Tea signs. Why pour milk, water or tea

Our ancestors have always sought to notice the signs associated with food and drink. Some of them seem ridiculous and ridiculous, but they continue to exist for centuries. Due to the manifestation of identical patterns, the events that have occurred begin to be interpreted as the forerunners of future events.

What happens if you spill tea?

Ever heard that you shouldn't leave a spoon in a cup? It is a spoon in a cup that can cause the opportunity to pour tea, and this sign is interpreted in different ways.

According to ancient beliefs, pouring unfinished tea can anger the Gods (in our case, the Higher Power), who will see waste at the dinner table and send a lot of trouble to an unfortunate person, which means at least choke on tea.

However, today there are many other signs that promise happiness:

  • When tea was spilled in a hurry, and a person does not pay attention to this procedure, then financial well-being awaits him;
  • An unmarried girl spills tea on her clothes - soon she will be married.

After spilling tea on the table and noticing the foam, expect material profits. If you see bubbles, kiss your loved one. At the same time, for spilled tea for the sake of pampering, you can quarrel a lot.

And if you accidentally spilled tea, this omen promises unpleasant events. As a rule, people who do this risk being misunderstood or embarrassed. Avoiding the "promised" trouble is simple: sweep the spilled tea on a piece of paper and burn it.

Why take out the spoon?

Many people today are wondering why it is still worth taking a spoon out of a cup, in addition to avoiding injury. According to popular belief, this leads to a significant deterioration in the financial situation. In addition, in this case, the sign of spilling or scattering tea on yourself can be realized.

For example, a person who left a spoon in a cup may have health problems caused by even an undamaged eye or a torn nose. This is associated with much bigger problems: you can seriously burn yourself with a spoon, and then even the help of a surgeon may be required.

Some interpret this omen differently, saying that a spoon in a cup is happiness out. And if you put a spoon on a cup so that it touches the table at the same time, it means to inoculate a demon. According to an old belief, the devil can climb such a bridge into a person, causing many ailments and life problems.

There is another common sign associated with the loss of money.

Of course, sometimes everything is not so sad, but knowledgeable people advise you to always pay attention to various signs, as this helps to look a little into the future, preventing trouble. Otherwise, what you should believe depends only on your preferences, but drinking tea is, nevertheless, without a spoon.

All signs about tea

To an unmarried guy who always underfills his cup of tea- get a wife with thick lips. It is believed that the one who does this, all his life- will have to vegetate in need.

People who fill mugs to the brim or who constantly spill tea- destined to never know what financial problems are.

Tea leaves caught in a mug- this is a sign that foreshadows the receipt of news in the very near future. Anyone who takes the trouble to count the number of tea leaves will be able to determine what they will lead. An odd number warns of bad news, an even number warns of good news. Also, this sign says that you can expect a gift.

If a person spilled tea or spilled tea leaves- this promises him some kind of surprise or misunderstanding.

Girl pours tea on herself- put a wedding ring on her finger soon.

Shaking tea in a teapot- call for a quarrel.

If two people drink tea from the same teapot- the fat is in the fire.

If a girl allows a man she knows to pour her a second cup of tea- she will certainly give in to his harassment and will be deceived by him.

If a man and a woman pour tea together- They're having a baby.

Bubbles on the surface of tea- harbingers of imminent kisses.

One who first pours milk or cream into tea, and then puts sugar- risks losing his beloved.

Since ancient times, people have noticed various patterns in life, on the basis of which they made predictions for the future. There are a huge number of folk signs, the subject tends to infinity, and among them there are those that are associated with food and drink. Perhaps, to some, these signs may seem naive, far-fetched, or completely absurd, but they have existed for more than one hundred years. It is their "longevity" that proves that there is at least a little truth in them. Studying signs is not only interesting, but also useful: after all, there are signs with a reversible effect. How to avoid negative consequences, read our article.

Surely, you have heard about the fact that in no case should you leave a spoon in a cup of tea? This advice (or even instruction) has a logical explanation: most often it is poured because of the spoon. This failure was especially frightening for our ancestors: they believed that spilled tea could cause anger in the Higher Forces, who could perceive awkwardness as wastefulness and repay it according to deserts. But what if the tea is still spilled? There are several interpretations for this case.

