Roasted walnuts. How to roast walnuts

Step 1: prepare the walnuts.

To begin with, we get nuts, it is better that they are in the shell, it is very easy to get rid of it, you just need to put this miracle of nature in the freezer for 1 hour, and then split it. But if you found only peeled ones, then it is better to check them for taste so that they are not rancid. After this, we sort out the kernels, remove small fragments, divide the nuts into halves or quarters, transfer them to a colander and rinse thoroughly under running warm running water. Then we leave them for a while in the sink to drain excess liquid, then dry them with paper kitchen towels and choose one of the frying options.

Step 2: fry the walnuts - option one.

The first way is pretty simple. We put a dry deep frying pan on medium heat and give it the opportunity to warm up well. Then we spread the dried nuts there, it is better that they lie in one layer.

Cook them until brown and crackling, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. This process will take approximately 20 to 25 minutes, but if the pieces are small, then they will cook even faster in 10–15 minutes.

As soon as they reach the desired consistency, a pleasant fried aroma will bloom in the kitchen, immediately transfer the kernels to a plate and cool.

Step 3: fry the walnuts - option two.

The second method is more painstaking, but no less tasty. Turn on and preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Then line a non-stick baking sheet with aluminum foil, parchment or baking paper, or spray with non-stick spray. Then we spread the prepared walnuts there in an even layer and send them to the preheated oven for 7–10 minutes, depending on how much you want to brown them.

After the first 5 minutes mix the kernels with a special heat-resistant spatula, try and, if necessary, keep in the oven until the desired taste.

After they smell fried, with the help of kitchen tacks we rearrange the baking sheet on the countertop, immediately transfer the nuts to a heat-resistant dish and cool to room temperature.

Step 4: fry the walnuts - option three.

The third method is suitable for hostesses who have a microwave. We shift the prepared dried nuts into a special heat-resistant dish, so that they lie in 1-2 layers, and put in the oven. We turn on the kitchen appliance at full power and fry the pieces of kernels for 2 minutes. Then mix them with a heat-resistant spatula and try. Not ready? Then we send them back to the microwave, if there is no rotating tray in the oven, turn the dishes 180 degrees and again keep the kernels in the kitchen appliance 2 minutes at high power.

Then, if desired, repeat the process one or two more times, that is, it will take 6–8 minutes in total. After this time, they will reach the desired consistency, and you will feel the pleasant aroma of fried.

After the oven is completely finished, use a tea towel to remove the nuts from it, transfer them to a clean, dry dish and cool.

Step 5: Serve the roasted walnuts.

After cooking, roasted walnuts are condemned and served in special vases as a dessert or used in the preparation of other equally delicious dishes. For example, put them in baking, bread dough, salads, pasta, yogurt and some soups. Season this yummy stew, poultry, fish or game. They also layer cakes and pies with such nuts, add them to fresh and sweet fillings for cakes, pastries, decorate milk desserts and ice cream with them. Enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!

Nuts that are fried in a pan can be sprinkled with salt, sugar, spicy spices, or sprinkled with sugar syrup;

If your microwave oven has a very high power, then it is better to roast the nuts until fully cooked in 20 second intervals. The times indicated in the recipe are based on a 750W oven! Also, it is impossible to use the kernels immediately after such preparation, they must be allowed to cool completely, otherwise it can lead to a burn of the mouth;

Very often, nuts are roasted in a large amount of fat. Then spread them on a paper kitchen towel and sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and vanilla, cinnamon or ginger;

Are you not going to use roasted nuts right away? Then they should be stored in dry paper packaging, in a cool place, such as a pantry.

Walnuts are a very healthy and appetizing product. Without them, the preparation of many delicious and savory dishes is not complete. Salads, pâtés, desserts, soups, pies, appetizers and cakes are just a few of the foods that use nutritious nuts. They can also be used as an independent product, as a light and satisfying snack. Roasted walnuts are used in almost all dishes. How to fry walnuts in a pan correctly at home - read further in the article. But you can use this recipe in the oven or microwave. It is not only tasty, but also incredibly beneficial for the body.

How to fry walnuts in a pan: a recipe at home

To achieve the desired taste, texture and aroma of hearty kernels, you can cook them using an electric oven or a frying pan. The first case is more suitable for frying whole kernels (of the same size), while the second option is fashionable for frying small pieces. So you can constantly monitor the preparation of nuts.

Fried kernels can be used to make chicken, vegetable saute, sweet baklava, vegetarian dolma, or lean baked goods. So you can enrich your daily diet with useful and necessary elements to maintain your health.


