Canapes for a children's party. Sweet canapés for children

Fruit canapés on skewers are often used at events of various levels. It's convenient, beautiful and tasty. The fruits themselves are also delicious, but the combination of flavors can surprise even the most harmful taster.

In addition, many fruits are prone to rapid weathering, changes in color and consistency. This changes their palatability, and in the form of canapés this is easy to hide. The very form of serving on sticks is very convenient - a small portion that is easy to eat even while standing.

Canapés can include more than just fruits. Berries - such as strawberries - are also a common ingredient. The components themselves can be coated with chocolate, nuts and non-fruit ingredients can be added to them - cheese, marshmallows, marmalade or even shrimp. In particular, the combination of cheese and grapes is an almost classic canape option.

Since most fruits release their juice quickly, they should not be cut much in advance. Preparing fruit canapés is a quick process, so it’s best to start before serving. Never use frozen fruits and berries for canapés - only fresh ones.

How to prepare fruit canapés on skewers - 15 varieties

The fruit in this appetizer is very simple and affordable. This great option for the autumn table, when watermelons are at their sweetest and juiciest.


  • Watermelon - 200 g
  • Red seedless grapes - 100 g
  • Green grapes without seeds - 100 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.


You need to prepare the fruit. Watermelon pulp cut into equal small cubes, remove the seeds.

Cut the bananas and kiwi into rings, then cut the kiwi pieces in half to make half rings. Peel the tangerine, divide into slices and cut each into two or three parts, remove the seeds, if any.

Thread a grape (of any color) onto skewers, then a tangerine, a second grape (of a different color), kiwi, banana and watermelon. Place the canapés on a platter.

Delicious berry canapé. Of course, not for every season - frozen berries in canapes are not suitable.


  • Mint leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Blackberries - 100 g
  • Raspberries - 200 g
  • Gooseberries - 100 g


Rinse the berries well. Cut the gooseberries in half. Thread gooseberries onto a skewer, then raspberries, blackberries, and raspberries again. Thread a mint leaf between any berries.

When serving, the canapes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Canapes, which also includes cheese. Interesting presentation will suit any table.


  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Seedless grapes - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.


Wash the orange. On one side (where the tail is) we cut off the top, and place the orange on a saucer on the cut. Cut the apple into equal cubes, cheese into the same size.

Place a piece of apple, a whole grape and cheese on a skewer. Stick it into an orange. In this way, stick a few pieces in - you get a “hedgehog”.

It's amazing how a simple combination of fruits can create a real holiday mood. The main thing is to prepare the dish correctly.


  • Large strawberries - 100 g
  • Green grapes - 100 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Small marshmallows - 100 g


Wash strawberries and grapes. Cut off a little of the thick part of the strawberry from the base so that the sharp top remains. Cut bananas into slices. If the marshmallows are large, make small rounds of 0.5 centimeters in diameter.

Thread a grape onto a skewer, then a slice of banana and a strawberry, cut side towards the banana. Apply a marshmallow circle to the top of the strawberry.

There are few ingredients, but not just a combination of them, but a whole treat with chocolate and coconut flakes. No child can resist!



Cut all the fruits and strawberries into slices. Using a special mold or a thick syringe with the bottom cut off, cut out identical circles from them.

The order and number of fruit combinations is arbitrary.

Place skewers on a plate. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour it over the fruit on the skewers, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Very unusual combination. The more interesting the marmalade, the more colorful the canapes will look.


  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Striped marmalade - 400 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.


Wash the lemon and cut into thin slices. Divide each into quarters.

If necessary, cut the marmalade into 1x1 centimeter pieces, also cut the cheese.

Place a piece of cheese, a slice of lemon, and marmalade on a skewer.

The meaning of the snack is in its appearance. It will definitely attract the attention of guests, and grapes are perfect for any dishes and drinks!


  • Pears (conference) - 2 pcs.
  • Seedless grapes - 200 g


Do not cut off the tip and the branch from the pear, but begin to peel the peel from it - up to half. Thus, the peeled part of the pear will be the nose of the hedgehog, and the unpeeled part will be the body.

Wash the grapes and place them one at a time on skewers, which are inserted in dense rows into the “body” of the hedgehog - this will create needles.

An unusual autumn combination. Delicious and juicy watermelon with firm and sweet pineapple.


