Poppy cake - the most delicious and original ideas for preparing a festive treat.

Sweet pastries with poppy seeds are known to everyone, but not many people know that you can make a cake with poppy seeds. It turns out original, beautiful and very delicious dessert.

Poppy cake - the basic principles of cooking

It is better to use biscuit cakes for poppy seed cake to make the cake airy and light. For this, the yolks are separated from the proteins. The latter are whipped in a separate bowl until a dense foam. The yolks are combined with sugar and beaten separately until a fluffy white mass is obtained. Gradually introduce the protein mass into the yolks, while gently mixing. The flour is combined with poppy seeds, mixed and injected into the egg mixture. A cake is baked from the resulting dough.

The cooled cake is cut in half or into several parts.

To coat the cakes, use sour cream, cream, custard, or any other cream. You can make a cake at once with two or three different creams.

In addition to poppy seeds, dried fruits or nuts can be added to the cake.

You can decorate the cake with icing or a gelatin layer.

Recipe 1. Cake with poppy seeds


vanilla - 1 g;

eggs - four pcs.;

butter - half a pack;

100 g of granulated sugar;

poppy - 130 g;

flour - 100 g.

vanilla sugar- a sachet;

egg yolks - six pcs.;

sugar glass - half a glass;

cream - two glasses.

butter - 50 g;

bitter chocolate bar.

Cooking method

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks and place in different dishes. Mix the yolks with vanilla and sugar. Beat with a mixer until a white, airy mass is obtained. Whip the egg whites into a firm stiff peak. Mix poppy seeds with flour. Fold in the beaten egg whites and the dry mixture one by one into the yolks. Knead carefully.

2. Biscuit dough Pour into a mold greased with butter and floured. Bake for forty minutes at 180 degrees. Take out finished cake from the oven and cool without removing from the mold. Then take it out and cut it into four pieces.

3. Rub the white and vanilla sugar with the yolks until white. Pour the cream into a saucepan and boil. When the cream begins to boil, remove it from the heat and pour in the yolk mass in a thin stream. At the same time, stir constantly. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.

4. Place the first cake in detachable form and pour hot custard. Top with cream and leave to soak for several hours.

5. Turn the cake over onto a serving platter. Melt the chocolate broken into pieces in a water bath and lightly beat it with butter Pour the cake with the resulting icing. Decorate to your liking.

Recipe 2. Angel cake with poppy seeds


citric acid - a pinch;

100 g of sugar;

st.l. powdered sugar;

a pinch of salt;

egg whites - five pieces;

2 tbsp. flour and poppy.

orange curd

Orange fresh- 150 ml;

50 g butter;

flour - tsp;

sugar - half a glass;

five egg yolks.

20 g of granulated sugar;

250 g mascarpone;

condensed milk - 100 g;

sour cream - 80 ml;

vanilla pod.

Cooking method

1. Combine poppy seeds, powder and flour in a bowl and mix.

2. Whisk the egg whites with salt and citric acid, gradually adding sugar.

3. Once the proteins have turned into a stable airy foam, carefully fold the flour and poppy mixture into it.

4. Put the dough into a clean, dry form. Bake for forty minutes at 180 degrees. Cool the finished biscuit right in the mold, removing it from the oven.

5. To prepare the curd, mix the orange juice with the rest of the ingredients, except for the oil. Put the mixture on slow fire and, stirring constantly, boil until the consistency of thick sour cream. Remove from heat and add oil. Mix until smooth, cool and refrigerate.

6. Remove the cooled cake from the mold, cut it in half lengthwise and grease both parts with the cooled curd. Leave to soak.

7. Beat sour cream with sugar. Beat the mascarpone separately, adding vanilla seeds and condensed milk to it. Combine sour cream with mascarpone and mix gently. Spread the cream over the cakes.

8. Place one cake on top of the other. Spread the remaining cream on the surface and sides of the cake. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Decorate with chocolate chips.

