Cereal corn. Corn grits: recipes for cooking delicious and healthy dishes. Recipe for cornmeal soup.

Dishes from corn grits traditionally considered part of many therapeutic diets, which is ensured due to the neutrality of the effects on the gastrointestinal tract and regarding allergic reactions. What is useful for corn porridge, it is especially important to know for children, the elderly: thanks to the gentle cleansing of the body and providing it with vitamins, this product will help people with weakened immunity get enough with health benefits.

Cooking juicy and fragrant corn at home

When the baby is eight months old, double the amount of meat, rice, and grains. It is also very important not to prepare baby food separated from the rest of the family so that he can feel the seasoning at home and not be surprised by any changes. Warning: Children under the age of one should not ingest honey due to the risk of botulism, a very serious illness. Therefore, do not sweeten the berries with honey and egg, because egg white is on the list of foods that cause the most allergies due to one of its ingredients, albumin.

Corn porridge is also used for weight loss: the product binds fats and removes their excess, helping to build weight. What can be cooked from corn grits? Recipes original dishes from this product are given in the second part of the article.

Corn grits: composition

Corn is eaten in the form of boiled cobs and canned grains, corn sticks and popcorn. And yet, corn grits are more popular with housewives - the product of grinding the grain of this plant. After crushing, particles of different sizes are obtained, which are divided into 5 fractions and sold in bags or by weight. The finest grinding is already cornmeal, from which you can also build a lot of mouth-watering delicacies.

Cornmeal Dishes: Fig Pie Recipe

Another very important concern is iron deficiency anemia, which is the biggest nutritional problem in the world and affects many children. Iron is a vital nutrient and primarily functions in the production of red blood cells and in the transport of oxygen to all cells in the body. The lack of iron reduces the body's resistance, leaving the child more susceptible to infections.

Feeding infants from 6 months

Here are 10 recipes for baby food from 6 months onwards. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion and beef. Add potatoes and pumpkin. Cover with water, cover the pot and simmer until all the ingredients are very soft and with a small amount of broth. Add cabbage and cook for another 5 minutes. Mix all ingredients with a fork and serve.

What is useful corn porridge? It is not difficult to understand this, given the composition of this product. There are a lot of vitamins in cereals, among them - almost the entire gr. B, there are vitamins PP, A, E, N. The mineral composition is represented by zinc, boron, calcium, potassium, molybdenum, iron, sulfur, phosphorus - it is very difficult to count all the components. There is little fat in cereals, but enough fiber and dietary fiber.

Corn casserole with cottage cheese

Then add potatoes and beets. Add cauliflower and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add pumpkin and pasta. Cover the pot and simmer until all the ingredients are very soft and with a small amount of broth. Add beans and broccoli and cook for another 5 minutes. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry onion and chicken. Add mandiuhinha and beets. Add the endive and cook for another 5 minutes. Add carrots and cover with water. Add cold water and cornmeal.

Let him cook without stopping until he moves. Add if necessary more water. Then add potatoes, beets and chucha. Add chard and cook for 5 more minutes. Then add rice, peas and carrots. Add spinach and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add pumpkin, peas and pasta.

Dishes from corn grits are incredibly useful due to the presence of amino acids valuable for the body - lysine, tryptophan. Also, some biologically active substances of the product help to remove pesticides and radionuclides from the body - not every cereal can boast of such a quality. There is another unique component - gold: among cereals, corn is the leader in its presence. Thanks to important nutritional properties the product must be on the table for everyone.

Add cauliflower and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Then add cassava and carrots. Heat oil in a saucepan and fry the onion. Then add chucha and carrots. Cover with water, cover the pot and simmer until all the ingredients are very soft and with a small amount of broth. Mix all ingredients with a fork.

To make the cream more creamy, pour the ingredients into a thick sieve. To get the best out of a corn recipe, it's best if you follow a set of very simple and productive rules along with a few specific tips for the occasion.