  • Watermelon - 1 pc.
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Whole cherries - 200 g


Cut the watermelon and pineapple pulp into equal cubes. Remove the seeds from the watermelon and cut out the core from the pineapple. Thread watermelon, pineapple, watermelon onto a skewer. Place the washed cherry on top without removing the pits.

Usually fruit canapés are served at children's parties. In combination with chocolate, marshmallows, marmalade and other fillings, they quickly disappear from the table and make children happy. However, even for an adult table, especially with strong drinks, canapés will not be superfluous. Suffice it to remember how perfectly grapes and cheese go with wine, strawberries with champagne, and the sourness of lemon with cognac.

Another easy option preparations. Interesting combination complemented by chocolate notes.


  • Strawberries - 100 g
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Dark chocolate - 50 g


Peel the pineapple and cut into cubes. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and cut them in half. Thread a strawberry onto a skewer and stick it into the pineapple.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Apply a little chocolate to the finished skewers.

The number of ingredients in this recipe is simply off the charts. However, their colorful and tasty combination is worth the effort.


  • Blueberries - 100 g
  • Watermelon - 300 g
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Blackberries - 100 g
  • Grapes - 200 g


Wash all the berries well and dry. Separate the watermelon and pineapple from the peel, cut out small cubes of equal size from the pulp. Cut the strawberries in half.

Thread blueberries, grapes, blackberries, watermelon, pineapple, strawberries and again blueberries onto a skewer.

A festive snack that can easily replace the usual cake on a sweet table. Thanks to the biscuit it turns out satisfying, and because of fresh berries and fruits - light.


  • Strawberries - 100 g
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Blackberries - 100 g
  • Sponge cake- 500 g


If necessary, cut the sponge cake lengthwise to obtain a layer no more than a centimeter thick. Using cutters, cut out small pieces from it.

Wash strawberries and blackberries, remove stems. Cut the strawberries in half. Peel the bananas and cut into slices, peel the tangerine and divide into slices.

Thread biscuit and fruit alternately onto long skewers, and after each fruit, a piece of biscuit. String tangerine, banana, strawberry, blackberry, strawberry, banana like this. The outermost pieces of the skewers are also pieces of biscuit. If desired, you can sprinkle the treat with powdered sugar.

Perhaps this is exactly the snack that goes perfectly with sparkling and ordinary wines. Simple and delicious.


  • White grapes - 200 g
  • Strawberries - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g


Cut the cheese into equal cubes about a centimeter. Wash the grapes and strawberries. Cut the strawberries in half lengthwise. Thread onto skewers in any order, but respect the norm: a piece of cheese, a piece of strawberry and two grapes per skewer.

A tasty and simple combination. A set of products is available for any family.


  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Grapes - 100 g


Prepare the fruit: cut the banana into thick slices. Cut the kiwi and apple into small cubes. Peel the tangerines and divide into slices.

Thread an apple, kiwi, a couple of tangerine slices, grapes and banana onto a skewer.

When using fruit in canapés, try to use seedless varieties as much as possible. If the fruit has seeds, be sure to remove them when slicing.

Who doesn't love chocolate? Especially when he's inside juicy cake brownies...YES in combination with sweet juicy fruits!


  • Brownie cake - 1 pc.
  • Pineapple - 1 pc.
  • Watermelon - 200 g
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.


Cut the cake into equal small cubes. Peel the pineapple and watermelon and cut their pulp into the same pieces. Peel the kiwi and cut into 4 parts (lengthwise and crosswise).

Thread pineapple, watermelon, a piece of cake, pineapple, kiwi, again a piece of brownie, watermelon and pineapple onto a skewer.

Enough a large number of ingredients, so you need to take a long skewer.


  • Green grapes - 100 g
  • Black grapes - 100 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Raspberries - 100 g


Rinse all fruits. Cut the apple and kiwi into equal cubes. Peel the orange and divide into slices. Remove the thin film from them and cut into 2-3 pieces.

Thread green and black grapes, kiwi, apple, orange slice and raspberry onto long skewers.

If you are the mother of a future birthday boy, then you probably already have a headache thinking about how interesting dish can be decorated children's table. Mom is a huge generator of ideas, creative director and chef of all children's events, but even an organizational guru also needs to get interesting ideas from somewhere.