It must be admitted that, unlike in the past, in our time there are many signs that promise happiness. For example, if you spill tea in a hurry, unintentionally, then there is a high probability that material well-being awaits the offender in the future. Also, tea that was spilled on the table and was with foam promises financial profit. If the foam is not visible, but bubbles form, it doesn’t matter either - a kiss with a loved one will soon happen. And an unmarried girl who accidentally stained her clothes with spilled tea can prepare for the imminent arrival of matchmakers.

However, there are less happy predictions. You should not indulge in time, because pampering can turn into spilled tea. And under such circumstances, signs advise preparing for a strong quarrel (there is a glimmer of hope that it is not because of this pampering). Even scattered dry tea leaves speak of unpleasant events approaching your home. But you can correct the situation and avoid embarrassing situations and misunderstandings: you need to sweep the scattered tea leaves onto a piece of paper, and then give it a fire.

Should I take out the spoon?

Many compatriots argue that it is worth it. According to them, this reduces the risk of injury. An ordinary hot spoon can burn you, and in more severe cases, you will need the help of a surgeon.

A similar rational approach was in the past, expressed by a sign: they say, if you leave a spoon, you will soon spill tea on yourself or scatter tea leaves, in special cases health problems may arise. Therefore, popular beliefs also say that it is worth taking out a spoon. In their opinion, a spoon left in a circle can worsen the level of material condition, moreover, rapidly (although getting injured is still faster). Another interpretation can be expressed in words: a spoon in a mug - happiness out.

However, it is also important how to put a spoon, taking it out of the mug. For example, if you put it in such a way that it will simultaneously touch the table, then this can serve as a signal for evil spirits. According to ancient beliefs, a spoon in a similar position is a kind of teleport for a horned devil, which with its help sneaks into a person and becomes the cause of life's hardships and various kinds of diseases. Some believe that the spoon position described above can cause money loss.

Thus, both experts and signs unanimously say: it is better to drink tea without a spoon.

Which way to stir the tea

According to the existing sign, tea should only be stirred in a clockwise direction. If you believe you will accept, then stirring tea counterclockwise, you can turn back time. For this reason, it is recommended to stir the tea only in a clockwise direction.

A piece of bread falls into the tea

Sometimes signs can seem very strange and unusual. There is a special belief according to which a piece of bread that has fallen into tea has a special meaning. If bread fell into tea, it means that unexpected guests will appear in the house soon.

The tea stick got into the tea

By paying attention to various details, you can learn a lot about your future. There is an old saying that sticks fall into a cup of tea for a reason. If you believe, I believe that this means the beginning of some new business.

hair in tea

Among folk signs, she will also have some very strange ones. So, for example, a hair found in tea does not mean at all that you should clean your apartment better. In fact, his appearance is a hint of higher powers for quick successes and big changes.

Drink tea with salt

According to an old sign, drinking tea with salt is a very fortunate coincidence and a real gift of fate. Thus, a person who has drunk tea finds a way to avoid great misfortune or a major quarrel with someone close.

Drink someone else's tea

Among the interesting signs that make you think seriously, there is one that does not advise drinking tea after another person. This is especially true for relatives and friends. Thus, a person who has drunk tea runs the risk of finally quarreling with him.

If the fly got into the tea

Seeing a fly in your tea is quite an unpleasant sight. But there is a sign that can explain such a combination of circumstances. It says that if a fly gets into a glass of tea, then you should definitely expect a gift from someone close to you.

If the tea spilled

Spilling tea, people immediately try to clean up the mess that has appeared. Few people think that this incident may have a secret meaning. Folk signs assure that a very accepted surprise awaits the person who spilled the tea.

Why are there bubbles in tea?

There is a belief that the surface of tea can determine the financial situation of a person. If it is covered with small bubbles, a monetary increase awaits a person. Such tea must be drunk hot to come true.

Why choke on tea

Choking on tea, you can end your life sadly. It's good to have someone close by. But the forefathers believed that, choking on tea, a person receives a sign from higher powers. This means that someone you know really wants to see them.

get burned by tea

Burning from hot tea is a very unpleasant event. However, there is a sign that assures that this is a good sign. Something exciting and interesting awaits a person who has been burned by tea. There will be big changes in his life.

