Canape easy recipe. Fruit and berry canape with raspberries, mandarin, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries and grapes

Snack on skewers - the perfect dish for corporate parties, festive and business receptions, children's matinees and birthdays. They are convenient to eat, as they are prepared for "one bite". Guests can try several canapes and choose their favorite. The advantages of such snacks are obvious: they are prepared quickly, they do not cause heaviness in the stomach and heaps of dirty dishes. Even a child can make them, as it is very simple, a minimum of time is spent, but in the end it turns out beautiful holiday dish. That is why snacks on skewers are so popular both at student parties and at receptions of heads of state.
There are an incredible variety of snack options: anyone can come up with them themselves, relying only on their own taste and the list of products that are in the refrigerator. Most often they are prepared on the basis of dried rye bread or French baguette, cookies, crackers, chips or baked baskets.
The most popular types of snacks on a skewer are tarts and canapes. They have become a more advanced mini version of the multi-tiered sandwich that Lord Sandwich came up with. He was a fan of playing cards, so he ate without leaving the card table. To keep his hands clean and free of meat grease, Sandwich decided to cover the sandwich filling with another piece of bread. Everything ingenious is simple.
The sandwich was reduced in size by the French, who decided to make mini snacks with skewers. This design was not only convenient, but also hygienic. Tartinki and canapes - tiny sandwiches weighing about 50 grams - were served at receptions, consumed on the go, so many guests did not have the opportunity to wash their hands.
Do you want unusual, original and very tasty snacks on skewers to appear on your table? Recipes with photos of cooking the most popular options for canapes and tarts will help you with this.

Recipe number 1. Greek salad on skewers, recipe with step by step photos

In this original buffet appetizer easy to find popular Greek salad. The ingredients are so perfectly matched in it that modern culinary specialists connected their imagination and served it in unusual shape, gathering vegetables and cheese on skewers, preserving the taste and recipe of a dish beloved by many.

Taste Info Buffet snacks


  • Feta cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Tomatoes of the "cream" variety - 2 pieces;
  • Cucumber;
  • head of red onion;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • Pitted olives;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

How to cook salad appetizer on skewers

Cut the pepper in half. Remove the seeds, rinse with water and cut the halves again into two parts to make boats out of them.

Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. The "cream" variety is ideal for snacks. You can take cherry tomatoes. In this case, they will need several times more. Cherry is easy enough to cut in half. Arrange the tomatoes on top of the peppers.

Cheese cut into cubes 3 by 3 centimeters. Prick a piece of cheese and one olive on a toothpick.

Wash cucumber. If it is not bitter, the skin can not be cut off. Cut it into thin slices along.

Prick a cucumber on a toothpick with cheese and olives so that it is on both sides. Stick a toothpick into the pepper and tomato.

Mix finely chopped onion, minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and oil. Pour this dressing over the boats and serve them to the table.

Recipe number 2. Appetizer on skewers of bacon and olives

This buffet appetizer will surprise guests with its originality and satiety. It has a rich, slightly salty taste, so it is best served on arugula leaves, known for their bitter nutty taste, with a fresh baguette.

To prepare the dish, you will need 200 grams of bacon and a jar of green olives stuffed with lemon, anchovies or without additives. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Wrap them around each olive, fasten with toothpicks or skewers. Arrange on a plate garnished with arugula and sliced ​​baguette.

Recipe number 3. Italian appetizer with cherry tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes

This dish is prepared for hastily yet it has a refined taste. Sun-dried tomatoes- true italian dish, reminiscent of the hot rays of Tuscany. You can buy them at the store or cook them yourself in the oven or microwave oven. To do this, select the variety "cream". Mozzarella cheese will perfectly shade the sourness of a tomato with its creamy taste on one side of the skewer. And the original “sandwich” will be completed with a juicy note of fresh cherry tomato on the other. You can decorate the skewer with a leaf of arugula or spinach.

teaser network

Recipe number 4. Cold appetizer in the form of a boat

Cold appetizer on skewers in the form of a boat will fit perfectly for any holiday. It is easy to make, and the ingredients are, as a rule, in the refrigerator of every woman.

