What is better refined or unrefined. Benefits of different types of oils

Our compatriots heard about refined vegetable oil not so long ago. TM Oleina became the flagship in the expanses of the post-Soviet space - its advertising appeared in the late 90s, or rather in 1997. Until that time, there was no special variety of oils, only ordinary unrefined.

It was used both for salads and for frying, although not everyone liked the taste and smell of such “goodies”, too bright relish gives unrefined oil to the products that are fried on it. And also, under the influence of high temperatures, it releases harmful substances that adversely affect human body.
Having tried purified (refined) oil, none of the housewives returned to unrefined oil, at least for frying.
Crude oil is today used only for consumption in fresh which, however, is correct. Vegetable oil
Affordable cost, economical consumption, the complete absence of smell and taste of vegetable oil, as well as burning during cooking brought national love and recognition to the refined product.
At one time, it completely ousted the unrefined from the store shelves, in which advertising played an important role.
She focused the attention of potential consumers on the fact that foods prepared with refined oil are dietary and low in calories.
It is good that over time these two types of oils divided the market, because, in fact, they are not competitors, they are both healthy in their own way, each of them has its own field of application, its own advantages and disadvantages.

Refined vs Unrefined Oil: What's the Difference?

The key difference between unrefined and refined vegetable fat is the way they are produced.
If we omit the details of the vegetable oil manufacturing processes that dictate the rules of ultra-profitable commerce, then ideally they should look like this.
To obtain the most useful unrefined oil, raw materials (for our latitudes, these are sunflower, corn, flax, pumpkin seeds, for warm countries, these are olives, sesame, almonds and other oilseeds) are subjected to powerful presses, that is, they are thereby obtained by cold pressing.
It will be a virgin oil obtained by cold pressing. But since it is impossible to squeeze out all the oil from the raw material in this way, an extraction method was invented to help him, which is used after pressing.
The essence of the extraction is to heat the remains of the cake, treat them with organic (I would like to believe in this) solvents, which increase the return of the oil, and then are removed from the final product.

Thus, re-pressed oil is obtained, it is no longer as valuable and useful as what is obtained in the first pressing by a press.
As for refined vegetable oil, the raw material for its production is unrefined product. During forced refining, various impurities are removed from it:

Aromatic and flavoring substances;
those that can precipitate and spoil the view finished product- phospholipids;
pigments (refined oil is almost colorless);
all waxy substances and the wax itself, which cause the oil to become cloudy;
unbound fatty acids and others.
This is a brief description of the technologies for obtaining oils. Today, unfortunately, the production of vegetable oils is primarily a big business, which involves the use of far from harmless technologies.
They allow you to get a market product with minimal material and time costs.
In some varieties of refined vegetable oil, all components useful for the body may be completely absent, and very harmful ones may be present instead.
Therefore, any oil should be bought only from trusted manufacturers, and preferably directly at oil mills, if possible.

Vegetable unrefined oil - benefits

Crude oil is a storehouse of vitamins and components valuable for the body. It is very tasty and fragrant, makes the usual dishes richer, richer.
But you can't on it! to fry, to get the maximum benefit, you need to use such oil only fresh.

1. Saturates the body with vitamins.

2. Essential fatty acids (which ones depend on the type of oil).

3. Supplier of antioxidants.

4. Is excellent remedy prevention of thrombus formation and atherosclerosis.

5. Stimulates the production of growth hormone in children and adolescents.

6. Regular use such vegetable fat improves the condition of hair, nails, skin.

7. Beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

8. Used in cosmetology for the preparation of nourishing and rejuvenating formulations.

9. Normalizes the functions of the organs of the reproductive system in men and women.

10. Increases the body's immune properties.

11. Improves the permeability of nerve impulses through cell membranes.

12. It is a mandatory component of a healthy diet.

13. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

Despite obvious benefit cold-pressed oils should be consumed in very limited quantities - a couple of tablespoons per day, but regularly.
Refined oil, of course, loses in benefits to unrefined oil, since it contains much less of those natural biologically active components with which the crude product is saturated.
But it is ideal for cooking dietary wholesome food- stewed, baked and even fried, if you don’t eat a lot of it every day.
Many people are skeptical about refined vegetable oils, but without them, one would have to completely switch to boiled food, or quite harmful, fried in animal fats.
And so, refined, like the golden mean - it is universal, suitable for gas stations and for heat treatment products.
In conclusion, we can say that two types of oil should be present on the table - one for use in pure form outwardly and inwardly, and the other so that food gives maximum benefit and enjoyment for eaters.

sunflower oil on store shelves presented in a wide range. If earlier the oil was sold only in the form of unrefined, now refined sunflower oil has also appeared. It is well known that sunflower oil is beneficial for a healthy lifestyle due to complex of vitamins and nutrients that are in it. It has found its application in cooking and cosmetology.