How to cook walnuts in a pan

We spread the prepared kernels of nuts in a frying pan or stewpan with a thick bottom. Carefully distribute the workpiece around the entire perimeter of the form.

We cook the kernels (at medium temperature) from 8 to 20 minutes (depending on their size and quality). We constantly monitor the workpiece and mix the product every few seconds.

If some pieces become darker than the rest, remove them from the saucepan and leave to cool. After the kernels become creamy, the nuts are ready.

Pour the kernels onto a dish. In no case do not leave the product in the saucepan, as it may burn.

We clean the nuts from thin husks. We use roasted walnuts for their intended purpose.

Fried nuts have a high percentage of calories, which is necessary when replenishing energy or recuperating after stressful situations, surgical interventions. A high-calorie product should be used with caution by people who are overweight.
We bring to your attention a recipe that will tell you how to properly fry walnuts in a pan. See more.


- walnut - 1 kg.

Necessary information
Roasting walnuts takes 40 minutes.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. First, prepare the walnuts for frying by first splitting them with a nutcracker. Pour water into a saucepan and boil. We spread the nuts in a container, pour boiling water over the fruits.
Tip: To quickly crack the nuts, you can use a knife. To do this, insert the knife at the top point between the two halves, and carefully open them. If the shell is not fully opened, then a hammer will help to beat. A few taps and the core will fall out. Then we clean the nuts from internal films, small fragments and partitions. After that, put the nuts in a colander and rinse under running water. Be sure to wait for the liquid to drain and then dry it on a paper towel.
Tip: For better cracking of the walnut, put it in the freezer for about 1 hour, and then take it out.

2. Cover the container with nuts with a towel and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
Tip: Boiling water will soften the nuts.

3. We take out the steamed nuts and put them on a towel to dry. After that, we will peel off the skins from the nuts.

4. At the next stage, pour the peeled walnuts into the pan and fry without adding oil for 15 minutes at a medium heat level.
Tip: We will fry the nuts until they begin to crackle and acquire a bright golden color. It is recommended to periodically stir the nuts with a wooden spatula.
Tip: It is advisable to spread the nuts in such a way that they are arranged in one layer.
Tip: Large pieces need 20 minutes to fry, while small pieces need 15 minutes to fry.

5. Now you can put the roasted walnuts in a bowl. They are used in the preparation of salads, pastas, bakery products, soups, muffins, dough. Today I will also tell you.
Tip: Roasted nuts are stored in a tight sealed box or jar in a dark place.

The ancient Greek thinker Plato said that the kernels of walnuts, having an external resemblance to the human brain, are capable of thinking. Perhaps his theory in the original sounds like having an influence on the mind, since their beneficial properties cannot be overestimated. The trees of this strong Greek have long been considered a symbol of fertility or vitality. It is not for nothing that in some countries its seedlings are planted when a child is born in the family, and in the Caucasus it is considered sacred. Its mixture with honey is recognized as the best remedy for male power. Not without reason, containing the maximum amount of vitamin C, many times higher than that of a lemon, is loved by many. Walnuts have the ability to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, regulate sugar levels, enhance mental activity and increase efficiency. And Hippocrates called drupes "the acorn of the gods." And I want to advise you - do not put off your healthy future for later. I will tell you how to fry walnuts in a pan so that they acquire a great taste, while retaining their beneficial properties and becoming your daily treat.
- walnuts of the last harvest,
- water.

Crockery, tools and accessories:
- pot,
- frying pan.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Wash, dry the nuts and crush the shells with a nutcracker. Carefully, remove the core, clearing the existing partitions. By the way, the Nutcracker from the ballet of the same name by P.I. Tchaikovsky is the same fighter for the freedom of nut crops.

Place the nut kernels in a deep container and cover with boiling water. Cover with a lid to steam for 10-15 minutes.

Lay the pliable cores on a dry towel to remove moisture. Peel each nucleolus from the cover shirts, they can be removed easily.

Put the peeled nuts in a dry pan so that they are placed in the free space in an even layer and fry, stirring with a wooden spatula, until light creamy. After 10-15 minutes, the red-hot kernels are ready. Quickly transfer them to a wide bowl and refrigerate, continuing to stir for 3-4 minutes.

Try the healthiest treat, treat your family. Remember that these few intricate slices have remarkable magical powers.