We offer you a very simple and tasty option: various recipes canapés for children. This easy-to-prepare dish will not keep you fussing in the kitchen for a long time, and will give your little guests a cheerful festive mood. In this article we will tell you recipes for interesting and tasty canapés for children with original photos.

Canapes for children on skewers

Delicious canapés for children are also great way“deceive” the child a little: decorate “tasteless” healthy food in a sofa and play with it a little. Thus, the child is unlikely to refuse to try such an unusual and beautiful dish. One such recipe could be olive canapés.

Olive canapé recipe

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Olives
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Mini mozzarella

Cooking method:

  • Wash cherry tomatoes
  • Open a jar of olives and pour them into any container for convenience.
  • Thread tomatoes, mini mozzarella and olives onto skewers in the order you like

To make it more colorful you can also add peppers or lettuce. This not only looks harmonious together, but is also very useful for a growing organism.

Canapes for children from a meat sandwich

All children love to make sandwiches as a snack, but we invite you to go further and make a real discovery in the field of cooking - mini-burgers on skewers. Such original canapés for children will appeal to children at their birthday parties.

Meat sandwich canapé recipe

For the above mentioned canapés you will need the following set of products:

  • Beef
  • lettuce
  • Small buns
  • Pickle
  • Cucumber or cheese sauce

Cooking method:

  • Beef needs to be pounded and cut into small chops
  • Next, you need to fry it (if desired, you can bread it)
  • Brush the buns with sauce
  • Place the hamburger filling in the following order: chop, cucumber, lettuce

For 6 servings you will need approximately 300-400 g of beef, which is very economical for such an original and tasty meat snack.

Canapes for children with doctor's sausage

This is very delicious recipe, which housewives can also borrow for an adult feast. Preparing one serving of canapes will take you no more than half a minute, including cutting.

Recipe for canapés with doctor's sausage

Let's prepare necessary products, namely:

  • Rye bread (it would be more convenient to take a baguette)
  • Doctor's sausage
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • lettuce

Cooking method:

  • Lettuce and cherry tomatoes should be washed thoroughly
  • Cut the doctor's sausage into thin slices
  • Cherry tomatoes cut in half
  • Cut small shaped slices on a piece of bread
  • Tear lettuce leaves into quarters
  • Place a slice of bread and add lettuce
  • We fold the doctor's sausage beautifully like an accordion, as shown in the picture above, and place it on the lettuce.
  • Place chopped cherry tomatoes on top
  • Pierce with a skewer

Rye bread goes very harmoniously with fresh cherry tomatoes, which gives the dish pleasant taste. For beauty, you can sprinkle the dish a little balsamic vinegar or olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Fruit canapes for children

Festive fruit canapés will greatly delight children. After all, this is not only very tasty dish, but also an excellent analogue to unhealthy cakes that many parents spoil their children with. Canapés on a festive sweet table will create a real sensation among little gourmets.

You can combine any fruits, e.g. sweet banana will harmonize perfectly with sour tangerine, and strawberries with peach. You can also bet on appearance dishes and you can’t go wrong, because different fruits will look very colorful and colorful, just what you need for the festive table.

Fruit canapé recipe for children

You can take the following fruits for canapés:

  • Peach
  • Strawberry
  • Orange
  • Banana

Cooking method:

  • Wash the fruits thoroughly
  • Cut beautifully
  • Combine fruits to your liking
  • Pierce the assortment with a skewer

Some little “eaters” really like to pick, so that your efforts are not in vain, you can stick a skewer on each individual chopped fruit, thereby making impromptu canapés. On a plate, such an assortment of fruits will look very bright and appetizing, laconicly blending into the overall atmosphere of the holiday.

Sweet canapés for children

The simplest and delicious canapés for children can be made using regular sweets or chocolate bars. This will bring a lot of happiness to the little robbers. If you are determined to make the holiday fun and unforgettable, then it would be advisable to opt for sweet canapes.

As mentioned above, you can opt for beautiful chocolates from the box. This delicacy will look very appetizing. In addition, an important advantage of such canapés is the ability to place a carafe of milk next to it. After all, what else healthy drink can compete in a great combination? And since chocolate and dairy products are always “friends,” little guests are unlikely to begin to resist, even if they consider themselves to be opponents of dairy products. In order to make original sweet canapés you need:

  • Buy good ones in the store chocolate candies, in a box or by weight
  • Remove the wrapper if necessary
  • Pierce each candy with a skewer

The same story applies to chocolate bars. Children are very dependent on advertising, so the new kind a candy bar can cause incredible delight in a child and a desire to try an attractive new product. Now just imagine how happy the children will be when they see such a delicacy at a children's party. Rest assured that their happiness will be limitless.

