So Shrove Tuesday delicious recipes for thin pancakes. Original fillings for sweet tooth with photo

What to cook for Shrovetide? What kind unusual pancakes bake every day? What dishes besides pancakes to offer on festive table for friends and family? Check out our large selection of step by step recipes!

Monday opens Maslenitsa. In the morning, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for a day, and in the evening they themselves went to visit the matchmakers. We agreed on the time and place of the festivities. They finished building snowy cities, swings, booths.

On Monday they started baking pancakes. The first pancake was given to poor neighbors to commemorate the dead.

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • water - 2 tbsp.
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • table vinegar - 1 tsp

In the cup that you took to knead the pancake dough, we break the declared number of chicken eggs.

We take a whisk or, better, a mixer and start beating the eggs. You should get such an egg mass with bubbles.

Pour sugar into the resulting egg mass.

Next, add salted spices.

Again, we need a whisk or mixer to beat the entered ingredients.

In the sweet egg mass, we begin to sift the premium wheat flour.

Immediately mix the flour with the egg mass.

At the same stage, add soda for the pancake dough, which should be extinguished with vinegar.

Let's add water now. We use chilled but boiled water.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth.

AT ready dough for pancakes on water and eggs, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix again. The dough for baking pancakes is ready.

Grease the pan with vegetable oil. We spread the dough on a hot pan with a ladle.

Bake the pancakes for about a minute on each side.

Appetizing pancakes on water and eggs are ready for the first day of Maslenitsa!

Recipe 2: Pancakes for Maslenitsa - Day 2, Flirting

On this day, brides were held. Parents had to have time to marry the young before the start of Lent, because the Church does not allow to get married in Lent. If everything went well, then immediately after Easter, on Krasnaya Gorka, a wedding was played.

On Tuesday, guys and girls got to know each other, went down the hills together, came to each other for pancakes.

  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Buckwheat flour - a glass;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar, salt - to taste.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until stiff and slightly white. Leave separately for at least 2-3 minutes. So the egg mass is saturated with oxygen and, when combined with the dough, will make it even more airy.

In warm (about 30-40 degrees) water, add sugar, salt and pour buckwheat flour, methodically stirring with a whisk or fork. It is important that the water is really warm. Groats from ground buckwheat have larger particles than "standard" wheat.

By the way, adherents of the right and healthy eating may not buy ready-made buckwheat flour in supermarkets, but make it on their own. It is only necessary to “crush” fragrant buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Simply and easily!

Pour the previously beaten eggs into the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly until completely homogeneous.

Heat up a frying pan with a little oil. Pour one pancake portion with a ladle.

When the edges are browned, flip the pancake to the other side. Also fry. Buckwheat pancakes will become even more fragrant and tender if, when folding them on top of each other, each layer is slightly moistened with butter. It is convenient to apply directly with a fork.

Serve buckwheat pancakes you can go to the table with anything: with butter, condensed milk, jam, preserves, fresh berries, jelly, milk, etc. They will also become an ideal “receptacle” in the form of an envelope for meat or mushrooms, if you do not make the dough very sweet.

Recipe 3: Gourmets - the third day of Maslenitsa (with photo)

On Wednesday, the son-in-law came to his mother-in-law for pancakes and brought other guests with him. The mother-in-law watched intently how her son-in-law behaved at the table. The people said that if a man chooses pancakes with salty filling, then he is stubborn and with a difficult character. And if sweet, then with his wife he will be soft and affectionate. But this sign, of course, is also not connected with the Orthodox tradition and is considered superstition.

In general, on this day it was customary to eat pancakes as much as the soul desires.

  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Milk 250 ml
  • Flour 120 gr
  • Sugar 2 tbsp
  • Butter for greasing the pan

Crack 2 eggs into a bowl.

Add 120 gr flour and 2 tbsp. Sahara.


Gradually introduce milk.

When adding milk, beat with a whisk or mixer so that there are no lumps.

It turns out not very batter. Place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

You can start baking pancakes.

Preheat the pan and start baking pancakes, greasing it before each pancake butter.

This is how thin pancakes are made.

Stack pancakes. Set the table and enjoy.

Recipe 4: pancakes for Razgulay - 4th day of Maslenitsa

Thursday is the day of the beginning of the Broad Maslenitsa. Household work stopped, festivities began.

The entertainment was very different: they rode sledges and sleds, arranged fistfights and battles for snowy cities, sang carols, burned ritual bonfires (another relic of paganism) and jumped over the fire.

  • Ryazhenka - 0.5 liters
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sugar

We make dough. Pour ryazhenka into a bowl, drive in two eggs, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mix well with a mixer. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda and stir.

Gradually sift the flour into a homogeneous liquid mass. I got about 5 tablespoons with a small slide.

Describing the consistency is the most difficult, the dough should not be very liquid, but not thick, it should pour well from a spoon.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot frying pan to oil the entire surface. And pour the dough with a ladle, turning the pan in a circle so that it spreads evenly.

I drip oil before each pancake. Ready pancakes fold in a pile, you can put a small piece of butter on each and powder with sugar. Serve with sour cream, honey, jam, condensed milk, or whatever your family loves the most.

Recipe 5: Mother-in-law evenings - pancakes for the 5th day of Maslenitsa

On this day, the mother-in-law came to visit her son-in-law on a return visit, and she took a company of friends with her. The daughter baked pancakes for her husband and guests.

