Sweets for birthday. Fruit canape for children

Children's holidays are always a joyful, fun, exciting event, as parents try to organize them bright, interesting and unforgettable. They include a lot of adventures, pranks, and games, as well as a beautifully decorated table. And, of course, sweets. Without them, in any way, because all the children simply adore them.

Today we will talk about how to organize sweet table for a child's birthday in style Candy bar. This style came to us from abroad and is an alternative to our sweet tables. It used to be customary for us to serve dessert after the main feast, while for Americans, for example, they put it on the table at the beginning of the holiday, as part of the original decor.

Candy bar translated from English - "candy bar". This is a beautifully decorated table with sweet treats. The fashion for such decor first came to us at weddings, and today it is also popular at children's parties. Since children love sweets, much attention is paid to the design of the children's sweet table. It must match the style of the holiday. If you are organizing an event in the style of little ponies or other fairy-tale characters, then the table and sweets should correspond to the main color scheme with themed pictures.

Children's sweet table- an integral part of a stylish holiday, and if you make it in the form of a Candy bar, it will definitely become a bright accent and will not leave any of the little guests indifferent.

As a rule, the composition is made up of such confectionery products: gingerbread, meringue, marshmallows, cupcakes, macaroons, cookies, cakes, donuts, marshmallows, cake pops, baskets, cake balls, eclairs and profiteroles, cakes of various shapes and fillings.

What are the advantages of Candy bar compared to the classic children's sweet table?

This is a beautiful photo zone in any room and on any site.

There can be a wide variety of sweets and desserts on one table.

Candy bar is a modern and original addition to the birthday cake.

This design is popular and attracts attention at any celebration, and not only for children.

Able to serve a large number of guests.

Let's take a closer look at the desserts that should form the Candy bar for a children's birthday:

1. cupcakes- these are small biscuit cakes, more commonly known as mini cupcakes or muffins.

2. Macarons- two-layer cookies with filling, in which the dough and cream are dyed in delicate pastel colors with the help of dyes.

3. marshmallow- This is an air marshmallow.

4. Cake Pops- biscuit on a stick. At first glance it seems that everything is simple, but they are amazing.

5. Cake balls- small cakes in the form of balls.

6. Eclairs and Profiteroles- cakes that came to us from french cuisine, baked from puff pastry.

7. You can also use other sweets to decorate the Candy bar: cookies, baskets with cream, marshmallows, gingerbread, meringue, donuts, small cakes, marmalade, candied fruits, baklava, sherbet, caramels, candies, nuts in chocolate or colored glaze, dried fruits , fruit and milk jelly. All sweets should be such that they are comfortable to take in your hand and eat in one bite.

8. Fruits and berries in the form of kebabs, canapes, portioned fruit salads.

9. Cake is, as a rule, the decoration of the entire table, therefore it is placed in the center.

10. Candy bar is not limited to food. Drinks are an important element. Learn more about what drinks can be prepared on children's holiday, read by clicking on . It is convenient when drinks are served in portions in glasses, bottles, jars with straws.

Tableware and accessories for Candy bar

It is recommended to use unbreakable utensils. After all, it is difficult for children to sit still, they are very mobile, and we must protect them. Plates, coasters and vases with high legs are well suited. This will emphasize the variety and beauty of treats, and also help to place them in large quantities.

Accessories should be such that they attract attention and match the theme of the holiday. Compositions of flowers, beads, figurines, photographs of the birthday man, soft toys, flags, postcards and signs with inscriptions are suitable.

Don't forget bright napkins.

Also, a tray with small bags or boxes is sometimes placed next to the Candy bar so that each guest can take a couple of treats with them. You can immediately pack sweets into small bags and hand them to all children at the end of the holiday.

If you are preparing a Candy bar with your own hands, you can also use decorations from them, fabric, paper decor, floral arrangements, ribbons, garlands for the background.

Read about how to decorate a room for a child's birthday. And what and

Summary: Children's birthday at home. Children's birthday, birthday menu. How to set the table for a child's birthday.

A child's birthday is always a special day in a family's life. I really want this memorable day to be remembered for a long time. In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to take care of both the cultural program (entertainment, competitions, draws) and holiday menu. We already talked about how to organize and hold a children's birthday at home in our previous article.

