Fruit stacking on a plate orange apple kiwi. Fruit slices or how to cut and stack fruits beautifully

A fruit plate is served at the dessert table, after the main meal. The guests had already eaten by that time, and you need to try to re-spur their appetite. A person is still ready to absorb food with his "eyes", so you need to decorate a fruit plate beautifully, appealing to aesthetic feelings. As for kiwi, this fruit can hardly be called attractive. fleecy, it resembles a dirty tennis ball. And if you serve kiwi as a whole, then, most likely, guests will leave it on a dish, preferring to feast on more beautiful bunches of grapes, bright strawberries and cherries, juicy citrus fruits. Yes, and it is difficult to eat Chinese gooseberries (as this berry is also called) without a knife and a spoon. In this article, we will talk about how to beautifully cut kiwi on the table so that the hands of the guests themselves reach for pale green or amber slices.

The easiest way is in the peel

Edible whole. But many people do not like the "hairy" peel of this fruit. This method is suitable if you are thinking of treating your friends only to kiwi. Then you need to provide each eater with a dessert plate and a teaspoon. Despite the fact that the peel is not supposed to be eaten, before cutting the kiwi fruit beautifully, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, dried with a towel and allowed to dry. We put the Chinese gooseberry on the board and cut it in half crosswise with a sharp knife. This is how we deal with all fruits. We lay the halves on a flat dish with cuts up and serve. Each guest takes a piece on his plate and eats away the pulp with a spoon, like a soft-boiled egg. Cups of skins remain on the plate.

fruit cut

Now consider the option when other fruits will coexist with kiwi. Is it appropriate to lump everything together? What fruits do and do not go with Chinese gooseberries? In this case, color compatibility must be observed. To make the sliced ​​​​dish look aesthetically pleasing, you should lay out green pieces of kiwi next to fruits of a warm range - red or yellow. Thus, a red apple, oranges, tangerines, bananas, papaya, mangoes and pomegranate seeds are suitable for the nearest neighbors to the fruit. You should not put blue grapes and green fruits - pear, melon next to kiwi.

Perhaps the neighborhood of white fruits - a peeled banana, apples, kiwi for a fruit plate? You can leave the skin on. The bronze rim will add color to the overall picture. And if you want to get rid of the peel, you should know a few secrets.

We take out the pulp

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to peel a kiwi with a knife, like an apple or a potato. But in this case, you will leave a lot of pulp. And the surface of the fetus will not be smooth. How to cut kiwi beautifully? Dip each fruit in very hot water for 30 seconds. Or just pour boiling water over the fruit. This will kill the bacteria on the skin, and the pulp will be better separated from the skin. With a sharp knife, cut off both ends of the fruit. We take a spoon and squeeze it between the pulp and the skin. We begin to drive it in a circle, separating more and more fruit from the skin. We make several longitudinal cuts from one cut tip to the other. We bend the skin to make it easier to extract the pulp. And here we have a whole peeled kiwi that looks like a green egg. Carving masters prefer to leave the peel, giving it the shape of leaves, located around the exotic greenish-pale flower of the pulp.

canape decoration

The fruit has a delightful sour taste. Therefore, they are often decorated with canapes, which are served on skewers. For such a dish, kiwi is peeled. To decorate a canape, you should know a few rules. The juicy flesh of the kiwi should not touch the sandwich itself. The buffer between them is often hard cheese or grapes. And on top, at the handle of the skewer, it is appropriate to put some kind of orange fruit to give the dish a bright, catchy look. Most often, this citrus is an orange. Its sweet taste harmonizes with kiwi. The cheese is cut into large cubes. The grape is pierced with a skewer lengthwise. And how beautifully cut an orange and kiwi? If you do not have a slider that guarantees even pieces that are even to the millimeter, use an ordinary knife. Peel the orange and kiwi. Cut them into thin slices. Divide each kiwi disk into four parts. From an orange, moving as far as possible along the fibers, cut the same segment.