To prepare it, you will need mayonnaise or any other sauce, brisket or ham, cheese durum varieties, Rye bread, olives, cucumber and grapes of any white variety.
On a small piece of bread, spread with mayonnaise or sauce, place thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbrisket and cheese. Divide the cucumber into two halves across, cut into thin slices that will become a sail. Pierce one edge of the cucumber slice with a toothpick, string the olive and the second edge of the cucumber on it. Decorate with grapes on top. It turns out beautiful and satisfying!

Recipe number 5. Canape for men

This quick snack any man will love it. It is especially well suited for strong alcoholic drinks. To prepare it, take Borodino bread, preserves of herring (you can cut salted herring into pieces yourself, but carefully select the bones), lemon, mayonnaise, black pepper, green onion feathers.

Cut the lemon into rings, which are then divided into 4 parts. Cut the onion feather obliquely into several pieces.

On small pieces of Borodino bread smeared with mayonnaise, put a piece of herring, a quarter of a slice of lemon, a green onion feather. Pierce the canape with a skewer in the middle. Sprinkle black pepper on top for extra piquancy. Brutal men's snack is ready!

Recipe number 6. Appetizer on skewers of crackers

This tasty snack prepared on the basis of crackers. They can be neutral, cheesy or with salt. For cooking, take grated cheese (or granular cottage cheese) mix with chopped garlic and mayonnaise. If desired, this mass can be salted, seasoned with dried Italian herbs or pepper. Spoon the cheese onto the crackers. Top with finely chopped bell pepper and a sprig of curly parsley. The multi-colored pepper looks beautiful. Pierce with a skewer or toothpick.

Recipe number 7. Fruit snack on skewers

A fruity snack on skewers is ideal for champagne. It is often prepared for children's matinees. Fresh fruits are tasty and contain vitamins, so it is always great option. To prepare it, take long skewers or barbecue sticks. Preparing a snack is simple: cut the fruits in the refrigerator into small pieces - no more than 3 by 3 centimeters - and string them on a skewer. In this option, chop grapes, kiwi, tangerines, pears and peaches. fruit cut different shapes, they can be alternated with pieces of cheese. For children's parties, you can prepare an appetizer, alternating fresh fruits With canned peaches, pineapples and apricots. This dish will turn out much sweeter.

Recipe number 8. Mini caprese

Mini caprese appetizer looks very picturesque. She is the daughter of a famous Italian starter who was born in Capri and reminds her colors flag of Italy. To prepare an appetizer, take cherry tomatoes, arugula, and mini mozzarella. It is prepared in an elementary way: stick a toothpick into a cherry tomato, string a leaf of arugula on it and finish with a small ball of mozzarella cheese. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

The perfect combination

We have listed only a few popular recipes festive snacks on skewers. In order to assemble your individual dish, as a designer, we suggest studying win-win combinations of products:

Tips for preparing appetizers on skewers:

How to use simple recipes prepare original canapes for the holiday!

What holiday is not complete without goodies and frills? We always go to please loved ones and strive every time to cook something new. Everyone has heard of little sandwiches on skewers called canapés. They are easy to prepare, tasty and pleasing to the eye with their original look.

IMPORTANT: Often guests are on the doorstep and we, clutching our heads, complain about what to cook in haste. And here, more than ever, it is canapes that will come to the rescue. A couple of slices of sausage, cheese, olives and tomato and you are ready to surprise your guests!

Recipes for holiday canapes on skewers

Festive canapes differ from the usual ones by careful selection of ingredients and design. Ordinary wooden skewers will not work here. It is better to choose bright, suitable for the style of the holiday and the design of the festive table.

