Canape on skewers for children. Canapes for a children's holiday - how to decorate beautifully

Hello everyone!

Today we will talk about what kind of sandwiches for a child's birthday can be prepared. And best of all, canapes for children have proven themselves. These are small sandwiches that are ideal for a buffet table and other festive table. The good thing is that they can be prepared from any products, guided by possible options reasonable combination and its own taste.

So, we bring to your attention several recipes for sandwiches (canapes) for a child's birthday.

1. Canape "Ships"

It is not difficult to cook them, but they turn out to be quite cute, they are able to decorate any table, and not only for children. To prepare canapes "Ships" you need to cut out "boats" from bread. Or use a cucumber in the form of a boat. To do this, you need to remove the pulp from it.

So, options for canapes "Ships"

Option number 1:"boat" of bread, on top - a strip of sausage and a strip of fresh cucumber. We put on a skewer two pieces of cheese (one larger and one smaller) so that we get sails. The skewer needs to be stuck into the boat, and a “flag” cut from carrots or bell peppers should be attached to the top.

Option #2:"boat" of bread, on top processed cheese, then ham or salmon cut into the shape of a boat. You can also make a layer of hard cheese. As in the previous version, we make sails from hard cheese strung on a skewer. You can decorate a sandwich with greens.

Option number 3: In the form of a boat - a cucumber. It needs to be cut in half and the pulp removed. Inside put a spoonful of any salad. Make sails out of sweet red pepper.

Edible boats look unusual and delicious!

2. Canape "Amanita", appetizer "Amanita"

Canape "Amanita" - great snack for a children's holiday. Canape "Fly agaric" - unusual, amazing, funny. You can cook them in several ways. We offer you 3 options:

Canape "Amanita". Ingredients: toast, eggplant caviar, a slice of cheese, a quail egg, cherry tomato, greens for decoration and a little mayonnaise. eggplant caviar gives these sandwiches a spice. Quail eggs need to be boiled, peeled and cut off the top. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Put half a tomato on top of a quail egg. Spread caviar on toast, put a slice of cheese on top. Put two mushrooms on it and draw white specks on the cap with mayonnaise.

* Snack "Amanita". Ingredients: quail eggs, cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, mayonnaise, herbs. Eggs need to be boiled and peeled. Grate them on a fine grater and cheese too. Add some mayonnaise and mix well. We cut the tomatoes in half, and cut the cucumber into rings, 0.5 cm thick. From a mixture of eggs, cheese and mayonnaise, we form the legs of fungi. We spread them on slices of cucumbers. We put red tomato hats on top and draw white dots on them with mayonnaise. And greens can be used to create a clearing on which our mushrooms grow.

* Skewers from "Amanita". Ingredients: quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, mayonnaise, herbs. Quail eggs need to be boiled and peeled. Cut the tomatoes in half and carefully scoop out the flesh with a small spoon. String eggs and tomato halves onto a skewer, forming mushrooms. Apply white dots to the caps with mayonnaise. Decorate with greenery. You can use sour cream instead of mayonnaise.

3. Cheese skewers, cheese skewers

cheese skewers easy to prepare. It is enough to chop cubes of hard cheese and cherry tomato on a skewer.

Canape with cheese, grapes and mango. It is very easy to prepare. Diced cheese is strung on a skewer, then mango, cut into the same cubes, and then grapes.

Canape with cheese and cucumbers. Hard cheese mode cubes. If you like cheese, you can take it, but it should not be soft and too wet. Cut the olives in half. Cucumber cut into circles. We string cheese on a skewer, then half an olive, a circle of cucumber and a cherry tomato.

Cheese skewers with grapes. For their preparation, you will need several varieties of cheese and beautiful, large grapes. On a skewer you need to put cheese, cut into cubes, and between it a large grape, whole, or cut in half.

4. Layered canapes

Layered canapes look very impressive and they are easy to prepare. We bring to your attention several recipes:

Ingredients: black and White bread, cream cheese, cucumber, red fish, tomato, bell pepper.

We cut the same size pieces of white and black bread. Grease a white slice with cream cheese and put a cucumber of the same shape on it. Grease again with cheese and put a piece of black bread. Lubricate with cheese and lay out a piece of red fish. Cover with a piece of greased black bread. Bell pepper and tomato can be used as beautiful bright layers. It remains to stick a skewer.