Foam in tea

Foam in tea is a sign similar to bubbles. According to legend, when you see the foam on the surface of the tea, you should immediately drink the drink. Moreover, it can be piping hot, which will only increase efficiency. This is for financial success.

Sweeten your tea

Sweetening tea is quite easy if you think about it or get distracted from the process. Few people attach great importance to this event. In fact, there is a sign that describes the reason for this. In the life of the person who did this, something unpleasant will happen.

Full mug of tea

Signs say that when pouring tea, it is better to completely fill the mug than to leave it half empty. Thus, a person runs the risk of remaining unhappy for the rest of his life and losing his happiness. A full mug is considered a good omen.

Why you shouldn't leave unfinished tea

Unfinished tea is a very unpleasant omen. Hurrying to work or on business, almost every person at least once in his life left a cup half full. Signs assure that this cannot be done. Leaving tea in a cup, a person deprives himself of happiness and good luck.

Tea tea

If, while pouring tea, a person found tea leaves in his mug, then some news awaits him. Signs say that it will be something unexpected and possibly good. The more tea leaves, the larger will be the changes that the news will entail.

Japanese sayings about tea

The Japanese have a very unusual and very creepy sign, which a good half of the population still adheres to. According to legend, tea cannot be poured if the lid of the teapot is closed. After that, someone close to you may die.

Popular signs about tea

It has long been customary that tea should be poured into a cup to the very edge. The overflow of tea (bordering on the spill) marks happiness and material prosperity in the future. If you do otherwise - do not add tea - you can invite trouble. If you systematically underfill tea, the rest of your life can be spent in financial need. Here the principle “it is better not to finish drinking than not to add” applies. If the mug is too large, it is better to replace it with a smaller one than to be afraid of adversity.

You can guess not only by, but also by those caught in the tea leaves. The tea leaves themselves signify that news or even a gift will be received in the near future. To find out whether the news will be pleasant, just count the number of tea leaves. If the number is even, then the news will be good. Odd - bad.

  • Do not shake the tea in the teapot too often, this can invite a quarrel.
  • If an unmarried guy spilled tea, then his wife will have plump lips.
  • A fly caught in tea portends good luck!
  • A man and a woman pouring tea into cups together, from the point of view of accepting, will have a common child in the future.
  • Males should follow the order: add sugar first, then cream (if necessary). Otherwise, you can lose your beloved.

Signs from the point of view of geography

The British are famous for their love of tea. And in their folklore, you can also find signs regarding tea. So, the British believe that if the nose of the teapot is directed to a fireplace or a wall, then a woman or girl will not wait for kisses or a lover. However, a sign similar to the Russian one will help here too: tea spilled on oneself - to marriage.

Residents of Russia in the past believed that the foam that forms when pouring tea promises an improvement in their financial situation. Therefore, it was carefully collected with a teaspoon and - attention - rubbed into the head, believing that in this way it would protect against headaches, improve hair growth and add money. An interesting pattern in a modern way: if the tea is green, the money will also be “green”.

At the end of the article, I would like to say: many planets are associated with tea. Depending on the part of the globe, time, country or even village, they may differ. But it should be remembered that there is no solid, 100% realized influence will take on the fate of a person. Man is the creator of his own destiny.

    If you swallow the foam and bubbles that appeared when pouring into a cup of tea in one fell swoop, this will add to your wallet.

    If bubbles appear in your cup of tea, then a kiss awaits you.

    If a person spilled tea or spilled tea leaves, this promises him some kind of surprise or misunderstanding.

    Accidentally spilled tea is a surprise, more often a pleasant one.

    An odd number of tea leaves in a cup of tea warns of bad news.

    If you use sugar separately with tea, as you did in the old days, then when you bite the sugar can break into many parts - this is a profitable business.

    Shake tea in a teapot - invite a quarrel.

    People who fill cups and mugs to the brim or even constantly spill tea are destined to never know what financial problems are.

    It is believed that someone who does not constantly add tea to his cup will have to live in poverty all his life.

    Tea leaves in a cup of tea say that a gift can also be expected.


Tea is serious!

Appearing in ancient times, the tea drink was initially used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Then there could be no question of "indulging in a tea." Infusions with the addition of various herbs saved people's lives, and therefore were considered sacred, and the attitude towards them was the most reverent...