The scheme for the production of any oil is very similar. From the raw materials this case sunflower seeds, oil is obtained by pressing or extraction. Pressing is a mechanical process, while extraction is the extraction of oil with the help of chemicals. In the process of only pressing, it is impossible to completely extract the oil, so extraction is used. In some cases, the extraction process is performed immediately, bypassing pressing.

By adding organic solvents, special equipment and heating during the extraction process, oil is produced from raw materials. After that, the solvent is removed. This process is used to make unrefined sunflower oil.

To obtain a refined one, it is necessary to produce a whole range of oil purification methods to improve its quality and shelf life. This process is called refining, which involves the removal of impurities from products.

During refining, oil is removed from:

  • Phospholipids that precipitate.
  • Pigments that enhance the color of the oil.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Wax-forming products that make the oil cloudy.

Unrefined sunflower oil, its properties and composition

Vegetable oil is rich in phospholipids, mono and polyunsaturated acids, vitamins (A, D, E). The largest number nutrients are found in sunflower oil cold pressed, which is obtained by one pressing without heating.

Unrefined oil, saturated beneficial substances fades quickly and disappears, because the fatty acids and wax contained in it are oxidized under the influence of the sun and air.

It is better to use unrefined oil in its raw form, as dressings for vegetable salads. It captures the characteristic taste and smell well. It is not advisable to stew, bake or fry in unrefined oil, because acids are oxidized in the process, and harmful chemicals (aldehydes, ketones, free radicals) are formed. They have a toxic effect on the human body.

Unrefined sunflower oil has a short shelf life and is best stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Refined sunflower oil, its properties and composition

Refined oil, due to its purification during the production process, is suitable for frying and stewing. The absence of odor from the oil does not interrupt the taste of dishes cooked on it. The oil does not saturate the cooked products with nutrients, as the process of cleaning partially removes the nutrients.

When cooking for children under 3 years old and pregnant women, it is better to use refined oil. This oil is not afraid of air and sunlight, so it can be stored for a long time.

Common features between unrefined and refined sunflower oil

Unrefined and refined sunflower oil, produced from the same type of raw material, have some similarities in their composition.

General features inherent in sunflower oil:

  • The common raw material for the production of sunflower oil is sunflower seeds.
  • Refined and unrefined oil is used for cooking.
  • It is sold in special bottles, indicating the type of oil, shelf life and other necessary details.

Differences between unrefined and refined sunflower oil

Sunflower unrefined and refined oil, despite their common features, has significant differences.

Differences between regularly consumed unrefined and refined sunflower oil:

  1. Unrefined oil goes through a primary purification process, while refined oil undergoes several purification phases;
  2. Unrefined - fatty, saturated in composition, and refined - light in nature;
  3. Unrefined sunflower oil has its own specific smell, while refined oil has no smell;
  4. The unrefined oil has its own specific smell, while the refined smell does not;
  5. Unrefined oil is dark amber in color, while refined oil is usually clear or pale yellow;
  6. Unrefined oil is rich in nutrients, and refined oil, due to the purification process, has the minimum amount nutrients;
  7. Unrefined oil becomes bitter and cloudy due to exposure to air and light, and refined oil can be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time;
  8. The shelf life of unrefined oil is much shorter than that of refined oil;
  9. Unrefined oil is best used in salads, appetizers, and marinades, while refined oil is best used in fried, baked, and stewed foods.

A wide range of unrefined and refined sunflower oil will allow every housewife to make a choice in favor of the oil that meets her requirements and preferences.

Various oils of vegetable origin are extremely popular and quite widely demanded by those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Today enjoys special love olive oil, which is considered more useful, dietary and rich in nutrients. However, many consumers are periodically perplexed: which of the olive oils is better to choose - refined or not?! Also, most people rarely clearly understand what exactly is the difference between them. So let's talk about this in this article “Refined and unrefined olive oil, which is better”.

Why carry out such a procedure as refining?