Ingredients: black bread, butter, herbs, red fish, tomato or red pepper. Cut the bread into equal-sized pieces. Add herbs to the oil. We form a canape: grease a slice of bread with butter, put a piece of red fish on it. Grease again with oil and cover with bread. Put a slice of red pepper or a slice of tomato on top, from which we remove the pulp. We pierce with a skewer.

To create a multilayer canape, you can use different bread, lavash, hard cheese, cream cheese, greens, red fish, sausage and much more. The main thing is that the products are well combined with each other.

5. Canape "Roses"

To prepare sandwiches with roses, you will need smoked or slightly salted red fish. It is best suited for the formation of flowers.

We offer several options for creating canapes "Roses":

Ingredients: red fish, cream cheese, bread. Red fish should be thinly sliced. Bread or a loaf is also cut into beautiful identical shapes. You can use cookies instead of bread. Spread cream cheese on bread or cookies. We roll a thin long piece of fish into a spiral and place it on the cheese. Very tasty and beautiful canapes are obtained.

The ingredients are the same, plus greens. You need to mix cream cheese with finely chopped greens. Spread a mass of cheese and herbs on slices of bread. Cut the fish into thin long pieces and roll up to make roses. Fix the roses on the canapes, decorate with greens.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare canapes for children in the form of small original sandwiches. The main thing is a little imagination and free time. Such sandwiches for a child's birthday are able to decorate the table and cheer up.

Delicious fruits, birthday cakes and canapes for children, photos with mouth-watering sweets and snacks are becoming an integral part of modern life. Parents of birthday people try to surprise small and big guests with delicious dishes.

In the modern rhythm of life, more and more time is given to convenience and compactness, so you can use sandwiches and canapes on beautiful skewers for treats.

Mini sandwiches on skewers appeared thanks to the trend of Europe, where there is a tradition quick snacks. This tradition was also liked in our country, but the dish took root more on the festive table.

Initially, skilled French chefs put a piece of bread with pate on skewers. This technology appeared not for the sake of sophistication and beautiful serving of dishes on the table, but for convenience and clean hands.

Modern culinary specialists have diversified snacks strung on bright sticks and began to use them at any holiday.

arranging children's holiday with the help of sandwiches and funny skewers, you can easily surprise your little guests. The main thing to remember is that the products must be neutral and not cause allergies.

Canape for children for a birthday, photos of amazing masterpieces

There is a mass gourmet recipes canapes for children for a birthday, photos of which will be presented below. Choose the funniest, most delicious of them and the children will remember the holiday for a long time.

fruit canapes

The most common type of dessert on the children's holiday table. The following fruits are suitable for slicing: apple, pear, tangerine, banana, grapes, kiwi, peach and strawberry. You can experiment with others, but remember that their consistency should be dense and not fall apart.

Forming canapes, fruits are cut into plastics, squares or funny figures.

Tip: when serving such a dish, do not forget that the fruit may darken, so cut them just before laying them out on the festive table.

  1. Fruit birthday cake.

An interesting solution for treating birthday guests. It can be an alternative to a sweet cake, as a festive candle can be placed in the middle.

To create a masterpiece, you need to cut out the middle of the watermelon. It is not necessary that the watermelon figure be symmetrical, it can be in the form of an iceberg. Take long peaks, stick the brightest fruits and berries on them: peach, kiwi, strawberries, watermelon, green grapes and stick them into the watermelon base.

Place a beautiful candle or several candles in the middle. birthday cake ready!

  1. Sugar fantasy.

For this dessert will do strawberry, banana and tangerines. Restrained colors, uniform fruit rounds sprinkled with powdered sugar or coconut flakes, will create a mysterious feeling of snow.

Can be used at the same time powder and coconut flakes, then the dish will be not only very beautiful, but also unusually tasty.

If children are not allergic to chocolate, dark or white chocolate chips are suitable for sprinkling.

  1. Solar boat.

An interesting idea for little pirates and sailors. It is necessary to have two fruits of pineapple in whole circles and a banana. A sail of semicircular pieces of pineapple is strung on a pike. We cut the banana into circles, try to cut the pineapple in the form of a circle and connect them with a skewer with a sail so that the base of the boat stands steadily on the table.

For one of the layers of the base or additionally, strawberry rings can be added.