Cheese plate

The French love these desserts! But it is important to know which fruits are suitable for cheeses. Grapes are suitable for blue varieties. Blue cheeses love the orange neighborhood. Brie and Camembert are served with crispy apples. The pear is a versatile fruit and goes well with any variety. But kiwi, as well as pineapple and soft berries, want to see only hard cheeses next to them. Serve it with gouda, edam, parmesan, maasdam. How beautifully cut kiwi for a cheese plate? You can just serve thin slices of unpeeled fruit. And if you freed the kiwi from the skin, then cut it into eight pieces. There is another option on how to effectively serve cheese - “kebabs”. By the way, fruit slices can also be placed on such skewers.

The flesh of the Chinese gooseberry is ideal for decorating confectionery. She does not let juice, like berries, and does not crunch on her teeth, like apples. The green color of kiwi gives the cakes an exotic and elegant look. It is only important to know how to cut kiwi beautifully. Photos of culinary masterpieces will help to get an idea about this. Unpeeled thin slices of kiwi are appropriate on the cake only when you are going to make a rose out of the fruit. Then a dark stripe at the tips of the petals will make the flower more voluminous. In all other cases, kiwi must be peeled.

The participation of the peel in decorating the top of the cake is allowed. So, it can serve as the foot of the calyx of a flower or as leaves. But if the cake is made for children, it is better to remove the hard peel altogether. Kids are very fond of unusual shades in dishes. Therefore, green kiwi will be very useful. You can decorate the “crown of a palm tree” with fruit. Chinese gooseberries are also suitable for creating green little animals - a crocodile, a frog.

How beautifully cut kiwi for a holiday

To give the dish an elegant look, it is not enough to chop the fruit into even slices. You can create whole compositions from fruits. Are you ignorant of the art of carving? You can start with simple figures. And plastic kiwi will help you take the first steps in carving. This is how a flower is made.

Cut the unpeeled fruit crosswise. In each half, we make eight deep straight cuts from the center to the edges. Then - eight more, but already a little obliquely. This is how petals are made. At the center, the incisions should be slightly visible, and deep at the skin. When something that faintly resembles a flower lies in your palm, do not be alarmed. Gently peel back the skin on the edges of the petals. This will be another layer of the flower. The middle of the kiwi is white with black grains. With a slight movement of the knife, we make a cone-shaped recess in the pulp and insert red cranberries there.

Fruits and berries are, without a doubt, the best of desserts. They are delicious and extremely healthy. They are refreshing after a hearty lunch or dinner. And fruits and berries are very beautiful - they are actively used in the decoration of various desserts, snacks and even hot dishes. But in themselves, these gifts of nature, laid out in vases, can become the main decoration of not only everyday, but also the festive table. However, there is no limit to perfection: even fruits and berries can be served in such a way as to make the feast even more beautiful. We offer several options for the original serving of fruits to the festive table.

How to serve fruit beautifully?

1. "Story" feed

Children will especially like this way of serving fruit and berry desserts. If you plan to serve fruits and berries to the children's table, take one of these ideas into service. Perhaps these samples will inspire you to create your own "paintings" or "crafts", unique and inimitable. Fortunately, the color and texture of fruits and berries are very diverse, which means that the scope for creativity is very wide.

"Subject" fruit and berry desserts can be divided into two groups: flat and voluminous. The former include “flat” figures or plot pictures laid out on a plate of fruit slices and whole berries. Such plates can be served to each individually or decorate common tables, especially buffet tables.

The plot can be chosen in accordance with the occasion (for example, a fruit tree on the New Year's table) or decor theme (for example, a palm tree or a rainbow of fruits will support summer, beach, etc.).

Examples of such fruit plates:

Volumetric figures from fruits are more difficult to make. Most likely, you will need small skewers or wooden toothpicks. Elements of carving (“carving” on fruits) will also come in handy. The work is painstaking, but its decorative effect is worth the time spent. Children can be served fruit "animals", and decorate the common table, for example, with flowers or a Christmas tree made of fruits.

Examples of such fruit serving:

2. "Fruit Skewers"

This is one of the most popular ways to serve fruit for both children and adults. Slices of fruits and berries are strung on skewers - this allows you to divide the dessert into portions, bring order and, of course, decorate the table. After all, fruit "sticks" look very elegant.

How to serve them to the table? There is a simple solution: stick fruit skewers into a large fruit - for example, into a melon, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit, pomelo, etc. In this form, fruits are put on the table. At the end of the meal, when it's time for dessert, fruit skewers are pulled out of the "stand" and laid out on plates.

How to serve fruits and berries beautifully? Make skewers!