Canapés for children made from chocolate-covered fruits

Another very interesting option is fruit covered in chocolate. This original idea can make you a fairy and sorceress in the sparkling eyes of children. If you intend to opt for this creative and enchanting dish, which will become a colorful addition to your table, then a short instruction will teach you how to make canapés for children from chocolate-covered fruits.

Recipe for chocolate covered fruit canapés

To prepare you will need:

  • Any fruit you like (you can have several)
  • Milk chocolate bar

Cooking method:

  • Once you have decided on the fruit, cut it if needed
  • Melt in microwave oven chocolate bar (can be in a water bath or very low heat)
  • Wash the fruit thoroughly, place on a skewer and dip in warm chocolate.
  • Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours

As you have already seen in the photo above, this is not only tasty, but also a very beautiful dish, which will undoubtedly become the main decoration of your holiday table.

Canapes are a universal and very delicious snack, which can save a lot of your time and finances. There are countless varieties of this picky dish, which only confirms its popularity. Canapes are a dish with which it is almost impossible to make mistakes. In addition, if you feel that it will be delicious, then you already intend to add a little love to the dish, which will make your work much easier and will greatly delight your little guests.

Video: “Children’s canape Cheerful penguin. How to make a canapé for a child’s birthday in the shape of a cheerful penguin?”

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The festive table is set after each event. Small sandwiches called canapés can be found on every table. This tiny sandwich originates in France. In simple words, a canape must fit completely into the mouth; if it needs to be bitten off several times, then it has the usual name - a sandwich. Nowadays, this is an independent section of cooking; its complexity in specific cases is similar to that of a pastry chef.

Canapes for children's birthday

  1. Quite creative mashed potatoes, decorated with matching canapés. All together it looks like the image of a hedgehog. Place an olive on top of the skewer, the rest is up to your imagination.
  2. For this canapé you need: sausage, bread, cheese and butter. Cut the cheese so that the sails come out, the rest of the ingredients will be at the base of the ship. For a children's party, such sandwiches are just right.
  3. This canape can be called a masterpiece. All ingredients are at a reasonable price and are sold in any supermarket. You just need to process the olive and stuff it with cheese - this will be the belly of the penguin. Boiled carrots will be used for the beak and legs. This will be great fun for children.
  4. All you need is a cookie cutter and you can make these canapés without any problems. To keep the ingredients together, you can coat them with mayonnaise. Stack everything on top of each other and then make a heart shape. It will look quite unusual and romantic on the table.

Fruit canapes

  1. Option with grapes. The pieces of cheese need to be made into a cylindrical shape, any help with this plastic bottle or other suitable part. Store-bought cheese, which is slightly rubbery, is best suited for such a canapé.
  2. The next type is with bacon, which has prunes inside.
  3. It's shrimp, but it contains mango. It was a marinade for them olive oil with red pepper. The mango is lightly toasted. You can use pumpkin instead - the color and sweetness are identical, only the exoticism will be lost.
  4. A tasty and uncomplicated appetizer that includes ham and apple. The fruit is wrapped inward. Light enough and fresh snack, which would be appropriate for any celebration full of hearty food.
  5. Kiwi with cheese is a simple and beautiful combination.
  6. And now some final fruit recipes. These canapés will refresh your holiday table. It is better to cut the apples as close to the beginning as possible, otherwise they will darken, you can sprinkle them lemon juice.
  7. If you combine beautiful skewers and canned pineapples, you get a very colorful canapé. The fruit will not darken, don’t worry about it.