According to Buddhist legend, the first tea leaves originated from the eyelids of the meditating Boddhidharma: the Sacred cut them off so as not to fall asleep. This sacrifice gave the tea its reputation as a "energizing drink". Finding out “where the legs grow from” other tea legends, myths, signs and superstitions is quite difficult. True, one can try to give them some logical or psychological explanation. 1. Shed tea - to a misunderstanding. This belief helps to avoid embarrassment at the table when someone knocks over a cup: everyone remembers the omen, and that's it. 2. If a girl spills tea on the table during dinner, she will have a drunkard husband. Thus, they tried to call on the young muddler to be careful, so they frightened them with everything they could, including a drunkard spouse. (Yes, this sign works, I tested it on myself, my ex, although not a drunkard, drank a lot! I repeatedly spilled tea at the table during lunch, and I always came across men who liked to drink. :)) 3. Bubbles on the surface of freshly brewed tea - for money. You need to quickly collect them with a spoon, and then swallow them, and at the same time say: “As these bubbles burst, I don’t transfer money.” on the head. It is even better if the tea is green: then "greens" -bucks will come. 4. A tea leaf floats in a glass of tea - for a gift. The hostess who made such a mistake should not worry: even if the guest has a lot of tea leaves in the cup, he will not be annoyed with her. (To this I can say this: this sign is half effective) 5. A lone stem floating on the surface of the drink portends the arrival of a stranger: hard - men, soft - women. To know when to expect a guest, you need to put the stalk on the back of your left hand and strike from below with your right until it falls. How many times you hit your hand, after so many days he will arrive. 6. You should never leave the old tea leaves in the morning - this threatens with poverty. Tell me, why do you drink old tea? Yes, you are just too lazy to brew it! And where there is laziness, there is poverty. (But not quite big, where there are pluses, there are also minuses.) 7. You can’t leave a teapot open - uninvited guests immediately appear on the threshold, and with them troubles. Another "horror story" calling on the hostess to be careful. 8. Stir brewed tea in a teapot - to a quarrel in the house. (I checked on myself that it’s true, it’s true. In no case do this!) 9. If two people suddenly (anything happens) decide to drink tea directly from the spout of the kettle, it means that trouble awaits them soon. Both signs are a reminder that tea is a sacred drink that does not tolerate a dismissive superficial attitude. Tea is a kind of wisdom, and drinking it from a spout, and even more so stirring with a spoon, is simply unacceptable. 10. If a man pours a second cup of tea for a girl, it means that soon she will certainly give in to his harassment, and he will deceive her. Previously, the mothers of young girls, whom young people came to visit, made sure that there was exactly two cups of tea in the teapot. If a gentleman in love wanted to pour a second cup for his lady, he had to call a maid. She brought a new teapot, thereby, as it were, saving the girl from the impending shame. (Dear women, in no case do not let a man pour tea for you, to my regret, this sign works.) life will be lonely. 12. If a man and a woman drink tea together, they will soon have a child. Well, what can I say! Previously, morals were much stricter: if this superstition were valid today, then all women would turn out to be just the same mother-heroines! 13. If a girl suddenly turns the teapot with its nose towards the fireplace or against the wall, it means that she is destined to remain an old maid.

Suddenly means impulse, sharpness, emotionality. And what is the conclusion from this? The girl has a feisty personality. Such, of course, it will be difficult to get married.


Sign "spill tea"

Many people drink tea almost daily, and in fact, few of them know that many folk signs and beliefs are associated with this divine drink. Most of the signs seem like ridiculous nonsense, but sometimes it’s useful to know them, at least in order to better understand how our ancestors lived and perceived the world, because it is thanks to them that we can not only know about something, but also use it in our own life.

Signs about tea have been collected for centuries. Attentive and inquisitive people paid attention to seasoned tea lovers and connected everything that happened in their lives with what happened during tea drinking. Over time, everything seen and reality began to gradually depend on each other and gradually intertwined.

So, let's find out in detail about what will happen in the near future to the person who "spilled tea" and what does the sign "spill tea" generally mean?