Fruits and berries in kebabs can be interspersed with cubes of cheese, marmalade, soufflé, etc. The kebabs are served with sweet sauce, honey and ice cream.

3. Fruit in fruit

This is another very laborious, but very tasty and beautiful way of serving fruit. More specifically, fruit salads. Fruit is cut into small pieces. Small berries can be left whole. Fruit and berry mixture is mixed. You can fill it with honey, yogurt, sweet sauce or slightly melted ice cream.

It is also necessary to prepare containers for fruits. These can be either large "baskets" for general serving, or small "cups" for individual servings. Large fruit baskets are made, for example, from melons or watermelons, and individual ones, as a rule, from oranges, but you can make them from apples and lemons.

How to serve fruit salad? In cups of fruit!

The fruit must be washed well, cut in half (or cut off the so-called cap) and take out almost all the pulp. It is cut and added to the salad, which is used to fill the resulting “bowl”.

All the pulp, of course, can not be removed. Simply enough to create a cavity. In this case, the table is first decorated with common “baskets”, and at the end of the meal, when the turn of dessert comes, the salad is laid out on individual plates, and the base is cut.

The advantage of this delivery method - not only in its aesthetics, but also in the unusual taste. After all, fruits and berries are saturated with each other's juices and aromas, acquiring amazing flavor nuances. For example, the same melon that has had a fruit salad during dinner will be perceived very differently when it is freed from the contents and cut into slices.

If the fruit salad was dressed with ice cream, you can briefly put it in the freezer before serving.

The preparation of fruit "cups" and "baskets" can be creative. If there is a desire and ability, it is worth giving them an original form.

4. Fruits and berries with pastries

Containers for fruit and berry salads can be prepared not only from fruits, but also from dough. Serving fruits and berries in tartlets and shortcrust pastry baskets is a traditional dessert.

Fruit and berry salad for this dessert should be seasoned with whipped cream or buttercream. You can sprinkle coconut or chocolate shavings on top.

5. "Fruit and berry plate"

The most banal option is to put chopped fruits and berries on a large flat dish. But banal is not necessarily boring! Even such a simple serving of fruits and berries to the table can be made amazingly beautiful! To do this, you need to become an artist for a while. The alternation of colors, atypical cutting, creativity - this is the secret of success.

How to serve caviar to the festive table?

A beautifully decorated table immediately cheers you up and makes you want to sit down at it as soon as possible and start a meal.

Spectacular slicing of fruit plays an important role in this, it favorably emphasizes and complements the sophistication of the celebration. A fruit plate is served with alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea, as well as a separate dessert.

On a note! Artistic fruit cutting, so popular lately, is called carving.

But to create beautiful fruit cuts at home, it is not at all necessary to learn carving skills. It is enough to have fruit on hand, a sharp knife, various beautiful molds and plates, as well as skewers and toothpicks.

And, of course, a little inspiration to create a real fruit masterpiece will definitely not hurt us.

Preparing to create a fruit creation

  1. When choosing berries and fruits for the table, be careful and picky. Since the fruits will lie on the table for at least several hours, they should remain beautiful. Therefore, it is necessary to choose fruits without damage and always fresh. They should be tight and elastic.
  2. Prepare a fruit plate just before the celebration so that it is as little as possible in the air. Prepare lemon for drizzling slices.
  3. For cutting, you need a sharp knife so that the slices are thin and even.
  4. Before you start conjuring on fruits and berries, rinse them thoroughly.
  5. Fruits that give juice should be removed in a separate container.

Rules for decorating the table with fruit slices

When making fruit cuts, it is important to follow certain rules. Well-known restaurateurs revealed some of their secrets.

  1. Spread apples and pears so that their flesh is in minimal contact with air, otherwise it will darken. You can sprinkle the slices with lemon juice.
  2. Put the melon with watermelon with the peel, but in small and thin pieces. And if possible, remove all the seeds from the fruits.
  3. Chopped citrus fruits can be served as slices or circles. But the last option should be with a peel.
  4. Peel the kiwi and mango and cut into thin slices. Before peeling kiwis, they will need to be washed well. Since they do not darken from the air, they can decorate apples.
  5. Serve whole plums and apricots. If the fruits are large, then cut in half and put on a plate with the pulp down.
  6. Grapes should only be served in bunches. You can give it a casual look by hanging part of the branch from the plate.
  7. Put cherries and cherries on a plate with a sprig, and strawberries with a “tail”.
  8. Cut the prickly skin off the pineapple and remove the core. Cut into columns or small semicircular plates.

