large section (the option shown in the photo) to form a cake no more than 0.5 cm thick. The number of cakes depends on pan size.

We bake the cake until lightly browned, then take it out of the oven and, as it cools slightly, grind it into pieces of different sizes: from crumbs to pieces up to 1-1.5 cm in size.

Now it's time to prepare the cream. For the cream you will need butter and condensed milk. Condensed milk can be used either raw or boiled - be guided by the preferences of eaters.

Whip both ingredients until fluffy. homogeneous mass, resulting in a cream that resembles medium-fat sour cream in consistency.

Next, pour the cake crushed into crumbs with the resulting cream and mix everything well. It will be quite difficult to do this with a quality spoon, so knead better with hands. At first it will seem that the cream is not enough. But there should not be a lot of it, otherwise your "Anthill" will not keep its shape and will spread.

On a tray or plate of a suitable size, we form the most dense slide. We decorate the cake at our discretion and hide in the refrigerator for at least an hour. But the longer the "Anthill" stays in the refrigerator, the better it will be saturated with cream and the softer it will become.

Ready "Anthill" cut into pieces and you can drink tea. Bon Appetit!

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Cake "Anthill" from cookies with condensed milk

Cookies for this cake can be bought already broken, they are sold in pastry shops and cost a little less. It is not necessary to grind the cookies into small crumbs, the cake will turn out to be too dense, it is better to leave it in small pieces. You won’t spend much time preparing this cake, since you don’t need to bake the cakes, you can involve your children in cooking the cake, they will undoubtedly enjoy this culinary process.


  • shortbread cookies - 0.5 kg;
  • walnuts - 2 tbsp.;
  • boiled condensed milk -1 b.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • chocolate to taste.


  1. Grind the cookies with a mortar or rolling pin.
  2. Grind nuts with a blender.
  3. Mixing the butter room temperature and condensed milk with a blender. If the condensed milk is liquid, you can not add oil.
  4. Mix cookies and condensed milk in a bowl with a spoon.
  5. We give the cake the shape of an anthill. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top or pour with melted chocolate icing, put in the refrigerator for several hours or until morning, the cake should soak and harden a little.
  6. Delicious and easy cake is ready! We serve it with tea for dessert.

Cake "Anthill" from corn sticks

Instead of condensed milk, melted toffee with butter is sometimes used for cream. It also turns out very tasty, but more high-calorie, because you need a lot of oil.


  • corn sticks- 3 tbsp.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • peanuts - 50 g.


  1. For the cake you will need 120 grams of corn sticks. It is better to take sticks without powder from powdered sugar if you don't want the cake to be too sweet.
  2. Melt the butter and mix with half a can of condensed milk. If this amount seems not enough for you to pour all the sticks, add condensed milk to the cream to your liking.
  3. We lay the sticks in a round or square shape. To make them more compact, you can cut them into circles 0.5 cm long.
  4. Peanuts are roasted, peeled, chopped. We mix sticks and peanuts, pour everything with condensed milk cream.
  5. We cover the form with baking paper. Lubricate the paper with butter to make the finished cake easier to get. We spread the mass of sticks filled with cream into the form.
  6. We send the "Anthill" to the refrigerator for 3 hours or until the morning. He will have time to grab and soak well. Some sticks will be soft, others will be crunchy. delicious treat put on a dish and serve with tea.
"Anthill" classic or "Khvorost"

This cake differs in taste from the sand "Anthill" soaked in condensed milk. It is slightly crunchy and smells like honey. Cooking "Anthill" without a meat grinder from thin strips or crumbs.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 320 g;
  • milk - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt to taste;
  • cooking oil for frying;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar for syrup - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • poppy food to taste.


  1. Knead a stiff dough from egg milk and salt. Roll it into a thin layer, and cut into noodles.
  2. Fry the strips of dough like brushwood in a pan in heated fat until golden brown. Remove to a plate lined with paper towels to soak up the fat.
  3. Honey and sugar are heated in a water bath until the sugar dissolves. Roast the nuts lightly and chop.
  4. Pour nuts and pieces of toasted dough into honey, knead well. We form a hill in the form of an anthill, and lightly sprinkle it with poppy seeds.
  5. A fragrant cake that has been infused for several hours, cut into small pieces, serve with tea.
"Anthill" from shortcrust pastry

If you have some free time, you can try baking shortbread cookies for the cake yourself. When using butter for dough, the savings will be small compared to buying store-bought cookies, but all products will be natural.


