Freeze boiled or raw corn for the winter. Frozen corn in grains and cobs - benefits and harms, how to freeze it correctly, how much to cook and recipes from it

For harvesting, sugar corn varieties of milky ripeness are selected. For long storage You can freeze whole cobs, but freezing the grains will allow you to efficiently load your freezer and provide yourself with an appetizing vitamin supplement for the whole winter. They can be prepared both fresh and blanched. Most practical plastic container small container for one-time use.

To add piquancy, the frozen product is marinated without even defrosting. Bright sunny grains can decorate any salad, enrich the taste of first and second courses, and vegetable stews.


  • 3-4 ears of young corn
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 l boiling water

How to freeze corn at home

1. When purchasing an ear of corn, be sure to burst several of its grains - whitish juice should ooze from them. If this is not the case, then the corn is already mature and you will need to cook it much longer than young corn. Clear corn cobs from leaves and plant fibers, rinse in water. Using a sharp knife, cut the kernels from each cob, being careful not to go too deep so as not to cut off the tough core.

2. Pour all the cut grains into a saucepan or cauldron.

3. Add salt and granulated sugar. Pour boiling water and place the container on the stove. Boil for 5 minutes from boiling if the corn is young, and 25-30 minutes if it is mature.

4. Recline corn kernels in a sieve or colander and rinse with ice water. Due to the temperature difference, the shell of each grain will become less dense. Let the remaining water drain out.

5. Place all cooled grains into freezer bags or containers. Tie them or seal them with lids and place them in the freezer for 30 minutes. During this time, the grains will completely freeze. The shelf life of this product is about 1 year.

To add corn kernels to a salad, simply create a marinade based on salt, sugar and vinegar, boiling water, and then dip some of the frozen kernels into it. They are already boiled, so the grains only need to cool in the marinade so that you get tasty and aromatic corn, just like from a can.

Note to the hostess

1. Cleaning the cob with a screwdriver is much more convenient than with a knife. The flat and moderately sharp edge of the tool deftly pries up the grains, penetrating right into the places where they are attached - the raw materials for freezing are flawless.

2. In African countries, Cuba, Latin America, Mexico and many southern states of the USA, corn is as beloved as potatoes in our country. Not all dishes common in the above-mentioned regions can be prepared from a frozen product, but you can make something. Original version- thick corn soup with Mexican chili: corn kernels boiled in a strong salted broth are mashed, seasoned with pepper, and acidified with tomato. Cubans like mashed corn with boiled chicken and smoked pork, and Panamanians put seafood and pieces in it fish fillet. Why not diversify your diet with exotic delicacies if the basic ingredient for them is in the freezer?

3. Those who do not need homeopathic treatment with corn silk usually throw it away after cleaning the cobs. A woman will reconsider her attitude towards seemingly useless waste when she learns that their decoction acts on her hair almost like gelatin: it envelops her in an elastic, invisible shell, protects from ultraviolet radiation, and holds styling no worse than hairspray.

Advice: You can first pour boiling water over the cobs, and then cool, dry and pack in a convenient way.

Recipe for freezing corn kernels

You can also freeze corn in grains, but this process takes much more time and effort. The most difficult thing is to remove them from the head of cabbage; most likely, a strong “male hand” will be required. This can be done in several ways, but the most rational way, especially if there is a lot of corn, is to cut the grains from the head of corn using a knife.

The process is quite labor-intensive, but at the same time it is more convenient to use corn grains after freezing: they are easy to boil, or you can add them to a boiling dish even when frozen. It is better to use unripe cobs for canning, but here you will need fully poured and preferably fresh ones, these happen at the end of the season.

Cooking time: 4 hours

Number of servings: 10

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​319.3 kcal;
  • fats – 10.3 g;
  • proteins – 4.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 58.5 g.


  • corn beans – 1 kg;
  • water - 3 liters.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Leaves and dirt are removed from the cobs and then immersed in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. After heat treatment the heads of cabbage are pulled out and immediately lowered into a container with very cold water for 5-7 minutes. Then dry it by laying it on a towel. Thanks to this procedure, the grains are separated from the stalk very easily.
  3. Then they are evenly laid out on trays or baking sheets and placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  4. After the initial freezing, the grains are taken out and poured into prepared portioned bags with airtight zippers. For faster freezing, the grains are poured so that they lie in a thin layer, and the bag can be slightly flattened.