Very convenient to bake rye pancakes on whey - the dough has a wonderful consistency. It spreads easily over the pan and bakes beautifully. It is very important to sift before cooking pancakes. rye flour: this step, in principle, will not be superfluous when working with wheat flour, but here it is simply necessary.

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 glass of rye flour;
  • 500 ml whey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of quick soda;
  • 5 st. spoons of sunflower oil.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl.

Add salt, sugar, beat with a fork, there is no need to use a mixer, you just need to stir. Sift rye flour through a sieve (along with baking soda), first a few tablespoons.

Stir, the dough will be thick.

Then pour in a little whey (milk, you can even bake pancakes on water, but then soda is not needed). Then again flour, again a little whey. And so alternate until all the flour is mixed into the dough. The dough at all stages of kneading should be thick. After that, by adding whey, bring the dough to the desired consistency. The most important point when baking rye pancakes is that the dough must be allowed to stand for at least half an hour so that the flour swells: if this rule is neglected, the pancakes cannot be turned over in the pan, they will tear. If you doubt your abilities, then for the first time you can make pancakes from rye flour with the addition of a small amount wheat.

After a while, pour in sunflower oil, mix.

After that, it is necessary to evaluate the consistency of the dough, since while it is standing, it thickens a little, and you may need to add more whey.

Before baking the first pancake, grease the pan with sunflower oil or any fat, then this is not required: the function of lubrication will be performed by the oil in the pancake dough.

Pancakes made from rye flour need to be baked a little longer than usual, and besides, you need to make sure that rye pancakes do not brown too much, otherwise they will taste bitter.

At first glance, it seems that such pancakes must be eaten with something salty, but the opposite is true: due to the presence of rye flour in the dough, they turn out to be sweetish and are very good with jam and sour cream.

Recipe 6, step by step: Saturday - Sister-in-law gatherings

Young daughters-in-law invited their sisters-in-law and other relatives of their husbands to visit. Interestingly, if the sister-in-law was not married, then the daughter-in-law invited her unmarried friends, and if she was married, then married relatives came to visit. The daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law a gift.

In continuation of the Maslenitsa theme, I share with you another recipe for pancakes with milk - this time we will cook oatmeal. Such pancakes are obtained not only thin, but also very tender, soft, fragrant (a little reminiscent of oatmeal cookies) and very tasty. They can be served with jam, sour cream, honey, or filled with any filling (both sweet and salty) of your choice.

  • milk - 1.5 cups
  • oatmeal - 1 cup
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • table salt - 1 pinch

The recipe for these tender and fragrant pancakes includes the following ingredients: oatmeal, milk (any fat content - I use 1.7%), chicken eggs, granulated sugar, salt and refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil. I use glasses with a capacity of 250 milliliters. Yes, 1 glass oat flour- this is about 110 grams, and milk will need approximately 375 milliliters. All products should be at room temperature, so take them out of the refrigerator in advance.

You can cook the dough for pancakes in any deep dish. Crack the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar.

After that, pour the remaining milk and mix everything well again or beat with a mixer. Due to this technique (when the liquid is introduced in parts), there will never be lumps in the pancake dough!

Pour odorless vegetable oil into the dough and simply mix it with a spoon or spatula. We leave pancake dough stand for 10 minutes so that the gluten in the flour swells - then the pancakes are elastic and will not tear.

We heat the pan (I have a special heavy pancake maker) and pour a couple of tablespoons of dough. With quick movements in a circle, distribute the dough and bake the oatmeal pancake on a fire just below medium until the underside is golden brown. For the first pancake, you can grease the pan with oil.

Then turn the pancake over and cook the other side. Similarly, we bake the rest of the oatmeal pancakes in milk until all the dough is over.

Oatmeal pancakes are ready - if you wish, you can coat each with butter, then they will be even more tender.

Help yourself, friends, fragrant and delicious oatmeal pancakes. They can be served just like that, or flavored with honey, sour cream, jam or jam. A cup of hot tea or a glass of milk will also come in handy.

Recipe 7: seeing off Maslenitsa on Sunday

Seeing off Maslenitsa, or Forgiveness Sunday, is the main day of Cheese Week, a conspiracy before the start of Great Lent. The rite of forgiveness was performed in the temples, the clergy and laity asked for forgiveness from each other for all the offenses of the past year.

In the evening they commemorated the dead, went to the cemetery.

  • pancake flour - 500 gr;
  • milk - 900 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 3 - 4 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp

We sift the flour.

We heat the milk so that it is warm. Gradually add the flour to the milk, stirring all the time so that there are no lumps.

Then beat one egg and pour into the dough.

We also add sugar and vegetable oil there.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

If the dough is too thick, you can add more warm milk or water. Heat up a frying pan, grease it with a little vegetable oil. I lubricate with oil only before baking the first pancake, so everything goes like clockwork anyway.

Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

Bake on both sides.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate.

Pancakes can be served with anything. Everyone smears with what he loves: sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Bon Appetit everyone!

Bonus 1: Banitsa pie for the Wide Maslenitsa

Pie Banitsa - extraordinarily tasty dish Bulgarian cuisine. And he prepares himself different ways and with various fillings(with cottage cheese, lamb, greens and tops, etc.). However, the classic Bulgarian recipe is salty Banitsa with cheese and sweet - with pumpkin ("pumpkin").

cook real Bulgarian Banitsa at home it is quite real, although, we warn you, it is not very simple. But with all the difficulties we will help you cope with our step by step recipe with a photo: if you don’t understand something, look at the photo - and everything will fall into place.