  • To prepare it, cut out a circle of white bread and string it on a skewer.
  • Next, carefully cut the cucumber into thin ovals and roll it into a ring shape.
  • Inside you can put a little soft cheese and insert shrimp so that the whole structure is fixed with a skewer.

Recipe 2. Canape Thai

  • To prepare, cut the cheese into pieces, put parsley leaves on top,
  • further piece fresh cucumber and finish at the top shrimp.
  • We fix all this with a skewer and a light canape is ready.
  • It will come in very handy for breakfast or dinner!
  • See how simple and accessible everything is. It is enough to pay a little attention to the little things and you are almost a chef.

Children's holiday canapes recipes

Why do kids love canapés so much? Yes, because they like everything new and bright. And also because an active child can quickly have a bite of delicious little sandwiches, and not looking up from the general fun, frolic with friends again.

Recipe 1. Funny penguins

  • Cut the rye bread into pieces - this will be the base.
  • Cut a circle from boiled carrots and remove a small sector - this will turn out paws.
  • Now you need to cut the pitted black olive to the middle so that it can open up a little, and fill it with soft cheese (Philadelphia or melted cheese. This olive will become the body.
    We alternately collect our penguin on a skewer.
  • Instead of a head, we take a whole olive tree, in which slits are made for the eyes. We will fill them with cheese too.
  • And in the slot for the nose we insert a triangle of carrots. 15 minutes and your masterpiece is ready!

Recipe 2. Canape cheese sails

  • It is necessary to make blanks from black bread, cucumber and doctor's sausage in the shape of a boat.
  • Next, we cut rectangles of cheese - these will be our sails.
  • One rectangle should be slightly smaller than the other.
  • We string all this beauty on a skewer and complete the exposition with a triangle of carrots, which will become the flag of the sailboat.

Voila, your kids will love it!

Recipe 3. Biscuit delight

  • This canape will please your little one the most because it is made from a cake.
  • Cut out a piece sponge cake with a side of 4 by 4 cm and insert a stick, on top of which decorate with raspberries and blueberries.

Your child has never tried anything like this!

Canape on the festive table with salmon

Salmon itself is not only delicious, but also incredibly useful product thanks to the content Omega 3 fatty acids.

And therefore, cooking dishes from salmon is always a joy and an anticipation of aesthetic pleasure.

Recipe 1. Canape Atlantis

For this recipe we need: salmon, soft cheese philadelphia, greens, egg, bread.

  • Cut out the base of the bread in the form of a square and fry in olive oil.
  • Lay a piece of lightly salted salmon on top.
  • Mix the cheese with herbs and carefully put a spoon on top of the fish.
  • We string it all on a skewer and top it off with a boiled egg.

Delicious and satisfying and very fast.

Recipe 2. Olive tenderness

We need: any hard cheese, salmon, bread, greens, green olive.

  • Cut bread into squares
  • fry the tear in olive oil.
  • Further, in the same pieces, the mode of salmon, cheese and
  • We string everything on a beautiful skewer.
  • Decorate with an olive and a sprig of greens on top.

Canape on the festive table of herring

Ah, this herring. How do we love her different types and try to apply to every holiday table. There is a sea of ​​​​recipes with its use. But today we'll take a look best recipes canapes with this fish that will delight you and your family.

  • For this sandwich, you need to make blanks from raw puff pastry in the form of a star,
  • leaving a small hole in the middle for the filling.
  • We prepare the filling from pieces of sausage, grated cheese, green onions, mayonnaise and bacon.
  • We put all this in the middle of the dough and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Canape, thanks to the ease of preparation, has long been affordable dish in every house. And if you haven't tried it yet, then use our recipes and have fun!

VIDEO: canape recipes

Canapes are very small varieties of sandwiches that decorate tables most often at buffet tables. The basis is a small piece of bread (or cookies) and a “filling”.