  1. Fruit tale.

Excellent and most simple option will be a slice of berries and fruits strung on a skewer. Use any fresh fruits and berries, in any combination.

The main thing to remember is that a canape looks more beautiful from approximately equal pieces in size.

Hearty canapes

A children's holiday is not complete without outdoor games and fun catching up. Therefore, during the evening, the kids will undoubtedly want to eat. To do this, please guests with canapes from hearty foods, such as: bread, cheese, ham and more.

  1. Cheese trio.

Appetizing and healthy dish for the little ones. Consists of rye bread, hard and processed cheese. Choose the freshest products, processed cheese can be with ham or bacon additions, you can fill it yourself soft cheese delicious spring greens.

Mini-sandwiches are suitable for a snack of a cheerful children's company in combination with tea, juice or compote.

  1. Air castle.

Delicious sandwiches with bacon or ham roll. At the base of the dish are slices of rye bread and fresh cucumber.

To make a roll you will need boiled egg, mayonnaise (sour cream) and slices of ham or bacon. Separate the protein from the yolk and wipe them separately on a fine grater. Mix the egg white with mayonnaise, fill the bacon with the mixture and wrap in small tubes.

Dip the edges of the roll in mayonnaise, and then in the grated yolk. Put a roll, cucumber and then bread on the pike. Interesting mini-canapes are ready!

  1. Cupcakes on peaks.

Simple cupcakes with raisins, chocolate or candied fruit, which are sold in stores, will help to complement a bright children's holiday. can be baked sweet dessert on your own, add them with beautiful peaks and another dessert is ready!

Marshmallow and marmalade canapes will be a delicious addition.

improvise, cook delicious canapes for children on their birthday, photos of which you will find in this article. Then the holiday of your baby will be truly unforgettable and magical.

Without canapes it is impossible to imagine any buffet table. These small sandwiches are so popular, they have many variations, a diverse combination of products, and you can cook them on any holiday table, including birthday parties, it will be especially pleasant to surprise your guests with various types of canapes.

You can combine types of different breads - white, black, you can take a baguette or pita bread, you can experiment with meat stuffing Or add fish. Various vegetables and fruits will complement the whole taste, and will give guests a taste of new flavors.

Tip for every housewife - birthday canapes should be made at the rate of 8-10 canapes per person.

A huge plus of such an appetizer is the opportunity to experiment. And by the way, there are a lot of options for really satisfying canapes, which may well be provided for a separate dish.

How to cook birthday canapes - 16 varieties


  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Black bread - 1 b.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese"Amber" - 1 pc.
  • Pickled champignon - 50 gr.
  • Dill - 1 tbsp. l.


Finely chop the dill, chop the mushrooms a little larger. Peel the herring from the bones, disassemble it into a fillet. Heat the cheese so that it acquires room temperature. Take cling film and in the form of a jack, put the fillet with its back down, cover with the other side of the film and beat off. Then put on the fillet curd mass, mushrooms, dill. With cling film, carefully roll everything into a roll, so that then you get the shape of a sausage. Send to the freezer for a couple of hours. Cut the bread into slices no more than one centimeter thick and cut circles out of it with a glass. Leave the slices in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for six minutes. Remove the roll from the freezer and cut into slices no more than a centimeter thick. Spread the croutons with cheese mass, put the roll on top. Can be garnished with tomato or dill

Very original taste gives a combination of these products, everyone who loves the unusual should like it.


  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Yogurt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard - 0.7 tsp
  • Garlic - 10 gr.


Peel the garlic and kiwi. Pass the garlic through a press. Kiwi cut into circles. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Mix garlic with mustard and yogurt. Mix with curd. Put a well-mixed curd mass on kiwi mugs.

Red fish will decorate the taste of any snack, and in combination with cream cheese it will also give a very delicate taste.


  • Black bread - a few slices
  • fish cut from slightly salted salmon - 300 gr.
  • Cream cheese - 1 pack.
  • Dill - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 clove


Mash the cream cheese with a fork, crumble the dill. Pass the garlic through a press, add to the cheese along with dill. Gently spread the curd mass on sliced ​​bread slices.

Fish should be taken not windy, delicate orange in color and without an unpleasant odor.

Cut the fish if it does not cut into thin long slices, roll each slice into a rosette and place on bread with cheese mass.

Delicate taste of melon will make any snack delicious and appetizing.