After squeezing the oil from the olives, it is not processed in any way. This oil is unrefined. In this form, it is bottled and sold. But on the shelves of the store, in addition to unrefined oil, you can also see refined oil ... How is it obtained? For what?

Under industrial conditions, the product refining procedure occurs in 2 ways:


The first of them involves the use of adsorbents, and the second relies on the use of alkali. At the same time, it is also considered more in demand, because. characterized by simplicity, refinement. The quality of the final product is much easier to control with this method.

Essentially, oil refining does not affect its composition in any way. At the same time, this procedure, thanks to the cleaning of the oil, makes it possible to make it almost neutral, depriving it of a pronounced taste. And this procedure is extremely necessary, because. in cooking exists great amount dishes and cooking recipes in which the smell and taste natural oil would be redundant. The task of such dishes is to reveal the taste of the product, and the task of the oil in such a dish is not to change this taste.

But not all meals are like this. So, for example, it is better to fill salads with unrefined oil, because. it will give the food more interesting taste, which will perfectly set off the dish precisely due to the taste of oil and its aroma. This is due to the fact that the salad does not undergo heat treatment.

If frying food is meant, then unrefined oil will be more harmful than useful, because. it will become a catalyst for smoke, burning, foam and, as a result, bad smell and taste of products. In addition, unrefined oil, when roasted, is quite capable of provoking the formation of a number of harmful substances, carcinogens (leading to the development of tumors).

Which is better, refined or unrefined olive oil?

Olive oil today is considered such a product that must be included in the list of daily consumed products. And this state of affairs did not appear by chance. After all, such an oil really has an extremely positive influence on human health. At the same time, its main positive property is that it is able to exert its healing effect even when using small doses of the product.

This oil has an amazing chemical composition. In fact, it is the most nutritional product of all available vegetable - it has a lot of monounsaturated fats. It is this substance that helps to reduce bad cholesterol. And that means that someone who regularly uses such a product is less likely to be overcome by major heart diseases. vascular system. And this product is often called a means of preventing Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, it additionally possesses a whole complex of other vitamins, acids, microelements valuable for the body.

The vitamins present in the oil, which include A; B; C; D; E; F; K which allow you to slow down aging female body because they fight free radicals. And they are also responsible for bone strength and muscle strength, and also significantly adjust the work digestive system and intestines.

Which one to choose - refined or not?

Since olive oil must be consumed regularly to obtain a lasting effect, the question becomes natural: which one to choose - refined or not. Traditionally, unrefined olive oil is considered more useful, because. in the process of refining, it goes through a certain processing, due to which it loses some of its properties. It is also worth understanding that in most cases, unrefined olive oil is used for cold dishes - salads, creating marinades for fish, etc. And from this it follows that for health it is better to choose unrefined olive oil (not chemically processed).

For frying, it is worth choosing refined oil, which has undergone special processing and does not foam, and also does not form carcinogens.

What to do if you need to fry, and at home only unrefined oil ??? You certainly should not be afraid that if necessary, frying on it will begin to smoke. This is not pleasant and the dish may not turn out as expected, but for frying it will do. What about carcinogens? Yes, so that they do not form, it is better to use refined oil. But! Be aware that with prolonged frying, refined oil can also start to foam, and carcinogens are also formed in it ...

When choosing an oil, you should not stop only at the “refined / unrefined” oil gradation, because this does not fully determine the quality of the product and does not fully determine its carcinogenicity.

In the case of olive oil, it is important to choose what is produced by cold pressing. This means that the process of obtaining it is quite lengthy: the olives are washed, then dried and pressed. The process ends with sedimentation and filtration. This technology is considered the best, because. tested over the years. Such oil is even often called Provence oil, which on a subconscious level is interpreted by many as high quality. As a rule, it has the name "Virgen" (from Spanish - a virgin). It is quite easy to distinguish it from other options - it has a somewhat greenish color and has a special bitter taste.

An oil that is labeled "Aceite de Oliva" or "Light olive oil" is usually made by blending Provencal unrefined and processed oils. Pomace olive oil is often referred to as unrefined second pressing. But in fact it means that the product was obtained by pressing not whole olives, but their pomace. By the way, the Spanish Ministry of Health has banned such an oil product for sale in its own country, because. as a result of a number of studies, it was found that it contains substances that lead to cancer.

It is worth paying attention to the indication of the acidity of the oil, which is usually written on the packaging. It is worth choosing the option that has a lower index. If there is no mark about acidity, you should look at the characteristics of such a plan as taste qualities and smell. It is worth remembering that the milder the taste of olive oil, the lower its acidity.