Of course, now they make canapes without the use of bread. For convenience, canapes are strung on a skewer, firstly, it is more convenient to take miniature sandwiches, and secondly, canapes do not crumble and retain their beautiful, original shape. To date, there are a great many recipes for making canapes. We present the most successful in our opinion.

Canape with cheese and cucumbers- recipe

For cooking " Canape with cheese and cucumbers" you will need

  • 50 g hard cheese
  • 1 cucumber
  • 100 g smoked-boiled ham
  • olives
  • olives
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 lemon
  • 6 slices of white bread
  • butter

Recipe for Canape with Cheese and Cucumbers

Cut the crust from the slices of bread, cut out circles with a glass. Lay the bread on a baking sheet and then dry it in an oven. Cool the bread rolls, then spread each butter, top with a slice of cheese, cucumber and any of the listed ingredients. Fasten the canapes with skewers.

"Canape with tongue" - recipe

To prepare "Canape with tongue" you will need

  • 300 g black bread
  • 100 g boiled beef tongue
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 st. l. chopped horseradish
  • 2 pcs. boiled chicken eggs
  • 2 pcs. fresh cucumber
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 50 g parsley
  • a pinch of salt

Recipe for Canape with Tongue

Cut the bread into small slices, 1 cm wide. Fry them on both sides for a small amount vegetable oil on both sides. Cut out circles from the received croutons. Prepare a mixture of butter and horseradish. Spread bread circles on it, and put circles of the same diameter from the tongue on top. Spread salted sour cream on top and put a circle of cucumber. Pass a skewer through the middle. Chop the eggs and greens, mix and sprinkle the resulting canapes.

"Mushroom Canape"- recipe

To prepare "Mushroom Canape" you will need

  • 200 g marinated champignons
  • 100 g ham
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 50 g green onions
  • 2 pcs. boiled chicken eggs
  • 200 g mayonnaise
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ground pepper to taste

Mushroom canape recipe

Carefully separate the mushroom caps from the stems. Chop the eggs, cheese, ham and onion. Mix everything and add mayonnaise and pepper. Squeeze the garlic in there. Stuff the mushroom caps with the mixture. At the end, insert a skewer into each canapé.

"Savory canapes" - recipe

To prepare "Savory Canapes" you will need

  • 300 g of any bread
  • 100 g salted salmon
  • 1 large fairly firm persimmon
  • 1 lemon
  • 50 g parsley
  • 50 g green salad
  • 50 g soft processed cheese

Recipe for spicy canapes

Cut the bread into small square thin slices, about 1 cm thick. Spread these slices with cheese, put a lettuce leaf and a small piece of persimmon and a slice of lemon on top. Cut the fish into thin plates and beautifully lay out one for each sandwich. Gently place a sprig of parsley on top. Pierce the resulting canapes with skewers.

"Canape with zucchini"- recipe

To prepare "Canape with zucchini" you will need

  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 100 g salted salmon
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 5 pieces. cherry tomatoes
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 50 g green dill and onion
  • lemon juice
  • a pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil for frying

Recipe for canape with zucchini

Cut the zucchini into thin circles 5 mm wide, salt and leave to lie for 10 minutes. Then fry them a little on both sides, blotting with a paper towel from excess oil. Slice cheese and tomato. Cut the fish into thin slices. Now make a canapé. Put zucchini on a plate, then a slice of salmon, mugs of cheese and tomato, again zucchini and salmon, greens. Put a cherry tomato on top and pierce everything with a skewer. Drizzle the lemon juice over the canapés.

"Classic canapes"- recipe

To prepare "Classic Canapes" you will need
100 g bread

  • 1 pickle
  • 100 g pitted olives
  • 100 g of any blue cheese
  • 1 tomato
  • 100 g crab sticks

Recipe for classic Canape

Cut the bread, cheese, tomato and crab sticks into large cubes 1 cm wide. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts and cut into cubes. Now assemble the canapes on a skewer in the following order: bread, cheese, tomato, crab stick, cucumber and olive.