Important: The approximate weight of one cob of corn is 300 g, where 200 are grains. This information should be taken into account by people who are limited in diet and count calories. Despite all useful material, corn has a fairly high calorie content, so for daily use it suits few.

Recipe for freezing canned corn

Store bought canned corn Also suitable for freezing. Of course, it’s most likely not worth purchasing grains on purpose. After all, at any time you can go to the nearest supermarket and buy a jar. But if it is already open and not all used, then this option is quite suitable.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Number of servings: 10

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​119 kcal;
  • fats – 3.9 g;
  • proteins – 1.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 22.7 g.


  • canned corn – 1 kg.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Drain the excess liquid from the jar and pour the grains onto a flat surface. If you don't have much corn, you can put it in the bottom of a short plastic container. This preliminary freezing will prevent the grains from sticking together, making them easier to reuse.
  2. After half an hour, remove the corn from the chamber and pour it into any convenient bag or container that will take up less space in the chamber.

Advice: In this way you can freeze not only corn, but also make a bright, almost golden vegetable mix for winter soup, adding peas, carrot pieces and onions.

Recipe for freezing corn for fishing

Corn is a great bait. Experienced fishermen use it as bait for carp, crucian carp and roach. For this purpose, you can not only purchase corn in a specialized store, but also cook it at home and then freeze it for future fishing.

Cooking time: 2 hours

Number of servings: 10


  • raw corn - 1 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Soak the grains for 2-3 days to swell.
  2. When they have increased in size, you can start cooking. Bring water and sugar to a boil, add grains and simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  3. Then you need to cool and leave for room temperature a couple more days.
  4. Drain the water. Package the bait.

Important: It’s better to label the “fish” bags with corn or stick special stickers on them so as not to confuse them with others prepared for food.

Secrets and rules of freezing

Freezing corn on the cob or kernels is easy. This fast process, which does not require special skills and abilities. But even for experienced housewives first you need to study the rules and methods of freezing this crop, or better yet, watch several videos that talk about processing and proper preparation.

Those who have repeatedly encountered the process of freezing corn grains are advised to take ripe heads of sugar varieties, preferably freshly harvested. Green or overripe cobs will taste bitter and tough, and even additional cooking will not correct this.

If corn is blanched before freezing, it cooks much faster than corn that is frozen raw. Moreover, it can be cooked not only in a pan or oven, but also in the microwave.

The average shelf life of frozen corn is six months. It is better to consume all prepared foods during this time. You can pack it in any container that is convenient. These include plastic containers and zip bags. You can also use regular bags, but it is more difficult to distribute the corn in them so that it lies in one layer.

The product cannot be re-frozen, so it is necessary to pack frozen grains little by little, for one meal.

Freezing corn for the winter in any way will greatly facilitate the preparation of dishes and help make them bright, tasty and as healthy as possible. By personal experience For many housewives, it is convenient to cook whole cobs until ready in a slow cooker or double boiler. The child will enjoy the fragrant cob with pleasure. No matter how much corn you prepare, everything is eaten.

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Corn is a universal and indispensable product that is served as independent dish, and also added to soups and salads. Nowadays, it has become possible to use corn in cooking at any time of the year, thanks to freezers. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on corn summer time when prices are quite low. This way, you won’t overpay for frozen corn in the winter and save a lot. That's why it's important to learn how to properly freeze fresh corn.

It doesn't take too much effort to freeze corn. Corn is frozen on the cob, in paste form, and also in grains.

Freezing corn on the cob

To do this, the corn is cleaned of leaves and fibers, washed, and placed in cling film or in bags and place in the freezer. Also, if desired, the corn cob can be cut into two parts.

Freezing corn into a paste

This type of corn is also called creamed corn. To prepare it, the corn is prepared in the same way, that is, cleaned, washed, and then sharp knife, cut the grains at a distance of 3 millimeters from the edge. When the entire cob is cut off, you need to go through the knife again until only one head of cob remains.

Freezing corn beans

To freeze corn in grains, fibers and leaves are removed from the cobs, washed and subjected to the following processing. You need to put the water on the fire and bring it to a boil, and you will also need ice water, which will need to be placed in the freezer first. plastic bottles. After this, pour the water into a pan, which should be large enough to fit the cobs. Next, put two pans on the table next to each other and first dip the corn in boiling water for 5 seconds, and then put it in ice water, also for a few seconds. This procedure will allow the grains to come off the head very easily. After this, cut off the grains with a sharp knife, closer to the roots of the grains. It is very important not to cut the kernel as this will cause the corn to bad taste. After this, arrange the corn kernels plastic bags and place in the freezer.