As for the refined varieties of olive oil, as well as all its mixtures, they can also be used for dressing salads and consumed raw if necessary, although the healthier unrefined is generally recommended. But such a recommendation does not mean that the refined product is of poor quality or bad, not at all, but it is better to use it exclusively for frying. It just doesn't have that much flavor...

Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetable oils today, and we have plenty to choose from: the assortment is so rich that buyers of the former, “Soviet” times could not even imagine that there are so many types and varieties of vegetable oils in the world, and surprisingly tasty and healthy .

Vegetable oil is necessary for a person for good nutrition, as it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect our cells from negative influences and destruction, as well as many vitamins and nutrients.

And how to choose from all this abundance the oil that will really benefit?

First of all, any oils are used to be divided into refined and unrefined. And if earlier, several decades ago, unrefined oil was considered almost a product for the poor, today the situation has changed dramatically, and it is unrefined oils that are considered the best and healing, and they say about refined oil that nothing useful remains in it. Where is the truth?

The usefulness of vegetable oil depends mainly on its composition, the ratio of fats and acids, and these parameters remain practically unchanged even after refining. So, the benefits of oil should not be judged from this point of view. Nevertheless, the stages of refining are also different, and here you need to learn how to understand.

Why is oil refined?

Why refine the oil if it does not affect its composition? First of all, this is done in order to make it neutral, almost tasteless. This may seem completely unnecessary, but you should not generalize too much - after all, oil in cooking is used to prepare many dishes, and they are completely different, both in composition and in the method of preparation. Dressing salads and some snacks is better with unrefined oil, since these dishes are not cooked, besides, the oil will add extra flavor to the salad.

If vegetable oil is used for cooking hot dishes, for frying or baking food, then unrefined oil can do more harm than good - due to the formation of smoke, burning, foam, unpleasant odor and taste. Unrefined oil, when overcooked, can also contribute to the formation of certain harmful substances in food, especially at high temperatures.

Oil refining methods

Vegetable oil in modern industry is refined in two ways: physical and chemical. The physical method usually involves the use of adsorbents, and the chemical method involves the use of alkalis. Most often, the chemical method is used, because it is simpler, better worked out, and the quality of the resulting product is also easier to control.

Manufacturers of oil refined in this way assure that consumers have nothing to fear, and no harmful impurities enter the composition of the final product, because the safest alkalis allowed for food processing are used in production. In addition, the oil is well washed, and even traces of chemicals do not remain in it. I really want to believe that this is actually the case ...

What is the difference between refined and unrefined oils?

Refined oil differs from unrefined oil not only in taste, or rather, in its absence, but also in that it does not smoke and does not form foam when cooking hot dishes.

Oil frying

At the very least, in order for the refined oil to start smoking, the pan must be fairly hot. The temperature at which an oil begins to smoke is considered the smoke point, and it must be said that different oils she is different.

In the process of frying, if the oil smokes and burns, carcinogens are formed, and everyone has heard about their harm. For example, acrolein, the simplest aldehyde, formed in fumes over a hot frying pan, has a toxic effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and irritates Airways leading to the development of various inflammatory diseases.

If a cook constantly breathes acrolein fumes when preparing dishes, then in the end he will acquire a whole bunch of chronic diseases, besides, the quality of the prepared dishes will be far from the best. So for frying, you need to use only refined oil, and do not overheat the pan.

At the smoke point of oils, other harmful substances are formed, for example, polymers fatty acids and free radicals, and they remain in the composition of cooked dishes. If you often eat such dishes, then this can lead to chronic health problems, including the development of oncology.

The brown skin on the fried potatoes we love so much contains acrylamide, a substance that also has carcinogenic properties and can even destroy DNA. Most of the acrylamide is formed if you deep-fry potatoes for a long time - for example, as they do at McDonald's.

What is not contained in overcooked meat or fish: inside the piece, heterocyclic amines are formed that can cause heart disease, and in burnt roast, polycyclic carcinogens with big amount carbon. Most often this happens if the oil is not used for the first time, and the pan is very hot.

The next carcinogens that are often formed during frying are peroxides, and most of them are formed when frying with sunflower oil, which is so common in Central Russia. Therefore, it is best to use olive oil for frying - it practically does not form carcinogens. No wonder the Mediterranean diet, in which the main vegetable oil is traditionally olive, is considered the most beneficial for health.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to understand that oil, both refined and unrefined, must be used correctly - and then problems with nutrition and health will not arise.