How to serve fruit beautifully

Making fruits and berries for the holiday has its own nuances. There are many children at almost every celebration, and they should not get their hands dirty, otherwise the clothes and everything around will be covered in fruit pulp and juice.

Therefore, the right decision would be to serve goodies on skewers, in horns, baskets.

Advice! If you are decorating berries and fruits in the form of a picture, then put bright skewers nearby so that it is convenient for guests to string fruit pieces without getting their hands dirty.

Spectacular canapes are obtained by using contrasting berries and fruits.

The base of the mini sandwich should be firm. An apple or a piece of cheese is perfect for this role.

Salted and moldy cheeses go well with sweet fruits.

Plot feed
Such a serving involves the creation of real paintings or figures from pieces of fruit. They are flat, that is, fruit slices are laid out on a plate. Or voluminous, using skewers, which is a more time-consuming process.

On a plate, you can lay out a bright palm tree, having built it from a banana, kiwi and tangerines.

And you can cut out figures or funny faces by taking cookie cutters. For little kids, you can build a hedgehog, Winnie the Pooh, Cheburashka, a peacock.

This presentation option will make you remember cartoons, funny pictures or come up with something of your own. In addition, the plot may be associated with a celebration, for example, a multi-colored Christmas tree for the New Year.

mini skewers

A convenient portioned method is suitable for both children's and adult holidays. Set the fruit on a large plate or tray. He will be the basis. Melon, pineapple, large pear or grapefruit are perfect. In addition, you can use: bananas, kiwi, grapes, apples, peaches, berries. They need to be washed and cut into portioned pieces.

Next, the fruit can be strung on skewers. Delicious kebabs stick into the base and serve as such to guests.

The advantage of slicing in the form of kebabs is that you can use canned berries and fruits, and not just fresh ones.

Serving mini-kebabs without a base is also good. Simply beautifully spread out on a tray and pour over melted chocolate or condensed milk. Ideal to serve fruit skewers with scoops of ice cream.

The cut of mini-kebabs in the form of a semicircle looks bright. If you make sure that the colors of the fruits on each skewer match in layers, you get a fun rainbow.

On a note! You can add pieces of cheese to the barbecue, it goes well with fruit.

Baking baskets
Fruit baskets look great on the table. Try making a fruit salad topped with yogurt or whipped cream, then scooping the salad into tartlets. Fruit jelly in baskets looks unusual.

Instead of tartlets, baskets made of puff pastry or shortcrust pastry are perfect.

In addition, you can cut a basket from a melon or watermelon and fill the peel of citrus fruits. You will get interesting boats. It all depends on your imagination.

It is interesting to decorate the baskets on top with grated chocolate, coconut flakes or chopped walnuts. You can mix fruit with ice cream slices, but then store them in the freezer before serving.

Instead of baskets, you can use a waffle cone, first fill it with whipped cream or sour cream. And then place berries with pieces of fruit in the airy white mass. Such an appetizer flies off the table at breakneck speed.

On the plate
Try to thinly slice oranges, kiwis, apples, pears with a slicer and arrange beautifully on a dish in the form of various patterns or figures. The plate can be decorated with mint leaves or fresh flowers.

Use atypical cutting, guests will be delighted. And for convenience, stick colored skewers into the slices.
Fruit in fruit
These can be individual baskets, for example, from an orange. And there may be baskets for general serving, melon, watermelon will do.

Fruits can be cut and seasoned with honey, cream, syrup and sent to the basket in this form. And you can, if they are not large in size, leave them whole.

The serving of berries in a pineapple basket looks very impressive. It is necessary to cut off the top of the pineapple and get the pulp. Put cherries, cherries, grapes, strawberries in the recess.

You can also cut the pulp and fill the apple with small berries. And on top of the apple basket, sprinkle with cinnamon or cut a heart out of the core of the apple and stick it on a skewer into the basket.