Both children and adults will certainly enjoy the popular walnut dessert -

In my opinion, you were talking about chicken rolls with prunes in foil. I did it, but it turned out dry. Please correct my mistakes. like a candy (the seam at the top) I just put it on a baking sheet. I fried it for 30 minutes. thanks


I have a similar recipe, only instead of walnuts - pine nuts. And red wine is added to the filling. Then nothing is dry. And I stewed in foil, not fried.

:) I wrote about rolls with mushrooms and onions, but probably good with prunes. 30 minutes for breasts - unforgivably too much!!! 10, from the strength of 15. beat off quite a bit !!! I add a little more water to the pan. I recently did it - I fried it quickly from 2 sides, then into a glass form without foil and also for 10-15 minutes.

Ingredients: 80 g spinach a few basil leaves 30 g walnuts 2 garlic cloves 2 tsp. lemon juice 120 ml olive oil 60 g grated parmesan Rinse the spinach and basil leaves well in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. spinach, basil, garlic, walnuts, lemon juice and one third of olive oil in a blender, chop everything until smooth, gradually adding the remaining olive oil. Then add the grated Parmesan and mix with a spoon. Try for salt. This sauce is great for fish, chicken, seafood, pasta and sandwiches instead of regular butter....

Yesterday Burdock and Evgenia made chak-chak - very tasty! Clarke was advised - it’s also useful, with honey in the period of beriberi! Now do not tear.

How to please a man on February 23: baked meat and ribs in the oven
... Finely chop dried apricots and figs. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Fry them for 10 minutes in a frying pan over low heat with 50 ml of olive oil. Salt and pepper. Add all the spices, figs and dried apricots, stir and let cool. Coarsely chop the almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts and add them to the mixture. Cut the shoulder blade deep and season with salt and pepper inside. Stuff with dried fruit mixture and tie tightly. Place the meat on a baking sheet and drizzle with the remaining olive oil. Bake for 45-50 minutes, turning and basting with the juices that stand out every 15 minutes. Remove the meat from the oven, wrap in foil and let it rest for 15 minutes....

What to cook for breakfast? Lebanese and cuisine
... Pinch off a piece of dough, roll into a ball a little more than a walnut. Make a well, place a teaspoon of the nut filling in it, and cover again with the dough. There are special molds for patterning cookies in the Middle East. You can simply squeeze the pattern onto the cookies with a fork. Place the cookies on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until pinkish. Sprinkle hot finished cookies with powdered sugar - when it melts, it will give a crispy crust. After cooling, sprinkle with powder again. Cookies should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Well, the holidays are over ... you need to cook weekday dinners again. tell me who cooks what (and in short how) you can have 2-3 dinner options (only please, not very expensive ones), otherwise I have the same thing all the time. Thank you all very much. p.s. Before, everyone praised me for being a good cook, but now I have relaxed. I want to get back my old reputation.


After the holidays for a week, the soul requires a banal chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, pork chop and salad (Beijing cabbage, onion, cucumber and defrosted peeled shrimp)

Today salad with salmon and sausages for men, sausage and cheese. And for those who wished, the cheese was with Borodino bread. :)

The husband was taken aback, he heard the name somewhere, but he didn’t understand why (he generally likes to present beautiful names to me). But he came declaring that he wants ... So. And what is it? Does anyone have the recipe?


I can offer a proven recipe from my Armenian friend (it turns out VERY tasty).

Chicken weighing 1200-1500, bake (smear with sour cream or mayonnaise, a little water to make it soft). Remove meat and skin, cut.
3 onions (not small) fry.
4 tablespoons of flour, fry.
2.5 - 3 cups broth or water (I personally like to add water rather than broth, but this is a matter of taste).
The sauce boils for 10-15 minutes. Then we add
1 tablespoon of wine vinegar (preferably dry wine or pomegranate juice), you can have more - this is to taste.

red and black pepper

Walnuts in a meat grinder - about 1 cup and another third of a cup. Add to sauce.

We put the meat there for 5-10 minutes.
At the end, we eat garlic - about 5 cloves (turned through a squeezer) - DO NOT COOK it!

Let cool.

Served cold.

If before serving it seems thick to you - most likely it will be, because the nuts take a lot of liquid - you can safely dilute it with boiled water.