We will prepare two Banitsa at once - with cheese and pumpkin (this is how much dough from 1 kg of flour is enough). Accordingly, half the ingredients are needed for one pie (but not for the filling!). If you don't have brynza or don't like it, substitute cottage cheese for brynza (Bulgarians sometimes do this too).

Let's start cooking!

  • wheat flour - 1 kg
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. in the dough, 10 tbsp. into the stuffing
  • apple or wine vinegar - 5 tsp
  • chicken egg - 1 pc in the dough, 4 pcs in the filling
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • water - 1 glass
  • feta cheese - 300 gr for filling, 50 gr for watering
  • yogurt - 100 gr
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • butter - 50 gr
  • pumpkin - 350 gr
  • sugar - to taste

In the sifted flour we make a recess and add salt, vinegar, vegetable oil, one egg and 1 tbsp. warm water. Knead all of this into a soft dough.

We roll the dough into a kind of thick sausage and with a knife we ​​separate small round pieces from it ( must be an even number).

Having moistened a hand in vegetable oil, slightly crush each of the resulting balls, and then connect them in pairs and press the edges.

Sprinkle the resulting double cakes on all sides with flour.

We put the cakes in a single container, cover with a cloth and send for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator or on a cold window.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling of cheese and eggs. To do this, we combine cheese, 4 chicken eggs and yogurt (it can be replaced with any other fermented milk product) mixed with baking soda. We mix everything thoroughly.

In a separate bowl, heat up 10 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and throw in a piece of cheese with a piece of butter or margarine (to your taste).

We take one cake of dough and roll it into a thin layer on a table sprinkled with flour.

Then, using a rolling pin, we transfer it to a separate oilcloth or tablecloth.

Already there we spread the filling on the dough and bend the edges in such a way as shown in the photo.

From above we distribute a mixture of sunflower and butter with cheese.

After that, we lift the edge of the oilcloth / tablecloth - and the blank for Banitsa itself folds into a tube.

The result should look like this.

Now wrap it with a snail and transfer it to a greased round baking dish.

We repeat all the steps until the form is filled. Then we lubricate Banitsa with the remnants of vegetable oil and yogurt.

We send the cake to an oven heated to 180-190 degrees to bake for 20 minutes, and then reduce the heat to 120 degrees (if not possible, just cover Banitsa with foil) and bake for another 20 minutes.

While Banitsa with feta cheese is baking, we start cooking it sweet option. To do this, grate the pumpkin on a medium grater and distribute it over the rolled out layer of dough, and sprinkle sugar on top to taste.

However sweet pie before putting in the oven, grease not with butter and yogurt, but simply with milk.

As a result, it will turn out no less ruddy.

Bonus 2: Sbiten at home (step by step photos)

  • Water - 1 l
  • Cane sugar ("Demerara" from Mistral) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon (Ground) - 5 g
  • Ginger (Ground) - 5 g
  • Nutmeg (ground) - 5 g
  • Bay leaf (Leaves of medium size) - 3 pcs

Heat water on the stove. While the water is heating, cook cane sugar"Demerara" from Mistral 4 tbsp. l. I'm not a sweet tooth, so it seemed a little sweet to me, but not cloying. I would also reduce the amount of sugar to 3 tbsp. l. Even though the recipe calls for more.

When the water boils, dissolve the sugar in it.

Add spices. Boil. Boil for 10-15 minutes. If foam appears, then it must be constantly removed.

Remove from stove and let steep for about half an hour. Strain. Ready sbiten served hot. Gingerbread, cakes, cookies can be served with sbitnya.

Bonus 3: Sweet Fruit Pancake Rolls (Step by Step)

The foundation unusual dessert- thin sweet pancakes. They are ideally combined with cottage cheese and fruit, and they also cook very quickly. I propose to make pancake dough of two types - regular and with the addition of cocoa. Filling - fresh or canned fruits, tender cottage cheese and thick cream. So, let's prepare sweet pancake rolls with fruit and cottage cheese.


  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • milk - 2 cups
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. for the dough + a little oil for frying pancakes
  • salt - a pinch

For filling:

  • orange - 1 pc.
  • bananas - 2-3 pcs.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • cottage cheese (pasty) - 200 g
  • thick sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l
  • sugar or powdered sugar taste.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Put the yolks with sugar in a spacious bowl in which you will prepare the pancake dough.

Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff (to peaks). To peaks - this means that when you raise the whisks of the mixer, tubercles - peaks will remain on the surface of the protein mass, and they will not fall off. If the whites have fallen off, continue beating on high speed until thick.

Rub egg yolks with sugar. Pour in vegetable oil. Oil is better to take without flavorings, refined so as not to interrupt the taste of pancakes.

Pour warm milk into egg mixture. Stir until sugar dissolves.

Add flour, beat the dough with a mixer. By consistency, it should turn out like liquid sour cream. Divide the dough into two parts (you will need to add cocoa to one).

Add half of the beaten egg whites to one part of the dough. Stir carefully.

The dough will become slightly thicker and air bubbles will appear on the surface.

Mix cocoa and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Add to the second part of the test. Beat with a mixer until the ingredients are completely combined. The dough will turn dark chocolate. Put the remaining whipped proteins in it, stir.

The dough should stand for a while so that all the small lumps disperse and dissolve. At this time you can prepare fruit filling for pancakes. Break the peeled oranges into slices. Peel kiwi and bananas, cut into long slices.