Canape original with herring- recipe

To prepare "Original Canapes with Herring" you will need

  • 100 g black bread
  • 30 g butter
  • 10 g chopped horseradish
  • 50 g herring fillet
  • sour apple

Recipe for "Original canapes with herring"

Cut the bread into thin rectangular slices. Make a paste of butter and horseradish, spread it on slices of bread. Cut the herring into smaller pieces and place on sandwiches. Place a small piece of apple on top. Pierce the canape with a skewer.

"Canape of pickled mushrooms"- recipe

To prepare "Canape of pickled mushrooms" you will need

  • 200 g bread
  • 30 g butter
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 30 g any pickled mushrooms
  • salt and ready-made mustard for dressing
  • 50 g green onions
  • vegetable oil for frying

Recipe for pickled mushroom canape

Cut the bread into small square pieces, fry on both sides for vegetable oil. Lubricate the resulting croutons with butter. Cut the egg into circles. Remove the yolk and mix with finely chopped mushrooms. Season the resulting mixture with mustard, salt. Lay the eggs on the bread, carefully place the mushroom mixture on top. Garnish sandwiches with finely chopped onions.
Perhaps our recipes will inspire you to new, creative ideas!

Canape - recipes and ideas: photo

A festive feast is not only the joy of meeting dear people and the feeling of a holiday, but also stress, as you have to cook a large number of food in a short time. An appetizer on skewers can help in this case - a light and quick dish that in most cases does not require heat treatment and it looks very elegant. From a small set of products, you can create many options for snacks, while the combination of flavors will not be boring or monotonous.

Below are the most simple and delicious options cold appetizers and canapes, which are easy to prepare from a small set of products.

Appetizer on skewers with cheese and ham

To prepare an appetizer, you will need ham, hard cheese; for decoration, you can use slices of fresh cucumber or medium-sized pitted olives.

Cut cheese and ham into equal squares, if desired, you can make the ingredients round or polygonal in shape. First, a decoration is strung on a skewer - a small piece of fresh cucumber or a pitted olive. After that, the ham is pricked, and then the cheese. The resulting snacks are carefully laid out on a serving dish. If desired, they can be decorated with greenery. Serve chilled.

With salami sausage on the festive table

This snack has exquisite taste and, by the way, will have to festive buffet, at home or at work. For its preparation, you will need a high-quality salami sausage, White bread, lettuce leaves, fresh or pickled cucumber for decoration.

The sausage is cut diagonally into thin slices, they should be in the shape of an elongated oval. The bread is cut into small elongated pieces, the salad is torn by hand into small pieces. The cucumber is cut into large cubes.

Products are strung on a skewer as follows: the basis of the appetizer is bread, a lettuce leaf is placed on it, after which it is the turn of salami, which is either twisted into a roll or folded in half. Decorates the resulting appetizer with a small cube of cucumber.

The meal is served chilled. The plate can be decorated with fresh herbs and lettuce.

Canape with smoked chicken

Not only tasty, but also a hearty snack. To prepare it, you will need white or gray bread, lettuce, smoked chicken, Bell pepper, Cherry tomatoes.

Greetings dear readers. Let's talk about snacks today. What is a canape - this is a French "invention" and translates as "tiny". This is fully consistent with the description, since such a snack is very small, as they say "for one tooth." Let's learn how to cook canape on skewers on festive table.

By the way, this word can also be translated as "sofa", I myself was very surprised. But the meaning turns out to be what is meant here as a basis. Usually, canapes are based on bread or a loaf and other ingredients are already placed on it.

Canapes are usually very popular at receptions, picnics, large and mass holidays. Such a snack is easy to feed people quickly enough. Today, canapes are firmly fixed on any holiday tables. This is not surprising. After all, there are a lot of recipes for this snack. and the design is very beautiful, especially if you show imagination.