What is useful corn porridge and other cereal dishes?

eat eat delicious porridge and other foods regularly, the intestines will begin to work better - the product cleanses it of decay products and prevents the processes of decay and fermentation from developing. The valuable mineral composition is very effective against blood vessels, so everyone who has such troubles should eat corn dishes.

Things You Need to Know About Baby Corn

Much of the baby corn recipe focuses on the idea that it is a vegetable despite its characteristic qualities. The difference between quality and taste is something to start with when you decide what you want to cook. The best solution is corn, which can be seen as a cross between vegetables and meat.

Of course, this strategy is not based on taste and rather focuses on the idea that cooking time and style should be adjusted to get the best baby corn flavor. Below you will find two different solutions that will enrich this autumn dinner in your kitchen, thanks to ingenuity and creativity.

Grain gold is an important element for the normal functioning of the brain. Also, eating corn dishes for food will help to cope with disorders in the urinary, reproductive system, and in traditional medicine the product is even used against infertility, painful, with.

Other problems for which corn grits will be useful:

  • Ethyl alcohol poisoning
  • Overeating fatty foods
  • Diseases of the nervous system
  • Pathology of the gallbladder, kidneys
  • To rejuvenate the body
  • For bowel cancer prevention

Corn is gluten free, so even people with an allergy to it and with a serious disease of celiac disease do not need to refuse cereal dishes. Even the smallest children begin to give porridge from 6-8 months, and at an older age it should be an important part children's menu. How useful corn porridge is, sufferers know very well - the dishes will not cause an increase in blood sugar and are safe, providing a whole range of positive qualities.

cook easy white sauce with flour, milk, pepper and lemon to get a sweet and slightly spicy taste. Take a pan and heat it with oil and boil the baby corn after you have marinated it in the mixture. Serve with fresh pepper and tender meat.

  • Take two boxes of Bonnie's corn and one of carrots.
  • Cut everything into pieces about 2 cm wide.
  • Add sauce to mixture and sprinkle with parsley.
  • Mix flour, cornmeal and cumin until you get a homogeneous mixture.
What contains gold corn kernels and what is their use in the kitchen?

Corn porridge for weight loss: myth or reality?

Despite the high calorie content (325 kcal), to make a portion of the dish you need minimal amount porridge - about 50 gr. In addition, part of the protein in corn grits is not absorbed in the body, but a large proportion of its carbohydrates are complex, having a low glycemic index and absorbed into the blood very slowly. Therefore, it is enough to eat a portion of porridge for breakfast to feel full for 4-6 hours.

Cornmeal dessert

Let's find the answers to these questions together. We place corn next to barley or oats, for example in fodder crops. However, corn kernels are considered vegetables. There are many types of corn that are further developed through its further use.

Corn reached Europe within a century. Risotto with corn and shrimp is delicious and light summer lunch, preparation of which takes only 15 minutes. Corn is widely used not only in the kitchen, some varieties are grown for use in the processing industry, others as livestock feed and, last but not least, corn is produced from biofuel due to high content starch. AT Food Industry corn is made from oils, starch, flour, glucose and others.

These properties of corn porridge were the basis of diets for weight loss. extra pounds. Regular consumption (3-4 times a week) will give other positive results for beauty - the condition of nails, hair, skin will improve, which cannot but please. Also, dishes from corn grits remove toxins from the body, so the weight will steadily decrease, of course, in the absence of junk food in the diet. For weight loss, corn porridge should be boiled in water., and fill it with cold-pressed vegetable oil.

The use of corn as a direct food is only marginal to the overall production, although interest in its presence in the kitchen is undoubtedly increasing. It also contains trace amounts of minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese or selenium, which have positive influence on hematopoiesis, cell oxygenation or, for example, the correct level of hormones in the body.

Among other things, corn also contains fiber. Corn is becoming an increasingly popular raw material for cooking variety of dishes. But we also have to mention popcorn, an American snack taken while watching movies at the cinema. Popcorn is made from special fluffy corn. As the name suggests, the grain of corn is under heat. After all, popcorn is seasoned with salt, butter, cheese, or sugar. Instant popcorn is traditionally prepared in microwave oven.