Canapes for the festive table

  1. You can combine the bread with sausage and cucumber, or add a cube of cheese.
  2. A more complex sandwich: first you need to slice it thinly smoked sausage, and put the ring on horizontally. Add cheese or jacket potatoes and garnish with herbs on top.
  3. The herring recipe is simple but very popular. This snack has been an all-time classic. Previously, herring was served in a glass bowl, with a layer of onion sprinkled with oil on top. This is less relevant now. In the photo you see very original recipes. Garnish the herring with figs or sprinkle with coriander. With black bread, the combination will be quite ordinary, it will resemble the French style.
  4. Now let's move on to another type of canapé - with rolls. In the photo you see fried ham with pate inside. We attach a bun to the bottom of the skewer.
    5. Recipe again with bacon. Cheese is placed on top of the fried meat, which spreads over the meat during the frying process. It looks very appetizing, looks good with lettuce leaves. If you wish, you can add anything inside - from sesame seeds to various fruits. 6. Simple, but original recipe- cheese in ham. Cut the meat so that you can wrap it around the cheese a couple of times. Garnish with a small sprig of parsley.

7. The option is not simple, but original. The combination of cheese, raspberries, tomatoes and lavash makes an unusual canapé spicy taste. The ingredients are reminiscent of Italian canapes.

8. First you need to boil it cabbage leaves, then wrap the ham in them. Be sure to coat the ham with mayonnaise, as the cabbage will be tasteless.

10. The final recipe is also sweet. In the photo you can see the biscuit. It needs to be cut into small cubes and dip in chocolate. This decision will be a great end to the holiday!

11. Here's a look at some more creative recipes. They are also quite unusual - each one will be very tasty. The last 2 canapés are considered delicacies; not everyone can make them, but they are incredibly tasty and look great.

Simple canapé recipes

  1. One simple one would be a canapé with sausage, olive and cheese. You can string ham instead of sausage.
  2. A similar view to the previous one: a couple of varieties of cheese with olives.
  3. Here is a varied selection of mini sandwiches. Cheese is the basis for each canapé; they differ only in decoration. You can add both pieces of meat and sweet dried fruits to the cheese. Sesame would also be a pretty original idea.
  4. This recipe is not “cheap”; they make such canapés only a few times. You can’t serve a lot of shrimp on the table; making something unusual out of them is as easy as shelling pears. Place a ring of salami inside the shrimp and seal everything. You can decorate the sandwich with grated cheese or herbs.
  5. A fairly simple idea, but very original. Mini pancakes need to be poured with sauce and put on a skewer. To make them small, use a teaspoon rather than a ladle to pour the dough.
  6. Take a look at this photo. There are no canapés here, but the beautiful mass will definitely please everyone. Using gelatin, all layers are connected, then squares are made using molds. After this, you can chop the cube and put it on skewers.
  7. The next idea is simple and unpretentious. Leeks work well for sprigs.
  8. This type is also made into a roll, which is garnished with a stick of rosemary. They bring it from Israel. Nowadays you can buy greens in the supermarket without any problems. Its price is quite small.
  9. Crazy beautiful canapé and very simple. The cherry tomato needs to be cut in half and placed on a skewer. Lie down in it quail egg. You can swap the ingredients by decorating the tomato with mayonnaise. You will get something like a “hedgehog”...
  10. Nothing is spared for the holiday. Therefore, it’s worth a little effort to make canapés from toasted bread and a small cutlet. Make minced meat with an egg - it will be more whole.
  11. A couple of tips when preparing canapés. In the first photo, a child’s form is used for the form, and in the second case, the largest syringe is used. These are the ideas housewives come up with.

1. One of the most simple options Canapés for children at home are a fruit and berry combination. You can use absolutely any citrus fruit, banana and kiwi, grapes and berries depending on the season. This snack will definitely not go unnoticed, because it is not only a combination of your favorite flavors, but also a riot of colors. For such canapés, you can use kebab sticks or small skewers, making several different combinations. It is better to combine sweet and sour flavors, and also select them by color. If desired, these canapés can be served with whipped cream or syrups.

2. Another universal option is marmalade. Almost all children love it, and it is very bright and colorful. You can combine marmalade with banana or kiwi, for example. If desired, you can put multi-colored marmalade cubes on a skewer.

3. You can surprise very young guests not only with the ingredients, but also with the presentation. An ordinary combination of strawberry and banana can be turned into a cheerful face. You can supplement it with a mint leaf or a piece of chocolate imitating a hat, for example. You can add different elements to the strawberries using whipped cream or egg whites and sugar.

4. If the celebration falls in the winter, the variety of berries and fruits cannot please you. Then you should think about how to make canapés for children from canned fruits. A great combination would be peach, pineapple and fresh banana. The pineapple halves look amazing on a skewer. You can complement such canapés with a piece of kiwi, for example.