05/12/2002 00:56:25, valeria

actually, I just realized that satsivi is a sauce made from all sorts of nuts and greens. Because there are satsivi from fish, from eggplant, from chicken ...
and I also found it on the site on some, already drooling ... :)
“Still, warm is an exception. Usually satsivi (in 99 percent) is a cold dish. And the pieces are chopped quite large. Although there may be variations, but, in my opinion, hot satsivi is a slightly different dish. I also like it thicker, but it's a matter of taste."
and read here
and here

In general, I remember in my distant childhood my mother and I did such cool things with all sorts of jam. We called it bagels. The dough was rolled out in a circle and cut into not wide sectors (triangles turned out so long), jam was put on the edge and wrapped in a tube. On a baking sheet and into the oven. I really want to make these, but there is no recipe anymore ... Maybe someone has one?


Bagels - 0.5 kg margarine, 50 gr. yeast, 1 tbsp. milk, 6 tbsp flour. Dilute the yeast with warm milk, chop margarine with flour (I rub it on a grater into flour) and dilute with milk and yeast, knead well and refrigerate for 0.5 hours. Roll out thinly, cut into 8 parts (pick the diameter yourself), put the filling on the wide side and fold. Bake in a hot oven. Then roll in powdered sugar. Filling - jam + roasted walnuts.

i do like this:
1 egg
200g margarine
200 g sour cream
flour - to a thick dough (approx. 3 tbsp.)
Divide the dough into 8 parts, roll a ball out of each, put in cold water. Take out one ball at a time, roll it into a circle, which is divided into 8 parts. Put marmalade, roll up, pinch the edges.

Girls who decided to stop at the chicken on New Year's Eve - I've collected all the chicken from our recipes. Here: Chicken in foil is a wonderful thing. Take chicken. Wash. Dry. Mix spicy mustard and 1 tablespoon of grated horseradish. Rub the mixture thickly on the inside and outside of the chicken. Place on a plate and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Next, wipe the mixture from the chicken (do not rinse!). With a knife, make several deep punctures in the carcass and push the cloves of peeled garlic there. The chicken itself...

Pies "Gentle". Jekson user blog on

Ingredients Wheat flour 3 tbsp. (I put 4 or a little more) 200 ml cup Milk 1 tbsp. Salt 1 tsp Sugar 1 tbsp Creamy margarine 100 g Dry yeast (I use Dr. Oetker they have 1 sachet for 500 g of flour, in spoons it is 2.25 tsp) 1 sachet Egg 1 pc. Method of preparation: Grate margarine on a coarse grater or cut into small pieces. Place the ingredients in the bucket in the order recommended by your bread machine manufacturer. In Panasonic, I set the mode to "pizza dough", and in LG - just ...

Baked pumpkin platter, shrimp salad and pâté
... Cooking pumpkin should not be long - inside it should remain quite firm, "al dente". We cut the cheese or three very thin slices. Coarsely chop the nuts with a knife. Add baked pumpkin, goat cheese and walnuts to spinach leaves. Drizzle with truffle oil, salt and mix gently. Shrimp, lettuce and persimmon salad - with almond petals and light dressing For 2 servings: lettuce 1 small head persimmon, hard and sweet 2 pcs. large shrimp 10 pcs. almond petals 2 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar or lemon juice 2 tbsp. l....
... salted anchovies 4 pcs. salted capers 1 tbsp. l. butter 15 g sweet red wine 100 ml sage 6 leaves olive oil salt, freshly ground black pepper Chicken liver cut into small pieces. Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil until it becomes translucent. Add the sage leaves and fry for another 1-2 minutes, then remove the sage from the pan. Add chicken liver. Pour in the wine and boil it down. Immediately remove the pan from the stove. Anchovies need to be washed so that they are not so salty and deboned. Using a blender, grind the chicken liver, anchovies and capers. Doba...

And you like nuts, for example, I used to somehow calmly treat them, well, nuts for myself and nuts ... before pregnancy :). As you know, there are anecdotes about the whims of pregnant women, so it happened to me, only, as they say, it happens to everyone, but not everyone passes, my daughter is already in her third year, and nuts for me are still the first delicacy, but for those For 9 months I ate so much of this Californian almond, if you pour it all in one room, then it will turn out to the ceiling  Well, since you ...


similar to yours :) I didn’t love at all before, but now I really do. In addition to peanuts - if I used to eat it at least sometimes, now in any form :) Neither salted, nor in cakes, nor raw.

From childhood, a favorite (and the only then dimensionless accessible) delicacy is pine nuts, fresh tar-milk, or steamed with boiling water, when they have already lain down a bit. And also, I remember, my father's relatives periodically pampered us, Siberians, with home-grown walnuts, the size of my fist, and apricot kernels. It was already a front door, strictly dosed, a kind of encouraging yummy. Now most of all I love pistachios, cashews, and, of course, cedar. I can't stand peanuts and pecans. The rest I'm neutral, but generally positive.