  • Melon - 400 gr.
  • Prosciutto - 90 gr.
  • Royal cheese - 90 gr.
  • Kiwi - 90 gr.
  • Olive oil- 1 tbsp
  • Lime - half fruit
  • Arugula - 50 gr.
  • Basil - 50 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Pepper - a pinch


Mix oil, lime juice, pepper, salt. The peeled melon is cut into cubes and marinated in a mixture of lime and oil for about ten minutes. Kiwi is peeled, cut into cubes, cheese is also cut into cubes. A folded leaf of arugula, cheese, arugula, melon is put on a skewer and can alternate. Another type of canape is made - it is put on a skewer and then prosciutto, melon, kiwi, basil can alternate.

small gourmet dish, rather, this can be called this appetizer, a wonderful combination of pineapple and bacon.


  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Beef bacon - 300 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Ground pepper - a pinch


Pineapple is peeled and cut into cubes. Then wrapped in bacon and fastened wooden skewer. Everything is laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes at 180 degrees.

A snack that not only looks great, but also has a pronounced Italian taste.


  • Cherry tomato - 18 pcs.
  • Mozzarella - 18 balls
  • Basil - 20 gr.
  • Dried tomatoes - 1 b.


Get the tomatoes, lay them out so that the liquid is glassed from them. String on skewers - a basil leaf, a ball of cheese, a leaf again, a sun-dried tomato, and then an uncut cherry.

Canape - rolls

View Japanese cuisine one light snack, but absolutely everyone will like the taste.


  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Red fish - 200 gr.
  • Cream cheese - 100 gr.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Cherry - 20 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Greens - 20 gr.
  • Olives - 1 b.


Finely chop the greens, cut the fish into thin slices. Cucumber cut into thin slices. A piece of pita bread about 30x40 centimeters grease with cheese and sprinkle with herbs. Overlay not the entire surface with slices of fish. Then lay out the cucumber slices, carefully wrap everything in a roll. Wrap in cling film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Cherry and olives cut in half, lemon into small triangular slices. Cut the roll into thin pieces, fasten the roll with pieces of olives, cherry tomatoes and lemon with skewers.

A sweet snack option, no less tasty and colorful.


  • Melon - 1 kg.
  • Strawberries - 400 gr.
  • Marshmallow - 15 pcs.


The melon is peeled and two long sides are cut off to make a rocket tail. Strawberries are cut horizontally into three parts. A melon, strawberry, marshmallow is put on a skewer, then strawberries and marshmallows alternate so that a rocket comes out on a skewer.

The breast makes the appetizer rich and complete, so that even an appetizer can be a very good snack.


  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Baguette - 8 slices
  • Cream cheese - 50 gr.
  • Grapes - 8 berries
  • Creamy softened butter - 30 gr.
  • Olive oil - 40 gr.
  • Chopped garlic - 1 clove
  • Chopped basil - 1 branch
  • Sea salt- pinch
  • Ground pepper- pinch


Sprinkle the breast with spices, anoint with butter, add basil and garlic. Bake for twelve minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. After cooling, cut into thin slices. A baguette is fried in olive oil, cream cheese is laid on it. Grapes are wrapped with chicken slices and pierced with a skewer, and then put on a baguette.

Probably the most sophisticated type of canape. At any buffet table, this appetizer will look very profitable and expensive.


  • Foie gras - 150 gr.
  • White bread - 10 slices
  • Cranberries - 150 gr.
  • Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sand sugar - 60 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Parsley - 10 gr.
  • Water - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 270 ml.


In 1, 5 Art. l. Soak gelatin in water, squeeze juice from cranberries, pour 250 ml of water on the peel, add salt and sugar and boil. Strain the broth, stir in the gelatin over the fire, but do not bring to a boil. Pour in cranberry juice, mix, then pour into molds and send to the refrigerator to harden. Cut the bread into thin slices with a glass, heat in the oven. Puree the foie gras, cut the jelly into circles. Put jelly on slices of bread, then bread again, then squeeze out foie gras with a pastry syringe, garnish with parsley.

Very tender snack, it turns out it is due to the combination of salmon and cheese.


  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Philadelphia cheese - 1 pack.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 gr.
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • White bread - 10 slices


Mix mayonnaise and soft cheese. Roll out the slices of bread into thinner pieces with a rolling pin and lay them out on cling film. Top with cheese-mayonnaise mass, lay out crab sticks, wrap. Do the same process, but put salmon instead of sticks. Send the rolls to the refrigerator for half an hour, then get, cut and pierce with skewers.