Today we will consider with you one of the most common canape recipes. They are always prepared very simply and quickly. Even when you see the final product in the photo, you can always do it yourself, repeat it. Well, during cooking, you can turn on your imagination and make your own changes.

You can use any products, even the most simple and unexpected ones, I think there will be no problems here, let's cook canapes on skewers for the festive table.

Canape with fish.

There are a great many types of canapes, it’s very difficult to sort them into groups, but I still collected the most common recipes into small subgroups for your convenience. Let's start with fish, what is a festive table without fish? Small appetizers with fish are a great option.

Canape with herring and beets.

One of the most simple options hastily.

We will need:

  • Black bread;
  • Herring fillet;
  • Garlic;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Boiled beets;
  • Dill.

The amount of ingredients depends on how many appetizers you want to cook, so here you need to look for yourself.

Step 1.

Grate boiled beets, mix with mayonnaise, dill and squeezed garlic.

Step 2

Cut the bread and fish fillet into slices.

Step 3

Now we spread beets on bread, herring on top and pierce with a skewer or toothpick.

Very beautiful and diverse skewers for canapes are now on sale. You should think about them in advance and stock up.

And here is another good option, only used for decoration onion, very effectively.

Herring boats.

And this recipe is very colorful, will decorate any holiday table.


  • Herring fillet - 1-2 pieces;
  • Quail eggs - 5 pcs;
  • Black bread;
  • Mayonnaise.

Step 1.

Cut the fillet into equal slices, remove all the bones. One fish makes 2 fillets.

Step 2

Cut the bread into small pieces, grease with a little mayonnaise. we also erase the crust

Step 3

boiled quail eggs clean and cut in half, put the halves on the bread.

Step 4

Now we put fillet pieces on a skewer to make a sail. We put this sail on our sandwiches. From above, you can beautifully decorate with greens.

Canape from herring "Ship"

You can decorate in different ways and use any ingredients in a canapé. Here is another version of a canape with herring:

Instead of herring, you can use any other fish.

Red fish canape.

Red fish is always welcome on any table. Now I will show you a very beautiful and simple canape recipe on skewers for a red fish festive table. In this recipe we will use salmon, but you can use any other red fish.


  • Salmon - 100-150 g;
  • Bread for toast;
  • Curd cheese - 100-150 g;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1-2 pcs.

Step 1.

Bread for toast should be cut into identical pieces. At the same time, we remove the crust. You can make a round shape, for example, by pushing a glass. The best way- use different molds.

Step 2

Cucumber cut into thin slices and put on bread.

It is best when all the ingredients are the same size, if possible. Looks nice and aesthetically pleasing. For example, in this case bread and cucumber, it is better that bread and cucumber are the same size.

Step 3

Now cut the salmon into thin and long strips. We spread cheese on each piece and twist it into a roll. Put it all on a cucumber and get a masterpiece))).

The fish will hold on to the cheese. For convenience, you can stick skewers in the center or simply put them on a dish nearby.

You can change the recipe a little and instead of cucumber make mayonnaise sauce with greens. And the fish itself can be beautifully made in the form of a rose. The greens on top will also look beautiful.

Here's another video you can watch:

Canape with salmon and quail eggs.

I really liked this recipe great snack before the main course.


  • Quail eggs - 8 pcs;
  • Salmon or lightly salted trout - 80 g;
  • Curd cheese Almette - 70 g;
  • Rye bread - 4 slices;
  • Dill - a few branches.

Step 1.

Mix cheese with finely chopped dill. Mix thoroughly so that the dill is evenly distributed in the mass.

Step 2

We clean the eggs. Boil for 5-7 minutes in boiling water. They are needed in their entirety.

Step 3

Cut the salmon into small pieces, according to the number of canapés.

Step 4

Bread cut into thin squares and dried in the oven. If there are crusts, then they need to be cut off.

Step 5

Now, after the bread has cooled, we put a piece of fish on it. From above we lay out a little our cheese with herbs and an egg. We pierce everything with a skewer and decorate with dill.