5. Another interesting option is classic recipe canapes for children, combining cheese and fruit. Grapes work best for them, but peaches, strawberries and other fruits can also be used. To make the canapés look even more interesting, the cheese can be cut out using cookie cutters - in the form of animals, stars or flowers.

If you have a little birthday boy growing up in your family, it’s time to think about treats for such an important holiday. Interesting option- delicious canapés for children. Sandwiches combine a variety of products. They can be meat, fish, sweet, it all depends on your imagination and culinary abilities.

Housewives fell in love with canapes for their ease of execution and minimal food set. The main thing is a successful taste combination of the main ingredients. We will tell you about the most unusual recipes snack sandwiches.

What is a canapé

Small sandwiches were invented by talented French chefs. Today you can see canapes on the festive table and buffet table. In the skillful hands of housewives, pieces of bread, sausage, cheese, olives turn into real masterpieces.

As for a children's party, mini sandwiches are a great solution for it. Canapes for kids, in addition to external beauty, have the following advantages:

  • During festive lunch children will not get their hands and clothes dirty.
  • The main ingredients are useful ingredients that are not favorite for children (olives, tomatoes, broccoli). They can be beautifully disguised in a sofa so that the baby does not suspect anything.

Remember that products should not cause allergies in children.

Cooking rules

For cooking You will need very few canapes:

  • skewers or toothpicks;
  • desired ingredients;
  • flight of fancy and good mood.

By the way, stores sell plastic colored skewers that will add bright colors to the canapes.

As for products, children's nutritionists advise following the following rules:

  1. It is recommended to replace the sausage chicken breast, turkey, beef.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are cut into small pieces and, if necessary, removed from the peel and seeds.
  3. For cheese canapés soft, low-fat varieties are suitable.
  4. The dish is prepared immediately before serving so that it does not weather and lose its appearance.

We draw up according to the rules

We agreed that canapés - perfect snack for the celebration. TO festive table an elegant and original presentation, so culinary experts developed registration rules delicacies:

  • Give the ingredients unusual shape. Cut out stars, hearts and string the figures onto skewers.
  • Try to combine products according to color scheme. For example, one toothpick may have red and green colors, on the second - orange and yellow.
  • If your menu calls for preparing several types of sandwiches, for example, meat, fish and fruit, arrange them on a tray in longitudinal or transverse rows.
  • Don’t be afraid to decorate plates with canapés with flowers, berries, and herbs.
  • For variety, place skewers of fruit in tall glasses and bowls.

Ideal if you are familiar with the carving technique. You can cut out indentations, patterns, and figures on the fruits. Artistic cutting of watermelon or melon is another way to beautifully serve a dish on the table that children will love.

Canapes with fruits

Fruit recipes are a great alternative to unhealthy sweets.

Colorful canapés will certainly delight the little ones!

Making a rainbow

Your children’s favorite fruits are suitable for a rainbow, provided they are bright and tasty. We offer to cook fruit mix from:

  • kiwi;
  • orange;
  • banana;
  • raspberries;
  • blueberries

How to cook :

  1. Wash the ingredients and cut them into slices.
  2. Thread onto skewers in any order.

Pineapple boat

To prepare you will need:

Execution technique:

  1. The pineapple acts as a sail, the rest of the fruits are intended for the deck structure.
  2. Carefully cut out circles from banana and nectarine using a knife.
  3. Place a half ring of pineapple on a skewer - this is a sail.
  4. Connect the fruits on a toothpick in the shape of a boat and place on a tray.

Sweet fruit canapés are one of the favorites among children.

Strawberry splendor

Main ingredients of the snack:

  • strawberry;
  • banana;
  • mint.

How to cook :

  1. Cut a ripe banana into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent it from darkening during cooking.
  2. Thread the ingredients onto a skewer in this order: banana, strawberry, and mint leaf, like a berry cap.

Since the canapés are meant for a children's party, add a smiley face with whipped cream on the strawberry. Children will be delighted with this treat!

Father Frost

The delicacy is perfect for a New Year's themed party. To prepare a fairy-tale bearded hero, you will need:

  • banana;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • marshmallow;
  • grape;
  • skewers.