Children's birthday menu. Children's birthday table

If you are preparing salads, then before serving, arrange them in small salad bowls or baskets of shortcrust pastry. Salads served in transparent cups look very nice. A great idea is to organize a salad bar. To do this, lay out the chopped ingredients on separate plates - boiled potatoes, beets, carrots, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers canned corn and green pea, meat, chicken, sausage, boiled eggs, greens, etc.. And dressings for them - homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, butter. Children themselves put what they like and mix salads for themselves. It is important for culinary experiments to offer small plates so that too many products do not suffer due to failures.

Fruits and desserts can also be served in serving cups or, for example, waffle cones.

Children's birthday at home. Recipes children's birthday photo

Children's birthday menu photo. Children's birthday party

Canapes are very popular with children. You will need canapé sticks or wooden skewers for barbecues. And what to string on them: fresh and salty cucumbers, avocado, sweet bell pepper different colors, raw and boiled carrots, cheese, processed cheese in slices, boiled and peeled quail eggs, meat, chicken, sausage, olives, olives, apples, oranges, cherry tomatoes, grapes, etc. Huge collection canapes you will find at this link >>>> There are canapes with salmon, cheese, shrimps, ham, boiled pork and sausage, canapes with chicken, duck and turkey, 12 canapes with herring and much more.

And here is an example of fruit and berry "kebabs" on skewers.

You can serve ready-made canapes to the table, or you can invite children to make their own canapes from products prepared in advance.

Birthday child what to cook. Children's birthday what to cook

Complement the table mini sandwiches with ham, herring oil, pate from chicken liver and cheese sauce. You can put the filling not on bread, but in tartlets. Do not forget also about the rolls of pita bread and eggplant, stuffed eggs and tomatoes. A large number of healthy recipes you will find on the website of Anastasia Skripkina, in the section "Snacks and sandwiches"

Recipes for a child's birthday. Recipes for children. Children's menu

If the kids are old enough and your kitchen has enough room for culinary experiments, then you can invite them to cook their own pizzas. Children receive ready-made foundations from the dough and fill them with selected ingredients to your taste. Pizzas are baked and everyone gets the result of their culinary research.

Another win-win option is assorted pasta. Most children love them very much. And to make the dish more festive, buy pasta of different shapes and colors, cook them (separately from each other) and arrange them beautifully on plates. You can also serve various condiments - tomato sauce, grated cheese, minced boiled meat for “pirate pasta”.

Sweet table for children's birthday. Dessert recipes

Of course, no children's birthday is complete without a cake. The cake can be homemade or purchased, at your discretion. We recommend that you serve the cake on a special dish with a leg. Cakes, pastries and fruits located on such dishes look very festive and solemn. You can buy a dish with a leg in a store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you will need plates of different diameters, as well as candlesticks or wine glasses. Glue them together with a glue gun. The finished structure, if desired, can be painted with spray paint from a can. Cm.

Make your child's holiday beautiful - decorate a room, a photo zone, a high chair, a festive table, a sweet table and a candy bar for his birthday.

To make your child's birthday look like a beautiful fairy tale, learn how to make decorations for the room, birthday table, photo zone, high chair with your own hands.

Decoration for a child's birthday child 1 - 7 years old - a festive table: photo ideas

Well, what's a birthday without holiday table? Wherever your child's holiday takes place, at home, in the playroom or cafe, you need to think over the menu, which will include healthy, tasty and beautiful dishes. But sometimes this is not enough to seat the overplayed birthday man and his guests at the table and persuade them to eat. The table itself needs to be beautifully decorated, made attractive to kids.

IMPORTANT: On the Internet and in newspapers, you can find advertisements of entrepreneurs who are engaged in the decoration of children's tables. Look for ideas in their portfolio if your own imagination is lacking.

It is unlikely that children will want to play aristocrats, they will not appreciate the snow-white tablecloth and expensive china. Color their holiday with bright colors!
First, choose a theme for the holiday. Flowers, butterflies, princesses - for a girl, cars, pirates, dinosaurs - for a boy. If a child has a favorite cartoon, why not use it as the basis for a themed birthday party?

Festive table in the style of Frozen.

Children's holiday table in the style of Minions.