Very unusual and at the same time very hearty option snacks.


  • Boiled beef tongue - 200 gr.
  • Rye bread - 10 slices
  • Butter- 20 gr.
  • Gherkins - 200 gr.
  • Greens - 20 gr.


Make fried toast with rye bread. Cut the gherkins very thinly. Boil the tongue in salted water, cool, cut into thin slices. Spread butter on the toast, roll the slices into thin bundles, put a gherkin in the middle. Decorate with greens on top, pierce with skewers.

Most of all, this appetizer will appeal to the kids, as it has an amazing look, and in addition it is also delicious.


  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Olives (small) - 10 pcs.
  • Cream cheese - 30 gr.
  • Medium carrot - 1 pc.


Carrot cut into circles. Cut large olives lengthwise to the middle, fill the void inside the olive with cheese - this will be the body of the penguin. Cut a triangle out of a circle of carrots - these will be paws, make a nose out of a smaller one. Set the nose in a small olive - this will be the head. Now, with the help of skewers, you need to assemble the penguin - first pierce the head, then the torso and carrot legs.

Noble jamon in combination with a soft pear gives a sweet aftertaste to this appetizer, which makes it refined and refined.


  • Jamon - 7 slices
  • Large pear - 1 pc.
  • Goat cheese- 120 gr.
  • Butter - 20 gr.
  • Vinegar- 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Dijon mustard - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Arugula - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.


Peel the pears, cut into portions lengthwise, fry for a minute vegetable oil. Then, together with oil, vinegar and cognac, simmer for about five minutes, at the very end put mustard. Cheese cut into slices. Put a pear, cheese, a few leaves of arugula on each piece of meat, roll into a roll, pierce with a skewer.

Salty anchovies and tender avocado - not primitive, but such a delicious combination.


  • Avocado - 3 fruits
  • Anchovy - 12 pcs.
  • Baguette - 3 slices
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 15 gr.
  • Olives - 5 pcs.


Peel tomatoes and onions, cut into circles. Take out the pulp of the avocado and mash it to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Spread on baguette slices. Lay the tomato, onion, anchovy, cut olives on top, pour over with oil.

It's not even a snack, but full meal, so it’s quite possible to eat such a snack.


  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Salmon - 100 gr.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Cheese - 130 gr.
  • Leek - 1 pc.
  • walnuts- 1.5 tsp
  • Mayonnaise - 1.5 tsp


Lavash is cut into strips about three centimeters thick. The fish is cut into thin slices. Boil eggs, grate, along with cheese. Finely chop the greens. Mix with mayonnaise and nuts. Cheese paste is placed on pita slices, then a piece of fish, wrapped in a roll, tied with a thin strip of onion. If necessary, you can trim uneven edges. Pierce each roll with a skewer.

In recent years, our family feasts have gradually shifted the focus from the quantity of dishes to their quality and originality. The easiest way to diversify the menu is to prepare canapés that will be greeted with enthusiasm at any children's party. These "skewers of goodies" on serving dishes will become the main decoration of the table and will please the eye and stimulate the appetite.

The tiny sandwiches were called canapes by the French (canapé) and this French serving of cuts has become very popular all over the world - both at corporate buffets and at family celebrations. And here culinary specialists can fully show their creative approach to such a necessary skill as decorating a festive table. Children will especially appreciate your creative finds - your child's little guests will sweep canapes off the plates in a matter of minutes!

For a children's holiday canapes - wonderful dishes! Children can, without getting their hands dirty, put tiny sandwiches entirely in their mouths. And combinations different tastes in one canapé they can force guests to try absolutely every type of dish.

Initially, canapes were conceived as sandwiches based on toasted toast, combined with various products fastened with skewers (atle). Escaped into the expanses of world culinary and Catering, canapes have become not only sandwiches, but also design serving elements. A competent combination of ingredients and folding them into multi-story structures is already becoming an independent section of cooking that requires study and skills.

Children's menu - sandwiches on skewers

Let's look at several variations of sandwiches for a children's party based on croutons or without them! These are very nutritious and appetizing designs in which you can use meat, poultry, sausage, ham, fish, seafood, canned and fresh vegetables, cheese and greens. Those. these canapes can be offered for the first and "hot" table for children.