  • walnuts - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 400 g;
  • flour -3.5 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • boiled condensed milk -1 b.;


  1. Knead the dough from flour, sugar, sour cream, baking powder and half the butter. It shouldn't be tight. We pass it through a meat grinder, and spread it with small cookies on a prepared baking sheet.
  2. We turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Put the dough in hot oven for 10 or 15 minutes until golden brown.
  3. Roast the nuts in a frying pan and crush.
  4. For cream, mix condensed milk and soft butter.
  5. Crumble the finished shortbread into small pieces after cooling, add nuts and fill everything with cream.
  6. Let's send the "Anthill" to the refrigerator for several hours so that the cake freezes and soaks with cream. You can decorate the finished dessert with grated chocolate, poppy seeds or nuts, and serve with tea.

The choice of recipe depends on the amount of free time and your preferences. Anthill cake is good because it turns out delicious no matter how much effort was spent on it. Good appetite!

Anthill is a cake from childhood. It is not very healthy and low-calorie, but what a delicious!

In addition, the most primitive products will be needed to make a cake.

No need to run around the shops looking for mascarpone or suitable cream.

How do they say? I blinded him from what was?

That's right, it's just about the anthill!

Cake anthill at home - general principles of preparation

The basis for the anthill is shortbread baking. There are many test options for her, you can knead it in butter, margarine, sour cream, with or without eggs. After kneading, it is passed through a meat grinder to make thin sausages. The blanks are laid out on a baking sheet and baked.

Can also be used for an anthill:

Any dry biscuits;

The remaining sand cakes for cake;

Corn sticks.

Everything, except for corn sticks, needs to be crushed, but not into flour. You should get small pieces. They are thrown into a bowl, combined with cream and laid out in a sweet slide in the form of an anthill, they decorate the dessert to your taste.

What cream can be used? Absolutely anyone! From condensed milk, sour cream, cream and even custard. But there should not be too much oil in it, as it will not allow the dessert to soak, and the anthill will be dry.

Recipe 1: Classic Anthill Cake at Home

The most common and famous recipe anthill. From this amount of products, a small dessert is obtained. If you need to cook a large cake, then all the ingredients increase proportionally.


0.28 kg of flour;

0.1 kg of sugar;

A pinch of soda and salt;

0.3 kg of softened butter;

0.1 kg of condensed milk;

0.1 kg of white condensed milk;

1 can of boiled condensed milk.


1. Divide the butter in half. In one part, add sour cream with a pinch of soda and salt, add sugar and mix well. We introduce flour and make a cool lump.

2. We pass the dough through a meat grinder, put it in bunches on a baking sheet. We bake the resulting cookies until golden brown, it is better to fry well, it will be tastier.

3. For cream, mix a jar of boiled condensed milk with butter and add white milk.

4. We crumble the cooled cookies, but not finely. There should be pieces.

5. Pour the crumbs into the cream, mix. You should get a fairly thick mass, which we lay out in a slide on a flat plate and send it to the refrigerator. There the cake will harden, soak and after three hours you can put the kettle on!

Recipe 2: Lazy Ant Hill Cake at Home from Cookies

It turns out that in order to enjoy the Anthill cake, you don’t even need to turn on the oven. Easy and simple to make from shortbread biscuits.


0.35 kg of cookies;

0.18 kg butter;

0.4 kg of boiled condensed milk;

40 grams of chocolate;

70 ml cream or fat milk.


1. First, prepare the cream. To do this, soft butter needs to be whipped with cream, then we add condensed milk a little bit. The cream should not be too thick, otherwise it will not soak the cookies well. But the liquid mass should not work out, otherwise it will drain.

2. We crumble cookies. It is most convenient to lay it out on the table and walk several times with a rolling pin. Do not twist through a meat grinder. Otherwise, it will no longer be an anthill, but a mass for the Potato cake.

3. Combine the cream with cookies, mix.

4. Put it on a plate in a slide. Three chocolates on top. Better with large chips and let the dessert soak in the refrigerator, it is better to send it there all night.

Recipe 3: Honey cake "Anthill" at home

Well, a very fragrant version of the Anthill, which is a must try to make. The dough is universal, suitable for other versions of the cake, but the cream is prepared with honey. It is he who is the highlight of this recipe.


5 tablespoons of milk;

0.2 kg of sugar;

0.5 tsp soda;

Vinegar for extinguishing;

0.1 kg of oil.


0.5 kg of boiled condensed milk;

0.1 kg of oil;

3 spoons of honey.


1. Melt the butter for the dough, cool. Beat eggs with sugar, add milk, mix, then butter, flour and slaked soda. We do cool and elastic dough.