Think about what you will focus on - on the tablecloth or on the dishes. There is a rule - a plain tablecloth is selected for bright dishes. And, on the contrary, if the emphasis is on a bright tablecloth with a children's pattern, it is better to take plain dishes so that they do not get lost on the table. In the photo you can see that the serving also looks good, on which the tablecloth and dishes complement each other in pattern and style.

The original design of the children's table: tablecloth and dishes in the same style.

If you haven't found a tablecloth that matches your style, decorate the one you have with confetti and serpentine. Just make sure that these decorations do not fall into the children's plates with food.
The protagonist of the celebration, of course, is the birthday man. But pay attention to all his little guests. Consider their seating. It will be very good if you mark a place for each child with a banquet card. If the kids can't read yet, put their pictures on the cards, not their names. Leave a sweet compliment or a small souvenir near each place, guests will be delighted. Also put a birthday cap for each little guest.

Napkins also pick up the style, but do not just lay them out near the plates or put them in cups. Master the technique of origami or curly folding, make figurines out of them.

Figure from a textile napkin. Figure from a paper napkin.

Don't need to decorate children's table fresh flowers in vases. They're kids, anything can happen. spilled water, a scattered bouquet, broken glass will overshadow the holiday. Think of a better way to decorate the table with balloons.

Children love to drink from straws. Find and buy some beautiful and original ones that resonate with the theme of your holiday. If there are none, you can buy the most common ones and decorate them with your own hands. The same decorations, by the way, can be on skewers for canapes.

Decorated straws.

You can make such a decoration for straws with your own hands.

Change labels on baby drinks. Do it yourself or download ready-made label templates with a photo of the birthday man and wishes for him.

IMPORTANT: You will need to work on the thematic design of the festive table for the little birthday boy. Find ready-made templates for caps, flags, labels, stickers on glasses, banquet cards. Process them in Photoshop or another editor and print at the nearest printing house.

Decor for a children's table in the style of Robocar Polly.

Sweet table decoration for children's birthday: photo ideas

Playrooms and entertainment centers do not always have large tables where children can have a full meal. holiday dinner or dinner. But you can always organize a small sweet table.

  1. Decorate the table itself, decorate it with balls and flags.
  2. Arrange sweet treats on the table - cookies and sweets in boxes and bright vases, portioned cupcakes, cakes, juices in portioned boxes (labels on them, again, can be changed) or bright cups with straws. It's a great idea to serve cupcakes and cakes with edible drawings or inscriptions.
  3. Set a separate stack of plastic plates for each child to enjoy.
  4. Don't forget about napkins too. Put them in a pile or put them in a glass.
  5. If there is a cake on the sweet table, cut it into pieces in advance, and let an adult help the little guests put these pieces on their plates.

Sweet table for the "anniversary" of the child.

Sweet table for a girl's birthday.

Sweet table in the style of Mickey Mouse.

Sweet table for a boy's birthday.

IMPORTANT: On the sweet table for children, you can serve cookies with wishes. Or riddles or tasks, with which the next fun competition will begin.

Sweet table Cars.

Sweet table Princess Castle.

VIDEO: Sweet table for children for their birthday. Holiday Disney

Decoration of children's dishes for a child's birthday: photo ideas

Do not be lazy to decorate the dishes that you will serve at the children's birthday party. You can borrow design ideas from the photo below.

Design options for children's pizza.

Cutlets for children.

Salad for children: design idea.

Salads and other dishes for a children's birthday table.

Design options for children's sandwiches and canapes.

Children love sandwiches very much. Use the search on the main page of our website to read articles on how to beautifully arrange canapés with chicken, vegetables and seafood for them.

Decoration of a candy bar for a child's birthday 1 - 7 years old: photo ideas

It is very fashionable to organize a candy bar for a children's birthday - a table with a large number of vases, jars and plates with different caliber sweets. Bright and delicious! The main thing is that the children do not overeat.

Children's candy bar.

IMPORTANT: Candy-bar, like a sweet table, should be located at such a height that children can easily get treats. It is impossible for them to stretch, overturning the dishes with sweets standing in front.

Decorate the area behind the candy bar with balloons, flags, posters. Then the place for refreshments will simultaneously become a photo zone.

VIDEO: Candy Bar - "Princess"

Cake decoration for a child's birthday child 1 - 7 years old: photo ideas

A birthday without a cake is not the same, both adults and children will agree with this. A children's birthday cake should be special, because it is a delicacy that kids are looking forward to and will receive as a reward for participating in contests and games. And the birthday boy should make a wish by blowing out the candles.