Which oil is healthier: refined or unrefined?

And yet, you should know that it is unrefined vegetable oils that are most useful, obtained by cold pressing at low temperatures - not higher than 45 ° C. These oils have a rich color, a characteristic smell for each type and a real, natural taste.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of using such oil, but some rules must be remembered.

You can not store "live" oil in heat, in the light and in the open air - so it will quickly lose all its beneficial features, becomes cloudy, becomes bitter and tasteless, and will only harm the body.

Unrefined oil generally has a short shelf life - and, perhaps, this is its main drawback, so it is better to store it in the refrigerator, in a glass bottle, and not use it after the expiration date.

Refined oils are the most commonly found in our retailers and can last much longer. However, no matter how manufacturers assure us, many refined oils contain almost no vitamins, and few useful substances; this is especially true for hot processed oils up to 200°C. Perhaps that's why some refined oil manufacturers tell consumers that it can be stored in the light and it won't go bad—because there's almost nothing to go bad.

So, refined oil should be used only for frying and baking foods, and add unrefined oil to salads, vinaigrettes, snacks and seasonings - this way you get all the best that is in vegetable oil from nature.

This is the most important information for those who decide to use natural oils. The first thing to know is what are the two main types of oils. What is the difference between them. And which oil is better to choose.

1. Types of natural oils

Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetable natural oils and their magical cosmetic effect. But not everyone knows that the same natural oil can be of several types.

Firstly, there are base oils (they are also called fatty oils), and essential (they are also called esters or oil extracts).

1) Refined- which has passed several additional technological degrees of purification.

2) Unrefined— passed only the primary mechanical filtration. They are also called oils of the first cold pressing or virgin oil (Virgin).

2. Usefulness of different types of oils

But does the degree of purification of natural oil affect its usefulness and how many useful substances and trace elements remain in it?

As it turns out, almost none. The usefulness of the oil is determined by the composition of the components that it contains. So, in the refining process (additional stages of purification and filtration), the composition and quantity beneficial vitamins, fats and acids in it changes very slightly. Therefore, both types of oil are useful regardless of the degree of purification.

Of course in unrefined oil the amount of nutrients will be a little more. But not in all cases and not all people are suitable for unrefined oil. Why and what are the main differences, see below.

3. What are the differences between oils

So what is the difference between oils, if both types are equally useful for their use in cosmetic and health purposes?

First, the consistency. Unrefined oils are often more saturated and fatty in composition. Refined oils are softer and lighter in nature.

Secondly, the smell. Due to additional filtration and purification, refined oil is usually odorless. Unrefined - has a natural smell, each oil has its own. For example, unrefined cork oil bright aroma coconut, refined - there is no smell.

Thirdly, color. Refined oils are usually colorless and usually have a clear yellowish tint. Unrefined oils often have their own characteristic color. For example, in unrefined avocado oil - green tint avocado fruit, refined - a transparent yellowish tint.

Fourth, the shelf life. Refined oils, due to the highest degree of purification, have a longer shelf life. Unrefined has the closest look to the original source, so its shelf life is shorter.

4. Which oil to choose

As noted above, unrefined oils are more saturated with useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, in cosmetic purposes it is usually better to use unrefined oil. But they are not always suitable for everyone.

Consider, When is it best to use refined oils?.

1) For children up to 2, 3 years old. For the delicate skin of a child, unrefined oils can be over saturated, there can be a glut. Refined oils are more neutral and are good for baby's sensitive skin.

2) For pregnant and lactating women. During pregnancy, a woman's body is more susceptible and needs psychological and physical peace. Therefore, it is better not to use unrefined oils during this period. For the sensitive and receptive body of a woman during this period, there can be many of them. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women are advised to use refined oils.

3) For sensitive, delicate, thin skin. If you have this type of skin, you need to see if there are many unrefined oils for you and how your skin will react to them. In most of these cases, the use of refined oils is recommended.

4) Susceptibility to odors. Almost all unrefined oils have a fragrance. Each oil has its own. If you are sensitive to smells, refined oils are for you. They don't have a smell.

5) In some cases, for massage and cosmetic mixtures. Perhaps creating a mixture of fatty base and essential oils You will want to get a certain flavor. In this case, it is necessary to determine whether the aroma of the unrefined oil is suitable for the overall composition of the aroma. If not, you can use refined oil.