How to decorate fruit slices

It is customary to beautifully decorate all dishes, cuts, desserts for celebrations. For this are used:

  • Powdered sugar;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Coconut;
  • Natural flowers;
  • flower petals;
  • fresh mint leaves;
  • marmalade;
  • Marmelshaw;
  • Oriental sweets;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Nuts;
  • Coffee, cocoa.

Any fruit cuts are powdered with powdered sugar and cinnamon. They give a fresh accent and well mask the pulp of pears and apples that have darkened in the air.

Coconut shavings look just as impressive when serving fruit in plots.

Pieces of marshmallow or marmalade go well with melon and strawberries, they can be skewered and served with sweet fruit.

Fresh flowers and mint leaves are inserted into fruit slices at your own discretion. A plate sprinkled with rose petals.

Pomegranate seeds help play in contrasts, add them to kiwi or banana slices.

Marmalade, candied fruits and oriental sweets are laid out on a tray with fruits in random order. Create colorful shades, don't be afraid!

Sprinkle lemon wedges over coffee and serve with strong alcoholic drinks.

Beautiful molds, tableware, skewers, dessert plates will come in handy to decorate the table. But choose them so that they match in style.

For inspiration and the emergence of new ideas, look on the Internet, sites are full of various illustrations about carving and colorful buffets.

On a note! Bake your own fluffy waffles. Take the finished waffle and decorate it with slices of figs, banana, kiwi. Drizzle fruit with chocolate or maple syrup, top with second waffle. Add whipped cream to waffles. This dessert will go away in no time.

A wide selection of berries and fruits in supermarkets allows you to turn any ideas and fantasies into reality and make fruit slices an important part of the festive table.

Fruit slices are an important attribute on any holiday table. A fruit plate is served with wines, champagne, cognac, tea and coffee. Beautiful cutting requires compliance with simple rules. It is important that the fruits are fresh and ripe.

Cutting is always done just before the holiday itself. It is not recommended to do it in advance, because fruits can lose their color, aroma and wind up.

Slicing fruit on the table: the best ways

Currently, artistic cutting of fruits, which is called carving, is very popular. Carving masters are able to create real masterpieces from fruits. At home, this technique is not easy to master. To make artistic cuts, special skills and tools are needed. If you still decide to do carving.

You will need a special set of fruit knives. These knives are sold in hardware stores and kitchenware departments. The simplest homemade fruit carving is a bouquet of flowers. No special skills are needed here. Cut fruits and herbs. Put them on skewers. Using your imagination, build bouquets of skewers and place them in a beautiful vase.

  • Fruit stripes. To beautifully serve fruit, it is not necessary to engage in artistic cutting. There are much easier options. Chop the fruits into circles of the same thickness (1 - 1.5 cm). Swap them. For example, if you cut oranges, pears and apples, you should get an orange with an apple or an apple with a pear. You can also mix fruits of the same type, but different colors. Beautifully place the cooked fruits on a plate and serve.

  • Fruit painting. From multi-colored fruit pieces you can make a mosaic or a picture. It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist for this. Choose a simple plot or stop at a bright abstraction. Be sure that guests will appreciate such creativity. Figured cutting of fruits. To do this, you will need special graters-shredders. You can buy them in the store. There are such devices that will allow you to cut out flowers, petals, bunnies and other unusual figures without much effort.

Cutting fruit on the table: photo

Making cuts on the table


  1. Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  2. Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  3. Pamela - 1 pc.
  4. Orange - 1 pc.
  5. Apple - 2 pcs.
  6. Canned pineapple rings - 1 ban.
  7. Pomegranate - 1 pc.


  • Rinse the fruit thoroughly and remove the skin from them. Divide citrus fruits into slices, cut kiwi into thin rings. Remove seeds from apples and cut into slices. Put the prepared fruits in random order on a beautiful dish. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top. The main thing is that everything looks colorful, elegant and festive!

  • It is not necessary to peel all fruits. It will give contrast to the cutting and keep the freshness of the fruit longer. The peel can be used to decorate the dish. For example, it is easy to make an original basket or an elegant rose bud from the orange zest of an orange.

To cut the fruits beautifully and accurately, you need to follow some rules and tricks.

  • Be sure to wash all fruits before slicing. For transportation and storage, they are coated with a chemical composition that allows you to keep the freshness of the products longer. He is very dangerous!