  1. The simplest and most standard decision you can make is to buy finished cake, yogurt, Napoleon, Medovik, Smetannik, Day and Night, etc., and to it - candles in the amount of how old the child turns. Or one candle in the form of a number. They are now very beautiful, with an unusual design.
  2. AT last years cakes are made to order by confectioners and craftswomen at home. Some of them are so beautiful that it is even a pity to eat them. You can pre-order the filling of the cake and its design.
  3. If you bake yourself, often pamper your family with delicious cakes, try for your birthday! Please note that you will need to allocate a whole day to prepare a real confectionery masterpiece.
Instructions for making a cake in the form of a number. Cake with buttercream decorations.

Girl's birthday cake.

Boy's birthday cake.

IMPORTANT: You can bake biscuit cake unusual shape, for example, as a number. You will need to cut the cakes and lay them out as shown in the picture.

Do not make shortcrust pastry cake for children under 3 years of age. Babies can choke on crumbs. Biscuit is the most suitable solution. The cream should be natural and not too greasy.
You can make decorations for a children's cake from:

  • glaze (icing)
  • cream
  • chocolate
  • marzipan
  • mastics

Figures from mastic for cake Paw Patrol. children's cake Superheroes. Children's cake Lalaloopsy.

Watch workshops on making inscriptions and figurines for the cake. Also, in many pastry shops you can buy ready-made figurines made of chocolate, marzipan and mastic. But can you be sure that they are absolutely safe?

Children's cake with chocolate decoration.

Topics for decorating a birthday cake for a child can be:

  • number (how old is the child)
  • favorite cartoon (film, fairy tale, game) of the child
  • child's hobbies (flowers, animals, roller skates, football, ballet, etc.)

If you're hosting a themed party for part of a child's birthday, the cake should be in keeping with the overall concept of the party.

Children's cake Luntik.

Personalized garland for a boy's birthday with his own hands: templates, photos

The garland that you use to decorate a room for a children's birthday is easy to make with your own hands. It may look like:

  • multi-colored flags with the name of the birthday boy and the words "Congratulations!" or "Happy Birthday!"
  • a little train with wagons "carrying" numbers, letters or photographs of the birthday boy
  • circles
  • hearts
  • cars, airplanes, hearts, etc.

You can download ready-made flag templates for a garland. For example, for a boy, with Minions.

Garland for a boy's birthday: 1.

Garland for a boy's birthday: 2. Garland for a boy's birthday: 3. Garland for a boy's birthday: 4. Garland for a boy's birthday: 5. Garland for a boy's birthday: 6.

Garland for a boy's birthday: 7. Garland for a boy's birthday: 8. Garland for a boy's birthday: 9. Garland for a boy's birthday: 10. Garland for a boy's birthday: 11. Garland for a boy's birthday: 13. Garland for a boy's birthday: 14. Garland for a boy's birthday: 15.

Garland for a boy's birthday: 16. Garland for a boy's birthday: 17.

Also try to make a garland yourself using Photoshop, Power Point or another editor.

Personalized garland for a girl's birthday with her own hands: templates, photos

You can make a gentle garland for a girl's birthday in the same way as for a boy. Choose a picture - with girly cartoons, princesses, flowers, etc.

Garland for girls: 1.

Garland for girls: 2.

Garland for girls: 3.

Garland for girls: 4.

Garland for girls: 6.

Garland for a girl: 7.

Garland for a girl: 8.

Garland for a girl: 9.

Garland for a girl: 10.

Garland for a girl: 11.

Garland for a girl: 12.

Garland for a girl: 13.

Or take up needlework. Prepare:

  • wrapping paper in several colors
  • multicolored paper molds for cupcakes or corrugated paper
  • colored paper
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • scissors

DIY garland for a girl: 1.

DIY garland for a girl: 2.

DIY garland for a girl: 3.