And tell me, who cooks something tasty from eggplant?! If this has already been discussed - throw, pliz, links!

girls, I have such a question, though this is not really cooking - how do they make a mixture of honey and nuts to restore the body's strength - is there some certain proportion of nuts or are all nuts - pine, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, etc. - put in equal parts? ? what is the best honey?


Thank you all very much, I decided to make 2 jars - just nuts-honey and with dried fruits.
I agree about chestnut honey - it's just ... divine!

if you are only asking about honey-nuts, then I would mix it to your taste: unroasted walnuts or hazelnuts or assorted pour honey. Just see how you like it - liquid :) or not. It’s better not to fry nuts, my dad once made a dessert for me - roasted nuts give such a heavy aftertaste to honey :(. Since the choice of honey is very large and each variety has its own taste and medicinal properties, choose according to your taste and wallet;).
I highly recommend trying chestnut (but it's a pity to mix it with anything!) - a stunningly delicate aroma, like ambrosia! and the taste is amazing! I’m indifferent to honey, but THIS! ... Well, its beneficial properties, of course, are worth a separate discussion :)

Girls! I have a big problem, I don’t have an oven: (And sometimes I want to pamper my husband with some goodies. If someone knows how to cook sweet and not sweet delicious dishes, tell me the recipes. Thank you in advance!


And what about pancakes? Or here: Arabic yummy -
we take a lot of nuts (a glass of walnuts, a glass of hazelnuts, a bag of salted! pistachios and peanuts) we throw it into an electric vegetable cutter, crush it into flour, put it in a bowl, pour honey, it is important to catch the norm so that it is not cloying: the mass will be loose, not viscous, not like jam (don't spoil it!)
Two or three spoons of this yummy - and you're in the kings, you can not eat anything else (it's good on a trip or on a hike or when in a hurry) it is crushed even by those who hate nuts, but how useful for men!

11/17/2000 18:22:38, LV

1. can of condensed milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey (optional), 1/2 tsp pay off soda, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. flour.
Rub butter with eggs, add condensed milk and everything else. The dough must be liquid. To a heated, oiled skillet 2 tbsp. l. test. Then you can fry in the oven and on the stove like pancakes. It will turn out at least 7 cakes (I have more :)), by the way, I grow them on a peeled one. I fry in oil, so it burns less.
For cream 500 gr. sour cream, 1 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. cocoa and vanilla. Whisk everything. Personally, I then cook it over low heat until dark bubbles appear. But it's not in the recipe :)
Spread the cakes with cream and refrigerate overnight.

2. Brew strong coffee with sugar. Dip oatmeal cookies into cold coffee, lay on a dish in layers, smearing with cream. Everything in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
Cream (for 500 gr. cookies): Beat 1 yolk with 200 gr. drain. butter and 1 tbsp. sugar. powder. Add 3 tbsp. spoons of ground coffee (I put a solution. Or nothing), 1 tbsp. walnut nuts.

I can’t find any more recipes, I’ve been too lazy to cook for a very long time. Somewhere there was a very tasty cake made from vanilla crackers turned through a meat grinder, but something does not come across.

Girls and boys! :) Please share the recipes of your favorite (and used) salad recipes, where boiled meat would be present (there is beef). Completely pregnant brains refuse to remember what can be done, except for the wrong Olivier .. Thank you!

We bought eggs, and after 4 days they will no longer be ready for use, tell me some recipe for a sweet bolide where you need a lot of eggs. Just wish it was sooner. (cake......)


Cake "Kyiv"
10 proteins, 1 glass of sugar, 100 gr. roasted crushed nuts, 40 gr. flour.
Cream: 200 gr. butter, 1 can of condensed milk, 15 gr. cocoa.

Beat strongly chilled proteins with a glass of sugar until the mass increases in volume by 4.5 times, add roasted crushed nuts (any, but I prefer hazelnuts), flour. Stir carefully, then put on 2 round parchment sheets and dry in the oven for 4-5 hours at a temperature of 100 C. After it cools down, spread with cream.

04/27/2002 19:42:06, Chunya

2 cups of 250 gr poppy seeds,
0.5 cup raisins.
0.5 cup nuts
5 table spoons of breadcrumbs,
10 eggs
13 table. spoons of sugar.
1 can of boiled condensed milk
0.5 kg butter,
juice of 1 lemon.
Poppy steam for the night.
Turn 2 times through a meat grinder, add raisins, nuts and crackers.
Separate the whites from the yolks, beat until a strong foam
-proteins with 7 tbsp. l. Sahara,
-yolks from 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Spoon eggs into poppy seeds.
Line a springform pan with foil and brush with oil
pour the dough, put in a hot oven for 1.5-2 hours.
Cool completely, cut into 2 or 3 cakes, grease with cream.
Drizzle with chocolate icing.