Sandwiches "Boats"

The simplest, but very effective outwardly variant of sandwiches for the children's menu!

  1. Fry bread, thinly slice sausage, ham or salmon. With a sharp knife we cut out the silhouette of the stern of the boat from the prepared products. Lubricate each toast with butter (cream), put a piece of sausage or meat, fish on top.
  2. Separately, we cut the cheese thinly (it should be plastic) to form "sails" for delicious boats. We string cheese on skewers and pierce prepared sandwiches on toast with them.

Very appetizing!

In addition to croutons, you can use a fresh loaf, pita bread, small pancakes, hard cheese or an apple as the basis for children's canapes. The main condition is that all layers must be the same size. If you approach the use of this idea with a creative spark, then you can chop pieces of food on toothpicks and offer them as small skewers. Usually our younger generation takes such a treat very cheerfully.

Mashed potatoes in the shape of a hedgehog "Forest gift"

This is very original submission mashed potatoes to festive table where the guests are cheerful kids. For canapes, we choose meat and vegetable ingredients: tiny cutlets, sausage, cheese, cucumbers, Bell pepper or tomatoes. To imitate a hedgehog, the topmost layer of canapes should be made from olives.

  1. Cooking mashed potatoes, but we introduce milk into it carefully. We need to get a dense puree that can "keep its shape".
  2. Separately, we prepare canapes.
  3. We spread the mashed potatoes in a slide, form the shape of a hedgehog's body and stick the prepared canapes, imitating needles with them. We cut out the eyes and nose of the animal from olives, insert it into an impromptu muzzle, and decorate the edges of the dish with greenery (like forest grass).

Your kids will love this dish!

The main thing to realize is that you can chop any food that is able to maintain its volume and shape on skewers! We present to your attention a selection of photos - canapes for a children's holiday with meat, fish and vegetable ingredients:

fruit canapes

What children's holiday can do without fruit? Fruits are a table decoration, especially fruits of an unusual appearance- in the form of elegant multilayer structures. When making combinations, keep in mind that the lowest layer should be both the densest and most reliable.

The best and most reliable foundation for fruit is hard cheese. Salted cheese goes well with both sour and sweet berries and pieces of fruit.

You can move away from the usual forms of canapes and serve fruit skewers on toothpicks, where berries and cheese alternate. Such a serving of fruit even without cheese is a completely reliable design!

Very interesting option- it's glazing fruit pieces or berries with chocolate or milk icing. We cook the glaze, dip the fruit ingredient into it and insert the skewer into a piece of biscuit or fruit. We spread the glazed canapes on a flat dish in rows: each row with different ingredients is a beautiful chocolate platter!

This option, in fact, is also suitable for sandwiches with meat or fish ingredients. Sandwiches covered with jelly , at a children's holiday, they arouse the open interest of all guests without exception! Such jelly is made on meat or chicken or fish broth (depending on the product used). You can make jelly on plain water, lightly salting it, and on an infusion of herbs.

Fruits in jelly - just an amazing dessert! In combination with skewers and a variety of ingredients, this dish will leave an indelible mark on the memory of the children. No doubt your child's friends will tell their parents, classmates, and anyone who will listen about your culinary finds!

This variation of canapes needs to be prepared ahead of time, as each layer of jelly needs time to set. You don’t have to worry about the freshness of berries and fruits - jelly reliably protects fruits from spoilage.

Multicomponent compositions from berries and fruits using toothpicks

Canapes for a children's holiday, the photos of which we have prepared, amaze with their creativity. Such design structures are very interesting to build with the whole family. What a joyful atmosphere they create both in the process of building compositions and at the table!

After looking at our selection, you will be able to evaluate the possibilities of the season in which your birthday boy was born. If in the summer we can use strawberries, strawberries, plums or apricots, then in the cold period we often use bananas, pineapples, grapes and kiwi.

Our photos of canapes for a children's party will wake up the child inside you and encourage you to find your own solutions for decorating the table.

We hope that little sandwiches - French canapes for a children's party in honor of your child will make you easier to relate to children's menu- sandwiches are also a dish! Moreover, a dish that our children will appreciate as the best treat!