Mix cottage cheese with sour cream. Adding sugar or not is a matter of taste. Pay attention to this point: if you add sugar to the curd, the curd mass will become watery, and when cut, the rolls will not look very neat. You will have to either clean up the traces of cottage cheese or leave the cottage cheese unsweetened, but serve the rolls with sweet sauce (you can sprinkle with powdered sugar).

Heat up the pan. For the first pancake, grease it with oil, pour in the dough and shake the pan from side to side so that the dough spreads all over the bottom. Brown the pancake on both sides over medium heat.

Bake chocolate pancakes the same way. A sign of a baked chocolate pancake will be characteristic stains of a lighter shade.

Place the pancake on a cutting board. Oil it up curd mass. Put the fruit filling in the middle (for a chocolate pancake, it is better to take light fruits).

For pancakes from regular test choose a bright filling - oranges, tangerines, kiwi.

Roll the pancakes into tight rolls. Cut off the edges.

With a sharp knife cut into identical pieces. Arrange sweet rolls on plates, alternating chocolate pancakes and light. You can serve dessert with any sweet sauce, jam, honey.

Hello! Pancake week food is pancakes. Diversify them interesting recipes. Today we are preparing openwork pancakes for Shrovetide.

Pancake week has its own characteristics with the baking of pancakes. On Monday, it is customary to give the first pancakes to the poor, to commemorate the dead. On Tuesday, young people were invited to pancakes for viewing. On Wednesday, the son-in-law came to his mother-in-law for pancakes, and on Thursday, dressed up kids with songs went from house to house. I remember myself as a child, I went, sang and beckoned to cook pancakes. On Thursday, the mother-in-law goes to visit her son-in-law for pancakes. Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings", on this day the husband's sisters came to visit. Sunday everyone asked to forgive each other. On this last day of Shrovetide, a scarecrow was burned, which symbolizes the end of winter. Here with such features of baking pancakes on Shrovetide week I introduced you.

The dough recipe is very simple, and the baking method is quite unusual.


  • plastic bottle
  • funnel
  • a whisper of vanillin
  • a pinch of baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams of flour
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 glass of water
  • sunflower oil


1. We need an ordinary plastic bottle. You can pour the finished dough into it, or you can lay all the ingredients directly into it.

2. We fall asleep in plastic bottle: a pinch of vanillin, baking powder, a pinch of salt, 5 tablespoons of sugar.

3. Add 300 grams of sifted flour, 1 cup of milk.

3. Stir the eggs in a separate bowl and pour into a bottle in the same way.

4. Next, pour 0.5 cups of water and a little, a little sunflower oil.

5. Close the lid tightly and shake.

6. Replace the normal cap with a cap with a hole. Our dough is ready.

7. You can start drawing any patterns on a hot frying pan. After drawing on one, turn over to the other side.

Enjoy your meal!

Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk.

Pancakes according to this recipe always turn out thin with holes.



1. Break 3 eggs into a deep container. Add salt and sugar to them and mix well.

2. Put 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the egg mixture and stir well until homogeneous mass.

3. Add kefir and then milk, while constantly stirring.

4 Without letting the mixture settle, do not large portions Add flour and add baking powder to flour. Stir the pancake dough with a whisk until smooth and make sure that it is without lumps.

5. Add a little, a little to the finished dough vanilla sugar and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix well again and start baking. The dough should have a consistency like cream.

6. We heat the pan, grease its bottom with vegetable oil with a brush, pour the dough and evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the pan. Let's go bake pancakes.

We grease the pan just before baking the first pancake.

8. Pancakes are baked thin, openwork, in a hole.

9. Very easy to flip, do not stick to the pan.

10. Put the pancake on a flat plate and grease with butter for flavor and extra taste.

11. Pancakes are thin and tender.

Delight your loved ones with delicious, openwork pancakes.

Happy tea!

Recipe for openwork custard pancakes on kefir

Highly delicious pancakes obtained from kefir. When they are cooked with boiling water, they come out very thin and delicate.


  • kefir - 2 tbsp
  • boiling water -1 tbsp
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp
  • sugar -0.5 tbsp
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vanillin to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


Remove the eggs from the refrigerator ahead of time so that they are at room temperature.

1. In a deep bowl, break the eggs, add sugar, salt and vanillin to them. Beat with a whisk until smooth. Add 2 cups of kefir. Mix well.

2. Stir soda in boiling water and add to kefir-egg mass. In addition, constantly stir the mass so that the ingredients do not boil.

3. In small portions, add to the mass by sifting flour. The dough must be constantly stirred so that it acquires a homogeneous mass and there are no lumps. Then pour vegetable oil into the dough and mix everything well with a whisk.

4. Prepare a non-stick or heavy-bottomed pan. Warm it up well, grease with oil, pour the dough with a ladle. It is best to pour the dough in the middle of the pan, and then turn the handle to distribute it evenly over the entire surface. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious openwork yeast pancakes for Shrovetide

These pancakes are everything, everything is in the hole.


Milk (2.5% fat) - 3 and 1/4 cups
Dry yeast - 10g
Chicken eggs - 2 pcs
Premium flour - 500g
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp


1. First of all, we breed yeast. Pour 10 grams of dry yeast into a deep bowl and dilute them with 1/4 cup of warm, not hot milk. Add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. We put the yeast in a warm place and wait for bubbles to appear on the surface. As soon as bubbles began to appear, our yeast came up.

2. Sift the flour, add sugar, salt, chicken eggs to it and stir.

3, Pour in a thin stream of warm, warmed milk and then, constantly stirring, add the yeast that has come up, making sure that there are no lumps in the dough.