Corn is very valuable and delicious product. And I really want to eat it not only in summer and autumn, but at any time of the year. Therefore, real housewives know how to freeze corn for the winter. And when frozen, it does not lose its beneficial properties.


Corn can be called the queen of all fields. This product can be eaten all year round in canned form. But you want to eat it fresh, even in winter. So now you can cook cobs in the middle of winter. To do this, you need to freeze the corn properly. Its magnificent taste cannot leave you indifferent. Corn is very beneficial for the human body. This vegetable is used to prevent many diseases. Many diets diabetes mellitus include this food product. The cob contains many vitamins that can increase immune system. By regularly consuming this product, you can replenish your body with vitamins B, P, E. Corn is rich in proteins and microelements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). Many people ask how to freeze corn for the winter to preserve its properties?


Corn cobs improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that it perfectly cleanses the body of waste, toxins and removes excess fluid from the body. This reduces the risk of many diseases. The product slows down the aging process. Eating corn normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If you include this product in your diet, you can improve your health and metabolism. Nutritionists recommend consuming corn to prevent diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and atherosclerosis. Corn prevents muscular dystrophy and has a positive effect on function nervous system. People suffering from epilepsy know that the vegetable will benefit them. ethnoscience recommends drinking a decoction of corn silk for good bladder function.


It’s worth thinking about how to keep corn safe and sound so that you can eat it at any time of the year. Some may think that this is impossible. But let's face it, nothing is impossible for a real housewife. You can find a way out in any situation, even a hopeless one. A new technique will help preserve corn for long time in the freezer. Now these delicious moments will last throughout the winter, and you can enjoy this incredible taste at any time. The most interesting thing is that when corn is frozen, it does not lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is worth choosing a good sugar variety and freezing it until better times. If you follow all the rules, the freezing will be successful. First of all, you need to prepare everything necessary for this process.


It is necessary to buy freezer bags and prepare large saucepan with water, the corn itself and a deep bowl of ice. Now it's time to begin the process of preparing to freeze your corn for the winter. First you need to clean it of all unnecessary husks and fibers. Place whole cobs in a large saucepan and cover with cold filtered water. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. While the corn is cooking, you need to prepare a bowl of ice and add it to it. cold water. When the cobs are cooked, drain hot water and transfer to a bowl with ice. It is very important not to overcook the corn and immediately throw it into ice. This technique is very popular and prevents the corn from shriveling. And the separation of grains will be much more successful. The grains need to be separated into a separate bowl.


The process is almost complete. You need to prepare freezer bags or containers. Fill each bag with corn kernels; close them well, after removing all the air from the bag. This way the grains will take up less space in freezer and freeze faster. Now the bags are carefully laid out in the freezer. They keep well at sub-zero temperatures. Not everyone wants to freeze corn kernels. Sometimes you want to eat the whole cob. But how to do that? It's simple. You can freeze a whole cob in the freezer. It does not matter. But the taste will be a little different. The cobs are simply washed and peeled, then frozen whole in bags. After freezing, you can just as easily separate the grains from the cob and put them in bags. Now housewives know how to freeze corn for the winter.


For those who want to eat delicious cob in winter and feel summer scent, there is another option. Corn can be frozen on the cob in the freezer. To do this, wash the corn well, peel it and wrap each cob in a paper towel. It is possible in simple packages lay out. Everything is as simple as day. But now it’s worth asking another question: how to eat frozen corn on the cob? Just take it and cook it? First you need to defrost it. To do this, first wrap it in a damp paper towel. If you have a microwave oven, you can do defrosting in it. It will take a long time to defrost on its own. Now comes the cooking process. Pour water into the pan and put it on the fire, now you can add the cobs. Bring the water to a boil.


After the water has boiled, you need to reduce the heat and leave the dish to cook. The cobs are usually cooked for 40 minutes. Now you can take out the corn and salt it to taste, it is ready to eat. Don't forget that it is very important to boil the corn before freezing and throw it immediately into a bowl of ice. It won't give useful properties disappear. Now everyone can enjoy delicious and wonderful corn all year round. You can cook a lot with it interesting dishes. It is very convenient to take out an ear of corn at any time of the year and enjoy this taste. Many people dream about this. Some people initially boil the corn for one hour and then freeze it. But the taste will not be the freshest. But everyone chooses the option that suits them.