DIY garland for a girl: 4.
  1. From wrapping paper, cut out rectangles in the amount equal number flags on a garland.
  2. Cut out these rectangles and fold them in half. Glue the halves together, cut their edges to make the flags the desired shape.
  3. Make mugs out of crepe paper or cupcake liners. By the way, for them you can use the same brown paper rectangles. Just fold them like an accordion and glue them in the form of circles.
  4. Cut out circles from colored paper. Also make letters from colored paper.
  5. Glue the corrugated circles to the flags in the center, colored circles to them, letters to these circles.
  6. Assemble the garland by hanging the flags on a strong colored thread or braid, attach in the right place on the wall.

Garland - train: 1.

Garland - train: 1.

Garland - train: 3.

Garland - train: 4.

VIDEO: Birthday garland: master class

Photo zone decoration for a child's birthday: photo ideas

Previously, photo zones were made for weddings. But I would like to leave a memory in the form of unusual, vivid photographs from other solemn events, for example, a children's birthday.

Photo zone for a year old girl.

IMPORTANT: If you have at least 3,500 rubles, you can order a photo zone according to your taste from a company that organizes holidays.

Photo zone for a boy's birthday.

Do it yourself, it will definitely be cheaper. And also with great love for the little birthday boy.
The elements of your photozone can be:

  1. Decorative fence. You can paint and decorate a section of several boards at your discretion. Such fences with clouds, flowers, trees look especially impressive in nature.
  2. Banner. Another idea for a photo zone background. It can be made from fabric (sew on the same fake clouds, stars, flowers, insects, etc.) or from paper. Decorate a huge paper poster with baby photos, inscriptions, paper flowers, string garlands, etc.
  3. Arch. For a child, make it from colorful balloons.
  4. Balloons. Suitable figurines loved by children, helium balloons on strings, a number from balloons.
  5. Number. It can be made not only from balls, but also from paper, ribbons, napkins, discs, etc.
  6. Fake gifts. Or real gifts in colorful paper-wrapped boxes with bows and ribbons or gift bags.
  7. Kids toys. For example, a huge teddy bear.
Street photo zone.

A beautiful photo zone for a little princess. Photo zone Little Pony.

VIDEO: How to make a simple photo zone for a children's birthday?

Decoration of a highchair for a child's birthday: photo ideas

When your little one turns 1, their high chair can be turned into a real throne! Did it ever occur to you that the chair could be decorated? Look at the photo, it looks just great!
Decorate the highchair top with a streamer with the number "1", the words "one" or the name of the baby.

Birthday chair.

A chair decorated for a child's birthday.

Make a garland of small balloons.

Chair with tulle skirt Mini Mouse.

Garlands of ribbon tassels and paper flowers also look spectacular.

If a girl celebrates her birthday, the chair can be decorated with tulle ribbons. The decor is made according to the principle of a tutu skirt. Read the article " " to understand the technology.

Chair decorated with ribbons.

High chair decoration can also be themed.

fruit birthday decoration

Useful fruit desserts for children, too, you need to present beautifully. Experience shows that they scatter with a bang:

  • fruit and berry cutting, laid out figured
  • fruit figurines (food art)
  • fruit and berry skewers
  • fruit and berry canapes
  • fruits and berries in tartlets
  • You can make a number-decoration for a child's birthday using the ideas from the article ""

    Number for a child's birthday.

    An element of the photo zone or just a decoration of the room will be a poster with a photo of the birthday man, his significant dates, interesting facts and wishes. If you want to do this, you will be interested in articles:

  1. « « A poster for a children's birthday, made from a template. VIDEO: How to decorate a children's birthday? Do-it-yourself number from napkins and cardboard

If you once celebrated a birthday at work, you know how difficult it is. It is necessary to come up with, cook, cut, and still have strength for beauty, receiving gifts, listening to toasts and cleaning up after without a sorceress godmother. And no one canceled work duties.

How to make you want to celebrate this holiday every day, and not rest 2 weeks after? Secrets - the right organization and thoughtful menu!

In this article: birthday menu, ready-made and proven recipes, menu rules, shopping list. Bookmark this article, print (or rewrite your shopping list) and start making it easy, delicious and fun!

Rules for compiling a menu for a birthday:

1) Each organization has its own tradition of celebrating a birthday. Usually, there is an unwritten law: the smaller the person in the team, the more expectations from the hero of the occasion. If the participants of the holiday are 5-6 people, then there can be several salads, hot dishes, snacks, a cake on the table; if 10-12, then the table may consist of sausage and cheese slices, fruits, vegetables and sweets, team members of more than 15 people celebrate with sweets. However, there can always be exceptions. We will present an option for each table.