4. After stirring the dough until smooth, add vegetable or melted butter to it. Once again, mix everything well.

5. Cover the dough with a lid and put it in a warm place so that it fits, that is, it increases in volume. As soon as the dough increases, it must be mixed and left to increase again. This process should be repeated 2-4 times. In time, it will take 2-2.5 hours.

Important! Take a large bowl so that the dough does not run away.

6. As soon as the dough is ready, we start baking pancakes.

7. We heat the pan well, grease it with vegetable oil and pour the dough into the center of the pan. Spread it over the entire surface and bake on both sides until golden brown 20 seconds on each side.


Traditional Russian pancakes for Maslenitsa

The coming week promises to be hearty and fun. Shrovetide, traditional Russian pancakes and a kaleidoscope of other treats are sure to enliven the gloomy February weekdays. And to adequately celebrate this holiday, you need to stock up on recipes for delicious pancakes.

Truth in the water

If you are not too fond of all sorts of experiments, the classic recipe for pancakes on the water is what you need. To make their taste brighter, you can add butter or vegetable oil to the dough. Some housewives recommend leaving the blank for pancakes for a day in the refrigerator. So, for the test, mix in a deep bowl 3 eggs, 750 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and ½ tsp. salt. Beat the mixture well with a whisk and gradually introduce 500 g of sifted flour. Next, grease the pan with oil and start frying. As soon as the pancake is browned from the edges, turn it over to the other side. And do not forget to flavor them with butter, stacking them in a delicious pile. You can supplement such simple pancakes with cottage cheese filling with sugar and sour cream.

sour raisin

fans fermented milk products can use another classic pancake recipe - on kefir. This ingredient will give them airiness and light unique sourness. The dough on kefir turns out to be quite thick, and to make the pancakes thinner, you can splash a little milk (50 ml) into it. Kefir is harmoniously combined with sparkling water. First, thoroughly rub 3 egg yolks with ½ cup of sugar until a white mass is formed and pour in 2 cups of kefir. Carefully sift 2 cups of flour and add parts to the yolks with sugar. Then we introduce another 1 glass of kefir and 3 proteins, whipped with a pinch of salt until fluffy foam. Stir the dough vigorously until uniform consistency and fry pancakes in a preheated pan, greased with oil.

Dairy classic

The undoubted hit of Shrove Tuesday is a classic recipe for pancakes in milk. Pancakes from this dough are best combined with various fillings. And it can be like sweet fillers - berry jam, honey or condensed milk, as well as mouth-watering meat, fish, vegetable and cheese fillings. And so that the dough does not tear at the same time, you can cook custard. To do this, heat 3 cups of milk, add 4-5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Mix 1 more glass of milk with 4 eggs, add 2½ cups of sifted flour with 1 tsp. l. baking powder and knead the dough. Continuing to mix, gradually add hot milk with butter and sugar - the dough should be brewed so that no lumps form. Now you can fry the pancakes, browning them on each side.

For the most patient

Some housewives prefer yeast pancakes to everyone else, the classic recipe of which involves the use of sourdough. To prepare it, in a large bowl, dilute 20 g of yeast in 1 cup of warm milk, then pour ½ cup wheat flour and 3 st. l. buckwheat flour. Knead the dough thoroughly, cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place for an hour. When it suits, add 1 more glass of warm milk, 1 glass of buckwheat flour, 3 yolks, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and salt to taste. Cover the dough again with a towel and leave it warm for an hour. Carefully add 3 whipped egg whites to the finished dough and mix gently. After that, immediately begin to fry the pancakes in a heated pan with oil.

It's a delicate matter

To bake pancakes the thickness of a napkin, you need a little more skill. However, there are no particular difficulties here either. Classic recipe thin pancakes The best way to do this is with milk. To begin with, beat with a mixer 3 egg yolks with 3 tbsp. l. butter, then add 1½ tbsp. l. sugar and continue to beat until a white frothy mass is formed. Sift 1 cup of flour, pour the egg mixture into it, and then 1 cup of milk. Knead the dough and leave it for an hour so that the flour swells properly, then pour in another 1 glass of milk. Separately, beat 3 proteins with a pinch of salt into a strong foam and combine them with the dough. And then we bake pancakes according to the usual scheme.

All in openwork

The recipe for classic pancakes with holes has been loved by many since childhood. Delicious openwork, almost weightless pancakes are pleasing to the eye and literally melt in your mouth. You can cook them from any dough, the main thing is to use little tricks. Beat 2 eggs lightly with a blender, add a pinch of salt and 1 cup of boiling water - the mass should foam a little. Pour 1 glass low-fat kefir and 1 tsp. soda quenched with vinegar. It is this ingredient that will give delicacy. Next add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and parts introduce 1 cup of sifted flour. And immediately start frying. At the same time, you need to pour quite a bit of dough into the pan - then holes will show off in the pancakes.

Pancake week. Hearing this word, the first thing we imagine is not a scarecrow on fire at all, but appetizing and fragrant pancakes. The magical smell of this delicacy in the morning invigorates a hundred times better than a cup of strong coffee.

Today is the first day of Pancake week, which means it's time to stock up on recipes. delicious pancakes to delight loved ones with original holiday treats.

Classic pancakes

Of course, this recipe has been known to many since childhood, but sometimes vile doubts overcome and the hand involuntarily reaches for the keyboard to check whether you have messed up anything? We give you the opportunity to make sure that everything is fine with your memory!