Canape with sausage.

As we talked about fish, the same can be said about sausage. Nothing on the table without it. Now consider canapes on skewers on a festive table with sausage and other ingredients.

Appetizer with cucumber and olives.


  • Baguette;
  • Smoked sausage;
  • Butter;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • Pitted olives;
  • Lettuce leaves.

Step 1.

Cut the baguette into slices, grease with oil and lay out the lettuce leaves.

Step 2

Cucumber should be cut into thin slices. The best way to do this is with a vegetable cutter. Cut the sausage in the same way.

Step 3

Now we string an olive on a skewer or a toothpick, a cucumber rolled into a roll, then a sausage and put it on a baguette. Everything is ready.

It's also a pretty simple recipe. We continue to fantasize and make canapés on skewers on the festive table with sausage.


  • Baguette - piece;
  • Dried sausage - 80-100 g;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc, large;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces, small;
  • Hard cheese - 50 g;
  • Pitted olives - 10 pcs.

Step 1.

First you need to cut a ring baguette and dry it in the oven, it turns out something like croutons. Definitely chill.

Step 2

Now you need to cut the olives in half, and cut the cucumber into thin slices along.

Halve the olives and cut the cucumber into thin slices

Step 3

Cut the tomatoes into thin circles. Cheese is also cut into thin slices. It is advisable to cut it in circles according to the diameter of the baguette.

Step 4

Now you can spread a little mayonnaise on the croutons. Put cheese and tomatoes on top.

Step 5

We put half an olive on a skewer. Then we string the cucumber in the form of a wave:

Step 6

Behind the cucumber was sausage. It can be rolled into a roll and onto a skewer. And already stick it in a baguette. Festive canapes are ready.

With cherry tomatoes.

Now let's prepare canapes on skewers for the festive table with boiled sausage and cherry tomatoes. It looks like a simple recipe, but tasty, beautiful and satisfying, everything is as it should be in a canapé.


  • Doctor's boiled sausage;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Leaf lettuce;
  • parsley;
  • The bread is white.

Step 1.

Cut the bread into thin slices and cut out a round shape.

Step 2

Put lettuce on top, then sausage. We fold it 4 times.

Step 3

Put one cherry tomato and parsley on top. We fasten everything with a skewer.

Snacks canape with cheese.

Very often in canapes on skewers on the festive table there is cheese. Therefore, we will separately talk about such small, but hearty snacks. Yes, and in the recipes described above, there were already such snacks with cheese.

Canape "Assorted".

Now we will describe 4 types of canapes with one recipe. That is why this recipe is called so. Everything is still very simple and varied.


  • Rye bread - 75-80 g;
  • Ham 100 g;
  • Hard cheese - 50 g;
  • Canned pineapple - 1 ring;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 pc;
  • Cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Olives - 3 pcs.

Canape "Assorted" - 4 recipes

Step 1.

First bread. We cut slices, cut off the crust from them, divide into 4 parts. Place in preheated oven to dry.

Step 2

Now hard cheese needs to be cut into squares, not very thin and the size of a canapé.

Step 3

Same thing with ham.

Step 4

Cut the pickled cucumber into thin slices obliquely.

Step 5

When the bread has cooled, put cheese on each slice, ham on top. This will be the basis for all types of canapes.

Step 6

Now the first kind of canape. Lay out the cucumber slices and fasten with a skewer.

Step 7

Second type: put cherry tomatoes on the base and pierce with a skewer.

Step 8

The third type: cut the pineapple to the desired size, put it on the base and fasten it with a skewer.

Step 9

The fourth type: put whole olives on each base and pierce with a skewer.

That's all, now we put it beautifully on a plate and serve for a hundred. Can be garnished with lettuce and herbs.

Appetizer with olives, mozzarella and salami.

Very simple canapes on skewers on the festive table, you can’t imagine easier.


  • Olives;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Parsley.
  • Salami.