  1. According to tradition, cut the banana into slices and lightly flavor with lemon juice.
  2. We form Santa Claus in the following order: grape, banana circle, strawberry and marshmallow.
  3. Carefully draw the “face” of a fairy-tale wizard on the strawberry, make eyes from pieces of grapes.

We are confident that New Year's Eve such a dish will become the main decoration of the table and will bring a lot of joy to children. Canapés made from aromatic fruits will remind you of summer and its bright colors.

Multicolored peacock

Recipes fruit canapes not only tasty, but also original. An example of such creativity is the sandwich on a skewer - “Multi-colored peacock”.

Ingredients :

  • pear;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 2 bananas;
  • grape;
  • a handful of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.

How to cook :

  1. The peacock should be formed from the tail. It is based on tangerine slices and banana slices.
  2. Thread fruit onto skewers in this order: grapes, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes.
  3. Let's move on to the body, which will serve as a pear. Place it in a dish, add a beak and paws cut from tangerine peel.
  4. Make peacock eyes from pieces of blackberries or blueberries.

Entrust the process of decorating the bird to your children.

Air marshmallow

The main ingredient of this dish is marshmallows. Give preference to treats without glaze. It is ideal if you prepare the sweets for canapés at home from natural products.

Recipe :

  • 5 marshmallows;
  • kiwi;
  • prunes;
  • banana.


  1. Cut the banana and kiwi into slices of arbitrary thickness.
  2. Steam the prunes and cut into halves.
  3. Place the marshmallow halves on a dish, add kiwi, banana, and prunes on top.

Pierce the pyramid with a colored skewer and serve.

Strawberry heart

To prepare a sweet heart you will need:

  • strawberry jelly;
  • loaf;
  • boiled condensed milk.

How to cook :

  1. First, prepare the jelly according to the recipe and leave it in a cool place.
  2. Cut out the flesh from the bread slices using heart-shaped pastry cutters.
  3. Apply condensed milk along the edge with a special syringe.
  4. The most interesting thing about the recipe is the filling. Pour the slightly frozen jelly into bread molds and place in the refrigerator.

Advice: you need to prepare canapés on the eve of your child’s birthday, otherwise the jelly simply won’t have time to harden.

Unusual bread

The secret of the dish lies in the multi-colored powder that children love so much. The recipe will complement your collection of canapés for a children's holiday table.

Ingredients :


  1. Cut the bread into small squares and spread each of them with a thin layer of curd mixture.
  2. Top the sandwiches with sprinkles.

Meat canapé options

Sandwiches with meat components in mandatory should be on the menu for children. Firstly, such canapés are nutritious, and secondly, they are beautiful and healthy.

The main ingredients used are boiled pork, beef, chicken, vegetables, lettuce leaves and everything that is good for children.

With boiled pork

To prepare dietary sandwiches you will need:

  • 200 g boiled pork;
  • Altai;
  • butter;
  • cucumber;
  • olives;
  • greenery.

How to cook :

  1. Cut the altai into thin slices and brush with butter.
  2. Top with sliced ​​cucumber, lettuce and olive.
  3. Thread the ingredients onto the skewer in the same order.

Decorate the finished sandwiches with dill.

Green freshness

If your family has a child with a spring birthday, then the following recipe is just for you. For cooking, only fresh, juicy products are used:

  • slices of white loaf;
  • cheese paste;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • ham or smoked sausage;
  • kiwi;
  • physalis or other yellow berries.

How to cook :

  1. Grease slices of bread with cheese spread, place lettuce leaves, slices of ham, kiwi and halves of berries on them.
  2. Pierce the canapes with multi-colored skewers and quickly serve to the birthday person.

Duck with persimmon

Little gourmets will love canapés. The basis of the appetizer is duck and persimmon. Unusual notes of taste will delight children and diversify the usual holiday diet.

Grocery set for canapes:

  • duck fillet;
  • orange juice for marinade;
  • persimmon;
  • blueberry;
  • mint.

Cooking steps:

  1. Marinate the meat in orange juice for 24 hours.
  2. Then cut the meat into thin slices and fry in a frying pan.
  3. Chop the persimmon into slices.
  4. String the canapes onto a toothpick in this order: blueberry, mint, piece of duck, persimmon.

The dish turns out juicy, appetizing and with interesting taste. In addition, duck meat is very healthy for children.