2) Dishes that will be on the table should:

  • be prepared in advance
  • get ready minimal amount time;
  • easy to pack and be transportable.

3) It is important to think over all the necessary little things (napkins, disposable tableware, corkscrew, knives, board). On the table, it will be especially beautiful not the usual disposable white plastic utensils, but colored paper utensils. If finances allow, you can purchase 1-2 sets of inexpensive glasses. It is budgetary, but it looks completely different than disposable tableware, and colleagues will say “thank you” more than once.

4) The number and types of drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) should be determined taking into account the tastes and capabilities of all those participating in the celebration.

5) Purchase List to be drawn up and implemented no later than 2 days before the birthday.

Considering all of the above, we propose an option


from quick, tasty and proven recipes for 5-6 people:

Active time for preparing each recipe takes 10-15 min t, cake preparation-35 minutes. Total time active preparation of a birthday menu in the office of 5 courses: 2 hours.

The number of products indicated in the menu, calculated for a company of 4 people(except for the cake, it is designed for 8 people). If you plan to have a birthday large quantity person, then just multiply the number right products 2, 3, 4 times.

In order for the holiday to be a joy, and you have time for everything, you need to observe


3 days before birthday:

Determine the number of people present at the party required amount and the types of drinks needed important little things. Add this information to your shopping list.

2 days before birthday:

1 day before birthday:

In the morning: take out of the refrigerator and leave to warm butter and eggs, pour cherries with cognac or vodka for

In the evening: boil squid and eggs, leave to cool.

Prepare all ingredients for salads (cut squids, wash cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, greens).

On the day of the holiday:

Cake and main course are ready. It remains only to prepare salads, cut snacks, vegetables, fruits, stuff eggs. It is convenient to use the help of colleagues, usually they respond with pleasure to a request for support in such a situation.


Vegetables, fruits, herbs

Lettuce leaves - 400 gr.
Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Sweet pepper - 3 pcs. (It is better to take peppers of different colors)
Onion in feathers -1 bunch + 1 pc.
Dill -2 bunches + 3 sprigs
Parsley -2 bunches + 3 sprigs
Garlic - 5 cloves
Cherry - 200 gr. (you can use frozen)

Nuts, seeds, dried fruits

Walnuts - 50 gr.

Meat, fish, eggs

Eggs - 15 pcs.
Squids - 900 g
Red caviar - for decoration


Cheese - 150 gr.
Milk - 2 tablespoons
Cottage cheese - 100 g.
Butter - 300 gr.
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Condensed milk - 0.3 cans

Grocery and others

Cocoa powder - 7 tbsp
Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
Olive oil - 5 tbsp.
Yeast puff pastry - 1 pack (500 g). There should be 2 layers in the package of dough.
Mayonnaise - 150 gr.
Mushrooms - 300 g frozen porcini. If a forest mushrooms No, you can substitute champignons.
Sugar - 255 gr.
Cognac or vodka - 100 gr.
Soda - 1/2 tsp

Spices and seasonings

Vinegar - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Black pepper - to taste


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Kitchen towels
Disposable plates

Disposable forks and spoons
Cutting board


from snacks and fruits and vegetables for 9-12 people :

The format of such a table for employees involves a large number of snacks, cheese and ham and sausage slices and for sweets:. This menu option is simpler than the previous one, but it involves more effort to decorate the festive table.


3 days before birthday:

Determine the exact number of those present at the celebration, the required number and types of drinks, and the necessary important little things. Add information to the shopping list.

2 days before birthday:

Buy groceries, drinks, important little things according to the shopping list, the basis for which is given below.

1 day before birthday:

On the day of the holiday:

1 hour before the start of the holiday, asking colleagues for help, cut cheese and sausage, fruits, vegetables, put olives and / or olives, mushrooms, decorate with herbs.


(for 12 people)

Main snacks:

Bread (2-3 varieties): white, Borodino, etc. - 2 loaves of Borodino, 2 loaves of white bread.

Sausage cuts (sausage, ham and other smoked meats) - 1.2 kg

Cheese 2-3 varieties. -1.2 kg.

Olives, black olives - 3 cans

Pickles, Korean salads-1.5kg.

Pickled mushrooms-600 gr.