  • Use only sharp knives for cutting. So the fruit slices will be even and thin. Fruit is cut before serving. Even in the refrigerator, they can lose their original appearance and dry out.
  • To keep the slices fresher longer, grease them with a thin layer of transparent jelly.
  • Garnish with berries and pomegranate seeds to make the dish appetizing and attractive.

  • Do not be afraid of bright experiments and unusual combinations!
  • Sliced ​​apples and bananas darken faster than other fruits, so prepare them at the very last moment. Don't forget to drizzle the slices with lemon juice, this will help the fruit stay white longer.

Compatibility of fruits with other products

  1. Sweet fruits, dates, persimmons, figs, bananas and dried fruits, break down more slowly than sour ones. They are not recommended to eat after dinner, otherwise bloating and discomfort in the abdomen cannot be avoided. Sweet fruits go well with sour fruits, with each other, with herbs, cream,
  2. Semi-acid fruits: blueberries, raspberries, apples, plums, pears, mangoes, strawberries, apricots, peaches, grapes, and watermelon. They go well with sweet and sour fruits, fermented milk products, protein foods (cottage cheese, meat, cheese, nuts, etc.), herbs and cream.
  3. Semi-acid fruits are incompatible with legumes, mushrooms, eggs, fish and peas. Sour fruits: tangerines, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, pamela, oranges, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, plums, pears, grapes, and apricots. They go well with each other, with fermented milk products, sour cream, cream, cheese, herbs, nuts and fatty cottage cheese. Acid fruits are not recommended to be combined with animal proteins, peas, legumes and starchy foods.

You can decorate the festive table with the help of beautiful cuts from any product: cheese, meat, sausage, vegetables, fish and fruits. Ideas for cutting cuts are presented in this article.

Decorate the everyday, and especially the festive table, will help beautiful cut. You can make it from any ingredients: meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits. Pieces and slices of products can be laid out not in simple, but in original ways so that they remain unchanged. attracted attention, aroused appetite.

There are several cutting rules:

  • Choose to serve wide flat dish, preferably white. On such dishes, cutting will be look bright and attractive.
  • Do not combine plant and animal products. If these are vegetables, they have a separate dish, fruits also (they are considered a dessert). Meat and sausage can be combined.
  • Slicing should not be seasoned with any sauce or oil, as well as sprinkled with spices. If you think that you can decorate the taste of vegetables with sour cream or mayonnaise, offer guests them separately in a gravy boat.
  • Slicing (any) should always be very only cut into small slices (flat pieces). Rough and thick cutting of ingredients does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • The main rule of beautiful cutting - sharp knife. The dimensions and material of the knife (ceramic or metal) are completely unimportant, you should be comfortable working with it.
  • Choose for cutting only quality and fresh products. Try to surprise guests with an unusual product.
  • Stick to one cut shape, for example, a semicircle or triangle, so that the whole dish looks organic.
Beautiful vegetable cutting

Large cut vegetable

Fruit cut in the shape of a heart

Unusual fruit cutting

Some types of cutting are so skillful that include many decorative elements from the same ingredients sliced: figures, flowers, unusual arrangement of pieces. In some cases, when cutting vegetables, you can use a special device for cutting - slicer.

Slicer for cutting meat, cheese. vegetables and fruits

Sliced ​​watermelon and melon on the festive table

Melons will also become a bright seasonal treat for guests. Such a treat can decorate main and dessert table. In any case, it will be appropriate and very "popular" among the guests.

You can cut a melon and watermelon in several basic ways:

  • Cubes- cutting is done with a knife. The peeled pulp of watermelon or melon, pitted, is cut. Pieces are laid out on a serving dish in a scatter or in half.
  • balls- for cutting, a special spoon is used, which forms a beautiful ball. Spread such a cut should be in wide bowls or bowls.
  • sliced- this method involves cleaning the fruit from the seed part and cutting into triangular slices along with the skin. In this case, you can use wooden sticks (for ice cream), so that the pieces can be conveniently taken from the dish and eaten.

Eating pieces of watermelon or melon is taken by piercing with a fork. In the event that your feast does not involve cutlery (buffet, picnic), you should stick a skewer and a toothpick into each piece.