Recipe 3. Poppy cake "Ministerial"


baking soda - a third of a teaspoon;

four eggs;

flour - a glass;

poppy - 250 g;

kefir - 200 ml;

wheat flour - a glass;

granulated sugar - 250 g.

100 g cocoa powder;

butter - a pack;

condensed milk - bank.


chocolate chips.

Cooking method

1. Break the eggs into a bowl and shake lightly with a fork. Pour the poppy seeds into the egg mixture and stir. We send it to the refrigerator overnight.

2. Pour sugar into the poppy mixture, pour in kefir and pour flour, after sifting it with baking soda. Knead the dough.

3. We cover the form with baking paper and grease it with oil. We put the third part of the dough into it and bake for ten minutes at 180 C. In the same way, bake two more cakes and cool them by laying them on the wire rack.

4. Put soft butter in a saucepan, pour in condensed milk and add cocoa powder. Mix and beat until a light brown cream is obtained.

5. We pierce the cakes in several places with a knife. We stack the cakes in a pile, each lubricating generously with cream. We also coat the surface of the cake and the sides with cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Let it soak in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe 4. Poppy cake "Queen Estelle"


5 g baking powder;

five eggs;

half a glass of poppy;

egg white;

100 g of sugar;

flour - 100 g;

70 ml vegetable oil;

2 g vanilla.

tile white chocolate;

a glass of milk;

juice and zest of half a lemon;

200 ml 33% cream;

50 g of starch;

130 g of sugar;

egg yolk.

Cooking method

1. In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients.

2. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Place one yolk in a separate bowl. Beat the whites in a dense, stable foam, gradually adding sugar. Then enter the yolks, vanilla and oil into the resulting mass. Continue beating for a couple more minutes. Pour the dry mixture into the resulting mass and gently mix with a spatula until smooth.

3. Cover the form with baking paper. Lay out a third of the dough and bake at 180 C for ten minutes. Bake two more cakes in the same way. Lay them out on a wire rack and cool.

4. In the meantime, prepare the cream. Mix starch with a spoonful of sugar and two tablespoons of milk. Stir until smooth. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, add the yolk and white sugar. Stirring constantly, keep on fire until the first bubbles appear. Add the juice and zest of half a lemon and keep on fire for a couple more minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and refrigerate.

5. Add two tablespoons of sugar to the cream and beat into a fluffy foam. Spoon the custard into the cream, whisking constantly.

6. Fold the cakes in a pile, generously smearing each with cream. Also coat the top and sides with cream. Finely grate a bar of white chocolate and sprinkle the whole cake with shavings. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe 5. Black Rose Poppy Cake


slaked soda - 10 g;

two eggs;

cocoa powder - 75 g;

sugar - two tablespoons;

half a liter of sour cream;

flour - two glasses.

sugar - 75 g;

eggs - three pcs.;

flour - 75 g.

Cream for rolls

custard - 80 g;

poppy - a glass;

125 g of granulated sugar.

Cake cream

instant coffee- 50 g;

five eggs;

flour - two tablespoons;

sugar - 125 g;

butter - a pack;

milk - 500 ml.

Cooking method

1. Start by making cakes. Rub sugar with eggs until white, add slaked soda, sour cream, cocoa powder and flour. Knead until smooth. Pour half of the dough onto a baking sheet and bake the cake at 180 C for ten minutes. Also bake another cake.

2. To prepare rolls, separate the proteins from the yolks. Pound the yolks with sugar and mix with flour. egg whites whisk into a fluffy foam. Gradually add them to the yolk mass and mix gently. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, grease it with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay out a third of the dough and bake for five minutes. Then, while still hot, roll the cake into a roll and cool. Bake two more of these rolls.

3. For cream, mix eggs with milk and beat lightly. Add instant coffee, flour and sugar. Stir until smooth. Place over low heat and simmer, stirring constantly, until thickened. Then remove from heat, add butter and beat.