Cake "Love me"
Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix 9 proteins and 3 cups of sugar without beating, and put in the cold for an hour, then beat until a meringue consistency. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour or put tracing paper and put the whipped squirrels on a baking sheet in small cakes (the size of a Soviet penny, for those who no longer remember what it looked like - 3 cm in diameter), put in a warm oven and dry until cooked. Rub a pound of butter and 3/4 cup of sugar until fluffy and gradually add a little beaten yolks. Finely chop the nuts or pass through a meat grinder. Pour nuts into the beaten mass, vanilla to taste, pour in 50 grams of vodka and beat again until fluffy. Collect the cake immediately in the dishes that are served on the table. Lubricate each dried cake with cream and place on a dish, grease the whole hill with the remaining cream, decorate with the remaining cakes or sprinkle with chocolate or nuts and put in the cold.
eggs - 9 pcs., sugar - 3.75 cups, walnuts - 1 cup
vodka or cognac - 50 g, butter - 0.5 kg

Cake "Turtle"
DOUGH: 6 eggs + 1.5 cups sugar (dissolved) + 2 tablespoons cocoa + 1 teaspoon baking soda + 2 cups flour.
GLAZE: 2 tablespoons milk + 2 tablespoons sugar + 50 g butter (butter) + 2 tablespoons cocoa. Cook the glaze over low heat until the state of liquid sour cream. CREAM: 2 cups sour cream + 200 g butter + 1 cup sugar. Whisk everything.
Sprinkle a baking sheet lightly with flour and spread the dough in the form of small cakes with teaspoons. Bake at t 200C. Dip each tortilla in the cream and stack on a shell-shaped dish. On the sides make 4 paws and a head. Pour glaze over the shell (if there is not enough glaze, make another portion) Put the cake in the refrigerator overnight - soak.
Eggs - 6 pcs., Flour - 2 cups, Sugar - 2.5 cups, Cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons
Soda - 1 teaspoon, Milk - 2 tablespoons, Oil - 250 g, Sour cream - 2 cups.

Cupcake "Christmas"
Rub the butter with sugar until white, add the yolks and continue to rub the mass until the sugar crystals disappear completely. Then add warm melted honey with cinnamon, add sour cream, salt, soda, add flour and add whites whipped into a stable foam, quickly knead a light fluffy dough of the consistency of thick sour cream, also quickly spread it into a cupcake form liberally greased with softened butter and dusted with flour, carefully place into the oven and bake at t = 180C for an hour or a little more.
flour - 600 g, butter - 250 g, honey - 250 g, powdered sugar - 250 g
sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 6 pcs., sour cream - 500 g, finely chopped nuts - 100 g
soda - 1 teaspoon, cinnamon - 1 teaspoon, salt - a pinch

Norwegian cookies "Bantiki"
3 eggs, 2 tbsp. Flour, 0.5 tbsp. Melt Drain. oils, powdered sugar.
Grind the yolk of a hard-boiled egg well. Add 2 raw yolks and grind the mixture until a smooth mass is obtained. Pour in 1 tbsp. flour, add melted plums. Oil and 1 tbsp. flour. Knead a smooth dough, separate walnut-sized pieces from it, pull them out in the form of a ribbon and tie them with a bow. baking sheet. Bake in a very hot oven.

Dough: 8 eggs, 8 tbsp. l. ground, not peeled almond kernels, 1 orange, 1 tbsp. l. grated breadcrumbs, 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Cream: 4 yolks, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 orange, 180 gr. vanillin 175 gr. sour cream.
Decoration: 1-2 oranges.
Yolks 8 eggs with 8 tbsp. l. grind sugar with a mixer or manually (20 min). Add zest and juice of 1 orange. Put the mass in two identical forms, greased with oil and sprinkled with flour.
Cream: Yolks, sugar, milk, juice of 1 oranges and vanillin, steam until thickened. Remove from heat and add a piece of butter, without ceasing to stir. Put the cream on one cake and cover with another. Top the cake again with cream. Garnish with sour cream, whipped with sugar and orange slices.