Diced watermelon

Sliced ​​watermelon

Slicing watermelon into balls

Diced melon

Sliced ​​melon

Video: "Watermelon Fruit Basket"

Beautiful cheese slices: design and decoration

Cheese Sliced must be present on the holiday table. Only cheese lends itself to curly cutting making serving original and interesting. Very easy to cut cheese curly knives. They leave a grooved cut, as a result of which each piece has a certain shape.

Simplest cheese slicing knife- "wave". The knife allows you to cut cheese slices of any thickness. It is best to spread sliced ​​​​cheese on a dish on which lettuce leaves are laid out. This is necessary so that the cheese does not dry out quickly and looks appetizing.

Cheese is the only cut ingredient that can be successfully combined with pieces of sausage or meat, creating patterns and shapes. In addition, the combination will be unusually tasty. cheese with berries:

  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberry
  • blueberries
  • Grapes

The most delicious is considered to be that cheese sliced, which is made from different types of cheese. You can combine fatty with low-fat, salty with fragrant mummer milk, with nuts and herbs, with mold and paprika.

One of the best flavor combinations cheese with honey. This flavor combination gives another interesting idea for slicing: you can put a small bowl with liquid honey in the center of the serving dish. Around the bowl should lay out different types of cheese (various flavors), cheese can be supplemented with nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews.

Simple cheese slicing with grapes

Cheese cut with vegetables

Cheese diced with nuts and grapes

Unusual cutting of expensive cheeses

Cheese plate with honey and fruits

Video: "Cheese sliced, cheese plate decoration"

Beautiful cold cuts: design and decoration

cold cuts- the best snack and delicious treat for guests. As a rule, cold cuts consist from different varieties of salted, smoked meat, complemented by sausages. Cold cuts are allowed to be combined with a variety of cheeses, olives, lettuce or herbs. Vegetables in cold cuts can release "juice", which is highly undesirable for meat.

IMPORTANT: The exception is small cherry tomatoes, which do not need to be cut. They can be neatly laid out on top of the cuts, adding brightness and freshness to the dish.

from meat, cut into thin slices, it is very convenient to fold neat tubes, lay it with “scales” or roses. You can cut the meat very thinly and beautifully with the help of a sharp wide knife or a special “slicer” device.

Simple large cuts of meat

Original cold cuts with cheese

Meat cuts with fresh and salted vegetables

Appetizing meat cuts on a wooden plate

Video: "Beautiful cold cuts"

Beautiful cutting of sausage: decoration and decoration

Sausage- the most "frequent guest" on the festive table. You can serve sausage in some interesting ways. It is necessary to do this in order to interest all those present and arouse their appetite.

Sausage can be combined with cheese, olives, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, physalis. From different varieties of sausage, you can lay out a variety of patterns and patterns.

Sausage cuts with "roses"

Festive sausage cut

Meat cut into large pieces

Video: "Sausage cutting"

Types of cutting vegetables, curly cutting

Vegetable cutting is a must must be on the table to "even out" the severity of some fatty dishes: meat, salads with mayonnaise, fish and potatoes. In order for vegetables to be “wanted to eat”, they should be Arrange on a serving platter in interesting ways.

Enough for cutting hard vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers) curly knives can be used, which cut vegetables in a "wave" or zigzag pattern. Small vegetables like cherry tomatoes should either be cut in half or left whole.

Can be added to vegetable cuts fresh onion. Onions are best used with less spicy varieties so that they cause only pleasant taste sensations: blue, white, leek, shallot. Cut the onion into neat and not thick rings.

Special knife for curly cutting vegetables

Flowers from vegetables: curly cutting

Cutting vegetables with a curly knife

carving: artistic cutting of vegetables

Video: "Festive vegetable slicing"

Beautiful slicing of tomatoes and cucumbers, onions: decoration and decoration

Such simple vegetables as tomato, cucumber and onion can be beautifully served on a plate and served at the festive table.

Slicing features:

  • Tomato very watery, so it should be cut into either large rings or half rings. Small tomatoes are best cut into slices (four things from one fruit). Cherry tomatoes are cut in half or left whole.
  • Cucumber allows several ways of cutting: rings, ovals (cutting obliquely), half rings, serpentine (using a special tool). The shape of the vegetable also allows you to cut it along slices, strips, cubes.
  • Onion cut only in rings, rings are placed either on top of all vegetables, or alternating with them. You can decorate the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith a bunch of fresh onion feathers, which are easily bent, stacked, and make a pattern.