2. We skip the pieces of dough through a meat grinder, put the resulting ones on a baking sheet, bake the "worms" until cooked at 200 degrees. Cool down.

3. For a cream, you just need to combine all the ingredients. If the honey is liquid, then melt it in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

4. We crumble our blanks, combine with the prepared cream and lay out a sweet slide. We decorate to your taste.

Recipe 4: Cake "Anthill" at home with walnuts and poppy seeds

There are no strict rules for this Anthill cake at home. You can take any other nuts, for example, peanuts, hazelnuts. Also delicious with sunflower seeds. Experiment and always get a new delicacy!


4.5-5 glasses of flour;

0.3 kg of sour cream;

0.05 kg of poppy;

0.3 kg of margarine;

0.25 kg of oil;

2 cans of condensed milk;

0.2 kg of sugar;

A glass of nuts.


1. We take out the butter with margarine and other ingredients from the refrigerator in advance. We combine margarine and 100 grams of sugar, beat with a mixer for two minutes.

2. Add flour, knead and put in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.

3. We twist the frozen dough through a meat grinder, lay it out on baking sheets and fry until a beautiful color.

4. While the blanks are cooling, you need to prepare the cream. To do this, beat the butter with a mixer. As soon as it becomes white and lush, add condensed milk. Pour in a little so that the cream does not take lumps.

5. Nuts need to be fried and crushed, but not into flour, visible lumps should remain. The third part is left for decoration.

6. We combine crumbled cookies, nuts and cream. We make our anthill, sprinkle with nuts and hold back for at least 3 hours so as not to try this miracle.

Recipe 5: Cake "Anthill" at home from corn sticks with toffee

Another simplified version of the Anthill cake, for which you need ordinary corn sticks. It is better to take small items. You also need ordinary toffees such as "Golden Key", "Iris kitty-kitty". There are two options for assembling the cake. The first is simple and fast, and the second is more accurate and beautiful.


0.2 kg sticks;

0.2 kg of oil;

0.5 kg of toffee;

Nuts or chocolate for decoration.


1. We take large saucepan from stainless steel, put oil and toffee released from wrappers into it. We put on a slow fire and melt the mass, stir regularly. It should become liquid, and the ingredients should combine into a cream.

2. Remove from heat and pour corn sticks into toffee with oil, mix with a large spoon or spatula.

3. The first assembly option. The mass will begin to cool, take it with your hands and put a sweet slide on a dish.

4. Second assembly option. Dip each stick and lay out in neat layers alternately on a dish. If the cream starts to harden, then you need to warm it up.

5. Sprinkle the anthill with grated chocolate or nuts. And maybe both. You can also melt the chocolate and pour over the dessert. liquid glaze.

Recipe 6: Cake "Anthill" at home on sour cream

Both the dough and the cream for this anthill are prepared on the basis of sour cream. Useful and delicious dessert from available products. But you can bake the basis for the anthill according to any other recipe.


0.1 kg of oil;

0.6 kg of sour cream;

0.15 kg of boiled condensed milk;

1 cup of sugar;

3.5 cups flour;

0.2 kg margarine;

Salt and soda.


1. Soft margarine grind with flour, add half the sugar, 200 grams of sour cream. Mix well. We put a pinch of salt, add half a small spoonful of soda, which must be extinguished with vinegar. Add flour and knead the dough.

2. We form cookies by passing the dough through a meat grinder. We bake and chill.

3. Whip the butter with the rest of the sugar and condensed milk. If there is, then powder can be used instead of sugar, it will be easier.

4. Add 400 ml of sour cream to the cream, stir.

5. Chop the cooled blanks, mix with cream.

6. Put an anthill of any shape on a dish, decorate it or leave it like that, let it soak.

Recipe 7: Royal Anthill Cake at Home

Despite the fact that the dessert is prepared in a simplified way from cookies, it cannot be called simple. The cake is very beautiful, rich and unusual. And he will find his place even on holiday table. In addition to the main components, you will need some marshmallows, marmalade and one banana.


0.5 kg of sour cream;

0.5 kg of cookies;

70 grams of powder;

100 grams of marshmallow;

30 grams of oil;

1 spoon of cocoa;

100 grams of marmalade;

70 grams of chocolate.


1. For cream, beat sour cream with powder, add cocoa to make the mass darker. You can put a little in an adult cake instant coffee, pour a spoonful of cognac.