4. Steam poppy and rub it with sugar. Add three tablespoons of custard to it and stir.

5. Unroll the rolls, brush with poppy seed cream and roll up again. Lubricate the bottom cake with custard, put the rolls on it. Lubricate them generously with custard, trying to fill all the voids. Cover with second layer. Grease the surface and sides of the cake with cream and decorate at your discretion.

Recipe 6. Cake with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins


half a glass of raisins;

one and a half glasses of wheat flour;

half a glass of poppy;

20% sour cream - one and a half glasses;

three eggs;

baking powder - 15 g;

1 ? a glass of sugar;

walnuts - 0.5 tbsp.

50 g of sugar;

125 g thick sour cream.

50 g butter;

100 g milk;

25 g of cocoa powder and granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. You need to cook three cakes: with nuts, raisins and poppy seeds.

2. Beat an egg into a bowl, add half a glass of sour cream and sugar. Stir. Pour half a cup of flour mixed with a teaspoon of baking powder. Stir and add poppy seeds. Stir again. Prepare the dough for the other two cakes in the same way. Add raisins to one and nuts to the other.

3. Lubricate the form with oil, put the dough into it and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. So bake all three cakes. Cool them down.

4. Combine sour cream with sugar, and rub well with a spoon, send for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator.

5. Spread all the cakes with cream and collect them in a pile. Pour milk into a saucepan, add cocoa and sugar. Put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Let the icing cool and cover the surface of the cake with it. Decorate with nuts and coconut flakes. Leave to soak for three hours.

If you want the poppy to become soft, steam it for an hour in hot water.

To make the sour cream thicker, place it in the refrigerator for half an hour before greasing.

Before adding poppy seeds to the dough, mix it with flour. So it is evenly distributed.

If you add a pinch of salt to eggs or citric acid, they will be easier to beat.


Poppy cakeperfect dessert for a festive table, decorated with delicious chocolate icing. It will become a favorite treat for those who do not like sugary-sweet pastries. Plus, he's very helpful.

Mac has great amount vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body. The calcium contained in maca is easily and completely absorbed, therefore poppy seed cake ideal for kids. What can I say, various infusions are even made from poppies, which are taken for disorders nervous system and sleep disturbance. Poppy decoctions effectively eliminate cough, relieve pain and are excellent tool against fatigue. Therefore, the poppy seed cake that we will cook now is just a "storehouse" useful substances for the body. Having eaten a small piece of such a dessert, you will not only improve your mood, but replenish your body with essential trace elements.

Therefore, let's start baking such a vitamin dessert as soon as possible. But how to cook a chocolate poppy seed cake, and what ingredients you need for this, you will learn in our recipe with step-by-step photos.


  • (3 pcs.)

  • (100 g)

  • (4 tablespoons)

  • (100 g or 1/2 cup)

  • (1 st.)

  • (10 g or 1/2 tsp)

  • (3 tablespoons)

  • (100 g or 1/2 cup)

  • (300 ml)

  • (180 g)

  • (150 g or 3 tablespoons)

  • (50 g)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (100 g)

Cooking steps

    Take a deep glass container, put 100 grams of sugar in it and break three eggs. First, mix the ingredients well with a spoon, and then beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer.

    Add 4 tablespoons of melted butter and mix thoroughly.

    Put sour cream in a separate container. Scoop the baking powder into a teaspoon and extinguish it with a little lemon juice. Thoroughly mix the quenched mixture with sour cream.

    Gradually add the sour cream mixture to the bowl with beaten eggs and sugar. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

    Sift wheat flour through a sieve several times so that it is enriched with oxygen. Add cocoa to it, which also needs to be sifted well. Mix flour with cocoa.

    Now take a tablespoon and gradually add the sifted flour with cocoa to the egg-sour cream mixture. Add one spoon at a time and immediately mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. As a result, you will get a chocolate dough, which should not be too thick in consistency.