Greens: 2-3 bunches

Fruits (apples, kiwi, bananas, oranges) -2.5 kg.

Vegetables (tomatoes) winter season can be replaced with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers) -1.5 kg.

For the cake:

Oranges - 3 pcs.
Bananas - 2 pcs.
Muesli - 1 glass
Corn flakes - 1 cup
White chocolate - 250 gr.
Kefir - 500 gr.
Fatty cream - 200 ml. (fat content not less than 33%, otherwise they will not whip)
Gelatin - 40 gr.
Sugar - 250 gr.


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Kitchen towels
Disposable plates
Disposable cups (or goblets)
Disposable forks and spoons
Cutting board


Sweet table for 15 people

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at work with a sweet table, then there is also something to surprise your colleagues with. You can cook (in fact, these are 4 pies with the same dough, but different contents), the cooking technology allows you to do this quickly, different fillings cater to every taste.


3 days before birthday:

Determine the amount and types of drinks (if necessary), important little things. Add information to the shopping list.

2 days before birthday:

Buy food for the cake, drinks, important little things according to the shopping list.

1 day before birthday:

On the day of the holiday:

Cut pies, announce the beginning of the holiday :)


For the French king pie:

Puff pastry - 2 kg
Chicken egg - 7 pcs
Brown sugar - 350 g
Butter - 245 g
Egg yolk (for lubrication) - 2 pcs
Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Pistachios (unsalted, ground) - 100 g
Pineapple (fresh) - 60 g
Coconut shavings - 60 g
Almonds (ground) - 250 g
Raspberries (frozen) - 125 g
Black currant (frozen) - 125 g
Milk (for lubrication) - 4 tbsp. l.


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Disposable plates
Disposable cups (or goblets)
Disposable forks
Cutting board

Happy birthday!

P.S. If you need to prepare a birthday at home, then the principle of organizing a holiday will be different. You can learn how to celebrate a birthday without sacrifice.

Setting a children's table for a birthday or any other event has its own characteristics, rules and even trends. For example, in recent years, candy bars and themed table decorations have come into fashion. Let's figure out how to arrange a magical and bright holiday for your baby at home with your own hands: what to treat the little guests, how to decorate the festive table and / or candy bar, and how to manage everything and fit into the budget.

10 tips for mom

So, to organize and decorate a children's holiday table, you need:

1. Choose a theme or style

Children have a great imagination, which is why a themed children's party is doomed to success - your kid and his friends will be happy to plunge into the magical world, for example, of their favorite cartoon. And it will be easier for you to come up with colors, decorations, a child’s outfit and holiday attributes.

  • It is better to choose the theme of the holiday together with the hero of the occasion, and if you are sure of his preferences, then a thematic birthday can be a wonderful surprise.

There are a lot of topics for children's holidays, here are three groups of the most popular topics:

  1. Themes of cartoons, films and books. For example, it can be the classic Alice in Wonderland or Cinderella, or it can be the modern and very popular Frozen, My Little Pony, Harry Potter, Smeshariki, Minions, etc. See examples of such party design in the following photo selection (scroll).
  1. Topics of interesting professions, fields of activity. These can be: scientists, ballerinas, pilots, astronauts, firefighters, farmers, detectives, etc. You can also focus on your child's hobbies - whether he likes to draw, sing, dance, read, is interested in animals, history, geography, etc., all hobbies can be beaten in decorating a children's table.

  1. Themes of different historical eras and cultures of the peoples of the world. This may be the design of a children's table, stylized on the theme of Indians, Vikings, medieval knights, pirates, etc.

On the other hand, it is not very easy to fit the chosen theme and oblige guests to dress up in certain outfits, so you can simply choose some interesting motif (hearts, stars, stripes, etc.), style and color palette.

2. Maintain the color scheme

Regardless of whether you want to arrange a themed birthday or just decorate the table beautifully, you need to maintain a certain color scheme of 2-3 colors - this condition is almost the main secret of a successful table setting. Ideally, all elements - from napkins to straws for drinks, should match the selected shades.

3. Choose a suitable room and prepare furniture

  • Children's holiday at home can be held in the children's room, living room or kitchen.

  • If you want to put a candy bar, then a chest of drawers, a coffee table, a mobile serving table can be used as a table. You can place it in front of a window or in a corner if there is not enough space.