Dishes from corn grits: cooking features

To enjoy delicious dishes, it is important to correctly prepare the basis for them - in fact corn porridge. AT without fail grains of a bright golden color are washed, which is convenient to do in a fine sieve: dust quickly leaves, as does excess moisture, and the product remains perfectly clean.

But you can even prepare it in a pot. Dry corn and vegetable oil is enough for you. Place the dried corn in the skillet with oil so that it covers the bottom and immediately folds the lid. Once the corn begins to boil in the pot, turn the flame down to low and let it simmer.

You can buy corn pre-cooked, sterilized in tin or glass, or frozen. You can use it in all ways in the same way. Sterilized, however, may have a slightly different flavor depending on the brine. You can meet it as an appendage, in various salads, soups, suspensions, cakes or pastries.

So that the porridge does not burn out, it is better to cook it in a thick-bottomed pan. It is imperative to stir the porridge during cooking - it is heavy, settles quickly, and can stick to the bottom. If corn porridge is planned for weight loss, then it is better to cook it on water, without adding extra “weighting agents”. In the absence of a need for diet food the question of what can be prepared from corn grits is easier to solve: there are a huge variety of options for delicious dishes.

Corn porridge with pumpkin

Corn, with its color and taste, perfectly complements salads, which give it delicate taste and fresh look. The proof may be the turkey corn salad, which is worth a try. Alternatively, you can try chicken salad with roasted corn or corn salad, corn is grilled as a home. Pre-cooked ears can be combed whole and cut into wheels. You can use the songs yourself. In this case, we recommend using honey marinade for grilling.

How much to cook cereals? The answer depends on the degree of its grinding. As a rule, a product of medium grinding is sold everywhere, which is cooked for half an hour over low heat. It is better to lay the cereal in boiling water, to which salt and sugar were previously added. Cereals are perfectly cooked in milk, in a mixture of "milk-water", and also perfectly steamed. To weld thick porridge, liquid is taken 1:3, more liquid - 1:4. It must be remembered that ready-made porridge thickens strongly, and this depends little on the amount of water added.

You can add roasted corn to various Mexican dishes, rice dishes or you can make large corn flakes, which can also serve as an accompaniment. There is also a variation of corn flakes, the dough of which is baked with potatoes or baked bacon. You will move your banquet a little higher.

As mentioned above, corn originates from the area of ​​today's Mexico. It also dug up its roots there, so you can find it in many Mexican dishes. Therefore, if you ever travel to Mexico, corn cannot be avoided. Mexican cuisine may remind us, for example, corn tortillas with cream sauce or tortillas with chicken. You can also buy corn chips, cook one of the great dips, and also enjoy a feature film with your family.

What can be cooked from corn grits?

There are a lot of recipes that contain this product. Everyone can eat cereals and other dishes, but in some periods it is better to limit them. We are talking about exacerbations, thrombosis, duodenal ulcers. In small quantities, corn grits should be consumed with high blood clotting due to its ability to thicken the blood even more. Below are the most delicious food With corn grits.

Fried corn with chili and cheese

We remove corn cobs from the cob to the bottom, remove the remaining currants. Ingredients for 4 people. 50 g butter. 4 cups of mayonnaise 100 g parmesan. 1 lime. 4 corn cobs. Chili preparation 30 minutes 6-10 minutes. Preparation 75 minutes 8 minutes.

Eat delicious roasted corn

Just like the subject: Ladies, we have to help.

You cooked corn most of the time for half an hour, but you were almost exposed? Maybe because you broke the fodder corn instead delicious sugar. How to turn it into a subtle attachment? Try these three preparations - and saliva flowing through the stream.