    Mentally divide the prepared dough into four parts. Cover the baking dish parchment paper or lubricate with a small amount butter. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Pour one fourth of the dough into the mold and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick or a match. Bake four cakes.

    While the cakes are baking, it is necessary to grind the poppy seeds. You can use a food processor or coffee grinder. Add 3 tablespoons to crushed poppy seeds powdered sugar and mix thoroughly.

    Take a small container and pour 50 ml of cream into it, add corn starch, mix well and leave to swell. Pour the remaining cream into a small saucepan and heat slightly. Gradually pour in the pre-soaked cream with starch. Stir constantly. Cook the cream until the cream begins to thicken. When the consistency thickens noticeably, set the cream aside and let cool completely. After cooling, transfer two tablespoons of buttercream to a separate bowl: we will need them to prepare the glaze. Add poppy seeds with powder to the remaining cream and mix the cream thoroughly.

    Leave the butter in the room to soften. After that, beat it with a mixer and add one teaspoon to the poppy seed cream. Do not forget to constantly knead it so that lumps do not form.

    Baked cakes must be left on the table and allowed to cool completely. After that, smear all the cakes of the future poppy seed cake with the prepared cream.

    Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and melt in a water bath. Add one to it butter cream, which you set aside in a separate container. received chocolate cream icing Spread the cake and refrigerate for several hours. In order for it to be well soaked, it is better to leave it there overnight.

    Now take the poppyseed cake out of the fridge and place it on a serving platter.

    If you can't wait to try it and see how it turns out, you can grab a bite. Here's what it looks like chocolate cake with poppy cream in a section.

    You can decorate it with your favorite berries if you like. Strawberries, raspberries or cranberries will look very impressive on chocolate icing. That's all! Chocolate poppy seed cake is ready! You can prepare such a dessert very quickly, it will not take you much time. You can create a masterpiece within an hour.

    Bon appetit!

Poppy cake cooking is very easy. It can be served as a dessert during a family Sunday dinner or treat your guests. Cooking and enjoying tea!

Required products:

  • 1 glass of poppy
  • 170 g milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tsp soda (quench lemon juice or vinegar)

For sour cream:

  • 800 g sour cream 20% fat
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • walnuts

Poppy Cake Recipe

For more fast food cake, you can grind poppy seeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Then soak it in milk enough for 20 minutes. If we are not in a hurry or there is no way to grind poppy seeds, then we soak it overnight. This is necessary so that the poppy is baked in the dough. In our case, we do not chop the poppy, pour it with warm milk overnight.

Poppy pour warm milk and leave overnight

Our poppy swelled and soaked up the milk.

After a few hours, the poppy absorbed the milk

Add sugar and egg. Mix until smooth.

Add sugar and egg

Now flour and soda with lemon juice or vinegar. We mix.

Flour, soda, slaked with lemon juice or vinegar

It turned out a homogeneous dough.

Mix dough until smooth

Pour into a greased form and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. It is better to take a detachable form, so it is easier to remove the cake after baking. Bake until ready, which is easy to check with a clean, dry toothpick or wooden stick.

Pour the poppy seed dough into an oiled mold.

The cake should be uniformly golden in color.

Bake the crust until golden

Remove the cake from the mold and cut into two halves. Now the path will cool down, and we will prepare sour cream.

When hot, cut the cake into two halves.

sour cream cooking is very easy. Put the sour cream in a bowl, pour out the sugar, mix and leave for 10 minutes so that the sugar dissolves. After the sugar has dissolved, stir the cream until smooth.

The walnut needs to be chopped a little, here whoever likes it. It can be crushed into small crumbs, or you can only chop with a knife. You can decorate the cake with large halves of a nut on top, as we did in the recipe. Or you can just sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Lubricate the cakes with sour cream, sprinkle each cake walnuts and give a little time to soak the cakes. The best time for this is 2-3 hours. But, you can eat right away!