  • It happens that a person, pouring tea, is distracted every time, in a hurry, or simply inattentive to this procedure, as a result of which he regularly pours tea over the edges of the glass, spilling the drink on the table. This suggests that this person will never have financial problems in life. No matter how good or bad it is for him, he will never need money.
  • If, raising a glass of tea, you spill tea, then you need to expect unexpected events. Most likely, this will be a small misunderstanding, which in any case will leave an unpleasant mark on the soul.
  • When a young unmarried lady, due to her awkwardness, spills tea on her dress, this means one thing, that she will soon become a married lady. In the near future, a wedding ring will appear on her finger.
  • After spilling tea on the table or on some other flat surface, carefully look at it. If you see small bubbles, then your loved one will kiss you passionately soon. When you see the foam, know that big money awaits you in the near future. Profit will appear from the side where you do not expect it at all.
  • When they spill tea as a result of pampering, carelessly, they will surely invite a terrible quarrel “on their own head”. Usually such quarrels do not have a very good result.

As you can see, drinking tea is not such a harmless activity. Therefore, before “chatting” tea in a glass, think about whether it is worth it? When drinking tea, try to be careful not to miss anything and be ready for anything!

Page 2

The spider is one of the oldest insects on the planet. Since he lives next to a person, signs and superstitions are associated with this insect. Despite the not unpleasant appearance of the spider, it has long been perceived as a sign of certain upcoming events.

Spider related clues

The most common include the following:

  • If the owner of the house sees a spider, it promises him great luck. And if the insect is also crawling towards, this is a particularly good sign.
  • A running spider portends losses.
  • Even if you experience the strongest disgust and fear at the sight of spiders, you cannot kill this insect. Otherwise, the outcome will be sad: money will run out, luck will turn away, and trouble will befall the whole family of the spider that killed it.
  • If the spider weaves a web on the icons, killing the spider meant remission of 40 sins.
  • A very important factor is the time of the appearance of the spider: if the spider appeared in the morning near the stove, you do not need to plan major events for that day. But a meeting with a spider during the day promises joyful events. To see a spider in the evening means the successful implementation of long-term plans, climbing the career ladder, or perhaps a fateful meeting awaits you.
  • A spider that has settled in the house portends good news.
  • If the spider fell on its head, wait for unexpected income. But this is only if the spider was not black. If it was the black spider that fell down, then the relatives should expect sad news.
  • A small spider crawls along the arm - a signal to take decisive action in important matters.
  • A red spider crawls along the hand - expect a solid profit. A red spider on clothes indicates the need for a wardrobe change. And if you catch this spider and carry it with you, for example, in your wallet, the money will not be transferred.
  • A spider fell from the ceiling onto the dining table - a secret enemy appeared in the house. But the situation can be turned around for the better, if at the same time you say: “Rise the spider to the guests, and descend to the news.”
  • If the spider climbs up to the ceiling, there will be guests or good news in the house. It is also a sign of hope.
  • The spider is sitting on the web - wait for the letter.
  • Basically, the spider weaves a web in the corners. Why? Negative energy accumulates in these places, and the spider catches it with its nets. Therefore, this insect has long been considered a guard dog of the brownie.
  • If a web with a spider appeared in the kitchen, the husband is cheating on his wife.
  • The spider settled above the door - discord reigns in the house.
  • A spider that has settled in the bathroom means the loss of money or some important information. You can throw away some unnecessary thing and happiness and prosperity will settle in the house.
  • Seeing a white spider with a web over the marital bed is a good omen that promises a couple a long life together.
  • And if the bride and groom see a spider on their way down the aisle, they will not see family happiness.
  • If the spider is actively moving on the floor - wait for the move or a pleasant trip.
  • When a spider sits on a web, you can make a wish and if the insect crawls up, it will certainly come true.
  • A small gray spider has appeared in the house - expect new clothes and pleasant shopping.
  • If the spiders hid, be bad weather.
  • The descent of a spider on the threshold portends the dead.
  • Killing a spider was considered a bad sign - old diseases that had not bothered for a long time would soon appear.
  • The British believe that the red spider spins money.
  • If a cobweb with a spider clings to you in early autumn or summer, you will soon get rich.

Not all people are able to tolerate these insects, experiencing fear, disgust and horror. However, you don't have to kill them. Getting rid of an uninvited guest is easy - put him in a jar, and then take him out into the street and release the spider into the wild. By the way, in many countries I consider a spider a talisman of good luck.