  • 2 large eggs
  • 500 ml milk
  • 6 art. l. flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • butter or half raw potatoes(we grease the pan with this so that the pancakes do not burn)

How to cook:

We first take out all the products from the refrigerator. Prepare classic pancakes best with room temperature ingredients. Beat eggs with salt and sugar until completely dissolved. Then add milk and beat again.

We mix in the flour, after sifting through a sieve so that there are no lumps. Now add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and beat. We give ready dough stand 20 minutes.

The consistency of the dough should resemble liquid sour cream. If you make a mistake with the proportions, do not panic: to make the dough thicker, add a little flour, and if it is not liquid enough, just dilute with water.

We cook pancakes in a hot frying pan, greased with butter or half a potato. If you have warmed up the pan well, fry thin pancakes for a minute on each side.

Voila! These pancakes can be served with almost anything: caviar, sour cream, honey or jam.

fluffy pancakes

Yes, the recipe, of course, is foreign, but it is perfect for those who are tired of the classics and want to surprise their relatives with something tasty and light. Pancakes can be eaten individually, or you can combine them into a whole pancake pie. Both options are sure to be appreciated. The secret of pancakes is that it is necessary to separate the yolk from the protein and beat them separately. Otherwise, you risk getting just huge pancakes.


  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 140 ml milk
  • 120 g flour (you can put 100 g flour and 20 g potato starch into the dough)
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough
  • a pinch of salt
  • 50 g sugar

How to cook:

Separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the bowl with proteins in the refrigerator, and beat the yolks together with sugar and milk. Then add baking powder and sifted flour.

Remove egg whites from refrigerator and beat with salt until stiff peaks form. Pour the beaten proteins into the yolk mass and mix with a spoon. It is better not to use a mixer so that the dough does not lose splendor.

We bake in a hot frying pan with a good non-stick coating, because we will not use oil. To prevent pancakes from burning, you can wipe the surface of the pan with half a raw potato. Put a tablespoon of dough in a pan and fry for 1.5 minutes on both sides.

Thin openwork pancakes

When the holiday comes, even the traditional dish for this day wants to be made beautiful. Openwork pancakes are incredibly easy to prepare, and at the table you will most likely have to be patient while guests post all this beauty on Instagram.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 ml milk
  • 130 ml boiling water
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 g wheat flour

How to cook:

Whisk eggs with sugar and salt. Pour in the milk without stopping whisking. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the dough. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

When the dough is ready, pour in boiling water and add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix with a wooden spatula.

We fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan, pouring the dough in a very thin layer. You can try to create an intricate pattern yourself by pouring the dough in a thin stream all over the pan.

semolina pancakes


  • 600 ml milk
  • 140 g semolina
  • 30 g butter
  • 300 g flour
  • 25 g sugar
  • 2 yolks
  • 4 squirrels
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook:

Separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the proteins in the refrigerator. Cooking semolina from cereals, milk (400 ml) and butter. Mixing ready porridge with flour and 2 yolks, salt and mix thoroughly until smooth.

The remaining milk is slightly heated (not boiling), mixed with the remaining butter and poured into the pancake dough.

Take the egg whites out of the fridge, beat until soft peaks form and carefully fold into the batter with a spoon. We bake in a preheated pan, pre-greased with vegetable oil.

Oatmeal pancakes for those who are on a diet

If during the Shrovetide week you had the hard fate of losing weight, do not be discouraged. You can please yourself with pancakes, even observing strict diet. One has only to replace the flour with ground oatmeal and keep a couple simple rules. Moreover, in the morning such a dish will improve digestion for the whole day. Just remember that everything is good in moderation.

Ingredients (for 10 pieces):

  • 300 g oatmeal
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 ml kefir
  • a pinch of soda

How to cook:

Grind oatmeal to get fine flour. Beat with eggs and kefir. We add soda.

We bake diet pancakes in a hot frying pan without oil. So that the pancakes do not exactly burn, you can wipe the surface with half a raw potato. It is better to bake each pancake for 1.5 minutes on each side under the lid - then the dough will set faster, and the pancake will rise a little.

Pancakes on dark beer

This dish is for real men and true connoisseurs hops. Fillings from meat or fish are perfect for such pancakes. It is better not to offer them to children - the alcohol evaporates, but the beer taste remains. To prepare these pancakes, choose flavored beers - stouts are best, which, by the way, are used in the preparation of many desserts.


  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 50 g rye flour
  • 350-450 ml dark beer
  • 100 g of the fattest (30–42%) sour cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil

How to cook:

Beat the eggs with sugar until fluffy. Continuing to beat, pour in the sour cream. Now add half of the beer to the mixture and mix. Gently pour in the sifted wheat flour first, then the rye flour. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Next, pour in the remaining beer and vegetable oil. Cover the bowl with a towel and let it rest for 30 minutes. Heat up a frying pan greased with oil. Pour the dough into a frying pan with a thin layer and bake over medium heat.

Good morning my beloved subscribers and guests of the blog! As they say, wow, you are waiting, very soon a cheerful and mischievous holiday, children's laughter, a fire ... Guess what I'm getting at? Of course, soon we will all celebrate Maslenitsa, we will remember and learn new songs, jokes and proverbs with the children.

This 2019 it falls from March 4 to 10, we all look forward to this week. After all, eating pancakes will be considered the most important, so to speak, rite. Ah-ha, who doesn't love this business, as they say, we'll come off to the fullest again?