Lubricate each cake with sour cream and sprinkle with walnuts

That's all! A treat for you or your guests is ready - poppy cake with sour cream!


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How many on the site and just saw this thread, I decided to transfer from cakes with recipes and this tested recipe, to the heap
So, I'm with a cut of "Poppy Cake" Someone was looking for a delicious recipe, I offer this one. Very tender, juicy delicious cake! Melts in your mouth!

Biscuit: 4 eggs at room temperature, 100 g of sugar, 100 g of flour, a pinch of vanilla, 130 g of dry poppy seeds, 100 g of butter (melted and chilled).
Cream: 6 yolks, cream 35% (but milk is also possible, but cream is better lower fat content. I took the usual drinking, 20%.) -600 ml, 110 gr. sugar, a pinch of vanillin. EVERYTHING!
Separate the squirrels from the yolks. First, beat the yolks with half the sugar, at high speeds of the mixer, until a white lush mass. Then poured from the mixer bowl into a container. Washed. combine, you can beat at the same time - while the proteins are in the combine, yolks with a mixer.) Separately mix the dry ingredients - flour, poppy seeds and vanillin.
In a cup where the yolks were beaten, in three steps, alternately lay out the whipped proteins, and flour with poppy seeds and vanilla. Very carefully, so that the proteins do not settle, mix the mass, and gradually pour in the melted butter. Do not interfere for a long time !!! .Poured into a mold, at the bottom of which there is a greased parchment circle. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until a dry splinter at a temperature of 175-180 degrees! Get it finished biscuit and let it cool a little in the form. Release it from the form, let it rest. Then turn it upside down and cut it into cakes. If your form, for example, has a diameter of 20 cm, then the biscuit should get 6 cm high, and it can be cut into 4 circles. (My form was 24 cm, and I cut it into 2 cakes, then I cut the frozen cake in half and formed it into an oval cake)
Cream: In a saucepan, grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla. In another, bring the cream to a boil. As soon as the cream boils, carefully pour in their yolks, stirring with a whisk. sour cream. Remove from heat.
Cake assembly:
I collected in a detachable form. We put the first cake, and HOT CREAM on it !!! So alternate. We finish with the cream .. If a little cream remains, you can leave it later for coating. Leave it for 1 hour at room temperature, then refrigerate overnight!
finished cake turn it upside down on a plate! And then see for yourself, the author recommends pouring chocolate icing (75 gr. steam bath with 40g of butter. Cool and pour over the cake) I made from the proteins remaining from the cream protein custard, and decorated them. So to say waste-free production
My photo, with additions in the description, and the author natapit(from the Bread Maker website, thank you very much for the recipe) I tried it myself, and I share it with you, suddenly it will come in handy for someone!

Do you know how homemade poppy seed cake is made? If you do not have such information, then we will present it in this article. It will consider detailed recipe this delicious dessert with photo.

We make a cake "Lady's whim" with poppy seeds

As a rule, poppy cakes are made using biscuit cakes. We will not deviate from the standards and prepare a delicious dessert called " Ladies whim».

What ingredients do we need to make a poppy seed cake? The recipe for this delicacy requires the following ingredients:

  • large raw eggs - about 3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized white sugar - approximately 1.5 cups;
  • thick sour cream of high fat content - 2 cups;
  • baking soda - no more than 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • natural apple cider vinegar - about 1 large spoon;
  • sunflower oil - for lubricating the bowl;
  • light flour - about 2 cups;
  • poppy seeds - 2/3 cup;
  • walnuts - 2/3 cup;
  • black raisins - about ½ cup;
  • cocoa - no more than 3 large spoons.

Dough preparation

How should poppy seed cake be prepared? The recipe for this dessert requires careful kneading of biscuit dough.