My wonderful superstitions.

“From childhood, there is such a habit of not drinking tea, leaving a little tea in a mug, regardless of its size ... Is there any sign about this? - Irina G. wrote to us from the city of Artem, Primorsky Krai, - And we also argue in the family about cutting hair, is it safe or not for myself to cut my hair (shorten bangs, trim ends)?

Victoria Ivanovna Anisova from Moscow, Olga Zbrueva from the Primorsky Territory and Maria, our regular reader from the Leningrad Region, are interested in signs about tea.

We all somehow heard about the tea ceremonies of the East, about the meaning of tea, its proper use and the conventions that accompany tea drinking ... But in European countries, tea has long been attributed to a product that, among other things, was also endowed with mystical power. It is believed that tea leaves scattered in front of the house drive away evil spirits and have protective properties. The British are sure that an evil person is not able to step over the leaves to enter your house. Fortune telling on tea leaves is still ubiquitous. A very subtly developed system for predicting the future is based on the images and figures formed by the leaves left at the bottom of a drunk cup after the one who is guessing covers his cup with a saucer, twists it three times and puts the saucer on the table. After a couple of minutes, when the rest of the liquid drains into the saucer, the cup is carefully picked up and, by the way the tea leaves are located, they predict the future. Answering the question of Irina G., I note that everywhere among all peoples it was considered good form to drink poured tea completely. In England, for example, the proper way to end a tea party is when your cup is empty. But if you again poured tea into the same cup, and you no longer want to drink tea, then it is undesirable to touch the new portion and you should not even take a sip if you are not ready to empty the entire cup. By the way, tea cups are traditionally small in size. All large tea cups are intended for individual use only, and can never be used for a tea ceremony. All the signs associated with tea drinking (whether to drink tea or not to drink it ...) agree on one thing - you need to drink tea completely if you have already started drinking it. And vice versa - it is considered a bad omen to leave unfinished tea in a cup. In some European areas, this indicates poverty, the inability to overcome the obstacles that all people face in a multitude. And in other countries, unfinished tea leads to addiction, to the fact that such a person (who does not finish drinking his tea) will never become a leader or even the master of his life. Everything will always be decided for him by others ... If you accidentally leave the kettle unclosed, this predicts the arrival of an uninvited guest. In the East, such a sign speaks of bad luck. It is not good to stir tea in a teapot - this is a quarrel. If two women pour tea from the same teapot, one of them or someone from her family will give birth within a year. In the East, this sign indicates that misfortune will soon befall one of the women. Bubbles on the surface of tea are harbingers of money. They must be quickly collected with a teaspoon and eat! A tea leaf floating in a cup portends the visit of a stranger, a guest.

Who can cut their hair.

It is forbidden to cut your own hair. There are several signs on this score, but they are all negative. In European countries and in Russia - cutting your own hair (trimming bangs, shortening strands) - to loneliness. You cut your own hair - you cut off not only from communication, but also from people's attention, as if you are cutting off interest in yourself. Married, such a sign promises early widowhood. In some regions of Siberia they say: if you cut your own hair, you cut off your happiness, you deprive yourself of luck and joy. Even if you are in a hurry and it is difficult for you to find time to go to the hairdresser, and we are talking only about bangs, nevertheless, let someone else do it, but not yourself. Now about who can cut whom in the family. It is impossible for a husband to cut his wife's hair, and the wife for her husband. A mother can cut her daughter's hair, but she cannot cut her son-in-law's hair. It is also considered bad luck for a mother to cut her son's hair. A father can cut his son's hair. However, he is not allowed to cut his daughter or daughter-in-law. But children may well cut their parents' hair, regardless of gender, and they can also cut their grandparents.


“Are there signs associated with washing windows? - asks our regular reader Sergey Slavyansky from Vladivostok, - How to start cleaning windows - from the outside or the inside?