So, let's remember what awaits us on Shrovetide weekdays, arrange a real farewell together with your friendly family. Make interesting and run to the fair and performance.

When this long-awaited holiday comes, it will be possible to bake a whole mountain of pancakes that would melt in your mouth, drive everyone crazy and would be very appetizing and beautiful. Agree, in order to concoct such a hostess, you will need to pat in the kitchen.

It will be necessary to follow all the rules and recommendations so that, first of all, the dough of the desired consistency comes out, and when frying, the pancake would not stick to the pan and would not turn out to be lumpy. Also, so that there are holes on it, or, as they say, bubbles, and the edges are thin and crispy. In general, it seems at first glance the task is not an easy one, but don’t worry, soon you yourself will learn how to bake such delicacies in a matter of minutes, and then how you adapt ... and things will go like clockwork.

There is enough in the culinary world a large number of pancake options. Let me remind you, the more you can get to know each such species more on this blog. Correct and delicious dough can be done based on:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • water;
  • sour cream;
  • serum;
  • sour or dry milk;
  • mineral water;
  • and oddly enough, even on beer)))

In a nutshell, then to any such main component, the usual baking soda, or baking powder or yeast is used + flour is added and pancake dough is kneaded.

After that, you will need your fighting spirit, good mood and a frying pan. Yes, it's her. Have you already decided on her choice, if not yet, then read the recommendations here?

Well, let's start in order and cook for every day of the week different types those delicate and sweet treats.

I propose to start with the simplest and traditional recipe, which any hostess knows, even a beginner, even an experienced one. By the way, in cafes and in various eateries, this option is most often used based on custard dough.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Take excellent quality flour, preferably the highest grade whole grain. Sift it through a sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen.

2. After that, you need to add a spoonful of salt and two tablespoons of sugar to it. Although you can take a little more granulated sugar, be guided by your taste.

3. After that, pour in warm milk, it is advisable to take fresh, and not yesterday's. Although even from sour milk it will turn out divinely delicious. Stir the resulting mass thoroughly with a kitchen whisk.

5. It turns out a slightly thick dough, into which you have to add vegetable oil, or melt a small piece of butter.

Interesting! With the addition of vegetable oil, pancakes will be drier, but if you add butter, they will become more moist and rich. You can observe it yourself, so start the experiment))).

6. After that, the whole mass must be re-mixed and brewed with boiling water, and then mixed again with a whisk.

Depending on what consistency you like, thinner or thicker, and dilute by eye, using 2 or 3 glasses of water for this. It is on this proportion that the thickness of your pancakes will depend, if you want to make them thinner, use batter, if plump ones - thick.

Leave to rest in a warm place, cover cling film or a towel.

7. And only after that start baking. Heat the frying pan, it is advisable to use a cast-iron beauty or take it with a thick bottom. Next, pour the mixture in such a way over the pan so that it spreads evenly over the entire diameter of the circle.

Before baking, it will be necessary to grease the pan with oil and heat it up strongly, and then fry it dry.

8. As soon as you see that the edges have begun to brown, take a spatula and turn the treat over to the other side. Remember that the second side will bake quite quickly than the first.

Put all the pancakes on a plate in a pile, you can grease each one separately with butter, or you can do without it.

9. You can decorate with any sweet syrup, jam or condensed milk. Enjoy your meal!

By the way, if you want to decorate your table in an original and festive way, then do it in different ways, how it looks funny and fun, you can see ideas

I’ll tell you right away that this selection will be unique, because I collected only best options preparations that I personally checked, so I advise you to do just these).

The classic recipe for thin pancakes in milk

Tender and ruddy, tasty and thin, this is the characteristic of the correct traditional recipe for this popular spring dish. And as they say in the feast and the world, they are suitable for literally everything. They are savory with honey and jam, sour cream and by themselves, they will disappear from your serving plates in a matter of minutes, because they will gobble them up on both cheeks.

We will need:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Boiling water - 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • Flour - 230 g
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Take a well-washed bowl and dry it. Break two chicken eggs into it, add salt and sugar. Since I liked the sweet pancake option, I always add more sugar so that they do not seem so bland. But if you do meat fillings don't take too much sugar.

2. Beat the egg mass with a whisk to form a foam on the surface. Then pour in the milk, you can warm it up a little, or you can get it out of the refrigerator in advance and let it take room temperature. Loosen the mass with a whisk and begin to gradually add wheat flour in parts.

3. Carefully and slowly follow this procedure, and you will need to sift the flour through a sieve, you can do this right over the bowl. Pour in the baking powder.

4. Stir this egg mixture until quite stiff, the thicker you get the more water then you will need to dilute the dough, and, accordingly, more sweets will come out, but do not overdo it, there is a limit to everything). I gave you the exact proportions in the description of the ingredients.

Oh, and don’t forget about vegetable oil, add it to all foods in a bowl.

So, the dough has become a little tight and now brew it with boiling water and start stirring and stirring until it becomes a consistency like liquid cream.

Tadam, start baking. Heat the frying pan over medium heat, grease its surface with oil and only after that pour a ladle of liquid and shiny dough, make circular movements so that the whole mass spreads evenly and in a thin layer over the pan.

This activity is quite exciting, it takes an hour to prepare, and is eaten at a time))). Fry on both sides until a pleasantly beautiful gilded crust.

5. And then call all your friends and family for a tasting and start eating together.

And to make the festive feast look more fun and effective, make an inscription of caviar on this culinary product. And then for sure, life is a success, and your tummy will be delighted).