Egg yolks are combined with sugar and rubbed heavily with a spoon. Then thick sour cream and carefully whipped proteins are added to them. Having received a homogeneous liquid mass, soda quenched with vinegar and light flour are laid out to it.

After mixing the components, the dough is divided into three equal parts, and then proceed to the laying out of additional ingredients.

What kind of cakes does the sour cream and poppy seed cake consist of?

Dessert in question make them three different cakes. Before you form them and bake them in the oven, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Raisins are thoroughly washed and kept in boiling water for half an hour. After that, it is strongly shaken and dried. Walnuts are sorted, rinsed and fried in a pan. Subsequently, they are chopped with a knife or crushed with a pusher. As for poppy seeds, they are used in dry form.

What is tasty home cake? Poppy seeds, raisins and walnuts - all these ingredients are added to different parts of the dough and mix well. For contrast, cocoa can be added to the base that contains dried fruits.

Forming and baking process

Before baking a poppy seed cake, you need to take three identical forms and grease them with butter. Then the kneaded dough should be placed in the dishes and immediately sent to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

At this temperature, cakes with poppy seeds, raisins and walnuts are baked for about 50 minutes. All biscuits should rise equally well, become fluffy and soft. If necessary, their readiness can be checked using a dry toothpick.

After the cakes are baked, they are carefully removed from the molds, and then laid out on a flat surface and completely cooled. If required, the edges of the product are cut off, using a plate as a pattern.

Cream Products

To make the poppy seed cake tender and tasty, it is recommended to make it using sour cream. For its preparation, use:

Making cream

Sour cream is very easy to make. Milk product medium fat is strongly beaten with a mixer, and then granulated sugar is gradually added. Having received a homogeneous and lush sweet mass, it is immediately used for its intended purpose.

How to form a dessert?

A poppy cake is formed in exactly the same way as other desserts, for the preparation of which biscuit cakes are used. To do this, you need to take a large cake dish and a tablespoon.

First of all, lay out in the dishes chocolate cake with raisins. It is plentifully lubricated with sour cream, and if necessary, with a small amount strawberry jam. This will make the cake more juicy and tender.

As the second cake, a biscuit with poppy seeds is used. It is also smeared with cream and then covered with walnuts.

homemade dessert decoration

After all the cakes are alternately laid out on the cake stand, they are lightly pressed with hands and proceed to decorate.

Decorate sour cream cake with poppy seeds using different ingredients. Someone is using chocolate chips, someone - icing, and someone completely covers the dessert with whipped cream. We decided to do it easier and prepared a small amount in advance. shortbread biscuits(such as "Jubilee"). It is ground into fine crumbs, and then combined with several large spoons of dried poppy seeds.

After the described actions, the surface, as well as the side parts of the formed cake, are smeared with the remnants of sour cream, and then sprinkled with prepared crumbs. The result is a very beautiful and appetizing cake.

We present dessert to the festive table

Having prepared a poppy seed cake at home, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. Dessert is kept in the cold for about 4-6 hours. During this time, the cakes should be soaked with sweet cream, become as tender and juicy as possible.

After the specified time, the dessert is taken out and cut into pieces. Having distributed the cake on saucers, it is served to guests along with a cup of tea. It should be noted that due to the use of different cakes, such a delicacy is not only very tasty, but also incredibly beautiful, especially in the context.

Summing up

As you can see, in home cooking sponge cake there is nothing complicated. It should be noted that desserts using poppy seeds can be made in many ways.

The cake "Ministerial" with poppy seeds is very popular among chefs. Its cakes are based on kefir, and the cream is made from condensed milk and butter with the addition of a small amount cocoa.

Such a dessert is prepared as easily and quickly as the Lady's Caprice cake. However, it turns out to be less beautiful. This is due to the fact that the same type of light cakes are used for its formation. Therefore, to prepare a dessert for festive table We recommend using the first recipe. Thanks to him, you are sure to surprise everyone with your culinary skills of all invited guests.