Canapes without skewers

A great alternative to sandwiches on skewers. This type of delicacy consists of small sandwiches based on fried bread. For children's canapés, croutons have a round, square shape, and a different set of ingredients that are beneficial for the child, in particular:

  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • meat.

Try not to use foods that are too fatty or salty for children.

Meat roses

You can prepare rosettes from ham, boiled pork and other meats that are easily purchased the required form and doesn't tear. We suggest making flowers from the first one. To base the roses, use a piece of baguette, greased with butter and decorated with an egg.

How to cook :

  1. Cut the ham into thin slices.
  2. Roll each piece into a tight roll and secure with an onion ring.
  3. Carefully place the rose onto the prepared base.

You can supplement the culinary composition with herbs or red caviar. Canapés are served immediately when ready.

Did you order pizza?

Pizza is a favorite delicacy for many, so treat your little one to a homemade treat this holiday.

To make pizza canapes you will need:

  • loaf;
  • ketchup;
  • water;
  • favorite vegetables;
  • sausage;

Step-by-step preparation canapes:

  1. Cut the loaf into thin slices and lightly dry it in the microwave or oven.
  2. Mix ketchup with water in such a proportion that it resembles sour cream.
  3. Place pizza bases on a baking sheet, brush with tomato mixture and top with toppings.
  4. Bake the canapés in the oven or microwave until done.
  5. Ready-made pizzas sprinkle with cheese and leave for a couple of minutes in a warm place.

Believe me, such aromatic and delicious canapes will disappear from the festive table in a matter of seconds!


An original snack for children's parties in the form of ladybugs will appeal to the most sophisticated little gourmets. Edible insects contain the following ingredients:

  • loaf or baguette;
  • cream cheese;
  • lightly salted salmon;
  • cherry tomatoes;
  • olives.


  1. Cut the bread into thin slices and spread with cheese spread.
  2. Make an improvised feather bed from salmon.
  3. Place the tomato halves on top of the blanket. Place small pieces of olives on their backs.
  4. Attach a head from half a black olive to the body and draw eyes with mayonnaise.

Serve canapés on large dish, decorated with a sprig of parsley.

Getting ready for your birthday

A birthday is always an exciting and long-awaited holiday, for which parents begin to prepare in advance. And if you are at a loss about treats, listen to the opinion of the organizers of children's events, who advise not to overload the table with dishes, but to prepare light but appetizing snacks.

Canapes for a fun children's birthday are a great alternative to mayonnaise salads and pork.

Fly agarics in the forest

The appetizer is formed using skewers, on which products are strung in a certain sequence. For fairy mushrooms you will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • eggs;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Place half a tomato and a quail egg on a toothpick, the top of which can be slightly cut off.
  2. To make the fly agaric look like a forest guest, decorate its base with greenery.
  3. Where would a mushroom be without a decorated cap? Apply dots of sour cream onto the little red riding hood using a thin toothpick.

Fishy mood

These canapés are prepared from dietary salmon or trout.

Cut the fish into thin slices and wrap one olive in it. Place the roll on a skewer and secure with a mango or apple slice.

Canapés are suitable for teenage children, since children may develop allergies to certain foods.

Multi-layer variations

When preparing a sandwich, use all your imagination and creativity. The most popular recipe is a composition with the addition of red fish, fresh cucumber, tomato and cheese.

The appetizer is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Cut black and white bread into thin slices.
  2. Spread the black one with cheese paste and place a slice of cucumber on top.
  3. Spread a white slice with cheese on both sides and place on top of the cucumber.
  4. Let's assemble the canapés next. On white loaf Place thin fish pieces, black bread, sliced ​​tomatoes.
  5. Secure the finished sandwich with a skewer.

Salmon and egg

Fish canapes are suitable for a children's sea party or a themed birthday. The combination of salmon, egg and cucumber will please little critics.


  1. Cut the cucumber into medium-thick slices, eggs in half, and salmon into squares.
  2. Place the ingredients in the following order: cucumber, salmon, egg.

Pierce the canapes with a skewer and serve.

Don't wait until a special holiday to experiment with canapé recipes for kids. Prepare sandwiches on a weekday and wrap them for your child to take to school. If you are planning a celebration, take care of the beautiful presentation of dishes in advance, think over the decor yourself, or look at photos on the Internet.