Milk pancakes - a delicious yeast recipe

Perhaps you are a fan of something original and not too simple. If you like lacy and openwork more than anything ordinary, then you will like this option, which will come out of just awesome and beautiful bubble pancakes. This is what most of us are after.

We will need:

  • dry yeast - 1 sachet or 10 g
  • milk - 3 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 500 g
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Since the recipe will be yeast, you will have to make a dough. Therefore, you need to first heat the milk on the stove so that it becomes warm and divide it in half. After that, pour dry yeast into one half (1-1.5 tbsp.). In order for them to start their work well, you need to pamper them, for this, add granulated sugar and salt.

2. Cover the bowl with a lid and move it aside so that the mixture stands and a cap appears on top, it will take a lot of time around 10 minutes.

3. After the time has elapsed, knead the dough, add flour and chicken eggs to the milk. Stir and then pour in the remaining milk so that the consistency is thinned and becomes homogeneous in structure. At the very end, pour in vegetable oil 2 tablespoons.

4. Now let the finished dough rise 3-4 times in a warm place.

Important! Be sure to cover the dough with a lid so that it does not wind up and dry out.

5. Before the hottest pan, grease with butter and heat well. Fry over medium heat, on both sides so that each such pancake is well baked and becomes ruddy and golden. Enjoy your meal!

Video on how to make pancakes so they don't stick

Of course, many people have such a problem, apparently you have not warmed up the pan well, or it is not quite the one you need for this dish. Plus you probably forgot to put secret ingredient to help avoid this sticking property. In general, watch everything yourself and learn with our heroine and the host of the YouTube channel:

Pancakes for Maslenitsa 2019 - a recipe with fillings

Well, well, we baked a whole cart with you, now let's not forget that you can and should stuff with all sorts of sweet or meat ingredients.

But before that, I want to show you another option, which will also be classic and with the addition of soda. And which one do you prefer the most, write your reviews and comments below under this article?

Since the pancakes will be stuffed, add quite a bit of salt and sugar so that they do not kill the filling.

We will need:

  • cow's milk - half a liter
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • melted butter - 1 tbsp
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • salt and sugar to taste or a pinch

Cooking method:

1. Take a container that will be quite deep, break eggs into it and beat everything well with a manual regular whisk. Salt and sugar, throw soda into the resulting liquid.

3. Now add the sifted flour in small portions, stir thoroughly so that lumps do not form. After such a kneading, pour out all the remaining milk and melted butter, shake it thoroughly with a whisk, you will get a viscous mixture, which is what you need for work.

Let the dough stand aside and infuse for 30-40 minutes, and then proceed to the following steps

4. Take a frying pan of any diameter, or use a special pancake maker with low edges and bake our suns on it, spreading the dough over the surface in an even thin layer.

5. First, heat it well, and then make a medium flame. Lubricate the walls and the surface itself with butter, this must be done so that the first pancake does not stick, if this happens, then your pan has not yet heated up to the desired state, wait again.

6. Look, those same bubbles are already visible at the moment.

7. Do not think that this is quite difficult to do, in any business you need skill and experience, so adapt. Pour into the very center and quickly rotate the dishes in a circular motion.

8. And how you get a big slide, so immediately make a special filling that can be bungled from fruits, for example, from such as peaches + cottage cheese.

Or you can cut the apples into small pieces and mix them in honey, and then roll them up. I can also suggest taking yogurt and cinnamon instead of honey, it also turns out very piquant and interesting.

You can fill it with cream cheese or just cottage cheese mixed with granulated sugar. Garnish with mint sprigs and orange slices as desired.

Sweeter lovers will also find a banana and chocolate option. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, you can take both white and black, cut the bananas into circles.

And here it is, a tender and appetizing banana delicacy is ready.

For those who like to eat something more satisfying, I offer the option with ham and herbs. Or you can replace the ham with any red fish, and grease the surface of the pancake with liquid cottage cheese or cream cheese.

Also great option is a species with bacon meat or some other, for example, with boiled chicken or beef. In addition to meat, you can add grated cheese and sour cream.

Pancakes cooked on kefir to make them thin with holes

In fact, I have already shared with you some secrets and nuances, if you have not seen the previous entries, then look. Today I would like to invite you to watch this video:

An interesting recipe for openwork pancakes on the water

The simplest and alternative without the addition of milk rightfully belongs to the recipe on the water. It is considered lean and dietary, in fact, there are a lot of recipes, you need to try to make all of them and choose the one that will become the most beloved and unique for you.

For flavor, you can add vanilla sugar which in turn will help you diversify taste qualities this sweet dessert.

We will need:

  • Flour - 300 g
  • Water - 600 ml
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. In this form, a blender will be used, you can take a mixer or a food processor. So, you will need to take a bowl or a special cup and beat the eggs with salt and sugar.

2. The mass will begin to increase before our eyes, do not beat hard, the main thing is that the dry ingredient dissolves well.

3. Now dissolve citric acid in water.

5. Now pour the flour mixture into the resulting mass and beat everything with a blender whisk.

6. After that, start pouring water in a thin stream and do not stop whisking.

7. At the very end, pour olive oil, which will also need to be thoroughly mixed.

8. Bake culinary round products in the usual way for you on a thick or cast iron pan from two sides. To prevent pancakes from sticking together, grease them with melted butter and serve with love and great care! Enjoy your meal!

That's all, dear friends, if you want more experiments, then you can go to my other articles and read. Let the Maslenitsa holiday succeed with a bang! Happy eating these treats! Bye bye everyone!