1. Arabic corn grits salad

Products: corn grits - 0.5 cups, tomato - 2 pcs. (medium size), onion- 1 PC., lemon juice- 2 tablespoons, vegetable oil - a spoon, salt, chopped - according to preference.

It is not enough to replace corn with sugar - it is also important for time. The most delicate cob is a medium-grained grain filled with a milky liquid. Once the peel is torn off, leave the skin in place if you wish to wait for your consumption. It stays so juicy and flavorful.

Ways to do tasty thing out of a common corncob, these are many, the fastest, but only a few. In the following lines, we will present three zipper options for the perfect corn. The simplest preparation corn on the cob consists in boiling in boiling water. The voice must be completely immersed in water. When the water starts bubbling, lower the flame to medium heat. Serve immediately, drizzle perfectly and sprinkle with salt. What we are about to do is taken out of the pot, and its subsequent cleaning sometimes exceeds human strength.

Rinse the grits, boil until tender, evaporating all the water. It is important not to digest the cereal so that the grains are felt a little. Separately chop the onion (finely), cut into large cubes. Prepare dressing from oil, juice, spices, salt, parsley (finely chopped). Mix cereals, vegetables, pour dressing. Leave the salad to infuse for half an hour. Serve on the table. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.

Especially after a whole day at work or. Leave the pot with the pot and pay attention to the microwave. you will cook corn corn for as short a time as in water! Place one or two ears into the skin on the plate and heat to high temperature for 3 minutes. To save 3 to 4 hungry necks, let the microwaved ears drain for 4 minutes. Wait for them to cool and clean them before serving. The skin will stay warm for a long time.

The grill adds a coconut smoky flavor that we'll be killing for in the summer. Clean the ears so they stay attached to the stem. Remove the "hair" and dip it olive oil. Remove the mildly sweet taste of the oil, it may ignite. In order not to open, wrap your ears with a string or string. Grill at medium to high heat and rotate continuously until the peeling is gently gripped. The usual frying time is 15 minutes. Once the cow is cold, so you can take it in your hands, peel it and eat it.

2. Cheese polenta

Products: corn grits - 300 gr., Water - liter, salt to taste, hard cheese- 200 gr., butter- 50 gr., greens.

Wash the grits well, boil in water with salt for about 25 minutes. Stir the porridge often so that it does not burn, and the fire should be slow. Remove porridge from heat, let cool by half. cook detachable form- wash, rinse ice water. Put the porridge in the form, smooth the surface well. Let cool completely. Then open the shape, carefully cut the porridge into 3 circles with a knife, thick thread or special device for cutting cakes. For more successful cutting, porridge can be kept in the cold for 3 hours.

Grate cheese. Separately chop the greens, cut the solid butter into pieces. Layer the future polenta with fillings: lay out a layer of porridge, then cheese, then porridge and butter, then porridge and greens. Sprinkle some cheese on top of the polenta. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, cut this dish of corn grits into pieces.

3. Casserole with cottage cheese and dried apricots

Products: corn grits - 3 spoons with a slide, cottage cheese - 500 gr., chicken eggs- 2 pcs., sugar - 3 tablespoons, sour cream - 2 tablespoons, dried apricots - 100 gr.

This recipe will answer the question of what can be prepared from corn grits for breakfast. Wash the dried apricots well, pour boiling water over them, leave for half an hour. Grind cottage cheese with a blender, beat into curd mass eggs, sugar, sour cream. Grind corn grits in a coffee grinder (or buy ready-made cornmeal), wash, drain all the water. Introduce flour into the curd mass, add chopped into it large pieces dried apricots.

Grease the form with butter, sprinkle with semolina (flour). Submit curd dough in the form. Put in a hot oven, bake until cooked (temperature 180 degrees) 40 minutes. Let cool, serve with jam or sour cream. May be served with whipped cream.

4. Corn and vegetable pie

Products: corn grits - 150 gr., onions, bell pepper- per piece, cheese - 50 gr., zucchini - 200 gr., chopped parsley - 2 tablespoons, garlic - clove, lemon peel- a tablespoon, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons, vegetable oil - a spoon, ground pepper to taste.