"Lady fingers"
On fire 1.5 tbsp. water + 150 gr. oil and, when it boils, add 1.5 tbsp. flour, stirring. Cool the dough, beat in 6 eggs alternately. Put the custard dough on a baking sheet, greased with oil, with oblong small sausages.
Cream: 2 tbsp. cold sour cream + st. Sahara. Dip the baked fingers in the cream and put on a dish with a woodpile. Sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top.

Cupcakes with fruit juice

sugar - 1 glass;
egg - 8 pcs.;
ground walnut (or hazelnuts) - 1/2 cup;
flour - 1/2 cup;
butter -3 tbsp;
fruit juice (preferably cherry) - 100g;
grated lemon zest of lemon and orange - to taste;
vanilla sugar - to taste;
cream - 1.5 cups;
egg - 8 pcs.

Egg yolks (6 pcs.), 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, beat until foamy, then add vanilla sugar, strong foam from 6 egg whites and 3 tbsp. Sahara. Mix flour with ground almonds, zest and add to the prepared mass. After that, mix the whole mass with melted butter.

Grease small cake pans with oil, fill halfway with the mixture and bake at low temperature. Ready muffins put on a dish and pour fruit (cherry) juice.

Whip cream with 2 tbsp. sugar into a strong foam, fill them with a pastry syringe and decorate the surface of the cupcakes. You can put fresh or canned berries on top.

Cupcake with nuts and raisins
To make cupcakes you will need:
flour - 1 cup;
egg - 6 pcs.;
peeled nuts - 1 cup;
raisins (pitted) - 1 cup;
sugar - 1 cup.

Proteins are whipped into a strong foam, the yolks are ground with sugar, then all this is mixed and nuts and raisins are added. Mix well again. The prepared dough is poured

In a form with oiled paper sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

Guests are expected tomorrow. I want to surprise you with something. Something out of the ordinary. (It doesn't matter what opera it's from - hot, appetizers, dessert...) Help with ideas, please!!!


Thank you all very much! And the main dish, please? And then everything is the same - everyone is used to it already. It won't be too late tomorrow morning.

Maybe it's not too late to offer you a few, in my opinion, original salads.
Salads from the newspaper "Friend of the House"


Take 200 g of cheese, 2 boiled carrots, 4 eggs, a glass of cranberries and walnuts, mayonnaise.

Lay out in layers, spreading each layer with mayonnaise in the following order: grated carrots, chopped hard-boiled eggs, crushed nuts, cranberries, grated cheese. Top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cranberries.

Boil a glass of dry mushrooms and chop finely, grate 100 g of cheese on a coarse grater, cut 2 hard-boiled eggs into small cubes. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise, salt to taste.

You will need 2 chicken breasts, 5 eggs, 2 teaspoons of starch, 2 onions, half a can of corn, salt, pepper, garlic, mayonnaise, vegetable oil.

Boil the chicken breasts, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small cubes. Cut the onion into half rings, lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, beat the eggs with a fork, salt, pepper, add starch, beat again, pour in 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry thin pancakes. Roll the pancakes into rolls and cut into thin noodles. Mix chicken meat, onion, egg noodles, add canned corn, 1-2 cloves of chopped garlic, a little mayonnaise, salt a little and mix.

Instead of chicken meat, you can put boiled beef, but then you do not need to add corn.


Take 200 g of crab sticks, a jar of pitted olives, canned pineapples and canned champignons, an onion, a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Onion cut into thin rings, pour vinegar, leave for 20 minutes. Crab sticks cut into thin strips. Cut the olives into thin circles, chop the pineapple and mushrooms. Mix everything, add the onion along with the vinegar in which it was marinated. Salad pepper, salt to taste and season with mayonnaise.


You will need 2 beets, 4 carrots, 3 eggs, 2 onions, walnuts and some green peas.

Boil beets, carrots and eggs and finely chop. Cut the onion into rings and pour over with boiling water, crush the nuts. Lay out in layers: carrots, onions, eggs, walnuts. Coat each layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle green peas in some places between the layers.


Cut 2-3 medium-sized onions into rings and soak them in salted hot water for 20 minutes. Then drain the water, dry the onion, pepper and season with any ketchup.

or just baked in sugar, how is it prepared? I just saw a culinary program at night (the end only), so there, in the oven, they baked nuts and sprinkled them with sugar and something else, quickly mixed them and the nuts turned out in a thick sugar shell. Yesterday I cooked it without a prescription, so it turned out just melted sugar and nuts in it (a la roasting), and on the TV there was each nut separately. I found pictures of nuts in caramel and sugar. How to cook this?