All old signs about washing windows are mainly associated with the danger of breaking glass ... However, the cleanliness of windows is always the personal efforts of the hostess of the house and her attitude to her home. And dirty, unwashed windows for a long time - this, accordingly, is the lack of such efforts from the hostess. So, which side to start washing the window? Any home cleansing always starts from the inside. Thus, when starting to wash the window, you first need to do it from the inside, and then from the outside. When you wash your window from the outside, you will have to open it. And here there is a sign of the following character. Do not throw any garbage out of an open window, even if it is very insignificant garbage. Since our great-grandmothers believed that angels and the souls of deceased ancestors were standing under the windows, it is obvious that this is not worth doing. Looking into other people's windows is a sin. If you look out the window before dawn, then something bad will happen. If you accidentally saw a light from a window in your house - expect happiness.

Can you believe such a fortune teller?

We were approached by Katya B. from Moscow with the following question: “Is it worth it to believe and follow the advice of a fortune teller, who determined the presence of damage on me and my friend and gave a whole list of what she would need to remove this damage ... This list contains 2 kg of pork ( she repeated that it was some kind of spoilage), 6 kg of sugar, buckwheat, flour, eggs, etc. The list is big, in general. Tell me, is this the way it is? In addition, the fortune-teller said that we would need to be scolded in church (she supposedly has a familiar priest who will take payment in a divine way). We have to pay 30,000 rubles for lecture sessions for me and my girlfriend…”

Dear Katya, do not rush to follow the recommendations of this fortune teller. In fact, the presence of the so-called negative impact (evil eye, damage) is serious, a real specialist determines for free. A knowledgeable specialist will remove the negative impact from you in one, maximum two sessions. No products or other items, jewelry, jewelry are required for this. A professional magician always has everything you need. Now about payment. Of course, everyone is free to evaluate their services as they see fit, but in the modern world, the removal of damage (which is generally rare) cannot exceed five thousand rubles. If the service is offered to you more expensive, then it is already doubtful! And if a priest undertakes the “cleansing”, then he should do it completely free of charge.

At first, the drink was purely oriental (Indian, Chinese, Japanese), tea, along with other borrowings, came to Europe in order to become almost national here. English tea parties are well known (which is worth the “fife-o-clock” alone!). And in the Russian tradition, everyday life is hard to imagine without tea!

Having entered everyday life so firmly, tea could not avoid all sorts of associations with it, which became numerous signs associated with it. Guessing after all, not only on the coffee grounds. Tea leaves can also tell a lot.

Their number portends events. An even number of tea leaves in a cup is good news: for a gift, for example. Odd - promises troubles, failures, anxiety; unexpected, and most importantly, unwanted changes in fate, moving. Many things in the history of past centuries began with counting tea leaves in a cup.

Pour tea carefully. And not only because a hot drink can scald. The way a person pours tea speaks a lot about his fate. If to the top, with a generous hand - he is far from financial adversity. Not adding tea, on the contrary, is a sign of poverty or financial problems experienced once. In order not to invite poverty - omens advise - pour cups full (than underfill, it is better not to drink). And if your favorite cup is too big - change it to a smaller one!

Spill the tea. Signs.

Spilling tea is good luck. Yes Yes! Do not be shy about your clumsiness - it is a harbinger of a prosperous, secure future.

If a girl pours tea (especially on herself), she will soon get married! However, this should not be abused before marriage, and after that there is no need.

And here is a completely ambiguous omen for a young man who spills tea - to marry him a girl with thick lips. Here everyone decides for himself whether this is a bad omen for him or not.

Foam on the surface of a cup of tea - for money (it is also rubbed into the roots of the hair - so that it grows better and so that the head does not hurt). And bubbles - to kisses; all the more so if these bubbles are in the girl’s cup, and the tea was poured there by a handsome man for her! The English, however, still add: the girl will certainly be deceived in her feelings, and the same man will turn out to be a deceiver!

In addition to tea, the cup may also contain: sugar, milk, cream. Well, - for lovers of the exotic, - more butter, mutton fat (in the East, for example, if tea is green), salt, finally.

Can get into the tea and unwanted ingredients. According to signs, the best of them will be a fly! She portends good luck! However, it should not be swallowed; and it’s better to wash the cup well, or even change it altogether.

Drinking tea with a spoon is a bad omen. A man who does not follow her will face bankruptcy and financial difficulties, an unmarried girl - the share of an old maid, and a married woman - childlessness. It is not good to leave a spoon in an empty cup after you have finished drinking tea.

Stirring tea in a teapot is a nuisance.