2. Peel the banana, cut lengthwise into 2 parts. Then each in pieces of 0.5 centimeters. No need to grind.

3. Marshmallow and marmalade cut into the same pieces as the banana. But we don't mix anything. Beautiful pieces can be immediately set aside to decorate the cake.

4. We take part of the cookies, put them on a dish with the first layer, grease with cream.

5. We crumble the rest of the cookies, mix with the cream and let stand for about 20 minutes, so that the mass swells and becomes thicker.

6. On the cookies that we laid out, lay out a layer of bananas and cover with a mass of cream, a third should go. All the fruits should go away, don’t be sorry, they still won’t work for decoration, as the pieces quickly turn black, and the anthill needs to be soaked.

7. We spread a layer of marshmallows on it, again cover with a mass of cookies with cream. Another part must go.

8. Now lay out marmalade and again cookies with cream. We form a slide with our hands and refrigerate for an hour.

9. Melt chocolate with butter. You can just send it to the microwave.

10. We take out the anthill, water it from above. In the meantime, the icing has not frozen, stick in pieces of marshmallows, marmalade.

Cake anthill at home - tips and tricks

If the mass for the Anthill turned out to be dry, then there is no need to form a hill, the cake will still not be tender and juicy. It is better to immediately add more cream or just condensed milk, milk, cream, or at least a little jam, you can syrup.

Prepare an anthill for children's holiday? Then don't pick it up in the usual way, and make small cakes according to the number of guests. And every little sweet tooth will become the happy owner of his own dessert.

If you let the mass of cookies with cream stand for a while, then it will become more convenient to work with and will be easier to sculpt. From it you can form a wide variety of figures for fitting with mastic. Just don't forget to level the base first. oil cream and then chill well.

Good day, dear guests of our culinary site. Today's recipe will be dedicated to a dessert familiar to everyone since childhood - Anthill cake. Many people know this cake and everyone loves it. Many people baked it themselves, others were baked by their mothers and grandmothers. It is a taste familiar from childhood.

What we need:

For the test we need:

  • 500 gr flour
  • 6 art. spoons of sugar
  • 6 art. spoons of sour cream
  • 200 gr butter or margarine
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

For the cream you will need:

  • 400 gr boiled condensed milk
  • 200 gr butter
  • 1 cup peanuts
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons cognac (optional, but would be ideal)

How to cook an anthill cake with condensed milk

First of all, let's prepare the dough. The dough for the anthill is all prepared differently from the same products. Today we offer you the easiest option.

We take a bowl and pour melted butter or margarine into it, here we send 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, and a pinch of salt. All this mass is well mixed.

Next, we will add flour and baking powder here. The flour must first be sifted through a sieve. We mix everything, gradually kneading the dough. We will not knead the dough for a long time, just collect it in one lump, it should turn out soft and even a little crumbly.

For convenience, we will divide the dough into four parts. We form a ball from each part of the dough, put it on a plate and send it to the freezer for 30 minutes so that the dough freezes a little. Then we will pass it through a meat grinder or we can grate it.

Half an hour passed, the dough froze a little and became tough. Now we pass it through a meat grinder or grater. We cover the baking sheet parchment paper if there's. If there is no paper, then you can not lay anything, the dough will not stick.

Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the pastry until golden brown.

Nuts need to be washed, dried and fried in a dry frying pan. Next, we need to grind them. If you don't want to bother with peanuts, you can buy ready-made roasted peanuts. In principle, an anthill cake is prepared without nuts, look to your taste. It is not necessary to grind the nuts directly into dust. They must be felt.

Let's make cream in an anthill cake

While our dough for the anthill is baking, we will prepare the cream. We send soft butter at room temperature into a bowl and beat it with a mixer or blender.

This is how the cream should look like. It is light, airy and very tasty. If it seems too thick to you, you can add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of ordinary condensed milk, thereby diluting it. You can also add 2-3 tbsp to the cream. spoons of cognac, the taste is simply magnificent.

As soon as the dough is browned, take it out of the oven. It is baked for about 30 minutes at 180 ° C. Let it cool down a bit and we will crumble.

You can crumble the cooled dough with a rolling pin as well as with your hands. Crushing too finely is also not worth it, you need to get such pieces.

And we put all this mass on a dish in the form of a slide. We seal the cake and form an anthill.

To make the cake look more like an anthill, sprinkle it with grated chocolate.

Here is such a wonderful anthill turned out. Now we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is well soaked and infused.

Describe taste qualities anthill makes no sense. You have probably already tried it. If not, then try to bake it, please yourself and your loved ones.

Bon Appetit! Cook with us with pleasure!