In this recipe, corn porridge is suitable for weight loss, as ready meal includes a lot of vegetables, and its calorie content is low. (See in which the specialist gives simple but practical nutritional advice for those who want to lose weight) Wash the cereal, boil until cooked. Lubricate the form (ceramic, glass) with oil, carefully lay out, leveling, porridge. Bulgarian pepper and onion cut into cubes, fry on vegetable oil or just put out in a small amount water, salt, pepper with red, black pepper.

Add garlic and parsley to vegetables. Put the vegetable mass on the corn grits, smooth. Cut the young zucchini into thin slices, put on vegetables. Top with salt, sprinkle with cheese. bake in hot oven 20 minutes (temperature 180 degrees). Serve to the table.

5. Soup with corn grits

Products: corn grits - 4 tablespoons, carrots - 1 pc., Celery (petioles) - 1 pc., Potatoes - 3 pcs., Greens (parsley, rosemary) - according to preferences, vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, hot water- 1.5 liters, onion - 1 pc., coriander, salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Wash and clean all vegetables. Cut vegetables into cubes. Choose a heavy bottomed pan and heat the oil in it. Throw onions, celery, carrots into the oil, add all the spices there. Roast vegetables for 5 minutes.

Add potato cubes to the vegetables, cook in oil for another 3 minutes, then sprinkle the vegetables with corn grits, mix and immediately pour in boiling water. Cook the dish until done. Salt at the end of cooking. Cover the pan with a thick towel, leave on the table for 20 minutes. Then sprinkle with herbs, serve.

6. Candy corn

Products: tangerine juice - 120 ml., corn grits - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 70 gr. (you can take brown), water - 50 ml., coconut shavings - 2-3 tablespoons, pine nuts - a spoon.

Peel, squeeze juice. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add water, put sugar. Let the resulting liquid boil, then carefully introduce the already boiled corn grits (very thick) into it. Boil the mass for 2 minutes, stirring constantly, remove from heat, throw pine nuts into the pan. Mix well, let cool. Pour coconut shavings into a plate, form balls from the “porridge”, roll in shavings. Serve on the table.

One of the most sought after dishes home desk are a variety of soups that you can cook for recipes found on websites or blogs. Soups are prepared in every home very often, and therefore you need to add some subtle notes of originality and unusualness to this dish. This can be achieved by using corn grits instead of rice, buckwheat or pasta. Thus, you can get very satisfying and tasty soup from corn grits by finding recipes on the website: http://verypost.ru/ and learning how to cook cornmeal soup.


  • 40 grams of finely ground corn grits;
  • 4-5 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 bunch of parsley and celery;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 20-30 grams of dried mushrooms;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream.

Recipe for cornmeal soup

1. In order to make soup from corn grits, you need to soak the mushrooms in water for a couple of hours.

2. Weld mushroom broth and strain it well.

3. From corn grits, it is necessary to cook the usual, familiar to everyone from childhood, porridge.

4. Peel the potatoes and cut into medium-sized cubes, then put in the mushroom broth and cook over medium heat.

5. The remaining vegetables must be sautéed.

6. After 15 minutes after the start of the soup cooking process, you need to send ready-made corn porridge and sautéed vegetables to the pot for potatoes.

7. Boil the soup for another 10 minutes.

8. Turn off the stove and pour into plates.

9. When serving, put a spoonful of sour cream into the soup, without stirring, and garnish with a sprig of parsley.

This soup is very pleasant taste and aroma. It can be safely submitted to festive table. Cornmeal soup- this is a dish that can always be improved and betrayed to it a variety of notes of taste and aroma. This first course will appeal to all your family members and guests. From this it is worth drawing conclusions - that even with a minimally simple set of products, you can achieve excellent taste, and most importantly, at minimal financial cost. Soup from corn grits will be able to cook every housewife in such a way that you will definitely want to try it.