Almost every parent knows how troublesome it is to organize children's holidays. So, you need to decide on the venue of the event, with festive attire and a list of guests, as well as what treats to offer to those invited. The treats will, of course, depend on the age group of those present, as well as their appetites. One of the most great options become canapes for children. They are small breads smeared with some yummy and beautifully decorated. They are usually served at the table in large numbers and diversity, as they are intended to replace hearty meals. Children's canapes are often made on skewers to be able not to hold them in their hands, but immediately put them in their mouths. This is very convenient for children, since they will not get dirty with the filling spread on sandwiches. You can make canapes for children very original and interesting, we will consider their recipes today.

Canape "Penguins"

Ingredients: one can of large pitted olives, one can of medium-sized pitted olives, one carrot, two hundred grams of soft cheese.


Olives spread on a towel or napkin in order to glass the liquid. Large fruits are cut lengthwise and a wedge is cut out. Inside put one coffee spoon of cheese. Carrots are boiled and cut into circles, from which small triangles are then cut out in order to make penguin paws out of them. One triangle is inserted into a pre-made hole in a small olive tree. Thus, the beak should turn out.

We make further canapes for children, whose recipes are so diverse. So, a large olive is carefully placed on the legs of carrots, and placed on top small fruit with inserted carrots. Canapes are fixed with a skewer. Having made a lot of penguins in this way, they are placed on big platter on the cottage cheese, from which “hills of snow” are first made, and served at the table.

Canape "Ladybugs"

Ingredients: 16 salted or plain crackers, 1 package of cream cheese, 8 cherry tomatoes, 9 pitted olives, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 bunch of parsley.


Such canapés for children, like "Ladybugs", are prepared very simply and quickly, since they are made on the basis of crackers that do not crumble. This appetizer has a delicate taste and gives a summer mood.

So, first crackers are spread with cheese. Parsley greens are laid on top so that a clearing is obtained. We cut the tomatoes in half and make an incision on each half so that, by straightening them, we get wings ladybug. Tomatoes are laid out on crackers on top of greens and gently greased with vegetable oil so that they become sticky. Next, one olive is cut into very small pieces, each of which is placed on top of the tomatoes with a toothpick. The remaining fruits are laid out near each tomato so that a ladybug's head is obtained. Canapes for children are ready, now they can be served at the table.

Canape "Amanita"

Such canapes are very original, so every child will be happy to eat an edible fly agaric, which is located in a charming clearing.

Ingredients: one baguette, one package cheese slices, ten quail eggs, ten cherry tomatoes, herbs and mayonnaise. For caviar: one small eggplant, one onion, half a carrot, two tomatoes, a garlic clove, vegetable oil, salt and spices.

Cooking caviar

Before you make canapes for children, you need to cook caviar. To do this, the eggplant is baked in the oven, the onion is chopped and stewed in vegetable oil until golden brown. Next add grated carrot and cook until the excess moisture is gone. Then cooled and peeled eggplants are added to this mass, which are pre-cut into cubes, as well as crushed garlic. The finished caviar is laid out in a bowl and cooled.

Cooking canapes

Meanwhile, the baguette is cut and fried in oil until golden brown. For boiled and peeled eggs, the tops and a little of the bottom are cut off so that they stand well on the dish. Tomatoes are cut in half and put each part on top of the eggs. Spread caviar on a baguette, put a slice of cheese, put two eggs on top with tomatoes and mayonnaise, draw dots on the tomatoes. Parsley is beautifully laid out around. Well, the canapes for children are ready!

Round children's canapes

Ingredients: white bread, cheese and brisket, one boiled egg, one spoonful of butter, one fresh cucumber, skewers.


The egg is cleaned and grated, oil is added and mixed well until a creamy mass is obtained. Cheese, brisket, cucumber and bread are cut into slices of the same size and laid out on the table in the order in which canapes will be collected on skewers for children. And this, in turn, depends on the imagination of the cook. So, when the canapes are ready, they are pierced with skewers. Such products can be stuck in an apple or orange.

You can use other fillings for children's canapes. It can be shrimp and avocado, sweet fruits, vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese and more.

Fruit canapes for children

Ingredients: one apple, pear, nectarine or peach, one bunch of grapes, one banana, kiwi.


All fruits must be cut just before serving, after sprinkling them with lemon juice. So, the products are washed, cleaned of seeds and peel, cut into figures. Then they begin to collect canapes in the order they like best. At the end, each sandwich is pierced with a skewer, placed on a dish and served.