Everything is quite simple. You need to cut the cheese and salami to the size of the olives. Next, we take sausage as a basis, then parsley, cheese and olive. We fasten everything with a skewer or a toothpick.

Here is another simple, but very cool option:

Canape with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes.


  • Mozzarella cheese;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Basil leaves.

We cut the cheese into cubes according to the size of the tomatoes, even a little less. Now we have a tomato at the bottom, then cheese and a basil leaf. Autumn looks cool.

Canape cheese in ham.

Sometimes canapes don't look like they usually do, layer by layer. You can also make small rolls and fasten them with a skewer. Like this recipe for example.

You can also do the same not with ham, but with bacon. But they will have to be slightly darkened in the oven, we wrote about this in a post:

Everything is elementary here, the main thing is to cut the ham very thinly and into long strips. We wrap the pieces of cheese, fasten with a skewer or a toothpick. You can decorate with greenery.

Appetizers with shrimp.

A special chic in appetizers is shrimp. They not only look beautiful on canapés, but are also insanely delicious. I advise everyone to cook canapes on skewers for a festive table with shrimp.

Shrimps with tomatoes.

Consider one of the simplest recipes. But they look just amazing.

We will need:

  • Boiled shrimp - 10 pcs;
  • Small or cherry tomatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • Bread, preferably toasted - 3-4 pcs.

Step 1.

Of course the shrimp must be boiled. It is better if they are large.

Step 2

Cut the tomatoes into circles. They all need to be the same size as possible.

Step 3

In toast bread, cut out rounds according to the size of tomatoes, slices. But you can cut any other shape. Dry the bread a little in the oven and cool.

Step 4

Now just put a tomato, shrimp on each piece of bread and fasten it with a skewer. Top with greenery.

Such an appetizer always diverges very quickly, so you can cook more of it.

Shrimps with grapes.

This type of snack is also very simple, but it looks very impressive.

Grapes are best taken without seeds. And everything is done very simply. I think the photo is clear and without description. Just two ingredients and beauty. The same can be done with cancer necks.


  • Shrimps;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Cream cheese;
  • Parsley and dill;
  • Pitted olives.

Step 1.

Mix cream cheese thoroughly with finely chopped greens. By the way, the shrimp should be already boiled. If not, cook and clean.

Step 2

Cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices obliquely.

Step 3

Now grease the cucumber with cream cheese, put the olive inside and fasten it with a skewer.

Step 4

Decorate with shrimp as in the photo. Greenery can also be decorated.

It is advisable to use large shrimp in this recipe, but with small ones it also turns out not bad:

And you can also do the same, but with small shrimp, but use bread as a base and remove the olives, put everything on a skewer.

And here's another recipe:

Fruit canapes.

These are the simplest types of canapes on skewers on the festive table, they only act as a dessert. You don’t need to cook anything special, just see in the picture how and what, cut it and you can experiment yourself. But you can decorate the table in many different ways.

But fresh fruit can be put on a skewer without a base, as they are denser in structure. But it’s better not so with canned ones, they need a base, usually crackers.

There is nothing special to describe here, just look and maybe you will have your own ideas on how to make everything even more interesting.

Here, too, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to fit the fruit to one size (cut) and put it on a plate, as it turned out to be a high appetizer and will not stand. You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

And here are the original New Year's fruit canapes, straight Santa's hat.

The next batch is just licking your fingers. In fact, you can string any fruit on a skewer, pour over the icing. Then let it lie down in the refrigerator so that the glaze has cooled down and can be served.

Well, here everything is quite simple, but colorful.


That's all we have. Of course, I want to cover a lot more recipes, but there are so many of them that it is impossible to count them all. I hope you liked our selection and you will choose something for yourself or maybe you have your own ideas? Share your ideas with us in the comments and tell us about us in in social networks. See you in the next editions.

Canape on skewers on the festive table: simple and delicious recipes. updated: December 15, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel