How long does it take to cook corn on the cob. How to cook mature corn

Undoubtedly, boiled corn tasty and healthy. A lot of it is sold during the season, the main thing is to choose high-quality, undamaged cobs and not having foreign odors (chemistry, pesticides, etc.). Before buying corn, do not hesitate to taste the grain, it should taste sweet, juicy and not hard. The variety of corn will also be important. You need to buy food, sweet corn.

Have you ever thought that corn is rich in vitamins and fiber, that it contains vitamins such as B1, A, C, E. In addition, it is well absorbed by the body. The main thing in everything is to know the measure and not to overeat.

Immediately before cooking, peel corn cobs from leaves and fibers, rinse under cold water.

What to cook corn in?

You need to cook corn in a large saucepan, if you cook it whole and in in large numbers, and if 2-3 cobs, and even break or cut into two parts, then a pot of 3 - 3.5 liters is enough.

Cook corn with leaves or not?

Many cook corn with leaves, and this is not forbidden, it can even be more fragrant and tastier with them. But, if you are sure that the leaves have not absorbed a lot of pesticides and not only that are used in corn fields. If you still cook corn in leaves, be sure to remove the first leaves.

We put the corn in a saucepan in boiling water - so it retains more of its juices.

Fresh sweet corn (from the store, market), cook for 10-15 minutes. We cook fodder corn from the field for 40-90 minutes (young corn is cooked more than two times less than the old one). Time will begin to count from the moment the water boils again. We do not add salt, because under its influence, corn grains harden. We cook under the lid - this reduces the processing time and reduces the loss of vitamins. To find out if the corn is ready, you can tear off a few grains and try if they are soft, then the corn is already cooked. Just be careful as you can get burned.

Corn cooked:

If the corn will be served immediately to the table, then it must be put on a dish with tongs directly from the pot of hot water

It's time to remember how to properly cook corn on the cob. But first, taste it raw - you might like it better this way.

Juicy, fragrant corn cob, sprinkled with salt on top and flavored with butter, reminds of childhood, when it was the height of pleasure. Today we will cook milk corn on the cob together, exactly the same as in childhood.

How to choose the right corn

In the market, check that the grains on the cob are soft, when pressed on them, liquid should be released. Give preference to uncleaned specimens from stigmas and leaves, as they prevent from drying out. After the purchase, do not delay cooking: the faster you cook, the tastier it will turn out.


  • Corn cobs - 6-8 pcs.
  • Water - 4 liters.

How to cook corn on the cob?

Remove all leaves from the cobs, as well as corn stigmas. Do not throw away green, young leaves, they will be useful to us for cooking corn. Corn flakes - very useful product, used in medical purposes as a diuretic.

Preparations based on corn stigmas have antioxidant properties, have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, reduce blood sugar levels, and improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

Take a heavy-bottomed pot (preferably). It can be an enameled, cast iron or aluminum pan with a large diameter. Put the kettle on to heat up, and in the meantime, put green corn leaves, pre-washed, on the bottom of the pan. The entire bottom should be filled with leaves. The more leaves left during cooking, the juicier and more aromatic the corn cobs will be.

If there is a lot of corn, lay several layers, shifting them with leaves. So, alternating cobs and leaves, fill the entire pan.

Do not add salt when cooking! Better salt the already cooked hot corn!

When all the corn is in the pan, pour boiling water from the kettle and put on fire. brew corn on the cob 20 minutes, then turn off and let stand in water for another half an hour.

Corn cobs should be completely covered with water. In order to prevent them from floating up, you can put an inverted plate on top or just cover with a lid.

Salt the cooked corn, rubbing salt grains evenly over the entire surface. Then take a bite butter and run over the cob to absorb the oil.

How long does it take to cook corn?

Young milk cobs are boiled for no longer than 20 minutes. If you got forage varieties with hard grains, it may take 40 minutes. How to distinguish fodder from dairy? The more intense the color of the grains, the longer heat treatment will be needed. To test the readiness of corn, break off a few kernels and taste them.

Corn kernels can be harvested for the future if they are scraped off the cooked cobs with a knife and placed in plastic bag or container. In winter, you can use corn for stews, pizza, any other second and first courses. If you have a lot of space in your freezer, you can freeze raw cobs and cook in the winter.

How do you cook corn? Are there any secrets in your family? Share in the comments!
On our You Tube video channel, I posted a step-by-step video recipe on how to cook corn properly, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

Many sprinkle corn with cheese, pepper, water with brine. What additives and spices do you like? I would love feedback on the recipe. All the best!

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Before you weld delicious corn, you should also pay attention to the variety and degree of maturity of the cobs when buying. Very often, inexperienced hostesses buy fodder varieties instead of food varieties. Sweet sweet corn it turns out tender and juicy, and fodder varieties are more suitable for making soups and second courses - their grains are denser and almost not sweet. Dried feed corn kernels can be used to make popcorn, but for salads and appetizers, as well as serving on the cob, sugary edible varieties are best.

Choose unshelled corn - you can tell by the leaves when the cobs have been plucked. Young corn has bright green leaves, and the stigmas are fine hairs, and should be light and slightly moist. Checking the degree of ripeness is very simple. Open the leaves in such a way that the cob is exposed approximately to the base - the grains should be smooth, not wrinkled, and have a delicate lemon tint. With your fingernail, press on one of the grains - if the skin bursts easily and protrudes milk juice, means young corn, milky ripeness. It is these cobs that have a pleasant sweetish aftertaste and will be tender and juicy after cooking. If starch has already appeared in the grains, then such corn will be tougher and less sweet.

Depending on the degree of ripeness, the time for its preparation will vary. How long to boil fresh corn will also depend on where and how you intend to cook it.

Soft and juicy corn is great for serving on its own or adding to salads. Before you cook soft corn, you should carry out a certain preparation procedure.

Only the upper hard leaves should be removed from the cob, leaving a few thin leaves.

The stigmas also should not be cleaned - it is they who give unique taste and flavor of this product. It is enough to tear off the upper blackened part of the hairs.

The cobs prepared in this way should be washed in running water and carefully laid out on the bottom of a convenient roomy dish - it is best to take a pan with not very thin walls.

Corn prepared in this way is suitable for salads and snacks. To serve, it is better to clean the leaves completely and put them together with the stigmas on the bottom of the pan and only corn is laid out on top - this is done because the cobs are served hot and it will be problematic to clean them from the cooked leaves.

There is a lot in this cereal beneficial vitamins and amino acids that need to be preserved during cooking. That is why it is very important to follow temperature regime. According to experts, how to cook fresh corn correctly, most useful properties will last if cooked at a constant high temperature. Therefore, bring water to a boil, pour it over prepared cobs and bring to a boil over high heat. After that, you will need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat so that the temperature inside the dish remains constant. Milk corn will be ready in 20 minutes, more mature cobs will be cooked in 40-45 minutes.

Make sure that the corn is completely submerged in water - the top cobs will float, so they will need to be turned over periodically.

How much to cook fresh corn, decide for yourself - check the grains for readiness. Depending on the variety, the time can take up to several hours - the finished grains should not taste like starch. If you bought a fodder variety, then it would be best to cook corn in a pressure cooker or slow cooker at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. Then leave it for a few minutes in water - so even not very young corn will turn out juicy and soft.

Now you know how to quickly cook milky corn. But one more important point should be remembered, on which the taste of the finished grains will largely depend.

Salt - without this food additive no dish can show its unique taste. To emphasize the sweetness of milk corn, the finished cobs are sprinkled with a thin layer of salt just before serving. However, never add salt to the water in which the corn will be boiled. Salt speeds up the process of boiling water and helps maintain heat, but it is salt that speeds up the process of water release from cereal. Therefore, if you add even a little salt to the water, the grains will no longer be so tender and juicy.

How long you cook your corn will affect the taste of the finished treat, so try to buy only freshly picked cobs. If you buy shelled cobs, inspect the kernels carefully. But even if you bought a fodder variety of corn by mistake, do not rush to throw it away. Wash the peeled cobs, wipe them dry and put them in freezer. It takes a little longer to boil such corn than milk corn, but if you add a pinch of sugar to the water, the grains will be soft and sweet. You do not need to defrost the cobs - immediately place them in boiling water.