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Today I will tell you one small but very instructive tale. About tea, of course.

Somehow they brought to our provinces from the distant eastern duchies one hitherto unknown weed. For a long time they asked the overseas serf what her name was, but what to do with her? And he squints his eyes, shakes his head and says: “Tea, tea - pour water, pour and drink.” Our boyars listened to the stranger, groaned, clicked their tongues, paid with gold and let him go home. And they didn’t really figure out how to brew.

Then wars, coups d'état, revolution, iron curtain and other temporary difficulties happened in the provinces. In a word, it was not up to the eastern duchies. Therefore, our boyars, serfs and comrades had to drink tea strictly according to the Russian tea ceremony for five centuries.

You take a large "orphan" cup, pour a little tea leaves with sugar into it, pour boiling water over it, insist and stir with a spoon. Everything. Tea is ready. Be sure to drink with one eye closed. Don't let the spoon hit him.
So you can drink some inexpensive tea. If the quality does not work out, we add more sugar. Well, or we’ll add jam there ... Grandma’s jam will save any, even the most dull tea, from shame.

I've been drinking tea like this my entire life. Until one day I spied how in a tea club they drank tea from small bowls.
“They are strange people. Of such beakers, only drink vodka, ”I thought. Nevertheless, a little later I bought myself a small teapot, got hold of small bowls, and used some kind of jug instead of chahai. Throughout the science of the tea ceremony, Longjing brewed. With an intelligent look, he paused and took a sip from the bowl.

But not fools! How many times have I drunk the same Longjing before, not realizing how good it is.
Any person at the word "ceremony" has an association with something solemn, non-everyday. Strait brewing is essentially the same Ping Cha tea ceremony.. This method of brewing is so practical that it has taken root in every kitchen in a country with a population of one and a half billion people. I'm not talking about tea establishments, where it is practical in the square. Each action is not a tribute to the traditions of the past, but a severe necessity. In the section, the Ping Cha ceremony is described in faces. Here I will repeat some of the nuances with a practical explanation.

So, pouring brewing. If we plan to make tea for 1-3 people, we take a small teapot of 150-200 ml and small (!) bowls. We put a little more tea leaves in the teapot than we would put in a cup - 4-8 grams, depending on the type of tea and personal preferences. And now the most interesting thing about pouring brewing: no need to steep tea for a long time. You have a lot of tea leaves and little water, so the tea is brewed instantly.
Pour boiling water into the teapot and almost immediately drain from it all water into a chahai (a chahai is a small open teapot or jug ​​for draining brewed tea). And already from the chahai we pour tea into bowls.
Thus, tea can be brewed several times. Some varieties can withstand about 15 brews.

Of course, the choice of dishes is a matter of taste, but drinking tea from small bowls is a separate pleasure. In this case, the tea cools faster and does not burn, and you, whether you like it or not, have to drink in small portions. As a result, you feel the taste of tea better.
Checked, and repeatedly. People who drank tea from large mugs and then switched to small cups always note new notes and aftertaste.

By the way, our managers who collect shipments to customers add a small gift to some orders - a bowl for tea drinking. This is done so that a person who has bought several varieties of good tea can enjoy them to the fullest.
If you do not have the opportunity to get a kettle, chahai and bowls every time, you can use or, which are a teapot and chahai at the same time.
By the way, how do you drink tea?

message from 2017-05-18 07:53:08
Yixing clay teapots are small (200-250 gr.). Separate for green oolongs, for red ones, for pu-erh. I don't always use bowls with chaihe. More often, especially when I am alone in the country, I simply pour it into a glass cup.

message from 2016-08-04 21:04:23
And I constantly experiment - I change teapots, cups. Now I drink from a medium-sized Chinese porcelain bowl (I pour up to 2/3), and the teapot is small, cast-iron.

message from 2016-03-24 13:57:08
In this way, you can experience different taste sensations from the same tea and enjoy a pleasant time.

message from 2015-11-11 15:01:43
I drink tea from a small china cup

message from 2014-03-12 14:44:11
Philip, the trick is that you pour quite a lot of tea (3-5g) into a small teapot (150 ml). All teas, of course, are brewed differently, but Bi Lo Chun and Gong Ting, for example, are brewed almost instantly with this approach. In this way, tea can be brewed several times.