For the test: Carrot 300 g Sugar 450 g Vegetable oil 300 g Egg 6 pcs. Dark raisins 170 g Walnuts 170 g Wheat flour 300 g Fine salt 3 g Ground cinnamon 3 g Baking powder 10 g Peeled carrots grate on a fine grater. Combine flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, mix. Sort the walnuts and chop finely. Sort out the raisins. Combine grated carrots, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and mix until smooth. Add dry ingredients, stir. Add raisins and chopped nuts, stir. Preheat oven to 185°C. Grease a baking ring with a diameter of 24 cm with vegetable oil.
... Combine flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, mix. Sort the walnuts and chop finely. Sort out the raisins. Combine grated carrots, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, eggs and mix until smooth. Add dry ingredients, stir. Add raisins and chopped nuts, stir. Preheat oven to 185°C. Grease a baking ring with a diameter of 24 cm with vegetable oil. Put on the bottom of the mold. Spread the dough out evenly. Bake at 170°C for 35-40 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Sour cream: Sour cream 20% fat 2000 g Powdered sugar 200 g Using a mixer with a whisk at low speed, mix sour cream with powdered sugar. Sugar syrup with orange for impregnation:...

What to cook with baked pumpkin: dishes from the Middle East
...l. water, garlic and ¼ tsp. salt. Whisk until the sauce has a honey-like consistency, adding water or tahini as needed. Pour the remaining oil into the pan and put on fire. Put the pine nuts in the oil and sprinkle them with ½ tsp. salt. Roast for 2 minutes, stirring frequently, until nuts are golden brown. Remove from heat and transfer to a bowl along with the oil. To serve, place the vegetables on a large platter. Drizzle with tahini sauce. Sprinkle with buttered pine nuts, then garnish with za'atar and parsley. Pumpkin and Tahini Paste Date syrup, which we add to enhance flavor, is a popular natural sweetener...

Baked apples with dates, nuts and cinnamon.

Baked apples with dates, nuts and cinnamon per 100 gr 80 kcal Ingredients: 3 sour apples, 6 dates 3 walnuts 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon. How to cook Apples cut into two halves, remove the core. Remove the pits from the dates and grind them with the kernels of the nuts. Put them in the middle of each half of the apple, sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Wrap in foil, and then in cling film, leave to "ripen" in a cool place. Bake your Christmas cake ahead of time - it will become more tender and fragrant over time. Festive nut cookies You will need: 200 g butter at room temperature 150 g walnuts 150 g sugar 400 g wheat flour 1/3 bar of chocolate Preparation: Rub butter with sugar until smooth. Nuts in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder. Add them to the butter mixture and stir. Add the sifted flour in batches. Mix well. Wrap the dough in cling film and chill for 30 minutes. Ras...

Cake "Nuts for Cinderella".

Ingredients for the dough: egg 1 pc. sugar 0.5 tbsp. margarine 125 g sour cream 125 g baking powder 12 g vanillin 1 tsp. raisins 0.5 tbsp. walnut, peeled 0.5 tbsp. flour 2-2.5 tbsp. for cream: sour cream 500 g sugar 1 tbsp. for decoration: hazelnuts or other nuts 50 g chocolate chips 2 tsp. Preparation Step 1 Beat the egg with sugar and sour cream Step 2 Add softened margarine, flour Step 3 Knead the dough. It should not be very steep, it will be a little sticky to your hands Step 4 Knead into the dough...

Champignons medium 20 pcs. onion 1 pc. olive oil 3 tbsp. l. dried oregano ½ tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 pinch cheese 200 g dill 4 sprigs coarse salt ¼ tsp. breadcrumbs 30 g arugula 80 g pomegranate seeds 30 g Spread the walnut halves on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and place on the top level of the oven, heated to 240 degrees, for 5 minutes. We wipe the mushrooms with a damp towel. We remove the legs, put them in a blender bowl, add coarsely chopped onion and dried walnuts and grind finely. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and transfer the mixture from the blender there. Add oregano and pepper and fry, stirring, 5-7 minutes. In a bowl, mix cream cheese and...

You excited me with your talk about nuts. And I want-o-o! But there is no form and it is not expected ... Therefore, I rummaged through my memory and remembered one cookie recipe. It's called "Negroes". It seems like nuts, but no form is needed. (Of course, more fuss, but the result deserves it!) So: For the test, we take: 2 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of vegetable oil, 150 g of honey (baby food jar), 2 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp soda, vanilla, 1 kg of flour. Beat eggs with sugar, add butter and...