Sweet corn is not only a very tasty plant, but also very healthy. Despite the fact that the grains have a fairly high content of starch, this product can be called medicinal and even dietary. Even in ancient times, these golden grains were called the elixir of youth. Amino acids, which are found in large quantities in the grains of this plant, will help restore shine to your hair, improve memory, restore freshness to the skin and help get rid of a couple of extra pounds. Delicate fragrant grains will give you the warm energy of the sun on a cold cloudy day, cheer you up and improve your well-being. Do not deny yourself pleasure. Bon Appetit!

For those who follow the figure and health, nutritionists recommend using corn more often in their diet. This low-calorie product, which at the same time is rich in protein, starch, ascorbic acid and many vitamins. These are the most necessary vitamins for people A, C, D, as well as potassium, magnesium and various trace elements. Naturally, preference is given Interested in how long everything will depend on the ripeness of the vegetable.

The most delicious and juicy is young milk corn. It does not take much time to prepare it. How long does it take to boil young corn? Quite a bit, literally forty minutes. For this we need: corn - a few cobs, salt to taste. Pour into a five liter saucepan cold water. Professionals recommend adding salt after it has completely boiled, and the calculation is something like this: one teaspoon of salt per liter of water. Otherwise, the corn will be dry and hard. When the water boils, salt and lay the corn. Perfect option- when corn is cooked immediately, as they say, from the garden. It will be the most delicious, soft, juicy. How long to cook young corn? Cooking time will take 30-40 minutes. If the cobs were stored for a very long time in a cool place, then more time will be required, sometimes about an hour and a half.

To prepare ripe and large corn, you need to use another

way. How many hours to cook corn will depend on the size of the ears, on the shelf life. Experts claim that with long-term storage this vegetable becomes rough and hard. It is from these qualities that will depend on how long to cook corn. If fresh cobs, it will take about two to three hours. For cooking you will need: a few ears of corn, salt (to taste). We take a pan (and you need a five-liter one), line the bottom with leaves. This is necessary so that the corn does not come into contact with the bottom and does not burn. At the same time, corn leaves will give the vegetable a special pleasant taste. Next, lay the cobs. Fill everything with water. After boiling, salt, close the lid and cook until tender. will depend on the cooking temperature and the maturity of the cobs. If it has been stored for a long time, then it will take about four hours.

Boiled corn is good and cold. It can be consumed directly from the cob, or it can be used for other dishes. It will be an excellent addition to side dishes, and is good as a component of salads. added to any vegetable salad a few spoons of boiled corn will not only be a decoration, but also a good flavoring additive.

To prepare a salad with corn, you will need: boiled corn from one cob, boiled eggs (3 pieces), lettuce leaves, cheese (100 grams), shrimp (two hundred grams). We spread torn lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, on top - a layer of chopped eggs, corn, then shrimp, peeled and boiled. Sprinkle with grated cheese. We coat each layer with mayonnaise, and for those who follow the figure, it is better to use olive oil.

    The calorie content of corn is quite high, but at the same time it is widely used in dietary and clinical nutrition. The composition of the grain of this crop includes a mass useful substances, this:

  • vitamins of different groups - beta-carotene, B9, B1, B5, B2, B6, E, K, C, PP, choline;
  • macroelements - magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • trace elements - copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.

Moderate consumption of corn improves metabolism. It helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, which in turn improves the condition of the skin of the face and body.

The use of corn in food also helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels of the circulatory system, improves the state of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems organism. This product is indispensable in the fight against depression.

There are contraindications - excessive consumption of corn can cause bloating and colic. Therefore, pregnant women, children and people with diseases of the intestines and duodenum need to be careful with the introduction of this product into the diet.

How to cook corn properly?

Before cooking, corn on the cob must be cleaned of leaves. If the corn on the cob is large, they can be cut in half if desired.

We cook corn on the stove. We take a pan and put the leaves taken from the cobs on the bottom, and then the corn and fill it with water. We put the pan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. After boiling, it is necessary to cook: young corn for 20-25 minutes, fodder - 1-2 hours.

Cooking corn in a slow cooker. We put the leaves taken from the corn in the multicooker bowl, and on top of them are the cobs. Fill everything with water. For young corn, set the program "Cooking", "Express" and the cooking time is 30-40 minutes. For fodder or old cobs, select the "Extinguishing" program and cook for 1.5-2.5 hours.

Cooking corn in a steamer. Lay the cobs cut in half on the steamer grate. We set the timer for the time: for young corn 35-40 minutes, and for old or fodder 2-2.5 hours.