Any cut of vegetables can be decorated with any herbs: parsley, dill, basil, lettuce.

Curly sliced ​​tomato

Curly slicing cucumber

Curly slicing onion

Video: "How to make a cucumber rose?"

Beautiful vegetable cutting on the festive table: decoration and decoration

You can decorate vegetable slicing in both simple and original ways. For this you will need a few ideas:

Festive fruit slices on a platter

Curly slicing vegetables Meat slicing for the holiday

Meat slices on a slicer

Festive vegetable and cheese slicing Cheese and sausage diced

Sliced ​​​​meat and vegetables "butterfly"

How to cut apples beautifully so that they do not darken when cut?

Apple- one of the most healthy and tasty fruits. Buying an apple is not a problem at any time of the year. If you eat an apple along with fatty foods, it is can help the digestion process. The acid in the apple helps break down complex fats and boost your metabolism.

You can choose sweet or sour apple for slicing. Its structure is dense enough that allows you to cut the fruit into thin slices and arrange nicely on a serving platter. The only and main problem of an apple is a large amount of iron in it, which contributes to fruit oxidation in the fresh air(we are talking about the pulp).

In order for this not to happen and the apple does not darken, it needs to be processed citric acid in one of the following ways:

  • Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice
  • Rinse apple pulp (slicing) in water with lemon juice
  • Drizzle lime juice over apple before serving

Slicing an apple in the shape of a flower

Sliced ​​apple "leaf"

Sliced ​​apple "swan"

Video: "How to cut an apple beautifully?"

Beautiful sliced ​​​​orange on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Just like an apple, an orange is a great addition to the festive and everyday table. Orange acid will help digest fatty foods and serve as a snack for alcoholic beverages.

Slicing an orange is quite simple. You can cut the citrus rings or half rings. You don't need to peel the orange, the crust will help keep the cut in shape. Fruit must be clear the bones that may be present in it.

You can combine orange slices with other fruits: lemon, apple, kiwi, grapefruit, banana, pear and berries.

Sliced ​​orange "flower"

Sliced ​​orange with other fruits

Video: "Orange Rose"

Beautiful sliced ​​​​pineapple on the festive table: photo

A pineapple - exotic fruit(in particular, scientifically it is considered a vegetable, as it grows in the garden). A pineapple ideal for cutting, which can decorate any table, especially a festive one. Pineapple in its taste can act as a dessert, and can be combined with meat and poultry dishes.

The unusual shape of the pineapple allows several winning ways to cut it, which will result in a beautiful festive dish. Pineapple has enough thick skin, to be cut with a knife. This is done carefully so as not to scratch the spikes on the skin of the hand.

Pineapple fruit cut in half, the pulp is cleaned. The pulp can be cut into slices and put them not on a plate, but in a bowl of pineapple, retaining all its features: skin and green tail. Such a cut will immediately delight the guests.

Pineapple as a cut can be successfully combined with other fruits: kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit.

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple with berries

Sliced ​​pineapple "swan"

Diced pineapple

Sliced ​​pineapple rings

Video: "Pineapple slicing option"

Beautiful cutting of fruits on a children's holiday table: decoration and decoration

Children's cutting should "interest" children. That is why fruits are cut in an original way, repeating cartoon plots, interesting pictures.

The most popular ways to cut fruit slices:

  • Make a fruit skewers
  • Make a "fruit hedgehog" with toothpicks
  • Make a picture of fruit

Interesting fruit cut ideas for kids:

Fruit sliced ​​apple with berries

Herring often decorates the festive table, as it is a favorite "snack" for strong alcoholic drinks among the "Russian people". In order to give it a more "smart look", you should use several ways to decorate fish:

  • Cleaned fish can be put on a dish in pieces, alternating them with slices of fresh lemon.
  • Fish can be decorated white or blue onion rings, the onion can be inserted between the pieces.
  • You can decorate the laid out pieces of herring, sprinkled with chopped green onions(onions can be replaced with chopped dill or parsley).
  • The flesh of the fish is perfectly combined green olive flavor, which at the same time can decorate the serving.

Festive slicing of herring

Bright and beautiful cutting of fish

Video: "Fish cutting"