  • If the footage of the room allows, then you can divide the guests into two companies and set two tables - one for parents, the other for little friends.

4. Hang ceiling and wall decorations above the table

You need to decorate not only the table itself, but also the space around it. Almost all the decor can and should be done with your own hands:

  • Garland with the inscriptions "Happy Birthday!" or the name of the child;
  • Paper decorations: colored pompoms, flowers, figurines, stars, hearts, etc.;
  • Background for a table or candy bar made of paper or fabric, etc.

5. Choose the right dishes for sweets

You will need to prepare:

  • Plates and cutlery;
  • Shelves for sweets and fruits;

  • Glasses. Instead, you can use jars and bottles of a suitable size, for example, from under baby food. They, of course, should be decorated and filled in advance;

  • Cake stand (cake stand);

  • For a dessert bar, you will need dishes and trays for treats.

Tip: for reasons of safety, economy and beauty, use disposable tableware - paper or hard plastic. You need to try to find it in a certain color, but if you can’t find it, take the universal white sets.

6. Make an elegant tablecloth

There are no requirements for a festive tablecloth for a children's table, except for matching the chosen color scheme. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy high quality finished goods and spend time on neat sewing.

  • A tablecloth for a candy bar can have a slight overhang or floor length. Such a banquet literally in 1 evening from taffeta, organza, mesh or packaging film. To fix and drape the fabric, in addition to sewing, you can use a stapler, glue cobweb or just tape as shown in the photo on the right.

  • On a festive children's table, you can lay a colored disposable tablecloth or oilcloth, which is now easy to find in ordinary stores;
  • The most ordinary white tablecloth, which is in every home, is easily amenable to creative modifications. You can simply lay on it an elegant runner of the desired color, or a colored disposable tablecloth. See the next photo for some ideas.

7. Make or buy decor for serving and treats

Decorations for the children's holiday table play a very important role, and you can also make them yourself from improvised and natural materials.

  • Vases;
  • Underplates;
  • Napkins (paper, not textile);
  • Jewelry for tubes, skewers, spoons, etc.;
  • Decoration for cake and desserts;
  • Various table decor, including themed;
  • (it is possible only for decoration, you need to light candles with caution).

Here are some ideas to keep in mind.

8. Make a menu and find suitable recipes

Birthday for children is a celebration of the stomach, when the table is covered with favorite sweets and not very healthy goodies. Your task is not only to brightly decorate the dishes, but also to serve them in a form convenient for children: in mini-formats, in cups, boxes, in the form of canapes, on skewers, on sticks and in tartlets. And most importantly, do not overdo it - kids do not need a lot of food during fun.

Here is a list of dishes from which you can make a menu:

  • Sweet (for the main table or candy bar): cupcakes, donuts, eclairs, pancakes, cookies, macaroni, gingerbread, cake pops (biscuit balls in icing on sticks), lollipops, marmalade, marshmallows, gingerbread, beautiful sweets and, of course well, cake. Sweets can replace / supplement fruits, berries and nuts in the form of canapes, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band with yogurt in a glass. The photo below shows an example of decorating cupcakes and fruits for a pirate party.

  • Second: baked potato stuffed inside, french fries, nuggets and mac and cheese are more likely to be eaten.
  • The children's table can only be covered with snacks: spring rolls, pies, small sandwiches, mini sandwiches and burgers, crackers, salads in tartlets.

9. Decorate chairs

Chairs can also "participate" in the creation of the holiday. To do this, they can be decorated, draped, tied with a bow, tie a ball, hang jewelry, name plates or any thematic attributes on them.

10. Prepare memorable gifts or compliments for guests

If you wish, in memory of the event, prepare mini-presents or compliments for guests and put them on snack plates as shown in the photo below. It can be carrots with sweets, toys or attributes that match the theme. For example, tiaras for princesses, magic wands for fairies, blindfolds for pirates, horns, hats, etc., that is, something that children can immediately apply and then take home.

And the last advice is to start preparing for the holiday as early as possible, then you will have more time to make decor with your own hands, search and “rehearse” recipes and other things. So, if you want to organize a holiday with a candy bar, then preparation should begin as early as 6-2 months, depending on the size of the table. Well, that's all, we wish you pleasant creative efforts, creative ideas and their successful implementation!